special features..
special f ealures.. sports..... special f ealures.. regular features..
organizations portraits index special features..
editorial staff
m m m -3
...27 ....51 ...89 .205 .242
cover design
Beth Ann Jewell .. Nancy Adams____
Chap McDonnell Karen Dansby
Nick Powell... Elaine Evans . 
Nancy Green.....
Keith Muth.....S
Nancy Stout.....
Cheri Catinna ..
Susan Ferger .. Dolly Wisman
Judy Shearer. .
.. Portraits/Organizations
... Photography Editor .. Assistant . Index Editor .. Adviser Special Features . Business Manager .... Assistant
.. Sports Editor .... Assistant
James Patterson served as the first president of the University of Kentucky, and it is properly fitting that this book in its bicentennial salute to Kentucky and the university also make tribute to him.
Dust-jacket and cover design by Beth Ann Jewell. Art work by Larry Cyrus.
Approved by the 1975 University of Kentucky Board of Student Publications. Volume 81; 1974-75. Printed by American Publishing Co., Topeka, Kansas. Portrait photography by Stevens Studiois, Bangor, Maine. The Kentuckian has been published at an annual subscription rate ot $9.00. Any suggestions should be directed to the oftice ot the new quarterly magazine, The Kentuckian, whose offices are 113-A and B, Journalism Building, UK campus, Leington, Ky., 40506.
John Cornell, Julie Deatherage, Laura Ann Ross, business; Karen Johnson, Steve Smith, Patti Van Note, special features; Vicki Knuckles, Jan Raizk, portraits/organizations; photographer's credits on their photographs. Special thanks to Larry Cyrus for his extra photographic help.