xt7v9s1km89q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km89q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-11-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 1981 1981 1981-11-16 2020 true xt7v9s1km89q section xt7v9s1km89q '- '. " is it i ‘ . comer Moreno. Hr "tars r t to " at” “was as! _. i ._ ~ ' - '. ,7 . ’
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I it? ' : '4 ,5 N773” . Vol. LXXXIV. No.65 An t mm new: m 1971 Universityof Kentucky t'
.7 ,1: ,' 7 ‘ 7. '. I 1 Monday. November 16. lml W POP“ Lexington. Kentucky : 'I .-
U S cansrders , .
’ 3 , ” ~,' 'f. ' t. , .8. ' . 4 a” toll“ of: We? "is: (I "
4 4 4: 4) l I 4' l ‘ “UGIear ban it W‘M ' ' ' one ’3‘? .. i '
' ’ 4 ' ' ' 7 Enter”. » . --._ 7‘ » . '7 .‘t7 - " -I 12%,. 75" ._ "in" (”by ' - ' ..
* ' ' » f ‘ ° - -- <~ 7. 7 7 .» .3 "i at»? 5- 7 I
; ' [-7 _ - ~ . :2: it i ' 7
. 7 ‘ I —— to negouate seriomly on deep reduc- it . ‘ , 7, . ~ *2‘ ' o" is r7, 7
. . By LAWRENCE L. KNUTSON . . _ . . .- _ 7 I7 . a; 77 7 gen, in; .-'
" ' ‘ - Assistant's we... Sm“ 3mm" “5"“ "““"° t : ii , ' 7 , so ‘ it. 7
7 ————————-———-—~———— Haig’s position apparently reflects 2' it; 77 ; “~77, m.w..... :1' ~ . ' 5%“? ft -
7 the U.S. belief thata quick agreement ’9, ’7 ' ' .7“. i‘ i” 7 7 “gate .
7‘ WASHINGTON — With two weeks with the Soviets is unlikely and that it ”(Ira 7 .31: . 7 $.efyt, '
7 to so before the operatic of formal might take years to conclude the 7.: . s i ' . not ‘5?
. talks in Geneva, the United State is negotiations that begin in Geneva f"; 7' so » ' 3 legit g a . t , * 7-3, at ' :‘t
7 displaying new interest in the Novaoontheater nuclear forces. l 7 . " hr of; tat p, ..7 " g
dismantling and destruction of all The move to the bargaining table 5i ‘ :t’ ”signer-gas t
nuclear-armed missiles in Europe. coincides with anti-nuclear, anti-war ‘5‘” 77 ' 7 22.»? ' ’2’ " ‘ . 7 ‘” mg ”adage/i3? 3,} i
w————-—_—————— demonstrations in Europe which U.S. “my “the" it . 1i? ' II ' «i
anaIYSIS "mews “59°“ are being “389’ W ”<2: 7 stares... i: .4' ' i
7,,_ managed by the Soviet Union as part 7"" .7 " t ‘ *t’» 7. 7~ ' ' '
I —-—-———— ofpretalk maneuvering. =: II? . I, 7 7 II
7 ' , Meanwhile, Secretary 'of State The United States is suspected by . i ,7 ' 7 7 _ ‘ . '
' Alexander M. Haig Jr. stresses some of trying to blunt the so-called 7 I7; 7, 7 7I ? ' :tMewi .
repeatedly that the United States and Soviet propaganda “peace offensive” to" ".7 t 7» . ' .
' NATO must go ahead with deploinlg by offering qualified American sup- '1 . ' .7 ' ‘I . . 7'3???“ i' ' . f
7 ' ‘ mediumrange nuclear missiles in, port for an effort to remove all , 1- L7 '1 '1 We 7"- W" ::t77-.-»7 .- ' I I 3
Euro to encour ethe Soviet Union .. v ., i" , <7 - “6‘5339 - t '
pe 88 See Nuclear, pages 3 .I . 7 v‘: » j “singing,“ 7 . 7 it
44 y p gt % ‘5, its» 5 ”m 4 7 205%”, . P":
WASHINGTON ‘AP’ “ 50"" w. WW al4=55l>~mo when Hint‘kley . 7 isle ' 7.7%”? it
' ' I itittckiey in. awaiting trial on “tried tohans limit with an article ,7 at?“ ‘ a»: ' if
‘ classes of attempting to assassinate of clothing." W said he did not ‘ Emma,” edit)?" iota '¥ ' ' i
7 I President Mam tried to hang knowwhatarticlewasused. . . 7 77 77 cm 7. 7 . 777 77 77 . 7 7 a STEVE SIMONs/Kmm I?»
I himself in a military prison yesterday 7 At the time, Hinckley was confined ‘ H H d y It
5 ' . but was cut down by U.S. marshals, in a single cell under the observation mm
' E theJustice Department announced. ot U.S. marshals who have watched a er ea 8 l5
. 1 Department spokesman Tom him around the clock since the May 27 Several persons stopped in the Center for the Arts to view Armand Hammer's first university to show the exhibit, thanks to the efforts of Gov. John Y. and 7? ‘
5 ‘ DeCair said the zoeyear-old Hinckley incident. collection of fine paintings by‘such artists as Rembrandt and Monet. UK is the Phyllis George Brown. The exhibit will be on display through January. .j
. l was taken to the hospital at Fort DeCair saidthemarshals “cut him . -
‘ Meade, Md., wherehehadbeencon- down.” He could not give further :
e luminescent...» amour... Hammer donates $50 000 to museum
in satisfactory condition. DeCair said Hincldey is scheduled to go to trial 7 I
, ' Hinckley would be held at the base Jan. 4 in US. District Court in ————————— a $50,000 matching fund started by London. AttertheLexington showing, a relationship with all men. it will i
hot19“!“it"el'llillhm' Wat“: Washinfltm 0“ a 13““ federal in- By ’0‘"? ““1"“ Lexirgton horseman John Gaines as a it may tour Peking. transcend the bounds of nationalism, -
' It was the second time since Hin- dictmont diarsins him with attemlr smffwm“ wayofraising the $750,000 needed for Hammer said he was a little sur- race and creed,"hesaid. i,
chiefs amt March 30 at the site 0‘ led 8888581“th 0‘ Reason and with .____._—_ the Center for the Arts‘ building costs. prised by the .fact that the collection Hammer is a humorots, thorough 5i
the “Wk 0“ the 91‘5th in wounding “£888": 8 Secret Service The moo-ticket reception was a had actually come to wrington. man. As he walked through the ’3",
“WNW that he has made an aP‘ agent, a Washington policeman “d ArmandHammerpresentedtheArt part of the opening celebratiow “lasxington was something that was museum with mueuin director E
, - Parentatteml’mham ”me“- - White Home Press secretary “ma Museum with a gift in addition to the centered around the showing of Ham- going to have to take place sometime Priscilla Colt, he examined various e
. - On May 21. while jailed in Battier, Brady outside the Washington Hilton loanofhisartcoliectim -s50,000. mer's massive collection which in- inthefuture, ifeven atall,"hesaid. aspects oftheworks. 1::
' '7 5 7, ' ' “-0-: ”mile! '0“ an Wm 0‘ Hotel. The announcement of this donation eludes the works of Rembrandt. But due to the persuasion of Gov. He asked questions and offered
7 ' ‘- ' “1090'. an aspirin substitute, and Anextensive FBI investigation has came Saturday ata private black-tie Durer, Corot, and Monet. 'lhe collec- and Mrs. John Y. Brown, Hammer several suggestions to his thrector '
7 :7 . was takcntothepfisatinfimary. concluded that Hinckley actedalone. reception before a group of several tion has toured in37 places including decidedtomake UKthefirstuniversi- Dennis Gould on the matting of
-' DeCair said yesterday's incident Hinckley has pleaded innocent. hundred people, The money is part of the Louvre and the Royal Academy of ty to exhibit his collection. several paintings. As he passed An-
. I I . I President Otis Singletary express- drew Wyeth's “Daydream," he saw
' ed his thanks to Hammer by making no label on the painting and ordered
7 Termlmum 0f tenured facIIIty unllke|y amalals 9 him an Honorary UKFellow. He said, Gouldto “getaname plate for it.”
7 . , ' “(This exhibition) is a milestone in His love for art was evident when 7
II _ m— knowledge, there are no plate of any growth" in state appropriations next The only dollars left, well, let’s face [inumctulf‘fm] education 0‘ the com- 2:33 3gb“? Wilt: he Sm :1 7
- 7 . Siam“! kind that would affect tenured facul- year. it, whenaopercentottheumversity's A It- f the .t. d K tuck ched his “M31385 h m -_
' . . ty. If there are any rumors, they are But Art Gallaher, vice president budget is personnel,that’s what’s left 81 mm “1""? en y rea , . . neIw e, e as ' ,
. ~- -: 7 just that, rumors." for academic affairs, said state tocut." was presented by Phyllis Brown. She Isn tltayewel. .
' 4 . l- 7 ’ l Accordingtothereport, Kentucky’s universities should not be forced to Walter T. Smith, president of the 5"" Hammer a handmade 83"” °‘ '
, I Although state university budget highereducation appropriation of continue absorbing cuts. “Just pass- UK chapter of the AmericanAssocia- bronze, Stag ”1:83" we; HGIStOPPOd at 8 Mmffium 5
' - ' I problems are makmsthctcnnmatlon $394.5 million for the current fiscal ing budget cut after budget cut on to tion of University Professors, 39°99“ 8“ a 5‘" . Dammit,“ a P0“? and semi 7 My 1"" g
, of tenured faculty members a year was reduced by $26.1 million in theuniversities is noway to solve pro- disagreed. “if the administration ““77““ ““y °‘ " gavel b‘" °f " ham' “c (1088“? ”1d, 5697““ me m "l9
. ; possibility. there appears tobcsome April because state revenues did not blems worked it properly, I don't think me“ wmtIOw list like 71",,“ 5°"8v ”d '
. 7 l uncertainty about whether SUCh 8°" meet expectations. In July, Gov. John “We lost some good faculty last anyone needs to be cut. We still fill Alnong the other awards presented that swhy IbouglI'Itlt.
7 . k ' 3 tion Will be taken at UK: say ti0949"“ Y. Brown ordered a second reduction year. We’re hurting for space and new positions. There were 25 people to Hammer wereIa coal hm! sculpted He 315° complimented 0°" 0" the
,' " 7 . ‘ administrators. of $18.4 million in higher education equipment, and we have faculty posi- at an orientation in September for by. Kentucky artist and former 9°31 way She had ananged the layoutIof
- . _ lna recent issueof the Chronicle of funds. tions unfilled," he said. “It's very newfaculty members. There was still miner James Stewart and the ”St the miseum. "1 dim ‘thlflkI they V9
7 , , . . Higher Education. it was reported no Carter, deputy executive direc- frustrating to find, after your thensual reception fornewfaculty at Wm ”a"? “' W °‘ “'5 °°"' overbeenhww better 7N9“?-
. 7 that state universities in Kentucky tor of Kentucky's Council on Higher students have preenroued. atter you Spindletop(Hall)."Smith saidtheEx- “‘W‘mmu‘emw“ “n.5- ,Hamme' was SW39,“ with "7*
' are looluns atthcpossibility"of1ay- Education. said in the report that makeabudgettogetyouthroughthe ecutive Committee of the AAUP “3mm“ express?“ “’75, "“9“ ‘°’ Size of the museum. which he Said
» ing off tenured faculty members, layoffs of tenured faculty members year, that it’s been cut, and that you would discuss the budget cuts at the 9'” PM“? by “NC: During my helped the collection by not haying
' althountsofarcuts havebeenlimited “probablywillhavetobeconsidered” havenochoicebuttotakeit. next chapter meeting, andtrytofind meme ”e been a "‘3" °‘ my the Paintinsstw closelosetttcr- You _
' ' tounfilled and WWW positions. as theuniversities plan for 132-83. "It had to come out of this year’s alternative means. dreams, “d man? have come true. 1953' BIO on and 00 89d 0“: It 5 JIM t6“ .
, - ‘ ~ Peter “merit“: associate Vice Brown has warned the univer- budget and recurring dollars," “Take upkeep, for example. We And because a this, I still strive for ”mt Hammer 33m; 7
president for administration, denied sitios and other state agencies to be Gallaher said. “We put a moratorium have nice flowers. We keep the grass cancer rmrd' (he was recently 3.? Hammer “50 said that there was
' . the Chronicle story. “To my prepared for the possibility of “zero on renovation and new equipment. cut. We keep having more im- pointedtheheadof 38888!) ‘ commlt- truth tothe rumor thathehad recent-
) ' provements that aren't really teedtgélnd a :39 for the disease), art ly purchased a rare Rembrandt land-
- I l I ~ - an M peace. scape. If prepared in time, the pain-
\ . Plan presented forhumanltles hausrng “mm” “WWW” unmet m: m. the no a tins mycomctothcmuseum nee-e .
’ 7 t - See “Termination." page 3 firm belief that the arts will establish the end of the exhibition,
‘. . I —..__..— one as a proposal for renovating two undergraduate students studying the
. ‘ l 313?“??le homes on East Maxwell Street was humanitiestolive and study together, I g i I l
' presented to local townspeople, was firstannounced Nov. Sata suld ts M m m m
' 7 —____________ students and faculty members in a conference. press en ememe “In In at w
. The f :neeutningAEul-sday night at theCenta' The presentation Thursday was _ I . I
. ' proposed UK Center or the or . desigriedtoelicit funding su tand d hem "sh
‘ “mm... m... and“... it... a... wit... w... a... i. a... i... It... .. attire... unng Appa n inter Ip programs
‘I~ . _ .7 , specific plans drawn up by Richard
. ‘ , , MA I. N /’ , ’7 Rauh, a member of the Ram, Hatch —————-—— Mountain Life and Worlt magazine as Scott said she became interested in
4 , ‘ \N W ,5 4, , and Dendy architecture firm of Atlan- By MlgEl‘E DEMAREST an intern in the Appalachian Center's the program through an Appalachian
\‘§ \i,‘ /, / '// taandaformer associate professor in ltepor Internship Program. polltlcal solence class. Shcapplled for
‘ '- ' - \ .7 ’f __ , theCollegeofArchitecture. _____________w David Walls. project coordinator the program and wa matched with
7 ‘. ‘ V.,_\ I ) / / 3 \ “Q" \ V I. The propoged centu- will be M The wheels were spinning, dirt was and assistant director of the center, Mountain Life and Work magnum d .
_ ' 7 ti ‘ . '\ * , If} - '\ N Q in m renovated raidences — 213 flyirg and the 1971 Ford Esquire said interns have a cultural and Clintwood, Va.,backedbytheCouncil
I' ' . ~. 7 \- /, , Id , 7': , K \ .7 andzzBE.MaxwellSt. teeteedonthesideofacliff hundreds educational experience which cannot of the Southern Mountains, a com- ,
,’_I gum; 7 ,\ - ,. Rs, 7 "l ', 1* fi ~ Raul'i said the center would be offeethighintheVirginia mountains. belearnedinaclassroom. This isthe munityorganiziluagency.
,I7 we." f? "tt,_ _\\_7 t\\\ j. I ‘ I? \ ,, — ‘ ’\I located in an ideal spot. “it will not As Shauna Scott was driving a co- main objective of the field internship Walls said agencies balance educa-
" ‘~ \* .- 7 4335177,"?‘(1’7 ,- "rg-i' ‘7 '_ “:4“ 7I need much alteration. we can use worker home, she lost control on a program,hesaid. ticnal aswellu routineworkfor the ‘
' ‘ 3,7” 7 X \ \ x ,. ‘ t. I"? .- 7 ll ‘fl’I-i 5 it what istha'enow 7 , .ltwillproduce windingroad. Thewoman passengs, me internship program operates inta'n. He said because inta'ns are I
- 3‘. II ,i' 7 1"; 7, s§§.. , l I II 7 3-7 ‘IJ DI that-ightihtellechnimyimmmt," whohadbeen worm with her one through health, economic develop with the agencies for such a short
. . .2357». 5,45,; 4-71 [In ‘1: ‘4' , . i g] F— i. ' l Hesaid locationisalso appropriate photography project, took over the merit and public intaest agencies time, they do not fill a regular job 7I
'.I '1: .f ' 7 .. :Tll: ‘ I; I g 3' . " because the homes are where the wheelofthecar.“Shegotusoutofthe which indudetheCumberland Rlver slot. ;
. » ' 7-:' ‘ or! 'm ‘ 37.17 i 7 ' —~ marten-5'77“ umversityandthecltycmnect. mess as we went skidding in a circle Comprehensive Care Center, the Ap- At first, Scott was assigndarticlea i
7‘ . ~: 7 7 - ‘; nl EWWTL‘IH ‘I‘T ’ Rauh is propoairu, among other upthisroad witha ch‘opoffofhun- palachian Research and Defense and photo Iasaignments for the i
' ’ I'T" ‘II’ t. Edgy :F‘EE, 63eg SEER; E3; - - . mm,towtad1-iveinfmtofthem dmdsoffeet.”Scottsaid7 hdendtheKentucky RIversOoall- magazine. mcludlng a story on I “
7‘ z; . . i vi ‘ I‘ll "Willi" ‘r‘LI I" hid *L‘nj/{V‘y‘t ‘ o g, . " location, wtuctiwinbeuedasgcoh. A political science and an- tion. He said interns are matched to women coal miners and a noun! i "
». '. 77 .‘t‘77 I, ,‘I I'lr--;ifi-L'vi-n§#' e'It€Ig£JII..."Ifi : rm mtg" to ordnance the thropologysemorI, Scott hadthlsen- an agency to fit their educational easayonfannlandtopromotea'rm- giquI'I'
* *~-;:::t:‘~l"--L-l"“t 7' *wm a .-~ (a: i’ I “cuunaueleetuta"orutebiulditts. counter while taking pliotosraphsfor goals. neueeviilley Authorityfa'tiliaerll'O- .7-:;;7::.;-i
.5494: 5 7»! -. “‘7'”fo Ift‘I 7:3 fiytzruwf, y, W I Heuldhewouldtreatthezltlloca- 1°“- . of};
git . ' , *v" 7: n" 1575’". ‘1 'x 77 um “inapl'otected way" byenclos- i “g She ltd she later with“ W ~ I
533:" -. '7;;7». " 7. Ta- \ ; ‘H "7 7 - ing the area with tree- and by teeth throush the council involving '5»
.' = -- wt; :7" — era-ting a W. This location mum “moat“. I “M W‘Ttmi
“157‘, r 7’? -I . .v} ~ ~, ' .’ i ' 71' M m an mm“ "We “mm Ticket diatributlonfor thcflrat baahetballgamc begins Wednesday. market to me auniul fnllt M 13222.7-“5‘;
333.7% todvother-oviccmcdoemu. Swatch veaetsbl- tn the m- and - not-r Emcee
Jeni: Iiiio’é' - ”mm" mm” special place. it is M then; it Midfy e hwy return to recall their ordeal at barbetbau tlcltct W- Shel-id shell-owned It:
It} :II'E ‘7 figéffvv Aa artht'a concept deplete the proceed Cantu for the Hana-8h- atta- tbe jut M to be Rim.” Rauh dmflbmm 3,, me 2. with Volmteen lnSa'vicatoAn-‘kn Wig;
print 7, 7 ran-vau- at two be... on not Maxwol nest. hie center will he need or ”a, and United Mine Worm. $1M,
giftiwfiz’ftt Ivhgaadatalyhgquartmfchaaauatalatahhm. ' See"llamaaltlea,"pagc3 See“launalp."pa.a 351,7,
T. ‘ 3.2.397“ ‘ I. I:’~7‘I';‘»f"t ,'7
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‘ 4 Bill Stelden chris Ash Pam M Anne Charles Lisa Wallace M. Chandler Bolln !
p . Editor-in-Chief Editorial Editor J.“ u.- m Sports Editor Entertainment Editor . Photo MW
‘ i- Jacki Rm Linl Kadaba m mum Steven W. [pwther Leslie Michelson m 8"“. : n
’. : ”mu” Bditorl‘opy Copy Editor Assistant Sports Editor Assistant Entertainment Editor MW ° ‘
: l Kernel 1 mm their.“ '
. Associate Editor-News _.
A l _ 7 _ * _g _. we fl -m.-_..* -.- _. f; S'
. I I I I _
. . 't dent
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r‘ . . ) v ‘ uld
For almost 16 years, UK has suffered a would each receive average increases of ap- \: ‘ ‘ " / ._ , - oust
steady decline in its percentage share of state proximately 3-4 percent. DEAR FELLOW UNIVERSITIES" ‘ WOULD IT "iii-'7.itfzfgjriiifi”{63% _ .1"
dollars for higher education while experienc- Legislators within the areas immediately THO’ ‘TIS mUE THAT U“ L. ( ' ‘ -‘; .. ""9
ing a rapid growth in its enrollment. At the served by the regionals can be expected to K I- WILL $00" KCENE I: '7 BE FNRLY FA‘RLY ‘ i at;
same time, the regionals — Western Ken- adamantly oppose the plan in response to in- ‘ ‘ “E To , i ed a
tucky, Eastern Kentucky, Northern Kentucky, tense pressure from their constituents and the TftE “EATER PERCENT/AGE- ( , ! SAFE, ' ~ 1 . it, [1
Murray State, Morehead State and Kentucky presidents of the universities. In the mean- OF FUNDING AND YOUITHE (r r) ASSUME- YES"" .. ' '11
State Universities — have experienced pro- time, President Otis Singletary will be collec- ’ . THEY'RE NOT ‘. g 8““
. gressive percentage increases in funding ting on old favors and wielding his estimable W'ifr THIS CAUSE ( i‘ f D , '1 $1"?
while their enrollments have declined. influence to insure its passage, aided by U of L NOT D/SCORD AWST US, ‘ BUY! Na 'T . “t". .\,';.;.;,3,.: 1,“:
That's an ass—backwards arrangement in President Donald Swain. RATHER WMWEN ”K ' “"' - ms.
any book. At stake is the future health of the state’s B’T KE ‘, ., 3.» j , begi
university system and the authority of the OF ‘ ' , 366.5
Thus, there is no underestimating the CHE.The regionals will shortsightedly fightto ALL“ANCE O'JgUCKY' ,- eLop. y”, } u
significance of the Council on Higher Educa- keep their budgets disproportionately high, REAT INSTITUTI 0F g, . l .. 1 - mg"
tion’s passage hiday of its finance commit- arguing that the drastic reductions in their HIGHER . EARNING SO THAT (I I ’ , f” 1' hour
tee’s university funding proposal for the com- budget increases under the Bluegrass Plan y / .- j (t .. train
ing biennium, dubbed the “Bluegrass Plan" would cripple their universities — and they ‘1' ;.g,;,,,'.,;,,:.;.”.515,,1.:;.p;.~.'.47.:,,v.gg,g,;z ,.‘,. ’ 3 Kent
by its opponents and the media. will. ' “ C e 5’ s s E/ é . v e E , E“
. . . .. . :4 1 /) /e 5. 5.7 ‘¢;, ,— é tion,
Even if budget increases are capped for the But Kentucky’s univerSlties were never in- ;’ . - ‘1 ,6 ,2, {é/Z/fe gag/fig 3—2; tran
first half of the biennium, as expected, the tended tooperate as they presently do—eight . \U , // g g 3 g gig/E u g‘ caug
framework allowing for the restoration of UK institutions competing for the largest piece of 5 f .9 \ M 7/ l’ gdrK; 23% f; f 5 Ar
. to its former status as the state’s flagship the same pie. UK must be the leader of the <5" I» 0/2? o ’ ‘22, ; 2% 2/ pow
university is in place. fleet, and the stronger the flagship the better. é ’ 0 ‘ _ [57% 1C. .3 €%? 1’: g :3:
Important research and top-rate faculty is not ‘ '3" ‘- . . {K K / ' é .
, . . . . i .,,, aim/M L . // ._..._, . At
. But strangely enough, most of the state s attracted to an institution (or a state) that is . 7 c) . ‘~ I WWW/W J _==E=:=—’/=-‘ // ' Sion
newspapers ignored this side of the story, not beyond a shadow of a doubt on top of the , . //,: W U;L flea. L . V. M Cove
preferring to concentrate instead on the tui- heap, at least within its own territory. /5 , ,. , .1 "'////, 7 )Io' ~,/ v. v )5! "’90
tion increase also approved by the council (30 And the plan is emminently practical. If, as // ll] ////M/%’ //’I // "4 {i \ \~/“ {55: l l P0
percent over the next two years, no small mat- it appears, tightening budgets will force the / /////////(///// r] // %Q‘ . f if) %" ijflya ' out:
‘ ter.) . . ‘ . ‘ sacrifice of quality in education, the state ’ ‘,/ / I / /’/ 1.. [Qt - I /‘ l ijylll am
It is difficult to perceive their logic. When must strive to preserve at least one superior W ,t/, / of // 4%: i ,) , p I‘I\ men
the Bluegrass Plan comes before the General institution for its citizem. If a sacrifice is re- ,/ ‘- / WV“ ‘V m“ \ Iii/Wis h It- 7
Assembly in January, it will undoubtedly be quired, it should come from the secondary in- // I / 7 / _“ ,17/. 7') \ "ML ' A ’ '4 S.
one of the hottest, most intensely-lobbied stitutions rather than the primary institution. :1, ‘ 52; / , I“(£g/¢ 1’. E) «g; “:2“
issues of the session. Think about it. Democratic budgeting is not a /,, , mpg/y ‘ ‘ ”“3 = r . - Sat,
Briefly, the plan proposes that UK receive the way to operate a succesful business, let ‘ " .l' 1“ (9.111 K‘N out newt.
53-4 percent and U 0‘ L 26.7 percent of the plan- alone a university system. Write your state ' ‘ 1’ duti
ned budget increases for the universities dur- legislators today and urge them to support the , er City 3 5°“
ing the 1982-84 biennium, while the regionals Bluegrass Plan. 3?:
I - a l a I .
Pr osed fundl of honors dorm not a sound idea """"”°"°°"'°'°°'"'“°'""“ mm“
Basketball season will soon be with . , hon
., us. We just can't wait! We know this . 7 i . sch,
lwas stunnedtoreadtheamormce useexisting resources. Themere sug- texts of culture, of history and of year the Cats are just going to win 1 so,“
merit (Nov. 6) and the editorial (Nov. gestion that the University of Ken- thought. . every game. That’s really something I desl
9) in the Kentucky Kernel d a tuckyhas any extra money todabble Students in classics, students in 00 get excited about, isn't It? Well, ' ' ’ ' ‘ : r '
“Humanities dorm proposedfor ‘82.“ inthehistoric restorationofhouseson modern languages, students in basketball season has one '18 m _, 5- ‘ '
As a faculty member in the thpart- Maxwell Street or in the founding of history, students in philosophy — all drawback — TICKET DISTRIBU— ' 5 4' N
ment of philosophy for the put 15 what someone ins labelled a “think should have the opportunity to see TION! ' .
yeaislwould liketoregista' my judg- tank" undercuts whatever confidence and to learn how the various Thisrilual was somethinfl we didn't . | SF
ment that this projectseems to me as onemight have hadinthis university. humanistic disciplines are in- hear about until last year. We were 5 i I as”,
illeonceived as its announcement is But the idea of an exclusive center tegrated, how they mutually criticize forced to go to a ticket distribution. 2 fron
untimely. 'Ihus, inthelast twomontlnlhave where a few select people “can live, and support one another, how as a Our editor said it would enrich us , ‘ craft
As most of my colleagues in the Col- been told that there are approximate talk and discms “pics (in the group they are charactaistically dif- culnirally. - brea
lege of Arts andSciences, indeed the ly six departments iii the College of humanities) with professors and fez-eat from the sciences and how We don’t “MW Why some 0‘ _ . , , yes"
University, know, the University is Arts and Scimces which have lost tomspeople,"isnotonly untimely: it together they firm a whole, which the people who campout'don't do ings
presently experiencing one of the secretaries who will not be replaced; ism-conceived. can picture life itself. what we'd do in that situation. We'd _ - _ Th
. worst “cutbacks" in recent memory. someofthesedepartments have gale A number of departments in the This kind of education can best be have other people Get them {0“ us. 1 in he
Whatever the reasons for this — the for weeks without essential College of Arts and Sciences are and accomplished for everyone not by mean, what's $986186“ settins COM ., Satu
onagivenby Gov. Brownandhis seaetarialserviceanDeanMichael havebeenengaged foragood long isolatingafewstudentsandshowing anddampandickywtlen someone , Cali!
staff seem as good as any — all a the Beer’s presentation to the Axis facul- time in cultivating humanistic them how an intellectual elite 618808" be Paid todo It?
faculty and students have been asked ty two weeks ago it was made clear thought and discourse. This as any “Hunks," but rather by continuirc to I asked Muffy what I should wear. “What?”Bunny . -_
to endure the effects. These include thattheaeconditimswillnot improve other critical discourse, e.g. science, improve the existing curriculum, She said we should wear something “They had a card check, and you r:
the “freaks" of all paitions in- substantially. requires considerably more than a library, teachers and classes WW4}! from L-L- _Bean. “(9“. W93“ here. Toobad," thesuy inthe ;- ‘
eluding those for new faculty and Indced,thefuturebodesevenworse “."tank At die very minimum the memseives in all of the humanistic afterwesotmtoawropnateclottnns. shcapwd. . -:
staff. for snide-its who will be asked to humanities call ftr the continued disciplines. we dmve over in Muffy‘s'fim Am. “GoddammtiDm’tywmwwhol :
This menu that wherever a faculty share the “cutback” burden by pursu- practice of discipline, represented In my humble opinion the last thing When we got to the coliseum. we saw am?" Bunny and. After that mount :
positiai is vacated,e.g.throughdeath ing their stildim in even larger nominally by the various depart- that the Univa'sityofKentuckyneeds about a tomato-half of people mt- he leaned over and apolosmd. ;:
or retirement or failure to obtain classes, in even more overcrowded merits of the College of Arts and atthistirneisaseparatelodgewhere ting around in sleeping bags. They “Sorry Muffy and Buffy, I forgot :3 .
term.thefacultylinewillbeclosed; classrooms. Nonetheless, all have Sciences. one or two dozen students can chat were surrounded by books. Some 0‘ there were ladle! went." Bunny ~j W1
and there will be no automatic beenaskedtoendurethesesaa-ifioes. 'lhe humanities should be studied about the humanities with their them had radios. The atmosphere thai called the guy a “scum" and : i
' replacement as there generally has Dcspitethe inconvenience most of by starting with each student where frienm and associates — all for was nerd city. Some little man was demanded to speak to the man in :' 1
been in the past. It also means that the faculty seem to have accepted thestudentisandleading himorher university credit and at, at least handing out the cutest cards with chaigeofticketdistribution. :' . °
wherever a staff vacancy occurs these conditions in “good faith" on out (the original meaning of somepublicexpense. numbersonthem. Theguyintheskicap ”1‘1an!” :: 9C
the Win mt In aumtic mee‘ the w mt the cwqe C.“ m “allure”: to SW the student how Alan Perrciah u an mociate pro. Sim muffy drove! I let M have “Get lat!” Mt really-ma My :: M4
merit. reorganized in ways which will better his/her life fits into the broader con- yum in the philoaophy department. the lowest when Beta! we could see red. Bunny made a fist and dmd :-
say anythiiu, someone handed us theguytohithim.Welltheguytook .3
————_—_—__________________ (ick)beeis.0negwsaid,“Youtwo Bunnyuponhisdare. Hepunchcd :: .
arenewat this, aren'tyou?”Wesaid, him square in the eye. Bumy flew Z; i,
' “Hey, no. We’ve done this at least backandlandedonthegmlmd. j:
I ets —- oux three or four times.” i thought we As the guy walked off, Bunny 1 - c:
sounded like we fit in absolutely well. hollered, “My lawyer will get in touch . .3 ,
I thought we would never see with your lawyer. I’ll haul yourasa to 12 .‘ 3, 3
anyme from our crowd. In the court!" 2‘. i
M distancewesawGeorgeMicheal WeleftBunnyontheground,and;j r.
' . . ”Bunny” Robertson III. We waved at got the servants to pick him w. We :; a
M an M wuumflgflgmu‘mahjz smxfifl‘) weekandsupport “fly/mm him andhemotlaiedusovertohia decidcdthatwe’dtrytobreakinline. :7 j
1 would like to refer to the We Slummyth DavidE l 38inch] ' (shall “mug 800“! and this we Winnebago. “Well, well, Buffy and Iknow that's not ethical, but neither 2.
“m in u” N°V- 6 issue 0‘ the Icontime’ ). ‘ stillcare let's goout and givethem Iwouldliketoreapondtotherecsn't Muffy.’ What us you 013 m ntakingawayourorlglnalnumbsrs. ‘2’
Kernel. Firthoeeofyouwhodonot Thueplayerswtthenamea lOOpel‘centofoursupportontheirlast “GirlaTalk"cdumnofNov.9wrltten here? Masked. Ithougl'ityouguys Ieiinthellevehovv‘r'udesornepeo-.Z
, m “m ‘6‘ me "huh of many others like themadves who home game agaimt Temeaaeefl'he by Muffy and Buffy. i found win— “Vim, “In“mwfp‘m” ‘m‘m' p“ ‘.'."°“°‘m““d' "‘7' mm‘ :3
Y" may- The W h” Pus- go out day after thy and practice Kermlcouldevengomitandprovelt mealtime?“ We W' We in“! u '3
I“ looking It . {W schedule, afterpractlcetotrytowinagamefor mm” mm mm tent Over‘ener.nufiom .nd . ”mmtlm. . Buffy Illd, We are M m, z -
stattm,“Well,letaaeenow...whols lvcaandthefamwhosupport mam“ “one “thing 'WmthmM Bunnysmdhewashereonaninitia- OK?Someonesavedourplaceha'e -:
itweloaetotlisweekendi . . than that Mum?“ ”Efrem“ and mm tastele- and W.‘ timstuntforhisfraternlty. “lbetBiff whilewewenttothepowdsrroom." . ‘
nmmwmmp‘m Itisashamethatywcannotmp- aeasoniaalmoat'comlngtoanend orBuutliouglittlilsorieup,"Miiffy “BiillshittNowgetlnlinebehind: (4°
Wmmml‘mawwlmt pontbueyumgotueteiue-m wlnwillbethenexttofallvlctlmto ”‘1““m‘m ‘”""°”‘“ ““5““ “‘3' :
.m,tfl|mmmm. BlueFam"ahtlild.'l'hepi-oblemwlth theKernel'etackycal-toonsandpoor notbecanidsndarqireaentatlaiof Ibettheydidtoo.Say,wouldyou Well,Muffyabwtlosthcrcool ;
“mumpdmmmm thispapn'llkelnanyofthefansis Wilt“ Watch out- "WM allmenandwommbutjlntofthoae galsllkesomethlngdrlnkablenknow andahottheglrltherod.<thcuhe 1; ,_
newspaper m to the p19. 1 whmwewinit’sforeverybodybut you ' ' lgnorantofcommaicourteayand youdmtlikebeer,"heaald. composedheraelfdndwemadeour.
mdu‘standitlalnnltowrlteabout whmweloaeit’sthdrlom.(non"tget ' mamas. Blmygotinacoupleofaweeoine waybacktotheWimebago.Bumy
. “metamvhohaehadeuch me “I —lknow that there are hreaaStai-aa The ldmtiflcation of the names aloeglnflucaSunetimeaIthlnkmen had gotten a t-bme on his super '. .
. IMMdIMmJut still ll “3"”an “I‘ll? MdfyandBufnyothatolflwOJ- muthaveESP. Iflhadtoslpon ahlnaandmlxcdupapltchcol , <
; you ma write about m d the 0-)“!!! flc'lal P"??? "Mimi. could easily that (ick) becoricemorelwaagolng Muff’s favoriteeatra-extradryvodka ‘0
3 - tohsaveatechrucoloryawn,"lsald. martinis. See, Bully has a pcma- j;
M C Y laadonetob