xt7v9s1km55q_12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/2017ms001.dao.xml unknown 20.85 Cubic Feet 27 boxes, 2 items, 1 map folder archival material 2017ms001 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Temple Adath Israel records Bulletins text Bulletins 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/2017ms001/Box_2017ms001_11/Folder_25/Multipage1459.pdf 1959 1959 1959 section false xt7v9s1km55q_12 xt7v9s1km55q 1958 “‘g‘b‘} n ‘ 6‘1, I M\‘ W 619 (>1: :2 (11‘? <5 1A» . a i(\, ’\ H @631“ “134,3 $335331 fm AK. :Qjogég ”£9?” £31: Eridav 8:00 PWM January 9 Rabbi Rose n31“, 00m will Speak" on: THE ART OF LIVING 2. LIVING WITH OUR FAMILY 1 CANDLE BLESSING. , . .. . , . a a . a . a Mrs. Herschel Weil TORAH BLESSINGS. a a , . u , a . , . a . a a a Mark Helleck Dr: Louis Boyarskgy’ A reception will be tendered follow~ ing Services-a 3L 81W? «5 David Shraberg i‘lifiiixf~%fi:p§ Maurice Lovenhar‘t Bertha Speyer Your Rabbi would appreciate being advzkea' of any Congregant; to Wbom be may be of Ian/ire in any way. The Combined Campaign for Americani Reform Judaismg celebrating an anniversary of its own this yearwuits 10th consecutive annual appeal in behalf of our nationm al institutionswmurges your increased support to help assure these fundsg which will make it possible this year to. a a Establish an additional 25 congregationso Strengthen our present family of 560 congregations0 Train an additional hOO young men as rabbis and cantorso Provide an additional 500 teachers for our expanding con: gregational religious schoolsc Issue urgently‘ needed educational materials for the 2509000 children in our religious school systemo GiVe religious leadership training he a minimum.of 503000 teenwage youths Widen our summer camp program to include adults as well as young peoplea Publish.50rely needed materials to stimulate adult educam tion.in Judaisma Give new spiritual life to hundreds of thousands of Jews overseas struggling to maintain their synagoguesa Enlarge our informational programs to improve Christian understanding of Jews and Judaismo fiflifflzgi‘Ov 1. Law.“ TO TIE FLOWER FUND: .' ~ ‘ . g ,5 Mann-32:. ' ‘ ‘ Bel-Jami TO THE BT’JULLE FLUID? From Eff". Li. Li ,j z: MC EDA? JANUA; 5. Wfl i'. ' 515,30: 1:121; ,IA‘T‘ 703217 " ‘T'HE JS iiviffifl‘ffll‘i‘i' I‘JLQEJB‘WbJGu ._JZZ __//?LQS$€E?42 4% C:S:H1£:/ZEZ£IM 5’————‘ 080 TAML limped/1. Qty/{7 fag/$21. ? ‘ You joined the temple to share common experience With your childreno And then you proceed to create a divisiono we teach one thingc You practice another. This makes it difficult for yous for us and for your Childo I know that I cannot expect an assiduous observance of all that we teachs but neither should I expect an assiduous ignoring of all that we teacha o c As I am.proud of your childrern7 I should like to be proud of you. Proud because you realize What We are trying to do and are helping us not Simply by sends ing us your childreng but by demonstrating in your oNn lives that you believe what we teach, o . Letis eliminate religious hypocrisy Which We practise knOWingly’or unknOWinglys You will be doing a service not only to your childrenp but“ to yourselves. YOU Will ease your lives of tense iong haste and strain and achieve a new calmness and peace which ’comes When the oneness of which your Faith teaches° a . the oneness of you“O your Children? and your Faithc a . becomes not a distant dream but a living realityo m-Rabbi Judah Cahn Temple Israel Lawrenceg New York w T TEMPLE ADATH ISRAEL RABBI DR. JOSEPH R. ROSENBLOOM OFFICERS DR. IRVING KANNER, President JAMES 5‘ FRANKEL, Vice President HAROLD I. BAKER, Treasurer DAVID BOLOTIN, Secretary BOARD OF DIRECTORS MRS. DAVID BOLOTIN SAM MILNER DR. IRVING GAIL LEON MOEL BEN GOLDFARB I. A. I‘ARITZ MAURICE HYMSON STANLEY ROSE DR. ERNST JOKL STANLEY SCHER EDWARD KESSLER MRS. I. H. STERN, IR, ELLIOTT MARCUS DAVID S. \VEIL WILLIAM MICHALOVE HERSCHEL WEIL RAYMOND MILLER NORMAN \VIDES DR. SHERMAN MILLER Non-Profit Or}; 124 NORTH ASHLAND AVENUE u. s. POSTAGE LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY PAID TELEPHONE 2-4606 Lexington, Ky. Permit No. 67 4:2: 35; .11 a: ;=: 3,. l-eagawx-p-A mum? ”fizz“. A .A ,m' PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY TEMPLE ADATH ISRAEL Vol. 269, 5711.9 Jammy 12,; 1959 fit ‘15 iii; @m'flfifijfi-fifik p. . that!” Friday {83% Palm Jmmmy 16 mmmmwmgpmcm mmmm 354- mmmmm Wmemw:mmmwwwmmanQflmW mmwwmmawmmwamm ..mw.aflfl.m€ax&mfi ; W morsemmmleig w? .. .. ‘lfi/"3E‘ ”" “$31, fiwmm-L M Mg 31 W Miller Your Rabbi would appreciate being aa’med of any Congregemt: to w/aom be may be of service in any way. .1. ‘ML r} V Me an” (nub; n 17' y‘ i . A A. e- -_. V.- Mt e ‘iiéiéicg All of those interestedimjjoihimgourhdnfl Sessions based on the Rivet-ten study Will Meet in the Temjplemhrery on this "l‘hesdey evenings; January 13th,‘ at 7:30 P. M. ‘ “ TWO other stedty sessions are scheduled for January 20th and 27th. Theee will. he followed by the dis- cussions at Sabbath Services on Jemery BGth end Rh— ruary 6th and l3th.‘ The general thmme of this series is: mmmm TWELVE All) "12mm WW3. " N FTY 73 Meet A meeting of menu held on May, lemmlh, at 1:30 P. M. at Twyla, Cgmfitzfiemi Emmi MI SPECIAL mom momentum 513W meme The regular Boardng of Sisterhoodwill. he hild at 10:00 A. M.» on W9 Jammy 19th? at the hem of Mrs. Irving Emmett-3, $010) Gimme. Mire. hammer will preside in the eheemiee of? the mimt, Mrs. David Boletim. flab]: W 1'0 nth/me @5752th The mgmler n’ieetihmg ei‘ Sietenfimdfl. will he held at 12:30 P. TM. com My? Jammy Zhet {mm the Tangle Vesta-"y. Mr. hohem’t M We]? Kemtxmehy Wil~ 1m, Willhetheegmmmi‘wthemesfim. Meme-u emeiomofl'thehemfllimg eff Wmehlemohildmemgto he follmefii hy ammtmmamflmpmedfigiyes promieeofepmwofi‘geetfimtmeeta Emil Mafia/7e («5&- The following books have been contributed to our, Sunday School Library by Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Weil: BIBLE STORIES FOR LITTLE CHILDRENE Book TWO." By BettynRa Hollendera Easy to read Bible stories; retold.with warmth? rhythm and imagination. THIS WONDERFUL DAY9 Poems and Prayers of Thanksgiving by 110 Orleans. ‘ An enchanting collection of poems of praise and prayer by a poet whose writings have stirred the ’ minds and hearts of childrens their teachers and parents for more than two generationso ONCE UPON A LIFETIME' by Sylvan Do Schwartzman Rabbi Schwartzman herein selects those events which occur in the normal life of our boys and girlss and seeks to help our youngsters to participate intelm ligently and effectively in Jewish life. THE GOD AROUND U83 A child‘s garden of prayer by Mira Briohto A guide for parent4—child, pointing up the'wonr drous experiences of everyuday‘life and crystallizn ing out of them something concrete which can remain With the child forever. jé ” a uni [ii/0 Appreciation is xpressed to Yrs; Ed Munich, Mrsa Irv» ing Gail, Mrs. William.Lowenthal, Mrsa Ia Jo Millerand Mrsg'William Miohalove who gave the College Night Dlflr ner for NFTY and all returning NFTY membersc Appreciation is also expressed to Pat Abel for contrib— uting to Sunday School charity in ionor of her birthday I, [D13747éZf7/77#// %Zfl 2/,071/? To Joe Nile, son of Mrs“ andersa Joe Wile and grand« son of Mr“ and Mrsa Dolph'Wilej on his forthcoming mar» riage to Miss Zee Faulkner of Corbin, Kyo I ‘zi Z??077§Z§Z_£_Ié;/jfj non 10 TO THE FLOWER FUND: From Mrs. Jack Cohen in mem» . cry of Jack Cohen. From Mra and Mrs. Al'Wenneker in.memory of Louis Wénnekero From Mr. A1 Foster in memory of Alice Friedenna TO THE RABBI‘S FUND:_ From Mr; and Mrs. Hereehel weil in memory of the father of Dr. Keener, From, Mr. and. Mrse Sanford Mazer in honor of the birflh of Jeffery Frederick Cassell, son of Mrs and Mrs. Mervih Casseila _C3£AtirL%DDLQ%LILiL_—__~ The Silver Fundg This Fund is used for Efié*afiéhisi£13E of Silver serving pieces and such neeoed items for Temple useo Contributors to this fund are helping in the establishment of a beautifil colleotn ion of Silverware for the permanent ems belliehment of Temple receptions, dinners; activitiesg et cetera, wimflna'am 05m 4 - A series of Panel Discussion on Human Relations in our community is being presented by The National- Conference of Christians and Jews in cooperation With WED-TV, Channel 27. Moderator is Dr. Martin M. White, Dean of College of Arts and Sciences, U. of ‘Ky; Scheduled for January 17th, .fi'om 7:00 to 7:30 P. M. is: Human Relations Techniques: The Practioneer' Agencies. Participating will be Robert J; Manning, Lexington Board, N.C.C.J.3 Dr. Ernst Jckl, President Lexington Chapter Binai Birith, Thomas M. Phillips, President Jr. Chamber of Com- merce, and Julia' Gaits‘kill, Executive Secretary, Am— 'erican Red Cross. saw 891% mass GR‘EAT'AGES' AND IDEAS OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE edited by Lew W, SchWarzl - ‘ . Here 9, for‘the' first’time‘, a group of eminent his— torians ' as three continents have collaborated to present in one‘irolume for the general reader the almost'four-nthousand-year heritage of the Jenish people . MIXED MARRIAGE AND THE JEWISH FUTURE by David Kirshenbaum" . -. Agwarning and appeal'to the Jewish (immunity to counteract [the upsurge of Internarriage. JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITY by Leo Baeck A modern theologianis discussion of basic issues betWeen the mo religions, set forth with rare Scholarship, earnestness and dignity. UNDERSTANDING JUDAISM by Rabbi Daniel L. Davis The first book of its kind in modern times whisky in one small volume, givesa basic account of Jews and J udaismg intended for all who seek an M standing of both. GALUT by Yitzhak F. Baer ' A brilliant hiStorical' essay examining 631th the Exile, as the central concept of JeWish history Since the" time of the dispersion of the Jewish people from Palestine. v ‘\,Wp.~¢.c-ltl‘» ' 453:“; , '.'-t WW9-“ “Aw-u..— «. . .... ....... . 'h: Whine-1”": #:5be "‘4“ M“"“»I- I" “aims“..afl‘.‘ H”, A.“ H ‘Q “4" U in ”sun: . n i. has.“ «Ma-4.» 1;; $.33... “na- {“12 .3 § : “1&9? U 'n-v‘ I‘TCFBIL-aaa.‘ :L‘ - . “NV,“ ~ ., .. .. -.._' 1......‘1, J/ :51 film/{17.11% 7o .Maei MM. *«1‘ :Inplle :12:- %1‘2. héE/LTLL m", Slcriufid Bra 11131 1:. 21115 61:11 01211101110115 American arc11== itectg will [meet '1‘7113h 11:: $111 a series of meetings +3.13 Jeekend omake preliminary plans for 0111211111111- ing program ' $1711}: we expect the members of our Future PlannLng Committee and. our: Board of True ‘ees to attend. these sessionsg all other Members of. the Temple 311; a .30 311171 wed to attend. 11:“. 333310113 EfiE AS FOL: 01131 S at ur :1. a3," "0:13-11, 311'111: RAISING EVEI‘ 11. _ 31111111111. 13.11101: (REGULAR 1111;; 0:163 T 00‘; 1111111111 319 9300 P 1:11 011111.111 :11 1311111: \GGGHEa 151.00 PER .PEPS 02.1 x“ , _ N 4,— ~,.~u.‘v~v‘~ .... .u—v— - A \\ 7 TEMPLE ADATI—I ISRAEL RABBI DR. JOSEPH R. ROSENBLOOM OFFICERS DR. IRVING KANNER, President JAMES S. FRANKEL, Vice President HAROLD I. BAKER, Treasurer DAVID BOLOTIN, Secretary BOARD OF DIRECTORS MRS. DAVID BOLOTIN SAM MILNER DR. IRVING GAIL LEON MOEL BEN GOLDFARB I. A. PARITZ MAURICE HYMSON STANLEY ROSE DR. ERNST JOKL STANLEY SCHER EDWARD KESSLER MRS. I. H. STERN, IR, ELLIOTT MARCUS DAVID S. WEIL WILLIAM MICHALOVE HERSCHEL WEIL RAYMOND MILLER NORMAN WIDES DR. SHERMAN MILLER Non—Profit Org. 124 NORTH ASHLAND AVENUE U. s. POSTAGE LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY PAID TELEPHONE 2-4606 Lexington, Ky. ' Permit No. 67 i 1 ; PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY TEMPLE ADATH ISRAEL , V01o 269 5719 January 199 1959 Wait» (7 a» Q 56-? :5: 'é?’ 3 fig V‘w -‘?A: ii CQMMMLE @easzmgi it Friday' 8200 P. Me January 23 Rabbi Rosenbloom will speak on: THE ART OF LIVING - h.mwmmmemmmmr CANDLE BLESSIN a . . . . . ,1. a . . . , . . mrs. Paul Shklar TORAHBLESSINGS. . . a a o a a a a o . . a . . gAllenPar'itz Steven Gall Mrs. LaWrence Goodman and Mrs. Harold Fine will be our hostesses at a rebeption to be tendered folloWing Sel vices CV; 42 } I» 4> fl ,- Moses Goldberg ‘ fifibflfle’z (33% 9 Hattie Gordon Your Rabbi would appreciate being advzkea' of any Congregam: to wbam be may be of service in any way. f (\ij Vlgeflbfl/LL - 141/! //M g” \; me AM. For approximately one year our Congregation has con— cerned itself with its future plans, particularlyhin relationship With our future physical facilities. Just one year ago Rabbi Eugene Lipman met with us and comm mended' our Congregation on its foresightedness in not waiting until its needs were desperate before making planso Following this meeting and othersg and a most generous gift given in memory of Sol J» Levy; we purchased a Temple site on Mtg Tabor Roado This past Weekend we have met with one of the outstandy ing architects of Jewish houses of worship in.Americao We were all impressed by the counsel of Mrs Sigmund Bravermane His assistance will be of great value to use But there still remains the basic question'which We have been asked time and.time again: 'WHEN WILL THE NEW TEMPLE BE BUILT? Following‘ are three conditionss any one or combination Qf'Wthh9 will‘make it possible to build: (1) Growth in our Temple membership which will make our present facilities so inadequate that we will have to build° (2) An offer for our present Temple by another or»= ganizationg religious or otherwises which will be sufficiently attractive. (3) A recognition by our present Temple membership that they want the services that can only come from a new plants and the willingness to finance this move 9 These conclusions; while we are sure that they are shared ‘by ‘otherss are offered only as our OWn. ‘we would be happy to diScuss any phase of our future with you. Please call us. , ' ‘ Rabbi Joseph R. - Rosenbloom Dr. Irving Kanner, President ._‘l-i_,.. n in”?! ‘1 A. ‘ 1 Hebrew masses at U. K. The'Department of Ancient Languages and Literatures of‘ the University of Kentucky is going to offer elementary Hebrew to school children of our com= munftyo This class is primarily for those Jewish children who cannot attend Temple and Synagogue classesg as well as non—Jewish children who are inn terested in learning Hebrewo The class 'Will begin on Mondayg February 9th at hiOO PoMo in room 208 in the UoKo Journalish Build» ingo The fee is $S¢009 including a text bovko '50 Stanley Wagner will teach the class; Please call this class to the attention of your none Jewish friendsC ‘“ fl P ’7‘ “a? a” , ’fif eel/L. Lily. a CDCDLLL in: fizz/L; 7‘77. . A meeting of Cub Scout Pack N00 22; Hill be held on January 27th at 730u Pg M0 at Temple: {2 A ' g 4 Li 0. é o, PLAN TO ATTEND TPn REGULAR MEETING OF SISTERHOOD ON JANUARY 218T? 12330 PO Ma AT TEMPLEG Mrc Robert Hammondg Superintendent 0f Kentucky Vile lags? will bring an enlightening and absorbing message coheerning Kys Vo?s management of hOO probu lem childreno This topic should hold great interest and have deep meaning for all members of our sommunitye Luncheonew 85¢; call Mrso Fernand’Weilg 3&37229 fer reservationss aging/fix game/1...! HADASSAH PRESENTSO 0.0 o D o A Coffee Hour Study Group? "Great Jewish Book‘ssn read by‘ Rabbi StanleyWagnero There Will be six sessionsg beginning at 10:00 AoMoy Thursdayg Jana uary 22nd9 at the home of Mrs. Eda Munichg Education Chairman.5 22h Barrow Roado The Veterans“ Administration Hospital was recipient of 260 paper back books presented by the local Bflnai Buritho 65m figml/{ma/ Ema/1L Lat/:0. [gmeZ‘ng A meeting of the EXecutive committee of Brotherhood ‘will be held at 7200 POMo oanednesdayg-January 2lst3 preceeding the regular meeting at 8300 Pa Mo ‘ [glérTLZSZJ:gZQCZi;bv1‘A . | SPECIAL GIFTS From Ta and Mram 1rv1ng Kanner in FUNDg memory of the father of Dr;a Zapgfisny; Yetta Sn Hagedorh and BBL,CUh8fl3 THE FLOWER FUNDg From. qu and Mrso Abe Goidehber_ 4h memory of Samuel Goldehbergo ifléY’iflL. Ln. vlzfle LJ’?£u/d____ \r V v_‘. ~' ‘ '_, ' "'1 avg " A . ,, 3. .. .. . Mrse haroid Baker ha: been eieotea in new diifl LU? b; the ,Cehtral Kentucky'Cohoert.LacLure Assocgatioua She has alSo been. elected president of the BoaTJ of the Florshee Criitehdeh Homes Harry'MilZer'Was recently reweieeted chairman oi the Raw tail Division of the iexingtoh.0hamber of Commaraao ZZ/fffi. Said/é?) 5%; Oh January 13th3 Rabbi Rosehbloom.deilverad a lei ”The Jews of China" befoxe the members of the Ihxermal Elabo Oh January'lBths he'spoke to the high sahool :13 5 Woodland Christian Churshg which visited our Tempaeo :QS’ g MfmflooJ Qfi/ 74 ///1 _§ Contributors to EBB BRAILLE EH39 are making it possible for Sistehhood to oarrfl oh an active and important Work in behalf of the blind” Sup port of this project resulta in great good for nahy'affiihted by the logs of sighto wL—‘Dm IANoZ/W 8.,” 00 PM Meg/r. A/ Mi x94 VMME@ a; m; a; 4’9 Jflflflflz. a: Jaw/(W44 UM [IV/AL 5.4064 K 0N 7/72: I/E‘S 776 >/’ FL flflfi \ x; ' / g \ T5 " ‘ CA \ \AN‘E N RD /.>< ‘1 / ‘ <49 ’7» , \ /Q‘ / / C ‘ I‘< ¢ i Q ' K’E/V/EMflE/Q Tfi/S T/w‘dUéfi/T— 7'0 55 fflERE, 3/00 Mugr ArTe’A/fl EXCERPTS FROM AN ADDRESS BY ADLAI E. STEVENSON AT THE DEDICATION SERVICE FOR THE NEW BUILDING OF THE UNITAR— IAN CHURCH OF EVANSTON, ILLINOIS ' ‘ In this era of conformity, it has often been the minis— ters Who like the prophets of old have spoken out fer the values of democracy° In earlier9 quieter times it was the smallwtown neWspaper editors then the college profesn sore But latterly it seems to be the rabbis the ministers the priests who has had courage to withstand the press sures of these times and to Speak his piece with boldness and.with persistence on behalf of the good: the right and the just: Organized religion has made another sontIibutioh that has become- more conspieueus of lateo It is the power of few w», IlglOflwwthE influenue of oflganized feligious bodies u one‘ kind. or another and of some religious individuai‘ that has time and again been responsibie for bringing 1. statesmen.of the worid to the conferen:e tahLeo L we“ V J along as we are t: b ans. 1 Tection. of nsclsir so 5 hing testing and so on.1f it were not for what the Unitarm iahs have dones what the Quakers have doneg What the prom foundly' impressive utterances of Albert Schweitzer have doheo This is another roles another dimensiono if we woufid be as a trams by adequate inspect-ix:7 All these things seem_to suggest that it is the spiritual leaders among us who are more and.more assuming a role of leadership in.our life and who are indispensable to the progress of a Civilized society; In. a time of such infinite pressure from so many’direetm ions toward eonformityg toward feara toward timidityg I think it is a wonderful thing to see ehhrches and syna» gogues springing up as they are all over this Country and abroado‘ I hope the miniSters of this country'will'always .speak out their undying hostility to ignoranees to wars to the affliction of contemporary societyo HECK YOUR CALENDAR NOW AND ATTENDO ,a o ' ‘ Councilis annual fundmraising eventg'Jan— uary'Sl at 9200 P5 Me. at Oh'avay'ZionSynagogue° Square dancing and regular dancingo $5900 per persona m. _ 5,.,—.‘..i.,~—., W _ mm d,» ,__,, ”raw/i . [‘7“7 .fl -..fi.-- mAv-xtr. JL‘LLAélé-iAaiéauw -Tv. a.__Lf,LL‘.., g Macias} i . . , y ; mgizigooéfl. m. Jemf/a 08L 22/201 2% KUZARI: THE BOOK. OF PROOF ANDJARGUMENTS Abridged Edi» tion With An.Introduction and a Commentary by Isaak Hein~ emana The classical character of the Kuzari has found recognition throughout the centuriesD This standm and work of Hebrew literatures here made accesm sible to a wide publicg will guide and strengthen the present generation in its search for trutho LANGUAGE OF FAITH: edited by Nahum Ne Glatzer A selection from the most expressive Jewish pray» ersa Original text and new English verse transm lations printed on facing pages: FALLEN ANGELSE by Bernard Jo Bamberger A presentation of the fantastic myths about the angels who Were lured to sin by the beauty of mortal Womeng and the proud angel who rebelled against God and was cast down.as Satana THE MENDELMAN FIRE9 and other stories by weir Mankowitz A volume of short stories'by an author whose symm pathx9 Wonderful ear for dialogue and perception makes him one of the promising young writers in Englando ' A TREASURY OF YIDDISH STORIES‘9 edited and selected by Irving Howe and Eliezer Greenberg A cross section of Yiddish prose which presents a rich heritage from both oral folk literature and a large body of Written materiala IN THIS WORLD AND THE NEXT, selected writings of 1° Lo Peretz The stories and personal essays in this collection provide a picture 0? Jewish life that has long since vanished. TEMPLE ADATI—I ISRAEL RABBI DR. JOSEPH R. ROSENBLOOM OFFICERS DR. IRVING KANNER, President JAMES S. FRANKEL, Vice President HAROLD I. BAKER, Treasurer DAVID BOLOTIN, Secretary BOARD OF DIRECTORS MRS. DAVID BOLOTIN SAM MILNER DR. IRVING GAIL LEON MOEL BEN GOLDFARB I. A. PARITZ MAURICE HYMSON STANLEY ROSE DR. ERNST JOKL STANLEY SCHER EDWARD KESSLER MRSI I. H. STERN, JR, ELLIOTT MARCUS DAVID S. WEIL WILLIAM MICHALOVE HERSCHEL WEIL RAYMOND MILLER NORMAN WIDES DR. SHERMAN MILLER Non-Profit Org. 124 NORTH ASHLAND AVENUE U. s. POSTAGE LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY PAID TELEPHONE 2-4606 Lexington, Ky. Permit No. 67 C‘ PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY TEMPLE ADATH ISRAEL 20, fl719 January ABULT Er SABEAZ‘H “THE EX‘NflON STOP. 3‘ Jan 83-3-0 3?; M, L CANFLE BLESSZNGo TOEAH BLESSINGS: ., o a c o o u o a c a e s a YAHBZEETIJ Sarch Lee Eps‘i Fannie 1:21-51, ’ s L i‘ ‘. osenherg Your Rabbi would appreciate being advzked of any Congregants to whom be may be of service in any way. (:3, M. f C%.Dm7‘/{Q @5623. his Friday evening\ We will begin a new venture in the religious and educational life of our Congregationo 'Under the chairmanship of Dr° Sherman Miller, our Adult Education Committee is sponsoring a series of three sessions entitleds "The Lexington (Story°" Each of these sessions will be held during Friday evening Services in place of the sermon. Cf (V5177 After tWO brief presentationss the members of the Congregation'will participate in the discussiono Following are the areas of discussion: Ia QE£_§ommunityg Historyg sizes the Jews and what they doa Our Religion: The meaning of our religionp how obse rvant are we? Our Younger (generation;~ do the particim pate? Are they'rebelling? Our Futureg Results of intermarriageg‘what of orthodoxy? 'Will we survive? II- §IF~TEPE_C;LI;1£U¥:§ Israel ffllanffireryi What is a Jew? The Will to Survive III. [Intergrougmggntacts ‘The Problem of AntieSemitism . JEWISH CHAUTAUQUA SOCIETY CELEBRATES 65th MTNIVERSARY The Jew1sh Chautauqua Society'in 65 years has grown in strength and broadened the area of its services to the rel1g1ous life of Amer1ca° Laet year? LEO collegee ‘ and univer :-1t1es as k- Jew1sh Chautauqua SocieW to send them a rabbi to d15~ cuss rel1glon 1n general 811d Juda1sm 1h par11011 ‘ ‘ 120 Ch11811an church camps ashed U1e Jeweih -uqua Soelety‘to send a rate; to lecture on Judax e as 1< ed +he JeW1sh Chautauqua r- :- 11 the gave creo1 woo filled t were 900 telegas the country c fllhé p:o mzded by by;;:'.::31111: era OUR TIME TABLE FOR THE FUTURE‘ The graph on the opposite page indicates how our Congre— gation has grown during the past several years. It seems obvious that if this growth continues, and this seems in» 15b evitable with the general growth of the community, that we must go ahead with some future planning of a definite 240 natures 23o Following is a timetable which has grown out of consider= 2a? able thought9 particularly in the light of the many meet= jam ings which were held last week with Mr. Sigmund Braverman 200 with us: 3 /90 (1) From the day we make up our minds to start, at least three years would he needed to raise the necessary Mo funds, and to complete the collection of pledges. Ho (2) It would take another two years to complete the $0 structure: /50 One month: topographical survey Two months: land use and site development l¢o Six months: completion of architect"s plans and /y the taking of bids Fifteen months: period of construction Q0 I IN OTHER WORDS9 IF OUR CONCRETE PLANNING BEGAN TOMORROWo “3 1T WOULD TAKE UNTIL FEBRUARY OF 196M BEFORE WE GOULD BE= GIN THE USE OF OUR NEW TEMPLEu 9” Look at the graph which indicates approximately 250 memm go hers and 200 pupils in the Sunday School within this five W year period. WHEN WE ACTUALLY START IS UP TO Eggy ( £0 Z 5—0 Rabbi Joseph R. Rosenhloom Herschel Wail, Chairman 4b Future Planning Committee 30 m“I'Jhe future is hidden even from those who make it.‘0 (Anatole France) 20 '/o "hnd the future comes so fast we often must look back to see iteifl “1 E'mWHn 91f Tenagie Mach Israel N loo 9:: 570 L0 . 5—0 .50 .20 70 U3] , , , J - wen/5 «’47 st: w (50 ’5/ 19.5; 34/ ’55 ’56 ’57 ’58 ’5? ’50 é/ éz 45 14% 5 Years 2 firing flag/L (2;; 71% C53 MLUZ1. The next‘ Teacher Trainings es:1on is scheduled f0 February 9th at 72 3O P.11. Dr: Charles Schwartzc member of our teaching staffg will lead a genereL dlSCUSSiOUo MARK YOUR CALENDARS NON AND PLAN TO ATTENDD 3111' 21121;: 11111.7 -. 1 .5,. ...'--, .>-1 The monihly meet1ng of B Hal Br1th w1li Jae held Um wedneSdayg January 28th at 8200 P0 Ma at om ay Z1on Sy11agogue. Dr Louis Boyaraky W111 L1ve a tail on “Jewlsn Survj_va.' and Jew1sh Ssicnce." //W n ; 11/ 111/ 41 . F 11771011 :21 1 112171.,» Scheduled [01‘ the January 51 Lane1 d1sxuse1on UNA Human Ieia.L13ns in Our Commun1ty3 under the aunY1‘es of the Jatlonai Confers 1 of Chflgl‘ , 1 1 ,1 . 7 .‘, . ,. , \ 1 . D , A Wii 1 131:: ”711111111113 R31 21111111.:- Ter . 11 1.1111 1 ;. " ~- - ‘ - h 1 f - .» 1 3 ‘ l‘ e and, Law E11101” car mute“ P111 1 11 11: r r_,, Tevello Uhjfii Propatlun er» P13,11cx« Goun3y9‘14 A" man 1:1 A {1,11 ‘ :11111'A11111’r1 (3., FALL-‘11 .3 Jafiuxl‘w’: ' F ' _ ‘I, u J.L"i’:‘ :11“ ui‘ 2'“. P111110 coped-a Chennai, 2?} S—1L111JAJ eucwm‘o ' Dex ED‘LLTLLLA (l 211:1»: annual fund~ra1s1ug 1 eat111e a K‘sher dinner DfG caterlst. Square d11u1uy . . 'aLned. for the even:1ng fen11\1f‘ SaturdAy evem1ny¢ 1/113° The pr1et 15 1o £1tend and enjoy an avez 11.1 H we“- ,1 1- “.1. - :.‘._fi1.,;,11;m--$ 1.11;; aeanrngm‘“ 1121—4 1:11.11 .,-.;;_/_;,.;1_-1_¢1_. gflmeflv 17/3. 1271/) TO THE LIBRARY FUND: From Mr. and Mrs° Hyman Shra— : berg in'memOry of David Shrew i berg and Mary Freedman. SPECIAL GIFT FUND: From Dr. and Mrs.flr Irving, re=“ (For the purchase of a Gail in memory of the father print by Ben Shohn) of Dra Kanner. § TO THE BRAILLE FUND: From. Mrsa Ida Baker in mem~ i cry of Rosiland Kanner. ; From Mrs. Ida Baker in meme cry of Ben Cohen. % ,J/Z.C§;DEZ€£4£/ 232%;LLOYJGEFL ; Best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to ~ Ruben Salutsky of Somerset. I L ‘ JV ' -"3i I! L £2.7’Tifl/L 1.72., fine. em 1—...— ; Mrsa Stanley Scher was elected president of the Plane ; ned Parenthood Clinic and Mrs; Irving Rosenstein. was elected vicempresident of the same organization. gygfliaz ZZfl/oLLfl/umfi Through the American JeWish‘ Archives of Cincinnati and the cooperation of Dr Lawrence Thompson of the U0 of Kys Library an exhibit of JeWs in the Civil 32:3r is being p18 ented in u :e foyer of the University of kvntnckv Library. It Will- Gout; nue through Feb” ruach You are lJV‘ILQ to via: ' @161; 7% FEM/{L213 ,5 M be Rosenoloom “ill be the s dassah meeting to be held nere at Temple on February htha f He will review two new books dealing with Israel. The 1 first is "Sinai Victory" by SOLOAE Marshall and re~ lates the startling victory over Egypt in the Sinai Campaign of 1956. The second is “Kilometer 95" by ‘_ Russcol and Banai and is a novel of a new frontiery a new people, and a new lando \ “*1 _ . TEMPLE ADATH ISRAEE RABBI DR. JOSEPH R. ROSENBLOOM OFFICERS DR. IRVING KANNER, President JAMES S. FRANKEL, Vice President HAROLD I. BAKER, Treasurer DAVID BOLOTIN. Secretary BOARD OF DIRECTORS MRS. DAVID BOLOTIN SAM MILNER DR. IRVING GAIL LEON MOEL BEN GOLDFARB I. A. PARITZ MAURICE HYMSON STANLEY ROSE DR. ERNST IOKL STANLEY SCHER EDWARD KESSLER MRS. I. H. STERN, JR, ELLIOTT MARCUS DAVID S. WEIL WILLIAM MICHALOVE HERSCHEL VVEIL RAYMOND MILLER NORMAN \VIDES DR. SHERMAN MILLER Non-Profit Org. 124 NORTH ASHLAND AVENUE U. s. POSTAGE LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY PAID TELEPHONE 2-4606 Lexington, Ky. Permit No. 67 I: ~v :; ,2; VJ} ‘ ' 3 ”'5 “THE LE--I}7‘}TUH STORY“ Friday 8280 Pa Me February 6 CANDLE BLESSING‘. a TOBAH BLESSINGE . a be our hOSuS ceremony of NT. 3 Your Rabin would appreciate being adviyed of any Congreganwt: to w om be may be of J'WVICB If} any Wfl)’. 09m #1412 @flfléh m @611 'The' follOW1ng artiCle taken from the National Jewish Post indicates that Jewish attendance of Sabbath ser» vices is very lOWe Thus farg for the Fall and'WinterQ our own Sabbath service attendance has averaged,ldlfbr 16 serviceso Allowing for tWQ persons per family9 this represents 33 pe:n cent of our Lexington families ehZS per cent of our teta1 fam1.lies against a nationewide Jewish average 0:1 18 per sento Protestants average hh per eent and Catholiess 2h per cen;n "LET OUR NEIGHBORS KNOW?” The Galhup Poll figures‘Whieh show attendance of U080 church and synagogue serviees in 1995 a.t a re ero d dhighy also showed a devastating comparisonvas betwe -en Jews ish and noneJewish attendances THE OVERALL figures revealed thai h9 per cent of? the total Us So adult civilian pepulat1on attends ehurc h and synagogue seru11e= during an average we eke Perhaps ts hide the shame? the i1pure1 for JDW1SU attendanee were hidden in the fifteenth paragraph oi the neWs re1ease b3 the somm1’1weun Re1fgion 1n Amere ican Life; a nonsecta11ah movemen1 emphasizing the ime pggpanee of religion in personal and cemmunity‘lifee THE CATHOLIC attendar_e average 15 7h per (-rentva the Protestant hhg and poss1b1y because JeW1sh figures fer 1958 were not avai.labi11eg the 195? p011 resultS'were given 11 18 per sent;o American JeWs pattern their lives to a great extent on the practices of nonmJeWss and place great store on noanewish approvala Perhaps if instead of burying the law Jewish percentane figures: they should have been displayed. prominently to advise our ne1€hbc that Jews are in a sense desert:1ng thei.r synagegues This might truly bring a revival 1n Worship: Ln the Am: eriean Jewish communitya L A 7311 (71911111511 RACE RELATIONS SUNDAY‘Will be observed on,Sunday9 February 8th at thO Po Me at Everybody18 Chu‘r‘ch9 located at Church Street and Broadwayo Dro Harry Va Richardsong Prege ideht of Gammon .- ug1Cai Seminary of Atlanta1 Georgia will be the Fr1nr1p speaker fer the oceas1ono Temple Adath Israe1 Sh terhood W111 he hostesses at a reeepffi on In1low1n the serv1neo ”TE/3:1 HER 1115111411111 February'9th is the date on Wh1ch +he next Teaehm er Training Session. 15 s‘heeui e1 The time is 7g30 P0 Map the place 15 Tenp1e1 and the matter he he ”’eeussed W111 concern our curriruluma Bro Charles Schwartz W111 lead the d1scuse1on which promi lee e3 ta be one of great 1mnortanee to our future teaching programo Make every effort to reserve thie date and attend this SESSiOho CWdL/{Lfl 4.41/1 it) 11/127126. A meeting of Hadassah Will be held an February'h at Templee At that time; Rabbi Rosenbioom W111 address the group? reviewing iwo new books wh1ch deai with Israels one f1et10m and one non ficm tiono "Sinai Victoryp" by SQLOAO Marsnali ree latee the startling v1etory over Egypt in the Sin.a1 Campaign of 19561 “Kilometer 951" by Russ— e 1 and Banai is a novei of a new frontierfi a new people and a new land.o Hadassaégs gCoffee Hour Study Group will meet with Mrs. I. Jay'Millers 236 Holliday Roads at 10:00 A. M. on Thursdayg February 5. T