xt7v9s1km55q_25 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/2017ms001.dao.xml unknown 20.85 Cubic Feet 27 boxes, 2 items, 1 map folder archival material 2017ms001 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Temple Adath Israel records Bulletins text Bulletins 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/2017ms001/Box_2017ms001_12/Folder_6/Multipage3684.pdf 1972 1972 1972 section false xt7v9s1km55q_25 xt7v9s1km55q CONTRIBUTIONS
Maybe/man Lib/Luau Fund

Fnom Ma. 23 NM. Hamid Bake/L in
memwu/ 05 Alien Lipnick, Samuel A.

Kapian, Fanny RosenbeAQ, Hamid B. Ole/{w

beagea, and JuiiuA Weinbeag.
Abaaham MuAic Lib/Lang

Faom Mn. 8 MM. David Domain in
memo/1y 05 Fanny RCA enbe/Lg.

Faom Ma. 5 MM. Ruben weisenbeag ofi
Owenton, Ky. in memo/Lg 0K Fanny Rern—

Faom Adoiph Abaaham in memony 06
CeLia F. Abaaham.

Rabbi ’6 Fund

Fnorn Mn. 8 MM, Mau/zice Hgméon in
mama/Ly 05 Fanny RCA enbeng.

Faom Ma. 5 MM. MOW Rozen in
memoau 05 Iheia Aon, Richaad Rozen.

Faom Aide/{a 8 Bobby Rozen in meme/Lu
05 the/UL baothea, Richaad Rozen.

Fnom Ma. 5 MM. Phiiip Eiflenbeag in
memo/u; of thein gaand/ion, Richaad

Tempie Memo/lid Fund

Faam Mn. 5 Mars. HQVl/Lf/ Meg/en in
memoiu/ of Abnaham Neg/en.

SiA/te/zhood Kitchen Remodeiing Fund

Faom Ma. 8 MM. Sheldon Hyman in
honoa 0% the 50th Wedding Annive/usajul
05 Mn, 5 MM. lavin 512/111, Sn.


Siaieahood Flowea Fund

Faom “a. 2? MM. David Pa/séejii in
memoay 05 Deboaah Ladme/i and Nollie

Fnom “a. 5 MM. Raumond lh‘iflea in
memoluj 05 Jacob Bae/z.

Faom Mn. 5 NM. Hamid Jacobwn in
memoay 05 Anna Schultz/Liz.

Flwm Mn. 6 MM. Jenome Cole in
memoay 0% MM. Beat Coke.

Faom Mn. 5 MA. A! (Uennelze/L in
memoay 06 Louis Wennebea.

Faom Ma. E Mil/5. Juléiuz» EM/wn in
morning 0A Naihan ISM/ion.

Fnom Pa. 5 Ill/us. lli/Scha Fayen in
memo/1y 06 Sanah Fat/ea and Benjamin

F/wm Da. 5 MM. An/thun Liebea in
memw‘uj 05 Riehand Baimen.

Fnom Ma. 8 Ms. Lenten Waidman in
meme/u! 0K the/in nephew, Richand Rozen.

To Temple Adath Mme/P. Mom Ma. 5
MM. DbnfiZd L. Singeh. ‘

A confliibution has been made
to the. Si/steidiood XE Fund by .
Iavin 6 Jean Stejin in app/Lemon
and thank/s fan the many Uniting/1am
aeceived honoaing them on them
50m Wedding Annivelea/Lu.


Below are Excerpts from the Biennial
Digest of the recent UAHC Biennial
in Los Angeles. Additional com—
ments will be printed in succeeding


A pre—biennial convocation of con-
gregational presidents and officers
was held on Thursday, November 1:.
The afternoon session was attended
by 155 temple officers, from 109
congregations. Thirty of the
United States were represented, in
addition to Canada and the Virgin

0f the congregations represented,
50 were from synagogues with 500
members or less, 32 were from syna—
gogues with 501 to 1000 members,
and the remaining 27 represented
congregations with membership of
1001 or more.

The conference heard from Alan V.
Iselin, chairman of the UAHC Long
Range Planning Committee, and from
Vice President Rabbi Alexander M.
Schindler, about the dynamic exer—
cises, designed by Dr. Leonard J.
Fein, to induce change in the
synagogues by encouraging a change
in the attitude of their members.

The conference discussed the re—
port and recommendations of the
Committee to Re—evaluate the En-
tire Program of Fiscal Support for
the Reform Movement, headed by
Philip M. Klutznick, and reported
to the presidents by UAHC Vice
Chairman. Harry K. Gutmann.

The COngregational officers and
their wives joined the UAHC Board
of Trustees at a dinner which was
notable for a complete absence of
speeches. The occasion was purely
social. No head table, no ”we"
and "they". Just one big happy
family, the way it ought to be.

WW Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stern

l2l¢ North Ashland Avenue 704 KHK land Drlve
Lexington, Kentucky A0504,exina~t0n ’ Ky ’






9 TYG Meeting 5:30 P.
12 Council of Jewish Women 12:30 P.
(Bring your own sandwich lunch)
12 Social Action Committee 7:30 P.
lb Worship Services :00
lb TYG Meeting :30
19 Sisterhood Meeting :30
2l Worship Services :00
23 TYG Meeting 7:30
23 JCA Forum Series :00
28 Worship Services :00
30 TYG Meeting :30

Temple Vestry

Home of Mrs. Harry

Temple Library

Temple Vestry
Temple Vestry

Temple Vestry
Ohavay Zion Synagogue


Temple Vestry


9 Temple Board Meeting .:00 ‘... Temple Library

? — { TYG Conclave

? Social Action Committee /: .U. Temple Vestry

h Worship Services

ll Wcrship Service:
with Rabbi Chester Piamond



_———‘~——_ NAMES

Friday , January lb , 1972 by ca” sandburg

There is onlyone horse on the earth and his
name is All Horses.

There is only one bird in the all’ and his name
is All Wings.

There is only one fish in the sea and his
name is All Fins.

_.___ There is only one man in the world and his
name is All Men.

There is only one woman in the world and
her name is All Women.

There is only one child in the world and the
child's name is All Children.

There is only one Maker in the world and
His children cover the earth and they are
All God's Children.

Mrs. Irving Gail
Mrs. Robert E. Lee
Mrs. Leonard Lipton
Miss Theresa Newhoff


Jennie Cohen

Dr. J. M. Fine
Louis Rosenstein
Richard Rozen
Marie Salmon
Bertha Speyer

.. n gage;
Nannette Nile ctrauss

We see God when evening brings rest and
calm to the world and ourselves; we sense
His presence when morning awakens us to
a new day, with new pOSSibilities of ful—
filling our highest potential. ‘God is the
Power bringing night and day in orderly see
quence, movmg the planets and stars in their
majestic harmonious patterns , rotating the
seasons on schedule.
Roland Gittelsohn


December 29, l971
Somerset, Ky.
ister of Mrs. Abe Goldenberg



Vol. 39 No. 16

January 7, 1972



1971 - 5732

FRIDAY,JANUARY 14.1972 8:00 RM.
Rabbi William j. chflcr will conduct services
Mrs. Robert E. Lee will kindle the Sabbath Candles

Oncg Shabbat in the Vestry followingY the Worship Service

Sermon — We Honor A Devoted Member

Synopsis - We pay our honor to a long time,
devoted, hard—working member of our
congregation, for years of dedicated




12A North Ashland Avenue

Lexington, Kentucky

Rabbi: William J. Leffler
President: Stanley B. Scher
Firs; Vice President: Dr. Saul Rubin Secretary: Dr. Martin P. Kaplan

Second Vice President: Jack L.

Miller Treasurer: James Frankel

Temple Administrator: Herman Straus

Ede/Kai: ”(adage

A uean ago at about thtt time at
wean, we wehe tncented at the show
tntatt ct l3 peasant tn Leningnad,
ll 0% them Jenn, uhc Aunpobedtu
planned to (fee the countnu and who
aeae given Aevene sentences fioa
theta mttmanaged etfiontt. I not tn
Jenutatem duntnp these tntatt and
went on ancund the cfoch. And Atmt—
(an hetponoet occunned in othen
pants 0% the wontd - not {not among
Jean, but among at! peopgeé who wene
ccncenned at the tnavestu 0% justice
being penpetnated bu the Sovtett.
The nrn€(hnde outcny bncught about
a neductton tn sentence {on nco at
the deKendantt Knom death to 15
ueant, and atto “nepontedtn cost the
jobs of some at the hand»ttnent
tn Lentngnad who managed the tatat,“
at aeponted tn the New Vonh Ttmeé
thtt past aeeh.

The Rut/stunt ane not at tmpeJi—
utOuA to wontd optnton at he mtght
thtnh, accondtng to the TtmeA an—
ttcte. Emtgnatéon thunet ton 7971
neached a necond tevet at 75,000 {on
“much mode than had been expected
uhen Notcow’s emtgaatton potted
“HA {that ttbenattzed taAt tphtng."
And bounces tend to thtnh "that
enough pactsunet have developed 50h
the aetattvety htgh tevet o emtv
gnatton to conttnue and pe tape to
tncneabe tn 1972.”

And the phetéuheb conttnue. A
thnee day hungen stnthe OK Jean tn
pt£A0n and tn ntne Soviet cttteA
deceived wontdwtde pubttctty tatt
weeh. Demonttnattont conttnue tn
the Faee wontd tn Auppont ox Sovtet
Jewnw. We tn Lextnaton have atded
atAo. We have tent pettttont to
Wathtngton, cards and books to
Jam tnRtha. Thom tsitdw mmh
to be done to atd them. Let at not
stachen can eflfiontt tn the no» yeah.

UMtttam J. Lefifitea


Vacation is over and classes
resumed with enthusiasm on Jan—
uary 2.

On January 9, there will be a
Music Assembly conducted for both
the Junior and Primary Assemblies.

On January 16, the Junior Assem—
bly will see the film, "Life from
the Dead Sea", and the Primary As—
sembly will be presented a program
by the First Grade.

On January 23, the Junior Assem—
bly will see the filmstrip,
"Masada — Mountain of Memory", and
the Primary Assembly, the film—
strip, "So God Made the World."

There will be a teachers meeting
for all teachers on January 30 from
12:15 until 2:00. Come prepared to
swap teaching ideas and techniques.

The Bible portion for January 9
is Ex. 2:11—12 and we shall discuss
righteous indignation, why we feel
this way at times and what we should
do when we do feel this way.


Hebrew Classes begin again on
January 20, 1972.


Stamps continue to come in for
this worthwhile project. A _arge
packet was sent off to Prof. Minn
the early part of the week. Your
response has been most gratifying
Keep them coming. It is such an
easy thing to do to save stamps
and yet it is so much appreciated
by the members of Temple Sinai in

Remember, be careful with the
stamps. Do not tear, cut or mu-
tilate them in any way. Damaged
stamps are worthless.


Cantor Saui
tured abov=l wii>
tor Melvi: ‘
more, Ma
of the l; .
Zion Synagogue,
at 8:00 P.M.

Cantor H"mm
professionu .
years old and 1L age .‘
his stage debut in a i
called Yanknta, starr'n,

He is a graduate oi
Conservatory of Ameri“
American Theatre Wllg
gaged as Carton in Pa"

In l952 hw begai

Well-known B*'h

Baltimore. cor .
he has concertiued naiionu'
his rccoxr' 7

been accllihl'

ted State:


Institute of Music ur‘

plished musician ard together t. 3
have given mac; recita‘ 9 -
produced a pic '
The Wor d 1‘ Ma:

music of many

Tickets are $25.00 for patrons,

$5.00 for a series ticket, and
$1.50 of out—of—town guesti. All
students are admitted free. '
tickets write M‘s. Robert Be

3169 Flintridge Drive, Taxing. ,.
Ky. (hosoe) or call 9724.3";
kets are also available a: the
Temple office.


For the past four years now
we have set aside a Sabbath Ser-
vice in\January to honor a member
of the congregation who, over the
course of years, has devoted much
time and energy for the benefit
of the congregation. This year
we shall honor a person who fits
this criterion very well. Since
the presentation is to be a sur-
prise, we cannot announce it
publicly, but be present and join
in the tribute.


The Temple Social Action Com—
mittee will meet on January 12
at 7:30 P.M. in the Temple Li-
brary. At that time they will
discuss with some of our teenagers
the situation in our public
schools. Complaints have been
heard, but the committee wishes
to look into things first hand
and see whether the situation
merits our attention.

This committee is also spon—
soring an informative program
on The Hunter Foundation Plan
for Medical Care in Fayette
County on Thursday, February 3

at 8:00 P.M. in the Temple Vestry.

Speakers and panelists will be
announced later.


The Religious School Committee
is selling a number of extra
wooden arm—chair desks formerly
used in the Religious School.
There are large and small size
desks. The price is $5.00. If
you are interested, call the
Temple office or come by and
have a look.


Rules Committee
January 30, 1972 7:30 P.M.
Home of Mrs. Jayne Bolotin


Registration is now open for the
Summer of l972. There will be two
sessions of Camp—Institute of four
weeks each. Youngsters entering
Grades ‘4 — 10 as of the fall of
1972 may register. (Entering
Juniors and Seniors in high school

may apply for Counselor—in-Training


program./ Youngsters will be divi—

ded into three Units by age, and
will participate in a program in
liberal, living Judaism which will
include worship, Hebrew, and an
exciting theme from Jewish recre—
ational activities.


Session I — Sunday, J~
Sunday, July 23
Session II — Monday, July 2L —
Friday, August l8 $375.00
Full eight—week program $700.00
CIT program — full eight weeks
OVFTY~Toct — Sunday, August 20 —
Sunday, August 27 $120.00

Now is the time to register. In—
sure a summer of fun and creative
Jewish life for your youngsters.
For further information, contact
your Temple office, or
Julian 1. Cook, Camp Director
Union Camp Institute, UAHC
1720 Section Road, Suite 207
Cincinnati, Ohio h5237

Mr. Cook will be here in Lexing-

ton on February 6 and will meet
with interested parents and children
Time of the meeting will be an-



Catt Manjonte Leanen, 266—7677
Ann Leventon, 272—2324


Mr. Ehud Lador, Counsel for
Cultural Affairs in the Midwest
for the State of Israel, will
speak at the University of Ken—
tucky Student Center Ballroom at
8:15 P.M. Wednesday, January 26
on the subject, "Israel's Quest
for Peace in the Mideast." Im-
mediately following there will
be a reception in the President's
Room, #th, of the Student Center,
sponsored by UK Hillel Foundation.

Mr. Lador was born in Germany,‘
and in early youth worked in the_
field of education where he served
in executive capacities. He
studied at the Jewish University,
Berlin, in the field of Jewish and
general knowledge. Emigrating to
Israel in l938, he became one of
the founders of Kibbutz Matzuba
(1939) where he has been a member
since. In the Kibbutz he held the
position of Secretary General of
the settlement as well as the Ex~
ecutive Director of all settle—
ments in the Western Galilee region.

From lone—Ag, he was the Jewish
Agency representative in Australia
and New Zealand and from 1958—61
he served as Chief Emissary of the
Israel Kibbutz Movement in the
United States.

In addition to Mr. Lador's
talk at the Student Center, he
will address members of the
Jewish Community at an invitation
dinner at 6:00 P.M. at the Im—
perial Ramada Inn on the subject
of "Updating the Rapidly Changing
Situation in the‘Mideast."


Housing is still needed for 35
more OVFTYites for the Conclave
February 3 — 6. If you have not
yet offered to help and have room,
call Gloria Baker, 266—8675 today.

for a speedy recovery to

T. Jay Miller


 Non: Profit Org.

U. 8. Plume

P A | D
Lexingmn. Ky,
Permit No. 67

' Jifi‘i<,‘<'5{2
" mutm'ng
(Kw iii-W


: xi ,1 :tm’u iizadcm
u owniiffflc

if] in" £’ 3
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15;! HB'LRG


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V01. 39 N0. 17

’ , , I ‘i ’7 1
I.i¥12!.t':~, )1. Wu.




FRII)AY._IANU:\RY 21.1973 8:00 P.M.
Rabbi Williiiiii j. chflcr will 0011;11le services
Mrs. David Pancil \MH Liiidic Iii»; Subbarh (,‘aiidlvg

()ncu Sliablmi m LEIL' \r'utv'x' ianwiiw [he Wmshi rSchii a
{7 ‘7


Stimuli » The liicssiiig vi. anu

Svnnpxirs » L‘HL‘I‘JULH]. despair is

)i‘i‘mLHW. But it lit'ddb

 7244542 Wauage

The past fun‘ (wells you may have
noted {he aitjcln (H fhc Buttcftn
dnnvuucrnn WT. thud lodvfi’fl iunfle
mmrm mint to chomfrl: m Trbe
maid C5. ll: addition Hun m‘ul
afénrhaUU iace(vcd an announcement
in fhc watt advufi({5(nn his {nth
of the (1K Sturl’cni‘ Canton, us will
as thr‘ (H\h(tlf((Wi dzlnivi :Hii l.(m
rum to M5 public azirz'fir,

J70 800 wroufi which

/ , ,.. »
flit Tl'l? I"

urn &H({dll‘ '5 fiMW: znlt
h flh'a (H luwww*t
(a “L .
TLC Jflhdanrdu uuvv”:»
mpnf _ su4£cncd G55fl55[L&fUllu
There nave bUUH no ponrt (nth:
so X10 any 0i the Utsuals fiziutllng
lnrm the S(x Paw Moi ”11167.

whethrn wt Join
ntrt, file lies 1< L ‘ t
have a J’il’nf dn’firCi‘ up»: u.
out! hiund whrn
Jon: M“
We Gaunt.
@11ton5hzru fllciclrfir
know who: (: recur/nu'ln
East and what liinef is dying Iv
{TN to bn{ug fit 1 a pcflftiwi 5w»
{uficn iv _v.in

The C”;~(Hfi wtr; Nfi.
an meuntanf owe (on Now
thbu Passczf (clli mu rho dinrvi
*hichnticns one crmrnn (n sfr~Ut
Pon’t duflnu on this. And h~irg
noun biidgé gnoup, huh (ongg :5
bowitng tongue on judo C(dbs to
near him at {he Sfudcnt Cantor

hlétram J. LQKKECfi

Binge. -----

lo the Max Bcnman Lzbtdvu loud

470m Mn. 5 Who. “rants Biaztr {u

'mpmnnu CK Jack Cohan.

the Film "Life From The Dead Sea Scrolls"
“.13 be delighted by a program pre-
on January lb. Parents are invited to

Junior “‘7 A f; ir see the filmstrip, "Masada,
and the x g‘ senmly, the filmstrip, "So God

,he Junior A sembly will See a filmstri
and the Erimary Lssembly will see ore on "Tu B

p on "The Jewish

x, /
xi: meet on February t

Ins ead the l

an importrit difference between

"ripate in the Re—
eesay concerning

be awarded at closing exercises.

is El. 6:9 and we shall discuss

ed beveuse we are impatient or

prerared to

The ‘th



{i All UAHY 2 t’,
Mr. Ehud Lador, Counsel for
Cultural Affairs in the m dwest
for the State of Israel, will
speak at the University of Ken—
tucky Ctudent Center Ea lroom
8:15 P.H. Wednesday, January
on the si jest, ”Israel's Qu
for Fe: in the Mideast."
mediat “ following
be a reception in the President's
Boon, flilh, of th ”tudent Center,
spout. 1 Fy Vh t lel Foundation.
Lador was born in Cerma q
early v worked in the
where he swrvel
Berlin, .A: ;= n Jewish and
general knowledre. l” '
Israel in "’ », T_x one
the Founders of '3. ‘ . [alnuba
(1939} where he 1'7 a member
since. Tn the Kihhutz he held the
position of Secretary leneral of
the settlement at well as the Ex-
ecuiive Pirector o” all settle—
ments in the ”so '1 Galilee region.

From 10b6—L9, H~ was the Jewish
Anency represen ", in Austialis
and New Zealuno
he Served as Fhief‘

Israel Hihbutm Vevemert
United States.
In addition to Fr.
at the Ftudent
address members of the
'ish Community at an ‘
V v

C; 8T


The Religious School Committee
is selling a number of extra
wooden arm—chair desks formerly
used in the Religious School.
There are large and small size
desks. The price is $5.00. If
you are interested, call the
Temple office or come by and
have a look.

E£9,_E;Wlilij9l1“_WU}. AS§£LCIN ION

Cantors Melvin Luterman and Saul
Hammerman, both of Baltinore, Md.
will conduct “An Evenino of Jewish
Music“ for the first program in the
JCA Forum Series on Sunday, Jan—
uary 23, l972, at Ohavay Zion Synd-
gogue at 8:00 P.M. They Wlll be
accompanied by Mrs. Aileen Hammer—
man at the piano in a selection of
Cantorial, Yiddish, lsraeli, Oper—
atic, Semi-Classical and Show Tunes.
Price of tickets will be $5.00 per
person for the series, $25.00 for
patrons for two tickets, and il_50
for out—of~town guee++§w~r

The Time Is HERE




. . i1 r .
Abwha'" MM“ ”WW Fund TEMPLE ADATH ISRAEL Non-ProfllOrl.

1214 North Ashland Avenue “1‘; _ ifr‘ivg u. s. W
Lexington, Kentucky 10502 j L? l. ,1 .1 , I, A L“ uEA'PKy.


Fnom On. 5 WM. Anthun LLebe/i tn memo/Ly
05 Ruben hie/(Aenbe/Lg.


the following for their contribution: to
the congregadon:



Vol. 39 N0. 18

Fnam 0/1. 8 MM. Kenneth Gmon tn mem- RETURN REQUESTED

any 05 Ruben (Hex/senbe/ig.



Ruben (lie/o5 enbe/Lg. January

Fnom M. 8 MM. thUam R. wennehe/i To the Tempte Memozu'al Fund Mom Mn. 23 TYG Meeting : . A. Temple Vestry

tn memony 05 Ruben wwenbeflg. 5 MM. Mom Bmztn in memo/u] 05 23 JCA Forum Series : . . Ohavay Zion Synagogue
Ruben (Ale/(Aenbe/ig, 28 Worship Services

Flioni WL.’ 6 MM. Paul Kadden 06 Oakland, 30 TYG Meeting

CW5 “1 ”W“! 05 MU“ WWW/19' To Tempee Adath um}: Mom in. a nu.

. . . Februar
F/iom Mn. 6 MM. Stanley ROéQHbQAQ and Dan VMUA 06 WWW/He. Klj- U! honan —_l
Nonmn Zanach tn memo/Ly 05 Ruben 06 than Child/WM mwge. 2 Temple Board Meeting :00
weteenbeng. i 3 - 6 TYG Conclave

F’LOm MM. F’LQd Kadden 06 San FMHWCO, THE WORLD AS I SEE IT h worship serViceS 8:00 P.M-

' . ' memon 0 hefl dean bhothen ‘——————‘“—‘-———“————— 11 Worship Services
35:36 ainetnbengy h ’ with Rabbi Chester Diamond 8:00

Religious School Service 8:00 . .

Fnom M46. 521 Zuchehman 05 Mtamt, Fla. 20 TYG Meeting 5:30 .i. Temple Jestry
in memony 06 hen nethW, Ruben weteen— 25 Worship Services 8:00
bug and tn mmony 05 hen gneat , 27 JCA Forum Series 8:00
nephew, thhand Rozen. is a stranger, who can no longer

, . _ , pause to wonder and stand in rapt
Fnom M46. JultuAIWQLnbflflg {H appheCAfl- awe, is as good as dead: his eyes
Lion to the nabbt. are closed. mils insight into the

sutuhood Ftowen Fund Wstery of life, coupled though it

be with fear, has also given rise
Flwm MM. RoAa Wed in mommy 06 Mamie

to religion. To know that what is Ch
Satmon and Geonge Salmon. impenetrable to us really exists, “AA- Sam atofié
Fnom 0/1. 5 MM. Joeeph Hambu/ig tn

manifesting itself as the highest AMA- Mahh HQKIQCh
memony 05 Thom HambU/LQ.


January 21, 1972

Temple Vestry


"The most beautiful thing we can 18
experience is the mysterious. It
is the source of all true art and

science. He to whom this emotion Temple Adath Israel



The Lextngton Couneit 0K Jeu'tsh
women mitt have a stud/I moaning
at 9:45, January 27, at the home
05 MM. Robent Hat], 3725 Nonta—
vesta. The topic (25 Common
Friaud and Consumei Photcctton.

The spectat guests and study (cadets
MU be the (egtsé’attvc ccmmtttoc
on Consumed Rnotcctton ('5 the
Lcutbvtlfe Sectton CK NCJw,
Counu'f has long been cancmned
about the con/.summ in the ghetto
aims 0K can cities. Now It’s
time to oxamuic the situation ('H
aft socto—cconom’c (mots. 00
come and phase RSVP to 80be
thy, 266—0288. Babysitting w(f£
be pncvtdcd at the home 05 Donna
Lciwenthal. N‘caso icgtste’i (M‘Li‘l
Child with hon at 278—5088.

:Mdag, Januamj 28, 1972


1971 - 5732

wisdom and the most radiant beauty MAA' Ben Levy .
which our dull faculties can com— Mné' Sheidon RCUL"
prehend only in their most primi-

tive forms - this knowledge, this

F/wm M/us. Robaue Rage/w tn memony 06
Human Jacobb.
Flam M4. 5 MhA. Jultub Efifihon tn memohy feeling, is at the center of true

religiousness. In this sense, and . .
06 Rebecca Efifinon. in this sense only, I belong in Cebu Fetd/ltexn Abmham

the ranks of devoutly religious Ed Mtchieh

men.“ Nathan Rattneh
Phtup Pt'benbe’ig
Robe/it Roeenatetn
Fannie 8. waited/5


Max Bumn Ltbmu Fund FRIDAY= VIANUARY 28.1972 8:00 P.M.
Mom 04. 8 MM. Howa/id Etdot Ln
memo/u} 06 Richand Rozen and Ruben

. ‘ 'r v x . \ ‘ l - \ 't
From an essay by Albert Einstein Rabbi Wlllhliii j. Lttller Wili CUI‘iduet serVites

Mrs. Eugene Straus will kindle the Sabbath Candles
szm M. 5 MM. Mon/uh Bnaztn tn NEARLY NEW

mummy 05 Jennie Cohen. Oneg Shabbat in the Vestry following the Worship Service

As you Clean your closets,
Remember us,
Nearly New raises money with no fuss,

Give us your used but still good

sutuhood Kitchen Remodeling Fund

Enclosed in this issue of the
Temple Bulletin is a copy of the
prepared by the Jewish Community
Association, to provide general
information on the Jewish Community.
This pamphlet should be of use to Mrs. Max Kovinow

Flwm Mn. 5 Wu. James Leueyuson, Mn. things.
gut::. aiflozeMijeeAZDgthjurzb Mia“? You'd be surprised the money it
MM. ban Made/i and Mn. 5 MM. brmgs'

Madone Fox 05 Ft. Laududate, FZa., Call—Marjorie Lerner, ?66—1671


for a speedy recovery to:

Sermon — A Question of Leadership

Synopsis — Every group needs leadership.

tn lumen 05 the 50th Wedding Ann/L» or

VWCU'Ly 05 M. 5 MM. Inw‘n Ste/in, Sn.

Ann Levenson, PTP-PKPh

"Shhrhood Servos"

you as well as a means of intro—
ducing newcomers to Lexington to
the Jewish facilities of our com-

Mrs. Lloyd Mayer
Dr. Mischa Fayer
Nathan Frankel
Stacey Rubin

There are many qualities which

contribute to make it effectual.


 First Vice lresisensz
Second Vice IrLVLicnt:


ThLA Lust ueeh l uns (M New
Vcih (u be Wth mu {amzcu (0 C850»
bnate mu Szep—Fathei’s 75th bLiIh—
day. It uus a quiet CVOH(KQ ’ luAt
my Mathew, the 5(x begs and thLi
ukuc: at the icstauiunt. l? was a
dufightéut CLLHlHJ a fight Slmcha

Lie (ugCtiicfi Ln 3:101 a happy and
(nu , art Grout (n the ((40 c4 a
(u1cd LHC; mcfifh fLU {two I fuflh
Kfivm a buiu scheduzr (u up.

In cuntfialt, 4mnud