xt7vhh6c3h3m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vhh6c3h3m/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Ky.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky 1942 "There are 120 counties in Kentucky and it is expected that a guide will be issued for each county."--Letter from Work projects administration of Kentucky dated Sept. 8, 1942. books This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Associations, institutions, etc.--Kentucky--Todd County--Directories Kentucky--Todd County--Civil defense Guide to civilian organizations. Todd County, Kentucky text Guide to civilian organizations. Todd County, Kentucky 1942 1942 2012 true xt7vhh6c3h3m section xt7vhh6c3h3m GUIDE TO CIVILIAN ORGANIZATIONS » I I TODD COUNTY EC KENTUCKY I Compiled for THE TODD COUNTY } S I S DEFENSE COUNCIL I v“h0,l|0] wm SERSICTEI-SESECTION I L wonx pnomcrs Aummnsmmow O m xmwucxv I > » .‘ · 4 » * Ti ;_, :2 ` ` ` i%"%‘}§*$§n · ` 4 ·¢ A -` __ if V , "" 0 E;\}` ` . _QT_UIDE TO l Q CIVILIAN ORGANIZATIONS TODD COUNTY KENTUCKY . coM1>1LED Fos THZE_ TODD COUNTY Q _ DEFENSE-- COUN C IL A ‘ of A UNIVERSHYRAM T ·KEUTUCKy By The ` War Services Section T { - Q!-L`. Work Projects Admi11is’cr&tion Tx} , °‘l"}» Louisville, Kentucky ~l T » T· August 1942 r· _ i Egat E4j {,2] ga; 2.*; T ` ’T" " MQ-f _-__-,-1 /11-* U `15é~c>.‘I’“7i¤‘I * fl. 'J..¢ ¤ I O Q I I I I v I. I " V I 5 7 = n I . I I . I ` I `. .° ;`: .°, :`Z I.:Z I `· I The Todd County Defense Council is Affiliated L with the Kentucky Defense Council Y Frankfort, Kentucky iy r V Honorable Keen Johnson, Governor of Kentucky ·Q Chairman ,7 » . Li John J. Greenleaf, State Director of f? Civilian Defense Toms comm? comfort ti Rebert Leo Haley, Chairman l Coordinator for Guthrie Coordinator for Trenton E R. E. Dillery R. E. Evans t IELBERS =.» ` Flkton Guthrie Eyenton Arthur Whitsitt Boone E. V. Black L. J. Basford Dr. Benjamin Edwards Boone Frank Carneal C. J. Burnett ; ‘William.H. Hilton Dr. E. M. Frey J. H. Jones ey Royce Chester Nichols Mack Linebaugh William G. Logan l John William Rutledge W. E. Kitchell R. B. Thompson Carlie Weatherford Claude Snare Dr. J. C. Woodall § i` SENIOR CLERKS i t" Mrs. Estell Rust Browdcr Miss Ida Bernard Long {_ Guthrie Elkton ` l %& This guide is prcparvd for the official FY use of the Defense Council of Todd County Q; and other agencies c edged in defense work. Q lt should not be made available for commercial f use. Additional copies can bc obtained only Qi at the office of the Todd Crunty Defense Council. [ -1- TODD COUNTY CIVILIAN ORGANIZATIONS AMERICAN LEGION, JEFFERSON DAVIS POST (Anerican Legion, Department of' y Kentucky; National American Legion), Elkton. 'Founded 1920. Commander, F.C. McElwain, Elkton. Adjutant,l ."W. Lewis, Elkton. Terms expire Q July, 1945. E Membership: 42. Qualifications, open to veterans of World War I with E honorable discharge. i Committees: None. I Q Purpose: To promote Anericanism. ` E Normal Civic;Activities: Cooperating with "Blue Grass Boys State" and — g other civic organizations. , [ Defense Activities: lntegested in Auxiliary Police, Auxiliary Eire ? Protection, Emergency Repair Service. Local_Pub1icationg: None. A AMERICAN RED CROSS, TODD COUNTY CHAPTER (American National Red Cross), c/o Mrs. Charles H. Gill, Allensville. Founded 1915. Chairman, Mrs. Charles H. Gill. Telephone 15-6. Secretary, lks. A. B. Cooke, Elkton. V Telephone 126. Terms extended for the duration. Nbnbership: 750. Open to annual contributors of one dollar or over. Q Committees: Publicity, Mrs. R. D. Petrif, Elkton; Home Service, Dr. E W} A. Callis, Allensville; Production, Mrs. Donald Cameron, Elkton; E First Aid, Mrs. S. H. Pearsall, Guthrie; Disaster Preparedness, Judge { R. N. Cartwright, Elkton; Home Nursing, lws. Hugh Hunter, Trenten;S E Surgical Dressing, lhs. Vernon Camp, Trenton; Civilian Relief, Abs. Z Bailey Thompson, Trenton; Nutrition, Mrs. Edna Lee Whayne, Elkton. ' L. Purpose: Emergency aid in the event of flood, fire or disaster. Q Normal Civiggtgtigitiesz Producing and distributing clothing and the I necessities of life to victims of war or catastrophe. Defense;Activitie§i Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Red · Cross Assistance, First Aid. lntegegted in Sewing and Preparation of 1 Surgical Dressings, Collection of Scrap lhtals and Othcr Metals. l Local Publicgtiong: None. i ELKTON PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION (State and National Congresses of Parents and Teachers), c/o Mrs. W} D. Cameron, Elkton. Founded 1915. y President, Mrs. W. D. Cameron. Telephone 225. Secretary, lhs. Frank McElwain, Elkton. Telephone 88. Terms expired April, 1942. é Membership: 50. Qualifications, parent or teacher of pupil attending y school plus the payment of a small fee. F Committees: Program, lbs. Margarette Bell; Membership, lbs. B. E. Boone, i Jr., both of Elkton; Finance, Mrs. Paul Chastain, Guthrie. )_ Purpose; Closer cooperation between the home and school for the welfare E of school children. I I Normal Civic Activities: Sponsoring lunch room. Directing and assisting } with school problems. g Defense_Activitiesi_~En§agod in Preparation and Serving of Food, Child ? Care. Interested in Red Cross Assistance, Consumer Protection Activities. Local Publications: None. ` ELKTON ROTARY CLUB (Rotary International), Elkton. Founded 1924. President, Frank C. McElwain, Elkton. Telephone 88. Secretary, W. G. Puryear, Elkton. Telephone 118, Terms expire June, 1943. Membershipa 20. Qualifications, a business or professional man of the community.) l Committees: Club Service, Stuart Brabant; Vocational, Royce Nichols; 1 Community, Dr. B. E. Boone, Jr.; International, R. L. Shanklin, all { Or Eiktm. I Purpose: Performance of service to the community. Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with Kentucky Cripplod Children's A PGEEEHER Boy*ScoGtsAoPjAmerica, Poor Children's Xmas Fund. Fostors 1 Americanism.and good citizenship in the county schools. Defense Activities:· Entepestod in Air Raid Warden Service, and Civilian Defense. i Local Publications: None. s f -:5- A FARM SECURITY ORGANIZATION (Federal Farm Security‘Administration), c/0 Bank Building, Elkton. Founded 1939. Supervisor, R. G. Travis, Elkton. T Secretary, Mary Lou King, Elkton. `Telephone 169-5. Terms indefinite. Home Management Supervisor, Edna L. Whayne, Elkton. Telephone 29. 5 Membership: 4. Appointed. i [ Committees: Farm Debt Adjustment, W. S. Shanklin, Elkton; Tenant , Purchase; R. R. Committee, P. M. Pepper, Kirkmansville. Purpose: Agricultural financing. Normal CiviemAetiyities: Advances loans to low income farmers and Q farm and home supervision. } Defense Actiyities: Interested in Public Speaking. 1 Local Puoligmiyggil None. 1 2 FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS, VESPER LODGE #71 (Grand Lodge of Kentucky, F. & A. M.), Elkton. Founded 1892. lhster, Willis K. Settle, Elkton. ` Telephone 154. Secretary, R. J. Ogden,Sr., Elkton. Telephone 140. Terms expire December, 1942. 1 A lbnbership: 85. Qualifications, white male adults of good reputation. Committees; None reported. Purpose: Fraternal and charitable. Normal_Civic Activities; None reported. _ Defense Activities: Interested in Auxiliary Police, Auxiliary Fire p Protection. Local Publicationsi None. Q 2 -4:- lr GOODFELLOWS CLUB OF ELKTON,c/o Carlie Weatherford, Elkton. Founded 1938. I President, V. T. Rose, Elkton. Telephone 125, Secretary, Carlie Weatherford. Telephone 204. Ternm expire September, 1942. A lknmershipz l00. Open to white people willing to donate their services I as needed. I Committees: Purchasing, J. S. Shanklin, Elkton; Distributing, Mrs. Chas. L Gill, Allensville; Finance,`Warren Claytor, Trenton. is Purpose: To provide a practical Christmas for needy children. S Normal Civic Activities: None. { Defense Activities: Engaged in Preparation and Serving of Food. Interested Q in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Red Cross Assistance, Discussion , Leaders, Public Speaking, Signal Services. L Local Publications: None. HOMEMAKERS CLUB OF ELKTON (University of Kentucky Extension Service; ` _ National Federation of Homemakers Clubs), Elkton. Founded 1955. g President, Wks. lhynm Heltsley, R. R. #2, Elkton. Telephone 5912 (Grove Exchange, Sharon). Secretary, Mrs. W. 0.`Watts,Jr., R. F. D., Trenton. `M Telephone 46-5. Terms expire October, 1942. Executive Secretary, lkry ‘ Elizabeth Meador, Elkton. Tcrm.indefinite. · Nbntfrshipz see. Open to women desiring to improve their knowledge of home economics. _Cammittees: Citizenship, Mrs. C. C. Hiller, Elkton; Junior 4#H Club A Leader, Mrs. Louis Bransford, Trenton; Home Management, lhs. Frank Smith, . Allensville; Gardening, PEs. Gill Estes, R. R. #2, Elkton; Foods and 3 Canning, Nrs.`Will Ashley, Guthrie. 2 Purpose: To improve methods of homemaking. gi Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with County Board of Education in { Lunch Room Projects, Red Cross and Pre-school Health Clinics. YA Defense Activities: Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Sewing Q and Preparation of‘Surgical Dressings, Preparation and Serving of Food, { Discussion Leaders, Public Speaking. Interested in Family Social Service { in Industrial Areas. A Local Publications: None. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR, ELKTON CHAPTER #126 (Kentucky Grand Chapter O. E. S), Masonic Hall, Elkton. Worthy Matron, Mrs; A. G. Day, Elkton. Telephone ' 188, Secretary, Mrs. Sterling F. Johnson, Elkton. Terms expire September, p 1942. E Membership: 50. Open to the wife, mother, sister or daughter of a Mason ’; in good standing. _ Committees: None reported. U Purpose: Fraternal and charitable. U Normal_0ivicJ%etivities: None. 5 Defense Activities: Interested in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical { Dressings. 4 lpcal Publications: None. Q TODD COUNTY FARM BUREAU (Kentucky'and American Farm Bureau Federation), ` ; Elkton. Founded 1955. President, W. H. Coke, Allensville. Secretary, _ James Crouch, Elkton. Terms expire March, 1945, Advisor, Stewart —i Brabant. Term indefinite. C Npnmershipz 252. Open to farm owners and operators paying annual dues I of $5.00. Y Committees: Board of directors meet monthly. ` Purpose: Promotion and protection of farm interests. A Normal Civic Aptivitiesz Cooperating with Agricultural Extension Service l of the University of Kentucky; education of farmer leaders. P Defense Activities: Promotion of food production. ‘i Local Publieatians: None. -5- il TODD COUNTY 4-H CLUBS (State and National 4—H'Clubs), Elkton. President, 1 Mrs. Clay Camp,`Trenten. Term expire October, 1942. 'Secretary, Stewart Brabant, Elkton. Telephone 192. Executive Secretary, Mary E. lbador, Elkton. Terms indefinite, Nbnbership: 525. Qualifications, must carry home or farm practice project. County Clubs and Chairman: Trenton, Mrs. Lewis Bradford; Allensville, Mrs, Charlie Lawrence; Woodland, Mrs. Richard Simons; Allegro, Mrs. Vernon Fisher; Sharon Grove, Mrs. Matilda Harris; Pleasant Grove, Mrs. Gill Estes. Purpose: To teach farm boys and girls improved methods of homemaking and farming. I Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with County Nutrition Committee, Farm Bureau, P. T. A. organizations. Defense Activities: Engaged in Preparation and Serving of'Food. Interested in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Public Speaking. Local Publications: None. ` E -7- TYPES OF DEFENSE ACTIVITIES LISTED _ i Air Raid Warden Service V Anbulance Service Auxiliary Fire Protection ‘ Auxiliary Police Child Care I Civilian Aircraft Warning Service ? Collecting Books · Collecting of Scrap Metals and Other lktals i Consumer Protection Activities . Discussion Leaders Drafting A Emergency Repair Service Entertainment Family Social Service in Industrial Areas A First Aid ; Hospital and Clinical Assistance _ ` Interpreting 1 Interviewing ' Library Service Motor Corps Service Operation of Canteens Preparation and Serving of Food Public Speaking Radio Operation and Repair ` Recreation I Red Cross Assistance Research Assistance f Salvage Demolition Service Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings Y Signal Services Teaching Americanization Classes for Aliens and Others V Teaching Classes in Mechanical Skills Needed in Defense Industries e Teaching Classes of Map Reading and Sketching Teaching Literacy Classes for Aliens and Others · Teaching Spanish and Portuguese ” Typing and Other Clerical Assistance W i_ ¤-Bn j ALPHABETICAL INDEE Ei American Legion, Jefferson Davis Post, l L- American Red Cross, Todd County Chapter, l t Elkton Parent-Teacher Association, 2 Elkton Rotary Club, 2 A Farm Security Organization, 5 Q Free and Accepted Masons, Vesper Lodge #71, 5 , Goodfellow's Club of Elkton, 4 A Homemakers Club of Elkton, 4 A Order of Eastern Star, Elkton Chapter #126, 5 · Todd County Farm Bureau;· 5 Todd County 4-H Clubs, 6 -9- "~A4 A INDEX OF ORGANIZATIONS BY TYPE OF { DEFENSE ACTIVITY, TRAINING OR INTEREST `.'q Explanation of Symbols: A- "Engaged In", B- "Training For", C- la "Interested In." ’i§ Numbers following A, B, or C, indicate page entry in Directory. AIR RAID WARDEN SERVICE Elkton Rotary Club, C-2. We AUXILIARY FIRE PROTECTION A. American Legion, Jefferson Davis Post, C-1; Free and A Accepted Masons, Vesper Lodge #71, C-5. AUXILIARY POLICE ‘ American Legion, Jefferson Davis Post, C-I; Free and Accepted I Masons, Vesper Lodge #71, C-5. f cnnm cm Elkton Parent-Teacher Association, A—2. X _ COLLECT ION OF SCRAP METALS AND OTHER METALS American Red Cross, Todd County Cnapter, C-l. CONSUMER PROTECTION ACTIVITIES I Elkton Parent-Teacher Association, C-2. DISCUSSION LEADERS " Goodfellow’s Club of Elkton, C-4; Homemakers Club of L Elkton, A-4. T EMERGENCY REPAIR SERVICE American Legion, Jefferson Davis Post, C-l. , S I he P L . _ -10- FAMILY SOCIAL SERVICE IN INDUSTRIAL AREAS Homemakers Club of Elkton, C-4. FIRST AID American Red Cross, Todd County Chapter, A—l. HOSPITAL AND CLINICAL ASSISTANCE American Red Cross, Todd County Chapter, A-l; Goddfellow's Club of Elkton, C-4; Homemakers Club of Elkton, A—4. PREPARATION AND SERVING OF FOOD Elkton Parent-Teacher Association, A-2g Goodfellow's Club of Elkton, A·4; Homemakers Club of Elkton, A-4; Todd County 4-H Clubs, A—6. PUBLIC SPEAKING l Farm Security Organization, C-5; Goodfellow’s Club of Elkton, C-4; Homemakers Club of Elkton, A-A; Todd County 4-H Club, C—6. RED CROSS ASSISTANCE American Red Cross, Todd County Chapter, A—l; Elkton Parent- Teaoher Association, C-2; Goodfellow's Club of Elkton, C—4, SEWING AND PREPARATION OF SURGICAL DRESSINGS American Red Cross, Todd County Chapter, C—l; Homemakers Club of Elkton, A-4; Order of Eastern Star, Elkton Chapter #126, C-5; Todd County 4-H Clubs, C-6. SIGNAL SERVICES Goodfellow's Club of Elkton, C-4. ‘ ·"~ ,"` "f "> U 3 7 ‘ This book may be kept FOURTEEN DAYS i ` A fine of TWO CENT§ will be chargea ( T for each day the book 1S kept overtime; Q- - 3 H-- ¤:•