\ Vol. 4 Full. I95O N0. 3
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J. G. Rodriguez and W. D. Armstrong
Investigations in the control of strawberry insects this year were
directed at evaluating the performance of a number of insecticides and com-
binations of insecticides against the strawberry crown borer and the Straw-
berry weevil.
Strawberry crown borer
This snout beetle has caused heavy losses in Kentucky; it overwinters
under litter in or near strawberry fields and in the early spring it begins
feeding on foliage and laying eggs. The eggs hatch into legless grubs that
Soon eat into the crown, where they bore tunnels until they emerge again as
adult beetles during the surrimer. Plants thus infested are a total loss.
Test plots to conduct the work were located in Jefferson county in a
strawberry field that had been planted near an infested patch two years pre-
Vicusly, Ten insecticide treatments and an untreated check, each replicated
five times, were randomized over the test field. A row 30 feet long was con-
sidered a replicate.
Treatments were applied on April 17 and results were recorded on April
Z8. All dusts were applied at the rate of 30 pounds per acre. As determined
N by the number of leaves showing feeding punctures per Z0 feet of row per
"Plicate, the most effective treatments were: parathion, Z pounds of 15%
wettable powder per 100 gallons (sprayed until foliage was thoroughly wet);
2% parathion dust, Z l/2% aldrin dust, and 5% chlordane plus 5% DDT dust
mixture. Where these treatments were used, there were averages of 7.4,
7.6, 7.6, and 8.4 punctured leaves, respectively. Treatments less effective