xt7vdn3ztt02 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vdn3ztt02/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1978 journals kaes_bulletins_226 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.226. text Bulletin n.226. 1978 2014 true xt7vdn3ztt02 section xt7vdn3ztt02 Regulatory Bulletin 226 s _, ANNUAL REPORT " ANALYSES OF OFFICIAL A FERTILIZER SAMPLES JULY 1977 -_]UNE 1978 ’_ " University of Kentucky I College of Agriculture Agricultural Experiment Station Division of Regulatory Services Lexington ir .3 F 2 i T Z 6 Thr (`nllagr z»/ .\urizuI!ur»* is un ]Cqm1I (hrywanrlrnrxilg; ()r;;1n1i:uIinn rrulhnrizml In jrrurirlw T(‘.Y('(lT(']l, ¤·¢]muIi¢vrmI in/arrnmlion un:] nl/arr xm rr izrv unl;] In indi! irluulx uml in.\·li!ulinn.x Hm! [lHl(`HU1l rrillmuf rn gun] lu rm 4*, nnlur, w x, uyw. }111m]u·uy»nr1mlunmI:»ri:;in, 40 *5 DIVISION OF REGULATORY SERVICES ·. KENTUCKY AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION *1 H. F. Massey, Director Q D. L. Terry, Assistant Director and Coordinator, Fertilizer Program Henry Spencer, Auditor ,_ INSPECTION STAFF Wilson M. Routt · Coordinator, Field Inspection Staff David T. Buckingham Noel Johnston William K. Robertson Dewey S. Coffey Wallace L. King David L. Troutman Ben W. Cox Ellis Hugh Ray * Samuel D. Whitehead Claude E. Hensley ’ LAB0RAi0Rv Valva C. Midkiff, Chief Chemist and Coordinator Chemical Laboratories Robert Allen *** Norma Holbrook ** David Tompkins Robert Beine Robert Kiser Robert N. Price, In Charge, Elizabeth Brown Dominique Lam *** Fertilizer Analysis · Ellen Denniston Gerald Lawler Alan P. Thio, In Charge, Sue Herald Debra Morris Pesticide Laboratory ' DATA PROCESSING Charles Boyd, Data Processing Specialist Brenda Johnson, Data Processing Assistant Mark Elam, Programmer This report was compiled and prepared by D. L. Terry with the assistance of the Inspection, Laboratory, and Data Processing Staffs. Appreciation is expressed to Mrs. Linda Lawson for her assistance in typing and assembling the manuscript. Q * Deceased ** Retired *** Resigned v N S ) »* E * . 5 T I $ ,*7 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................ 7 Q EXPLANATION OF TABLES ............................ 7 INSPECTION AND ANALYTICAL TOLERANCE ..................... IO TABLE I. RESULTS OF NITROGEN (N), AVAILABLE PHOSPHORIC ACID (APA), SOLUBLE A POTASH (POT), AND EXCESS CHLORIDE (XS CL) ANALYSES OF OFFICIAL FERTILIZER SAMPLES ..................... . . . I3 TABLE 2. AVERAGE ANALYSIS (AA), OVERALL PERCENT OF GUARANTEE ACHIEVED (% OF GUAR.), AND COEFFICIENTS OF VARIATION (CV) OF OFFICIAL FERTILIZER SAMPLES OF CERTAIN GRADES AND COMPANIES ........ 58 TABLE 3. RESULTS OF THE ANALYSES OF CERTAIN OFFICIAL FERTILIZER SAMPLES ' FOR SECONDARY AND MINOR ELEMENTS AND FOR ORGANIC NITROGEN ..... 65 TABLE 4. COMPANIES REGISTERED TO SELL FERTILIZER IN KENTUCKY AS OF 5 JUNE 30, I978 ........................... 7I Q I h Z 3 ` 3 X F ANALYSIS OF OFFICIAL FERTILIZER SAMPLES IN KENTUCKY JULY 1977 - JUNE 1978 7 ` INTRODUCTION This bulletin presents the results of analyses of 2,119 official samples of commercial fertilizer taken during the period July 1, 1977 through June 30, 1978 by the field inspection staff. These samples represented approximately 27,000 tons of fertilizer out of the approximately 989,000 tons sold during this period. The Q regulatory laboratory made 1,971 nitrogen, 1,979 phosphorus, 1,984 potassium, and about 720 chloride, secondary, and minor element analyses on these samples. The results of N, P205, and K20 analyses of samples of mixed fertilizers and fertilizer ` materials are in Table 1. An indication of the variation of the N, P205, and K20 % found among the samples from a specific grade of a specific manufacturer is in Table 2. Table 3 contains the results of secondary and minor element analyses and Table 4 is a listing of fertilizer registrants for Kentucky as of June 30, 1978. EXPLANATION OF TABLES A TABLE 1. Every official sample taken during the year of a fertilizer with a guarantee for N, P205, or K20 is listed in this table. A comparison of the "GRADE" with the laboratory analysis for nitrogen (N), available phosphoric acid (APA), and potash (POT) will show how closely the manufacturer met his chemical guarantee. An additional way of comparing guaranteed with the found analysis is with the relative value shown in the column headed RV. The following example illustrates how this relative value is A calculated: _ A 5-10-15 fertilizer is guaranteed to contain 5% N, 10% P205, and 15% K20. A "Guaranteed Value" and a "Found Value" are computed for this fertilizer by assigning arbitrary values to the individual nutrients as follows: 4 for N, 3 for P2O5, and 2 for KZO. Thus, the "Guaranteed Value" of the 5-10-15 is calculated as follows: " Element Guaranteed, % FEE EL.; l N 5.0 X 4 = 20.0 P205 10.0 X 3 = 30.0 KZO 15.0 X 2 = 30.0 ` Total "Guaranteed Value" = 80.0 r 8 REGULATORY BULLETIN 226 ~ The same procedure is followed for the "Found Value", thus: Element Found, % fggtgg Vglgg N 5.l X 4 = 20.4 . P205 lO.2 X 3 = 30.6 , KZO l5.l X 2 = 30.2 Total "Found Value" = Bl.? l The relative value (RV) is then computed by dividing the "Found Value" by the "Guaranteed Value" and multiplying by l0O: RV = (8l.2/80.0) X l0O = lOl.5% ; The RV is rounded to the nearest whole percent before being printed in the bulletin. Those results marked with an asterisk (*) are deficient under the criteria stated in the Inspection and Analytical Tolerance section (page 8). Occasionally an analysis may be found that appears to be inconsistant in its marking. For example, two samples that are guaranteed lO% PZOB (APA) may both be shown as containing 9.3%. 0ne of these S. may have an asterisk (*) and the other not. There are two situations which may cause this apparent difference: ( (l) The tolerances are calculated by computer and applied to the laboratory analyses before the data are rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent and printed. In the above example, the laboratory found 9.27% for one sample and 9.33% for the other. Only the first one would be marked (*) as deficient. (2) The grade as printed is the largest whole number in the guarantee of each ` ingredient. For example, a custom-mixed lot of fertilizer may be guaranteed ll.9% P2O5 . and ll.2% KZO. The grade would be printed 0-ll-ll. However, the tolerances are calculated on the 11.9% and ll.2% guarantees. If this custom mixed fertilizer analyzed ll.O% P205 and lO.9% KZO, only the 11.0% PZOS would be marked (*) because it is below tm H.%'wamnwebymwetmntm mlmame. i The column headed "NUM" lists the laboratory number of the particular sample. In _ l the column headed "XS CL", an asterisk (*) indicates that the chlorine content of the sample exceeded the maximum chlorine guarantee of the field crop tobacco fertilizer. Ei The data in this table snow the average analysis (AA) and coefficient of variation i (CV) for certain grades and the average percentage of guarantee (Z of GUAR.) and appropriate CV for all grades sampled for certain companies. An entry was made in this ( table for a company when one grade was sampled 5 or more times or l0 or more total samples were obtained. u ANALYSIS OF OFFICIAL FERTILIZER SAMPLES IN KENTUCKY JULY 1977 - JUNE 1978 9 * The coefficient of variation is proposed as a useful means for describing variation among samples. The method for doing this will be found in textbooks on statistics and _ will be illustrated for 10 analyses of a fertilizer guaranteed to contain 5% nitrogen: The formula for computing the coefficient of variation (CV) is: gh CV = (S/M) X 100 where S = standard deviation M = average found analysis The formula for computing S is: ` s = i [ xx? - (xx)2gn Q n - 1 where X = an individual found analytical result U n = number of analyses X means "Sum of ....... " Now in our example n = l0 and lets assume that the 10 X's are 5.6, 5.5, 5.4, 5.7, ” 5.5, 5.8, 5.0, 6.0, 5.5, and 5.3. xx? = 5.62 + 6.62 + + 6.32 = 306.49 ‘ (:X)2 = (55.3)2 = 3058.09 s = = 0.276 The average found analysis, M, is computed as follows: M = (5.6 + 5.5 + ... + 5.3)/l0 = 5.53 Using S and M, the CV can now be computed: A CV = (0.275/5.53) X 100 = 5% If, in this example, there had been less variation or "scatter", the resulting percentage (CV) would have been smaller. lf there had been more variation, it would have been larger. The CV varies directly with the range in values of analyses and inversely with the average analysis. A No matter how much care is exerted in a fertilizer plant, an occasional "wild" batch may appear and subsequently be sampled. Such batches are caused by unusual circumstances ’ such as putting the wrong fertilizer in bags labeled for another grade or large errors in mixing or manipulation in the factory that cannot be said to represent usual procedure. _ Computations that include such samples would only throw the coefficient of variation as t well as the average analysis completely out of line. They are judged to be so abnormal that they have not been included in these statistical determinations. There were 6 ` samples reported in Table 1 that were excluded from the CV computations reported in 10 REGULATORY BULLETIN 226 { Table 2. As a basis for excluding these samples, the following rules were generally 7 . followed. l. Throw out any samples more than 120% or less than 80% in relative value except: a. Those within j_20% of the average sample value, or ri b. when the variation of all the sample values is such that the questionable sample appears to fit a normal distribution pattern. · 2. Throw out any sample whose ratio of ingredients differs strongly from the balance of samples of that grade. These may include samples: a. Whose ratio strongly suggests an entirely different grade of fertilizer, or 2 b. Nhere two or more of its ingredients are higher or lower by 20% or more of the extreme values of the remaining normal samples. TABLE 3 and 4. (Self Explanatory) INSPECTION AND ANALYTICAL TOLERANCE n A tolerance is allowed for variations that may occur in sampling and chemical analyses. It does not, nor is it intended to allow for variation in the manufacturing V process. The manufacturer should compensate for variability in manufacturing techniques and materials when calculating the formula for a given analysis. The following formula was used to identify those samples of mixed fertilizers which were considered to be deficient in N, P205, and K20. T IF "FOUND" j_"GUARANTEE" - "TOLERANCE" THEN "FOUND IS DEFICIENT" where: "TOLERANCE" = "GUARANTEE" X 0.03 + 0.4 = In words this is: If the "FOUND" analysis is less than or equal to the "GUARANTEED" analysis minus the "TOLERANCE" then the "FOUND" analysis is deemed deficient. The "TOLERANCE" is equal to 3% of the "GUARANTEE" plus 0.4. For example, the tolerance on a 12% guarantee is 12 X 0.03 + 0.4 = 0.76. Any found value of 11.24% or less was Y declared deficient (12 - 0.76 = 11.24%). The relative value (RV) was considered _ deficient when it was more than 2.5% below 100%. Specifically, if the RV was less than 97.5% it was considered deficient. Fertilizers sold for use on field crop tobacco must carry a maximum chlorine guarantee which can be no more than 1.5%. Samples were considered excessive in chlorine i (XS CL) if they analyzed more than 0.5 above the maximum guaranteed percentage. g ANALYSIS OF OFFICIAL FERTILIZER SAMPLES IN KENTUCKY JULY 1977 - JUNE 1978 11 ° A product was considered deficient in ca1cium (Ca), magnesium (M9). su1fur (S), boron (B), and iron (Fe) if the samp1e ana1yzed 1ess than or equa1 to 0.9 X “GUARANTEE"; and, deficient in copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), mo1ybdenum (Mo), and zinc (Zn) if the Q samp1e ana1yzed Tess than or equa1 to 0.8 X “GUARANTEE". The product was considered V r excessive, "E", if the samp1e ana1yzed as much or more than 2 X "GUARANTEE“ for any of - these e1ements. In some samp1es a deficiency in one nutrient was accompanied by an overrun in another. This may be evidence of segregation, incomp1ete mixing, or incorrect weighing by the manufacturer. Extreme variations of this kind, however, cannot be who11y it attributed to segregation which occurs after the product is mixed a1though this may . be a factor. Excess of one nutrient wi11 not be a11owed to compensate for a deficiency of another. The purchaser is entit1ed to receive the fu11 guarantee for a11 nutrients as expressed by the manufacturer's guaranteed ana1ysis. re 5 O $· A Ji ‘1 T ( 5 U! ANALYSIS OF OFFICIAL FERTILIZER SAMPLES IN KENTUCKY JULY 1977 - JUNE 1978 13 . TABLE 1. RESULTS OF NITROGEN (N), AVAILABLE PHOSPHORIC ACID (APA), SOLUBLE POTASH (POT), AND EXCESS CHLORIDE (XS CL) ANALYSES OF OFFICIAL FERTILIZER SAMPLES. Deficiencies in N, APA, POT, and RV and excessive chloride are noted with an asterisk (*). ADAIR FARMERS SERVICE. INC. CCLUMBIA KY GRADE NUM N APA PCT XS CL RV .-B 0-25-25 44743 0.0 26.0 25.5 102 - 7- 8-13 45273 8.3 10.6 12.3* 104 11- 7-11 45271 12.2 8.5 10.6* 103 .. 17-17-17 43988 18.0 18.9 17.2 102 17-17-17 43989 18.4 18.5 16.9 102 17-17-17 45274 17.2 17.6 18.5 99 AG/GRE FERTILIZEF CD. NINCHESTER KY GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS GL RV ‘ 0- 0-22 45024 0.0 0.0 22.5 102 0-20-20 44642 0.0 19.9 20.8 101 av 0-20-20 44890 0.0 19.4 20.8 100 0-20-20 45026 0.0 19.2 21.5 100 5-10-15 43641 4.8 9.3* 16.8 100 5-10-15 43810 5.3 9.0* 15.8 100 5-10-15 43811 4.8 9.1* 16.3 99 5-10-15 43812 4.3* 8.1* 17.6 96* 5-10-15 43813 4.9 9.2* 17.6 103 5-10-15 44283 5.2 10.0 15.7 102 5-10-15 44284 5.2 10.3 15.5 103 5-10-15 44702 5.0 9.7 16.2 102 I 5-10-15 44882 4.7 9.6 16.9 101 5-10-15 44889 5.2 10.9 14.8 104 5-10-15 44963 4.8 9.4 16.3 100 5-10-15 45348 4.8 9.7 14.8 97* ’ 5-20-20 43288 5.0 19.2 21.6 100 5-20-20 43376 4.6 17.8* 22.8 98 5-20-20 43689 5.6 20.0 19.9 102 5-20-20 44964 5.0 18.6* 20.5 97* 5-20-20 45347 4.7 20.6 19.8 100 6-12-12 43681 5.9 11.4 13.0 100 6-12-12 44965 6.2 12.1 12.7 103 6-12-12 45191 5.4* 11.4 12.8 97* 10-10-10 43287 10.7 10.8 9.2* 104 10-10-10 43377 9.4 9.4 10.3 96* 10-10-10 43682 10.1 10.1 10.6 102 10-10-10 43690 10.0 9.7 8.7* 96* 10-10-10 44282 9.4 9.7 16.6 111 ` 10-20-20 44641 9.8 19.6 20.4 99 20-20-10 44961 19.4 20.0 10.2 99 AG-MAD FERTILIZER MADISON IN GRADE NUM N APA PGI XS CL RV . 15-I5-15 44540 15.0 14.6 14.8 99 15-15-15 44539 14.8 14.9 14.8 99 , 18-46- 0 44579 17.4 46.3 0.0 99 4 AGRI-CHEM; INC. HCPKINSVILLE KY GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV 9-23-22 43300 8.4* 21.7* 24.7 98 ' 19-19-19 43319 17.3* 20.2 22.3 100 _ 20-18-18 43318 18.7* 19.8 19.7 100 21-17-17 44651 19.7* 17.8 21.2 101 23-15-16 44652 21.2* 16.5 19.7 100 AGRICC CHEIMICAL CC. TULSA 0K GRADE NUM N APA PCT XS CL RV 0- 0-50 44568 0.0 0.0 54.1 108 Q 0- 0-60 43384 0.0 0.0 59.7 99 0- O-61 44569 0.0 0.0 60.5 99 14 REGULATORY BULLETIN 226 -· TABLE 1. (Continued) · AGRICC CHEMICAL CC. TULSA DK GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV 0-46- 0 43385 0.0 46.5 0.0 101 ` 11-54- 0 45389 11.0 54.9 0.0 101 18-46- 0 43387 18.1 47.2 0.0 102 , 28- 0- 0 43289 28.5 0.0 0.0 102 9. 28- 0- 0 43774 28.2 0.0 0.0 101 45- 0- 0 43386 45.8 0.0 0.0 102 _ 46- 0- 0 44570 46.5 0.0 0.0 101 AGRICC CHEMICAL CG BC1•LING GREENKY GRADE NUM N APA PCT XS CL RV 6-26-26 45315 7.4 27.1 25.7 105 AGRICU FARM CENTER CADIZ KY GRADE NJM N APA PDT XS CL RV 8-22-Z8 44216 9.2 22.6 28.8 102 21-13-14 44217 20.6 13.6 15.0 99 4 AGRICC ChEMICAL CC CECILIA KY GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV 5-10-15 43755 5.2 10.5 15.2 104 J 5-10-15 43762 5.5 10.8 15.0 105 5-10-15 43770 5.1 10.2 15.8 103 5-10-15 44019 5.0 10.3 16.3 104 5-10-15 44257 5.5 11.1 14.8 106 5-10-15 44372 5.5 11.2 15.6 108 5-10-15 44850 5.3 11.2 16.1 109 5-20-20 43760 5.2 20.2 22.3 105 Q 5-20-20 43772 5.3 21.5 19.1 103 ` 6-24-24 44259 6.0 25.3 24.4 103 10-10-10 43234 8.0* 9.6 9.8 89* - 10-10-10 43636 9.3* 9.8 10.5 97* 10-10-10 43754 11.8 10.8 9.8 110 10-10-10 43761 10.8 10.2 10.1 104 10-10-10 43771 11.4 10.6 10.3 109 10-10-10 44020 8.5* 10.6 10.3 96* _ 10-10-10 44258 10.1 10.4 9.8 101 10-10-10 44290 9.1* 10.1 10.7 98 10-10-10 44373 9.7 10.4 10.3 101 10-10-10 44849 9.4 11.2 10.7 103 10-10-10 45314 9.5 9.3* 10.3 96* - 15-15-15 44841 20.0 15.6 11.3* 111 15-15-15 44848 16.0 16.9 13.8* 105 15-15-15 44851 18.3 16.0 10.7* 105 = 15-15-15 44891 16.5 20.5 11.5* 111 15-15-15 44970 19.9 16.6 11.2* 112 19-19-19 44892 18.7 19.0 19.6 100 AGRICC CHEMICAL CC CLARKSGN KY GRADE NUM fx APA PDT XS CL RV 5-24-24 44037 5.5 20.5* 31.3 102 6-26-26 44036 7.4 29.1 23.5* 106 ( 9-23-30 44035 9.4 24.4 29.8 103 12-12-12 44039 16.9 17.9 17.7 136 19-18-19 44038 18.4 18.3 20.5 99 V 19-19-19 45390 17.6* 20.3 20.2 100 AGRICC CHEMICAL CC CLAY KY GRADE NUM N APA PCT XS CL RV 9-23-30 45062 7.8* 20.5* 34.4 98 AGRICO FARM CENTER CRCFTJN KY GRADE NUM 1\ APA PCT XS CL RV 5-23-29 45239 5.9 23.7 30.1 101 _ - " ANALYSIS OF OFFICIAL FERTILIZER SAMPLES IN KENTUCKY JULY 1977 - JUNE 1978 15 TABLE 1. (Continued) AGRICG FARM CENTER CREFTON KY GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV 7-26-26 45238 7.3 25.0* 29.4 101 7-26-26 45241 7.3 24.5* 29.4 100 19-15-15 45240 18.6* 15.8 16.8 99 t AGRICC FARM CENTER FREDONIA KY GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV 6-15-20 45250 5.2* 13.5* 20.3 92* AGRICC CHEMICAL CD FREDCNIA KY GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV 0-21-32 44656 0.0 22.3 32.6 102 5-10-15 45249 4.6 8.9* 15.6 96* 19-13-19 45248 19.2 12.5 20.7 98 21- 8-25 44655 12.0* 9.4 39.4 95* AGRICC FARM CENTER GUIHRIE KY GRADE NUM N APA PUT XS CL RV *1 6-24-24 44559 4.6* 19.2* 25.8 88* AGRIC0 CHEMICAL CD HARTFORD KY GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV . 4-21-33 45388 4.6 21.7 34.4 101 5-20-30 45299 4.2* 19.5 31.7 98 15-16-22 45387 15.4 14.8* 23.8 99 AGRICO CHEMICAL CC. HENDERSON KY GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV 0-25-25 44664 0.0 25.4 26.9 100 9-23-30 44662 9.4 24.8 29.7 104 A 18-46- 0 44321 17.2 45.4 0.0 98 28- 0- 0 43685 28.0 0.0 0.0 100 35- 4-10 44663 32.7* 4.9 14.3 100 AGRICO CHEMICAL CO. HENDERSON KY GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV 16-20- 0 44136 15.3 21.6 0.0 102 AGRICO CHEMICAL CC HCCGENVILLE KY GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV 0-25-27 44021 0.0 24.5 29.0 101 5-25-25 44018 4.2* 22.3* 29.8 97* 8-24-28 44759 8.1 23.4 30.7 100 19-19-19 44022 19.5 18.8 20.1 100 27-1.3-13 44760 26.7 13.8 15.5 101 . AGRICO CHEMICAL CC HORSE CAVE KY GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV 0-25-24 43756 0.0 25.3 25.4 102 . 6-24-24 43767 6.2 25.0 25.8 103 11-17-17 43768 11.3 18.7 16.8 102 19-17-17 43757 21.9 17.1 15.8* 104 19-19-19 43769 19.7 19.6 19.6 102 AGRICO CHEMICAL CC IRVINGTDN KY ' GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV 0-26-26 45287 0.0 26.3 26.3 100 » 6-26-26 45285 6.5 25.3 27.8 100 8-21-32 45286 8.2 21.5 32.8 100 19-19-19 45283 17.2* 17.9* 22.9 96* 19-19-19 45284 18.9 20.7 18.7 100 AGRICD CHEMICAL C0 MADISONVILLE KY ‘ GRADE NUM N APA PCT XS CL RV 0-23-30 45071 0.0 23.4 30.2 101 0-23-30 45242 0.0 21.3* 32.7 100 0-23-30 45243 0.0 23.7 30.5 102 { I6 REGULATORY BULLETIN 226 kl TABLE I. (Continued) - AGRICC ChEMICAL CD MGRGANFIELD KY GRADE NUM N APA PCT XS CL RV 0-15-37 44262 0.0 16.8 36.9 103 AGRIC0 CHEMICAL CO DNENSBORD KY GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV _ 0-23-30 44137 0.0 25.3 28.8 103 9 0-23-31 44643 0.0 21.5* 34.8 102 · 9-23-31 44644 8.2* 23.4 31.3 99 17-17-17 44645 17.4 16.6 21.1 105 T AGRICC FARM CENTER PEVBROKE KY GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV 10-26-26 45244 9.3* 24.5* 29.1 98 AGRICO CHEMICAL CD RUSSELLVILLE KY GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV 0-19-19 44302 0.0 19.9 21.7 107 I 0-26-26 43235 0.0 23.1* 28.7 97* K 0-26-26 44301 0.0 24.7* 29.1 102 5-20-20 44473 4.7 18.1* 26.7 105 6-24-24 44281 4.9* 23.7 29.9 104 · 6-24-24 44505 6.2 24.1 22.8* 99 27-13-13 44303 19.1* 13.4 25.5 95* AIR PRODUCTS 8 CFEMICALS INC. PEASACOLA FL GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV 34- 0- 0 43463 34.0 0.0 0.0 100 34- 0- 0 43523 34.1 0.0 0.0 100 34- 0- O 43554 33.9 0.0 0.0 100 ·. 34- 0- 0 43792 34.2 0.0 0.0 101 T 34- 0- 0 43999 33.1 0.0 0.0 97 ALLEN CO. FARMERS SERVICE SCCTTSVILLE KY V GRADE NUM N APA PCT XS CL RV 14-14-22 45372 14.4 15.3 22.9 102 17-13-20 45373 17.4 12.9 21.5 99 19-19-19 44062 19.7 19.1 19.7 100 21-13-18 45374 20.6 11.7* 20.1 97* _ 25-15-15 45309 23.8* 15.1 16.2 98 ALLENSVILLE CROP SERVICE ALLENSVILLE KV GRADE NUM fx APA PUT XS CL RV 6-24-24 43921 6.4 22.5* 25.9 101 33- 0- 0 43922 30.7* 0.0 0.0 93* V ALLIED CHEM CORP.-AGRI DIV. HGLSTON TX GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV 32- 0- 0 44327 31.9 0.0 0.0 100 i THE ANDERSONSy SPECIALTIES DIV MAUMEE OH GRADE NUM N APA PCT XS CL RV 0-14-42 43622 0.0 14.9 41.3 101 19-19-19 43621 19.4 19.2 19.5 102 19-19-19 43623 18.8 19.7 20.4 102 AREX CORPORATION BAINBRIDGE GA GRADE NUM fx APA PCT XS CL RV 3-18-18 44968 3.7 17.3 18.0 100 I 9-18- 9 44969 9.3 17.5 9.2 100 AYERS SEED E. FERTILIZER MCRGANTDNN KY GRADE NUM N APA PCT XS CL RV 12-24-24 44048 11.9 25.9 23.5 101 17-16-16 44047 17.6 17.5 16.2 103 · BALLARD CC. CDDP. LA CENTER KY GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV 8-22-29 45161 8.8 22.6 30.4 100 9-23-30 45201 8.9 22.6 30.3 99 J Q ANALYSIS OF OFFICIAL FERTILIZER SAMPLES IN KENTUCKY JULY 1977 - JUNE 1978 `I7 r TABLE 1. (Continued) BALLARD CD. CCDP. LA CENTER KY GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV 17-15-20 45162 16.9 15.7 20.4 101 BARLDMS FARM CENTER GLENDALE KY [ GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV ` 6-26-25 44765 6.5 25.3 28.0 101 19-19-18 44764 19.6 18.0* 21.0 100 _ 21-11-18 44761 21.1 9.6* 19.7 99 I 25-15-15 44763 26.1 13.8* 17.4 102 27-13-13 44762 27.7 12.8* 14.8 101 BARREN RIVER FERT. CD., INC GLASGOW KY GRADE NUM N APA PUT XS CL RV _ 0- 0-61 44153 0.0 0.0 59.8 98 3-15-15 43324 7.5 17.5 17.4 131 K} 5-10-15 43447 5.1 10.2 16.5 105 ` 5-10-15 44241 4.2* 8.5* 16.9 95* 5-10-15 44456 4.8 9.6 19.0 108 5-10-15 45003 6.7 10.2 15.8 111 “ 5-10-15 45041 5.1 11.0 13.8* 101 5-20-20 43310 5.2 17.2* 18.4* 91* 5-20-20 44577 5.0 20.9 19.0* 101 5-20-20 45404 4.3* 17.6* 21.9 95* V 5-20-20 43323 4.9 21.1 17.9* 99 5-20-20 44781 5.5 22.8 21.1 110 6-12-12 43311 7.4 12.4 11.0* 106 A 6-12-12 44240 7.7 14.5 10.9* 114 9- 9- 9 43745 10.3 11.1 10.0 105 10- 0- 0 45004 11.3 0.0 0.0 113 r 10-10-10 43446 9.2* 10.1 10.6 98 10-10-10 44455 9.7 9.8 10.7 100 10-10-10 45403 10.3 11.0 10.2 105 10-10-10 43241 6.6* 11.4 10.5 91* 10-20-20 43322 9.8 19.5 19.8 98 11-11-11 43744 11.9 12.5 12.0 103 12-24-24 43355 12.3 24.4 23.5 101 12-24-24 43356 12.0 24.3 23.5 100 12-24-24 44342 11.9 24.4 23.7 100 12-24-24 44343 10.7* 22.6* 26.6 97* ` 12-24-24 44344 11.9 25.3 22.2* 100 14-14-14 43746 14.3 15.1 14.1 103 15-15-15 45002 15.8 17.7 12.5* 105 ‘ 15-15-15 44782 15.7 14.6 15.8 102 18-46- 0 44154 17.6 46.2 0.0 100 20-10-10 43321 20.0 10.1 9.0* 99 23-11-11 44783 20.5* 9.6* 10.0* 87* _ BEAUCHAMPS FARM SERVICE LEITCHFIELD KY GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS C1. RV 5-22-22 45114 6.0 22.4 21.1 103 ’ 9-25-24 45116 10.2 25.8 24.1 102 19-19-19 45115 19.8 20.9 17.8* 104 19-19-19 45117 19.6 20.3 18.2 103 - 20-16-16 45113 19.7* 17.5 16.8 99 BIG FOUR FEED 8 INPLEMENT CC. SCGTTSVILLE KY GRADE NUM fx APA PCT XS CL RV 12-24-24 44061 9.6* 21.5* 28.7 95* BIG 4 FERT E. CHEF C0. BARDSTGHN KY GRADE NUM N APA PDT X; CL RV 10-26-25 44696 11.9 29.8 23.4* 107 y 10-28-23 44694 11.6 27.6 24.6 102 x 18 REGULATORY BULLETIN 226 I" TABLET. (Continued) BIG 4 FERT C CHEN C0. BARDSTDNN KY GRAUE NUM N APA PCT XS CL RV 16-11-15 44695 16.7 11.6 16.9 103 ‘ 18-20- O 44693 18.6 21.8 0.0 103 20- 9-14 44697 20.5 8.4* 16.6 101 BLCCMFIELD FERT. 8 CHEM C0. BLCCMFIELD KY GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV 4- 9-14 45222 9.5 17.9 25.1 183 ` 9- 8-12 45223 14.7 15.3 20.0 166 15-15-15 45224 17.6 20.0 16.7 121 BLUEGRASS PLANT FGCDS CYNTHIANA KY GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV 10-10-10 43580 9.2* 10.0 11.2 99 10-10-10 43694 10.8 10.6 9.8 105 10-10-10 44703 11.3 13.9 12.2 124 { BUURBON FARM SERVICE PARIS KY GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV 10-11-21 45144 11.5 9.5* 23.3 100 . 12- 9-21 44978 11.8 9.5 22.7 101 18- 0-23 44947 17.8 0.0 24.5 101 22- 0-20 44946 22.8 0.0 20.1 101 25- O-15 44945 25.5 0.0 15.4 101 UTIS BRYANT C SCN NILLING CC. CANEYVILLE KY GRADE NUM N APA PCT XS CL RV 19-19-19 45289 19.4 20.0 19.1 101 ., 19-19-19 45300 19.2 20.7 19.3 102 ` 21-17-17 45293 22.0 16.5* 18.1 99 28-28- 0 44755 28.4 29.6 0.0 103 BURLEY BELT CHEMICAL CU. LEXINGTON KY A GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV 0- 0-60 44602 0.0 0.0 59.8 100 0- 0-60 44604 0.0 0.0 59.6 99 0-10-30 43880 0.0 7.2* 31.7 94* 0-10-30 45089 0.0 10.2 26.7* 93* ' O-26-26 44873 0.0 27.3 21.4* 96* 4-16- 4 43581 4.3 16.2 4.9 105 4-16- 4 44016 4.7 16.4 5.3 109 5-10-15 43639 4.7 10.0 16.0 101 _ 5-10-15 43642 5.5 11.4 14.3 106 5-10-15 44176 6.4 11.7 12.2* 106 5-10-15 44179 7.0 14.4 13.4* 123 5-10-15 44833 5.4 10.7 15.4 105 l 5-10-15 44870 5.3 10.8 15.9 107 5-10-15 44957 5.3 8.9* 16.0 100 5-10-15 45259 5.6 11.0 15.6 108 5-10-15 45264 5.0 9.9 16.1 102 5-10-15 45336 5.5 9.8 16.0 104 5-10-15 45339 3.3* 8.1* 18.2 92* 5-20-20 43640 5.1 17.8* 20.0 95* K 5-20-20 43662 7.6 25.5 14.5* 113 5-20-20 43881 4.4* 18.7* 21.1 96* 5-20-20 44733 5.8 19.2 20.9 102 5-20-20 44869 5.0 19.3 18.6* 96* 5-20-20 44955 5.4 21.6 20.4 106 5-20-20 44956 5.6 21.0 19.8 104 4 . { ANALYSIS UF OFFICIAL FERTILIZER SAMPLES IN KENTUCKY JULY 1977 — JUNE 1978 19 ` TABLE `l. (Continued) BURLEY BELT CHEMICAL CU. LEXINGTON KY GRADE NUM Tx APA PDT XS CL RV 6- 6-18 43614 6.9 9.4 14.8* 109 6- 6-18 44526 5.5 5.3* 17.7 94* It- 6- 6-18 44888 6.3 6.1 19.2 105 6-12-12 43859 5.9 11.3 12.6 98 6-12-12 44734 5.8 12.4 12.6 102 6-12-18 44866 5.8 12.5 18.3 101 ` 6-12-18 44958 5.7 11.9 18.9 4 100 7- 0- O 43454 7.0 0.0 0.0 100 7- 0- 0 44852 8.3 0.0 0.0 118 7- 0- 0 44881 7.2 0.0 0.0 103 8-10-15 43232 7.8 9.9 16.1 101 8-10-15 44177 8.4 9.7 17.0 105 ) 10-10-10 43664 9.4 10.4 9.8 98 " 10-10-10 43860 9.9 11.2 11.9 108 10-10-10 43882 8.6* 9.7 12.9 99 10-10-10 43883 7.8* 8.9* 11.6 90* . 10-10-10 44527 10.2 12.2 11.9 113 10-10-10 44528 10.0 10.1 9.2* 98 10-10-10 44735 10.0 11.7 10.9 108 10-10-10 44806 9.1* 9.3 12.0 98 10-10-10 44872 9.5 10.0 11.1 100 10-10-10 44962 8.7* 9.6 10.0 93* 10-10-10 45090 9.8 9.3* 11.4 100 R 10-10-10 45265 9.4 9.7 11.3 99 10-10-10 44178 10.1 10.9 9.9 103 10-10-10 45028 9.2* 16.0 13.0 123 t 12-12-12 43858 11.5 12.5 12.3 100 12-12-12 45260 12.3 11.7 10.5* 97* 13-13-13 44867 12.7 13.5 13.6 101 15-15-15 44868 14.7 14.1* 13.9* 95* 15-15-15 45019 14.4 15.0 17.8 102 15-30- 0 44871 14.0* 27.9* 0.0 93* 18-46- 0 43878 17.9 46.2 0.0 100 18-46- 0 43665 18.0 46.2 0.0 100 18-46- 0 44601 16.0* 41.8* 0.0 90* 18-46- 0 44605 17.8 46.0 0.0 100 18-46- 0 45148 17.7 45.8 0.0 99 22- 7- 8 45143 21.6* 8.5 8.6 99 24- 0-20 43233 24.6 0.0 20.4 102 V 34- 0- 0 43592 34.3 0.0 0.0 101 34- 0- 0 43879 34.2 0.0 0.0 100 BURLEY BELT CHEMICAL C0. CYAN-IANA KY GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV 0-20-20 44419 0.0 21.9 19.8 105 · 5-10-15 44413 6.0 11.2 15.4 110 5-10-15 44541 5.1 10.8 15.9 106 . 5-10-15 44553 4.7 10.9 15.6 103 5-10-15 44832 5.0 11.3 15.5 106 5-10-15 45365 6.1 11.2 15.8 112 5-10-15 44949 5.1 10.3 16.0 104 5-20-20 44414 5.3 19.8 19.8 100 5-20-20 44552 5.6 21.1 18.5* 102 6-12-12 43278 6.8 13.7 12.5 111 6-12-12 44415 6.3 13.9 13.2 111 10-10-10 43277 9.7 9.3* 10.7 98 10-10-10 43397 8.3* 11.0 12.2 101 F 10-10-10 44416 10.0 12.3 10.5 109 20 REGULATORY BULLETIN 226 A TABLE 1. (Continued) · BURLEY BELT ChEMlCAL C0. CYNTHIANA KY GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV 10-10-10 44542 10.3 11.2 11.1 108 ’ 10-10-10 44555 8.8* 10.3 13.4 103 10-10-13 44556 9.3* 9.8 13.4 104 10-10-10 45370 1C.5 9.7 10.8 103 ; 15-15-15 44554 8.6* 15.0 20.0 88* `· 15-15-15 44948 14.4 14.8 15.4 98 15-15-15 45371 8.6* 13.2* 15.1 77* . 20-10-1G 44606 18.1* 9.4 10.5 93* 22-15- 0 44951 19.1* 20.4 0.0 100 23- 7- 7 44950 22.9 7.5 7.6 99 BURLEY BELT CHEMICAL C0. EKRON KY GRADE NUM I\ APA PGT XS CL RV 9-18-24 44149 9.1 18.6 25.0 101 15-15-23 45105 16.4 15.6 22.4 103 19-19-19 45106 20.5 19.4 19.3 102 I 19-19-19 45108 19.9 20.4 18.6 101 25-15-15 45107 26.0 16.7 14.9 104 BURLEY BELT CHEMICAL Cl]. LC|\DON KY GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV 0-20-20 43599 0.0 21.4 16.2* 96* 0-20-20 44727 0.0 20.5 19.0 99 5-10-15 43413 4.8 11.1 16.2 106 5-10-15 43452 4.7 10.6 15.6 102 5-10-15 43453 4.7 11.0 15.3 103 5-10-15 43566 5.5 11.6 15.7 110 Z 5-10-15 43833 5.2 11.0 16.1 107 5-10-15 43946 5.5 10.3 14.9 103 5-10-15 43950 5.5 10.0 14.9 102 _- 5-10-15 43977 4.7 11.6 16.0 107 5-10-15 43979 5.4 8.8* 12.8* 92* 5-10-15 44285 5.0 11.2 15.8 107 5-10-15 44287 5.3 10.6 15.9 106 5-10-15 44451 5.2 10.1 15.0 101 .. 5-10-15 44507 5.0 11.0 15.6 105 5-10-15 44509 4.7 10.4 15.5 101 5-10-15 44726 4.9 10.7 15.8 104 5-10-15 44790 5.3 10.0 15.5 103 5-10-15 44800 4.9 11.0 15.8 105 ` 5-10-15 44819 5.7 10.4 13.2* 100 5-10-15 44834 5.3 10.8 16.4 108 5-10-15 44887 5.4 10.1 15.0 102 ‘ 5-10-15 44987 4.8 10.8 15.8 104 5-10-15 44992 5.7 8.6* 15.7 100 5-10-15 45334 4.9 9.8 15.9 101 5-10-15 45335 6.5 9.8 16.6 110 5-10-15 45337 4.7 9.6 15.8 99 5-10-15 43336 5.2 10.4 14.5 101 5-20-20 43306 5.7 18.9* 21.1 101 [ 5-20-20 43579 5.3 18.8* 22.0 131 - 5-20-20 43615 5.4 19.3 20.4 100 5-20-20 43063 5.4 21.3 19.7 104 5-20-20 43731 5.3 20.8 19.8 102 5-20-20 43831 5.0 20.1 20.2 100 5-20-20 43975 5.9 18.8* 21.2 102 5-20-20 44174 5.3 20.5 20.3 103 5-20-20 44492 5.4 21.2 21.2 106 5-20-20 44818 5.6 21.0 19.9 104 _ < 9 ANALYSIS OF OFFICIAL FERTILIZER SAMPLES IN KENTUCKY JULY 1977 — JUNE 1978 21 — TABLE 1. (Continued) BURLEY BELT CHEMICAL C0. LCNDUN KY GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV 6-12-12 43830 5.9 12.4 13.7 105 6-12-12 43947 5.9 12.6 9.9* 97* 6-12-12 44407 6.0 12.3 12.6 102 ,! 6-12-12 44730 6.1 12.3 13.3 105 6-12-18 43961 7.1 15.9 16.4* 113 7- 0- 0 43567 7.4 0.0 0.0 106 10-10-10 43253 9.4 8.9* 10.8 95* ' 10-10-10 43334 10.0 10.7 10.9 104 10-10-10 43597 10.5 11.1 7.0* 99 10-10-10 43602 10.0 12.2 11.1 110 10-10-10 43603 9.9 12.3 11.2 110 10-10-10 43613 9.9 10.8 10.4 103 10-10-10 43832 11.0 11.5 11.0 112 { 10-10-10 43945 10.2 11.3 10.4 106 10-10-10 43951 9.5 9.9 11.6 101 10-10-10 43976 10.0 11.2 11.1 106 _ 10-10-10 43980 10.6 10.2 9.8 103 ` 10-10-10 44171 9.7 11.3 11.5 106 10-10-10 44175 9.9 10.7 11.1 104 10-10-10 44420 9.5 10.9 11.9 105 10-10-10 44452 8.7* 9.5 9.9 92* 10-10-10 44725 9.9 10.4 11.7 105 10-10-10 44801 10.2 12.0 10.9 109 I 10-10-10 44988 9.7 10.0 10.7 100 10-10-10 44991 8.4* 8.9* 10.0 89* 10-10-10 45237 9.5 11.9 10.9 106 10-10-10 43335 10.1 10.7 9.9 103 ` 10-10-10 43432 10.1 11.1 10.8 106 10-10-15 43464 9.1* 10.7 15.5 99 10-10-15 43565 9.6 10.6 15.9 102 10-10-15 44009 10.0 9.5 16.8 102 10-10-15 45031 9.5 9.4 16.6 100 10-10-20 43732 9.6 10.4 20.2 100 10-10-20 44172 9.6 10.0 21.3 101 10-10-20 44173 9.7 10.7 20.3 101 10-10-20 44508 9.7 10.8 20.6 102 10-10-20 44791 9.8 10.8 20.6 102 10-20-20 44989 10.4 19.4 18.1* 97* 12-12-12 43598 11.2* 12.4 10.8* 96* 12-12-12 44731 12.8 12.0 12.0 103 ` 12-24-24 43601 12.9 26.6 20.9* 103 13-13-13 43600 12.9 12.9 14.4 102 13-13-13 43661 12.9 13.0 13.9 101 13-13-13 43982 12.6 12.7 13.7 99 _ 13-13-13 44010 12.9 13.2 13.9 101 13-13-13 44603 13.1 13.1 14.1 102 13-13-13 44990 13.0 13.0 14.0 102 I 15-15-15 43236 13.9* 15.4 14.9 98 15-15-15 43981 14.3 15.7 15.7 101 18-11-16 44993 18.2 11.1 17.1 99 18-46- 0 43984 18.1 46.3 0.0 101 28- 0- 0 44994 27.5 0.0 0.0 98 34- 0- 0 43455 33.2 0.0 0.0 98 BURLEY BELT CHEMICAL C0. FERGUSON KY GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV 0- 0-60 44322 0.0 0.0 59.6 99 0-15-30 44325 0.0 16.8 27.0* 99 P 22 REGULATORY BULLETIN 226 2 TABLE I. (Continued) · BURLEY 8ELT CHEMICAL CU. FERGUSON KY GRADE NUM N APA POT XS CL RV 0-20-20 44559 0.0 15.2* 22.9 91* 0-20-20 44008 0.0 19.7 21.1 101 0-25-16 44323 0.0 28.8 14.3* 107 5-10-15 43436 5.5 10.8 15.0 105 E 5-10-15 43520 4.4* 7.5* 15.4 89* “ 5-10-15 43936 5.1 9.3* 16.6 101 5-10-15 44360 4.5 7.8* 16.8 93* 5-10-15 44536 5.4 10.8 15.9 107 5-10-15 44780 5.5 10.1 16.1 106 5-10-15 44929 5.3 10.2 15.9 104 5-10-15 45131 5.5 10.9 15.5 107 5-20-20 43795 5.3 19.3 21.0 101 5-20-20 43801 5.2 19.9 21.6 103 5-20-20 43935 5.3 19.4 21.5 102 i 5-20-20 44324 5.7 18.9* 19.3 99 5-20-20 44538 4.7 19.7 21.0 100 6-12-12 43435 6.4 12.6 12.6 105 6-12-12 43735 5.5 11.5 10.2* 91* 6-12-12 43800 6.4 12.3 13.4 106 10-10-10 43373 9.8 10.9 10.9 104 10-10-10 43438 7.7* 9.1* 9.8 86* 10-10-10 43519 10.1 9.9 9.5 99 10-10-10 43734 10.0 11.4 11.1 107 10-10-10 43962 9.0* 9.9 10.8 97* _' 10-10-10 44358 9.1* 10.0 9.8 95* * 10-10-10 44446 8.7* 9.3 10.1 92* 10-10-IZ) 44537 9.8 10.6 10.9 103 10-10-10 44740 8.7* 9.8 10.9 95* · 10-10-10 44981 9.0* 10.3 11.3 99 15-15-15 44357 12.2* 15.5 13.9* 91* 15-15-15 44447 12.7* 15.1 14.8 93* 15-15-15 44535 13.9* 15.9 14.8 98 15-15-15 44982 12.3* 15.1 16.8 95* ‘ 19-19-19 44983 17.5* 18.4 21.0 98 BURLEY 8ELT CHEMICAL CU. GECRGETOv¤N KY GRADE NLJM N APA PUT XS CL RV 8-10-15 45096 6.6* 7.2* 14.2 83* __ 8-10-15 45099 7.9 9.2* 15.6 98 14- 7-14 45097 12.9* 6.6 16.1 98 14-12-15 45098 12.2* 15.1 15.8 100 BURLEY BELT CHENICAL C0. HARRUDSBURG KY I GRADE NUM N APA PDT XS CL RV 0-18-35 45354 0.0 19.1 35.7 102 10-17-15 45356 10.2 18.5 15.9 102 14- 6- 9 45188 13.9 6.5 10.1 100 15- 0-27 45012 14.5 0.0 29.2 100 17- 0-25 45008 17.5 0.0 25.1 102 17-10-13 45011 16.4 12.2 13.5 102 il _ 17-17-17 44704 17.2 14.5* 21.6 97* 17-1/-17 4