xt7vdn3zwj9z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vdn3zwj9z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-09-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 14, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 14, 1999 1999 1999-09-14 2020 true xt7vdn3zwj9z section xt7vdn3zwj9z 14



We good

The University of
Kentucky has been
recognized as a
member of the
National Consortium
for Academics and
Sports, a group of
184 colleges
dedicated to helping
athletes graduate
after running out of


World news

Latest news
from Moscow

; College students deal with disorder

Whitney Smith

t c'o'miauni'c‘ wRTlTR

5 Frustration. inattentioii.
memory problems. and (lt'ttl‘i‘sr
. sion.

atteiitiyeness; one characterized
by hyperactiy‘ity: and one which
is a combination ot' the two."
ltoyylin Reece explained.

The disorder alTects all intelli
yietlt‘t‘ leyels. she added.

.lohn Kearns. an lllltlt‘t‘l'll‘t‘(l l'resh-
man with AM“). Sometimes I'll
completely l'oruet about appoint
ments or assiuinnents "

Often people it uh .\l)lll) also
haye problems with interpersonal


;\l)lll) zill‘et'ls each person llll
lt‘l't'lltly and can ch'itiww
lllllt‘, lioyylinrlteece said

"()tten by the Illllv' an titdiy id
ual reaches college the inattentiye


Know the options

Many options are available to UK
students suffering from ADHD.

Some tTK students cope with Due to the inability to pay at relationships. lioyyhn Reece said. symptoms [li‘l'\l\l\ mpg -" clip The UK Counseling’and Testing

Do you see l lllt‘S‘t‘ [)l't)l)lt‘lTlS t‘\'t‘l'\ll.’l\'. lit‘y’ttllSt‘ Ti‘lllltill It) tlt'ltlll.Isllltlt‘lllS \\ lill I‘lllt l‘ttl lllSlillltt‘. stillli-in‘ie may [hmk “(Mini Center offers learning Sltlll SET'
they suffer il‘Ulll Attention “MM! disorder may miss ci itical yyoitls that someone yy ho llils .»\l)lll) is ( urrently there is no coin Vices, which cover test taking.~

What I see? H\'[‘)(‘t'£t('tl\’lt.\'lllSlil‘tlt‘t‘(:\l)lll)) sllt‘lt (is not (it‘ i‘Xt‘llltllllLl. t‘.\ not paying attention to them, tilt‘le t‘lli‘l‘ :l\.’lll:ilile tor \l)||[) time management, and academic

Some things were seen
and heard around
campus recently that
we feel everyone
should be a part of.

Have you seen the new
mascot at one of the
sororities? A little
dog named Spencer.
He’s cute and cuddly,
say females on

l "I find it very difficult to con
l centrate without cotnplete si-
l lence." said Stacey ilaxle. a nurs
1 inc: sophomore diagnosed with
l ADHI).
l Al)lll). also known as .»\l)l). is
l a medical condition classified by
1 inatteittiyeness and hypel‘actl\'lt_\‘.
said llr. Bowlin Reece. director til
i the L'K (‘oiinselinu and Testing
“There are .‘5 categories ol~
Alilll): one classified mainly by in

plained l‘ltt\\'llll-l{t‘t‘(‘(‘,

“l’or those who aren't that:
nosed or don‘t tell their teachers.
there can be misctiininunication
and inisunderstantlmus." Bowlin
Reece said. “Students with .y\l)lll)
may need additional time on tests.
or they iitay not follow instruc
tions properly."

.»\l)lll) also can allect an indi
yidual's time management skills.

"l llil\'t‘ trouble ordering tasks
and actiyities for the day." said

when the indiy'idtial is actually
trying as hard as they can.

Al)lll) can cause interperson-
al problems in other ways as well

“l haye trouble. because
sometimes I will completely insult
somebody without realizing it. I
will say somethin: totally rude

just because l didn‘t think til it."

said a student with .-\l)lll), who
did not want to be identified by
name due to the stigma he said is
sometimes associated with the

The disorder reinains yy itli an iii
(ll\’ltlll.‘ll tor the duration ol‘ their
lifetime but can be treated w ith a
combination ol' therapy: counsel
the. sell-awareness and sometimes
drugs. such Ritalin and .\derall.

Other treatments include
workinu oil such leaininu time
management skills

"It‘s not .is ll the disorder has
gone away. people may iust learn
to compensate lor it by learninu
certain skills." \‘llll Howlin Reece

skills. These services are free to
any UK or LCC student carrying
six hours.

In October. Bowlin-Reece and Dr.
Tim Nolan, head of the student
mental health unit, will be leading
a LD/ADHD support group to pro-
vide a chance for discussion and
an exchange of information.
For more information concerning
such programs call the testing
center at 257-8701.

campus, and was
spotted on campus

i .




».~: "‘ilswnwr‘”? ”-


. nu. “-mms




with a friend (Le.
babysitter). To help
recognize him, just
remember that
Spencer is the Shi

Empty beer cans - on
campus. For shame.
Surely they were left
by people who went
to the stadium and
have nothing to do
with the students.
Unfortunately they
were all very empty.

Did you see the size of
some of the
umbrellas on campus
yesterday? "Hey look
at me with my very
large umbrella - it’s
bigger than yours!"
Some of these things
were big enough for
Al Roker and Dom
DeLuise to share.
Please share the
wealth for those of
us without the
Weather Channel. Oh
and by the way, size
may count, but not in
the umbrella
department. Size
matters among
important things like
engine displacement,
pizza, and mugs.
Very large mugs.

Speeding bicyclist on the
sidewalks. I love to
cycle all over the
place too, but hey
friendly, sneaky, bike
officers — I believe
that you could help
this situation of us
pedestrians getting
run over on paths
specifically marked
against bike riding.

Saw my first inside out
boy! You know we
are getting into the
swing of things when
someone has their
shirt on inside out at

Call: 257-1915 or write:






Since it opened in December of
1996. the Kentucky (‘linic North has

exam chairs. and X~ray and EKG ca
Taxpayer dollars will not be


Used to build the clinic. llolsinjuer
said. The money to build the clinic
initially came from a Medicaid pay-
ment made to UK Hospital in 1995.
This money enabled the hospital to
extend care to medically oyerlooked

For those patients
seeking services who do
not have the proper l‘i-





NIKE cosriLUi l mm srAri

UK president Charles Wethington delivers the opening address at the ground breaking for the Kentucky Clinic North.

Clinic dreams
made of bricks

By Jessica Stevens

nancial capabilities to pay their
bills. though. the center will look to
other resources to supplement the
tllll‘ei‘ence. he added.

Whether or not care is appro
priate at the time patients present

area." he said. “We must
have a vision beyond our
own walls."




the hinge

Campaign seeks to raise awareness of
the dangers of excessive drinking

By Mat Herron

StN‘iJR STA“ M‘y'l L

l'ly' ioined more than a hundred other colleges and uni
yersities last Friday in a nat ionyy ide media cainpaiun to stop

“It‘s all about raisin:
Sliltlyt'SlllJlll Lloyd \\elrod

The tainpaiuii. pitt together by the ‘y\asi;iii;toii based
National :\_\.-ttt‘l;llltill ol' State l'iiiyersities and Land-tirant
Colleges. targets parents. leuislators and coiiiinuitity leaders
to respond to the increased number of deaths related to
binge drinking atnon,_ colleue students oyer tin last i‘eyy

The campaign‘s black and white. l'ull page ads leature a
picture ol'a beer entitled ‘liinee lit-er." with the headline
"Hitting colleee campuses this tall " The rest ot the ad uses
satire to address the y'ery serious and non humorous issui
ot'binee drinking.

The ad yyhich appeared an last lt‘riday's i'tllllltll ol the
Kernel. also ran last l’riday tn the .\eyy York Times, The
\V'ashiiiuton Post. The ltoston tilohe. the San lt‘rancisco
(‘hronicle and other in.uor l‘it'\\sll.‘llit’l's around the country.

The (‘illlllllllflll is also lilllllt‘lllllL' a website t‘ttliltlllllll;!
more information on hoyy binge lll'llll'y'illj; al‘l’ects the nation‘.s
college students. and lists campus programs to t‘iuht biotic

Supporters of the :iioyeinent say it's not not another
“Just Say No“ campaign. because it also seeks to make par
ents and community leaders more aware ol‘ the culturi- ot
dt'inkine on campus,

“We would hay-i a lot ot alumni say. ‘\\'hy an we l’lllyllli.‘
about this"? said Stephen .\l.ic(‘arthy a spokestn in ltd
Penn State l'niyersity “'l‘liere yyas a Very strong sense that
people who are ol'aii older :Ieiir‘i‘allolt are yei'y unlainilirit to
the problem that eyists toil ty '

:\t'i'iil'tllll,;' to national tr \ey s. l‘!ll‘_!i‘ driiikinu is deleted
as the consumption of tiye oi liltilt- drinks in one sittniu by .i
male. or tour or more by tleinale

In fact. students are s: o'tine soon
er. .\lact‘arthy said tine tha‘d el' ll't‘Sll
man in college arriye is binue
drinkers. according a study by the llai‘
yard School ol‘l’ublic llealth

Dean of Students llay ltl Stockh'un
said the research also sheyys that. uit

awareness.” said l'niy'ersity




- a class that starts at , . y ,. , . . . . . i like )ast St‘llt‘l‘ZlIlitllS. tudeiits are
.f 2 p m Oops' bomli operating out ofa triple-wide areas of the my: llTiInlStylV’t‘S at the clinic is more of i motel inclined to (mm: (1,“.an ”N,
T ‘ ' ‘ trai er. The st'tfiol‘Kentucky' 'in issue tlrm D'let‘m
‘ “When we first opened. I asked (‘ ' ‘ ~ ', v ‘ - my 15 said (‘lay' )ool. “” ,. . ..

g Created by Samantha the statho just believe " said Travis 1 its: ,l?(t;t(},] if”! 1m 1:1“. Fayette (Vo’ulm‘. (‘ouncil j \V itlt this campaign. he said. you
l Essid/Ron Norton . ~ ’ ,. -.. ‘r - .. .. . .“ ‘l. ‘ (' m“ 5' ‘ “ . ‘ , want to dispel the notion that to be a
5- ' _ _ ‘ LdeStm. tht‘ ( lln” S ”N (ll(ill (lll(‘( - "~31 (ill‘(|(‘t()[‘- {IS \Voll {l5 a [nun (yt‘t)l‘§.{t‘ BFUVVH. “7h“ gnulun] you 1111‘ 1 try I) x ,. h]«'h [‘|\I\ .
g rail_editortathotma.|,com “"1 "“05“ Wurf‘l'f‘h and envision It dentist. a pharmacist. a KentUCky represents m“ north Sid“ l user ot alcohol :‘ t l ‘ h g
;. l::.,l)(\:(’~~ and allow ”Mt hmk m nurse llmcm‘iflllm‘3"” . . (fir. ‘9‘“:ll't ffl'd‘ t?" ”F“; ; A perfect solution to the lunee ‘
g k ; ‘ , ‘ ~ '_ . al mediial assistants and C 1 1 n 1 C ( mic is iimtnt ous ()l , tll‘lllly'lll‘l problem. h“ NW1. may ”I”
1 Yesterday. the stall at the clinic rece )tionists ma .1 (UN). the residents ol the area . . ,S . . . . -
i“ , h - 1 l ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1‘ h ' fl ‘, . , , l extst. “lhis isa positiy'eellort to try
E Lot {(‘(jlr W]; 1" ‘ l k t‘ v} worker from the hm“ Nort IS became the) ‘lmlt haye . to get at a dillicult issue." he said.
will 13:)”33“ (_nl‘:;..§lrr‘)’mfl::'"gn‘l‘gli‘t‘tt‘ tiiiclkly Department ol So a place (tomt‘iayel so fat to get 1 "because it will get people to talk "
, - , ~ ca nsurance. ‘«' ~ I . - i - - a t
on East Third Street and Him "pH-o Lawson said 1“. for the Before. he said. the (am, 2 l‘llllt§llll:ll 8:;lIthllilll\\lllllltltl:)lfill‘t‘l
I‘lant ()‘n‘l‘(-hltldml)~nl {nitritlr ldtlxlt‘ljti hopes “up P‘W’!‘ win tst h(.lltll‘l( tit facilities ; drinking h” problem. but mm“
5 <_ "1"? I; 3:“; U H 0 t t”mlH H leave the clinic feeling p e 0 p18 , were the Fayette ( ounty y 'iren't Rm.“ the 't(lS “I“ In“, W,
.' {"11 l. ‘ \ '\14‘ I' i ‘i ‘1. ‘ ' ( . l . “L (
g m A . .. ‘ l3“ H V‘ ‘ refreshtd. ”WNW” ”l H‘ llth 'l)()ptttmcnt ”ll l (lt‘SlT‘t‘tlt‘flt‘t‘T lor several reasons
.. 76 56 l ]t a I)??? ion ”(lint titlsti rt: how much motley the pa and we Newtown l lke. or outer l First mm“ ““de m“
ray. - ames 0 Slngt‘l‘. (‘ ]:lllt‘t‘ l)T‘ 0 ”(int h.” grumpy (are units at area . ~ ’ ' ' ‘ ‘
V . . . '~- -. miss the ail s messa 'e.
Hi Lo the (handler Medical (enter. said "Anyone who has want r93“ hospitals. l a, thought 1:}th WW,
. the new clinic will rive much-need- » " ‘ ~ , - - t ' . , x .- . . ' ‘ . ‘ .
Part Of the sky M" ed health ("ire to tiledic'tlly under» loillw to min" gmll l 'hd's IdentS t0 th;ll(l‘l::(llll(llll( Hittitl‘hlti}: l km” “l ""W ”ml ”‘1" 5 coming
be cloudy. part will not. served people m m," 'treh ‘ ,"m “an” 5“" Ill" , ‘ _, - )le )f [‘VKK do" out‘."" said Keisha (‘arter. Arts
"_""’ ""‘Thuh' h “Kentucky (‘liitic liltil‘tll is ’I spit, Thais ”H ”Ht be prOUd illf‘t‘t‘imlil‘ovide Vj’llll'llflt‘ and Sciences ”WNW tor ”‘0
place for the people and m. want t In???) ”ff? .‘ .~” , f th ' hedlthcltre ‘ervi‘ces to Student(hiy'emment .'\S.S(l‘llltlttll.
‘ ‘ 5, . h. . ’1 fth ,- . i .. ‘ ( m” “l ”Wr' O elr ‘ ‘ . s ‘ , Second. (‘arter said that
”$1110?“ t” ‘ WIN" 0 f” t ”1' ate financially like any Clinic ,, the north paitofthelx‘x universities "mid to (‘hqngp
*‘""'"”‘"*‘—“‘*"' 1C. osm'ersair. ‘ w , i ' v y ' . t' ‘ ' .. . ‘
VOL 3:105 lSSUE #15 The Slit million clinic will hp other Mm"? 5“!” If" ’ mf‘h’" m mmunit‘y. I k what she called the social con
' . ' " ~ y » (laypool. chtefol “”0“" piesident . (harles science" the thought that
~‘“"“"**'“*—W— 9.600 square feet and vquuiped With tltms at UK Hospital. - James Hotshoer. Wethington said. drinking i\ ”n mmmn mm M
ESTABLISHEDIN ‘892 ll exam ”MU”. 5‘ laboratory. ‘1 pa “Payment will be ex Chancellor of the “Today reaffirms tillt‘ colle ,9 life To kee ) qudpmg
INDEPENDENT SINCE 1971 tient education rooiit. four dental pected." Claypool said. Chandler Medical commitment to the t3 - l y -

from hinge drinking. she said.
“You have to get within a social
conscience to change it "

_ .'__, 7;;_,._, _'_,_.v__A_:_.,____.. ., 4.-.-..A ‘ 7 ‘
. s I , , 1 ~ |
._ ~t .



2,1, 19.5.59025915'49FR‘1559 I “Miriam


The Low-down

I’m not

there’s a
that you
have to
have a
show on

formerly of
"The Larry
Sanders Show,"
on stage at
Sunday's 51"
annual Emmy




Florida Tells 1 Million To Flee

MIAMI More than I million people were
told to evacuate the Atlantic coast Monday and
NASA all but abandoned (‘ape Canaveral as Hur
i'icane Floyd one of the most powerful storms
ever to threaten the United States charged to-
ward l‘llll'lllll with potentially catastrophic 1.3.”)
mph winds Forecasters said Floyd would brush
past the Bahamas overnight and could hit land in
the next couple ofdays between central Florida
and South Carolina. Bahamas residents (llizlllr
doned beachtront homes and scrambled for t‘illt‘l'r
gency supplies in preparation for the 13.“) mph
w inds

Democrat Criticizes Former
Waco Probe

W.-\SlllN(}’l‘()\' The congressional Repuh
lican leading an inquiry into the 109:4 Waco siege
overlooked evidence the .ltistice [)epartnient sent
his committee four years ago showing federal
agents used potentially incendiary tear gas near
the fiery etid of the Branch llayidian standoff. a
House Democrat said. "Contrary to the allega
tions of cover up. substantial evidence oftlie use
of military tear gas rounds was. in fact. provided
to (‘oiigress iii 1003." said Waxman. l)-(‘alif.. the
coiiiinittee‘s top Democrat.

Clinton Optimistic on E. Tim-
or, N. Korea

.-\t'(‘Kl..»\Nl). New Zealand President t‘lin
ton said the international peacekeeping force
headed for liast Timor. which will probably 111
clude “a few hundred" Americans. would hope
fully begin its work in a matter ofdays. (‘liiiton
urged lndonesian leaders to act responsibly until
a force can be assembled and sent to liast 'l‘imor
under Australian leadership. (‘liiitoii also wel-
comed a tentative deal reached with North Korea
in Berlin under which. “we understand and ex-
pect North Korea will refrain from testing long
range missiles ofaiiy kind“ while a tiriiier accord
is negotiated. He said he was considering easing
trade sanctions against North Korea




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-I--S: D



g: Shannon Abbott

|1 Lauren .iltevers

l ,les‘sica Arnold

l Lauren Baldwin

1! Stacy (Ionaway

l lyiii'iilyti (ionolly

.. Jennifer Ebert

11 Whitney lilllllllllgt‘l‘
i: Heather Hinchum
1 Leah Gilmore

1: Brittney Griffith

l .llelissa Crohovsky
i Becky Helm
Robyn Holt

fl Lindsay Johnson

'“ Andrea Jones
Kristin Keith
Emilie Kelley

Gina .Vlarano

Delta Gamma welcomes
:1 its New Members!

Laura l’lartin
Liz lliddleton
Molly l’litchell
llary \iinn
lyristin Patton
Amanda Perkett
Nicole Prebeck
Jennifer Bemillard
Tamil Bolph
Brooke Byland
.\my Sandlort
Lynne Sanning
Liz Scherer

Kelly Sears

Terri Suffoletta
(Ioiirtney Sullivan
Elizabeth Sysol
Candice Wallace
Heather Watts
Sarah Weir




Musicians led
by country icon
Willie Nelson
appealed for
new agricultural
policies at the
Farm Aid ‘99
concert Sunday.
The concert
gathered a vari-
ety of musical
acts and hun-
dreds of
activists to
press for laws
to help indepen-
dent growers
hurt by wealt
farm prices and
to stave off
corporate con-
trol of the food


John Travolta's
private Boeing
707. carrying
the star and
seven others,
was forced to
malte an emer-
gency landing
at Boston’s
Airport after
one of the
engines over-
Travolta and
company went
home on anoth-
er aircraft.

Coast Guard Fires at Orug

WASHINGTON (‘oast (luard officials to
day disclosed that sharpshooters have been fir-

ing from helicopters to knock out the engines of

cocaine laden boats in the Caribbean. The tactic .
one not tised since the 1920s Prohibition era has
already netted three tons of cocaine. "We have
made the drug smugglers afraid. We will now
make them disappear,“ said Barry .\lc(‘affrey.
White House drug control director.

Talks Under Way for Mideast

liRliZ CROSSING. (laza Strip lsraelis and
Palestinians today opened talks on a filial peace
accord intending to tackle issues like Palestiii
iaii statehood. the rights of refugees and the sta«
tus oi Jerusalem. The Palestinians want to estab
lish a state in all of the West Bank and (laza
Strip. with cast Jerusalem as its capital. lsi‘ael
says it will never relinquish parts ofJerusaletii.
which it insists will remain the undivided capital
of the .lewisli state.

French Oil Cos. Agree To
$54.38 Merger

PARlS A fierce. two-iiionth takeover battle
between l’i'ench oil companies Total Fina and Elf
:\(]llll.’illll‘ ended today. as a $34.3 billion merger
agreement was reached to create the world‘s
fourth largest oil group. The friendly deal caps a
sumiin r of intense merger activity in France.
where two of the country‘s largest banks have
agreed to join forces and two retail powerhouses
have also said they would ally.

Dow Ends Up 1.90

NliW YURK The Dow Jones industrial av-
erage ended up 1.00 at 11.051033. Hut broader
stock indicators were lower. ()n the NYSE. losers
led gainers 1.7331320 The Nasdaq fell 12.29 to

Brewers' Stadium To Open in

MlliWAl'Kl'lli A construction accident
will push back the Milwaukee Brewers first
game in the new Miller Park to April 2001. a year
later than its scheduled opening day. stadium
board officials said today. The ballpark was orig-
inally slated to make its debut with the Brewers‘
first home game in April 2000.



Gore put on
the defensive


Vice President Al (lore
says he has no fear that so-
called Clinton fatigue will
make voters yawn about his
own presidential ambitions.

By his own hopeful read-
ing of history. voters often get
aiitsy as a two-term president
begins to wind down but show
a “renewed burst of energy
and positive feeling" in the fi-
iial year in oilice.

That burst. he suggested
in an interview with The As-
sociated Press. should give
hitn a boost.

(lore and Texas (iov.
(Eeorge W. Bush, both cam
paigning in lowa on Sunday in
their races for the Democratic
and Republican nominations.
traded a few long-distance

“i trust people to make the
right decisions for their
lives." Bush said when asked
to distinguish himself from
(lore. “it seems like the poten—
tial nominee of the Democrat-
ic Party trusts government."

Gore shot back; "I'm go-
ing to let him take the nega-
tive road."

Bush was in the state to
accept the formal endorse—
ment of former Gov. Terry
Branstad; he said Branstad
will advise his campaign on
farm issues.

While Gore leads in most
polls for the Democratic nomi-
nation. those surveys suggest
he would face general-election
trouble against Bush. front-
runner in the Republican

Some analysts say Gore is

suffering from his association
with (‘linton because voters
are tired of the Monica Lewin-
sky scandal and the presi—
dent‘s other controversies.
And former New Jersey Sen.
Bill Bradley argues for a
”fresh start“ in his nomina-
tion contest with Gore.

(lore argued there‘s little
new iii public sentiment at
this stage of a two-term [)I‘CSl
dent‘s mandate.

“History shows that
there's a well-established pat-
tern that. regardless ofthe iii-
dividual. regardless of the par-
ty. whenever our country has
a two-term president. there‘s a
feeling in the seventh year
that has been described by dif-
ferent labels." Gore said.

“in the eighth year there's
a renewed burst of energy and
positive feeling about what's
been done anti the reasons
why a president has had two

(lore refused to be drawn
into the debate over Clinton‘s
granting of clemency to a
group of Puerto Rican nation-
alists. "Under the Constitu-
tion our founders gave that
power to the president. with-
out any checks or balances."
said Gore. “I'm not going to
stand iti judgment of his deci-

GOP presidential candi~
date Steve Forbes had chal-
lenged (lore to take a stand.
calling Clinton's clemency of-
fer a "terrorists-for-votes
deal“ to help Hillary Rodham
Clinton win a Senate seat in
New York.

Mrs Clinton said she op-
posed her husband's offer.



Hang out with the Archbishop

UK students will have a chance to share in an open dialogue
with Archbishop Desmond Tutu at 11 am. Thursday in the
Recital Hall of the. Singletary Center for the Arts. The event is
free. but students must get a ticket from the Student Center Box
Office to attend. Seating is limited to 400. A movie about Tutu's
life and work will be shown for free tommorow at 2 pm. in the
Student Center Theater.


It’s Time To Try The



anil M'y




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V‘Jt‘ in im View“ it .i l-lvilq-fifmil' t‘

lilull't illilrt'l ‘liiilill‘, iii-wide "unit. i'i.. Rtitilll [IS
Millie lit/l'i .i Hit lv'illt it tilt-i' SIULlClll (‘ClllCl'

iiiismtuii'ii-n We true that t' it i'




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ii/‘nll’ H’IH *s a ,—

L’rif 1‘1 tit ~



The Campus Calendar is produced weekly by the Office of Student Activities.

Postings In the (alendar are free to all registered student organizations and

UK Departments lnlormation can be submitted in Rm. 203. Student Center or

by completino a request lorni on line at httppxwww.ukyedu/StudentCenter.

Posting requests are due ONE WEEK PRlOR to the Monday information is to
appear in the (alendar For more intormation call 257-8867.




ASSOCMTED PRESS Free Matti 309 and :23 Tutoring. (all {776959 lor more into

Terror in Moscow MM... .2.

. . _ . _ _ _ Green lllllllli) lotiromiiental Club Meeting. 73me Rm 106 Student
: Smolte rises lrom a destroyed apartment building as Russian Emergency Situations Ministry officers and firefighters try to rescue people from the Cents"

nibble in Moscow, early Thursday, Sept. 9. A massive explosion shattered the nine-story apartment building destroying scores of apartments and M. MW...

leaving 13 people dead and about 90 injured. Another explosion - possibly caused by a bomb - pulverized an eight-story apartment building in Mowe min. mat The who. 7:30pm. Worsnnm im-nmu 52. sponsored by 5A8
Moscow yesterday, killing at least 73 people. Russian President Boris Yeltsin linked the two latest blasts to lighting in the southern Russian
region of Dagestan. where government troops are battling Islamic rebels who have occupied several villages.


Exhibit A Iaii- oi Two Cities. UK Art Museum
Exhibit IUO (.iaiits ()1 (hair Design. UK Art Mlht'tlni I".

i Exhibit Town and (ountry, l2~4pm. UK Art Museum

East Timor fury increases


A demon-“mu" Exhibit Modern Firtion and Art. 12~4pm. UK Art Museum
burns an
Speual tvents

IndoneSIan "39 Poster Saie' Room 206 Student Center. 9dm»5pm, sponsored by SAB
during a demon-

u\:‘€' : ,



Deportations and burning of houses were re




‘ ported in bloodied East Timor alter lndoni-sia's Stration OUTSlde WEDNESDAY 9 1 5

. .4 decision on Sunday to let in international [it‘flt‘l‘ “‘9 IndoneSian

' keepers. embassy In
; “We are (MH‘anl to "MW in H M“. ”5 Madrid Sunday, wigmiiimitmi tidn Athl tesMeetint 9 n (5r Bid (c r fW at as.
a . . . ., W8 , ‘ . .

~ qutckly as we (ran and Willitilli any conditions. 10 DTOiESt the (mumhhj ‘ 0 J n l 9 0 new 0° 6"
5 UN. Secretary-Gentiral Kol‘i Annan told I‘t'- "0'9"“? In 535‘ si 1 [H "M! c N r 5 K k U F P, H
‘ .. ' ' e Ul (‘ll (‘il (\ISUI‘V (mini 9“ int). (Tm. entut V |nl(. F90 lZZd.(t3
g. p0l‘t01 5-. ‘ . _ . ‘ T'mor followmq Marv Brinknian at 375823 lor into

Amid reports of nearestai'vation and militias the Aug. 30
issuing orders to kill llillt‘pt’litlt‘ni‘t‘ supporters. independence ""r""‘“'""‘ "“‘r““"""

Women ~ (.luh Volleyball Tryouts. 9:30pm. Alumni Gym. (all Karrie at 277s937810r
referendum. Into

lan Martin. head ot‘ the l'nited Nations mission
in East Timor. said pearekevpers must lit' di-
ployed urgently.

“...lt is (‘ritiral that that negotiation (in New
York) does not result in any t'urther delay. 'l‘hose
international forces have to be on the ground
very quickly indeed it a major humanitarian
tragedy can now he averted or at least very rapid-
ly mitigated."

Spot iai [vents

“5500”” PRESS Poster stile' Room 206i Student (enter. 9amr 5pm. sponsored by SAB



(ONURT Sioit Ainsle. blues guitarist. 8pm. (enter Theatre. FREE



Free Matti HM and i23 iutorinq. (all 7776959 lor more into n
_______.‘.e_,_~._,.,___.,7 V _a a, . ,. A , , .35. ,
Arts/Moties r 2. 7.
Exhitiit' 100 Giants ()1 (hair Design. UK Art Museum Q. . ‘ .
' : IL: ».
3’ .‘l

i i Exhibitziown and Country. i2-4pm. UK Art Museum

I wa “t A [xhihit' Modern Fiction and Art. l2-4pm, UK Art Museum


.Spetial hents
Poster Sale! Room 206 Student Center. 9am750m. sponsored by SAB

Challenge? FRIDAY 9/17


J. Rithard Gruber. Deputy Director. Morris Museum ol Art. Opening of A Place Not
Forgotten Exhibit.5 30pm. UK Art Museum. FREE


(Part and Full Time Day and Evening)
$5.15/hr + Mileage Reimbursement + Tips


Spei iai Events 1

V ' " a ', V i ' V I. ' ' ' , ' ‘ ‘ Poster Sale' Ronni 206 Student (enter,9am~50m. sponsored by 5A8
I! .1. LA} . .. w , - SATURDAY9/18
( HAD rttuiittn tutu/tin AlMHlGH .

‘ H i ,‘ . ’ Sports
—~R—Lg ,_ ' ‘ _ . UK football at Indiana. 2pm @

SUNDAY 9/ l 9









\ppl} at I.“ Soutlilanil Di :7" limo
\li Vllllitli :li‘) llilili

«VA/“wraith iru‘ I ()Hi








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Adam Snow
Sports Editor

Phone 257 ms | Email:truebiueadamapopohyedu



Perseverence pays

Cats' Megan
Weiskircher has
taken her play to
new heights

By John Dohson


Sometimes. payback is a

(‘onsider the case of Megan
Weiskircher. a middle blocker
tor the this.

"My attitude has changed a
iot. about practice and every-
thing else. I've been practicing

a lot I stayed here all sum-
iYit‘l' training." Weiskircher

'I‘he dietetics itinior from
Houston. 'I‘exas is reaping the
benefits oi' her perseverance
ind new approach to the game.

\\'eiskircher has already
surpassed her 1998 totals Iii
kills. total attacks. service aces.
vii-4s. block solos and block as-
sists. t"urrently. \Veiskircher is

anion; the team leaders in kills
lord). .itiaixks (:irdi and block so
i is. block assists and total

In I'K‘s‘ Sept. iii loss to .\'o.
in’ (‘leinsoir \‘i'eiskircher led
the Pats with a .263 hitting per-
centage. .si\ kills and only one
error on 19 attacks.

\\'eiskircher played at an
even higher level in the :it) loss
to .\'o :it) Notre Dame. boasting
.i .fiSJi hitting percentage. 1o
digs. a block solo antl iive block

\t'eiskircher was recog
i‘ith'tI for her play in (‘leinson‘s
I’iig ()range Bash tournament
last weekend by being the only
Wildcat named to the all-tour
iiament team.

“I was more focused."
Weiskircher said. "I was really
determined to prove to myself
that I could play a more active
role on the team than I have in
the past, That was a real turn
ing point for me.”

(me oi‘ \Veiskircliehs role
models in her play is iormer
lienver Broncos quarterback
.iohn Iilway.

"He didn‘t do so well in the
beginning oi' his career. but he
played until be absolutely
iouldii't anymore and he did
i.'t quit until he had earned
everything he wanted."
\Veiskircher said.

(‘oai‘li .lona Braden is obvi»
ously pleased with





Senior Katie Eiserman and the volleyball Cats face the Western Kentucky
Lady Toppers tonight at Memorial Coliseum. Game time is set for 7 pm.

\N'eiskirchei”s periormance.
She is equally as hippy With
the tumors eagerness to play

"I'm really itit"i\t‘ti that
she's iiiitliiig her place. and
shoyy ing the le\el oi athlete she
really is. She‘s really playing
steadily. responding to the level
oi play that's out there."
Braden .said

"She’s doing well iii every
aspect oi the game. as uell as
her sense that says ”I'm here.
I'm ready give me the ball'

Whalen: whatever

By Matt May

A. ut'AI: Wh‘iu

l! \i. is supposed to be
(Jiie: i '~.Iii oi‘d. Or maybe
Ito ‘iilei. .\I:iybe even (iai'
I) I, ._

I ll

‘ s ire ivasn‘t expected to
man iorgotten iii the
\itiith and hobby lili/
*i:‘l.‘1oepl.i 'l‘hev vyere going to

stars at tight end. even Ii
'.\t-l" ireshmen

i‘ 'i.,


.liiiii-s Whaleii \yas iiist
on: ordtnaiy player \khti
ioiixed raid and earned .i

holirsth .itter walking on
ind firidirj i way to get things
or- ll~ .\ isnt seen as a sit
persiai :i f i role player in {iii

witeiisr 3? i’ illo‘yys everyone i

i"‘i'ir:r'- to shine He got no in