xt7vdn3zwg2r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vdn3zwg2r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-03-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 06, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 06, 1974 1974 1974-03-06 2020 true xt7vdn3zwg2r section xt7vdn3zwg2r The Kentucky Kernel

Vol. LXV No. 125
Wednesday, March 6. 1974

an independent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexington. KY. 40506



of erotic films
left to Trustees


READING .\ consensus statement of the
Board of 'l‘rustees. (‘hairman Albert G.
(‘lay instructed l'K President (Ms A.
Singletary to leave the tinal decision to the
l’mard regarding the March 25 showing of
the “Best ot he New York Erotic Film
l“esti\ al

ltemarks by Smgletary and the Board‘s
statement on the film highlighted
'l‘uesday's meeting of the body‘s Executive

“We do not wish this l'niversity to act as
a censor. nor do we wish it to violate the
law.“ the statement said. “We direct the
president to bring this matter back to this
Board tor consideration prior to any final
decision which would result ina showing of
this film on the University campus.“ it

(Student (‘enter Board President Alan
Stein said Tuesday night SCB would abide
by any decision tnade by the trusteest

IN .\N St‘B Executive (‘ouncil meeting
Monday night. a resolution was adopted
dealing with the problem. Stein said he

(‘ontinued on page 12


quota bill

passes senate


Kernel Staff Writer

News In Brief


OMitcheli influence sought
0 Republicans fall again
°Parrish wins 3220

- Wage bill defeated
“Some problems remain

0 Today's weather...

Who was that masked man?

UK officially joined the national ”streaking" fad this week.

On Monday night. five streakers romped around the Complex

and sorority row; Tuesday afternoon. the gliding figure
above performed before a large crowd assembled for the .
occassion. Tuesday night. streakers were out in force at the
Complex. with scattered sightings reported along sorority "
row. For details. see story on page 5. (Kernel staff photo).

FRANKFURT — A bill which would
place certain quotas on admission policies
for law. medicine and dentistry programs
at state colleges and universities passed
the senate Tuesday 20-10. with five ab-
stentions. Three senators were absent.

SB 108, sponsored by Sen. Denver
Knuckles ( R-Middlesboro ). requires 70 per
cent of the enrollment positions for the
entering classes be apportioned among
Kentucky‘s seven Congressional districts.

The other 30 per cent would include 15
per cent from the state overall. Non-
resident enrollment could not exceed 15
per cent.

KNL'CKLt-ZS explained he introduced the
legislation because many Kentuckians
have been denied admission to these

“We‘re turning out doctors and dentists
in this state who are going back to their
own states after they graduate," he said.
“i want to make it possible for all Ken-

. NEW YORK — For nearly a year
before he gave $200,000 secretly to
President Nixon‘s reelection campaign,
financier Robert L. Vesco sought Atty.
Gen. John N. Mitchell‘s influence on his
behalf in a stock fraud case, a key
government witness testified Tuesday.

“He asked me if I could use my good
offices with Mr. Mitchell," the witness,
Harry L. Sears. told a jury at the federal
court criminal conspiracy trial of Mitchell
and former Commerce Secretary Maurice
H. Stans. Sears. a co-defendant in the case,
testified after being granted total im-
munity from prosecution.

o CINCINNATI — Democrat Thomas A.
Luken defeated Republican Willis I).
Gradison Jr. in an Ohio congressional
election Tuesday, providing a possible
measure of the effect of Watergate on the
Republican party.

It was the third Democratic victory in
three special congressronal elections in the

lucky boys and girls to get into the
profession they want."

The only senator to voice opposition to
the bill, Sen. Lacey Smith tD-Louisville),
said the quota system would not ac-
complish what Knuckles desired.

"WHILE I fully understand and sym-
pathize with the bill‘s intent, the best way
for full representation of the students is to
upgrade elementary and secondary
education in the state.“ he said.

Smith. a lawyer. said legislation
establishing a quota system “would surely
run afoul of the United States Con-
stitution.“ and urged defeat of SB 108.

Degrees are offered in all three
categories at UK and the University of
Louisville. The only other state institution
that would currently be affected is Salmon
P. Chase Law School at Northern Kentcky
State College.

WHEN THE HILL was introduced Jan.
24. George Hardy. dean of the UK College

country this year. Voting was still un-
derway in a fourth. in California, when it
became apparent that Luken had become
the fourth Democrat in this century to wm
(ihio's 1st District seat.

0 The Patterson Literary Society held a
speech contest last night and awarded $320
in prizes.

The winners were Mary Jane Parrish.
$220 for an original speech on the life of
James Kennedy Patterson; Karen Green.
$50 for oral interpretation of a noted work
and Dennis Grigsby. $50 for original

The contest was judged by Dr. K.B.
Valentine, faculty advisor to the society;
Dr. Gifford Blyton. Kathy Patterson and
Dr Reid Sterrit.

O \\.\SIIINGTDN — The Senate today
rejected an attempt to repeal wage and
price controls.

The proposal, which was a rider to a bill
that would set a $2.20—an—hour minimum

of Law. said the district apportionment
would be hard to meet. He explained that
in some instances the district might not
have an adequate number of suitable

About 90 per cent of the College of Law‘s
enrollment consists of Kentucky
residents. Hardy said. There is heavy
distribution in eastern Kentucky. he

l'K’s College of Medicine would only be
affected slightly. according to Dr. William
Jordan. dean of the college. as admissions
have been equally distributed across the

JORDAN S.\ID the only area ofthe state
where l'K‘s school would have less than
the proposed quota would be Louisville.
due to l'l.‘s medical school.

The bill now goes to the

house of

wage for 56 million American workers.
was defeated 66 to ‘28.

I \\.\SIIINGT()N —— An early end to the
.-\rab oil embargo. now hoped for by US.
sources. might ease the threat of gasoline
rationing but would not necessarily bring a
quick return to business as usual.

It probably would take at least a month
for tankers carrying Arab oil to begin
reaching the. United States once the em-
bargo is lifted. and it could be several
weeks more before the rate of imports
increased to pre-embargo levels.

...wet streak

The warm temperatures should be here
for another day. but the sunshine may not
be making an appearence today. The high
today should be in the upper 608 with a 50
per cent chance of rain. The low tonight
should be in the mid 40s with a 40 per cent
chance of rain. The rain should end by













































































.- tmrials represent the opinions of the editors. not the university





The Kentucky Kernel

Published by the Kernel Press Inc. Begun as the Cadet in 1'94 and published continuously
as The Kentucky Kernel since Wis. The Kernel Press Inc. founded 19H. Third class
outage paid at Lexington, Ky. Bustness offices are located in the Journalism Building on
the University of Kentucky campus. Advertising, room 210 and News Department room
114. Advertising pubilmed herein is intended to heip the reader buy. Any false or
misleading advertising should be reported to the Editors.

Steve Swift. Editor-int‘hief

A slappy decision

“Seldom has a more irrational bill been seriously
considered," commented a Courier-Journal editorial
Tuesday about a bill to place quotas on admissions
policies for law. medicine and dentistry programs at
state college and universities.

The editorial gave several reasons why the bill was
rotten, and urged its defeat. The Kentucky senate,
however, failed to heed reason and passed the
measure 20-10. (See detailed story , page 1. )

Available evidence indicates the bill, which would
divide the state into seven regions and would require
a percentage of students from each of the areas to be
admitted each year, is completely unnecessary.

All three of the professional schools at UK report
good distribution of Kentucky residents. The
University of Louisville serves primarily that city
and would suffer from such restrictions. The only
other state facility which would be affected, Northern
Kentucky’s Chase Law School, draws heavily from
Ohio residents and would also suffer.

Perhaps a better answer for equalizing the
distribution of Kentucky residents in professional
schools comes from Sen. Lacey Smith (D-Louisville).
Smith contends the upgrading of elementary and
secondary education across the state would yeild

better results.

Letters policy

Letters to the Kernel may concern any topics as
long as they are not libelous. Letters not exceeding
250 words are more easily read than those longer.

Viewpoint articles may be commentaries on any
subject from inside or outside the University. Sub-
missions to either category should include signature,
year classification. address and phone number. Also,
please make sure copy is typewritten and triple-


Nicholas Van Hoffman

Without gas, fuel, hate will keep us warm

It .\Siil\‘(i1‘().\‘ —— The boxes in
the White House press rooms
showed His (‘7.arship. the Fuel
Simon.havmg at the Shah of Iran
for saying that if the Americans
believe in the oil embargo. they
probably also put small portions
of their inflating currency under
their pillows for the tooth fairy.
'l‘he reporters paid no attention.
Nor did they ask themselves was
it good news or bad news that
traffic fatalities are dropping
faster than new car sales.

In a few minutes they would be
meeting Nixon at his first press
conference in months. “He's only
having it to show us snapping and
snarling at him." someone said.
Another remarked that with
Herbert Kalmbach's guilty plea
to two minor infractions of the
election law. yet another
\\atergater getting off
almost free. In exchange for the

“fl 8

leniency. the President's per-
sonal lawyer is supposed to be a
\\llllt‘.\:» against the more im
portan' principals, but there are
doubts about that

"'l‘lll-IY'HI'I (.t)l\(. to let

Nixon plead guilty to
jaywalking." said a television
man. “in return for which he's
promised to name higher-ups."

A few minutes later Nixon
laced us in the ballroom. and 30
or 40 of our number were up and
down in their seats trying to get
him to call on them. Some of us.
though. had nothing to ask and
really didn‘t believe he had
anything to say. He had said all
that needed to besaid to read him
long ago. so now there was
nothing left but to try and trap
him. if catching him up still
amused anyone.

No. Mr. President. I didn't
have my hand up. Well. do I have
a question anyway? Only if you
have an answer, Would you care
to use this occasion. Mr.
President. to announce the end of
a war or an embargo?

.\("l‘l'.\l.l.\'. Mr. President.
what I‘d like to know is what do
you mean when you say. “Am~
bassadorships cannot be pur-
chased”? Is this a ringing
reattn‘ma ti on of leadership. like I
am not a crook and I do not ex-






“S3 ‘V‘K‘. \\


Letters to the Kernel

Students first? Intolerable!

Jerry L. Stevens. assistant to
the vice president of student
affairs for minority students.
should resign the tired from) his

A man who holds the position
lthe basement of Miller Halli
that Mr. Stevens holds must
exhibit a great deal more
patience and tolerance. Mr.
Stevens should realize that
conditions for black students are
improving. but UK has a racist
attitude to preserve. We. who are
in the know realize that this is a
white institution. in a white state.
in a white country. Does Mr.
Stevens expect to do more in a
few years at UK than his people
have done in America in 355

Several people have stated
their belief that Mr. Stevens
feels his position is a token one. It
is! Mr. Stevens should know.
beyond a shadow of a doubt. that

pect to be impeached. or are you
being lawyerly and what you
really mean is.“There's no action
on ambassadorships. but on
judges we'll deal“?

”We are going through a
downturn in the economy but not
a recession.“ you say. but if
there's a run on the banks and
we‘re lining up in the streets for
soup. are you going to slip outof it
by claiming. “You didn‘t ask me
anything about a depression. or I
would have told you”?

Forget the future. The man told
us there is a better than even
chance that he won‘t ration
gasoline because. while we
haven't solved the problem.
we're over the crisis. and besides
a price rollback would lead to
shortages as opposed to what
we have now and anyhow. do you
want 17.000 new Federal
bureaucrats messing with what
you put in your tank?

i.\ l“.\("l‘ there are already
2.000 new Federal bureaucrats in
His (‘zarship's Federal Energy
Office. not rolling back prices.
not rationing gasoline. not doing
much of anything but causing



his position is a token one. He has
been given a good title. a decent
salary. a golden opportunity to
better himself. And what does he
do? He shows constant concern
for the students. He is completely
open and informal and he has
committed a cardinal sin. He has
done what no man in his position
should do. He has put the wants
and needs of the students ahead
of his own. and this is intolerable.
Stevens must go.

Larry E. Evans


I am asking the Kentucky
Kernel to use its facilities to
thoroughly explore the movie
series controversy that was
reported in the Tuesday.
February 26. Kernel.

Since moving to Lexington I
have read in the local newspaper

motorists trouble and handing
out pieces of paper on which are
written things like: “FOR
.»‘\.\.‘~.Ol’l\i(‘ICS CREATION Oi“

William E, Simon. Administrator
of the Federal Energy Office
(FEOJ, today announced the
formation of an Energy (‘on-
servation ('orps lE(‘(Tl to enlist
the aid of elementary and high
school students in voluntary
programs to save energy."

All this dynamism is centered
in the rooms where the post-
masters general of the United
States used to have their offices.
’l‘heold red rug is still on the floor
and in the wall niches of Simon‘s
office there are silver. social
realism statues of Eskimo
postmen. flying postmen.
postmen postmen —- all that
remain from the era when the
mail did go through.

The people you meet at Simon‘s
are very nice and modestly
without pretense about shaping
the national destiny. “Listen.

of police action to confiscate
movies, but the complete story is
never reported. Detectives ap-
parently visited the hospital gift
shop and demanded certain
magazines be removed from
view. And now there is “pressure
from outside sources" and Mr.
O‘Neill cannot “find out where
the pressure is coming from ”

Having been educated at a
rather liberal college. I now find
these actions rather obnoxious. I
want to know who in this city
thinks he can tell me what I
cannot see. why he is a better
judge of morals than me. where
he obtained his self-
righteousness. and what position
he holds in the government so I
may help vote him out of office
before he infringes upon any
more of my freedoms.

F. Richard Eryin. MJ).
House Staff.
Department of Medicine

lella." one of them told me.
"you can‘t fuel all the people all
the time. so even though it's a
little chic here to stay to 10. some
still tend to leave early.‘

The last question at the press
conference was a meany.
designed to make Nixon squirm.
not to elicit information. Did Mr.
President think he‘d paid his fair
share of taxes? The guy who
asked it had the tiniest little
smirk on his face while Nixon
slashed through the answer.

.\I.I. IN ALI. it was the best
Nixon performance in months.
and just as well too. We can't lose
him now. Without money. without
gas. without fuel. hate'll keep us
warm and running. Hate is so
high octaine. if Exxon can bottle
it.Simon has already promised to
let them raise the price two cents
a gallon.

Nicholas Von Hoffman is a
columnist for King
Features Syndicate. .




is it 1954 again?

My, how time passes


My, how time passes. Here it is 1954
again. and the University of Kentucky
administration still doesn’t know what to
do about the “black problem."

The “black problem". consists of black
student dissatisfaction with the policies
tOl" lack of policies) toward black student
concerns. There is no need to worry,
however. Robert G. Zumwinkle. vice
president fe student affairs said in a
recent Lexington llerald interview that
black student concerns are more
"psychological than objective reality."

“psychological and objective realities”
might be confusing to some people, let‘s
try to determine what Zumwinkle might
have meant.

The “black problem" at the University
of Kentucky started long before the first
Supreme (‘ourt desegregation decision of
public schools in 1954. According
to Herman L. Donovan, president of UK
from 1941 to 1956, the problem first came to
a head when a “young Negro named John
Wesley Hatch applied for admission to the
(‘ollege of Law. Before that time we had
never received an application from a
Negro for admission to the University."

Because of legislation forbidding in-
tegration in Kentucky, a deal was worked
out where Hatch would be admitted to
Kentucky State College “with the un-
derstanding that the University would
provide the teachers to instruct this Negro
law student." according to Donovan.

WAS THIS “psychological or objective

Donovan handled the “black problem“
based on certain principles. “My first
principle was that the integration program
should be one of gradualism." It was. in
part. this kind of “gradualism” which led
to the riotsof the 60‘s. It is ridiculous to ask

starving people to “gradually" find ways
of feeding themselves. The economic and
educational problems which black people
face are a matter of life and death. Since
that time. many authorities, both black
and white, have recognized the
“gradualism” argument as a racist one.

Yet 26 years after Hatch was admitted to
Kentucky State. a class on minority
relations at UK uses a textbook whose
authors advocate the most primitive form
of the “gradualism” argument. The other
side of this argument that social reform
should move with “all deliberate speed”—
is not treated in this course.

IS THE FACT that the “gradualism”
argument is still taught in the classrooms
of UK a “psychological or objective

in 1949, Lyman T. Johnson, a teacher in
the Louisville Public School System and
the president of the NAACP. moved to
integrate the UK graduate school. He
applied and gained forcible entry
through the US. District Court at

“I remember when students from other
schools came to UK to work," Johnson
said in a recent interview. “They were
strictly servants. When they walked
around. they knew their place.” He
remembered whites burning crosses for

WAS THIS “psychological or objective

In recent Herald-Leader articles, the
argument has been advanced that the
black enrollment at UK is not what it
should be. Since this argument might be
only a “psychological reality,” it is
strange that the UK black student
population at UK is 2 per cent while the
total black population of Kentucky is 7
per cent. Since Kentucky is a state
university funded by the public (including
the 7 per cent of the public which is black),
it is indeed an odd “psychological reality"

that the black enrollment is only 2 per

It might be argued that Jerry Stevens’
characterization in the Herald of UK as a
plantation is a psychological rather than
an objective reality. However, according
to Lerone Bennet, Jr. in Before the
Mayflower, the hardships of plantation life
were far more objective than
psychological. Some analogies may be
drawn between plantation left and black
student life here at UK.

Bennett writes, “Masters, with few
exceptions, recognized the necessity of
mind control, by means of controlling
slave behavior." it could be argued that
the empty committments to maintain an
independent and powerful office of
minority student affairs and the failure to
secure space for the Black Student Union
are all forms of controlling slave behavior.

AFTER ALL. if you can keep black
students thinking that you are working
with “all deliberate sppeed" to achieve
equitable student standards, it may not be
necessary to come forth with evidence
tie, space for the Black Student Union. a
significant increase in minority


enrollment. more black faculty members.
more independence for the office of
minority student affairsi

Perhaps. the perceptions of black
students about the lack of action on the
part of the administration can be summed
up ina quote from Stokely Carmichael and
Charles Hamilton: “White Americans
are not torn and tortured by the conflict
between their devotion to the American
creed and their actual behavior. They are
upset by the current state of race
relations. to be sure. But what troubles
them is not that justice is being denied but
that their peace is being shattered and
their business interrupted.“

And maybe. the “objective v.
psychological reality" problem is a white
problem. One which will need to be solved
before the behavxor of the administration
matches its verbal committments.

Leola Johnson is a com-
munications graduate student
and Paula Biggerstaffisa junior
journalism major.

For most, day in court is unpleasant

(Writer‘s Note: Senate Bill 183 proposes
an amendment to the Constitution of
Kentucky relating to the Judicial Branch
of Government. This is the first of two
articles explaining the provisions of the


For the average citizen, to be in court is
to be in some sort of unpleasant cir-
cumstance. Most prefer to forget the
unpleasantry in the hope they will never be
so cursed again. Too many of us forget that
the judicial process continues in-
conspicuously; adjudicating our dif-
ferences, protecting our rights and
maintaining the foundation of an orderly

Unfortunately for Kentuckians. such
noble ideals and the efforts of our
most capable public servants are m-
creasingly frustrated by an 1891 State
Constitution which has proven overly
restrictive and clearly inadequate to meet
today's needs.

THE RESULT is a system which too
often provides inadequate justice. Justice
is inadequate when cases languish three
years before decision by the Court of
Appeals; when uncoordinated judicial
branches proliferate into confusing and
overlapping jurisdictions; whenever
political connections rather than

professional qualifications elect our

The proposed Judicial Amendment is a
much needed step in the right direction. It
provides for a unified four-tiered court
system with provisions for the non-
partisan election of judges as well as a
merit selection plan to fill vacancies.
Similar reforms have been adopted by
over half the states in the nation.

The Kentucky Plan provides for:

.-\ Ful'lt-TIEREI) court system: The
state Court of Justice would be divided into
the Supreme Court. the Court of Appeals.
theCircuit and District Courts. The state’s
highest court would be renamed the
Supreme Court and a new intermediate

(‘ourt of Appeals consisting of 14 Justices .

working in not less than three judge panels
would be created. At present the state's
highest court must devote far too much
time to inconsequential and routine ap—
peals, while issues which shape our
(‘ommon Law doctrines and cases of true
Constitutional significance are delayed or
too hastily decided.

The new intermediate court would
relieve the Supreme Court of its present
overload which has spawned a backlog of
over 1,000 cases and would reduce the
current three year delay on decisions for
most appeals. Most importantly, the new

(‘ourt of Appeals would preserve for every
citizen his right to a speedy and well
considered appeal.

The Circuit and District Courts are the
“courts of first impression“ where over 90
per cent of the state‘s legal issues begin
and end. and where most citizens have
contact with the judiciary. For this reason
they are perhaps our most important
courts. The present system of trial courts
needs to be restructured in order to func-
tion more efficiently and fairly.

THE (‘lHCl'lT (‘Ol‘HT would retain
original trialjurisdietion for all actions not
limited to the District Courts, and would
acquire appellate jurisdiction as provided
by the Supreme Court.

District Courts would have original trial
jurisdiction over less serious civil and
criminal actions. The overlapping county
courts such as the Justice of the Peace
Courts, the Probate Courts. the Police
Courts, the Quarterly Courts, the Juvenile
Courts. the Courts of Inquiry, and the
Magisterial Courts would be reorganized
within the District Courts. in each Judicial
Circuit and District the Court would select
a ChiefJudge to efficiently administer the
Court‘s business. All local judges would
retain their positions within a more ef-
ficient judicial structure. County judges
would retain their administrative func-

tions. giving up only their judicial duties.
No county would be deprived of a resident
District judge under the new Amendment.
A unified court system: Kentucky‘s
judicial system is a conglomeration of
courts over which very little quality
control can be exerted. The entire state
judic1ary receives less than one tenth of 1
per centof the total state budget. The
Judicial Amendment establishes a state
funded Court of Justice and gives the Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court authority
and power to administer the entire system.
The Chief Justice could establish
uniform rules of procedure. take measures
to relieve overburdened courts. and ap-
point a state courts administrator to insure
greater efficiency apgomvgbmbutter
court facilities. Most importantly, he
would submit to the General Assembly a
budget for the entire Court of Justice to
provide every county with proper funding
for its local courts. The unified court
system would insure equal quality of
justice throughout the Commonwealth.

John G. Heyburn is a first year
law studentand a member ofthe
Ad Hoc Committee, Kentucky
Citizen '3 Conferencefor Judicial



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Service Charges


Kernel Staff Writer
Last fall. an ad ran in the
Lexington Herald-Leader
asking people over 65 and on
Welfare. if they wanted help in
caring for their homes.

The ad was placed by a group
of students organized under the
Greek Steering Committee and
led by Dr. P.S. Sabharwal. The
result was the Adopt-aHouse

Governor‘s Beautification
(‘ommittee began with a two
week screening period. In those
two weeks. Sabharwal and seven
or eight students screened the
houses. The requirements were
the people had to own the home.
want to get the job done but be
unable to do it themselves and be

Fraternities. sororities and
Kirwan IV residents began
raking leaves. cleaning yards.
painting and making small

They not only helped in im-
proving the houses. they also

.\l)t)I"I‘-:\—II()['SI‘I. part Of the

The students then went to work.


Students not only improve houses
but also neighborhood relations

a.‘ benefited. For example. after the



p" "a 'If


improved relations with the
community. Linda Grinstead of
Kirwan IV said one woman calls
the girls who worked on her home
“her children". The Sigma ('hi's
played football with the neigh—
borhood children and the belts
sang ('hristmas carols for the

people on whose house they

(ililNS'I‘l‘I.\l) SAID the
students have benefited more
lrom the program "It was the

greatest pleasure for us." she

said The community has also



N0 — help Balancing












Cold, Stone-faced Officers




First Security
National Bank 3

a Irust ('i impany

, t | ‘ ‘


m SAE‘s finished their house two

other families on that block
painted their homes.
The Greek Steering Committee
is now preparing for the future of
Adopt-a-House. The financial
committee headed by Glenn
Weber is going to local
businessmen asking for help.

IC.\(‘II (iRUl'I’ that worked on
a house this year. had to supply
their own materials. The
financial committee is trying to
gel donations in the form of
materials from Lexington
businesses. Sabharwal said the
goal is $10,000 by the end of May

Already $2,000 worth of
material has been collected. K-
.\iarl donated $1.000, Mons
tgomery Wards and Fayette
('ounty contributed $500 each,
The Governor's Beautification
('ommittee is also giving some

Sabharwal said he wants 4000
students involved instead of 400.
He said there is a lot of usable
energy in the student population.
It' the businesses can supply the
materials. students will supply
the manpower. Sabharwal said.

FREE U. Growth Games WIII meet
Thursday at 7 30 in SC l09 5M7 \
next regular meetlng Wed . March 6 II 3.00
PM in Room 206 at the Student Canter. 4M6
STUDENT COUNCIL for Exceptional
Children MoatinoWadnasday. March 6, 7:30
p m in Dickey Hall, Room 57 will pres-wt

Dr James Hurt. Topic: Prosthesis tor

Government ottices open are available in
Rm 202, SC Filing is trom March 7-15, 12 5
D m MM.

PRE-MED, PRE-DENTS— Alpha Epsilon
Delta, the national pro-med, pro-dent
honorary, is now accepting applications tor
the Spring Initiation. Pick up applications in
the pro-med otttce (OT 249). Demllne;
March l5. ‘Mo

RED RIVER dam vvtl‘ be discussed Wed.
Mar 6, 7 PM in lt9, Stt~ tznt Center Anyone
Welcome 5M6

FORESTRY CLUE WIII have practice
sessions tor the Raleigh, N C , Conclave on
Wednesday, 5 (X) P M , and Friday, 1.00
PM , behind the Forestry Budding. 5M6.

VETERANS! There Will be a Vet's Cl
Meeting. SC 116,51 6 (X) P.M. on Wednesday,
March 6th. 5M6.

NEW WEIGHT LOSS groups tor women
now behg organizad- Meet weekly with
others who want to lose. Call 253-!70l tor
debits. MM

PRE-MEDS-Dr Roqer Lambson, irom
'JK ‘s Med Smool. and Dr Charles Waqner,
trom UL'S MCOKdI St iiuui. vviii answer your
questions on the Admissmns Process,
MondayJVlarch ll,at7 30 PMtnCB its 4M6

you havea 3.0averaga; will have completed
whrs. atend ot semaster, you areellglbla to
become a member otLinks, JuniorWomen‘s
Honorary. Applicatbnsavallable: 575 Ottlco
Tower, Mardi 3-0. 4M6

"FELLINI‘S Juliet ot the Sprits will be
presented by the English Department.
Wednesday, March 6, 106 at 6:30 and 9:00
PM Admission is tree. 5M6.

WOMEN’S STUDIES Film Festival: "The
Girls" directed by Mai Zetterling; Starrin