xt7v9s1km55q_4 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/2017ms001.dao.xml unknown 20.85 Cubic Feet 27 boxes, 2 items, 1 map folder archival material 2017ms001 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Temple Adath Israel records Bulletins text Bulletins 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/2017ms001/Box_2017ms001_11/Folder_17/Multipage142.pdf 1951 1951 1951 section false xt7v9s1km55q_4 xt7v9s1km55q flaws 0/ TEMPLE ADATH ISRAEL 1244 North Ashlancl Lexington, Ky. Sidney Ballon, Rabbi "Separate Not Thyse/ From The Congregation" No. 12, 5 11 January 10, 1951 Friday Evening January 12 8 P.M. Friday Evening January 17 8 P.M. "THE HOUSE BY THE SIDE OF THE ROAD" "RELIG—IOUS EDUC NTION IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS" A lesson from Korea A victory in Washington for YAHRZEITS Dr. Abram Franzblau Benjamin B° Kaufman YAHRZEITS: Etta Gordon Jenny Gold Mo1gan Frumberg Miller MauriCe B. Loevenhart Nax Starnfield Candle Blessing - Ins. Sidney Ballon Candle Blessing — Ike. Iaurice Hymson SABBATH MORNING SERVICE Saturday Morning January 13 9 A.M. ATTENDANCE AT CHILDREN'S SERVICES PTA MEETING The following children attended the ser- we remind you of the second PTA meeting vices held on Dece 30: Michael ides, Jeff of the current year, to be held on Wed— Ballon, Muff Ballon, Freda MillerJ Joe nesday evening, Jana 2h, at 7:30. Dr. Miller, Susan Munich, Dickie Munich, Jay Irving Gail will speak on the subject, Paritz, Joan Paritz, Pebbles Paritz, Ricky "How the Child Fights Back". Rose, Ronnie Rosenberg, Agatha Neil and David Neil, Jr. Michael Ides and Dickie FATHERS ARE PARENTS, TOO! Munich assisted with the Torah; THE RABBI has just returned from a Speaking engagement at Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn , under the auspices of the Jewish Chautauqua Societyo CORRECTION! Mrs.~ Baker’s newest grandchild is a BOY, not a girl, as mentioned in the last copy of the Bulletin. We are sorry fer any inconvenience we caused: LOST......4...... TEIVT LE YOUTH GROUP P; QTY One enamel tray from the steam table The Temple Youth Group invites you to in the kitchen. Hill the lady who attend its partV, supper and play at borroncd it p1_ease retur A iti Also the “ennLr on the n11ht of January 213 any other kitchen equ: pment vhich has The:e will oc dzorgr _Tes and snecial been borrowed is needed and its return games for the chilcrer, so h.: CY the will be appreciated“ 11;“ , The p32”, Annie G-eo four ., -'... .1. 1 ckieLi, Kay Princes ..,..... AND FOUND; I‘.‘ L. av 12 ~.dflL. , Alan Bloom - field, 'L,_ . _. "ti, Jae; Killer and pair of white g1ovcs Jonas '17.; .' ' oirected by Mrs. Sher— pair of brown gloves with fur man Mi 'lai i' u m; St n19? Rose, W9 man’s brown hat urge you ‘ eap‘ * *‘e Temnle‘s newest woman‘s scarf branch - - "<;,Le Youth Group; woman‘s raincoat child‘s handbagu THANK YOU HILLEL The Congregation gm tefully acknowledges the folloring co tan‘ilen The Hillel Society met last Sunday even _ ningy Jan0 7, 31d enjoved a delicious To the Rabbis Fund--from I"1' and Mrs. supper prepared on benelz‘ of the Sisterv- Ben ShraueW in me-nory 0f INT 5: Shra— hood by Mrs. Irvin Stern and Mrs. Emanuel berg 5 mother, Bethe- Kirs chbaum. Meyers and a talk by Mr1 An Laurence Sner~ man. , To the Religious School Fund, from urn mfilks.fimd>hmrendem1wmn,in The Society will meet again this Sunday, memory Cf MP“ Beer‘s brother~in—law, January 1h, when Mrs“ Isadore Levyr and Hyman Pughino Mrs. Maury Mail will be in charge of the ' .supper. lsTERHOOD CONDOLENCES _ The Sisterhood rill hold its January The Congregation extends its s3rmpathy to neeting on Wednesday, January 173 at $2330 Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Homer, On the death of.1n the Vestry, The program subJect 13 Mr. Romer's mother, in Huntingdon, W; Van, "JGWiSH imu 10" and VTSa Xbe ~ik10T 1s chairma e She is presenting a Board of (?) Experts(?) on the subject. SISTERHOOD SABBATH DILn UNION NE.TS More than 100 people enjoyed the Sabbath , Dinner and 1% b1V1bJeS last F jde 7 night A record enrollment of 8h9 students has when for the first tine, Temple A eth 13— been reported for the current semester rael had a Family Sabbath ce]_ebrati0n° in the various educational facilities of Liberal Judaismu In training for service ,. A, \20 to Liberal Jewish congregations are rab— *\V”“VVWM“JLJ binical students, cantors, teabhers:and f\ religious school administrators, and lay L.\inJ and religious leaders taking special cuur (YWQUK’ ses of instruction in all phases of con— } gregational activity. Graduate Fellow— adjin ships, Christian and Jewish, are also in4 (3, ¥ 1; i) cluded in the roster. ‘fh 3TH? WHITNP’UJ o \\ J( MA (11% 0 0:01. lfiu A flH/WLFLL fl {rd-Hr) was News of TEMPLE ADATH ISRAEL 124 North Ashlancl Lexington, Ky. Sidney Ballon, Rabbi "Separate Nat Thyself From The Congregation" NH). \3 - 5w Sam. M, NS: SQBBHTH SEVICES Friday Evening 8 P.M. “NOTES ON THE COMMANDMENTS” The Torah Portion for this week includes the reading of the Ten Commandments. CCLYLALL them/m6 - Trina. Hitting} BJo.ke.x—u February 2 Friday Evening 8 P.M. BROTHER/HOOD SA 88A TH Services will be conducted by members of the Temple Brotherhood. The theme of the evening will be the work of the Jewish Chautauqua Society, the national Brotherhood project. Rabbi Ballon will treat ” the congregation as if it were a college aud- ,. V /* ience and preach to it the same sermon recent—{LWFFEEE \‘1y delivered at Fisk University, where he spoke Hi'Hit+1\ under the sponsorship of the Jewish Chautauqua. L}»J7EL “RLu?an Aa IQHV nrd.‘ Candle Blessing — Mrs. Sidney Ballon Yahrzeits: Ben Snyder, Clothilde Dreyfuss and Simon P. Sartorius .V. ,v. w. AL .V. :1. it. .v. .V. _v. .V. .v. _v. \I V. n n 7‘ u n n n a n n n n n m- 'n 94' SABBATH MORNING SERVICE Saturday Morning January 27 “101% are And (1h ‘.\ ingot ‘ CONGREGATIOMAL The Congregational Dinner will be held at 6:00 PiM. on Sunday, February ha annual meeting of the Congregation will follow the dinner. MEEinQ REMINDER The Reservations must be made with Mrs. Herschel Neil, and the difiiEFifill.be $2050 per plateo Congregation; we You have received ballots for the election of the new Board of the These must be returned properly marked to Harold Baker NOT LATER THAN Fridayg January 26, in order to be counted. Mail them or bring them with you to SERVICES this Friday night. ‘ The tallying of the ballots will take—place immediately following Services and any member of the Congregation is welcome to attend. Chub «3%flnjié To Mrs. Louis Ades, for her contribution to the Rabbi's Fund. To Mrs. J. Kaplan, for her contribution to be used toward the purchase of pie- tures for the library. To the Sisterhood, for its gifts of a re— cord player for the Religious School and a set of Biblical maps. thet The last Hillel meeting was held on Jan. 1h. Mesdames Isadore Levy, Maury Hail and Chas. Travis were in charge of the supper. The Rabbi reviewed Ludwig Lewi— sohn's "The American Jew". The next meeting will take place on February 11. BROTHER HOOD The Brotherhood will hold its next meet— ing on.Wednesday, February 7 at 8:00 P.M. Dr. Victor ngel, officer—in-charge of the United States Public Health Service Hospital will speak on "The Narcotics Hespital and Its Accomplishments". ”Twink "Wen: Link 1' Our new equipment is beginning to come in! The new kitchen is finished! Most of the library furniture is in and soon We will install the bombination blackboards and bulletin boards in the school. Come in and look aroundl If you see something missing which we ought to have, we will be happy to accept your contribution! ‘We want ours to be the best equipped congre— gation of its size in the country; (Elihu C%H£WQP Our new Youth Group did itself proud and thru its supper and play enjoyed by so many was enabled to put away a nice sum for its Youth Camp and Con— vention Fund. Congratulations} Our thanks to Mrs. Sherman Miller: advi- ser, who coached the play and to Mrs. Stanley Roses for her musical assist— ance, and to all those who worked so hard to make the Youth Group's first party a success. The name of Myra Michaels was inadver— tently omitted from the announcement sent out last week. we apologize — Hyra had the title role in "Annie, Get Your Funl" Wrinnce. a3: fldimuw'e Serulkca The following children attended the Sabbath Morning Service on Jan. 13: Michael Ades Carol Ades Claire Ades Muff Ballon Pebbles Paritz Ronnie Rosenberg Freda Miller Agatha'weil David'Weil Joe Miller Dickie Munich Susan Munich Ricky Rose Agatha and Susan assisted with the “ Torah. Win 3% gamma. We send our best wishes to Allan Levy who enlisted in the Air Corps and is now stationed at San Antonio, Texas. Men: W amber The Congregation is happy to add the name of Mrs. Yetta Hagedorn to its membership. flaws of TEMPLE ADATH ISRAEL 124 North Ashland Lexington, Ky. , Sidney Ballon, Rabbi "Separate N61! Tifielf PgfllTlxe Congregation F b 1 nr’1 ‘4 o 7, 4.7).; SHBBHTH SE RVICE Friday Evening Feb. 9 . Friday Evening Feb 16 8 P. M. Due to the inclement weather our Brother— h.ood SErIice was pos tponcd to this Friday "SONG SERVICE" nigh.t, Rememoer, we shall pretend that we are a college audience listening to a In observance of Jewish Music Month speaker sponsored by the Jewish Chautau— the choir will render almost the en- qua Society, and Rabbi Ballon will deliv— tire service in song, including many er a message recently delivered at Fisk of the readings usually read by the University, where he was assigned by the Rabbi and Congregationo This will Jewish Chautauqua Society; be a most unusual service and we hope "RELIGION AS AN ART" that a large congregation will attend as a token of appreC1atlon of th1s ex- Stanley Rose, Brotherhood President, will tra effort on the part of the choir. preside and Dr. Charles Schwartz and Dave id Weil Will read. the. Sherman Miller will bless Candle blessing - Mrs. J. M. Strauss the Sabbath candles Yahrzeit — Bena'Uasserman Yahrzeit - Sam Herman Reception following the Service NET OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS we congratulate thefollowingrmmfly elected officers and Board members of the Con— gregation and wish them a fruitful term of’office: Maurice Hymson, President; Ben Goldfarb, Vice—President; Harold Baker, Secretary; Io Allen Paritz, Treasurer; and Louis Ades, I. Allen Paritz, Barney Miller and Dr. Charles Schwartz, members of the Boardo SABBATH MORNING SERVICE TURD} «, I-TORNING ’ ' FEBRUARY 10 9 1.11. These children who attended our last Sabbath morning Service were: Carol Ades Linda Kanner Susan Munich 1.Iark Rosenberg Claire Ades Mary Kanner Jay Paritz Ronnie Rosenberg Michael Ades Freda Miller Joan Paritz Louis Strauss Jeff Ballon Joe Miller Pebbles Paritz Agatha Fleil Muff Ballon Dickie Munich Ricky Rose David Ieil Ellen'Ueil alter "eil inda Kanner and'Ualter. eil assisted with the Torah. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING The change in procedure this year for the Congregational Meeting proved to be an ex— cellent decision. ‘Uith all business trans— acted after the dinner. a large gathering was assured to listen to the reports and participate in the business. This prov- ed to be stimulating and educational to the members of the Congregation present, Those who did not attend missed a thrill— ing review of Congregational achievements and a Spirited discussion. Our thanks to the Temple Youth Group for serving at the Annual Dinner. We are hap- py to note the early development of- a sense of reSponsibility and a desire to serve the Congregation. Our thanks to hrs. I. H. Stern for assum— ing the responsibility for the dinner and to N . and mrs. I. A. Paritz for so beau— tifully decorating the Vestry. New by-laws were ado ted at the Congrega— tional meeting last ”unday, the substance of which is as follows: 1. The Board was enlarged by increasing the elected membership to 10% of the mem— bership of the Temple. 2. The election procedure for Board members was changed so as to provide for a primary ballot, which would determine nominees, numbering twiCe the vacancies to be filled, whose names would be resub— mitted to the Congregation for a final vote. 3. The Temple Brotherhood was permitted to designate a representative on the Tom- ple Board with the provision that this representative shall be a member of the Templeo x/‘NW ‘( ///’ MESSAGE FROM THE BALLONS ’ Rabbi and Mrs. Ballon wish to express to z the entire Congregation and to the members of the Sisterhood their sincere thanks for the exquisite silver Seder set presented - to them at the Congregational Meating. It 2 is deeply appreciated both for its own 3 beauty and for the sentiment it expressedt) \K\__/‘xa/"‘\\~*,.\\‘~/”_“\‘M/,_\“'#,i_v,/> CALENDAR OF MEETINGS HILLEL - The first Hillel meeting of the new semester is Sunday night, FebD 11. Mrs. Louis Ades and Mrsc Charles Schwartz will serve supper on behalf of the Sisterhood. COUNCIL m The February meeting of the exington Section of The National Coun~ oil of Jewish homen will take place on Wednesday, Febc 1h. The speaker will be Dr. Earl Kauffman of the University of Kentucky who will disauss the Uhite House Conference on Children and Youth. BENAI BERITH ~ BYnai B7rith will meet at the Temple on the evening of‘lednes— day, Feb. lhth, at 8 P.M. SISTERHOOD n The February Sisterhood meeting will take place on'Uednesday, Febg 21. The program will be a review of twu current books which may hold a solution to world problems, "Policy for the West" by Barbara‘Uard and "Let‘s Join the Human Race" by Stringfellow BarrO The reviewer will be Dr. John Wright of Transylvania Collegeo THE RABBI Rabbi Ballon was chapel speaker Wednes- day morning at Transylvania College. He was recently elected to the Board of the Fayette County Citizens Committee. He has assignments during February from the Jewish Chautauqua Society at Kentucky State College and at West Virginia In— stitute of Technology. i I y ! TEMPLE ETTENDANCE The Temple attendance notices that have been coming to you have been prepared by Dr. Charles Schwartz. READ THEM AREFULLY — CHUCKLE AT TEEN - AND OBEY THEMJII RADIO PROGRAM Listen to "Stories to Remember" each' Tuesday night over WLAP at 8:150 TheSe programs are sponSOred by the Institute for Democratic Education. R E L I G I O U S ATTENDANCE PRIZES FOR SABBATH SERVICES . . Ave i .. The folIOWing children rOCGiVCd prizes for attendance at Sabbath Morning Services during the first semester: I Perfect I One fittendance 7 Absence Huff Ballon Dickie Kunich Susan Munich Pebbles Paritz Ricky Rose Michael ides Jeff Ballon Freda Miller Joe Miller CONTRIBUTIONS FROM CHARITY The following contributions were made by the Religious School from their Charity collection: March of Dimes JNF - trees Child'fielfare Fund United Negro College Fund Council to CoMbat Blindness Jewish Braille Society American Jewish Archives Pro-Falasha Committee 5000 Nat'l Home for Jewish Children SGOO t 1.00 $5900 3000 3900 5000 SaOO 5°00 SCOO S C H O O L Ronnie Rosenberg u-u \QL;U1 ,U‘u u u u u u u ”4‘41.” \ 4 \ n n AH; l \ 1" n (fif‘A 4 n n n l\ A I\“\ LETTERS RECEIVED / The following letters have been received: L From the Dean of the Chapel at Fisk Univ- ersity to Rabbi Ballon, after his Jewish Chautauqua assignment at that colleges "This letter comes to thank you, again, L for the most excellent service you ren— dered us as Convocation Speaker and as class—discussion leader in the Department of Humanities on January BC Both stu— dents and faculty enjoyed your message so much that I have been requested to invite you as our guest speaker againo" From Rabbi Samuel Cook, NFTY, on receipt of the report of the Youth Group play and supper: "Bravol In fact, seven braves, one each for the "seven wonders" who com- prise your Youth GroupD no will write up the event in the Mince-Messenger!” !’ N O T E S ATTENDANCE PRIZES FOR SUNDAY MORNINGS Prizes for perfect or near—perfect at~ tendhnce at Religious School for the first semester were given to the follow« ing children: Perfect Attendance Leslie Aberson Mtff Ballon Pamela Gall Steven Gall Stuart Goldfarb Linda Kanner Barbara Levy Bobby Miller Freda Killer Joe Hillcr Joan Paritz Pwhmsfmdm Ricky Rose David Weil Only One Absence Jeff Ballon Charles Barrett Lynn Barrett Simone Bloomfield Janet Cohen Donald Dreyfuss Judy Geldfarb Barbara Hymson Paul Levy June Michalove Reece Michalove Norma am you '44." I I_.v I L." \ you!» n n A‘ n a "‘9‘ /\ lac-h [HA-3x [fit a n n A ~ \/\\/~_\\//\\/‘ Barbara Hymson Jack Killer Richard Munich Michael Nicrenberg Jay Paritz Jeffrey Roseman Judy Schwartz Nancy Shraberg Agatha Ueil Jonas Coil Marjorie'flikler fikl er I v v v v u \ul u u u I\ n n n A If /\ n lfi\ n \ f- \ lESSAGE FROM THE MILLERS W Dr. and Mrs. Sherman Niller extend tor) L\‘ the Congregation their sincere thanks\\ for the engraved silver tray presented to them at the Congregational fleeting. It will be cherished as a reminder of tWO very gratifying years of Temple activityghx \_i.,./L. “1‘. - at .- i/tsll~*~ilr-_4r“w~ B R O T H E R H O O D Dro Victor Vogel was the speaker at the February meeting of the Brother— hood, held on'Uednesday night, Febo 7’ at 8 POLE. LIBRARY NOTICE The Temple Library invites everyone to use its books. The Librarian, Mrs” Charles Schwartz, is present every Sunday morning from 10 to 12. we Wan/5 0/ TEMPLE ADATH ISRAEL 124 North Ashlami Lexington, Ky. Sidney Ballon, Rabbi "Separate Nat Thyself From The Congregation" Mo. \5’- 57!! February SH ,IQTTI SHBBWH SERVICES Friday Evening Feb. 23 8 P.M. "JEWS IN COLONIAL TIMES" The 200th anniversary celebration of the Temple in Charleston has focused attention on the story of the Jew in Colonial Times. The Rabbi will present a few facts of interestg Hrs. Fernand Neil will bless the candles YAHRZEIT: Henry Loevenhart Leonard.Weil ,. ‘x Saturday Morning February a*+ 9:00 A.M. Friday Evening 8:00 P.M¢ L n March 2 The Choir will render almost the entire Service, singing many new settings of the familiar prayers and several pray- ers which have heretofore been read in our Congregation. This Special Song Service, postponed from F150. 16, is in honor of Jewish Music Month. ' Mrs. David Bolotin will bless the candles YAHRZEITS: Fanny Fogel, Louis M. Epstein and Bernard Kirschbaum THE RABBI Rabbi Ballon addressed the High School Youth of the First Presbyterian Church last Sunday on the subject “The Jewish Festivals." On Friday morning he will speak at the Chapel Services of Kentucky Wesleyan College. C C A R INSTITUTE In a move to help erect a tw0dway culh. tural bridge between the U. S. and Is- rael, the Central Conference of Ameri— can Rabbis will hold a fiveaweek sump mer Institute in Israel from July 1 to August 5. "This first visit to Israel by an organized group of American rabbis forihe purpose of studying the land, its people and its institutions will have his- toric significance", said Rabbi Philip S. Bernstein, President of the CCAR. FELLOWSHIP MASS MEETINGS The Disoiplos Student Fellowship Group is sponsoring a mass meeting of Young People and Adults to further the cause of brotherhood at h P.M. on Sunday, Feb. 25, 1951, at the Henry Clay Auditorium. Mrs. Rosa Paige welsh, noted negro mezzo— soprano, will be the soloist. The con- gregation is invited to attend. Mrs. Welsh will speak and lead a discuss- ion at 6:30 P.M. at tho Ky. Utilities aud- itorium for Youth. BROTHERHOOD The Brotherhood will hold its March meet~ ing in the Temple on Wednesday, March 6. A social evening is planned, beginning at 8 P.H. HILLEL Hillel will meet this Sunday, February 25 at 6:00 P.M. Hrs. Hugo Bloomfield and Mrs. M. H. Hymson will serve supper on behalf of the Sisterhood. CONDOLENCES The Congregation extends its sympathy to the family of Harry B. Miller, who pasSed away on February 20th. May his memory be a blessing. CONTRIBUTIONS To the Rabbi's Fund, in memory of Rabbi Louis Witt of Dayton - fir. and Mrs. Moses Fried. COUNTY SCHOOLS Mr. N. C. Turpen, superintendent of the County Schools, has consulted wfith the Rabbi with regard to the problem of make ing up for time lost during the cold weather. mr. Turpen expressed the hope that Saturday classes might be avoided, but if it is found necessary to announce Saturday classes, Jewish children will be excused for absence on Satudays. LETTER FROM UAHC From the Union to the Rabbi....... " I received your letter with the mag- nificent pictures taken at your Insti- tute for Public School Teachers.... I am certain that others of our colleagues will gain much from your imaginattte, colorful display and I an amateur that they should see these picturos...... I will make certain that both you and your congregation receive credit lines. You are both to be commended for a splendid job. I read Mrs. Ballon's careful re- port of the Institute and I am going to circularize it as well...... It is this sort of creativity, I feel, which serVes to enhance our congregational life. It helps us to grow notably." ....signed: Rabbi Jay Kaufman UAHC Chairman on Institutes THANK YOU To the Mothers of the Religious School children for their contribution of win- dow shades for the new classrooms. THE FREE WARING TV SHOW The Fred Waring CBS-TV Show on Sunday, Feb. 25 will feature a production: based on two Hebrew Choral numbers in honor of Jewish Music Month. "Separate Not Thyself From The Congregation" 124 North Ashland News 0/ TEMPLE ADATH ISRAEL Lexington, Ky. Sidney Ballon, Rabbi NoI6‘S7H _T SHEDasH mangle q 22M. .ituknafimthVAfi Beginning a series of four talks on "Giants in American Judaism"....... I 50W m. Milne Future subjects to be discussed approxiu mately every other weec: Kaufman Kohler Solomon Schecter lbrdecui Kaplan Candle blessing - nrs. Stanley Rose YAHRZEIT. Joseph Bing MARCH 7,1951 mm "Tnanek)|b Beginning 3 series of biameekly discuss- ions under the general heading, "Questm ions of Interest to American Jens”p The Congregation will gainer inthe Vestry fol.l)nii1g the servl: e to debate, defend or decry wliat the Bféboi has to say dur- ing the service', For the first subject we take our cue from Purim and will dis- “iii Jw emu ” which will deal with the problem of pre— jUdice o fiduda%(hflwomgv 3 PI“ The next subject, to be discussed on Mar. 30: m.Till there be a common Judaism in Amorica?U The Congregation is invit— ed to suggest other topics it would like to discuss. Candle blessing - Mrs; I. Jay Miller YAHRZEITS Morris J. Baker Rose Bloomfield . Moses Moses Milton Dreyfuss William Moses Mathilda Neil Harry Klein The Sisterhood will serve. SABBATH MORNING SERVICE Saturday Morning March 10 9 A.M. ClijlaruinAin_ Chi Aahmflh» W '61, MW. 0 shit ML The following children atétended the Sab- bath morning Service on February Bhth: Michael Ades Jeff Ballon Muff Ballon Jay Paritz Joan Paritz Pebbles Paritz Freda Miller Joe Miller Dickie Munich Susan Munich Ridquose Agatha'Weil David Neil, Jr. Ellen'Weil ‘Walter‘fleil Marjorie'hikler Marjorie and Ellen assisted with the Torah. Gum 391:1"sz To Mrs. Maurice Hymson, for her gift to the Religious School of 12 filmstrips, in memory of her father, Morris Baker. To the mothers of the Religious School children, for their contribution of window shades for the new classrooms. 4%: giflfi fl;&MU~Llfimmdfiw The next PTA meeting will take place on Wednesday evening, Narch 28 at 7:30 P.M., at which time Dr. Abraham'Wikler will dis— cuss "Religion and the Jewish Child". fih.“h¢.6mmmohhmdflfihmZ The last pieces of furniture ordered for the Max Berman Nemerial Library have now arrived. we now have a very attractive library room for congregational use. The Congregation is invited to make use of the library. The Librarian, M rs. Chas. Schwartz, is in attendance every Sunday morningo The Congregation is also invit- ed to make further contributions to the lihrary on appropriate occasions so that we may purchase additional books and add more equipment as the need arises. ii that XéyfllJfiigf At the last meeting of the Hillel Socie- et“ the supper was prepared ai‘ Served by M:<. Ia Allin Lev-L2 and Mrs. .Edvard Kessle 1-, on behalf of the Siste rhood. Hillel meets again this Sunday evening, March ll, when Rabbi MarLin lerley of Temple B rzith Sholom, Laui.5Jille, will be the speaner. hrs“ Maurice Hymson and Mrs. Hugo Bloomfield will be in charge of the supper. 4%. Ruth?) Was on the program of the Choir Festi- val at Ilemorial Coliseum, Sunday, March hth. Spoke to the Versailles Kiwanis Club on Tuesday, March 6. Attended a meeting on Public Education and Religion at the College of the Bible on wednesday, March 7. Will be a member of a Panel discussing Art and Religion, sponsored by the "Arts Group of Central Kynfl Tuesday, March 13. Ga Qaaimca The Congregation extends its sincere sym- pathy to Mr. and Hrs. Alfred J. Strauss, jr., on the death of his mother, Mrs. A. J. Strauss in Louisville. aggrtdiafirtghaod The Brotherhood held its March meeting on use. evening, March 7. A business meeting took place during which the nom- inating committee for the year was ap- pointed. This committee was directed to submit a slate of officers for the coming year at the April meeting. The business meeting was followed by a sec- ial evening. ACKNOWLEDGMENT? ‘Te gratefully acknowledge a contribution to the Max Ber- man Library Fund by Mrs. Ben Shraberg, in memory of her father, Bernard Kirschbaumo NATIONAL COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOPEN The Lexington Section of the NCJW will hold its March meeting in the Vestry of the Temple on'Uednesdaya March lug This Will be a meeting given over to the dis cussion of important business concerning proposed changes in the byulaws and an expression from the body with regard to Universal Military Trainings The proposed change in bylaws concerns the election of delegates to conventions, both national and regional, and whether [it is within the province of the body to instruct its delegates on the manner in which they should vote. NEW TELEPHONE EXTENSION An extension phone to 3-0632 is being placed in the Library. Calls intended hrsmwmeafimflhmnmfimgsorfw someone in the Religious School should be directed to that numbera Only calls for the Rabbi or the office should be made to 2-h600. Both numbers will be listed in the new telephone books. DOCTORS, in particular, will find it more convenient to leave 30632 as their call number. ~X-i4-***iéii-étu‘t’lt-X-v‘t-ii-fi-w‘téi-itfi*fi'iééK-ei-it-X-étv‘éit-fi-Ié-X-itit-Yv-X-ié-K-€1- MARCH MEETING mm» 9/ Rel Rm - AJW (law. SPEAKER: 771nm. .LLxgo figalalanqu my. 121‘ u- Hmjumflnl CHANTATA (mam Pchrmr): mm 5):. Santa? 'gxlniclxesrbzl $ I.2£§ Rmmmflbww1£r3éq0 1.?! 30 PM. FUR/M PARTY much am 9 RM. Boat/.3 Jim?” W Cw— MEN OF . DISTINCT/OM Zhajidvhky 7h4L¢AJ fig 1A; lLanleJ Zilemd; [infitofi?) dAflé ' )act- 4/75} finecL AUQHsg,' difigiglelo lbumt €144”) Jéiotfigjaf' LLOJ ” Am We 4 MAR CH MEANS " SISTERHOOD” PLEASE NOTE$11 A-wallet belonging to th.‘Uilliam Michalove and a pocketbook belong~ ing to mrs, Sidney Ballon disappeared during the discussion period in the Vestry following Services last Friday night. Anyone who may peasibly have some clue to the recovery of those items is asked to notify the Rabbi. ‘ It is suggested also that anyone who may find himself in possession of either of those items through error and who wishes to spare himself embarrassment may return it through the mail or leave it anonymously in the Temple. Contents of the pocketbook included a number of items of value only to the owner. DEE WEI/V5 of TEMPLE ADATH ISRAEL 124 North Ashland Lexington, Ky. Sidney Ballon, Rabbi "Separate .Not fiyse/f From We Congregation " 1%.”- 51H 833 B 3 AT H March 23 Friday Evening 8 P.M. . . . l‘. . Continuing our series on Giants in Amer— ican Judaismz“ OUTSTANDING THEOLOGIAN AND PRESI— DENT OF HEBREW UNION COLLEGE ins. Jay D. Neil — Candle Blessing. ‘mmh an .mbfi S g; RV 1C 3 3 March 30 Friday Evening 8 P.Ms Continuing our diSCussion series on a t . . ‘ Questions of Interest to American Jews: III/WILL THERE BE A COMMON JUDA/SM IN AMERICA?” Jim iofim Emil}. Wu Mrs. Jacob Kaplan — Candle Blessing YAHRZEIT: Jacob Abraham Samuel Romer Smirhflu mm 13215129. 23mm? “mafia/U 3+ weeko May the memory of the The Congregation extends its sincere sympathy to the family i of Sophie ME Bloomfield, who passed to her eternal rest last righteous be a blessing. SISTERHOOD NOTES We thank Mrs. William Michalove and Mrs. Warren Rosenthal for serving at the Dis— cussion Group on Friday night; also we thank Mrs. Harold Baker and Nrs.Etsenthal for serving the Hillel supper last Sundays its. Ben Cohen should be contacted by anye one wishing to add his family!s names to the new Sisterhood tablecloth. SABBATH MORNING SERVICES The following children attended Sabbath lbrning Services on March 10: Claire gdes Dick Munich David Veil Carol ides Susan Munich Walter Teil Jeff Ballon Jay Paritz Agatha‘fieil Muff Ballon Joan Paritz Allen Zeff Freda Miller Pebbles Paritz David Zeff Joe Miller Ellen Neil Michael Ades Ronnie Rosenberg Allen and David Zeff assisted with the Torah. CONTRIBUTIONS Te gratefully acknowledge a contribution' to the Rabbi's Fund from Harry B. Uiller, Jr., in memory of his father. TEMPLE BOARD There will be a meeting of the Temple Board on Monday evening, March 26 at 7:30 P.fi;, and every fourth Monday of every month thereafter unless otherwise notiy' fied. Any member of the Congregation who wishes to attend this meeting is welcome° TEMPLE YOUTH GROUP The members of the Temple Youth Group will attend the Ky.—Tenn. Youth Conclave at Temple Adath Israel ~in Louisville over the weekend of March 23rd. TELEPHONE NUMBERS Uhen calling the Rabbi or the office, call 2—h606. When calling, the Temple proper, the kit- chen, the Vestry, the Library or the Re- ligious School, please call 3—0632° BEREA VISITORS The Rabbi wishes to call the attention of the Congregation and particularly of Re— ligious School parents to the following letter received from Mrs. Charles Drake of Berea, Ky. Mrs. Drake Zheaded a group from Berea that visited the Temple during the last Children's Sabbath Mbrning Ser— vice. "I write to tell you of the enthusiastic reaction of our young people and their advisers to our visit to Temple Adath Israela We had talked, in our 8th grade studies, of the many great things that are shared in common by the Jewish and ' the Christian faithso But, as you know, talk alone is pale and one real experi- ence is worth hours of talk! I have an idea that some of our youngsters, with little experience outside their own town and group, somehow expected you and the synagogue and your young people to be somewhat strange or foreigno Then, when they arrived, you won their interest and admiration at once; and they found that they could participate in parts of the service, too° The bunch in my car talked about the visit all the way home, One of the things which most impressed them was that your young people spend three (or more) hours at the Synagogue a week - one on the Sabbath and two on Sunday morning, while they (my group) have sometimes felt '. hard pressed to give one or two hours. ‘"Re Protestant Christians den't know near- ly so much about our faith", was one com- ment — and a true one. "Even the little children know Some Hebrew and take part in their service," was mentioned. One effect — an unforeseen byhproduct of the trip has been a stimulation to clarify or think thru more carefully what he believes himself....... will you extend to your young people and their teachers our thanks for permitting us to share in their w>rship?" The Rabbi wishes to compliment the par— ents of those children who attend on Saturday mornings and whose participation ca led‘forth thiS'tribute. He hopes that those parents who, altho' living in town, have not sent their children or who have Scheduled other things on Sat. morning will find something to think about in the above comments. BflOWood's Daft. Changed! MIM Sap/Ion? “71115 1 The Brotherhood will meet on