xt7vhh6c4003 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vhh6c4003/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19760903 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, September 3, 1976, no. 144 text The Green Bean, September 3, 1976, no. 144 1976 2014 true xt7vhh6c4003 section xt7vhh6c4003 I _______ CLOip(7/J`
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A ( " CAIENDAB A   ( ( » ry
G 6 September - Labor Day (Libraries Closed) V A `
8 September - Patterson Literary Society neeting - 11-11:50,
I I ( Gallery. p
10 September - Admin. Council meeting - 8:30-9:30, Gallery.
*17 September - Support Staff Luncheon (see note) 1
1 October — Library Faculty annual meeting at Carnahan House. A
7-9 October - KLA meets at Louisville r p
Contributors to this nunber: ,C1ifi Black, Rhoda Channing, David
Farrell (Editor), Alice Morgan, Ed O'Hara, Ann Short. .

 E -9-
E L.
i KLIP Report:
§ The King Library Inventory Project (KLIP) was an extremely
a successful endeavor due to the efforts of the forty-four people
f who participated. we checked roughly 68,000 cards and inven- ‘
  toried (after excluding branch holdings)approximately 56,000
g titles. ‘
i The overall rate for missing books was 5.6%, but when analyzed
n by subject the missing rate showed much greater variation: from
a low of 3% in Anthropology to a high of 16-17% in Sociology
, and Psychology. About half the missing books can be replaced ——
` at a cost of approximately $15,000.
T Several awards forendurancecould be made to people for inven-
. torying shelf list drawers containing the largest number of cards.
. First place would go in absentia to Jerry Reisig, while second
· place would go to Sally Johnson. Third place would be shared by
· Mary Owings, Patricia Renfro, Ruth Vaughan, Judy Fugate, Jan
Knight, and Helen Bendzsa.
A To all who helped with the Project, we extend our many thanks;_
Q it was a job well done.
· Annual UK Library Meetings:
i The annual lunch for all support staff will be Friday, Sept. 17
1 from ll:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Spindletop. The Library Policies,
f Guidelines and Rules Committee will present their proposal for
_ the support staff organization.
i If you plan to attend, please send your name to Pat Lloyd in the
Director's Office by Sept. 10. We will not have a bus this year. »
Rather, we will leave it to people to arrange their own car pools;
if any one wants assistance in finding transportation, please
indicate that on your note to Mrs. Lloyd.
The all day professional meeting for those people holding ap-
pointment as Librarian I—IV will be October l at Carnahan House.
Details will be discussed later.
From the Admin. Committee representative:
I hope to represent the concerns of the members of the Library
Faculty in the Administrative Committee as impaitially, dis-
creetly, and strongly as possible. Please tell me what you want
brought before that body; your opinions will be aired anonymously
if that is your desire. Thank you for your votes. —
Rhoda Channing

The purpose of spec kits is to make available current information
on various approaches to management practice at research libraries
in the U.S. The kits are made up of collections of documents
which include reports, manuals and forms from the ARL libraries.
Each kit deals with a specific management topic.
The kits are published by the Systems and Procedures Exchange
Center of the Association of Research Libraries, and come out on
an irregular basis. Each kit is supported by a spec flyer which
defines the issue, describes the various approaches to it, and
indicates trends and problem areas.
Notice of the arrival of new kits will be advertised in the Green
Bean. A copy of each kit is available at the reference desk of
M.I. King Library.
Of interest to librarians of both sexes is an article in the
Summer, 1976 issue of Signs; Journal of Women in Culture and
Society. Entitled "American Librarianship", it reviews some of
the facts and findings of studies on the status of women in the
profession ~ called, in the article, "a semi-profession".
A national reference telephone "hotline" is being tested this fall
at the Library of Congress. Five network centers across the country
are participating in a pilot project that, if successful, may be
expanded throughout the US to form a national telephone reference
service as a "court of last resort" for information networks, state
libraries, and selected university and public libraries. The project
will not duplicate similar services already offered through other
LC divisions such as the Union Catalog Reference Unit, the National
Referral Center, or the Information and Media Services Office.
“Help yourself to Happiness" is the title of a course in "rational
self-counseling" being offered at the UK College of Medicine. Cost
of the course is $65.00; additional information is available from
Mary Greene at the Office of Continuing Education (Room N204A), UK
Med. Center.
PROFESS l 0é"!ll   _0Y§·lET‘.lT QPPDRTUTS ll l FS
Assistant Reference Librarian. Princeton Univ. Library. Available Q
immediately. $10,500 ($10,800 with second master's degree).
Chief Librarian, Catalog Department. Stanford University Libraries.
Application deadline October 15, 1976. Open Jan. l, 1977. $20,000-

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