xt7vhh6c5r68 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vhh6c5r68/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-02-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 1995 1995 1995-02-28 2020 true xt7vhh6c5r68 section xt7vhh6c5r68 . +1., .9, w. my rat“ a






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Student groups aiming to save financial aid

By Stephen Trimble

I'lx'c'mm't' Editor

An appropriations subcoriiiiiittee in the
House of Representatives swiftly w and unex-
pectedly —— proposed and voted on a bill last
week that would have cut about $1 billion in
federal financial aid for college students.

An ()hio college student with \Vashington
contacts learned of the proposal about two
hours before the subcommittee members
voted. He called higher education lobbyist
Paul Allvin in Arizona, who, through e-mail
and telephone calls, sent an urgent notice to 'a
network of college student governments across
the country, including UK

Before the votes were cast 90 minutes later,
the ctits were reduced from a S] billion ax to
about a $312 million hammer.

“\Ve can't take credit for an $800 million
cut,n said Allvm, although he says he is certain
the phone calls had some impact on the vote in
the House's Appropriations Subcommittee on
Labor, Health and Human Services and I'idti-

Allvin is shaping this nationwide network of

students into 'a national lobbying organization
designed to protect collegiate financial aid
from budget ctits in the future.

“\Ve got out the message more rapidly than
any organization in the country", \llvin said
“\\ ith a little bit of organization, we could be

Since joining the network in ()ctober, she
has travelled to nearly every Southeastern
Conference school recruiting student go\er'n-
ments to join, and made 'a trip to \\'ashiugton
to speak with Kentucky s lawmakers

“I think the messai'e we have to send (to
lawriiakers)is that having aii educated ( iti/eniy
is just as important as defense, as building 'a
bomb," Crabtr'ee said during an interview Sat

million liermrnatedi

funds - $47 million

urday. VAlaska‘Hawaii Native Cultures in Arts .-
Si million ltermrnatedl
VEisenhower Leadership Program ~A S3 5

Alembers of this new lobbying organization
will meet in \‘l'ashington late nevt month to
organize. Ihe group is led by A',lliin who also
heads the Ari7ona Student \ssoci'ation w hic h
lobbies for that state s' c'ollc "e students

million llerminaled)

million itemiinaled)

1— ' VUrban Community Service Grants _ $13

Crabtree said a strong force for students is
needed in the capital because the largest org-a

million (terminaledl

Federal imancral aid programs that may be cut:
VState Student Incentive Grant - . $63 4

VState Postsecondary Review Entities

VDirect Lending. unused administrative

VLaw School Clinical Experience —— $14 9 lion

VStudent Financial Aid Database ~


million (terminated)

VByrd Honors Scholarship Program 7——
598 ITTlll|0P

VNational Science Scholarship — $4 4 mil'
lion llermrnaledl

VNational Academic Space and Science
Program -- $2 million ltermrnatedl
VDouglas Teachers Scholarship Program
-— $14.3 mollion (tenninatedl

YOIympic Scholarship Program —~ $1 with

VTeacher Corps $1. 9 rilflllOl". 'nrminaled}

VFaculty Development Grant ~ $3 5 million

VFarris Fellowships — $10.1 milwn (termi-

\Vithin an hour, more than a 1,000 phone formidable.~
The LTK link in this chain is Strident Gov-

calls hit the congressional switchboard The

calls were placed by college students in each of ernment .-\s's'ociatiori Got ernrnental Affairs

the subcommittee members districts.

ni7.ation currently, the L'nited States Schools

$500,000 (terminated)
VTRIO -— Slit million
VEarly intervention Scholarship ~ 83 i

VJavitz Fellowships -— $7.5 million 1’ termi-

(ihairw'oman Alison ( ir'abtree.


s1. AID 1111 Back Page



Cyclists taking ilerlication ontlnioilra

By Jacob Clahes
Surf] ll rirer

It's as graceful and misunderstood as ballet, yet
there are those who are devoted to going that extra
mile for their sport.

It is that devotion that makes the UK bicycling club
unique arnon rclub sports.

‘ People (Ton t understand cycling," said liddie
C hurch, UK bicycle club member. “I his is a lifestyle
for us."

The team spends a great deal of its time training for
races on weekends. UK is the southern—most school in
a conference made up of Mariam University, Indiana
University, University of Michigan, Purdue L niversi—
ty, Ball State, Ohio Lniversity and Miami L niversity
(if Ohio.

The team has five active members who compete
weekly at area schools. This past weekend, team mem—
bers Greg Heck andjason Kizee placed first and 10th,
respectively, on Saturday in a 40—inile road race at
Xavier University in Cincinnati.

On Sunday, Church finished fourth in the Criteri
uin in Lexington.

Teammates Greg Dunn and Josh Delriiiiple both
finished midpack in that race.

This season, Church has the best chance of making
the Nationals. To do so, they must accumulate enough
points to be eligible to compete in the race.

“One thing that would help the team accumulate
tnore points is to get more women riders involv,"ed
said Greg Dunn. “\Ve would then be competing in
both classes, and we would gain more points.

Two members of the team, Church and Dunn, race
in the United States C ycling Federation as well as for
UK. Dunn rides for the Bluegrass ( ycling T eam out of
Lexington, and C hurch rode last summer for Team
Allanti out of Nashville, Tenn., and will ride this sum—
mer for Louisville \Vheelinen.

Church said he got his start when he bought a bike
to get around his hometown.

“I lived on the outskirts of town, and all of my
friends lived in town,” he said.

For Dunn, the bicycle became a tool for rehabilita—
tion after an injury in a motorcross race.

“My doctor recommended that I ride a bike in order
to exercise, "Dunn said

This season will prove to be quite rigorous for
( hurch, who is using this as a training ground for this
summer s US( F season.

“The USCF season lasts from April to October,"
Church said. “I did 50 races last year, and I will proba-
bly do 75 this y.ear I hope to make the United States
\ational Road Team."

Dunn hopes to gain more recognition for the sport
of mountain biking and to get more people involved in
the sport of hiking.

“My ultimate roal is to go to the Collegiate Nation-
als in mountain biking and eventually gain full spon-
sorship, ” he said.

The team hopes to eventually become a varsity sport
at UK. To do so, they need to have about four or five
people in each class of competition.

“Public interest is what it would do it for us,"
Church said.

Ifyou are interested in joining the team, contact Nic
Robinson at (606) 226-9693.


wiii’mss remit." ’- '“mwwt'flfiw '1 -’-' ' .





JOSEPH REY AU Am'm 1' 4.11?
IIIIIING IIIGI'I UK cyclirrr Greg Dunn and Eddie Church 11111) mcejbr the Unm'd Stan's ({yrlmg l'1'.11'r11111111.






WORLD Marines arrive
as troops leave Somalia

.\l( l(ir\l)lSllLi, Somalia -. L'.S. Marines
swept ashore on the beaches of .\logadishu early
yesterday, this time not to sax e starving Somalis
but to protect L'..\I. peacekeepers retreating from
the country‘s, chaos.

Altt r a massive intervention that took more
than two years, cost $1.111. billion and claimed the
lives of 43 Americans and more than 100 peace-
keepers. the L'nited Nations is pulling its last
Irirtilis out of Somalia.

The 3,400 l’akistani and Bangladeshi peate»
keepers in the remnants ofa L' V. force that «'znce
numbered 18,000 ir._om i ii a.tions

l)e'spiti their lit st cfior'ts. the Horn of \liita
nation is now no closer to deiiioctac'y than when
L.S. troops first landed in the Somali capital
under the glare of media lights ~ in llcceiiibet

CAMPUS Selll‘ee upgraded to serious

’liimothy Sebree. the «blur in .i fatal weekend
car crash on Hi4 in Shelby County. is listed in
serious condition at L'iii'versitv of l.titlls\'lllt‘ litisi
pital Sebi‘c-e's condition was upgraded from Li‘lll‘
cal to serious yesterday according to L' of I. Hos—
pital information.

I‘il'lt‘tllls who are concerned about Sebree may
donate blood in his name to the Red (iross.

The donations will go to replenish the general
blood supply. (.arol Keely speci'il collections
coordin nor for the l\<_’tl( ross said when students
donate blood in his name. Sebree will reteiie .i get
well card saying that they gave blood thinking of

Students may makr appointments at 1th Red
(:l'tiS\ in l.ouis\ille at (503) 559-4450 or in icy»
ingtori .it mum :5 t. l iil.



Mt ).\' l'l'lRl'iY, Calif. u l".lvis lives.

So said most of the audience at .i mock trial.
siding with the argument that
lilvis l’i'esley still walks. breathes,
sings and swivels his hips on a
remote island somewhere as he
hides friim mobsters who \\ ant to
kill him.

The 2 l/l-hour trial. held as a
fundraiser for the law review pube
lication at the Monterey College
of Law. drew 300 people who
alternately giggled n-isptd and ultimately
.'itis'weied ves tot e cluestion “ls I"l\is .lll\t.‘:

[be official line is that l’reslev died of cardiac
arrhythmia in a bathroom of his( (iracel .ind inan—



( nmpr/rd ‘mm iii/ff: .111 1'1/1111'1

Double-lung transplant gives new hope Ifll‘ CYSIIC IIIII‘OSIS patients



Minim‘ng Qt kit. .,


By Jeri Vinson


A 19- -year— —old woman recently
became the first cystic fibrosis
patient to receive a double— lung
transplant in Kentucky. Doctors
perfomied the seven- -hour surgerv
this weekend on Tanya Kave
“T. K. " Snyder of Jeffersonville,
1nd, at UK Hospital.

The surgery, which began late
Saturday night and finished early
Sunday morning, was performed
by Dr. Michael Sekela, director of
UK 5 heart, lung and heart/lung
transplant program.

Snyder is in critical but stable




MSPMI ”ETC" Dr. Michael Sekcla speak; to the media yextrrday

about this weekend‘: double-lung rramplant.


GREG EMS Kane! ruff

condition in the cardio-thoracic
intensive care unit. She will
remain on a ventilator for at least
48 hours.

“It .s the greatest thing that evre
happened, said janice Dellart,
Snyder's mother.

Snyder.had been on a waiting
list for the transplant since
November 1994.

\Vhile this particular type of

double-lung surgery was not the
first of its kind in the country,
Sekela called the transplant “a real

The transplant becomes a more
viable option for younger cystic
fibrosis patients, Sekela said. It is
not a cure for the disease, but it
will make living with the disease

“The quality of (Snyder's) life
will be so much improved a dra-
matic improvement," said Dr.
jamshed Kanga, Snyder's doctor
and director of UK‘s Cystic

l'ibrosis ( e ntcr

If complications such as HTTL'C'
tion occur, it will be evident with-
in days after the surgery, Sekela

Snyder was both excited and
scared when she learned that the
transplant would occur, Dellart

Kanga said nutritional prob-
lems will be easier to handle and
maintaining body weight will not
be a problem like it has been in
the past.

Physical activity will be a large
part of Snyder's recovery treat—
ment following the sur ycry rv, doc-
tors said. \ctivities wil include
riding a stationary bike and walk-

“Before the transplant, getting
out of chair was a major undertak—


ing for (Snydcr) Se kc la said

Kcntucky s first double- lung
transplant was performed in _lune
1994 at UK Hospital. Since
March 1991, L'K's heart. lung and
heart/lung transplant team has
performed 1 l4 transplants.

There are about 300 cystic
fibrosis patients in Kentucky.
L K s center serves the eastern half
of the state and provides treat-
ment for lot) cystic fibrosis

( ystic fibrosis occurs in one of
every ..,500 births

Because of the trans lant. Sny-
der has a chance to leatras close to
normal a life as possible, Kanga

If there are no complications,
Snyder will be able to leave the
hospital in three or four weeks.

..-. V .._-._.-.._ I.



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P “T .........'................I.............
By Jason DaItiIo losing 83—7 1. Btit the (Iats' play nament iii Alemphis last yeat.
.lttivi1u1'1.\;wrt It'll/rm was so ugly that I’itino called his L7K finished off the tourney
teatii in for a mid- With a 911—78 victory over eventual
A top seed for next week's night practice ses- national champion Arkansas in the
Southeastern(lonference'l'ourna— sioii to finetune tfie seiitis‘ and a 73—61) stomping of
ment is nice. htit L'K coach Rick squad's skills. Final Four participant Florida on
l’ttino Itas his eyes set on a differ— After Georgia, Selection Sunday.
etit pri/e heliiiid l)oor .\'o. l. L'K will return Fvcn with this impressive
”\Ve'rc looking at an even hig- home to face 1.5L showing. the (Iats‘, who entered
ger picture." l’itino said. “\\'e’re on Senior Day. the totirnaiiient ranked No. " in
looking for a No. 1 seed (in the Then it's on to the the filial AI’ I’oll. still received a
\v(1:\.‘\’IlllIrIIJIIIClIl). and in order SEC 'Fouriiaiiient PIIIIIO No. 1 seed to tlte hig dance.
for tis to do that we have to win in Atlanta, where In other words. a strong show- ‘
otit the remaining twogaiiies." the (Lats clinched a top seed last ing in the tournament might not '
'l hat means the .\'o. 5 (Eats 13117 week hy defeating Florida. mean as much to the committee III
-I. ll.’ NFL) will first have to take A strong showing next week Kansas City as a sqtiad's perfor~
tare of httsiness tomorrow night iii could make the difference hetween mance III the regular season.
\thciis where a showdown with a .\'o. 1 seed .iiid a iiioie difficult I’ittiio said his ioh in the com
(it‘lllL’la l I 7 ". 117(1) looms. route to the Final Four. iiig weeks Wlll he to keep his team
“It‘s an important game for hit while it seems a totirna— sharp and concentrate on accom-
hotli teams.“ l’itino said yesterday. iiieiit chatiipioiiship wotil I he.lpt - plishing its seasonlong goal of
“Here fighting fora .\'o.l seed. look it list year s sntihhmg of L K winning a national title.

.iitd (teorjlla is fighting to gt‘t iii hi‘ the .\(. AA Selection ( oiiiiiiit “\\'e can‘t get cotilltlacent." he 'r :-
the NCAA." tee might he the necessary. said. “\\'e‘ve got to st t\ sharp JAMES CRISP hum/u”
'l'hc Bulldogs played the (lats After all. the \L'ildcats hlasted hecause there is .i much higger AIM HIGH 1 'l\' 11- ‘11)" 1311411.», Wm"

close in their previous meeting. the competition in the SIX: ’lotirr picture .it stake." [lung J” SLY".lw,”;1,.,,,tll,fn ‘
c I c t ' t t. -
00 a S 00“ I'DVBI‘SV con IIIIIIIIQ 1
By Jason Dattilo Mark Shupe. L‘K's assistant highernatiotial ranking. ln Friday's Kentucky Kernel. l
lHNH “we, III/N general tiianager. said the (Iool 'l‘heA(1Il.-\ National 'l'otirna— ls‘kowit/ called the (Iool Cats I
(‘its received a copy of L'SiL‘s tilt“! is composed of eight teams “chickens" for not agreeing to a ‘
\Vlitle the National Hockey complaint I rtday. Shupe siid L I\ ~ the that receive automatic hids showdown. Shupe. however. said '
le tgtte fin. My 11 is solved its lahot sent 1 letter to the L SI s athletics atid the three highest ranked there have heen several opportu—
disputes UiIIIIth rsv on the ice director provost and student teams ttot gaining automatic hids. iiities for a meeting hetw'een the
has spilled our to the college cltth ictiiities director expressing the Shiipe said even ifthe Cool Cats two teams.
rinks otitrige felt hy hoth L K ind the did not receive the league hid. Two weeks ago, South Florida
Aftci not hemg invited to next A( II \ their \o. 4 national ranking challenged L’K to .i game iii
month‘s .‘AIIIL‘TI‘. an Collegiate lltis letter was written just one would have gotten them in. Atlanta. httt the (and (Iats
Ilockey .\sslit'1.itioti\ national day after the ACIIA *‘——‘" _.__._.._.- __._.- South Florida. mean— declined hecause o1 their previ-
1oiirnaiiicnt III (Lolorado, the L'nis sent a memo to South while. is ranked l-Ith. otislj.‘ scheduled home games .it
\‘crsttv of South Florida filed an Florida (:oach l)avc . . lskow‘ity has gone the l.e\1ngton lte (1L‘IIIL3T. Sh‘tipe
initinction in federal court that icaudln explaining on record as s tying said his team could simply not
“’“l‘l him ”1“"th LVN: h‘Wl‘C." Ill“ ['19 ”I‘m” “'1‘“ BflaiF/lll’ Flannigan had heeii afford to forfeit the money already
president l’etcr lskowit‘l said yes» closed for fttrthcr dis~ } removed front his paid for offit ials and ice time.
terdai‘ L‘II\\I(iII. (1 SF) 1“ 17”” position as 5(1IIA But L K had two opei. dates last
A hearing will he held in a “l have tried my ”)1”ng coiiiiitissioner aiid week when Ft. Bragg hacked otit
Honda c‘riul'll'lHIIII tomorrow to hest to he patient rewrite {be replaced hy Beaudm, on .1 weekend series. Shupc said he
determine the validity of the LSF throughout. your org! 771135 [0 I/JL’i’I' the L'SF coach. hy aii called I‘-Isli‘»\ll'/ aiid invited the
(‘oiiiplaiiie . > , iii/.ation s lohhyi no we‘ll/10716111.” 14—] vote of conference hills. who had .t free weekend. to
Both L \I‘ .iiid the L K (,ool efforts htit l htlieve ‘ memhcrs. Lexington fora two game stand.
(Eats finished the season with I? (I t‘ntllll'li is e iiotigli V But Shupe said no “l"cier l'skri\'.!l/. said no." Shupe
slates in the Southern Collegiate A( II A President lot Mark Shupe vote ever took place. satti. “'l‘hc fact is we‘re not
Ilock‘cv .-\ssociation. Btit the issue B tttista said in the PK Cool (.‘atr .ind SCIlA teams and 1 lucken "
rcacheil a head wheii LiK was itieiiio. “After learning 11111111111!gent'm/ ACIIA officials still But if the injunction does halt
given the league‘s automatic hid. more of the facts ’”"’”’£""- recognize I‘ilannigan as the tourne‘.\ Shtipc siid the
lite Bttlls wanted to meet L'K regarding your teaiit commissioner. \( ll\l is piep:-trtd acl ass iction
lot i one u_-tmt pliyoff hut the we l)t.’lIL‘\c‘ \UIII .irtrtt~ “Doesn't it seetti a ltwstm to rett'wcr a‘ny finattcial
( ool ( its declined the extra iiieiits for i hid to .\ ationils ire little fraudulent thit the South losses incurred hy the organiza—
gaiiic, saying they received their unfounded. I loridi coath is‘ s‘uppos‘edh elect tion and the invited teams.
hid fairly. Shupe said this is the first time ed commissioner ind then stid— L‘K already has raised $111,001)
laii \Vard. L'K's general man» in more than I; years that SCIIA denly he wants to invite his‘ team for the tourney.
.iger. said L'SI’ has fahricated ltas not had a tourney to decide to the totirnaiiient?" Shupe said. “Basically (L'SFl is just trying
“lies" in an attempt to strip the the national tournament represen- “1 suggest that the vote never to rewrite the rules theirown hen—
(iool (Lats of their hid and to halt tative. Btit he said 5( ll IA coniiiiis- existed. The one dissenting vote is clit.” he said. “But if (L'SF) halted
the tourney. and he said L'K is sioner \Valter I‘llannigan chose stipposedly its. and I can assure the tournament. thev couldn‘t
“totally hlantcless in the matter.“ L‘K hctause the (11ml ( Iats had the yoti we never voted." participate anyway."
Ex-asnstant t0 KEBNELtap 2 5
Sir/”71711117 PYS PVS
, l.UCLA 147(5) 4
Iolin (itiy w ho served as assis 3 Kansas 135 1
tint c.oich it L K in I‘Nll— ()1 his 4 Kentucky 133 5
217V1RGINIAAVENUE rettirned to the staff as defensive 5. Connecticut 130 6
ends coach. L'K coach Bill (:IIFI‘V 5- Maryland 118 7
announced yesterday. ‘ E73 arjgsgfusetts 11‘: g
3 .2 . , - . . 8
NOW LEASING 4 BEDROOMS FOR FALL! - (1") "3.19"” “9”” ”l m," 9 Wake Forest 95 12
legiate coaching and has spent two 10 Arizona 94 13
. 1 ' vcars III the )rofess‘ional ranks ' ‘ , 0
BRAND NEW AND FULLY FURNISHED! 1...... .1... ,,....,,3,,..,., SW ;; Matilggnsme g3 13
yr s "loll“ is one of the most 131,155.55, 13121162 80 14
DON [I MISS ()UTs respet ted coaches, in the litisi— 14 \lillanovgp 70 9
1 . ness‘." (lurry said III .i statement 15.0k13homa 64 NR
SIGN YOUR LEASE TODAY! yesterday “\Vhile coaching at 16.111220113812119 55 15
North (.aiolin‘a. l)tik'e.( ieorgii 17 Purdue 53 20
Tech, Alahama and Kentucky he 10. Syracuse 4? ‘7
CAI L WORNER MANAGEMENT recruited and coached Lawrence 19.0klahoma State 40 19
J 'l'ayloi (Iharlie Bowser I’at 20' Georgetown M 25
. -. . i . . . ‘ . 21 MlSSOUTi ?7 16
TODAY' Swilhng. Derrick lhomas. lane 22 Stanford 22 21
. Beehn. Dean “'ells and many 2310111351318 20 24
(606) 278 0558 other gieat players." 24, Alabama 17 18
(Itiy has served as an assistant 25 Temple 9 NR
with (Ltirry for I l total seasons. .
1* .
MSTUva ‘1‘ s1 ABROADfik
.3 5;» N
Scholarships UP. . .
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-I \I‘lorv \oiilti \incrit .i's inosl Iaiitoiis indigenous niarkcl ‘ 79
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I pctist 1 llli ll\(\ of [hi ()111 l1|I.I IIIlI. thilinls ol lllt Aina/on itinult V
Illl‘tti."l"'lii"'”' ’\ “”"‘”""”‘h"" ”""‘h“"”"‘"""""“ Semester at [lindtllt‘ Also
° l'ar'a train. will 1'.I'II 1 hours «I t mitt to fulfill the l ni\crsit\ SItitlics
hiss 1111111 ll tt‘tiiiiicnient
' \‘1’111111 Ill.|lI‘-1‘1 I 1-it'rain ice [\llls iatiioti and iiitiucrtals llIr‘ proeiaiii 121‘
int llltll's «'Ilt'llldlllln st‘sslfln\. roiintllitp airfare. IIIHIIIIITH transportation. 252-5I2l 276. I 15' ‘1
1": 'ihimii Mlmtliiuiinw Illliglll‘s one month health II'I\IIT.Inl t *2100 ()xfurd (:ircle Zandale )'
‘ “' ”‘ 'l“ ’ ‘” " " ()IT Versailles Rd. Off Nicholasvillc Rd. / ‘/
A . ‘ I










-»M\ -1»1_-._n..w .. __. ,















Males squirm at ‘Seduotion'

By Eli Humble

Staff (fr-mt 111.1ke.

higgest nnstake (i111 11oul1l ever

\\'hat ensues 1s .1 tom 1i1'ior11'

role oi oi
.1111! heartie
make most

L'ntil ret'enth, the
women in contemporary cinema
was none too prominent 'l hese
11omen 11 ere oiiten leiit
'.1s helpless cupcakes
simph 111st heinLr
iou1fl1t o1‘1't'

li 11111 re looking tor
the polar opposite to
that scenario, pull 11p a
chair i‘or john l)ahl's
“The l.'.1stSe1l111'tion."

The him is the story
(ii. ‘.1 ruthless 11'o1n'an.


MOVIE! 1'1'11'71'

* 'k t 1/2
"H [.1111

Bridget (l.i111la . .

1 . - 1 3111111111111

l 1orentino), her aiiaiile \' .. _,. 1
hushami. (Ii-.11 (Bill .rmlmg .Imu
, _ . '1 I'un'emmu, Iii/I
lullman), and .1 11.1111' 1’ II I
younLr iiut‘k Mike 14 ”M” 11m

Peter Berg
[)11‘1'1 ml In jolt”
( ). 'rqu'r I’ll/71.1

(l’tter Berg).

( la} is '11l111'toi‘ who
runs his o11n “retail
husiness," selling ille
gal pharmaceutit‘als
and writing our prev
scriptions for the hartler stui’i'. lie
hags‘ a shaky 1leal e'arl1' 111 the iilm.
\Vhen he hrinLrs home the haeon £111
to Bridget, she calls him an “idiot"



si1ip.i1ut In
Slit 141'

\ii thist

under her breath heeause he

1ii1int have the 111one1 in .1 suit hunt 1lo111

case. ( l:1_1'respoi11ls1othis 11'1th 1 11111111‘1.

.s'tiii i111Ll..11111l SensinL
Let s just s.1_1 that that 11 as the trail. liiitl

C(lltl 'l)il)( )llL‘tl

_‘ niieh

.\lik1' \1'l1oisth1:se\to1,

ss 1'11l deals that 111i!
males squirm 111 their
111111111an1iinL' s1r1en
that 1ou
1lon7t s1'1' 11'1‘1 oiten.
\llltll ilixt' 11i1i s1l11111l
tonL'i1Lru1si1ke \tt1e
.\l1( )111111 or 111
.\l.1111n. she is snnpl1 .1
l).i1i .1ss lllll itit‘ 1>iti1
llt‘i’st‘ii'. ‘
liiltlijt‘t llits tile
1non1‘1 1111i l11.11is to .1
small 1111111 n11r linii
lo 1ail1'1l Heston ll1'11.

\s 1111lepen1l1'11t .1s
the1‘ 1111111.. lirniyet
1l111'si17t tell \lilu:
.littitli l1e1'. Silt“ tit'ii
.1111 Lin1l oii relation
not lirnl
ts ii1s11l1 i11sl1e.11i.1111l

has .1



pl.‘1_1s lntn like .1i1.n.1o

(i11' is tr111111 to
111ie anil his

1 his

that (:lat' is 11n in 1‘
'1'i 1.Iets .1 111i» 1111i


TOUGH WOMAN Iain/.1 I’t o‘er/1mm mko 1'UIIII'HIII 1’1‘1’II'HII1’I' ‘.\1'.I.'1. ‘1 1.1.1 7

1l1111Lt1's lit 1 11 .11111'
\Iorks at the same pl. 114-1
com 1'.

Much like l).1l1l's last him. the
11111l1'rt‘ate1l lint nnpressne “Rt-1i
l\’111‘l1’ “Vest." several tli11'\pt'1t1‘tl
1‘111111'11le111es all .1 11hol1' lot.
:\iso, the 1h.n‘.11‘te1‘s are s11 inter
1'st111Lt.1‘1)11L'et the ieelinLtil11'1 all
ha1eson11'tlnnL1 i11ilitit‘.

Don't rule .11111hn11: out 111ml
the 11'1‘1 einl.


(1111ss 11 ho

\llixt‘ Hi

\it‘li.ll'l1l1‘1t‘11i \Hll’ix 'l l11's111pt 1s
aiisolnte .l1nan11t1',
\l\ill1l1‘ lounge l’.l/./ s1oi1

lion ntino 1s outsi. 1111l1n1_:.
\he s t1111L'i1. iunn_1 .1111l e 1111' 1111i_1‘
1l'1111 llei into.\i1‘ 111111: pe iiot‘
111.11111 111.1l<1.'s Sharon \tone look
like Mother 'l'heresa. (line to .111
uniortunate t1'1‘l11111'.1lit1. l711111'nn
no tonitin't llt‘ noniinateii lot .111
()se.1r.l l’nlhnan's trustiate1l
pet‘ior1n.1n11- 1..
north lltiilllL’.

as is the 1111'

1'11l111‘1ll1 list:

is .1 tine.


Students' art promoting ethnicity

By Claire Johnston
.4111‘11111111 .'In_1‘ I'ftIIrnr lie
The Bluegrass Black Arts (.on— htlhlt‘ms
sortium 'at 316 ii. Main St. will
present the artworks oi (Ientre
College student Norman Fischer
and UK student (Iharles R111 l‘71s1‘het‘.
thr1111gh.\l:1rcl1 17. K1'., \1111'l1's
The exhibit is part oii :111 “i
attempt by the consortium to pro “1an. 11111.1

('llkll't'l l.il\.

mote artists \1i1ooti1er111s1' \1oni1i
111erlo11l11'1l i11

1l1ii'1'1‘1'ni L'al

111-re an attra1111e

choice tor the gallery heeause oi.
the lack oi oiireainpns e\hii11ts
tl11'_\';1re ()i'it‘l‘k‘tl

.1 natn‘e oi l’err1'11lie,
111.111‘1l1 in the 1111'1l1111n
acrylics, pastels.
l and glass sculpture.


:5.“ g

_ 1"


. ; 2.. a"






N l llt‘it‘iili't‘
to promote the Mann oi him. i.

l71s1l11r his 1l111' iope1l .n‘ts pro tl1lssl1111‘.5'1'-li‘5.lll

L’l llllilllllL’ itlr l1llt“‘liss (llllllllt


he11s11e\le.ntil ll1..1lth(.nel’1o 111'ss 7

111.1111 111 the ii111ie (11111111 :111'.1 (iarry lhiilis, 1111.111» tor the
and is 'an artist in i‘t‘sl' Bluegrass ,\rts (ion
1ien1‘e tor the Boyle ‘ sortiuin .1111l assistant

(iount1 S1hool51'ste1n art professor at his".
as 111-ll as .1 11sitinLr
artist ioi‘ the K1'11t111'l11

\rts (211111111l

e1plain1'1l the unpot‘
5 1.11111- oi tin

: .1111i i\'111"s 111111111111 .1

l‘ l‘st'llt'l'

\ prattn in: artist, ' 7 tion on the lilack artzst
pott s1nL1e1.n11l [BOKINB .is .1 111'1'1ie1l .1.i1htion
1lan1e1 l1's1l11'ri1el1e1es‘ , to the ie11111.:ton .1111

.nt hrinL's .1i1ont posi— 111llllllllllli\'
7' V .. 1 1
1111' sell 1111.11.1es anti i'1s1h11 .ll111 l1111'
healinLv, I/Jc [flurgrioiv approa1i1e1l me to

Rice is 'a native of “1111124711 holti .1 si1o11, and the
l.ouis11ileantl1saele1~ (1121111211401 1'” theines 1on1'1'111rat1'1l

. 1 .1
trial L‘llLI‘lIit't‘l'lllL’ ~11“ ”W” \7 on people oi «oint.

‘1/I..‘ (Iii/’11!) i/n‘
Z'LVIUII an of [IR
mule)" (JIM/1121'
Rice, 1110.111; 3‘11};

sophomore-.11L'K,ll1s 1 i31l1i1s s.1l1l
artwork is pr11nar1l1‘ in

11 .1t1'r1'ol1 1r

“ l he 1‘1lllsttrtltlill 1s
one plate 111 l.e.\1111.z

Rice‘s work is , ton 11111 1111 .11i11e11: .1
- . 2501'}: Irv ,\rll‘ll11’1ll '

1ieslgt11‘1i [111.{111‘ .1 real« . . 1'1111s1‘11stls il1‘.1t L'Hll
- ‘ , ‘» _ . . [1.1119173 [I'm/1M1

lstit’ \11'\\ Hi lilatlx lilt‘ ‘ c‘t‘llti'att‘s 1111 L'timii

.‘lI/n‘rI' I 7.

through the e1'es ol .1
111111114 l1la1‘k inale.

Rice i11'l1e1es that
the purpose oi the ho1l1 oi the
work is to uplift the hla1‘k 11111111111
111t1‘ “l iieei that oi'ten we are
trained into i1eli1'1'i11L1 that hlaek

aesti1eii1:s 1111i; .1 1p.-
tins l1no11le1l11e



area i11 L'i'asp

“ l hese new two 1onnu 1.7111's
that ha1el11'enr11le1lont i111111s1'
ti1e1‘1iontmitehc‘111111nunit1 ital



Illllll WATEBCOLOB by L I\ 112711! ( "x'IW/u Km 11 111:“1/1/11111111111/11;wit/1N1»—

man I'i.”1‘"1bu 1‘ 1107" at rItt Ii/ueqvarx Iii/11".! I111 (”MINIMUM/II mm! .lIu/t‘li I ..

people are a disadvantage to so1‘i—


/> /) /> b 1’) x;


\ Don't call him Mario or Angilo either. Sure, bw- 3's Party
. Animal makzs great pizza, but that doesn't make him

71 ~ just another Tan, Dick or Guido. Breaking free of stale
3g traditions, this Buffalo offers the first truly portable

" ' pizza: Pockat Pizza. In a big eggroll ”pocket" you'll

.g cheese. 0th- include , the jalapeno- Cheddar Popper,
\ . and our new Broccoli-n-Cheddar. lt'za good bub! Want
:g old world tradition? Go to friggin‘ Europe! But if you