MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY, OCTOBER 9, 1061 The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafienty Hall at 4:00 p.m., Monday, October 9, IQCI. Pres LC nt Dickey Dresii' Twenty—nine members were absent. 1. The minutes of the special we eti ng of August 9 lCBl were apprdmfld e l’st of candidates for degrees as of Auetlst l IQBI was di NJ. q ? Lis— tributed to the University Faoul cy for approval and recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The *aculty approved th e list asvpresente With the understanding that any candidate whose name had been re moved Mae ause of non—payment of the graduation fee would become a degreec candidate and receive his diploma when payment had been made. GR JUNTH SCHOOL Albert Dennis Kirwan, Dean CANDIDATES FOR THE DDGR"! OF DOCTOR OB TDUC TION NAME ADDRESS Fred Edmonds Lexington Joseph Calvin Thomas "ffilmore CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHII OT OPHI' NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS Achmad Amiruddin Chemistry Bandung, Indones1e John Atkin Biggerstaff Physics Berea Vernon Nor thfleet Martin Political Science Williamsburg Djong—Gie Oei Chemistry Djakarta, Indonesia Ponve l:il Phil:lpose Philip Psychology Kerala, India Robert Charles Steensma English Vermillion, S. Dak. CANDIDATJC FOR THE DEJREE OF SPECIALIST IN EDUCATION NALE ADDRESS John Dunbar Knifley Patrick Edward Napier Burgin Wendell Taylor Frankfort CANDIDATES FOR THE DJCRCE OF MAS ER OF ARTS NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS James Edgar Barcus English Lexington Alice Joyce StephensBradley Physical Education Winston—Salem, N.C. Betsy Ann Burke Physical Education Lexington Daniel William Capps Political Science Lexington Renate Dora Fischer Diplomacy and Koln—Junkersdorf, International Commerce Germany