xt7v9s1km55q_46 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/2017ms001.dao.xml unknown 20.85 Cubic Feet 27 boxes, 2 items, 1 map folder archival material 2017ms001 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Temple Adath Israel records Bulletins text Bulletins 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/2017ms001/Box_2017ms001_13/Folder_8/Multipage6861.pdf 1993 1993 1993 section false xt7v9s1km55q_46 xt7v9s1km55q JANUARY 1, 1993 VOLUME 60 8 TEVET 5753 SHABBAT SERVICES January 1st Kabbalat Shabbat Service 5:30 PM Torah Portion: Vayigash (ienesis 4-1:l8—-17:37 w (‘hild (‘are Available January 8th Family Shabbat Service 7:30 PM 'l'Al Makhela will sing Story Sermon i9 (‘hild (‘are Available lanuarv 15th lirev Shabbat Service 8 PM Marilyn Zelcer will sing lorah Portion: Shemot l~.xodus l:l-():l (‘hild (‘are Available January 22nd lirev Shabbat Service 8 PM Adult (‘hoir will sing Torah Portion: Va’era lixodus (3:2—9135 (‘hild (‘are Available ,[anuary 29th lirev Shabbat Service 8 PM Tom Portion: Bo lixodus l():l—l3:l(3 (lhild (‘are Available Februarv 5th Tu B’shevat Seder 6:15 PM lirev Shabbat Service 8 PM Torah Portion: Beshalach lixodus 13:17—17:16 (‘hild (‘are Available February 12th Family Shabbat Service 7:30 PM TAl Makhela will sing 2nd Grade Presentation Story Sermon N_O (‘hild (‘are Available COMMITTEE MEETINGS BOARD OF TRUSTEES Tuesday, January 5th, 7:30 PM WORSHIP COMMITTEE Thursday, January 7th, 7:30 PM Topic: Determine budget for 1993-94 COMMITTEE PLANNING Wednesday, January 13th, 7:30 PM Topic: All committee chairs will meet to review and determine goals SISTERHOOD BOARD Monday, January 18th, 7:30 PM BUDGET COMMITTEE Thursday, January let, 7:30 PM Topic: To begin discussion on the 1993-94 budget EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Thursday, January 28th, 12 noon CARING FRINEDS Monday, February lst, 7:30 PM Topic: To discuss followvup programs for those who are participating in the structure and to review programs now operating BUDGET CONIMITTEE Thursday, February 4th, 7:30 PM Topic: Finalizing 1993—94 budget CKJF - UJA SUPER SUNDAY FEBRUARY 28, 1993 Volunteers needed for soliciting, food, publicity, records, etc. Call CKJF at 268-0672, Austin Cantor at 278-2530 or Sue Ezrine at 299-4404. SISTERHOOD NEWS Now that the hustle and bustle of the holidays are over, you can join Sisterhood for a relaxing and enjoyable evening at THE SIZZLER on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20TH AT 6 pm. Our guest speaker will be Tina Croley "You" editor from the Lexington Herald I.cader.. We look forward to seeing you there to start off 1993!! RSVP: TAI office by January 11th. NEXT SISTERHOOD BOARD MEETING ON MONDAY, JANUARY 18TH AT 7:30 PM CONDOLENCES TO Sam & Bea Milner on th: death of Bea's sister-in- law, Miriam Ratner, on December 16, 1992. BOARD MEETING HIGHLIGHTS 1. The Endowment Fund By-Laws and House Rules will be reviewed as soon as Ben Baker can get a committee together. 2. At the next High Holy Days there will be a change in the Yom Kippur afternoon service structure. There will no longer be a break between the Afternoon Service and Yizkor. This change is made in response to complaints about the level of noise in the sanctuary at this solemn moment. There will be a short break between Yizkor and Concluding Services to change pulpit guests and allow time for those exiting the sanctuary to leave. 3. There is the possibility of once-a-month sermon guests; details are still being worked on by the Worship Committee. 4. The Board voted to investigate putting TAI Services schedule on the regular Saturday Religion page of the Herald-Leader and in hotel directories in the city. 5. Budget requests must be turned in to the Budget and Finance Committee by January 4, 1993. OHAVAY ZION RAFFLES TRIP TO CANCUN. MEXICO Got the winter blues‘.’ ()havay Zion Sisterhood wants you to set your sights on... CANCUN, MI‘IXICO. Trip for two includes airfare from Cincinnati and four nights at the Marriott Casa Magna (or take the $1,500 CASII OPTION). Cost of tickets - $10 each or 6 for $50. Raffle tickets available at the Synagogue office, or call Nancy Hoffman at 268—1102 or Sue Iixrine at 2994404. Drawing will be held on January 16 at the "BEAT THE JANUARY BLUES BEACH PARTY" (need not be present to win.) Cost of the party $8 per person. Music by Mr. lid. Call the Synagogue office at 266—8050 for more details. BULLETIN DEADLINES Bulletin Deadline - Wednesday, December 30th Covers 1/15 to 2,713 Mailed 1.312 Articles 8; Programs Bulletin Deadline - Wednesday, January 13th Covers 21 to 3/13 Mailed 1,27 Programs only OUTREACH PROGRAM ,IANUARY 10TH 10 AM Outreach‘s next program will be held on January 10th at 10 AM at TAI. The program will be a panel discussion of feelings, reasons, etc., relating to conversion. It will include people who have converted and people in the process of conversion. BROTHERHOOD NEWS Brotherhood and kids go bowling on February 7, 1993 from 1 to 3 PM. For further information, contact Jeff Ileller at 272-2961. UPCOMING EVENT - DON‘T MISS THIS ONE! AN EVENING WITII JAMAI, Watch Bulletins for future information or call Alan Bernard at 233-2577 CLOTHING NEEDED An employee of a Temple member is in great need of clothing for her children. Please check your old clothes to see if anything can be donated to help. Boys size 18 or girls size 14. Any help will be appreciated. in ISRAEL - 1993 Spectacular summer and semester adventures 01 fun. friendship and personal growth Exciting Programs W . V few 17m Summer! Superb Leadership \PVI \ March to Jerusalem P d D' . & \I'irh f, 1000 NI’I'Y Teens together rogramme ‘3 ‘ l: I w». for 3 dinx of et-lehmtion Regional 8L National Groups was 30 Years of Experience Full time professional staff in North America and Israel Health 8t Safety — Always the highest priority Carefull} dewloped itinerary of travel and learning Partial Scholarships Available Interaction wnh Israeli teens w 1 m Afl'pv ,1'i HehrflN :mv—qd- » I Why Choose a NFTY Israel Program ’ an m: t my "mum now». u, Wmmt studan‘ywnorxritmmdrmtwlxnelw'i|;htm\emiwemean:ng r .rl - NETY Fragrant» nzwr v ~ mm and (ms'rv—Kn‘rirnxtw in man t »r him arm-i 'al 'ewzrumg and no lurk: iawun Jared 'tr \wnh Ame an Returm Jew-sh ' "m u ”it ttngmwsarniumm n 'Ahi‘ Dam.» / am part rmfllx ""l .t \puui mml urn :rssrwtu ng m [htlr mrytndi nme and (xmutmr‘m ’M {‘r v. v ’11” mm)»: a t \ il‘t g l\ more immmnt than :n: hunt: and um» or am student 'nbtlnwmti'fv .\ the .rution mu aurmmxtntmn at .lullll» w» mi ‘w in are Our :rv up urn Arr _Ar!mllV .hmzn mu tzrkrkntz .n t\Y'IKl Van wl grim.» .n .xracl Aik‘lmnkmtl'tnk air \l-ndlilflnl‘d “uses md transportalmn tn um All lliner‘dhm m: mic-nu on A guy haw :tv mm: {rm .are ls gmn in .m than: 0! quiih rm! ‘ :atn prmgnm -x'»~ -r v, a‘ir. \tmng pom r ‘ mutt in in: \‘luGt‘l Rumim \li ”ap-‘nsmwh forth: :nim l»V"CI t pant Parents Are ml: in 1 are and “are cxpcmnce Mr pani(:paan and ‘32“ or mm.” am an undenmnw IMF New V trk ind fr'uulzm 24 hour\ 'or parPan - at hr'tgram NFTY UAHC in \w and Anal “tutti i ur imvncr H. a mi» Jurlf‘tl he turns I NFTV ‘mm. o m memes armork ‘l Wu .‘irrv I E'srw NFl’V program :mtnput And may parrm w Mn u': \lgn our NFTY Cane of Conduct elsarly exmewng ‘ur -.‘[‘,’M'". and :xmulluns nwr ariprvrvnarc '\