xt7vdn3zwn6v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vdn3zwn6v/data/mets.xml Texas Historical Records Survey Division of Professional and Service Projects, Works Projects Administration Texas Texas Historical Records Survey Division of Professional and Service Projects, Works Projects Administration 1940 69 p.: map 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number: FW 4.14:T 312/no.111 books English San Antonio, Texas: Texas Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Texas Works Progress Administration Publications County government -- Records and correspondence Hood County (Tex.) -- Archives -- Catalogs Hood County (Tex.) -- History -- Sources Inventory of the County Archives of Texas. no. 111, Hood County (Granbury), 1940 text Inventory of the County Archives of Texas. no. 111, Hood County (Granbury), 1940 1940 1940 2020 true xt7vdn3zwn6v section xt7vdn3zwn6v , ‘ \ ‘1 M «- f: '5 "4..“ I: A > HM (“(1 (’45 I I if) t «1/ r. +0.}. FFFFFF ‘ mmmm'fifmnnHinuuu E‘llHEEi I: INVENTORY offhe , COUNTY ARCHIVES " « gNlVEHSE H 5)? ’(Qtfi‘vi {1:53}? UBRémES HOOD COUNTY No. 111 TEXAS HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY INVENTORY OF THE COUNTY ARCHIVES OF TEEES Prepared by The Texas Hi:torical Records Survey Division of Prof usionnl and Service Projects Work Projects Administration ***** San Antonio, Texas 3e Texas Historical Records Survey Rbrch 1940 F C R E W O R D 0 The Inventory 01+ die Countv Archives 01' iexas is one of a number of bibliographies of histories 1 materials prep: re 61 throughout the United States by workers on the Historical Rec01ds Survey P orrrm of the “ork Projects Administration. The publication herewit: n e cited, in inven— tory of the archives of Hood County, ‘9 number lll o of counties. The Historical Records Survey Erogrnm was utdeion(en in the Winter of l935—56 for the purpose of prov1ndi seful to needy unco- ployed hist oriuns, lawyers, teachers 13“] wfirrers. In carrying out this objective, ? compile in- ventories of historiCil materials shed govern— ment documents and recor1s which :thH of local SOJernment, and JhiCh provide of coliticel, economic, ant1social historji. ngesedted is intended to meet the rcquirem on by th: of— f101als of the county, and ss Wei and other citizens who reonire the proper confuct of their affairs _ 1 _ 9 can b: used by the {1910“111 in hi:; i: r'i '1 Q .‘ in flzs<2 o1 -»» in the same way he 1ses t is l 1,brar;* card ' ‘ "1v“ —. r : 't— Lne 1“ ventori Ir uneduced by the rvey Prowram attempt to do more ltd“ give merely a 1 11r- 'her to sketch 'n the histir icel hockgrcund of unit t of government, and to descrioe pro :ise _ly and i * ”" ' ization and functions of the government egencies whose ‘ 1 county, town, and Other local inventories of t' Then completed, constitute an encvclOpedia for local as a bibliography of local archives. The successful co oncldsion of the work of the Historical Regards Survey Program, even in a sinflle count v would not be possible without the support of public ofi‘icials, historical aiid legal specia and many other groups in the community. Their cooper ration is are acknowledged. The Snrvo y oe'r a was organized inl he 8 been directed by Luther H. EVans, and operates as a nation—wide series oi locally sponsored projects in the Division of Professional and Service Projects, of which Mrs, Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner, is in churns. PREFACE The Texas Historical Records Survey is a unit of the Texas State- wide Records Project which is sponsored by the bureau of Research in the Social Sciences of lhe Univeis itv of.1exas, and operates under the Re— search and Records Section of the Di vi-ion of Professional and Service Projects of the Work Projects Administration. The objective 0: ‘he Survey in has is the preparation of complete inventories of the archives of each county, municipality, and other local governments l unit. This publication, an inventory of the archives of Hood County, includes, in addition to descriptive entries for each extant records series, an historical sketch of the county and a map of its past and present boundaries; a discussion of the conditions under which the records are preserved; and anstract.s of laws specifically applicable to the county. This inventory varies from certain other inventories of county archives being published in that the descriptive entries for each extant records series are presented in a condensed form; an essay on the govern— mental organization and records sgstem of the countv accompanied by charts of government, floor plansot1‘1e courthouse, and ass vs on the le.al status and functions of each count; official and agency are cmicte The Inventory of the County Archives or Texas will, when completed, consist of a separate volee for each countv of the state. Each unit of the series is numbered according to tht pa rtjcu] a1 county's respective position in the ilpldD“ElCdl lie t of the 254 cour.1t i165. Thus, the volume for Hood County, herewith presented, is N.o. lll. Units of the Inv ventory are issued in mimeographed form for free distrit ution to state and local public officials, public libraries in Texas, and to a limited number of libraries and governmental agencies outside the state. 'Thc records of Hood County were lie on in the Signer arc fall of 1956, and a verification check was made in January 1940. The volume was compiled and edited in the state office of the Te :as Historical Survey of the Work Projects Administration. The courteous c00poration of the Hood County officials for whom this work was done is acknowledged. }..J r; C; c 3. H H :—4 III. IV . Pym-t A. “1001 County and Its Record: System Historical Sk>fch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page Liap 01‘ Part and Present Boundaries . . . . . . . Housing, Care, and Accessibility of Records . . . . . Abb'eviutions, Symbols, and I to 'r—J (.0 CR Fl County ($11075 and $791? '1 PZ‘OCKWEQ' m . "1“,". glee L 1. 0an , mags, ; VI" , - .1 I ifl_,'«j(‘r_I_q-_1f‘: ~r. . _ "1 “a” L.11.1tary; fl‘viu rm? 30.3111, I ‘7 7 .Jic‘riot 001 1 ..v ~.~ ;. "1d 54: .L. . .;.- L ”i- p I ‘f'\ J 1mm m fin “10%: “not . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LJ ) Countj,rAtt01‘71 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1 comm-n P ULlfiulIf...-.........«......... 1L». Board cf Eq11_-:lj.zt;:ri31cm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-3 | CH - ~m V- "V ~r-~< ar-n Count; madman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /- , .1" 5?“ County board of School Truste- Table XII. XIII. XIV. omemems County School Suferintendent . q . . . . . . County Surveyor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspector.of {ides and Animal; (Defunct) ... Laws Specificaliy Applicable to flood County Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hronologicul Index . . . . . . . . . . . . Subject and Entry Index . . . . . . . . . . p a g e Texas. Oi it, in the early l890's, Iiom1s (First entry, 9. 15) l. HISTJRICAL SKETCH (f- A ., Hood County, with Granbury the coun Situated on the Brazos river in that favored part 0 Texas just north of the 32nd parallel of north latitude, where the Cross Timbers seem to struggle between mountain and valley for room; her surface is Hell diversi— fied with timber, prairie, rook—cree- and silvery— winding streams; and long before the ”:5, ‘*~ in his unre— mitting march toward the west, had found 1 the Indian and the wild game, upon which banks of her limpiu ‘ , rested from neath gloriously ‘nreduia Live Oaks, fed beans auu the uutrit iour: nti‘ie grasses, from the winter storms moments tie boulders of limestone, whiCi tower up in o itete heirht lending shade to the Picturesque "on natur: seems to have laid out and r home oi r amid which to h the pri J3 With soils 43 V riegated as of the chocoli lanls commo- to L sandy lands, the fruits, grasses an In , black anfi ‘ farm crops are of the t abuu shoe and variet? co:mon b0 iLis climate. These diversif‘i ed co:1uition s seem to favor ably in— Vite meii who rather prefer to es 6 fro“ "tto wluinv cro"ds iguoble stri:e," to find pea co and hippintss in postural and a5 icw1lt1ral pursuits. And sue h seems to have beeh the charac— ter ant the motive vhic’ii ac ated the H10: t stable of these ations here Gar rliest settlers, who fiist planted their habit along the fertile valleys of the Brazos, the Psluty, Kickapoo and other stre and Whilst they v:ili:1ntly fought away the murderous aha pilferihr forays of the savages and lilantec t ieir little Vine and tree., perhaps little thought of tie civiliza— tion, whose louncaiioi the v "ere br ildin” as an he itage to their posterity, mOie to be d esirefi than- sold or ilver. It J is of these scenes and tliese people I pr‘:ose to “rite 1. Thomas I, Ewell, A .Listory of Hood County, Texas, From Its Erliest Settle ment to th Iogether with Exio raohioal Sketc:ies of MGUV Leuuini_. 4. Amino {he Es rl" SLttler, €13_:€ll as Many Incidents in the {ulOlnlfis ierriiori , Also5go Slietch of tlie HistorX,9§_Somervell County (oranbiry, lBQE), l, E, cited hereafter as Ewell, History. (First entry, p. 15) Historical Sketch Until the middle of the last century, what is now Hood County was the undisputed possession of the Indians. In the eastern portion, the peaceful Caddoes tilled their snall farms, and were visited occasionally by Tonkawa hunting parties. In the wooded sectiOns, and farther to the west, Lipans and Comanches held sway, leaving their regular hunting grounds only for raids on the settlements to the eas*.3 No one seems to know just when the first white man entered what is now Hood County, though legend has it that Philip Nolan visited the Indians of the region and traded horses. In all probability, however, the firs white men to see the area were members of the Texan Santa Fe Expedition, on route to New Mexico to open a new commercial route and to discover New M‘xico‘s attitude toward Texas. This expedition traveled from Austin, Texas, to Comanche Peak, then on to the Red River, and along its course to New Mexico.5 Between lBeE and 1846 flood County ;erritory was again visited by Anglo—Americans. Major George B. brath and a man named Green surveyed P These men must have studied along the watershed of the Brazos liver. the scenery carefully, for they rode or followed horses hobbled to step a vara at a time.4 In 184% Charles and George Bernard who were oeratine a tradin Q ’ . post west or present waco on Trading house Creek, stablis_ed an auxil— in territory once a part of Hood County. This iary post on Paluxy Creek post was operated in the winter only, and was not a permanent settle- ment. In 1851, a government expedition under Colonel Samuel Cooper was sent out to study the peace‘ul Indian tribes of Texas. The route traveled was as follows: From Fort Graham, near the present town of Whitney in Hill County, to the Caddo and Kichai Indian villages on the Brazos River about fifteen miles below the Clear Fork. Colonel Cooper, accompanied by a small military escort una . Major Henry Hopkins Sibley, e1 proceeded up the Brazos past Barnard's trading house to Comanche Peak, in the c nter of present Hood County. Fron this point they traveled on by way of Bald Head Peak and Fish Eating Cr eh. On its return, the ex— “. Ehmll, History, 5, 4, 57, 58; statements of Mrs. Wilson Baker, Fomervell County, Dr. A. Carmichel, 1ranbury, Texas, and A. M. ' , of George's Creek, Somcrvell County. See also Frederick , dandbooh of American I: iflS, 3 :arts ( ashington, 1907), under C“ddo, Lipan, Coma: ,, onkiia. E. 5. Kendall, Narrative 33 1 T oant’ £2 Expedition, a vols. (New York, 1844), I, 14—13, dB, See a so Bailey Carroll, The Route of the Texan Cantu-Fe Expedi Doctor's Iissertation, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas. 4. Ewell, History, 3. See also Kemoirs of George B. Erath (Austin, 1923). "' " 5. Ewell 8. See also George Barnard's Day Book, in the v Texas Collection, Baylor University Library, Waco, Texas but Cou tlie l? O roo s ch bur wit One rai 0th com men mai mil pat . xix 0'1 nistorical Sketch (First entry, 3. 15) ion followed the es st bank of the Brazos 1nd struck its old route . at Jomcnche Eknnc. It was t' en4 9 " ‘ a 1 tion Ol oclonel Coo oer the t rt be estaolished in this re; ' " l t:1b~es from he Ohos tile Comanches.” (.4. In the early lEbo's present Hood County, then a port of Ionnson Uounty, .ans stil_l the possession o1 verioi1s Indian t‘ibee Lani "hite men had pissed through the re,? ion, but none had s t ‘ ' f‘ frozn the smiit streams gnu :ertile to push into the valleys el cztnter oi‘ the earliVS' t that pwnt of the co1nt;‘v. ibis r T .. - “1., .1 .- _ ‘J. u. ,.. 190mg; 0313 OJ CELTIV 1’10“r m Q ’ v, 1.. (1.,“ ran \—~ “1: Tn“— ' J. GA, .718“- fl); 6-28..-w .L\.1_1_;i ‘ Lther trioes W’“ burning homes; posse with all of theirina one year and flood the next. When The Civil x broke out, J. A. 1 Yillinghofi raised a company of infanti to ioi Colon - Infantry. Other men from the Braaos Bi er glements joined Geotain Puckett's company, recruited in Mill Count:e In the absence of adequate ;:overn- nent protection, and :11th most of their nble— ho iied men gone, the re— maining citizens oi upper Johrison Countgr oroen_ued'tnemlelves into local militia units. They served fo or ten—day periods, and at least one group oatrollcd the settlements at all times. When Indian attacks w>re feared, o. A. E. Bender, "The To xes Frontier, 1848-1 Bl er; 1 His n SQ'otht est 1 T),31$5- Q torical Qiat drly (Austin, l:3?——), 333$ JIII ISG. 7. Ewell,E Ii.storv, 2—7. . P. lbiQ-, —EE oass'i. Ewell acknL“JF ed5 es the fact that his inferna— J tion came :Cr01 tor1os told him by the enrlv settlers of the co1untt. (First entry, 1). 15) Historical Sketch the women sometimes dressed in men's clothing and stood their turn at guarding the lookouts. Many of the worst Indian raids in the history of x the county are said to have occurred during the Civil War.3 Just after the close of the war, on November 2, 1865, Mood County was created from Johnson County, and named for General John B. Hood, commander of the Fourth Texas Regiment of Infantry, C.S.A.lO Hood was born in Bath County, Kentucky, on June 29, 1831. After graduating from Test Point in 1853, he served in the United States Army until April 16, 1861, at which time he resigned his commission and gave his servic s to the Confederacy. Beginning as a captain, he received successive promo— tion until he was made Colonel in September 1861. He was placed in charge of the Texas regiment. 0n Harch 5, 1862 he became a Brigadier General in Longstreet's Corps, and served in this capacity throughout the war. he died of yellow fever in Pew Orleans in 1879. The act creating Hood County namef Claibourn Arrington, William Manley, and C. C. Alexander commissioners to organize the county. The county seat was to be within six mi es of the center of the county, and was to be called Cranberry, in honor of General H. B. Cranberry, C.S.A.12 Both the organization of the c and the location of the county seat were to be far more difficult tian the legislators seemed to imagine. The first corps of officers elected was as follows: Abe Landers, county judge; A. J. Wright, sheriff; Alex. “. McCamant, lork of the county court; John Morris, clerk of the district court; eter Garland, treasurer; Gideon Mills, assessor and collector of taxes; C. C. Alexander, Uilks Barker, John Meek, and Joe Robertson, county commissioners. Several of these men had served in the Confederate Army, however, and were not all wed to hold their offices. Wright and HcCamant were replaced im— mediately by Democrats who had remained at home. Tradition has it that no carpetbaggers were brave enough to risk frontier life and take their jobs.15 When it came to the location of the county seat, four places were serious contestants: Thorp Springs, Lambert's Branch, the center of the county, and StocktOn. At least three or four elections were held, and fi— mfllya.committee of three men from adjoining counties was chosen to make the final selection. Much press re was brought to bear in favor 9. Ewell, ggffgggy, 87, 23. 10. H. P. N. Gammel, £31§_gf_235a§, 10 vols. (Austin, 1898), V, lOOl- 11. Z. T. Fulmore, History and Geography of Texas as Told in County gages (Aus4in, 1935). See also, for full biographical studies, Thomas R. Hay, Hood's Tennessee Campaign, New York, Halter Neale, 1929; Jacob D. Cox, The Battle of Franklin, New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1897; J. E. Hood, Advance and Retreat, Personal Eggerienc s, New Orleans, Hood Orphan Memorial Bund, 1380. 12. See footnote no. 10. r,’ 71 ..... 7'4 _ «- lg. dwell, History, (3'7. PS 000 *3 abc ha \ fo: t» (flu; lerexele e C; (,3 ‘3 (‘J ' Historical (ketch, (First entry, p. 15) of Lambert's Branch, which wus the final choice. This place was renamed Grenberry, a name which usage or phonetic spelling has Since CianHed to Granbury.14 Court was held in Stockton until G banbury was f1na11y laid of: in about 1871. The court Jr molly met-in some orivste home and is sail t have frequently iound it necessary to adjourn to a nearby grocery store for liquid reficshments.15 During the early seventies, Granbury was a Wide p town, with four or five saloons, and many more t njin a one saloon overfloved into the back yard, where e steer hides spread on the ground. Most of he for backstops, and old—timers remember that the bockstops continued until inLo the ni:ht. the co'hovs, .hei they had tosn and heut tninge their ant ice, as they 1 ”In if. 1’: +1“ - “w "indovs. Two 5 t C; ' "He“i_-s 1 ast, he ed after a try u at stopping 'heh1 for even the men of o n .01LLd W1 ‘h the boys on one cc casion t'~ m 1+ "the 121w uni a little innocent diver— 31011.1‘3 nile u-uno "waning 3 11s, nc"ever, real progress fir} ‘ 1.” xx” ' w'3= “ H. . ”1e county. Sen Killi— kin and P. Thor -ings and had it chirtered as isef tne buildir: and “”UIJHGIB .nd :1 0r nzs two s :s, Addison and Ru nd lpn. In 1376 a new ., ;uilding was added, and a few veers la ter, two O‘fl1t0“18 ‘ 2‘ ‘7 iigs soon became one the most importJnL to2.'ns in the county. In =ition to ceing the site of the county's l: 3 heel, it was also a relay station for - 1 r‘ . nail coacnes on the Texas uni rort Una route. In 187:, just c ftci Clark had ourcnx ed tLe 3 ho 1 at Thorp Springs, the Granoury High School (.35 opened in Grm Uh t It new three-story stone buiiding, and considere. ; Grant ry was determined not to iall behind Thorp Sprinés, ior fee: 0 losing the county seat to her if the ucstion ever came to a vctt March 1375, the courthouse had burned, and the citizens thc;rnsclvcs had quickly rebuilt it to keep the county seat from being novcd to Tho Springs.13 Besides being an era of saloons and tenpin alleys, as well as a period of educational progress, the seventies saw Hood County' 5 Ewell , 511.32%, 8% . £13. ) 86 ' 1111-, 131- Ibid. ' 114-].20. Ib id 1331,12L. 0 I414 HI4I# (p Q Q) (I: ,1; (First entry, p. l5) Historical Sketch bloodiest feuds and strangest legal cases. i‘he Mitchells and Truitts shot at each other for months befo re the feud was Iinnlly ended with the public hanging of one of the Mitchells. In one case, two colts grew up and died of old age be fore litigation, started over them in Hood County in the seventies, had been settled. Old Bet, a sow of questionable ownership, appeared in court time 311d again that her earny rks might be examined. What finally became of old Bet and her nine pigs h:1s long since been forgotten in the maze of stories any mention of :he case brings up.19 70 to 1880 was, perhaps, more f Hood County. mnbury was ere built there. 1he third y's first newspaper, the Vidette, and settled. Center Mills becmne , _L Taken as a whole, the decade f important than any other in tLe Lis located. The first three courthou one burned, and was rebuilt. 1* be3an publication Li can 13s laid ’ if an important post o1fice, and so did do d Knob, and later Neri.30 ed out to tEic frontier .. the valleys1 n nHood Coun— the scene on‘"d swiftly extreme west Many ex—soldiers and sfieruwtmr,mm durin73: ty were settled. Frq:1 fro_rn lar7e ranches to _ . ern portion Oi the county. In the ‘ -:3 'a., 1 ” m railroads - red Hood County, even the lOng 4' 7 a E ts ceased. Settle were loaded on are at Granbury, did there were three weekly schools served a school 51 1,731.21 In 1890 the old co-irthouse, built in 187 was demolished and a new s erected at a cost of 3&O,)DQ.2211t about the same time, Add—F an one we go was moved to Waco, ” oll e :nn only J1rvis Hall, origiielly a pr rt 01 dd Re n, continued to oper wt in Thorp Springs. This school_, later know11as Jarvis Institute, served as a junior college until the l92-D's.33 At present, agriculture is the chic 1 industry of Hood County, with some rsnchingi 1n the W'J stern portions. ”renbuiy is the le.r:cst town, wit} a population of AIS. ,It nns electric power, a city water system, n1 gas . lBl l3? II, 775; B oh 3. Covey, An Administra— a: flood County, m1 xns, Master's 1h? sis Austin, Texas, l93"/, p. 2, cited here— w11-ntrat1ve Study. la. n, 1. 20. El. icticul Retort IBBS (Austin, l889), lOV. Johnson and Eu one C. '3." r ’ ' ory of TEX;LS and 5 vols. (Chionro, 1914), 1 'w cited hereaftto r as . 3111i:ei* " £2. Ewell, distor1,m ' 23. Johnson, tive Stu The Unive_vsity oi’r o4. 071,: 1,1116 SC. nicer as Covzy Elie Tol Ilic and 171511 ‘7 [3’ Thc C Cl I1 01 IT iolqr, the next important tour, has power and :15. Neither Lipan nor Thorn Springs has any of these con VGli‘H 98. (} ranbury has an oil mill 6 a flour mill. The other towns have no industries, but a erve only as market plucos for the surrounding farms.24 -qw— ‘t. .5 0.; ”C “L..1'U:‘ no oounflaries of Hood County by the act or B, 1856, vcro os iollows: rinnin; at tho nor h cognor o“ Bosquo county, on tnc ban: ti Brazos river, tfonco with tho north lip: of tosq c cougty 501th”(“tW;“’ to its Lf the Ea:t Bosiut- thence n rtn— 21rd in a direct lidc, LC the "outherst CC“ne“ of Palo Pinto county, gs : Ed; tnzioc nortn, to the south- weu‘ corner of P: heqce 61st, wit; the "outh line of Parker 0 orner n county, as now - - of Ions/n c 1' m 1.,‘\ V 4. 4.1_, /_;C1"OE:~;J but: SiiillG LO mgr) remained 1375, then Ch? “veil ti: erritory. TLe ainimrv c“ the somtnarn coup ido- it as £0110"s' g at a point on the vest box~‘f are a line iuo wast flould ltho survey on 77‘- go tho 233 J.-\/ 24. Covey, An Administrative Stu dV 3 20. Gai Lmel, Lsims, V, 1001. 26. Ibid., VIII, 471. a WEAT HERFOR D K E R A oCENTEF’ WLL “£55ch \ ounu wow snmnaso (— c 1 ~45 r , (“gr 1 . :9“; /’ GRANBURY 5% 9 HO O AL ‘ ‘r L EWIDI‘ JOHNSON ‘17 CLEBURNE© BLJFF DALEO STEPHENVILLE© @MEHIDIAN Eflfififl EQUME‘Y FAST AND PRESENT BOUNDARIES “Ta Cramed November 2I I866 Gammol I , p.100l :3 Enhlvacmd March l3, l875 " m. p. 47| ___ Pusan! boundary _._,_,_ Gounly lines olher Ihan Hnod CounOy d: "Ghosi'l fawn: (First entry, p. 15) 2. HUUH 3G, CARE, AND ACGFGSIBILITY CF lECCRDS v , \ Hood County, created and organized in 1866, his built five court- houses in the town of Granbury. The firs,, erected about 1868, was a one—story log caoin, which served not only for county purposes, but as headquarters for several land agents, and as Uni.ted States No t Cffice, also. This building, inadequate from tile start ~ laced in ICCB by a one—story rock structure. The secoud. courvhouse served also as " schoolhouse, and like the'first, soon proved too 5 ell. The third c01rt— house, erected in the center of Couithouse Square, in 1872, res a tuc— story rock structure, with of:ices on the ground floor and a courtroom above. Cn ZMIrCi 6, 1%75, thi sbuilding and All f the county record burned. The i'ire is suyposed tO'heve been the w of an incendiary, anxious to destroy the records concerning certain lend titles that 'ere in disuute. I. after t} 7ire, the citizens of Grenbury began to Kerk towurl “oMUIIH‘U‘ tile cu‘rthousc, for they were afraid theie would be 1 movement to relocate s t e b r 1875 a new courthouse, Hood County's q ' s building, constructed on the founda rned s on proved unstable. Its wel.~ reenrd ed as oein dc hearers unt: 1 its The presen it courthouse, a , - lding, completed in 189l at u to otel cost of $5“ 300 stands 0n the uub_ic uere in Grenb Wir The building is c ' and is in fairly good condition 1; the floors are concrete; and the s cowuirct vely free of dust and soot, and is 1 . > t fireproof. Lighting and ventil£;tion are fairly egood th“ou;gnout.r re ' i en On the first floor are the offices of the sheriff and ex—officio tax asse or-collector, treasurer, justice of the peace, county judge and ex—o 010 school suié erinime dent, and the ofjic e and varlt of the county-dis rict clerk. One r0011 on this floor s given over to the county agent, and AAA officiuls. On the second floor are the office of the county attorney, a Vault housing district court records, the court— oom, a grand jury room, and u dormitory. There are no county 01 :ices on the third floor. A generil storeroom in thG‘b&i.\’ Jmont hour es obsolete records of the tax asScssor—collc tOr':'3 and county clerk's dopartnents. At least 75 percent of the'records'of Hood of the county—districtc clerk. Generally, record his county clerk cepuCity——thos e of the cOuntV and and of the recorder—~arc housed in the vault adjoi northea:t corner or the first £100 01?; and those kep distric tolerk,vin his second— iloor v:.ult, :llich east corner of the bui.lmin;. 'A: few ob n1 ‘C ounty are in the custody is kept by the ole er.: in oiiissioucr" courts :1 ghis oi‘fice in the t in his capacity as is also in the north— rds of the clerk are in l. Ewell, History) IE :Il- County re cords relating to early court— houses were Burned in 1875. ‘V' _ 12 _ (First entry, p. 17) Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes the basement storeroom, which is entered from the first—floor vault. This storeroom is equipped with wooden shelves. Both the workroom and the two vaults are equipped with roller steel shelving. None of the rooms is crowded, and ample accommodations are furnished research workers. The office of the Sheriff, who serves the county as tax assessor— collector also, is in the northwest corner of the first floor. Current records of both departments of this office are in his office; a few obsolete ones are in the basement storeroon. The treasurer's office is in the southwest corner of the first floor, tly across the corridor from that of the sheriff and tax assessor— ci' l I the records of this department are housed here. Since - of then are kept on tables and desks, they are accessible to the rblic. Tables and chairs are provided for the use of persons inquiring : the records. The office of the justice of the peace is on the south 5 first floor. All of the justice s records are kept in this 0 'ast corner of the first he peace. The county '1 m U] o g E H C.) C) - 0 #4) d (V The county judge’s office is in th loor, adjoining the office of the just udge serves also as county school sup“ ndent, and records which he keeps in this capacity are housed in hi ‘0 , cords of the county and commissioners courts over which the judge presides, rre made and kept by the clerk. J: .L J The county attorney's office is on the second floor, in the south— east corner. His records are kept in the clerk‘s first floor vault. 3'. UBREVLLTIONS, SYI‘EB JLS , AND RELATLRT CRY NOTES Abbreviations and Symbols . . . . . . . . Agricultural Adjustment Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . slphabetical(ly) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . article(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arranged, arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . basement storeroom . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . chronological(ly) Const. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Constitution of Texas 0.8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Called Session ed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . editor f.b. .....................filebox