xt7vhh6c5m9t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vhh6c5m9t/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2000 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 2000 Vol.71 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, September 2000 Vol.71 No.9 2000 2019 true xt7vhh6c5m9t section xt7vhh6c5m9t ‘ \
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UNIVERSITY OF H g _ ...../.. -....j
a LEXINGTON we 40506-003 7 l l
Volume 71. Number 9 - September 2000 I I ‘ :S S
| (jN| ' ' 11b a] Ad seminar
By LISA CARNAHAN The Court of Appeals decision employees and against The
KPA News Bureau was issued Sept. 1 in the case Standard's parent company. LCNI. SC 6 l I e
The Kentucky Court oprpeals involving two former newspaper When the two carriers filed for
has ruled unanimously in favor of carriers at The Kentucky unemployment insurance benefits. The 2000 KPA Advertising
Landmark Community Standard in Bardstown who sued an auditor with the Division for Seminar Will he held Thursday and
Newspapers, Inc., in a case of for unemployment benefits after t'nemployment INSUI‘RHW (it‘tf‘r- Friday. S"Pt- 28'29 at 1h" Holiday
statewide significance to any news- they lost theirjobs in 1996. mined that the two men. along Inn. 0'11 Hurstbourne Lane in
paper using independent contrac— The appellate court determined With 21 Oth carriers at the P3P“? [A’U‘SV‘lle' _ , .
tors. or as their better known — that Franklin Circuit erred last 'M‘r‘t‘ employees of the newspaper I‘he seminar. Solving a Big
carriers. year when it ruled in favor of the See CARRIER, page 8 See SEMINAR. page 12
By LISA CARNAHAN money to battle a local school board ,
KPA News Bureau or fiscal court all the way through Where the I I Ioney S gone
The . . Kentucky _ PIG” the court system. . find Lex1ngton Below is a history of actions taken bv the KI’A Legal Defense Fund
Assoc1ations Legal Defense Fund Herald-Leader assistant managing ‘. ., .1, .. 1‘ ‘3‘ r ‘tl l‘Nt' ‘
ended its fourth Year of operation editor Tom (‘audilL chairman ofthe Mn“ 1'5 mu p ”m (m I ”“15 ‘ ‘ ' )'
reporting 3 total 0f $50145.“ in Legal Defense Fund Committee. ‘ . . .. .
awards to newspapers. “I'm happV that we have been able Nuwmhfl 20‘ 199“ ('layi'lty “In” . . $230100
\. . . _ assistance in closed records case (.ranted n0 percent of the cost of the
Since the program began 1“ to support newspapers in open “N,
1996, the committee has received meetings and open records ms“
23 requests fur financial assistance and in other important issues." May 8, 19:97 Kentucky Standard 552.275.00
in legal cases involving decisions A case involving The ”WW" WINK
where the outcome could affect the Elizabethtown News-Enterprise July 16. 1997 Kentucky Standard $281.07
neWspaper industry as a whole. typifies the type of litigation the '\""'l”1"l"ll”“"

Twenty requ‘e-‘ts have been fund was designed to support. September 24, 1997 Kentucky Standard $1,443.93
approved for funding. Three Th0 (‘2180 began in the ”lid HUS Illic abin‘e threle financial assistance .l\\;;l'lls inivolui .1 case \\lIll the Kentucky
. 1 t y ' ~ . .. . . v. s . .i . , llt'lllI) (lfi'lllt‘lII ll\llI'£lIl('t' ()Illllil‘flllll. fill it! \'l'l‘\(' ( ('(’l\|()lI ('(Illt't‘l'lllII‘,{ Ilt‘\'\'>p;lIH‘l' ('ifl’l'l'
IOQUtStS f0] .finanCId] dbhlbtdnc£ When IIIC ”('WSPEIPPI‘ 5 education ers The committee on March SH. 1007. \oted to give the Kentucky Standard 30 percent of
D'th‘. been _d9nle'do 11 k reporter wanted [0 l‘t‘pOl’I 0n dig“- II.\t'XIH‘t‘Itr’I"1I)I)I)('SI\‘:;(’1‘7I'Iu‘Iitlll l“li.‘iscLiaki-randSteve Lowery tf-stiniuti-dfltlie .ippi-uls process
dII The fund lS-rIlld \I md Inf] d pline Brublmns in tht' local “hhmlls' III\!(()’I‘('I1':iTt’I'l’:f‘)II'IAI-Hllll' Kiilllllft‘lerHiu‘thilllit‘dfnntH”\(l i H “Mimi,” H" "0‘ ll

1 erence. es ec1a v or sma er -
papers that Iinay not have the See LEGAL. page 3 See MONEY’ page 3
Survey shows computer use, online actIVi y up “ ..
- flit/[tors Hole: This story Icus “M k1.“ W 1"
Estimated Percentage of Kentucky Adults H m, ,, by in I,” / (‘lu’ldi i t (u m 4.7. m m
. H (' ~'1 (' 4' '(’.\'.S', ('.'(" r ‘. . My 3%
100% Who Have Accessed the Internet. 1996. 1998. and 2000 m", dim-(or "f H“) Kmrm/rv lama» mmmm .
’li'r‘ln I’m/Icy li’i’s'i'rll‘cll ('t‘lllt'l‘. If Il‘us' mm mm“ m
80% edited someu'lmf IN hug/11.1 WM ‘
A statewide survey results sug- I ; - mm I“ I W t;
% 63% gest that for the first time in the ”mum ;
so 42% states history. a majority of . .
00% Kentucky ad}ults have access to a; [made
26% computer at iome (no percentl ant P I '_
20% have accessed the Internet «5:; per- “Ina, I | in ‘
cent 1. «
Despite these findings. a review flflmmh‘wm
0% ofcensus data reveals a stark digital 1’9. 3: Court m on 911 W .
1996 1993 2mm divide in Kentucky on the basis of “WW .
income. education. race. and age. fi&m_”mw 1
Source: Kentucky Long-Term Pol/cy Research Center and UK Survey Research amm‘bww . ‘
See SURVEY. page 4 w“..- _j

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, September 2000
~ , ' ' i i i . ” ~ ' T . website 'nrlude.‘ current o ) )ortunity to work and earn cl
lnslxojoins news staff Throgmoiton hired l“ ‘ ' 9 * H «
news and sports stories and photos. wages
at carllSlC Mercury at Journal—Enterpn $6 the latest weather, links to. current . The newspaper was nominated re
1,]. l l k l . , l ti 1) ll' Tl l l '1\ listings, kids stufl, a history of for the award by a _]()l) placement lo
a - - - ' - ' i I n i r ' ‘ A A . . i
lid“ “,5 l.) M" Wm“ H . l ) m ”UHHOHMI 1‘15 K ( n the paper and even a place to leave specialist with the l’aducah Area .
staff of lhe ( arlisle Mercury as a hired as a news reporter and pho— - , ,, . , . E
» ) _ feedbatlx Department of \ocatioiial
news writer and photographer, A tographer at the lroyidence Rt‘lt‘tlflllt‘ttlt)“ 31
native of' Nicholas County, she is Journal—Enterprise. - i i ' S
the mother of a two-year—old son, A resident of ( lay, CNHI bu)“ HOHIHECI P I M d. t b
t . .. ' I ' /
(ameron. Thro rmorton has worked at the , ., , , , (IX 0“ C Id 0 U
paperlfi‘is ‘l free—lance photographer pdpei ‘8 In five Stdte‘s - - ) bi
“ “‘ A _‘ ‘ ‘ v‘ , i, v H ‘ 0)- ‘ )‘ )‘ S(
SCCnterS takes heln] IIer beat Wlll include Sebree ( ity (ommunity xenhpaper HOHIHCLI pl ()pLIthS ir
‘ ‘ (‘ouncil, Dixon Commission and Holdings Inc, th" parent company Paxton Media (iroup. based in e}
at The Berea Cltllen the Providence Board of‘ Education. 0i “WWI” kt‘lltll('k.\"”(‘WSIN‘lH‘r-‘K I’aducah. has agreed to purchase
H ‘ ~ _ announced recently it would pur— the 31‘700 circulation daily. 1}“. w
.lmillfn NTmllrS-llus ‘lmnfll the AlldClNOD NCWS thus“ ll“. daily ””d 1'3 non~daily ”(‘I’iild‘l’itlllltlillnl in Berrien
”111“”1 1h“ BMW“ 1117.011 ”S geiier- ‘ l publications ””m ll"lll“‘»"‘r (‘ounty Michigan from llolliiifler n4
a iiiaiiagei‘. . ‘ , , ,' ,. . - . h ‘ . *"
S, . . ’1 l W l .. x ., . “ launches WCbSlIC International, _ International. In addition. l’axton 0.1
‘ U n (h N ”l”. “I .m “film”, , llle Iit‘\\'.\‘papei's are lm‘iilt“l ”1 will also acquire 12% weekly [)tll)llt"l' t1
career at lhe ( ltth’n iii the'late Ilie 'Anderson .\ews has Mississippi. lllinois. Indiana. Ohio tions “Tying Berrien (‘ountv ‘11](l rt
1980s. Shes also been advertising launched its website at “wwwthes and pvnnfllyumu. ‘ ' l' T"_ . i . . ‘ tl
iii'in-ii'er ‘lt the Richmond Register ‘indersonnews coin " designed by (‘Vlll'i' l ' ' i ' Mnmum ml“ mmmumtw”

i ‘h i s- - - -- - . s . i s ioldings iiitlude more The \TlL‘lilU‘ln H )er will be “'1
and most recently, marketing Rusty .K'is'or in the riewspzii)ei”s than 300 daily and “[00le publica- Patton’s 57th (film. 31;“; n )er and pl
director at Renlro Valley. composition department. tions m 2;; states. including 114 it‘s‘l'irir‘es‘t Ambit” thelddiiip'inyk‘ d‘

dailies with a combined circulation h. 1 ‘ . ‘ ’1 7 . x :
_________ . . i properties are its hentucky dailies, re
6 en uc y 1.688 ”t more than ”ml million. the P'iduc'ih gun and the
TI K it cky Pr tissmiizuimii pib Distri H“ P d h S h d Madiwm'illt‘ MOS-“011s”- ' K

10 Cl U ' 055 .-l ' - t.. b l ‘ C J I \1 -
ll>ltcd monthly bV tltt‘ Kentucky l’rL‘S’a Glenn Gray, Manchester Enterprigc ‘1 uc’ d L111 01101 e B Tl
i-\sstwiation/KentuckyPress Service,lnc. ‘ t , , e ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ E

M . _‘ _. _ : , by state dgemy iown named sports
ltI‘lOdlLal tlass postago~ is paid at l raitkfort, Distrirt 14 g, _ . n

1/ .‘ H ‘. t .~“‘», ‘ ‘1‘. ‘l ‘ ‘ l )‘ H V 7" x . ‘ l ‘ .

Elm“ 1‘ ‘, ubstription PH“ 13$” peryur DaVid Thornberry, ( omnitinwealth—Jiiiirnal 1 l“ I “duulh Sun “ ‘1” ”m ”l 1‘2 €dlt()r at Cddlz RELOI d u

ltistiiiaster.SendLliangeotaodress ttiTl’ie - l)U‘s‘ih(‘\‘\‘t‘\‘ honored R’Ct‘l’itlv bV tl‘it‘

Kentuckyl’ress “)1 CUIblllUL‘I‘ Lane, . ‘ Kentuck ' (“ibinet fUI' \VDI‘kTOY‘C ‘ SCUtt BTDVVI']. f()r1110r noVVS t]

i-‘ranki'ort,KY.4iioii1,('%02)2234s‘$21, 1715"“ 15‘A ‘l ( . t. reporter and radio personality, has St
Don White, Anderson News Development s Departmf‘m "l been h'ln’it‘d s )orts editor at the

Utfiu‘rsimd Directors Vocational Rehabilitation for pro— ‘ ‘l ‘ ‘ a

Kentucky Press Assoaation District 15-8 viding people with disabilities an See PEOPLE, page 10 W
lohn Nelson, Danville Advocate-Messenger t}

l‘resident ———-———————————_—————-

Teresa Reylett, McLean County News ,

' State at large D h p

President Fleet Tony Maddox, Henderson (ileaiier eat S b

Marty Backus, Appalachian News Express: _____________________.____————————————— ti

Sharon Tiimiiiski, Winchester Sun E

Past President . . Joseph G. Mitchell McNerney worked for the T

IUmLJUdIll:l-‘Wmtl‘m“mi‘ld‘lmd” Tim Hurst,BentonTribune—Courier I ‘ , , . newspaper for 34 years, beginning C

.oseph (1. Mitchell, a member ‘ . . -

vmprmidmfl f 11 ‘ I" 't M ) 1.1 (‘ b ‘ d as an assistant in the former wom- t]

l) sprint“ It“, n ii “rm Tayl‘" Hayes, Kfi‘ntucky New Era U. B d“ on ‘ U 1“ lmul), oar en's department in 1966. She later t]

4“ «\ swab-i“ m i “i of directors and longtime former was ,1 reporter COPY editor and

. . , . i ,' ) I ‘ i )1 H V ‘ A. L . l , ‘ . ( Tl

Treasurer Associates Division (‘i11})l'()_V(t ()1 T1“ Idduulh but], assistant editor in the features 8‘

David Lireer,TheKenhwkyStandard, Armando Arrastia, (“0d .1” ““rl.‘ August at an “1mm” department. 1;]

Bardstowii Kentucky Department of Education ll()sl3\lltf‘l' [Hart‘s 841‘ 1 1' Th “It's going to be a big loss, not p

. 4 ) ‘ ”L H , “or U or ( only to the newspaper but also to

[)lblrlk‘l 1 Advertising [)lViSlOH I 11d th11h Sun'Dt‘nl ()Crat as 3 t1] C Cultural C011] n] unitv ()f t‘

Mm‘ “”1150; Murray lat‘dgt‘r& rim“ ElaineMorgan,Owensboro rePUrth photographer, telegraph Louisville " s'iid Jimmy S‘eacat ‘

Messenger—lnquirer editor, night editor, production director of marketing and publie 5

District: manager, national advertising - . , - t ,i , ( n

INDilllemm«DR‘VN‘X‘SP‘WmSS”“8““ Newsfiditoriai Division manaver and )romotion manzwer “Id-9,91” for Actors Thl at“ “f b

h l e I ou1syille

l Chris Poore, Lexington Herald-Leader between 1933 and 1966. VVh'ltbt‘lpt‘d her succeed wqg C

District?» Aft '. . . , ‘ ,. , ‘ ’ ‘ “

, , ‘ er his years in the news a- , - - i

Ed Riney,OwensboroMessengerlnquirer ., s . - " p her C(mneCtWD t0 the community I—_

, Journalism Education per Industry, he moved to and the spirit of journalism said
,’ l l '( V a s‘ ' ‘ ( r ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ( u

DiStTiCH Buémf’“ . Northfitld, Ill., and was dd“ rtlh' Keith Runyon, now editor of the
Charlie Porhnaim, Franklin Favorite U“1"‘~’r5‘tY"lKQI‘NCkY mg director of Burke & James. a newspaper's opinion page. “She p
- - ‘ ~ _, Chicago manufacturer 0f photo- had a well—rounded view of news c

[mm-m5 s Generalgwmelb graphic equipment owned by and alwa s‘ realized we were writ- p

DM'Id (Jreer, The Kwtucky standard, Ion Fleischaker and Kim Greene Paduc’tli NCWs‘ .1 ers‘ Inc now f ‘ ‘ y‘ ‘ Vt

Bardstown Din~ “megt shohl ‘ ‘ f p‘ p ‘ ‘ w " mg about real people who had real F

V *' Paxton Media, and Southern problems .. “i

)5. ' - . . Textile Machinery Com )any of w , .. . , , , ~ , ',

li::‘ltcllé\btnnth Oldhamt‘ra Kenmd‘y Press Ass‘mamm P‘iducah When the company was bl“ W as ndde Him” Of “u U

- f “ r 1 s t a -- " t ’ ( t‘ )Y" \I‘ II) "I‘ '1‘)-

) Y Kentucky Press bemce btatt sold in 1971 he ret‘rid and st ”d ntwspaptr s Accent llit style scc- p

[hstr‘t’ David T. Thompson, Executive Director l. v - l l. t i t 3’“ “(m m 1979 and arts and enter— 81

~ 1“ ’ . ‘ , . y _ , in Northfield, remaining a director t.‘ , t ld't ~ 1986
Kelley Wamick,(tallahnLounty {News Bonnie Howard, Controller in Paxton Medi'i ainmtn t i or in . t,
Lisa Camahai‘i, Meitiber Services Director ( " Mcberney was the glue that a

District 8-0 ‘ Larry Brooks, Advertising Director held the Courier's arts staff togeth— t;

KenMetz,Bathtountvl\.ewsOutlook RebaLewis,Research/ivtarketingCtmrdinator Maureen MCNerney 01‘.“ said \Villiam MUUtZt Who f1

D1 tn ”0 11 David Spencer, New Media Administrator Maureen McNerney‘ The retired from The Courier-Journal a

5C - , —~ - I “1"_ 'i‘, V. ) )_ ,‘l .,,‘,..\".“‘i

Jerrvl’ennington,Ashland Dailylndependent Sue Lammack, Administratnt Assistant (ouritr Journals arts and tnttr aftcr 48 yt ars as a critic bht It

' Buffy Sams, Bookkeeping ASSlStdnt tainment editor for 14 worked harder than any of us and fi

[)fimcng Rachel McCarty, Advertising Assistant years, died Sunday, August 6. She motivated us to accept her high 0

. Stephen Bowling, lackson 'Iimes Holly Stigers, Tearsheet Coordinator Was 59. standards of‘journalistic ethics."
L-.- -'-'-‘.- .‘.;.‘.’.'.'-'-‘-'.‘-'.'.‘...;.;.'.‘-- - - - -_-....-- - - - - -.._'.‘.-_‘- - . . .‘;.;.'_.,._'.'- - ---.‘.:.;.'..'.~. .--'-‘.-.‘. '.;-:.;’.-.-.‘_‘-‘.-_-_-_ :3. - c - - - - - . - - - - - - -- - . - J

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who (1 pugblem to kito d tlnu the Couldommi “21, “1d “state OhnCerlnvitegld n. [he trend. amest "pd “ott Insuhlgucky s y “mto be :9 "er ans” of
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re?! re: wife frer 33m 3:10,, :29. WE: 3:: m d "d “new;
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 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, September 2000
Al' ° t t °thb 1' 'd ° 1 l k —
. . on the part ofyour readers that you lished for your text. So, if you're To lock type to the baseline,
D8819?! IS I ' I may also be careless in other facets using 9.5 point type on 10.2 points select the type and then open the —
Everything , of newspapering, such as your of spacing, set your baseline incre— "Formats" box in the "Styles" menu.
,4 :31 reporting skills. merit to 10.2 pomts. This Will mean The shortcut 15 Command (Apple)
—— .. Example: just a couple of days you'll have to create different docu- Shift-F. Toward the bottom right of
By Edward F- 1,." ago, a newspaper I was reading car- ments for different spacing needs. this window, you'll see a selection
Henninger 1 ried a headline in which the word If your text is set at 9.5 points box for "Lock to Baseline Grid." S
I“ "cemetery" was misspelled as on 10.2 but your sports agate list» Click in this box and the type you've *-

Baseline grid. "cemetary." That was it —- I stopped ings are set at 8 on 9, you'll have to selected will be locked. Many of my

At first, it might seem to be a reading. The curmudgeon editor in create another document for the clients set up lock—to—baseline as the ‘
reference to a basic football forma- me wouldn't let me give that news- sports agate page. Though you can default in the style sheet for body J
tion. But it's really a method you paper another moment of my time. create multiple master pages with- text and other elements such as
can use to improve the look of your Misspelling "cemetery" is a mistake in one QuarkXPress document, the those mentioned above. You can see
newspaper. a lot of people make, but that news- software only allows for a single the baseline grid in QuarkXPress by

Baseline grid is a document paper on that day lost at least one baseline increment setting. selecting Option-F7.
preference available in reader because ofit. To set up the baseline grid in If you‘re not comfortable with
QuarkXPress that allows you to The same is true with presenta- QuarkXPress, to go the "Edit" lock-to-baseline, it may take some
align the text elements across the tion errors: if you appear sloppy in menu, select "Preferences," then getting used to —— it's very tempting
Width of the page. An equivalent your typography, readers will tend "Document." It's faster to use the to leave the type unlocked and set a ‘
preference also is available in to be less forgiving and certainly Command (Apple)-Y keyboard storyjustified to have it till the box. (in
PageMaker but the bulk of newspa- more skeptical of your work. And shortcut. When the "Document But if a story is short, I often get it t 1'
per pagination nowadays is being that is why baseline alignment is Preferences" window appears, to fill by breaking a paragraph or
done with QuarkXPress so I will important to your newspaper. select the "Paragraph" tab. With two. If it's long, I edit some lines as ho]
limit my comments to that soft- Baseline alignment can (and this window open, you'll see the I paginate. It took me a couple of “l
ware. should) be used for elements other "Baseline grid" box at the lower left. weeks to get used to lock-to-base- ‘1’"

When we engage the baseline than body text. For example, I "Start" allows you to set the dis- line —— but it's worth the effort. 5“
alignment feature, we provide our advise its use for listings, captions tance from the top of the page The payoff is a cleaner, more "V
readers with a more polished over- and jumplines as well. I would not where you'd like the baseline grid to polished, more professional newspa- At
all look. Baseline alignment auto- lock headlines, dropheads, pullouts begin. Usually, I leave this at the per. And who among us wouldn't B"
matically locks lines of text (and and other larger typographic 918- default of zero but I will occasional- want that? ‘,
other selected text elements) to an ments. Instead, I may adjust the ly adjust this setting to allow for (Edward F. Henninger is an V”
imaginary line. space between a story and the optimal spacing at the bottom ofthe independent newspaper consultant (1"

Without bngolino lock the type headline below it to allow for proper page. "Increment" determines how and the director of OMNIA br
within columns of a story usually alignment of other elements. much spacing you‘ll have between Consulting in Rock Hill, SC. You
will not align, grouting a careless Most often, it pays to set the lines of text. As usual in Quark, can reach him at 803-327-3322, fax: en
and unprofessional look. And that baseline at a distance equal to the this setting may be in points, picas, 803-327-3323 or by e-mail at: W]
can contribute to a nagging songo interlinear spacing you've estab- inches or other units. go2omnia@aol.com) (I);

—___-——_—__—_—_________—___—______ .

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‘ S urV e hillfilliiiciiitiazr gingilgg 5:1: . Percent of Adults in Kentucky Adults .Who 1 P(
y cent. - ’ : Have Accessed the Internet, by Region wi

_ Internet use in Kentucky also i Im h'
CONthEd from page 1 has increased significantly over the E West 62% 19% l ~l

Social scientists have found that past four years. In 1996, we found , _I-— ' D 1 L8
II1(II\'I(IUZIIS “7h” USU CUIIIDUIUI'S ZII‘O th ill “bunt 26 percent 0f ‘dd llltS in S h C I l W 54% I 1% l bl
better informed about political. com- Kentucky had used the Internet. In ‘ out en ra 1r E 1 w
munity, and social issues than those 1998, rates of Internet access had . "I"

w ho do not use computer-based increased to 42 percent. And in 2000 Urban Triangle m ]
communications. Studies have we find that an estimated 63 per— — '

{(lund ll‘lill WOI‘kt‘l‘S in bllSin()Sh()S cent 0f SUFVt‘yt‘d KontUCky hduns WW 5%

who use computers earn 10 to 20 have accessed the Internet in the l East _, ' "g I
percent more than workers in com— past year. g ,r' ‘ , i

parable businesses who do not use Despite the rising use of com- 1

computers. puters and the Internet, our analy— l W1: 10% 20% ZIP/u 4W1: Wu “Wu 7W1: Wu C

More than ever before, sis shows a clear digital divide in l Source: Kentucky Long-Tenn Policy Research Center and UK Survey Research h
Kentuckians are embracing the Kentucky on the basis of income, E::———_——-————~——:_——-—~——-:::~:_-_-_ 1'
technology of the information age. A education, race, and age. . Percent of Kentucky Adults with Access to a :
majority of Kentucky adults now The youngest Ke