xt7vdn3zts13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vdn3zts13/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1990 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 66, No. 1, Summer 1990 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 66, No. 1, Summer 1990 1990 2014 true xt7vdn3zts13 section xt7vdn3zts13 A FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE  `   I I A
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Volume 66 7     1· Sm·mm·;;199O      
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 US ISSN 0016-21 16
Table of Contents
The 100th Class of the FSMFN .
Commencement Ceremonies - by Peggy Burkhardt l
Skyler Vicentes'Birthing — by Kathy Tabar 5  
Meet the Board of Governors - by Meriwether Wash 9  
Beyond the Mountains - by Deanna Severance 1 1
Letter From a Friend 13 5
School Notes - by Judith Treistman 14 U
Field Notes - by Cari Michaels 17
Courier News - by Cari Michaels 18
In Memoriam - by Kaye Hurd 20
Memorial Gifts - by Kaye Hurd 21
FNS — A National Demonstration Model
for Family Centered Care - by Deanna Severance 23
for the Fiscal Year May 1, 1989 to April 30, 1990 29-48
Urgent Needs Inside back cover
COVER: Mother and child.
Us 1ssN 0016-2116
Published at the end ofeach quarter by the Frontier Nursing Serviee, [nc.
Wertdovcr, Kentucky 41775
Subscription Price $5.00 a Year `
Editor': Omen, Wendover, Kentucky 41775
Second-class postage paid at Wendover, Ky. 41775 and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Ky. 41775.
Copyright 1986, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.

The 100th Class of the Frontier School
of Midwifery and Family Nursing
Commencement Ceremonies
August 11, 1990 ‘
Peggy Burkhardt delivered the following key-
I note address to the 100th Class ofthe Frontier School of
\ Midwdery and Family Nursing. Peggy’s extensive nurs-
ing education began with a bachelors ofscience in nursing
from Georgetown University. She then earned her FNP!
{ Masters of Science in Nursing from the University of
Rochester and an MA in theology from the University of
Dayton. She is currently enrolled in a PhD. nursing pro-
gram at the University ofMiami, with a focus on cultural
nursing. Peggy is completing her dissertation which
focuses on exploring and understanding the spirituality
among women in Appalachia.
Peggy has worked as an FNP in an inner—city
health center inRochester, New York and in a community-
based health center in Cabin Creek, West Virginia. She is
currently assistant professor of nursing at the University
of Charleston in West Virginia.
I am honored to have been invited to share this time and occasion
with you. Events such as graduations are indeed markers or milestones
upon one’s life joumey, and it is good to pause and reflect for a moment
on what this marker means for each of you in your individual joumeys
and for all of you in your collective journey. I join with you in honoring
this moment by sharing with you some of my own thoughts as well as
  words of other people from nursing and other disciplines.
Because we are all gathered here, in this time and place, we are
all connected - a connection which flows from our relationships with
those who are graduating. The specific life joumey of each of you
’ graduates brought you to this place and this program where you have
become connected in a unique way with each other, with your faculty,
with those persons whom we call patients, and with this environment.
The lives of all of you have changed through these connections. Your
presence in any situation cannot help but affect that situation in a way that
would not have been possible had you not been there. It is no great insight
for me to say that what you have gained through this experience goes

beyond academic knowledge   I’V'     Q ‘ .5 
and skills - as important as  L r     1 .  " v_ ,  
those are in your expanding     ¤     W V'        
professional roles. It is who ___. I V'V—_‘ ‘  Q ,i   .     i-“‘ t V  
and how you have been with, l“’°   ———» -·,t~...- V    
and for each other, that has V   .pl, , gh  at   _,  
helped to shape both yOLll'   '   Q  
learning and who you are now  r S,   ~ A     " 
thatis different from who you    . Q;    
were when you started the     __V_:       `   r~_y ° `     Q 
program. It is important rg ~ : »»l~ ‘   ‘   r   ‘ .
acknowledge the gift you     ’;A_V     r  1 ii
have been for one another.   A   ` ’ U       1 g
Jean watson (1989), `          v   {  I .’ 
anursing scholar who is dean    re ;* V .   S     E.  `
at the University of Colorado Speaker Peggy Bu rkhardt
School of Nursing, speaks of
caring moments of being. These are moments in which the human self
and human spirit are fully engaged in caring and healing and which
involve being with others in ways that acknowledge our interconnected-
ness. Such moments of being with another can be part of nursing’s most
routine and common activities. Whatever one is doing - taking a history,
timing contractions, doing health teaching or counseling and the like — it
is the intentionality with which one is with a person, that is, the intention
of being with the person in a healing way in that moment of doing, that
brings and constitutes the healing and caring presence. What we are
about as nurses is sacred work. It is not sacred in the sense of church or
religion, but in a way that acknowledges the sacredness of what is here I
in this moment- the person (both self and other), the person’s story (both  
self and other), joy, suffering, birthing, and dying - however these are
experienced by oneself and the other. It is in being present to each
moment that we open ourselves to the possibility of transformation that
comes through connections with others. We are changed by those for
whom we care as much as, and sometimes more than they are changed
by us! Marilyn Krysl, a poet who was an artist in residence (1987-1989)
in the Center for Human Caring at the University of Colorado School of
Nursing, illustrates the transforming power of acknowledging the sa-
credness of the moment in her poem "Sunshine Acres Living Center,"

which I would like to read for you.
In this poem both the nurses and Mr. Polanski are transformed
through an encounter, and in the process there was a birthing of a new
way of being with each other, a new awareness of their connectedness.
In a way we are all midwives for each other — needing to know when to
wait and when to act and how to best facilitate the process of birth -
whether that be the birth of a baby, or of a new sense of self, or of
incorporation of a chronic health concem into one’s lifestyle, or of a
choice such as eating more healthfully, stopping smoking, saying yes to
chemotherapy, or letting go into death. So much of what we do in our
lives is birthing, like getting up in the morning, or going through the
gestation and labor of an educational program, or the process of gaining
new insights into oneself... Each moment has an element of birth -
newness of life that has not been before, and of death - letting go of what
has been. In all of these situations it is good to remember that being with
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i 100th Graduating Class
I another is as important as doing for that person, and that we are each
transformed in the process. I find it helpful to remind myself at times that
without those persons we call patients, there would be no meaning to my
being a nurse and that who I am has been shaped in part through my
comiections with them.
In our roles as nurses, nurse practitioners, nurse-midwives, we
are with people in many different ways and on many different levels.

Whatever the particular situation is, it is important to remember that the
human person is a unitary being in which body, mind, and spirit are
different manifestations of who the person is. Although aparticular nurs-
ing actmay appear to focus on physical care or emotional support or spiri-
tual unfolding, there is a oneness both within the person and within our
comiectedness with each other which gives our acts meaning on many
different levels. These various levels of meaning are illustrated well in
.»   ,   » - _ another poem by Marilyn I
—. I   ` Krysl. In honor of this sacred p
    *’ momentin the joumey of each
`   person here and especially for
ar., . Noreen, Heidi, Nancy, Al,
‘     Linda, Debbie, Michele,
  an ’ , Kate, Kim, Randall, and
"`*~ Y;  r i Paula, I would like to con-
.m\     “ "` clude by reading Marilyn
¤   »     ··~ . T Kr sl’s oem "Midwife."
I 1 ·;5·~>»     . X" ...and may each
 ..».· ?._,,_4?;r qv     walk out across the fields of
~ ·   _ ·-·'  -_,_ ‘   . the planets into the spaces
    lini I ‘· ~... We » __ P S; _ le-,r "  between the furthest stars."
Kim McOuoid - Winner (Krysl, 1989, p_ 42)
Helen E. Browne Award
—by Peggy Burkhardt RN, F NP, PHD (C)
References I
Krysl, M. (1989). Midwife and Other Poems on Caring. NY: I
National League for Nursing. I
Watson, J. (1989). Introduction. Midwife and Other Poems on
Caring. NY: National League for Nursing, vii-viii.

Skyler Vicente’s Birthing
The following is excepted from a birth jburnal i
kept by then mom-t0-be Kathy Tbbar. She chrbnicals her
birthing experience with s0n S kyler, from first labor pains
ip t0 returning h0me t0 the hbspital.
Y Tuesday Feb. 20, 1990
I woke up around 12:30 a.m. with mild cramps. I timed 7 or 8
of them, and they were exactly 5 minutes apart. I awoke my husband
Carlos, and we timed 7 or 8 more, and they were like clockwork, although
mild. All the midwives and friends had told us over and over to head for
the birthing center at the first sign, because of our son Kasey’s speedy
entry. So although we were comfy and cozy in bed with only mild
cramps, we got right up at 2:00 a.m. "Kids", we called, "time to get up!"
Sleepy eyed the kids began appearing and realized what we were doing.
Our homework had been done well. All the bags were packed in the car,
and we had a full tank of gas. We puttered around the house a bit, packing
fruit and drinks and last minute coloring books. About ready to go, I said
that we should time the contractions as they seemed weaker. Still right
on 5 minutes. Our son Bert said he sort of wanted to stay and keep his
perfect school attendance record. Well, that would be OK, I thought and
the Bronco wouldn’t be so crowded. So he stayed with friends.
It was a gorgeous night. The stars were out and when we tumed
onto 80 E. from Somerset, a beautiful 4th quarter crescent moon rose
from the east. The rest of our trip was eastward, and we followed that
I hanging crescent all the way. Maria and I watched the clock and the
contractions were still exactly 5 minutes. Kasey fell asleep. I asked
Carlos to watch for any driving mistakes I might make during contrac-
tions, but the pains remained mild enough and the two hour trip was made
without incident. I drove fast at first, not knowing what the labor might
do, but on past London I slowed down, so as not to arrive at Mary
Breckinridge Hospital too early.
We arrived in Hyden at 5:00 a.m., we parked, and I got out to
walk and jog walk in the crisp mountain air, hoping to break my water.
Finally at 5 :30a.m. we went on in, and I was put on a machine

that recorded the baby’s heartbeat and my contractions. Kasey liked the
squiggly needle. The nurse said that baby was fine and my contractions
were still 5 minutes apart. We were putin abirthing room and got settled.
Carlos and I worried as we noticed the contractions slowing down to 15
minutes and were very irregular. The nurse said they had already sent 3
women home with false labor pains. We tried walking around the halls.
We sat in the room and watched the clock, until my midwife Betsy came
in . It was good to see her. We told her about the contractions. She said,
"How much sleep did you get?" We told her not much and she said, "Ok
— I’m going to order you a breakfast, then I want you to get in the jacuzzi
for a bit, then I want you and Carlos to get some sleep in this room. We’ll
j pull the shades and give the kids another room." She told us that the mind
played a big role in labor, and that we had to relax and stop watching the
clock, and let your body know you are here. The jacuzzi felt wonderful
and relaxing. We only slept for about an hour, because the pains became
too uncomfortable in bed. As they got stronger, I walked around the
room, hugged Carlos, drank lots of Gatorade and used the bathroom
often. Betsy checked on us about l2:3()p.m. and said, "So you want me
to check you out of curiosity‘?" I said sure. She said, "Oh, you‘re about
4 cms. dilated, we’re gonna have a baby! Probably around 4 o’clock."
Kasey and Maria kept checking in. They had been up and down
the elevator and watching school kids at recess, and watching T.V. and
coloring in another room. Betsy ordered lunch for me, and took the kids
to Druther’s. I atc some, although I had to push the tray away twice as
the contractions were getting somewhat intense. I kept drinking a lot.
One pleasant nurse began checking the baby’s heartbeat every 30
minutes. Things moved faster and I had more trouble getting relief in my
lower back. Betsy had me try leaning over a bean bag and pillows, but
it felt uncomfortable on my knees or having anything touch my stomach.
Betsy laughed and said "that tight stomach with the water not broken
doesn’t want any pressure!"
The pains got pretty serious and close together, and I wandered ‘
around grunting and blowing and trying to stay relaxed. Soon I could feel
the baby moving and things got all electric. I heard Betsy say "This baby
means business!" Kasey came in and I told him if he wanted to see the
baby be bom, to go get Maria and hurry back.
My water broke and my body seemed to take over. I grabbed a

smooth wooden hand—rail I .
that felt good to hold on to. .. _ _tV_<     V A A A A A-
Carlos used a cool washcloth   A·l;;·   ZAV I  
<>¤ my head md it gave me i  H aat 5
something to focus on. ,      
p Maria gave me a pillow. All  .   . ‘ii g  
y I could do was push as easy `   i  ’    
E as my body would allow and  1.       if    i
  then pant when Betsy said     Q, ` I ~a  
"Easy or Pant". She told me kx  
I was doing great, which _    
steadied my confidence. . if*
Brace, push, pant and look at . ._
the nice, pastel Indian design · V A
going around the top of the  
walls! The next thing I heard `E
was a wonderful cry. Betsy . .
had him on my chest. "It’s a Skyler Vicente'with midwife Betsy.
boy! Look at his hair!" My
thoughts were two way. First relief and then over flowing excitement.
I laid back exhausted staring at our new son Skyler. He was gorgeous.
Long dark hair and nice skin. He was doing a soft "ah-hh" cry as I
cuddled. I felt so mellow as I got to hold him. Maria and Kasey came
around and the room felt so happy. The nurse who had checked
heartbeats said, "I’ve stayed overtime. I just had to see!" We thanked
her and she left. I was pretty spacey by this time, but was aware that
Carlos was cutting the cord. The new nurse wrapped Skyler up and put
on his hat. Eventually, we moved to our room, brought in cots and settled
in. Skyler was weighed while I ate dinner. He was 7 pounds and 9 ounces
and l9 inches long. We ordered a pizza from town and the kids watched
TV. Skyler nursed and slept. The kids watched part of the Wizard of Oz
. before they went off to sleep in another room. Between vital sign checks,
i I slept pretty well. I felt so at home, that I even felt OK when they took
Skyler, and it was totally my choice. I told the nurse to bring him back
if he wanted to nurse and he always did. I think Carlos slept, too, although
we looked at each other when we heard a baby cry down the hall once.
At 5:00 a.m. they rolled Skyler into our room in his little bed and he was
sound asleep. I took a hot shower and ate breakfast. Maria and Kasey
staggered in and Kasey said he was hungry. Betsy said, "I’ll see if I can

get you some cereal!" And she brought back 3 cereals. They checked
Skyler’s blood twice. I couldn’t believe they were able to discharge us
so early. Five or six different people had to be seen. The birth certificate
lady, a water test explained, a student nurse with school questions, a nice
big pack of baby diapers and samples, etc.! And of course a bunch of
nurses googling over Skyler! Carlos and the kids packed bags and took
them to the car. We hugged our midwife Betsy goodbye and took her
photo with Skyler. I was wheeled down to the hospital entrance. They I
were wheeling in a very pregnant girl. I thought, "I ’m glad I ’m through! "
We left about 9:00 a.m. on Feb. 2lst, staying only 28 hrs. The drive home
was fine. Skyler has been a delight ever since and we all love him very
-by Kathy Tobar
The FNS Washington Committee has sent a gift in honor of Mrs. `
E. Felix Kloman's 85th birthday. Olivia Kloman, a dear friend of our .
work since 1968, has served as secretary and chairman ofthe Washington .
Committee and is still a staunch supporter, as well as an Honorary Trus- 2
tee ofthe Service. She is the mother of courier ‘84, Olivia "Cis" Chappell,  
and the grandmother of courier '83, Stephen L. Thomas, J r.  

Meet the Board of Governors
The FNS Board of Governors is responsible for
establishing the policies by which FNS is governed, as
well as approving the annual budget and overseeing ex-
penditures. Each member ofthe board brings unique gms
, and a personal history of involvement with FNS to his or
her postion of leadership; and each has a key role to play
in the governance ofthe Service. This is another in our
series of profiles on the members of the Board of Gover-
W. Fred Brashear II
l  __  g_. I .1,. W. Fred Brashear II’s
I ,     relationship with the Frontier
Q V .   Nursing Service started at birth.
I   . _·.'_   r _   Fred was a FNS baby delivered at
; if _ S    the old Hyden Hospital sup-
V ·· S   ‘··i   ?  . planted in 1975 by the Mary
°    Breckinridge Hospital. He grew
  V l up in what is now known as
I     Bolton House, which is currently
  1 r a *_ _é used for FNS faculty housing.
1    `irr i His parents sold the home to FNS
*  Ti;  more than twenty years ago dur-
i _ _ . — . ing Fred’s early teen years and
l — ·.  i Q g   QF}; _ moved to nearby Hurts Creek .
T M I F . is f iir. I   He graduated from Leslie
·  a ~\..4_ , __ I P; Yi   County High and Georgetown
as   —   College at Georgetown Ken-
( Wl Fred Brashgar H tucky and returned to Leslie I
’ County.
Fred has been the President of the Hyden Citizens Bank for the
past eight years. He started working for his father at the bank at the age
of fourteen as a janitor. He says, "I leamed banking from the bottom up".
He and his wife Rhonda, who works as a loan officer at the bank, are both
very involved in civic affairs. In addition to being Treasurer of the FNS

Board of Govemors, Fred also serves as Chairman of FNS‘s subsidiary
corporation, the Mary Breckinrid ge Hospital Healthcare Board of Direc-
Fred feels that FNS has contributed much to Leslie County both
in quality of life and on an economic basis. "FNS provided health care
to the area when no one else would." He added that FNS has always been
a major, steady source of employment for Leslie County. He feels the i
scope of FNS‘s contribution often goes largely unappreciated. 1
A bright future is what Fred feels is in store for FNS. He thinks t
that FNS is starting to focus on what they can do well, on a health care and
education basis. Involvement with other health care institutes is inevi-
table for suryival but he feels that FNS is staying true to Mary
Breckinridge’s vision.
Fred lives in Leslie County with his wife and children, Joel age
l0 and Rachael age six, because he "chooses to live here". He invites all
to visit what he believes to be "the nicest place in the world to live".
-by Meriwether Wash

We were tremendously pleased to have Bridget Gallagher of
London, England visit us at Wendover. Bridget was a nurse-midwife at
FNS from 1952 to 1960. She delivered numerous babies, most of them
at home! Cari Michaels, immediate past Wendover Coordinator, will be
1 visiting Bridget in England this fall.
It was a source of special happiness, at our annual meeting at
Wendover, that Mrs. Stanleigh Swan, National President of the Daugh-
ters of Colonial Wars, was able to attend. Mrs. Swan was accompanied
by Stacia Kauffman of Lexington, Kentucky.
A meeting of the Community-B ased Nurse-Midwifery Council
was held at the home of Eunice "Kitty" Ernst in Perkiomenville,
Pennyslvania, July 2. Dr. Joyce Fitzpatrick, Dean of the Frances Payne
Bolton School of Nursing at Case Westem Reserve University; Dr.
Claire Andrews, Chairman of the Department of Community Health
Nursing of the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing; Dr. Ruth Lubic,
Executive Director of Maternity Center of New York; Dr. Judith Treist-
man, President of the Frontier Nursing Health and Education Corpora-
tion, School of Midwifery and Family Nursing, FNS; Kitty Ernst, CNEP
Program Director and I attended. Particular aspects of this exciting new
program and the progress of the first class of students were reviewed.
The framework and dates for transitioning administration of CNEP to
Hyden were discussed. With the help of her husband, Kitty has created
a top-notch clinical site at her home!
1 It was my privilege to present the work of the Frontier Nursing
Service to the National Academy for State Health Policy at their annual
` policy conference in Portland, Maine, August 14. The conference was
titled "Bui1ding the Grand Design". The state politics of improving
health access and cost control was one topic discussed. Several problems ~
  with improving access to care in our country were identified. First, the
United States does not have reliable cost figures regarding what citizens
and the government actually spend on health care. Rural and urban areas
have been hard hit by low reimbursement levels. Close to 700 hospitals
have closed in the l980’s. Although improvements have been made in.
the Medicaid coverage for pregnant women and children, 30 to 40 mil-

lion people remain uninsured, the majority of which are women and
children. Although many of these women work, and are considered
middle class, they are often unable to obtain insurance. Businesses want
future insulation against the large, unpredictable cost increases of health
care delivery. Although 72% to 73% of Americans polled favor a
national health plan, there is not that unity of agreement on the design.
What is the answer? I believe the FNS demonstration model of family I
centered care, utilizing nurse-midwives and practitioners backed up by  
excellent physicians and health care facilities, is a part of the solution. »
The most recent write—up of the FNS is in APPALACHIA, the  
Journal of the Appalachian Regional Commission, Spring 1990. The
article by Billie Grier is an accurate story of the Frontier Nursing Service
and Mary Breckinrid ge. The article is illustrated with the beautiful 1930
photographs of Mrs. Jefferson Patterson, nee' Marvin Breckinridge.
The -Hyden Citizens Bank has a lovely aquarium in the lobby. I
was in the cashiers line this summer behind a little blonde boy who
appeared to be four years old. "Grarmy", he said, pointing to a goldfish,
"Look at this beautiful cattish!" "Honey, that’s a gold iish." "No", he
said gravely, "That’s a catfish." Granny patiently described the differ-
ence between a goldfish and a catfish. As they left the bank, he gave a
little wave and whispered, "Goodbye, catiish!" Beauty is in the eye of
the beholder.
-by Deanna Severance i
” 1

Letter From a Friend
The following letter, written to Deanna Sever-
ance, Director and CEO ofthe F rontierNursing Service,
is from Mrs. Henry Ledford (Georgia), of Clay County,
Kentucky, a part of FNS ' service area. Mrs. Ledford is a
j trustee ofthe Frontier Nursing Service and serves on the
  clinic advisory committee of FNS 's Community Health
7 Center.
We haven’t met. I am a trustee, but because of several factors,
have not been attending the meetings, which I enjoy and I appreciate the
dedicated people who do. I appreciated and agreed with your article
(Spring 1990 Quarterly Bulletin - FNS FUTURES: The Past as a Vision
of the Future, pg.l). With so many drug addicted mothers giving birth
and drug abuse commonplace where will our educators, health profes-
sionals, politicans and home makers come from. There are those too that
never use drugs and yet do not enrich children’s minds nor push them to
open books that make for higher goals and ideas. We could hope that
there would be enough of "those persons" to make a difference in their
future, our community and in our state and nation. Dedicated nurses in
our communities have surely made a difference in our area.
I would like, sometime, to read your views on caring for the
elderly in the home. I care for my 99 year old aunt, and 102 year old
i mother-in-law. This is nothing dull; it is a challenge, hard work, and an
' accomplishment along with its enjoyment.
I I only wish everyone could know the impact that F.N.S. has had
l on our area. I hope that the progress will continue through every contact
- in homes, businesses, schools, and through dedicated officials. (
  Continued blessings in your work.
Sincerely, Q / Q
L .» ··t‘
72a.r ?b44”LJ¤  
Mrs. Henry Ledford (Georgia)

School Notes
Prgggrtifiggtign Program  
There is a very great need for certified nurse-midwives all over (
the nation. We have restructured the Precertification program in re-
sponse to the need because we recognize that there is a large pool of I
foriegn—trained nurse—midwives whose skills are going unused. Our I
school currently has the only viable program designed and accredited
specifically to prepare these nurse-midwives to sit for the national cer-
tifying examination given by the American College of Nurse—Mid- t
wifery. A Precertification Faculty Workshop was held at the School i
August 19-2l, attended by Midwifery Service Directors from Baylor  
Hospital (Houston, Texas), Boston City Hospital, Cook County Hospital i
(Chicago, Illinois), Ramsey Clinic (St. Paul, Minnesota), Tampa Gen- i
eral Hospital, Jackson Memorial Hospital (Miami) and Parkland I
Memorial Hospital (Dallas, Texas). The workshop was an enormous suc-  
  _    .,.,_  g cess, with all participants E
~     j  h L `   committing their facili-  
  ‘ -   i 3.* ;   ties as training sites and i
  _   tig gii timiqi   agreeing to serve as off-  
    5 ‘‘‘'  »g»  _ __    —  campus faculty.  
_...‘           ~=rr·     -  with mrs new  
- _ `, , ·=_ \2    L g., . =
        ( _ »·,* ·   structure, which paral-  
  _ _ iff _+_` A lels the community- i
`   F ’ ·  ”f‘· based BSN-MSN pro- i
I   __ . _ pb   fl  lh U ®   gram (CNEP) ,we a1'1t1C1—
_ A? p1·.  _    ggjapf ‘ pate admitting two .
  —y·  5  ._____________ classes per year, one )
Arrival of Midwifery Service Directors to the starting in October and  
Pl‘9CEi‘iifiC8llOfl Faculty Workshop. gpg in April Of ggch ygay  
and including approximately 20 students in each class. In order to make
the Precertitication Program self-sustaining and to ensure adequate par- 3
ticipation of our off-campus faculty, we have revised the tuition struc- i
ture: the cost will now be $8,000 per student; of this amount $3,000 will ,
be retumed to the institution sponsoring the program in order to "buy" re- P

leased time for faculty. . g .
We have worked out a  - ,._        
g proportionate ratio of i "  ;t  _ » _° V,
.  faculty time, e. g. one   g ` j
I student requires 20% V`;}    WN §_
i released time, two stu- rr ‘   it    ` ___ V __ _
` dents require 40% and   I    _    ri ` _   {  
1 ive Students would need    A A   »,,, { i
one FTE. Such anar— I V   ·· “‘   
rangement will make   _     - · tai ‘
_ V; ·  »;......»~ Q A
; certain that our students __r ‘ rr A Y,
Q are receiving the kind of   ‘ - ». , ;2 trtr 5 _Q _ ‘~3ig§i  " A
i educational experience  it A  
Q that sustains the reputa—   .
  tion of FSMFN while it    éii »___
§ iztigigagis qtgsliglagic Midwifery Service Directors enjoy Workshop.
  struction. Most of the students in the Precertiiication program are spon-
E sored by their employers, who pay the tuition through a combination of
, reimbursement and loan plans.
QNEP On the weekend of August 21-23 forty-two students
“ (the second class ofthe Pilot Program of CNEP) came to Perkiomenville,
Q Pa. for orientation. It was a most exciting weekend, with a great diversity
g of students, enormous energy and motivation. There are now 83 students
  in the program, coming from states all over the country, from Alaska to
  Florida, from California to Vermont! One of the highlights of the
  weekend was the spontaneous formation of a very fine choral group,
singing old British midwives ditties as well as inspiring anthems. They
were so good that we hope to make a professional audio tape for distri-
I The iirst class is passing through Level III in groups of 8-12 and
) entering the clinical practice. It is anticipated that some students of the
first class will be ready to sit for the national certifying examination in
§ March-April, 1991.
  The Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing (CWRU) offered
Nursing Inquiry 405 (leading to the MSN degree) immediately follow-
I ing the August orientation weekend, and 30 students attended. The in-

  ‘· gf §~· 4 tensive format suited
` [   the students well, f
_   ‘ and the instructor ,
  fffQ»_   ..___   ___»     Y   rated their perform-
  _· _ `   ··¤: a   ance gg 3X(;€]]3n[_ 1
 J q___ ,_;`;iw;<     -’;;`Q,`    -. » , A n We arelgear- _
   »  , 1     .       »_»A   p mg up to admit the  
      .  ..       ffyfffff fn A“g¥fSf· f
  E 'vA_       IQ .g        1991,In preparation, 2
                we are revising our f
 is  iliiiggl   Sf“d‘°’“f Affaff? f°f‘ *
    >*·»§»—   ff°°· °°‘“P“f°“““g i
  r¤=<=<>rdS md the Op-  
  eration of financial .
  ed Pf°g”‘“S· Tfm f
Team work exercise during CNEP weekend are Some new Office E
an Perka¤me¤va1ne,Pa. Staff mmmg OH
board, and I hope you will have the opportunity to meet them all. .
Pilot Program in Rural Nurse-Midwifery Education (Universigg
of New Mexico). Dr. Nancy Clark reports that there are eleven students
in the class, six of whom are being supported by the Public Health _
Service. Eighteen thousand dollars was awarded by the Division of `?
Nursing in the form of student traineeships and this has been distributed  E
among the remaining unfunded students. 3
—by Judith Treisman r

Field Notes
Our spring working at Wendover started a wealth of changes at
the Frontier Nursing Service headquarters. After coming together and
r digging into the first layer of debris and overgrowth that covered the
1 Wendover grounds, the people of Leslie County have retumed to
tl Wendover to reminisce with friends and relatives and continue its
j restoration.
? Our new Wendover maintenance staff has been busy repairing
stone retaining wa