xt7vhh6c5q06 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vhh6c5q06/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-09-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 19, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 19, 1980 1980 1980-09-19 2020 true xt7vhh6c5q06 section xt7vhh6c5q06 i
' .' VOI- LXXIIL NO- 2" K2] 8] l‘niiersity of Kentucky
Friday . September 19. 1930 an indepen ent student news it r’ l‘e‘ingwn’ “much
- 33% .. . "”3 -.- ’ . " , .. “’3’“ bl
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/ - ’ 2’ 1n thelf rooms
‘ Mt _ r " . W2/ By JACK' RUDD
_ . ’.-’-”' ' . 1M... I" {I13 747333 I“ %?;:I/ Day Editor
‘ . .'-._, . .' m .. 392. . ,. I .. .. . %’93%
If _ ,5... 52 I; 15.9 . . = . . . 2%.. 2 . . _ ~- i/I/f/ dorm rooms may be offered to
3% w .. ‘ ’94 WW .. . '3 ' . f UK students on a voluntary
«5 I ,. 2a 4 . W ' = I .. Pay basis as Part 2“ the
9 M3 , .- ’ . . 3 1-» university-wide cable TV
4.31.9“, H.;__.‘.,II. I f II! ;._I,r.-.._,II- V._,V- ,; ( ; .53.” - .. -.- v:-- a- -.7 ' ?». - i
//7 sIIIII - ‘ 9/ .. ' 3 package, according ‘0 UK
' "'15".“mega/3'3""232,5,l ...;""'.‘.5 . I. ’éfig’ I/W%".;a;7:~;':' ' ' V _:; '25: 3,-" Pia-II: yak-"4'73? 2:75;"; " .-'..,;:" ,4, . fficials
. ..:’- . 45“” '?.-""“.-" " ..-9"I"",".t""':fi 5/5504”): ” " ' ‘ ,- .:. E;‘»;’?$’LI’3’/'/,‘ //;I.:.(--.;», ~ ., i:-':' 1. . '2” ' ' ~- .".z .-' 1.37% ». "/8" ’ 9 0
3b Wig/7:9: j” : “ii/j}? . "3’3 *5 12/3” 3 I wwfi The hook-ups would be part
WIII’ /// ””3 /”I/’////,’///,/g¢ 43;. ' , ' of the “second phase“ of a
f / / / ’35?
l :; II"; V..:--’-'-"" X M :=':-“ . , fg/Wé'l/fQ/éx/V/fl/ .5 . . ""x/ 9’," 59‘ " ' '
.'_.:..-_'I._2;5_;'I .”I;;.:...:.-:;:.:v;:«;:-:-I:.--a ,IIK'E._.;,_.§ _ : @,/II’II,’II,” $2; .;- ,,I . .. 4m pl‘OJQCl that Involves the ex-
. . .. . . . , .. .~ / . panSion of. U'K's eXisting
I ’1’57,I£ 47 . . Wiifflfgfiyfl / A; telecommunicauons SyStemi
. fies-was. Wat/Ia Ia. Wymaw vii:‘s:‘-s'=-:I-3-I-3:::=::~"2“.-=era-5:22.:.:::=:‘=::.-:-"'v::s:-':z-::;:-.;.2:-..0111t "1 making thls comparison mtlen a and emotion illness. - - -
- \olc June 30. 1980 Funding for poor womens’ llgv? regulatsitét; ‘gdtlgsgpe't‘d‘glg 0f.::¥tg(£gr:j ‘53 can morality be legislated? teriii $233-$531)initgfugfigtrsta‘i):l;nt%":g&a$}e:2§
\ , , .- g . . ,, , .. , - , t. w ver,con1 r ‘ “W W! l r
‘ . :lliltillltl’ll‘.‘.lld(i toroinaid p(lldln§., an appeal of repercussions, the fine “$5 of tilack and white The argument and controversy generated by legally as a living, breathing citizen, not an
. . .liat dicision fade awav theabortion issue 15 at its heart a moral one. Itis unborn part of a citizen
. s‘ , . . “Hire. hyaci- been iiio‘reJt‘han Hi 2211111312 rigor There ”are questions that give rise to right or it is wrong. Interpretation of the indi‘ a1 as the unborn
. . {‘h‘fing“ dgwfmf‘” ””“lfldd‘gE‘dr-‘m - f,“ “ F’: argunientswhich resist resolution. Does human When this argument enters the legal arena logically leads to more test ictions on the
.. . t . Upl‘t.ll‘.( court rut t at t c gvovrcrnnicn life begin with theiotnihg of sperm and egg, the (where legislators must settle iti, it IS argued as pregnant cmzen. It follows that it should be
. tould not, '“F‘i‘lf‘” 3“”) ‘women 5 ”g ,l to an first heartbeat or brainwave of a fetus, or the a matter 0f,th¢r.'ght5 01: an indi-v1dual. Pro-liters illegal for a pregnant woman to drink alcohol, t0
' ' .V :ll"?““".”- “ll-fl ’lgl" “ db. extended only for the first breath of an infant? think the “indiVidual” is the unbom fetus. Pro- eat improperly, to climb slippery steps, etc, ad ‘
.irst trimester of a pregnancy. The ultimate authority is unavailble for chmcers think the“ind1v1dual is the parentts). infinitum.
‘- ' The Metllt'aldrlhhded abortions N’PFOSCM comment. The pro—liters, unlike pro-choicers, have The Hyde Amendment, while possibly legal, is
_ . about onethird of the total number m. legal All we have to work with are our societal become a political force to be reckoned with. a step in the wrong direction and is inconsistent
. ‘ élhvhhohs hemmed m the [ nitcd states. norms and mores and their applicability within They claim responsibility for unseating various with the decision to make abortion legal.
NLIIISUU LH‘t' “hVWUsh‘ Uha‘fillahlt‘ f“? illegal our Constitutional framework. There are legislatorsincluding ex-Sen.Dick Clark, D-Iowa. However, due to the emotions and resulting
, , , abortions ”010m”. opposed viewpoints and presentations Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill., undoubtedly took this political sensitivity of the debate on this issue.
. . ~\li4)l‘lltill is a singularly complex issue ln~ of “the facts" concerning abortion. into consideration when be sponsored the don’t expect Its repeal or a clearing 0f the
' iolving=iiiestionsofiiioraiity biological science. our societyis constantly evolving too. Alarger amendment bearing his name. But did his smokey ClOUd for years to come.
. , Play the US. name game
. " - o , O
- ma S new eader COL! 6 kl’lOWl’l GS 0016 .
. 1 . ; ~ a, o. mg ”10mg mm Tmmases F1“, presidents adopted the initial “."S which were called by any nickname, of the last to trade his first If he had left it as James the l
. , ' ' _ ‘: on Mo: 1 don‘t know whether officially changed their names. stood for nothing. Maybe it was but, Eisenhower was always name for his middle. chances are most of us would
I - -- . , W.“ 1,, I”. “M“ 1,, handle “my swims like a 101‘ Three of an old family letter. called “Ike" and Theodore I counted Jimmy Carter as be calling him Jimmy anyway
' _. ' . - - . ”more in 1:} hum-rs them simply dropped their 1 dont know whether or not Roosevelt was always called one of the six Jameses because because he’s that kind of guy.
.— , "; r l‘ii'ill‘it: oi the new prime first names and used their the Chinese have a nickname “Teddv.” I’ve always resented the fact If the Chinese have public
. ‘ mm” H, china ,5 Zhao middle names iStepheni for Zhao Ziyang, but some of _ Initials are a popular way to that he has his name listed on relations people in their
.' Ziyang m. replaced ilua (il'OVt‘I‘ Cleveland. t'l‘homaSi our preSIdents are more apt to identify some presidents but the ballot as “Jimmy” even government. they might think
. .’ ‘2ng Maybe those a“, Woodrow Wilson, (John, nicknames than others. not others. For instance, FDR, though his real name is James. about making it easierson us
.‘ . ' unlen}. mmw“ names 10,. yam” 0,0“de Hiram Washington didnt have a LBJ andJFK wereso common Apersondoesnotget to decide by issuing a press release
‘ ‘ an .Xilltjl‘lt‘ull. because l don‘t l'lysses Grant changed his ,., , you don‘t even have to think to for himself what his nickname saying that Zhao Ziyang liked
' ' . ' remember having much name to l‘lysses Simpson _, ' knowwho they are, but ifIsaid will be. A nickname is often to be called just plain Zooie.
» .‘ trouble '-Hili the old ones like Grant and David Dwight .‘j E “RMN” you’d think a minute used affectionately and if we
. ‘ ' ' t'hiang Kai-Slick and Sun Yat~ Eisenhower switched his first ., _ before you realized those were do not feel affection towards
f ._ N... and middle name to become .5153; 5 Nixon‘s initials. Gerald someone, we are reluctant to Andy Rooney is a nationally
' ' lt doesn i seen. as though — I/ . _, n Rudolph Ford was hardly ever use his nickname. It‘s not that] syndicated columnist. His
. ‘ .g anyone with a strange name W33 ~ calle. “GRF” either. He dislike Carter,butldislike him column will appear every
_ .- Mrs ”or elected program: of Andy wag, certainly would have been one forcing me to call him Jimmy. Friday.
‘ .:’ " 'i‘ic tinted States. but when , “In .1
.. ' ' you iiiznk «if it. the names 3: ,-
_ I, ‘ \\ a .s ii i i: g i «s ll a n d Rooney IV... 1"
fl - "r.;\eiiti~iw'i“‘ iiiighl have l "3"- ”I"
j ‘2 '_ prong, rough m m, Mm,“ — j. . J," - ' - 195‘“ 3’ " '
_ . * . ,‘in o: this co: me looking at llwiglit David Eisenhower. U " ‘ ' _-
. . , ll.r names of our presidents l.“ pres‘idents were never 9/ ' i. %_ ». A00 301 INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTINGI (3) :
f 1. l‘-»tll' «ii 'lierii have had tht giver. niiddlenamesorinitials. "732-52.? l Stucfiercs are giver“ an :n—cepth onc—
< \rill‘t‘ : now as four presidents \ou don't really need a middle I i “ cpfltst. A — 1"va a . c a _ l V' '
. , . who “will before them We‘ve initial if your name has the ’ ' h“ ‘1 on ”r LEMnCC She's“ aczounta‘ ’
‘ . liritl l'»‘-'i Arianiscs. two ring to (icorgt‘ Washington‘s " . end the reiatec estect on income de—
. , ‘. Harris-«ins. two Roosevelts and has. but ;i lot ofgood presidents nickname. that 1 know of, You ‘ ta r‘mmation; revenue V‘r'ifCCCr‘itECr‘.
. mo .l'lllllhtlllh didnt have middle names. don‘t go around calling 4‘“, - , g r ’ y
y 'l‘ir ll osi (tilllllltlll first Neiiliei .lelterson. Lincoln nor someone “Father of our _- eds-Deuce, Cecegcc, and ecuity—— ,
. yum: ,i::;ong ”m8 prcfsir'lents 'l‘hoodorc Roosevelt had one. (‘tiuntry,"when he's alive, and until the First exam, at which point V '
. ’ ‘as men .llllllt.‘\ .fix o tieni For some reason Harry I doubt that an one called , .
_ . 'l‘l‘i‘rt’ 1' he been We Johns. 'I‘i‘ninaii felt soleft out over not Lincoln “Honest Xbe" either. they drop the Class and Change thel" -
‘. ~ “Aw .-\,".(llt‘i\~ and N") having one that he officially Neither Nixon nor Truman major. . _
. . . _ . { -
’7 Os wron s to ’6OS radicals * fl‘ r"
t 1 ”l V_ ' ' g ,1. t 1 [id
' . . fl ' ”I _.
t, ‘ ~ .‘ l 7", .
. y l ’ w
“ brings the FBI to trial in ’80 l t h l‘ '
,. 1771 1‘ .\\ _ g ,
How r :t;::-. -, :l
j. ‘W - . ' 1:». a insist-rip: -o no home _ The opponents of Social - 5 ‘
.‘ .‘ gar, li'ili iv-i-n mm who !.r Security do not want to fget rid _ 1 COURSE .l I i (.1
‘ ‘._. - '.' ti':.':. '1 Washington to G ofil for paying out bene its but ' . : . 3 - l
_l .- :1 llll'rll‘llli:f and entering alone arry for storing UP secrets. l ‘ OESCR‘? '31:3 351's» L—j—
.'. ,‘:..v.,‘t \\l"i «'i'lini' \ltiléllltillS of iiii‘i - Vlllllalltarlan power creeps - 1: "“‘ l ‘f ‘33) l l
“- 5_ . l'lLEll'.\ «fitting the search to! WIIIS toward you from safety ' N'fi. ' _:::;;.f7?:f;§j-- 1S {5"}
'. » :"' "nos inriiriis it who to l.r:\t' regulations not from secret ,. . i fil‘
. f ,. no.“ .m, i, rm“ mgr as .\l)lllt‘ — police raids and dossiers kept kti’a’flfi *7 ‘.;-- -“..*""':;. .Ls 533:!
p -' . ' ll iilr‘..:'. ’-.’i,\ ii me out of by J. Edgar Hoover. ‘45:; “a" .- '- , 7”,") M
; ‘. noting it it ’tvtl's .mv over \Vm l‘ffrtx' lletwct‘ii the first and The FBI can plot all it likes, ' '- 4' " v
.i, _’ ' lxt't‘l‘l ii! zine. filo iiouiitlt-i's oi last sentences. Milllt' new so far as the right win is °
. , = '. tEr.‘ kid‘s hint? l".l n lilt‘ kiti~ t‘v. lass ill ”1“ FBI or (‘LA would concerned; but let OSHAg lll- pu le ® @ [80
.1, .,l mu. grow a, 0.1.1,. ctmuo «‘ M. Manor vestiigate worker safety and
. . ‘ (iouli.,1,.y..;r ' . ‘ _ free om is one, ltis thetcrror
I," ‘, '. ‘1 rm '1‘.“ ll‘lrllll.‘ lawyer‘s (”“1 “3:13tlrrl-lsp‘llltlurr ?l::i((l‘l l‘lif‘llit ”f tht‘ boardgroom we encounter w
. _. ,. k“ M, .H.) i“; 1"“th M... .:_ . | . _ '. here. the discomfort of the ‘
>. li‘ilp'lli' no annospio-i-e of ”1:1.” “ .“M‘ ”'1'?“ ,l” ”l comfortable. ° I
; . 3‘21? it?“ i im‘i m n be we “0°“ Letters t0 the Edlt or
' . :‘glilit It: .ik ‘ i‘, ll'» that ttilllltlllt‘tl Eli!” dTl] l;f .Bn K, I“), n5 0 letters (IONIC in from all Sidesi
:- 4- , - _. i to blat k hag yobs . .
.. ' , . I an} in tons :akcii .igiiiiist kids (m, being hatched ”a“. “ll“ _ "d” .blame thfi‘
- ' , Right vying . clclii‘itit-s liay t- yourself tor the 1.0“,”th Republicans, lhls Yeah for thls I‘
,. .1 , . . Mm.” m mp ( (NW. N, lllt' l’l’il iron) ”1“ Agriculture llt'put‘t ””581“. of comic terror from —
. , .. i: or, atrt ssing lllt‘ dangers to “Wm ”on, Is the intervening the nut fringe? Unfortunately, '9" bike your neck If you can remove your promoters of the prolect, but
( ilit' :‘t‘p‘illillt’ that art- mm ;. h,“ m m tummy, all we have to do is look at the head from your lews long Ive been here long enough to
,, liltill‘itj iio-iiioru ' ’ g . ‘ letter‘s sigmture to find that it enough, you would surely find know that through the
. . Hi: the ’ other \lllt‘ ”ll ”W h“ it :Social Security was not addressed from the It is very clear from your that if one (chmkle) oils his camps bureacracy, if the
. . ,‘ prosu-utoi-s nvost wonder If a ”"m’d; ”l‘ a“ “M r0001“- 01‘ fringe It went out over the article concerning bicycle breaks (sic) one loses his Stu ent. Center isn't ex-
' forgive andrt'or et mood ll£l~ “n,"hll" "“‘Vlrd- ll may ht‘ name of a man known for safety tSept.18), that you breaks (sic). panded now, it probably
' not lllt'sllit'l‘lfl‘filllt‘(tillllll‘}; li l“ l,’ or ”1“ Department “l comparative balance and know very little about May you come mder the won’t be.
. . .1 ”anti-”Wort, 1mm supply g, Ailrll‘tlltun‘ ("“51 lllh)’ hf“ (it savvy in the circles where he bicycles ~ \pCClllL‘illl) breaks path of a speedin bicycler, Sure, l can be as
. Mm, “Hum“, mum ”m” the “"lf‘ml l‘.l(‘(‘llt)ll ( om moves .._ Ronald Reagan‘s ism, with a lastjc hgmet, who academically minded as the
, mailed reemily. that shows ””55“"1 press secretary. Lyn Nofziger. lwill admitthat there area has oiled)his breaks (sic). next guy and we do '
fear of gowrnnwnt intrusion The nght vving, which never So now we know how to save us large number of rules broken " desperately need the
and snooping is \llll strot‘g. lt feared FBI provocateurs. lives all from Bi?) BTOthG' — PM the by icyclers,andlcan accept Tom Fonts renovation of the other
. begins iii .ir Friend You in terror of a federal housing Kooks in c arge of the Kops. a large artof your article as Arehltecture sophomore buildings, but as someone
, can bet that somewhere in the loan There are marvelous and between them they Will reasmagly intelligent. I can said, “An education isn't
vast labyrinth of the federal inversions here. The crush the danger of creeping even let the “semi- . entirelgejust acedemics."
liiireat-iar _\ there's a file on bureaucracy that is attacked Agriculture Departments. humorous", but quite stupid SC eXDalISIOII needed Mhay I'm just mad about
. ’ ' y'iil‘ " \l‘itl it ends “Big forits iiicfficienfydlb' thcrlght remark about the White Paymg for something I‘ll
brother government Wlll go to wing, suddenly becomes Big plastic helmets go by. In response to Tuesday’s proba ly never use.
any length» to keep a tab on Brother \vithomnisccnce about (tarry Will is a nationally However, l can h0t let your (Sept. 16) editorial m the
you ' yourprivatclife The FHA can syndicated columnist. His statement about oiling the Student Center eXpansion.
lt is the kind of letter I used barely make a loan. but it is column will appear breaks (sic) so they don‘t I'm not being paid by SCB or 'l‘im Tharp
to got mci‘y vim-k in the early sure to break your reputation. periodically. squeak go unabtsed. have any 00ht8Ct With Geology senior .
v o J ‘ __ l' ‘ ‘l
HH hf \ I t 1 k\ k! N‘cll [Mint St'plrmm-r I9. I‘HOJ II' "
- p V‘ .." V ' '
(‘umplled from AP Dispatches "-—'——— . I. ,7
_ . upvning statement he now of Russotlvillc, um Hm. unutopu-k up ttw z...“ i“! \ :n tmmhing 31.13 «mt at gmwr 51* "HZ" "“1"” Mild -' w ‘
State “Mild PWW that mdtclcd onntnc Counts.» 11.05! recent atr ptt‘a't‘s r: um; :I nt .1 N‘ptttvd t...- " null It or. My 1"” Saudis agreed '. . I'
Mayberry. who also theft by tatlure to make wthm hours of t'utm N hrrtt‘t' .Iumtw l 'I.'.‘- . wt. u.‘ 'i'. P [its “W“N’d} t" ”1156 thu'r I" I . '
.\ pxwhologist testified would have bwn 15 at the rt‘quu'od disposmon 1.: .ttmounu-nwnt it x .t'fltut‘ .lmtm‘. t~zI;.u,I/¢-rt . my - I.(‘('[]U[‘_ 31H" 1mm $28 per 42- ’. " . I.i
\-..,-h.1.dm ”w ho (“d not tune and also ltwd 1n the property and four count}. Ut'ltms' [I‘vldtnuu .. tm- .Iu; ,\ -, not. hitt‘tt‘! to $30 as I ,1 '
kt)..\\ “humm-t.,1,..1i2.w“ urea. had been htdmg in wt ttwtt h)" (1000911011 HH-r \Véhtttnutwn Spokvsnnui " .n I: ~.i..yu.,; m .1 I'tuuh-m 1 .un-r, Mu IN" "1 it unantm‘tus .1: a g , I
wuttn ,‘.MI1(_.I..I1.IH I” my tho tratler and killed the $101), He was trovd mt for tho butt-ml Aunt»! .. .1. mm nauw _,;|. .1 1-1... “1 gram“ 1., mun by the lit-natton v.2‘1'..'-,
. .. ~ , ’.' ,. . I a .
xlzmnp of .t T nun-old (-mld‘ . 510.001) bond . .\tittll!tl.\ll'£illlm. sau‘. «A. . u lfttt't'l'uptlttl;~t.1 ant-1 to! 1»qu ".c numb II “”"“‘ i” ”'9 “nd 0’ a ‘. " I. 1'
1’ MI.“ (‘ounn go! {\oolker saIld he had [he grand Jury sum lI e\.\ Inn-knead Jt‘lfitu; . . , ..s .M .wt-td pu‘mq «me. to" t. 4.13“»! 'I’ ""‘ dd} ””‘t‘tmg here 'V ‘ " {,2‘3',
‘ lh‘ Ruhcrt .\1 . Ekvl' a nut several tmu-s over a butt 1' an allt-gvdlt um .wnt 11 1.1.. ~: u t . .mttmt :tu-r mt} '.('\'\('['fi.'t\ m ,1... .1: LI" A’WUP “350819,“de 9‘, '5} ‘5
4 “mm.“ psw Wham at ponod of about 20 months t'ccotvod $278,394 from \Nustunuton to Harm... xi ~ .. ;. m.- . U. m: 1., . 14. t' ”In. 2.: . ?!t't‘lt‘ all other UNIX? ' .‘ 'f -
tm- Nurthom Kt‘ntllt‘ky mth Mayhorry. who was \ “Um” flilfit’lill" 7-H" .‘"~\“'l"ii*.‘ ”1””"W I‘tI ”it” "1 ”“- wptwtwm ' 1.1: mg w ,‘. um: .1 DH' 15 v F, «3':
'l"‘t-.tttn1-nt t’tItItt: at 5”” to the JUVCnllt‘ “USUN‘XS‘US between 01'! l‘tu- plum- .‘Ht‘ . Hymn/«I1! vmnr tdeInup‘yI : 9.. :~-: ,. H" mu t!‘ Huh in» Ig‘."./"‘._, f‘
(I..,m.,.m.u and t... Mid (intention center after his 1 1979, and Jul) 31. 1981) \(‘ht‘dUitU'd to rt-tun‘. v. on = . .' .tmt putttu a; WtIIt-tg‘ , I? ~ ~ ..: 'JI’H' prucs ."‘,..":r."., ,31
.. .' . . .e t . ‘ t~
tum! w... “my. NH...“ arrest on a xnaruuana :mddvtxtsttodthe-tundsn; the httat'km's lust my? .*. :. «um. 5? 1mm ‘ r (1.. um I:. . L» . . . ' ' 'f l“ NHL“ “WU ”10 w’,~':""
Mmtwrrv, talk I“ \tt~t:1;'.’ .Itun‘goandtx'tth too, who his pvt‘sunul amount H“. mm“...- m.” U, «, t 1. ‘twi \M-dm-sdn}. uppn’lt'lJ t5 -. . .1- , AM. it w Ht 8/.“ to a mgh ,7- ,‘.«ifj-g-Iaf;
“hm“ ”11' kthm; nt [Muttu t.\ ;|\ ”tent [here for tumor than torwurdtng i't(‘ tlown tttl'H HV Hill}; I ,. . ,v u tt‘Yt Hz»; 4!":11-1‘ " ( ‘1 I ”"72 t. 'tr‘LttId h} AlgpnaI “ii-'51.; .I I23?)
Knox :inughtt-r at .‘tlilt'td «tnluatton after the Knox them I“ the WHY"? Hm unutot ulumhta .\ t' I H. .p. W'W't' ' ' ‘ “"‘1 " 3”“ 4". ’4‘; "iii-(-
. , .t . . ‘ ’ . I, . v . . ',. . ‘ I‘"':"~I
httw...ztth1‘}\nm ‘t'atlv-t‘ “ng _ 11thde 'kth-f HI .tgvttts .\ mint ’: “‘ "" "W“. " \‘ ”rid , H" L ’m \ “Mid g.- "x 1".)2'
m '. u" \Ut‘lkvr said that HP \MIS also t-tuu‘ (-zt . -.-«. w ... . -. Z Lu W . '-‘M' .-1 ' mutt: Amt/ta ,..I,_ 513,-”. ’,'.-.
._ l..H . _ . . , to must ...(I_. 'l. _..1 I .--.— en»...
\m-lkrtk Hwtuuotw; M mg his “mt ”"1““ xtn ““1“” '” ”Wk" tttt'um t’tléll'LitN \tn-tunzu L‘ ;! ;...\ by :t:-. ' ' ”"41 ”"- mg “I‘ E“! 1" ’Ir‘.'I."/1
.I .. , . n. _ .. 1 . . I » . -. . _ .I ., . . ).,I I. .
mun u. 1th that w! Tudtt I "t” mootmg mth E"‘\‘I“ nt\ l" RU-‘N'HHHV tron: tho tutut'kmu out i'. i‘ 'I I "I .. WW" ‘ ~' U '1' H .. h t 1' ‘ "PM I“'””’“’* to ‘»1’-.,".'."$' .
._ i. V I” u Alt-ughhm' \l.t_\'bvt‘ry_ the youth “m! [ct-“ling (in-0n “yd“..mm " m. L“ {H.113 ' .5 1'... 1; H .tgrrmm-m u. :.-. g. . ' r . '7 my gum ('.\(1tt'JH‘. to "i-j'f'fl'n"
ttz.“ wt :1» 2. -‘.~ -. Itmcrlbtld the murder tn "t”lvilttlt‘s‘ totahn more w .. .. II»)? .» .... .,. li-v' -' wt. 8‘ but. :u 'ti't‘ $4 ;; tutwt .. nu: .. 'HWDWf 'J'd I» It- "a. " ".-.""-‘-i‘1
L. t!“ I l“( u ... _ . .- .. .\.t LA 1...! u. .t)u.1 .t ., , , .. ~- 4,. _~.
at..- Mount; I‘vtxnl. saying he had "1m 3:. on [hothvft t,I\' ,‘.tiuuta m1.n.mt‘ttt;t : 1.1.1: ..‘eIn“ltI:'t : . M:- mtx mt sum'hu: MK W‘" t' “t S33 d "I’p'w‘ ,'.)"
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