xt7v9s1km55q_39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/2017ms001.dao.xml unknown 20.85 Cubic Feet 27 boxes, 2 items, 1 map folder archival material 2017ms001 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Temple Adath Israel records Bulletins text Bulletins 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/2017ms001/Box_2017ms001_13/Folder_1/Multipage5569.pdf 1986 1986 1986 section false xt7v9s1km55q_39 xt7v9s1km55q TEMPLE ADATH ISRAEL ‘ B ULLETIN ,fr '.'5‘_ VOLUME 53 NO. 9 1985 — 5746 January 10, FROM THE RABBI’S DESK I recently saw the film The Color Purple, which is a fine moving motion pic— ture. It portrays the story of a Black woman and her struggle to assert herself as a person primarily in southern black society in the first four decades of this century. I strongly recommend it to you as a film worth seeing. I say this for a number of reasons. The audience contained a larger number of blacks than I have ever seen in the movie theatre in Lexington. This film must really speak to them in terms that most motion pictures do not achieve. At the ‘ same time, its message is a very human one, in the sure way that Fiddler on the . Roof is able to meld a universal message to a particularistic story. As Jews, we appreciate the latter awareness, we need to see that this phenomenom can break down other cultural distinctions also. A second facet of the film is the Jim Crow attitude which appears in a limited part of the film. So many of the ways of that outlook are no longer legal or socially acceptable. At the same time, there are till residual aspects of it present in American society (the recent housing incidents in Philadelphia test— ify to this). Our forthcoming Observances of Martin Luther King, Jr. day test— sifvs to this sorry aspect of the reasons that I shall be participating in a "dialegue with Rexerend Benjamin Baker after services on January 17th. And a third reason for seeing this film is that it presents a family pattern which is very different from the one most of us know and idealized, but one which i suspect is not atypical for many Americans as we would like to think. Marsha Willis Fredman, a member of our congregation, a social worker and the consultant to the recent United Way study on human abuse, talked to the congre— gation on January 10th at our Pizza and Coke Shabbat on Human Abuse, a topic with which not too many of us are familiar, but one that is in the forefront of social awareness today. Go see The ColorgPurple. It has a great deal to see on many levels. Rabbi William J. Leffler CONGREGANTS AT T.A.|. TO BE SURVEYED interests. Please make every effort to com earliest conveniencel Your inter mov1ng in positive directions. plete and return this questionnaire at your est is Vital for the Temple to continue MARTIN LUTHER KING’S BIRTHDAY COMMEMORATION Temple Adath Israel, under the auspices of the Social Concerns Committee, will participate in the first national holiday. 17th, at 8 P.M. Martin Luther King's celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday as a federal We would like as many Temple members as possible to participate in the following two programs in order to show our unity with the Lexington black community and with the many Lexington churches and other organizations which will be com— memorating this special occasion. 1. Special Sabbath service at the Temple on Friday, January After worship there will be a discussion Between Rev. Benjamin Baker of Main Street Baptist Church and Rabbi William Leffler dealing with the significance of life. Participation in the Martin Luther King March and Rally sponsored by the Martin Luther King State Commission and local churches and other organizations. Temple members should meet at Memorial Coliseum, Sunday, January 19th at 2:45 P.M. Look for our Temple banner. own banner. Please arrive at 3:45 P.M. is suitable for children, Anyone requiring transportation can call (269~2979) or Martin Kaplan (277—3992) KIDDY KIDDUSH . All pre Bar/Bat Mitzvah age students in our Religious School are invited to participate in our second Kiddy Kiddush at Sabbath worship on January 3lst. The students will be able to come up on the pulpit and join the Rabbi in Singing Kiddush. The service will begin at 7:30 P.M. MUSIC PROGRAM MARCH 1 ABRAHAM MUSIC FUND WILL PRESENT A SPECIAL PROGRAM Saturday, March 1, 1986 8 PM TEMPLE ADATH ISRAEL Lecture—Demonstration entitled: From Traditional to Jazz Music by Prof. Bonia Shur ' z from HUC in Cincinnati There will be a short march (depending upon the weather) and Temple members will participate as a group carrying our If you are unable to participate in the march, a Unity Ceremony in— cluding speakers and choral groups will be held at the Memorial Coliseum. (free parking behind the Coliseum). so come as a family. if you have any questions. This program the Temple office. Call Steven Bram SEARCH COMMITTEE The Search Committee has met on numerous occasions. The committee has analyzed all resumes received from CCAR. Several applicants have been preliminarily interviewed bv telephone. J By the time you receive this Bulletin, members of the Search Committee will have visited the congregations of the Rabbi applicants. BULLETIN DEADLINE The next Bulletin articles to be published w' ill be January 16th at 4 PM. The Bulletin will be mailed th ‘ January 24th. e week ending deadline for ' BOURBON, BASKETBALL, B’NAI MITZVAHS: CHALLENGE OF THE BLUEGRASS JEWISH FAMILY ' All sessions will be on Sundays held in the Temple conference room from 10 A.M. to 11:45 A.M. This is a four part series. 1. February 16th —”Raising Your Jewish Child in the Bible Belt” 2. February 23rd—“Adult Children of Aging Parents”: Speaker: Jewish Family Service of Louis— ville staff person 3. March 2nd — ”Substance Abuse and Judaism” ‘ Speaker: Sharon Greene-(MSW),; Substance Abuse . Program Manager at Bluegrass Comprehen—I sion Center 4. March 16th— ”Experiences of a 2 Jewish Funeral Dir—2 actor” _ I More details will follow on these ‘ programs in our next Bulletin YOUNG COUPLES PROGRAM POT LUCK DINNER TEMPLE ADATH ISRAEL Sunday, February 23, 1986 5:30 PM — Open Bar 6:00 PM — Dinner For more information, Contact Shirley Bryan at 273~1392 or Steve Bram at 269~2979 ‘JEWISH ADULT EDUCATION CLASSES AT TEMPLE ADATH ISRAEL 5 Week Course to be held on Monday evenings; the dates to be February 3, 10, 17, 24 and March 3 7:30—8:30 PM — ”Beginning Hebrew” Teacher: Rabbi Leffler 8:30—9:30 PM — ”Basic Judaism” Teacher: Rabbi Leffler Registration for each course is $5 which includes cost of materials For more information or to register, call the Temple office at 269—2979. JEWISH YOUNG SINGLES UPCOMING EVENTS SUPERBOWL CHILI PARTY Sunday, January 26th 4:30 PM Craig Jonas‘ home at 1162 Mt. Rushmore Drive Please bring a side dish RSVP to Craig at 273—8913 ATTENTION: JEWISH YOUNG SINGLES AND YOUNG COUPLES CO-ED VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE AT SPORTS WORLD 12 Week league play begins in March and we will play on either Wednesday or Sunday evnings. Let's form a team and be represented in the league. Fee: $15 per person Contact Steve Bram at the Temple office, 269—2979, if you are interested in being a player on our team. ~\ , 1 L‘ . » Hf 1,03. .5- E (n in.“ 10mm w ‘v-m mun-om .l‘ _,,W a Sisterhood Donor An‘dir Q ,/ ® The Chocolate Bar 9. W Temple Add!!! Israel Q% Saturday. February 8, [986 Q; Q Cash Bar 7 Pm. Dinner 8 Pm. Dancing 9 Pm. / featuring The Slipped Disc Donors: Whitman’s Sampler $50.00 Hershey’s Kisses $75.00 Russell Stover $100.00 Godiva Chocolates over $100.00 chLets $1150 each Donor Pledge includes two tickets L Casual Dress For reservations and information Call Connie Loventhal 266—8395 10 LB. CHOCOLATE BAR TO BE RAFFLED ON FEBRUARY 8, 1986 TICKETS MAY BE PURCHASED AT THE TEMPLE OFFICE OR AT RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Cost of tickets: $1.00 each Winner to be drawn at the dance You need not be present to win L BROTHERHOOD — SISTERHOOD BROTHERHOOD MEETING COMING SOON TO A TEMPLE January 12, 1986 NEAR YOU! 9:45 AM. OLD TIME MOVIE NIGHT TEMPLE CONFERENCE ROOM SATURDAY, JANUARY 18TH SPEAKER 8 PM- Bonnie Martin of TAI AUDITORIUM Global Travel ADULTS ONLY TOPIC Open to All Temple Members ”OVERSEAS TRAVEL" 4 Beer, Popcorn, etc. at Old Time Prices \////////’/f//// \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ s \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ BLOOD DONOR DRIVE Blood donors, we need you on Sunday January 26, 1986. The combined blood drive for T.A.I. Sisterhood and B'nai B'rith will take place that Sunday, January 26th from 9:30 AM to ll:30 AM at the Blood Bank : on Waller Avenue. .'/',’,/.”/Irr/ A delicious bagel, cream cheese n' lox breakfast will be served. Every—l one is invited to the breakfast get together and the short B'nai B'rith meeting. There will be a guest speaker at the meeting. The break— fast is free to donors of that day, and to anyone who had donated since August 1, 1985. $3.50 for non—donors. At the time of registration, please specify if your donation is for TAI Sisterhood or B'nai B'rith. So have a heart. A blood donor is good for life, and the life you save could by your own or one of your loved‘ ONES. For more information contact Ralph Crystal at 223—4626 or Lore Pappas at 272—7395 ‘//////”//////’//////////////'I/ TAI BLOOD DONOR HONOR ROLL Rabbi William Leffler Jerry Sander Starr Gantz Edith Leffler Sisterhood and I thank you for giving your blood, thus helping your— self and your loved ones and others to live. Lore Pappas, Chairman MITZVAH CORPS MEETING TAI MITZVAH CORPS MEETING Tuesday, January 28th 12 Noon Sharp Brown Bag Lunch Beverage provided Presenter: Victor Broaddus who will monitor a travelogue 5 A.R.Z.A. ARZA is a Reform Zionist organization that promotes love of Israel and close ties between Israeli and American Jews. It directs the struggle for religious pluralism in Israel. It helps to build Reform Judaism in Israel. ARZA rep— resents American Reform Judaism in the Jewish agency, the World Zionist Con— gress and the American Zionist Feder— ation. This‘organization promotes Israel programming in Reform congre— gations throughout the country. ARZA members for 1985—1986 are: Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Lerner Mr. & Mrs. Harold Baker Miss Harriet Brazin Mrs. Morris Brazin Dr. & Mrs. Ira Mersack Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Freedman Dr. & Mrs. Martin Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Hymson Mr. & Mrs. David Fine Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Fried Mrs. James Frankel Dr. & Mrs. Nat Sandler Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Miller Become a new member of ARZA or renew your membership. Send $15 for a family membership to the Temple office. This is a savings of $3 on an individual membership and $10 on a family member— ship as opposed to joining through the National office. The Temple retains $2 of each membership for local activ— ities. Please address your check to the attention of Nat Sandler, ARZA Chairman. FIDST WOMAN RABBI Did you know that Israel has its first woman rabbi? Rabbi Kinneret Shiryon is a 1981 graduate of the Hebrew Union College. She moved to Israel shortly after her ordin— ation with her Israeli—born husband, Baruch, and she is now the mother of one child. Rabbi Shiryon was recent— ly appointed Rabbi of the Reform Con— gregation in Ramat Aviv, and also serves as the ARZA representative in Israel. From Israel's Orthodox estab— lishment, there has been no comment. If a member of our congregation wishes to meet Rabbi Shiryon during a visit to Israel, contact ARZA, 838 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10021. CONTRIBUTIONS BUILDING FUND Mindy Kovinow in memory of Esther Hershman Mrs. Charles Schwartz in memory of Jacob Gold Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Straus in memory of Irvin Levy and Esther Hershman Herman & Hannah Joseph in memory of Irvin Levy Mr. & Mrs. James Levenson in memory of Irvin Levy Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rozen in memory of Steven Richard Rozen Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Hymson in memory of Irvin Levy Mr. & Mrs. Hyman Shraberg in memory of Irvin Levy Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Lipton in memory of Irvin Levy Hal, Don, David & Ken Pressman in memory of Rose Pressman Marvin Bing in memory of Simon Weil Dr. & Mrs. Nat Sandler in memory of Elissa Sandler Lucille Kohn in memory of David Kohn Mrs. Ben Goldfarb in memory of Ben Goldfarb Mr. & Mrs. William Wenneker in memory of Edward Sulkin Robert Jacobson in memory of Anna Schwartz GAIL MEMORIAL FUND Mrs. Irving Gail in memory of Esther Hershman L_IBRARY FUND Mrs. Charles Schwartz in memory of Irvin Levy and Esther Hershman Mr. & Mrs. William Michalove in memory of Irvin Levy and Esther Hershman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mickler in memory of Irvin Levy, Irving Stern, and Esther Hershman Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Hymson in memory of Esther Bolotin Hershman PARITZ MEMORIAL FUMD Helen Paritz in memory of Hanna Doctrow RABBI'S FUND Ruth Metzler in memory of Irvin Levy Evelyn Levy in appreciation of the Rabbi and in memory of Irvin Levy Lore Pappas in memory of Alice Gutmann Austin and Susan Cantor in appreciation of Rabbi Leffler Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd Mayer in honor of their marriage BEST WISHES Louis Rosenberg Louis Ades We wish them a speedy recovery MANY THANKS I wish to thank Temple Adath Israel Congregants, Board of Trustees. Executive Committee, and staff for the kindness andnmral support extended to me on Friday, January 3, 1986 Lo assist me in being with my family at the time of my son, William Mason Wildes death. My most heartfelt thanks go out to each and everyone of you. Sandee Wildes Secretary CONGRATULATIONS To Carol Smith Hodges and Dr. Lloyd Mayer on their marriage on December 21, 1985 YAHRZEIT Due to an incorrect listing for January 10th in the last Bulletin, the correct listing is being printed in this issue. @9331. Dr. Joseph M. Fine Leah Goodman Thomas Hamburg Herman Jacobs Lilly Ades Mickler Louis Rosenstein JANUARY Justin Bing Jennie Cohen Adolph Davis Abraham J. Feinberg Alice Gutmann Maurice Loevenhart I. Jay Miller, Jr. Samuel Moskowitz ‘lOth Steven Richard Rozen Sanford Rubin Marie Salmon Lillian Sopkin Herschel Weil Ruben Weisenberg 17TH_ Robert Rosenstein David Shraberg Isabel Siegel Mrs. Al Smitha Bertha Speyer Nanette Weil Strauss Helen Vinocur Albert Wishne Philipp Wurmser JANUARY 24TH Celia Feldstein Abraham Morgan Frumberg Miller Nathan Rattner Rose Samson Morton R. Sarett Bess Shrabcrg Simon leot Bessie Fox Joseph Goldman Jennie Mayer Dan Metzler, Jr. v HE‘H/ 7‘.“ v .5“ .'.’_/’E/; HA “ I Robert 1 ,. ,,. Wyn-4 v ,, WHE:/“" f1 :11. NH Dc o J Alt/A Son, [acid J: H J ..7. grarwanziaren, Jeff, Matthew, Pamela, J "x. 4. , L/f/PVPJL} "7‘ I 1‘ L) VA} . . Mlfldy VIP CAEDLE BLESSERS January 17th Keitha Isenstein January 24th Cookie Wenneker HOSPITALITY HOSTESSES January 17th Kiddy Kiddush Susan Cantor Keitha Isenstein Terri Goldfarb Elayne Gellin January 24th Lynne McCreary Pat Richmond Jeanie Bertino Cookie Wenneker EDLPIT GUESTS January 17th Kiddy Kiddush Nat Sandler Richard Arenstein Steve Kesten January 24th Evelyn Hymson Ken Freedman David Doctrow USHERS January 17th Austin Cantor Milton Gellin January 24th William Wenneker Harold Baker JANUARY CALENDAR SUN. TUES. WED THURS SAT 12 Brotherhlxxl Meeting 0:43 AM Temple Speaker Bonnie 13 Aerohus ‘)- To A M Temple 14 Man m of Global Travel 15 Aemlms "‘ W AM Temple 16 17 Mamn Luther sz Spwml Sabbath Prugram 8 PM Bahymnng 18 stlerlumtl Brmlu-rlnwl \x ml 8 PM ”Mm’le \Igln" Auduunum Avmlahle 19 20 Martin Luther King Parade and Ralh 243 PM Aerolm‘s ‘) 50 AM 'lt-mplc 22 Aemlm s I) fit) AM Temple 24 I'vt-nmg Shabbal N‘nnes 8 PM Bubwmmg Amulablr 26 27 28 gmerluxnl 6a B‘nui B'rnh Bltmd Dm'e 9' %()-ll “(1 AM Blood Bank on \X’allcr Ave anmh I wrp Mutiny l.‘ \«mn lt‘mple Prut'mrmm‘. l“. \‘lttur Iértultlm «m I: Httwlngut Aeroblu «1 All AM 'lvmplc 29 Aernbm ‘1 W "Al l"rll_Dlt‘ TEMPLE ADATH ISRAEL 124 N. Ashland Avenue Iexington, Kentucky 40502 l606) 269—2979 William I. Lel‘tler Rabbi Mrs, Morris A. Brazin President Mr. Steven Bram Temple Administrator Dr, Ira P. Mersack Ist Vice-President Dr. Nat H. Sandler 2nd Vice-President Mrs Maurice Hymson Secretary Mr. Ben Baker Treasurer 31 l\1\ ‘ nbggnL. tilédbeh M_*.» ' ’ awn. In K ' ' '\ " ~ A YA\ w A(«r0a1\. dCh ‘\ RUNNING FOR PARENTS It'pnronts JYC irtorwgiuu by Elayne Crystal, Ycachor fling (weather parmitti child is attending Re] please contact Faith ( 1 11;; 3 xv}1 i 1 ;‘ ;'kr igioua K 10 e aL 225—/)4 ‘v’r $531224»), u@m&mamnumnnanzmmnzw.marflr,x 21‘ 1 -. «4 .~ Ch ‘ “ l Ii ~\1 1' 7011 I LVN ‘ C l l‘ ‘\ r1, 3 _ x \y ,1 -‘ Y. L‘L: ,‘ r- f‘r’ ,q J.“ '3' w LLYiL v dilL. l: liz’lt,lL Admission is Ere». mation, call the l 269~2979. 5 5 =~§ A , r *2 i 1‘ f ‘ 1d . 1. 93‘» i 1; 1 x ‘”r ~ at n I , ‘7]: , ,. ‘ l 3V V * *1- ‘; :TN ‘Li 3 1 ‘ w‘d \Cu 1t w < lit L51‘ ‘3: N; “t h ‘ L\ 1 .rli: :1: 1): i \ (it:{= 111 lii s h1v151:'jc CLHIllties. ainfi J Lin; senee of spirit— ; For more infor— “emple oftice at BOURBON BASKETBALL, 8’ NA! MITZVAHS: CHALLENGE OF THE BLUEGRASS JEWISH FAMILY -r’r‘“’a :,§_'» tvuhm I’ARl Slgl-il “L"; _ , 7 _, . § “’33:"mtr’14’i2tfl' fm mad Aryans? ”@3519?! #mmm‘q a: W3: sigma-3311:5955» rmaEW/‘Q'WWM; QOUELES QROSRAM r u», |»}‘J' 1! A >“ 3 ’0 P.W upo‘ B. l U0 ”.H livw r l( VSV“ Ini/ir tor TAVO lqiwrldtlUH contact Fhirlew %r\1n 1t: 373~l392 or Steve Btm11 at o9— 2,79. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED w» art in need of a group of .oluntee rs who could come in to help with bulk mailing. We would like to have a list of people we could call on, as needed. To volunteer, please call the Temple office at 269—2979. . u... 3"“ MN VwMN/mefl.mw.flcviw- " \..V"‘~«,‘W"‘-~a’ , MAJOR SPEAKER OF THE YEAR “(Y Sponsored hv the lemplw auath Esracl Adué Pduca?1.n a ”_"I AV \A‘ lHi‘J ivl l£\‘an:Y . {111Ll1\:r‘ <1: i 51“ ,lllflllil_ r on the \tw York limfs hrs: “cl: 1H * v11 ‘ ‘VD" ) «A . T _. .' 7 . s- : . V. , , ‘ ‘. , , a , u ‘ Lag ru1d[,h 1*,de L 3 Ltd pwr «; . ”\tc 1“ , Y - w' \ at 7:37 P.M. at th; Tvnw u in F'll 1 4" "7 7 ‘“ \ , H ‘31le p\\‘[‘ \f‘ {I}; a; H‘fl‘fl“ p”, wa-L : ,Vi-gy» ;l:‘- p} ' E' ‘ 3",',’1-\11'(‘ ( _ A l\ .H Y‘s r . _h, , s Mm x ' ‘ ‘ ' - n . . .f ~ ~ 3 DV inn Rdult "rprunfi1.g Fund. starfcfi ;x J ,t.- \\I ' 2TY pl* 1 _ , > r . ; . v-u_ - e, \ a . u y AA , Y o; 'ne hndowment rund r! [(leC Mhdxfi gaYYa 2 H, 3 b \ I .l x ‘l «2 “l N ' . ‘ (f l ‘A ’cr\ r+ .1 l‘ 5 > w“ r \ l t H} x H H l l ' f“ v] M; ' { ' i I . "_ TH.“ «1 l l ‘ ‘L? L l, w 5 * n f. l 1' ‘ r‘ r . ‘ Y » g . ' \ 7, PM 1’ H, l | 1}"; h | k I ‘ L l l. k k 5: L“ ;. :" .. ' 5 I w u l > '7 . Y x , ~ . .._,,~--\,, "‘~.. .-—- «cg-“x- “\.~ *~_/‘ "m. 4%.“ ,. w' "a, "“‘v “P‘K “-le‘mrm=-““w MK”. JEWISH SINGLES BOARD BR'EFS FRIDAY mes-n" SHABBAT DINNER I ht Blur»: uw“ro\tu rim 'zef.rw. WWLWA »=.w., _qh', \\.v, m: . t”, _ .. , m . ‘ _Y\HA.M * ‘7 C‘T “(m f l .. _ . ,‘ . . l ,L k Y, "1, 4 . I; ‘1 mluii‘hc ka ; ,1“ _, E‘Yx . .~ I _ ,‘, _ y , 1' , w Y YUP [)IIYJNYRt‘ {Hm} {-v- \H‘ ‘1‘!“ 1“: . r_ ‘ _ l\ s ’W -' . ’, . , -; \undav 5 hunt ”vi: 4: \:~‘ !¢ ‘:Vfi prohvx PKW it )4; l k ’ b» u .1 ' ' , ,A ~ . Pledge RSVP ‘m chwcp Br¢w Yr 7n9w fhEJ B unrd aruvrrn ed LDK’ lenqyle q; }« g ,. V 2, f) y , -Y '. ,c‘ _ ~ .7 r ,_: M 41, I Y” Armrest Y” E "*m'.‘ :‘l t—+—, Jr" membershlp 01 Gary & Susan fienn_dn. ‘1” - ‘ ‘ ’ ll YOU 5).“ U 1 1‘1: 5 T‘CBCCL‘: in dLl E‘Tlil lllg V . 1 \' Pub ‘ 4 - 7 "lg? Ruth Bake 1‘ I‘C‘POl’th Ll‘zilt the “U ‘ ‘ THJY\ L " ‘ ‘F 1 kitchen :acllity rules {or I‘emplw CO'ED VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE members and non—profit organizations had been revised with the assistance, AT SPORTS WORLD 0; t2? E91?: CO?W1?E?E‘ ‘Ail‘T?V1§10nS Jewish Young Singles and Young 0 t e ltc en act } § “H t5 ”er” Couples may sign up for the l2 week passed by the Board 1nc1udlng the new co—ed vollevbnll leaoue to begin a . 7 x . . L ’. c . b , ‘ . $ m , ’ ,‘ ' ‘ Wednesda S d >n' ‘. such as Brotherhood, Slsterhood, y or un ay CVL lngs Temple Youth Group and Temple Fee: $15 per person Commlttees. If interested in playing, contact Steve Bram at the Temple office at 269—2979. GET IN ON THE FUN!!! diuz‘nn‘u y s“i>r'1;dr\' 3‘, Donors. \«'l..:.......'~ 8d". ,ln Hershey's Kism-s R..._..u' 5...... Godiva (km-01am Tirlu‘ts . ’I " V‘ Sisterhood ”ulnar [\iixnr fifi ® Tin-