xt7v9s1kmc51 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1kmc51/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-11-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 2004 2004 2004-11-11 2020 true xt7v9s1kmc51 section xt7v9s1kmc51 Thursday

November it, 2004

newsroom: 257-1915

first issue tree. Subsequent issues 25 cents.



Celebrating 33 years of independence

SAB entered this year with a $78,000 surplus;
officials say they'll have more event options

By Samieh Shalash

A large surplus and increased
mandatory student fees this year
give the Student Activities Board
flexibility in programming but no
break for students through free
events or lower-than~usual ticket

An increase from last year‘s
$7.50 full-time student fee to $7.75
this year translated to $32,000 in
SAB‘s account. The organization al-
ready had 11 374.408 surplus from
last school year.

Vice President of Student Af-
fairs Pat Terrell said SAB did not
request the increase but gained it

Fly on the Wall:
CJ's Tavern great for games


Injured Cat earns sixth year




tor Megan Powell said the Universi-
ty of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Bennett said SAB committee di-
rectors are always encouraged to

Emerson Drive are projected for
this year.

raised its fee in 200:; from $11.25 to
$16.50 per semester.
University of Georgia students

This fall‘s highest general ad-
mission price was 322 for Nnenna
Freelon in the Spotlight Jazz series;

round up cost estimations in their
programming proposals. One or
two proposals are typically consid~

when all student fees were raised
by 3.3 percent by the Board of
Trustees last spring.

The surplus. fee increase and
regular student fees give SAB more
than 3444.000 to work with this year.

But that doesn't necessarily
mean SAB will bring more events
to campus. spend more money or
reduce student ticket prices. said
SAB vice president Ethan Bennett.

"If you didn't charge for any
event. you'd probably run yourself
into a deficit." he said. “The boards
motive is never to make money. but
to have students come out to events
for a reasonable charge."

In comparison to UK's 25-cent
increase. SAB quality control direc-

pay $33 for the University Union.
their student-programming group,
Powell said. University of Florida
students are charged $225 annually.
part of which goes to student pro-

"1 do not know how much
benchmark universities spend on
programming each year. but 1
would assume that our budget is
smaller due to the fact that our fees
are much smaller.” Powell said.

Bennett said that typically the
only ticketed events at UK are con-
certs or those with high artist fees.
"We charge to make revenue. not
profit," he said. About seven ticket-
ed events. including hip‘hop artist
Lil' Wayne and country group

ered a month from the
nine overall committees.

“The program direc-
tors leading each of the
committees conduct ex-
tensive research on each
event and what will be
required to produce and
promote it." said SAB
director Rhonda

“While a budget can
be set and approved by
the board. some figures
such as artist fees can
change in a very short period of
time depending upon record sales
and success of an artist. for exam-

See SAB on page 6

student tickets were dis
counted to $10.

b “You have to charge “YOU have to
I t ‘ ' '( ’ t .
a as a way 0 generate Charge that

revenue and "keep pro-
grams going. Bennett as a Way to
keep pro-

said. “Nobody wants to
end up in a deficit: that‘s
grams going."
Ethan Bennett

just going to hurt next
year's board."

SAB last ran a deficit
in 2002-03. spending more
than $33,000 than it took “av,"pmmm

“We take it upon our
selves to get ourselves out of it.“ he
said. “We program less so we'll
have more money the following





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SG Senators (from left to right) Michelle Bishop, Allison Hensley and Tim Potter discuss "The Student Government Initiative and Referendum Act"
last night. 50 approved the measure, putting tighter restrictions on how referendums and intiatives can be placed on student ballots.

By Tricia McKenny
THE xrntocxv KERNEL

Students hoping to place referen-
dums or initiatives on ballots will face
new limits after Student Government
approved a constitutional amendment
last night after lively debate.

The statute. “The Student Govern-
ment Initiative and Referendum Act."
requires two weeks notice. an explana
tion of intent anti 1.000 signatures be
fore any referendum or initiative can
be presented to students for a vote.

The act also limits the number of
issues on a ballot to two referendums
and two initiatives and was passed de
spite several senators‘ concerns with
these limits

The first two referendums and ini-
tiatives received by the Student Gov
ernment Election Board of Supervi-
sion will be the ones presented to stir
dents on the ballot.

“I am concerned that placing a cap
would prevent significant issues frotn
being raised. delaying action for anoth-
er year." said Graduate School Senator
.lonica Burke. one of three senators to

vote no on the issue who said she sup
ported the statute as a whole but was
concerned about the limit.

Senators may present amendments
to the statute in the next few weeks to
eliminate or change the can

“We can revisit portions of it and
constantly tinker with it." said Senate
President Braphus Kaalund. "The ba-
sis of it is solid. even if parts need tine

Several senators agreed with pass-
ing the statute in order to have some
rules in place but may present changes
within the next weeks.

"We need something to start with.
and we have spent so much time on
this one issue. Why are we wasting
time on this when we can waste time
on something else?" asked (‘ollege of
l‘lngineering Senator Joshua Odoi. “We
should work together on this."

()doi said he may talk to Kaalund
about the next steps to take to present
an amendment to the full senate.

For the senate to consider ait
amendment. a senator would need to
take initiative and write his or her own
bill to present to the (‘ommittee on

Committees anti the Operations and
Evaluations (‘ommittee before it could
be passed on for approval by the full
senate. said Becky Ellingsworth. chair
man of the operations and evaluations

If a senator were to act quickly. an
amendment could be presented to the
(‘onimittee on (‘omntittecs next Moti-
day. the Operations and Evaluations
(‘onimittec next Wednesday and move
on to a full senate vote during their
next meeting on Dec. 1. Ellingsworth

Even if changes are made. they
may not accurately reflect students'
o )inions. said Molly Glauber. director
oi multicultural affairs for Student
Activities Board who attended
meet ing.

"SG meetings are open to the pub.
lic. and a lot of issues aren't publicized
and scrutinized by the media. so it is
important for students to see for them-
selves if their senators are represent-
ing their views." she said. “Students
are doing themselves an injustice by
not attending SG meetings."

Email tmckenny uk_vkmv1c1.cont


Gonzalez to replace Ashcroft in Cabinet

By Dana Milbank
mt wisnmcton P051

WASHINGTON in background
and temperament. Alberto Gonzales.
President Bush's choice to be attorney
general, could hardly be more different
from his predecessor. .lohn Ashcroft.

Ashcroft. front Missouri. was the
son and grandson of Assemblies of
God ministers; Gonzales. l9. was
reared in a (‘atbolic MexicanAmeri
can family in Texas by parents who
had been migrant farm workers.

Ashcroft was hard charging and
the ideological darling of religious con
servatives; Gonzales. called “mi aboga-
do" (my lawyer) by Bush. is soft—spo-
ken. nondogmatic and viewed with sus-
picion by conservatives.

Ashcroft was a Missouri governor
and senator and even attempted a run

for the presidency in his three decades
in politics. Gonzales was a Houston
business lawyer with no political ca
reer before he was recruited in 1994 by
Bush's gubernatorial campaign.

As White House counsel in Bush's
first term. Gonzales. who followed
Bush to Washington. was known less
for his ideology than his loyalty to
Bush Indeed. he could be tmlitically
tone deaf in his zeal to protect the au
thority of his boss in squabbles with
(‘ongress "The Judge." as colleagiies
called him because of his brief tenure
on the Texas Supreme (‘ourt. often
sparred with Ashcroft and the other
movement conservatives at the Justice
Department and played the role of ar-
biter during the first term. listening to
arguments of more dogmatic lawyers
in the White House and the Justice De
partment and seeking consensus

Gonzales was born in San Antonio
and grew up in Houston. He lived with
seven siblings in a home without run-
ning water and other modern ameni-
ties for tnuch of his youth After his
parents met as migrant workers. his fa
titer. who was an alcoholic. worked in
construction while his motlter stayed
home with the children.

Gonzales. a football anti baseball
player and honor student in high
school. enlisted in the Air Force after
graduation. He eventually attended the
Air Force Academy in (‘olorado
Springs. then transferred to Rice Uni-
versity and later went to Harvard Law
School. He was the only one in his fam-
ily to go to college. and the only one to
leave Houston.

He told The Washington Post in

See AG on page 2

I...“ sauna I STAFF

Angela Leigh, executive director of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, ad-
dresses an alcohol awareness forum at Memorial Hall last night.

EKU student warns
of alcohol dangers
with sister’s story

By Ryan Kuhn
mt when am

A hushed crowd in
Memorial Hall last night
watched pictures of a car
wreck that occurred almost
nine years ago flash on a pro
jection screen.

The pictures depicted the
dead body of a high school
girl crushed inside a car dri-
ven by a drunken driver

The girl was the sister of
Eastern Kentucky University
student John (‘ox. He spoke
last night in an alcohol
awareness program hosted
by the Delta Delta Delta

"It was the Worst moment
of my life." (‘ox said.

(‘ox used the
Video to tell the sto-
ry of his sister
Karen. who hadn't
been drinking the
night she died. but
the 19~year-old who
was driving her had

"The video defi-
nitely caught my at
tention." said
Dwight Hammons. a
secondary education

“It was

Cox uses his sto
ry not only to help
others. but also to help him-
self grieve for his sister. who
he called his “best friend."

“I'll never get over
Karen." he said. “I'll just
keep learning to live without

Angela Leigh. the execu-
tive director of Mothers
Against Drunk Driving.
spoke before Cox about the
dangers of underage drink-



nothing acci-
dental about
behind the

Angela Leigh

Mothers Against Drunk
Driving creative dtmtor

“Many students may not
want to hear it.“ she said.
"But if you‘re under 21. there
is no such thing as responsi-
ble drinking."

Leigh said it is important
to stress that injuries and
deaths caused by drunk dri~
vers are not accidents.

"Drunk driving accidents
are 100 percent preventable."
she said.

“There‘s nothing acciden»
tal about getting behind the

Leigh used several statise
tics to make her points about
alcohol use in colleges and
high schools around the na-

“College students spend
more on alcohol.
mostly beer. than
on books. soda.
coffee. juice and
milk combined."
she said.

She said the
statistics should
make students re-
consider their be-

“Statistics can
make you think
because you real-
ize that one of the
statistics could be
anyone in the
room." she said.

Students at the event said
they were touched by the

“The program gave good
information; it made you see
that it could happen to you.
and is very realistic.“ said
Adam Fortunate. a physical
therapy freshman.

“it spoke for itself."






PAGEZ | Thursday, Nov. n, 2004


W; i. :-

Arafat dies; leaders debate funeral

By John Ward Anderson
“r‘ifiisiiiicioiibs‘i "

JERUSALEM Palestinian leader
Yasser Arafat died yesterday at a hospi-
tal outside of Paris. He will be buried at
his headquarters compound in the West
Bank city of Ramallah. just north of
Jerusalem, following a funeral in Cairo.
according to Palestinian. Israeli and
Egyptian officials.

The announcements ended days of
tense speculation that Israel might pro-
hibit Arafat. 75, from being buried in
the West Bank and force him to be in-
terred instead in a small family plot in
a cemetery in the southern Gaza Strip.
which Palestinian leaders said was un-

A Palestinian Cabinet minister.
Saeb Erekat. said Arafat's Ramallah
headquarters. which has become a sym-
bol of Palestinian resistance during the
current uprising over Israel's occupa-
tion of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
would be turned into “a major Palestin-
ian shrine" after Arafat‘s body is buried
there. Until he flew to France for med-
ical treatment on Oct. 29. Arafat had not
left the compound in 21 :2 years.

Arafat slipped into a coma after his
arrival at the Percy Military Training
Hospital in Clamart. a suburb of Paris.
and on Tuesday he developed a brain
hemorrhage. Leila Shahid. a Palestin-
ian envoy. told France-Info radio


Continued from page]

2001 that his success. contrasted with
his siblings'. “makes you painfully
aware of the inequities in life. It does
makes you wonder why a person who
has grown up in exactly the same envi-
ronment is able to succeed."
Conservatives have long been suspr
cious of Gonzales. The journal Human

”a fir“: .. ‘1



Wednesday that Arafat was in the “final
phase" of his life.

Taissir [)ayut 'l‘amimi. a senior ls-
lamic cleric who heads the religious
courts in the Palestinian territories. ar-
rived at the hospital Wednesday morn-
ing to recite verses from the Quran at
Arafat's bedside and was ready. if the
Palestinian leader died. to prepare his
body according to lslamic custom.
Brekat said.

Before visiting Arafat. ’l‘amimi told
reporters at the hospital. “As long as
there is a manifestation of life present.
from movement to temperature in the
body. then he is alive." Removing Arafat
from life-support machines. he said.
would be "forbidden under lslamic

When he emerged from the hospital.
the cleric said. “I spent more than one
hour next to the president and he is
alive and well. Yes. he is sick. and the
situation is critical. but he is alive."

Under lslamic tradition. a person
should be buried as soon as possible af-
ter dying. preferably within 24 hours.
According to his aides. Arafat longs to
be buried in Jerusalem. which Pales-
tinians and Israelis both claim as their

But lsrael has controlled the city
since annexing its eastern half after the
1967 Middle East war. and Prime Minis-
ter Ariel Sharon who often refers to

Events accused Gonzales of sounding
"like Mario (‘uomo."

The National Review said a joke
among Republican staff in the Senate
was "Gonzales is Spanish for Souter.” a
reference to David Souter. the Supreme
(‘ourt justice nominated by President
George HW Bush who joined the
court‘s liberal wing.

Gonzales also has squabbled with
conservatives in the administration
over affirmative action.

When the use of race in admissions
at the University of Michigan came be-
fore the Supreme (‘ourt in 20011. Gonza-


_.r 1'


Jerusalem as Israel’s eternal. undivided

capital ruled out any burial for
Arafat in “greater Jerusalem." which
refers to the city and neighborhoods
surrounding it.

The choice of a burial site in Rama]-
lah. which is about five miles north of
Jerusalem. resolves a contentious issue
between Israelis and Palestinians.

(in Wednesday. bulldozers and dump
trucks were clearing and cleaning
Arafat‘s compound. known as the
Muqata. of old cars. barrels filled with
cement and other objects strewn
around as a defense against lsraeli in-

The decision to hold a formal state
funeral in the Egyptian capital
where Arafat was born. although he of-
ten claimed Jerusalem as his birthplace

also resolves several potentially
thorny issues. particularly whether
leaders of countries that do not recog-
nize lsrael would visit an area under ls-
raeli occupation. and if they did.
whether Palestinian security forces
could guarantee their security.

Erekat said a delegation of Pales-
tinians was scheduled to fly to Egypt on
Wednesday night to discuss details of a
funeral. but that the general outline
had been decided.

Also being debated is the future of
Palestine no clear successor to
Arafat has been named.

les argued fiercely that the administra-
tion should not take a hard-line position
in favor of the white students who were
claiming that the school had made them
victims of “reverse discrimination."

This put him at odds with adminis-
tration conservatives led by Ashcroft
and then-Solicitor General Theodore 01.
son. but Gonzales ultimately prevailed
in the sense that the administration
ended up pressing a narrow argument
that objected only to the way in which
Michigan had pursued diversity. not to
the diversity rationale for affirmative
action itself.


Continued from page 1

ple. So some flexibility in
budget projections for an
event are necessary.“

Thousands of dollars
are usually used as a buffer
between actual cost projec-
tion and budget allocation.
which leads to figures such
as last year's 374.408 sur-

"We always overbudget
and shoot for a high num-
ber when actually doing
programming for an
event." Bennett said. “If
you think something is go
ing to cost 325.000. you
want to plan for more than
that. so you don‘t spend
$28,000 and end up with a

Proposals are done in a
very calculated manner he
said. with everything taken
into account from what will
educate students to what
will entertain them.

The extra 3106.400 SAB
had from the rolling sur-
plus and 25-cent increase
may allow SAB to bring
more or higher-dollar
artists to campus. but it
won‘t result in a huge dif«
ference. Bennett said.

“Just because we have
extra money doesn‘t mean
we‘re going to do frivolous
spending," he said. “Any or-
ganization knows that friv-
olous spending will end
you. There‘s no better way
of saying that."

SAB President Lindsay
Crelly said she goes over
the budget with Strouse pe-
riodically and knew that
there was potential to do

g. .. Q V... h .


more or bigger events with
the larger budget this year

"We try not to repeat
events. and to bring new
artists every year." she

"This year. We're trying
to bring more artists that
we think students can get
into as opposed to tradi-
tional ones."

Popular guests so far
have been Morgan Spur-
lock. creator of the docil-
mentary “Supersize Me."
and Mo Rocca. former cor~
respondent for "The Daily
Show with Jon Stewart."

“Those two events have
been awesome." (Irelly
said. "For Morgan Spur-
lock we had to turn people
away because so many
showed up. and Mo Rocco
nearly sold out."

UK students may see a
more substantial student
fee increase to bring such
speakers in 2006 when LCC
will no longer be a part of
UK. Strouse estimates the
loss of LCC student fee pay-
ment will cost SAB 389.000
in fee income.

That's the type of con»
cern Bennett said causes
SAB to plan for a surplus
each year.

“The vice president
conventionally has been re-
ally good at looking at the
allocated budget versus
how much money we
thought we‘d have coming
back in. where we stand
and how we need to be

"()verbudgeting is al-
ways a concern. but it‘s not
like ‘whoa.' it's like ‘yes.‘
that we'll have that for next

sshalashm kykernel. com


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