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Art 151 Cr


minutes of the Faculty of the University - February 20, 1942

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tici.m 01 Art n euerter hours


Analyses; internretetions; evaluations. Sneciflc arts, periods
of art, styles of art are examine? in the light of historical modes
of criticism Problems in cri sm of contemnorary art. Discuggion

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and re70rts.o For ad.v:nced Students.
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Prc,req1is1tes: Advlnced Studi arses; Art 142 and Art 143.

President Donovan requested that in making arrangements for the
faculty for the summer quarter, the deans use their own faculties in

as f3r as nossib e, rather than employ isiti ng instrn0tors.

Mr. Peters on comzuented briefly 0n the matter of balancing the
current budget. He stated b L o da:e there had been no reduction

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in the number of requests oein nbxitted and thwt m ny of them

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would have to be sent back to the resoectivc oifici 31s for reconside =r.e~
tion. He recomme ded that al effort be made to reduce expeniitures in
extra help buiget s. Presiient Donovan stated that the condition of

the budget had be oen brought to the attention of the Board of Trustees
and that the Chairman of the E? YBC‘lblVe Committee had stated that the

budget must be balanced.


The next meeting of the Faculty was so cheduled for Friday, March 0.


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The Faculty of the University met in the President's Office,
Tuesday, Decembe er 1‘5, 1942. ,President Donovan nresided. Members
present were Paul P. Boyd, Alvin Ee Evans, W. D. Funkhouser, J. H.
Graham, Frank D. Peterson, William S, Taylor, Edward Niest, and
Leo M. Chamberlainn Professor L. J. Horlecher was also nresent.

The minutes of November 27 were read ani approved.
The Dean of the University nresented to the Faculty a list of

University organizations, together with the faculty adviser or other
responsible person for each. The list had been prepared in accordance

with the rule which calls for the faculty to arrange for faculty
advisers, with a view to the oroper enforcement of the rules regard~
1ng eligibility for participation in extra-curricular activities. The
list Was ape roved as pre esented.

The following calendar for l943~44 was approved:
