xt7v9s1km569 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km569/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. College of Arts and Sciences. Department of Chemistry 1998 newsletters English University of Kentucky. Department of Chemistry Newsletters Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Department of Chemistry newsletters ChemNews, Spring 1998 text ChemNews, Spring 1998 1998 2019 true xt7v9s1km569 section xt7v9s1km569 m Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Spring 1998 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRPERSON, The Department was also very successful in its last recruiting efforts in which our top two candidates have accepted the positions BOYD E- HALEY offered. Dr. Dong-Sheng Yang, a physical chemist, will enhance our . a, 4:“; As i sat pondering an introductory line that Phyéica' chemistry program and comes to US from Canada as an .52: , %:% would reflect the energy, enthusiasm and suc— assrstant professor. Our second hire was atthe assocrate professor rfifl cess of the current Department of Chemistry, level and represents a strong addition to our inorganic chemistry pro- - 2 159/ w l was reminded about the recent advertise- gram. :rof. David Atwood brings an impressive set of teaching and ‘ -. . .. - - . . researc credentials and a well-funded research program. These T 8:12:32“? ”Stgthetgthégs 5:“; filigihhzgf are notable young scientists but most impressive was the major rea- {21' ' .. g ence in pursuit of new kn,owledge, must con- son they gave forchoosing our Department. It was not our resources, , , «.5 tinually change its focus to remain on the cut- the equipment, or the quality of our facilities. instead, it was our , ‘ . , ting edge. The intent of this message is to tell faculty that Impressed them most. 'The collegial atmosphere of the '~ r" * our alumni that, while the faculty in the De- Department is what i alsoconsrder its strongest point, and this is not partment of Chemistry have changed considerably, you will still find a new development. If the, had not exrsted before I WOUId not have us a very friendly, congenial department and we would encourage consrdered taking the posrtion of Chair. Both current and past faculty you to visit or get back in touch with us. You will find that the Depart- Of the Department should take pride 'h,the attitude they have fos- ment has been keeping pace with modern teaching and research. 1 tered that makes th'e Department specral and unique. However, I think you will be quite proud of the current Department and its ac— would be remiss if I did not pornt out that provrding Significant start-up complishments within the academic teaching and research programs funds andrecent help wrth major equipment purchases from the up- made possible by the efforts of both present and past faculty. per administration was also a key factor in our ability to attract such Recently, the normal turnover of faculty due to retirements has outstanding faculty. , , required the replacement of four positions. In a scenario that will A recent charge to the Unrversrty 0f Kentucky from the 9°Yem°r repeat itself over the next few years, there will be other replacements Of the state 'S to become a "toptwenty" public research 'hShtUtIOh by due to retirements. On the downside, this represents a loss of expe- the year 2020' Th'3 led to an internal revrew 0f many departments rienced, high-quality faculty who have served the Department well and programs to identify those that had the potential to achieve na- for many years; their contributions will be greatly missed. On the tronai prominence 'f they were Q'Veh additional support. The Depart- positive side, it allows the Department to change focus. As an older ment 0f Chemistry (he Yew well 'h the revrew as we the Materials faculty member myself, i recognize the advantages of youth and re- Scrence Program, which includes several of ourfaculty. In other places cent training. Several factors such as the combined computer as- 'h th's newsletter you Will see that our faculty are very well funded sisted molecular modeling of compounds and data reduction param- and have received numerous national and local honors. The Depart- eters from NMR, mass spectrometry, IR, X-ray crystallography, etc. ment has. done very well With the resources it has been provrded. are h an di ed totally differently than just a few years ago. I was raised Because it takes resources to attract the best graduate students and using a slide rule. Our younger faculty were raised with computers new faculty, I hope, as do all Of our faculty, that the Commonwealth 0f and, thus, represent a new era in using powerful computer technol- Kentucky follows through and provides the resources necessary to ogy to enhance chemical experimentation. The Department can be take our Department, and the entire Universrty, to a greater promi- proud of its young professors, many of whom have already received nence. The future quality Of a Department '8 directly dependent on external grants and prestigious awards. the quality of the new faculty and students. Recently, the relatively new field of fullerene, or Buckyball, chem- The generosrty Of the alumni and others, as represented by COIO' istry, has emerged as a major research area of extreme importance nel Sidney Behrman, has allowed the Department to recrurt better in materials science. With the advent of molecular biology and mo- graduate students. This past fall, Drs. Selegue and Brock introduced lecular modeling, chemistry has found an important role in such di- an outstanding group 0f new graduate students to the Department. verse biomedical research areas as computer assisted drug design These students were recrurted as a result of their tireless efforts and and the combination of chemistry with molecular biology/biochemis- funds made available by the Behrman Fuhd’ a Universrty endow- try to develop medical treatments and diagnostic tests not possible ment account founded by e very generous gift fromColonei Behrman before. This represents a research intensive area called biological for the purpose 0f enhancing graduate education 'h the Department chemistry, and its importance is acknowledged by the American of Chemistry. When one iS in the posrtron of chairofadepartment, a Chemical Society in requiring introductory courses in this area for all _ .. future accreditation. it is these two areas, materials science and ' Rule “'"F'be' 129 m the 1883-84 An- biological chemistry, that the faculty of the Department of Chemistry nual Register Of Stete College 9f Ke'n- have chosen to enhance. The recent hiring of Robert Haddon, an 1 tucky (cor responding to our Universrty internationally recognized scientist from Lucent Technologies, repre- 6;, Catalog) says: Students are forbidden sents a major addition to the materials science program, has greatly to take or have 'h the" quarters any strengthened the area of fullerene chemistry, and has led to signifi- newspapers or other periodical publications wrthout spe- cant external funding. My appointment in the Department brings cral permissron from the Presrdent. They are also forbid- additional expertise to an already very strong biological chemistry den to keep .'h the” rooms any books except tethOOKS’ group that is well funded by grants from NIH, NSF, DOE, and other W'thOUt specral permissron from the Presrdent." external sources. great deal of appreciation develops for the endowment funds that formational preferences. He and his wife, Michele, an attorney, have can be used for the enhancement of quality education. I never met a 3-year-old daughter, Sage. Colonel Behrman, but I and other faculty, as well as numerous stu- dents, owe him a great debt of gratitude for the major positive impact ,_ , Robert C. Haddon. Robert joined the fac- that he has had on the academic quality of our Department. I would ‘ ulty as Professor of Chemistry and Physics, encourage all alumni to consider contributing to our Departmental 5 after serving as a member of the Materials Endowment Fund. It is agift that gives forever, and what better use , Chemistry Research Department at Bell of our riches than to contribute to the education of our youth. ng , , Laboratories. He received a B.Sc. (Hon) de- The Department would like to thank the alumni who have in the “ % gree from Melbourne University, and a Ph.D. past contributed to our Endowment Fund and would greatly appreci- (a V3 in organic chemistry from the Pennsylvania ate a visit from any alumni when you are in the Lexington area. The s State University. His research is directed Chemistry-Physics Building has undergone some remodeling and I toward the synthesis, theory, electronic likely many of the faculty you knew may be gone. Like the "Oldsmobile" ‘ structure and properties of molecules and ‘ we have changed in many ways, but we think that you will like most materials, with particular emphasis on trans- of these changes. However, we are still the same friendly Depart- port, magnetism, superconductivity, device fabrication and miniatur- ment. We welcome your visit. ization, and the discovery of new classes of electronic materials. He 1 is best known forthe prediction and discovery of superconductivity in ' NEW FACULTY alkali-metal doped Ceo. , _ /% John E. Anthony. John joined us in August 3' s: Boyd 55- Haley. Boyd joined the faculty as ,, of 1996. A California native who performed 33%: * ” Professor 0i Chemistry and Chairperson 0f the a“ , his undergraduate work in Oregon at Reed Eggs 3 Department in the summer of1997. He came , , y College where he met his wife, Sara, John mi- \ , LL wt - to us by way of the College of Pharmacy where Q age” 5 grated back to California for his doctoral and “it he is Still Professor 0t Medicinal Chemistry. . ? ~ postdoctoral studies with Professors Francois L @3 Boyd received his B-A- degree from Franklin a, -' 3 -f ' Diederich and Yves Rubin, respectively, at L , »» . COliegeihiS MS. degree in organic chemistry 3;, a UCLA. In completing his doctoral research, .; _' , from the University of Idaho and his Ph.D. in (a? he spent more than a year with Diederich at ' ‘ chemistry and biochemistry from Washington the ETH-Zi'irich, Switzerland synthesizing and . L h " State University. Prior to lOihihQ the College characterizing novel carbon-rich materials. As of Pharmacy at the University of Kentucky, Boyd was a member of agraduate student at UCLA, John distinguished himself by receiving the faculty 0f the Department Of Biochemistry at the University of awards for both teaching and research. His research interests lie in Wyoming. His research interest centers on biochemical and biO- synthetic organic chemistry applied to problems in materials science. medical problems involving control at the molecular level. Specifi- cally, he is interested in biological systems regulated by protein-nucle- Fitzgerald B. Bramwell. Jerry, Vice-Presi- otide interactions where the bioenergetics involved are expressed / dent for Research and Graduate Studies at through site-specific nucleotide binding of high affinity or through pro- _ the University of Kentucky, joined the fac- tein substrate phosphorylation. Boyd has frequently commented that 3; . ulty as a Professor of Chemistry in 1995_ he is happy to be "back at home" in a chemistry department. We are g a, , He earned his BA. degree in 1966 at 00- fortunate to have someone of Boyd's caliberto carry on the outstand- H . lumbia College with Dr. Harry Gray, and his lng leadership tradition of the Department. ti: MS. and Ph.D. degrees in physical chem- , istry at the University of Michigan under Dr. Folami T- Ladipo. Fola is an inorganic Julien Gendell and Dr. Thomas Dunn. His chemist with current research interests 4 L research has resulted in over 200 abstracts, centered around the devel0pment of new papers, and invited talks in the areas of materials and catalytic processes. He re- organotin chemistry, multidimensional organic conductors, and the ceived his 3.8. degree, Magna Cum structure and reactivity of photoexcited radicals. His educational ef- f Laude, from Stillman College and then pur- L forts have resulted in four general chemistry laboratory manuals which ., ; sued the doctoral degree at VPl With Pro- have been adopted nationally and internationally, significant contri- ’1 ,1 fessor J- S. Merola. After postdoctoral butions to major American Chemical Society precollege educational ‘ ’1 work at the University of Missouri at St. initiatives, and in publications in chemical and general science edu- ' t ‘ LOUiS and the University Of Vermont, he , cation. He was honored in 1996 in the book "Distinguished African joined our Department in January 0t1995- At least for now, Fola is a ' American Scientists of the 20th Century" for his career achievements bachelor. as a research scientist. PROMOTIONS ; .,w_ Arthur Cammers-Goodwin. Art joined . “ii ', our faculty in August, 1995 as an Assistant Leonidas G. Bachas. Leonidasjoined our . ~ l Professor following a stint as a NIH department in the fall of1986 after receiv- Ef , ’v ' ,. Postdoctoral Associate at MIT with Profes- ing his Ph.D. from the University of Michi- 1,, . . , . l sor Daniel S. Kemp. He received his BS. . ~ gan. He was promoted to Associate Pro- \ 3 degree from the University of Wisconsin- , 1 ,. fessor with tenure in 1991 and to Profes— ' .' Eau Claire and his doctoral degree from M3215 sor in the spring of 1995. Leonidas is a 2’ the University of Wisconsin-Madison, work— tr #5, , bioanalytical chemist who specializes in the : ing with Professor Edwin Vedejs in the area ‘ , development and evaluation of analytical ' of synthetic methodology of carbocyclic . methodologies forthe determination of bio- ring-expansion and ring opening reactions. His current work focuses ‘ chemically and environmentally important on the design of functional molecules on the basis of predictable con- compounds by taking advantage of the molecular recognition prop— 2 erties of host-guest chemistry. He and the members of his group are RETIREMENTS interested in using highly specific ion-ionophore and antigen-antibody interactions in the development of competitive binding assays and ”,3, , William D. Ehmann retired and became biosensors. 7a.“ ' 1 t Emeritus Professor of Chemistry in Janu- Leonidas' research has been amply funded almost from the day @‘fg; ‘ * . ary, 1995, Bill is a native of Madison, Wis— he joined our department, and he has amassed over three million . 1“; consin. He received 8.8. and ms, degrees dollars in research grants as principle investigator or Co-Pl since ,1, ‘ , from the University of Wisconsin at Madi- 1986. He has served as mentor for nine Ph.D. students, two M.S. :j} "" ~ son, and his ph_D_ from Carnegie institute students, and thirty-four undergraduate researchers. Leonidas and " A i of Technology under the direction of his group have produced more than sixty research publications since ‘ ‘ Truman P_ Kohman. After a postdoctoral his arrival at UK. He was the recipient of the American Cyanamid , fellowship at Argonne National Laboratory, 7 Award in 1992 and the 1993 Young Investigator Award of the Society he joined our faculty in 1953, where he i of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Leonidas is married to Sylvia Daunert, became Professor of Chemistry in 1966. Bill has served as Chair- WhO is an Assistant Professor 0i Chemistry at UK, and they have two man of the Department of Chemistry, Associate Dean for Research children, Stephanie and Philip. The Bachas-Daunerts direct two dy- in the Graduate School, Councilorfor Oak Ridge Associated Univer- . namic research programs in our department, but they somehow sities, and is an Associate of the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging l manage to spend quality time as a family. _ here at UK. Bill Ehmann's long and distinguished service is greatly appreciated by the University and the Department. 3 F. James Holler. In the spring of 1995, Jim Bill has published over 200 research articles, directed 28 Ph.D. , was promoted to the rank of Professor. He and 11 MS. theses, and worked with numerous undergraduates, J joined the department in the fall of 1977 fol- postdoctoral fellows, and visiting scholars. His research has empha- :' i f; ,) lowing completion Of his Ph-D- at Michigan sized innovative approaches to trace element analytical chemistry 2, .. 1, State UniverSIty. He was promoted to Asso- using nuclear methods. He is one of the world's leaders in the appli- , ' ’ ' ciate Professor with tenure in 1983. During cation of activation analysis to a wide variety of analytical problems. _ ' his early career, Jim was very active in re- His long-standing interest in geochemistry and cosmochemistry led “if search in analytical chemistry with special to his work on trace analysis of meteorites, tektites, and terrestrial & -. emphasis on Chemical instrumentation and rocks. He was among the first group of scientists to analyze the ‘ “1,,‘1 ' , kinetic methods of analysis. His research returned lunarsamples for NASA. His work in recent years has been 3 group produced siX Ph.D.‘S, one MS, and primarily in the application of activation analysis and related tech- two undergraduates who went on to earn Ph.D.‘s elsewhere. niques to the determination of trace elements in biological tissue. As his career evolved, Jim spent increasing time on matters re- Bill's many honors include the 1994 Herty Medal, awarded by lated to teaching and less time on fundamental research in analytical the ACS Georgia Section, the 1987 Sturgill Award for Contributions chemistry He is co-author of five editions of two textbooks on under- to Graduate Education at the University of Kentucky, the 1982 Distin- graduate analytical chemistry and author Of a b00k that teaches guished Kentucky Scientist Award from the Kentucky Academy of Mafhcad to analytical chemists. His dedication to teaching was re- Sciences, 1977 University Research Professor, Fellow of the Ameri- warded in the spring of 1993 when Jim became the fourth recipient can Association for the Advancement of Science, and Fellow of the from our department of the UK Alumni Association Great Teacher Meteoritical Society. He was a Fullbright Scholar at the Australian Award. Jim and his wife Vicki live and work in a log home near National University. Stamping Ground that they built with their own hands. Bill's career was recently capped by his receipt of the 1996 ACS Award for Nuclear Chemistry. The citation reads: The American Mark S. Meier. Following six years of hard Chemical Society commemorates the 1996 presentation of the ACS , ., work, Mark was promoted to Associate Pro- Award for Nuclear Chemistry to William D. Ehmann for his pioneer- ‘ fessor With tenure in 1996. He began work ing work in radioanalytical chemistry, including the development of €53” , it in our department in the fall of 1990 after neutron activation analysis methods for the determination of trace " @153 completing his Ph.D. at the University Of elements in meteorites, lunar samples, and biological tissue, and his 7 / , , Oregon and a postdoctoral position with innovative work with other radiochemical methods. ' ’3 ‘ 33,, Marye Anne Fox at the University of Texas. Even more recently, Bill was honored by the American Nuclear Mark's research interests include fullerene Society, which recently created the Ehmann Award in recognition of 3‘ chemistry. the development of methodol- excellence in the field of radioanalytical chemistry and related nuclear ogy for selective functionalization of methods of analysis and, as might be expected, named Bill as the fullerenes, and the strong electric field associated with helical pep- first recipient, ‘v tides. Mark is author or co-author of 16 research publications from work at UK, and his research has been funded by The Petroleum ,% Paul L. Corio retired and became Emeritus Research Fund of the American Chemical Society, Centaur Pharma- 3'5; I, Professor of Chemistry in May, 1997. Paul, , ceuticals, and the National Science Foundation. He and Jack Selegue ‘ _ a native of New Haven, Connecticut, received 7 developed the very first published method for purifying fullerenes using first . -‘ if , his BA. from Columbia College, New York gel-permeation chromatography. ,’ . ,7;~,f“ « and his MA. and Ph.D. degrees from Colum- Mark's consummate skill as a lecturer in undergraduate organic .s 5%,.“ bia University. Following a two-year tour of chemistry is well known. His students appreciate his ability to convey W' :\ ' duty in the US. Navy, Paul joined Mobil Oil the concepts of the field, his good humor, and his enthusiasm. Mark's as " _ Company as a research chemist in 1957. Af- promotion is excellent news for the department; he will be a valued ter six years as Group Leader of the Central colleague for many years to come. Mark's wife Jennifer is a member Research Division in Princeton, New Jersey, Paul joined the chemis- Ot the chemistry faculty 0t Centre College. Their SOn, Maxwell try faculty of the University of Kentucky as an Associate Professor in Stephan, is nearly two years old. 1970. He was promoted to the rank of Professor in 1974. Paul's early work was in the analysis of nuclear magnetic reso- nance spectra and his 1966 textbook "Structure of High-Resolution NMR Spectra" is considered to be one of the seminal texts in the 3 , _.______..._____— field. His more recent research interests centered on the theory of Stan was actively involved in the classroom. His enthusiasm for reaction mechanisms, with special reference to the functional rela- chemistry was clearly evident in his spirited and enlightening presen- tions between reaction components, intermediates, mechanistic steps, tations in introductory-level courses, laboratory recitations, and ad- the stoichiometric relation, and the nature of the restrictions imposed vanced undergraduate and graduate courses. Recent innovations by the addition or deletion of mechanistic steps. introduced by Stan included the use of computer-based exercises Paul emerged as a highly respected and very popular teacher. that provide practice in the logic behind organic qualitative analysis Along with his deep knowledge of chemistry was a facility for making and the use of discovery based exercises in introductory organic labo- connections with other subjects and with the everyday experience of ratories. He now has more time to pursue his love of diving and students. He was a gifted speaker and was able to bring clarity to sailing, and he keeps us regularly informed of the pleasures of retire- difficult concepts. He had high expectations for student performance, ment through his e-mail messages. and, in exchange was able to bring out the best in students. While he now has more time to pursue his love of literature and music, his EMERITUS FACULTY presence will be sorely missed by faculty and students alike. ‘ w 1. Dr. Audrey L. Companion (Ph.D., Carnegie Robert W. Kiser retired and became Emeritus ”b" $1.3- « Mellon University, 1958), born 1932 Tarentum, ; “ 5- Professor of Chemistry in May, 1997. Bob, a f' ”"”-¢~'~;{) PA, educated at Carnegie Mellon University, ' gg native of Rock Island, Illinois, received his BA. ‘1‘ Q Q“ taught at Illinois Institute of Technology. At UK _ _ {tag/q degree from St. Ambrose College in Davenport &% .93.; 1975-92. Physical Chemistry. Wt: Iowa, and his MS. and Ph.D. degrees from :» 5 - «3 Purdue University under the direction of Will- V ,/ lam H. Johnston. Immediately following his Dr. Paul L. Corio (Ph.D., Columbia University, 1957), born 1928 New ' ' graduate studies, Bobjoined the faculty at Kan— Haven, CT, educated at Columbia College and Columbia University, sas State University in 1957 where he became worked for Mobil Oil Company. At UK 1970-97. Physical Chemistry. Professor of Chemistry in 1966. One year later, Bob and Barbara ' made the move from the amber waves of grain to the bluegrass of Dr. William D. Ehmann (Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, 1957), Kentucky when he joined our faculty. During his time at the Univer- born 1931 Madison, WI, educated at the University of Wisconsin- sity of Kentucky, Bob served as Chairman of the Department, Direc- Madison and Carnegie Mellon University, postdoctoral fellow and con- tor ofGraduate Studies for the Department, Director of the University sultant for Argonne National Laboratory. At UK 1958-95. Depart- Mass Spectrometry Center, and Director of General Chemistry. ment Chairman 1972-76. Radiochemistry. Bob has published over 70 research articles, directed 20 Ph.D. . and8M.S. theses, and worked with numerous undergraduates. While Dr. Robert W. Kiser (Ph.D., Purdue University, 1958), born 1932 3 his early work was in the field of radiochemistry, the majority of Bob's Rock Island, IL, educated at St. Ambrose College and Purdue Uni- ‘ research has been in the development and application of mass spec- versity, faculty member at Kansas State University. At UK 1967-97. trometry. He was a pioneer in the mass spectrometry of metal carbo- Department Chairman 1968-72. Inorganic Chemistry. , nyl complexes and his book, Introduction to Mass Spectrometry and . Its Applications, introduced many students to the field. His most re- Dr. Kurt Niedenzu (Dr. rer. nat., University of cent research efforts in mass spectrometry may be subdivided into Heidelberg, 1956), born 1930 Fritzlar, Germany, ionic fragmentation, including metastable and collision-induced dis- .. educated at the University of Heidelberg, worked sociations, and the energetics of ionic species; mass spectra and 211‘" _ " z for US. Army Research Office, Durham, NC and molecular structure correlations, including multiply—charged positive «*3. 5% new: for Wintershall AG, Germany. At UK 1968-92. and negative ions; and artificial intelligence and graph theoretic ap- ‘ ‘EL Inorganic Chemistry. plications in mass spectrometry. His long and distinguished service is greatly appreciated by the University and the Department. W/ , j Dr. John M. Patterson (Ph.D., Northwestern Uni- versity, 1953), born 1926 Vineland, NJ, educated _ _ Stanford L. Smith retired and became Emeri- “fl; g at Virginia Military Institute, Wheaton College, and at?“ ‘3, tus Professor of Chemistry in May, 1997. Stan, "1°“ ' 3 Northwestern University. At UK1953-93. Organic T. j a native of Detroit, received his A.B. from Albion fig 3.; % Chemistry. i. , College, Michigan and his Ph.D. from Iowa “ ' ’ H t State University. Following a semester as an a _ 1 " instructor/postdoctoral fellow at Iowa State, , __ Dr. Paul G. Sears (Ph.D., University of Kentucky, h \ ‘ Stan joined the chemistry faculty of the Uni- ’9 g 1953), born 1924 Somerset, KY, educated at the versity of Kentucky as an Assistant Professor ~33? University of Kentucky, worked at Monsanto Chemi- ‘ in 1962. He was promoted to the rank of As- 3‘" “43“ cal Co. At UK 1954-57 and 1959—90. Special As- sociate Professor in 1968 and to the rank of Professor in 1984. Dur- . .\ sistant to the President, 1971-90. Physical/Inor— ing his time at the University of Kentucky, Stan served as Director of ‘ ganic Chemistry. - the Department‘s NMR Program from 1962 until his retirement and as the Director of Instrumentation for UK's Magnetic Resonance lm- Dr. Stanford L. Smith (Ph.D., Iowa State University, 1961), born aging and Spectroscopy Centerfrom 1985-1990. He also served the 1935 Detroit, MI, educated at Albion College and Iowa State Univer- academic community as president of the UK chapter of the American sity, postdoctoral fellow Iowa State. At UK 1962-97. Organic Chem- Association of University Professors and as a United Nations Con- istry. sultant. Stan has published over 60 research articles, directed 6 Ph.D. was? Dr. Walter T. Smith, Jr. (Ph.D., Indiana University, and 8 MS. theses and worked with numerous undergraduates. His 1‘s“; 1946), born 1922 Havana, IL, educated at the Uni- more recent research interests lay in the use of magnetic resonance in; versity of Illinois and Indiana University, worked at imaging to determine the structure of biologically relevant molecules, g5 Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, and the Ethyl Cor- for in vivo and in vitro metabolic studies, andfor in vivo spectroscopy. , N * poration, taught at the University of Iowa. At UK 1953-92. Organic Chemistry. 4 W Dr. William F. Wagner (Ph.D., University of Illinois, ern College prior to joining the faculty at UK in 1945. He was with the , f5 1947), born 1916 Canton, MO, educated at Culver- University of Kentucky for 24 years and served as Director of Gen— n’e Stockton College, the University of Chicago, and the erai Chemistry and Assistant Dean of the College of Arts and Sci- ii: 4;; , University of Illinois, worked for Illinois State Geo- ences. His sabbatical year in Indonesia gave him close bonds with 54 logical Survey and taught at Hanover College. At the students from that country who came to UK. In later years he ,. , _ ‘2 UK 1949-83. Department Chairman, 1965-68 and developed a talent for painting scenes from his favorite global trav- ‘ 1976-83. Analytical Chemistry. els. He was respected as a compassionate teacher and student mentor, a keen bridge player, and a caring gentleman. OBITUARIES Dr. William Kennedy Plucknett was born Mrs. Lucile Sanders Dawson passed away on June 10, 1995. She M \ near DeWitt, Nebraska December 20, 1915 was the wife of Professor Lyle Dawson who was Head of the Depart— y, 3' to Albert Sidney and Cora Kennedy Plucknett. ‘ ment of Chemistry during the developmental years of the Department's g He grew UP on his family farm located on the Ph.D. program. Lucile served as a gracious "First Lady" of the de- 5 ,4 3'9 Blue R'Ve'.’ SOUth 0f DeW‘tt- He married partment for many years. She called on all the new faculty and made ,v'f ’ ’3’ Evaline West I'” 1942- He '3 survrved by h'3 ' them feel welcome. The monthly "Chemistry Wives" bridge parties W, 'i: ’/ wrfe, three children, Ellen O'Laughlin, Albert helped develop close friendships. She kept scrapbooks on all her 21%: ; X/ .77 Plucknett and Bruce Plucknett, fourgrandchil- travels and in later years was the historian for Mayfair Manor where r’ f l> dren, Tom Denberg, Aaron Denberg, Evans she lived. Her grandchildren and great grandchildren gave her great . . Winner and Ken Winner, and three srsters, IOY- Everyone who knew her admired her. Bonita Brnegar, Dorothy Elwood and Eleanor Crosrer. He attended Peru State College, Peru, Nebraska and received ___W_ .. Dr. Haibin Deng, Assistant Professorof Chem- a doctorate degree in Chemistry from Iowa State University in 1942. :3: 'i' istry, died of a heart attack on December 29, During WWII he worked for Shell Oil Company in a position consid- TL’” 1994_ He was thirty-one years old. He left his ered important to the war effort. He taught briefly at the University of :9; - wife, Jian Tan, and three-year-old son, Aaron California at Berkeley, worked forthe Atomic Energy Commission in M1»; _“ - - .: Deng. Dr. Deng was a native of China, and a Ames, Iowa from 1947 to 1950, and taught at Fordham University in . “7"" I a). ; "t graduate of Fudan University. He earned his New York from 1951 to 1953. He joined us in 1953 and remained at » , ‘ l' Ph.D. at Ohio State University in 1991, and he the University of Kentucky until his retirement in 1983. t (WI-WW; held a postdoctoral appointment at Cornell Uni- After retiring, he was active in farming, carpentry, genealogy and w» versity from 1991 to 1994 helping others. He was a devoted family man and an outspoken crvri We became aware of Dr. Deng in the fall of 1993, when we were rights advocate. .He fought for academic freedom during the McCarthy searching for exceptional talent to fill a faculty vacancy in inorganic era, and championed many humanitarian causes. He belonged ‘0 chemistry. He joined our faculty in August, 1994 the ACLU, Amnesty International-and The Optimist Club. Haibin's one semester with us was a busy one. He taught a He Will be remembered for hrs generous spirit and sense ofihu- large section of CHE 105, where the students observed that Dr. Deng mor. He was a Iovrng husband, father and grandfather, an inspired was "a very smart man who really knew the material, and he was a teacher and caring friend. very nice man who really cared about his students." Haibin took his _ . . . teaching duties seriously, and he also worked industriously to estab— D" W. Re'd Thompson, "ad'ed April 22: 1996 at the Cayuga Med" lish his research program. At the time of his death, experiments and cal Center, Ithaca, NY- he'd was born March 2' 1952 'h Mackvrlle, reactions were undenivay in his laboratory,