xt7vmc8rfw92 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vmc8rfw92/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-11-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 27, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 27, 1974 1974 1974-11-27 2020 true xt7vmc8rfw92 section xt7vmc8rfw92  


Easum: ‘We

Assistant Managing Editor

There is an indication that southern
African nations such as South Africa
and Rhodesia plan to move away from
their discrimination policies, according
to Donald Easum. assistant secretary
of state for African affairs.

"We and all the world await news of
these changes,“ Easum said.

EASl'M. Wilt) just returned from a
five-week tour of 10 African nations.
spoke Tuesday night on the topic “US.
Foreign Policy and Africa." His
presentation was part of the black
symposium sponsored by the Patterson
School of Diplomacy.

Duringhis .‘r.l‘)asunisaidhefound
two main problems that were im-
portant to all the African leaders he
met. “All were concerned with human
dignity and racial equality in southern
Africa and with deconolization or
national selfdetermination." he said

Human dignity and racial equality
were important because every South
Africans life is controlled by apar-
theid. Easum explained.

await the

news of

Kernel no“ photo by Chuck Combos

A WlJ-IX television newsman interviews l'.S. Assistant Secretary of State Donald
B. Easum before his speech Tuesday at the Agricultural Sciences Building's Seay


“THIS AI’ARTIII‘IID concept is in»
stitutionalized and endorsed by an
elaborate set of laws. regulations and
practices that impose separate status
on the 2| million members of South

African society who are classified as
nonwhite.“ he said.

P1asum said a new law passed by the
all-white South African parliament. w1ll
allow blacks to vote and own property


in certain areasoi the country known as
the Bantustans or homelands. The
Bantustan area represents only 13 per
cent of the country.

The South African government said
apartheid is necessary to protect its
plan of separate development, Baum

means the creation of a block of black
states that are to be politically in-
dependent and economically in-
terdependent,“ he said. “The program
requires moving masses of people.
mostly black. to new locations."

He said South African officials
maintain the separation is necessary to
avoid ethnic friction and to preserve

(‘onceming decolonization or
national selfdetermination. Easum
said all the African leaders he talked
with wanted South Africa to withdraw
from Namibia tSouthwest Africa) and
permit them to have an independent
government. to withdraw its troops
from Rhodesia and to abandon its
racial policy.

Continued on Page 5



Vol. LXVI No. 79
Wednesday. November 27. 1974



(in independent student newspaper

Kernel statt photo by Phil Groshonq

Soio flight

Music senior Ken Foltz fulfills a requirement toward graduation in music
with an alto saxaphone mlo last night. Sponsored by the school of music.
Folt/ performed this solo in (iiiignol Tltz-'itre.

21 University of Kentucky

Lexington. Ky. 40506

AAUP plans to present
collective bargaining views

Kernel Staff“ riter

The American Association of l'niversity
Professors tAAl'Pi Kentucky chapter.
plans to present its views on collective
bargaining before a special legislative

The presentation before the state sub-
committee oii collective bargaining for
public cmployes will probably come from
the AAl'l’ state conference. said (‘on-
stance P Wilson. l'K AAt'f’ chapter
president and social work professor

“At'tll.l.l<1("l'l\'t1bargaining for public
employes bill is needed so we can have an
effective voice in determining the wage»
employe relationship.” said a member of
the AAl'l’ executive committee.

“If we would have had collective
bargaining. then the situation at Murray
State University would never have

existed." said Joseph Krislov. economics

Last spring. Murray faculty members
who would have traditionally received
tenure did not. AAI'P has recently ordered
an investigation onto Murray's tenure and
promotion practices

"THEY tTlll-I faculty. represented by a
collective bargaining agent! would have
pinned down in the contract the procedure
for awarding tenure." Krislov said. “That
would have been spelled out."

Krislov chaired a special committee for
President this A Singletai‘y to examine
and recommend procedures for defining
l'K tenure and promotion practices.

According to national AAL'P policy
on teacher strikes. faculty members in
higher education institutions have
professional obligations to their students
colleagues and disciplines.

(‘ontinued on Page 5

Urban County Council may have
violated open meetings law

By .\' \\'(‘V "ALY

liexington‘s Urban t‘ounty (‘ouncil may
have violated the state open meetings law
by closing part of its Tuesday afternoon
work session from the press and public

The council voted to meet privately to
discuss procedures for recognizing eni-
ploye organizations for collective bargain

THE OPEN meetings law. adopted by
the WW Kentucky general assembly.
states all meetings of any public agency at
which public business is discussed shall be
public at all times


open to the
Thi- hu i‘Vi‘ntpts collective bargaining

negotiations between public employers
and their employes or their representa<

The government's employe relations
officer and a (‘hicago labor relations
expert were the only persons present at the
closed meeting besides the council and
(‘hie‘ Administration Officer Dean Hunter.

GEORGE RARE. commismner of law
for l'rban (‘ounty Government. said the
private discussions were lt‘glllnittit' since
they contained "elements of give and take
' \\hl(‘h. if public. could influence the
outcome of collective bargaining iicgoti

('oiitiiiiieil on Page lL'


 Editor-inch: lm. l s Features editor, Larry Mead
Managing ed.ior R. Winchell Arts ednn- Greg- Hotel-ch
Assrxiate edi or, Nancv Daty sports n v. , Jlm Mauom

Edito .I page editor, Jan Cruicher Pnotogv .phv xutor. Ed Gerald





Editorials represent the opinions of the editors


Review of tenure and promotion standards

What is tenure? It is something which those
who don't have wish they had and those who have
won‘t tell how to get. It is also the subject of
much debate and a sure topic of conversation at
any faculty cocktail party.

The tenure debate has as many fronts as a
world war and probably as many combatants.
The current battle on this campus is over
recommendation five of the Krislov Report on
Tenure and Promotion. entitled “Defining
Standards for Tenure."

This recommendation was one of 10 passed by
the University Senate last spring. nine of which
were forwarded to President Otis Singletary for

In its original form the recommendation urged
“depa rtments or individual educational units“ to
establish “reasonable standards of performance
for their discipline“ to be used in evaluating
candidates for tenure and promotion. These
standards involved establishing the “normal
balance between teaching. research and
creative productivity. the “minimum research
requirements for promotion.“ the means for
evaluating “qualitative excellence“ and the
“kinds of research most acceptable” in the in-
dividual departments. It also recommended that
departments “should obtain outside evidence"
that their standards “are those of their discipline
in equivalent universities and not simply those of
the members of the department.”

The recommendation stated two purposes for
the standards: “They should be an internal
guide to the department in evaluating its own
personnel“ and ”they should be made available
for the information of Deans and appropriate
administrative officers in the various academic

Before passing this recommendation the U.
Senate changed “urged to” and “should" to
”shall“ and added to the statement of purpose
that these standards “shall provide the basis
upon which the area review committee shall
recommend whether the documentation sup-
ports the proposed change in tenure status or

In shortened form this means that depart-
ments were to write out their individual stan-

Tootsie's stars left
for new Opryland

dards for promotion and tenure. This was in-
tended to inform non-tenured faculty of what
their departments expect of them and to aid the
Area Academic Advisory Committees and ad-
ministrators in evaluating candidates for tenure
and promotion.

There was little debate in the U. Senate over
the substance of this recommendation and it was
passed with little opposition.

It seems strange that when Singletary drafted
a memo to the academic and medical center vice
presidents asking them to implement this
recommendation. a small uproar should ensue
resulting in letters from concerned faculty
members to Singletary and a petition urging the
U. Senate to rescind its adoption of the recom—

A bewildered Singletary told the Senate
Council Nov. 20 he would put the recom—

mendation“in the deep freeze“ until the faculty,

made up its mind.

There has been no explanation why the ob-
jections to the recommendation took so long to
surface. but once in the open they gathered
steam quickly.

Several faculty members have expressed both
practical and philosophical objections to the
recommendation. The main objection is over the
setting of “minimum standards" within the
individual departments for tenure and
promotion consideration. Currently there are no
regulations requiring departments to write out
what is expected for non-tenured faculty to meet
tenure requirements. There are a number of
"criteria" in the University's governing
regulations which serve as guidelines; and the
department chairmen are supposed to verbally
transmit to new instructors what is expected of

One professor who opposes the recom-
mendation said that it would hinder the
flexibility of the individual departments. He
gave the example of someone who is so out-
standing in one area that it would compensate
for weaknesses in other areas. But. he said. if
minimum standards were adopted for all areas

(research. teaching ability. etc.) then that
person may be rejected for tenure consideration.

Another fear is that some faculty members
who are refused tenure will file civil suits against
the University citing they were denied promotion
after meeting whatever minimum standards
their departments had established. This fear
implies another problem: that too many in-
tangibles are involved in tenure and promotion
to adequately be covered by any set of minimum

Other objections to the recommendation are
that no provision is included for the mechanics of
changing the departmental standards after they
are set up. This leaves open the question of what
happens if the standards are changed? [)0 those
non~tenurod faculty members who were hired
under previous standards then have to meet the
new standards or will they be evaluated by the
old standards?

Despite these objections. there are several
good reasons for establishing written guidelines
for tenure and promotion.

First of all. there have been complaints from
some min-tenured faculty members that the
requirements for tenure are not always suf-
ficiently delineated Secondly. there is
widespread agreement that it is difficult for
Area Academic Advisory Committees (which
review tenure and promotion candidates) to
kmwledgcably review candidates from diverse
disciplines with diverse criteria for promotion
and tenure Written guidelines from the in-
dividual departments would alleviate these

The argument was best summed up by one
professor who said "people like myself see a job
at a university as just like any other job. If you
do your work in a reasonable sort of way. you
should receive tenure or promotion. Others see
it (tenure! as a great privilege that somebody
bestows on you."

This mcomnicndation. if it re-cmcrgcs from
the i'niversity Senate in any recognizable form.
may succeed in taking some of the mystery and
”privilege" out of the tenure and promotion




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The other day I was strapped
into the barber‘s chair submitt-
ing to a haircut —-a somewhat
infrequent experience. As the
barber trimmed. we listened to
Charlie Rich. the Silver Fox.
doing a song you would expect to
hear on a radio in a two chair
barber shop.

“Hey. did you happen to see the
most beautiful girl in the world.
And if you did. was she crying...“

THIS SUMMER. at a barber
shop in San Francisco. the radio
played the Grateful Dead and I
read “Rolling Stone“ while I
waited. In Lexington it‘s the
Silver Fox and a month-old
“Police Gazette."

But it wasn‘t San Francisco
that was on my mind. Rather. the
country music of Charlie Rich
was causing me to flash back to a
night spent in Tootsie's Bar III
downtown Nash..llc. Tennessee

The best thing about country
music is obviously not the music.
It‘s the people who play it and
listen to it in the redneck bars all
over the country.

TOOTSIE‘S in Nashville was
once the greatest of these bars.

As they all say down there,
Nashville is “Music City, USA.“
They used to have the Grand Ole
Opry in a large warehouse near
the heart of downtown. Tootsie‘s
is located practically next door to
the old Opry house.

The waitress said that in days
gone by the Opry stars would
slide in the back door of Tootsie‘s
during breaks in their concerts
next door. After a cold beer they
would run back onstage to finish
their show for the 1.800 or so
rabid fans who would pack the old
warehouse on Opry nights.

Then country music got to be
big business and they built a
shiny new elastic palace outside
ot town to accommodate the
growing number of ()pry fans.


WHAT THIS DID. of course.
was send places like Tootsie‘s
straight down the tubes. ‘The
country music crowd was re-
placed by those who patronized
the adult book stores which
sprung up in the neighborhood.
There aren‘t as many people in
Tootsie's anymore and. accord-
ing to the waitress. they don't
drink nearly as much as ‘the old

’NEllO . . . YES, THIS IS H! . . . THEY’I


So Tootsie‘s is just another
redneck bar now. The walls of the
place are lined with photographs
and album covers which serve as
proof that, by God, this was once
a hell of a place.

It still IS. if you use some
imagination. When you‘re up-
stairs drinking bccr and listening
to a ragged country band singing
“Blue Moon of Kentucky." you
can look over in the corner and


ll. CUT 0" MY SIRVICI? . . . WILLV. . .' ‘N

see Hank Snow, string-tie and
sequin-suited. sitting at a table by
the door. checking his watch and
draining the raunch foam from
the bottom of a Budweiser before
ducking out into the cool night air
and re-cmerging minutes later on
the floodlit stage of the old

.lohn Schaaf is a journalism
senior. His column appears cH‘r.‘
Wednesday in the Kernel.








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Opinions from insde and outs-6e the university community

Happy Hour?

Computer science students entangled b‘y restrictions


We feel that we cannot let the article
“Computers" by Jack Koeneman in the
Kernel dated November 14, 1974 go by
without some comment.

Dr. Martin Solomon states that during
Happy Hour “students can come in and
experiment or fool around, do anything
they want." We call Dr. Solomon's at—
tention to the University of Kentucky
Computing Center (UKCC) notice dated
October 21, 1974 and to Volume Eight.
lssue Three of “The Kentucky Register,"
the UKCC newsletter. These sources list
seven restrictions explicitly. not to
mention those restrictions normally
placed upon jobs run on the handson
reader. These restrictions prohibit the
user from doing anything but trivial tasks.

('ONt‘ERNINO Dr. Solomon‘s
statement that students “can...do
anything they want" during Happy Hour
or indicating the same at other times. we
call his attention to the following
restrictions placed upon us:

(ll No handson experience on the
system itself,

llr. Solomon states that the l‘K(‘,(‘

.provices consulting services where
students and faculty may take short non-
credit courses on how to operate the
computer." These courses teach the at-
tendees how to program to a certain
degree. but they do not teach you how to
operate the computer. We are not allowed
to touch the tape handlers. the disk drives.
or the operator console, We cannot get the
experience we desire to further our un-
derstanding of the operation of the system.

operating system.

We would like to be able to experiment
with a copy of the present operating
system We could make modifications in
the operating system and see how the
system is affected. This could be done
without interfering with the current ac-



tivities of the UKCC if done during the off
(3t No unrestricted use of the terminals.

Terminals are not allowed to be used
other than as large calculators basically.
Weare not allowed to do job entrv or other
normal teleprocessing functions.

M) NO EXAMINATION of existing
compilers, interpreters, assemblers,



_ _ _”_*_— "—l

1]” ‘

loaders, linkage editors. or other system

Systems programming is a very im—
portant aspect of computer science which
involves the supervisory operation of the
computer and requires a working
knowledge of such programs as these.
Examination and experimentation with
copies of these programs would greatly
enhance our knowledge in the field.



(5) No time when we could perform the
experimentation that we want to do.

Currently the UKCC is not operating a
full shift at night. They shut the computer
down and gome home. Many of us are
willing to work during these times.

DR. SOLOMON states “many of them
(problems) are created by unqualified
people who are trying to do very
sophisticated things. Most of them have
never been to acomputer training school."
This seems to indicate that the BS and MS
programs offered by the Department of
Computer Science are inadequate. We
resent the indication that we are
“trained”. Weare educated in many of the
different areas of computer science and
are capable of performing very
sophisticated tasks which the majority of
the users are not aware of.

Many of the things that we want to do
cannot be done because of the restrictions
placed upon the user by the UKCC. We feel
that our department offers the proper
education to individuals to do the
sophisticated. Since experimentation is
the basis for a sound education, that should
be the primary goal of a computing center
at an educational institution. This ex-
perimentation could be done at night
during the off shift and would alleviate the
above complaints. Currently the UKCC
refuses to let untrained people operate the
system. The justification for this is un-
derstood. but after minimal education the
Department of Computer Science can
provide competent personnel. This would
be an ideal solution to the problem.

We realize the difficulties in maintaining
a large computing center with a diversity
of users. And we feel that the staff at the
UKCC does an adequate job under these
constraints. However, we feel that Dr.
Solomon does a disservice by implying
that the current facilities and their present

operation are adequate for educational
purposes for all students when in fact
limitations on their usage restricts the
computer science student.


This comment was signed by 20 other
students besides Fox and Crandall. All but
two major in computer science.

'What is a Iawyer?’ —— The jury is still out


The horse may be dead but
there are still a few good licks
left. The comments in Friday's
Kernel by Harvey and Bentley,
prompted by the brouhaha in the
law school. are notable. Though it
is an injustice to treat the two
articles as one. they are cut from
the same cloth. Gentlemen.
really. it‘s not you just the
articles that i find odd.

There can be no quarrel with
making a buck ~long an honora-
ble rewarding occupation. lf law

is where the employment oppor-
tunities are —so be it, but anyone
who has listened to a politico or
high school civics teacher knows
this is not what being a lawyer is
about. Granted. an essential
function of the lawyer is to serve
as informer and advocate; e-
qually essential is the lawyer's
role as social planner as noted in
the ”Prelaw Handbook" (under
the rubric “What is a lawyer?“).
A caddy in the drive just doesn‘t
seem to jibe with any real
commitment to social justice
“not yet anyway.


THE CHARGE that the indivi-
dual client is forgotten in the
struggle for social change (read
justice) is just so much pap. The
two are not mutually exclusive.
But more to the point. the legal
status of individuals remains
largely dictated by societal regu-
lation. The law, rightfully, is not
tailored to individuals but to

All of which brings us to the
astonishing assertion that “under
the Constitution" the “promo-
tion“ of change rests solely with
the legislative branch. To make
this position tenable we must
deny the legitimacy not only of
corporate lobbyists, newspaper
editors. and social activists, but
of anyone who voices an opinion
in the hope of changing public
opinion and policy

Let‘s grant the word promote
was inadvertent. Say rather.
‘under the (‘onstitntion to initiate
or er -(‘t ('3 ..... gt is the task of the
legislature" This position is e-

qually untenable. For starters,
Congress is not the national
forum of enlightened and disin-
terested statesmen that the fra»
mers envisioned (so the myth
went). Remember also those
ringing words of good ole John
Marshall that “it is a Constitution
we are cxpounding." The docu-
ment is dynamic. its interpreta—
tion and meaning have changed
dramatically since 1787. Only the
Constitution‘s adaptibility has.
ensured its longevity. The Con-
stitution. in short. encompasses
within its meaning anything that
can by any reasonable stretch of
the imagination be inferred from

T0 ACKNOWLEDGE that only
the legislature can pass laws
acknowledges a truism. Equally
obvious is the susceptibility of
Congress to pressure. The lawyer
with his knowledge and skill
holds an important posntion from
“lllt'll to exert pressure while
remaining within the bounds
circumscribed by tlw flow-mm“

legal anu. hopefully. ethical

Also. given the foundations and
realities of this nation. anyone
willingly working within the sys—
tem to “initiate fundamental
economic and political changes"
had damn well better know the
law. Most important. judges and
lawyers effectively make law
winitiate change ~—everytinie a
new precedent is set or an
extsting one reinterpreted.

serving as a tool to protect . ~-
rights of citizens and society. the
law's value is contingent upon the
way it is used. Neither law nor
lawyer’s fees are immutable.
Striving to make and use law to
serve to needs of community,
liberty. and equity confers upon it
the greatest worth. A key role of
the lawyer must be to meet the
needs of society within fhe
bounds of order and justice set by
this thing we call lau'

Scott (‘labaugh is a IHLS.



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21 Min oven


Thanksgiving Get-Together



l (l' nun-Ian-In-






Tomorrows Reward.

news briefs

Mitchell says he reiected
political intelligence plan

\VASIIING’I‘UN tAPl e-Former Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell
testified at the Watergate cover-up trial Tuesday that be
repeatedly rejected the political intelligence plan that later
became the original Watergate break-in.

The first of the five defendants to testify in his own behalf,
Mitchell described himself as a government official who
consistently turned aside a series of plans for special investigations
or illegal wiretapping.

Under questioning by his own lawyer, William G. Hundley,
Mitchell recounted a March 30. 1972. meeting where his former
deputy. Jeb Stuart Magruder. offered a campaign intelligence plan
for approval for the third time.

“As i recall. I threw the paper back at Magi'uder and said, "Not
again."' Mitchell testified. "That was the end of that "

With that, said Mitchell. "Magruder took his papers and left."

Magruder. the former deputy director of the 1972 Nixon
reelection commitee. has testified at the trial that Mitchell gave his
reluctant okay to the intelligence plan devised by Watergate
conspii'ator and one-time FBI agent (i (iordon Liddy

Kissinger briefs Chinese
on US. Soviet pact

PEKING l.>\l’ ' Secretary of State ”t‘lll‘) .\ Kissinger briefed
(‘hinese officials Tuesday on the l‘ S ~Soviet agreement to limit
offensive nuclear weapons and remained in the dark on whether he
would be summoned by (‘hairnian Mao 'l‘se-tung

'l‘he briefing. held in a conference room of the tireat Hall of the
People. was a means of reassuring t'hina that President Ford
reached no secret understandings with Soviet leader Leonid l
Brezhnev last weekend iii Vladivostok

in Washington. the President was telling coiigressinal leaders
about the arms accord Details of its are not expected to be
announced for another week

State auditor Foust announces
candidacy for governor

LOl'lSVILlJl «A?! State Auditor Mary Louise Foust
announced Tuesday as a Democratic candidate or Governor.
promising “to run a soap and water campaign to clean up

She handed out bars of soap to newsmen as a symbol of that

in a news conference. she said taxpayers deserve to know where
their tax dollars are being spent

She said the cost of administering gou-i'niiiental services at the


state level can be cut several million dollars \iitlioiit curtailing a
single service

She said too many unnecessary personil service contracts are
given to personal friends

“Kentucky does not need a boy wonder governor who keeps the
citizens wondering what he is going to run for next." she said
“Kentucky needs a governor who makes decisions that will stand
the test of time and not be thrown out when the next governor
comes in “

Kincaid named defendant

in suit over airport bidding

LEXINGTON. Ky (AP) (iarvice Kincaid and Central Bank &
Trust Co. have been named defendants in an $8.3 million suit filed
by the low bidder for construction of the proposed new airport

Bids for the Blue Grass Field project were opened Sept 17 but the
contract was awarded the second lowest bidder. White &
Congleton. Lexington. Financing fell apart and rehidding is slated

(‘f Howard Gray and the James N, (tray t‘onstruction (‘o..
Glasgow. claim its bid wasn‘t accepted because of slanderous
statements made by Kincaid iii a closed SCSSlOll, Kincaid is a
former member of the Urban (‘ounty Airport Board.

Gray alleges the closed meeting was a violation of state and local
open meeting laws. Five board members with banking ties.
including Kincaid. resigned after being advised by legal counsel
that there was a possibility that they had conflicts of interest. as
defined by the merger charter.





The. Kentucky Kernel, IN Journalism Building, University ot Kentucky,
Lexington, Kentucky, 40506, is mailed tive times weekly during the school year
exccp‘ during holidays and exam periods, and twice weekly during the summer
session. Third-class postage paid at Lexinoton. Kentucky, to!” l.

Published by the Kernel Press, inc tounded in l97l Begun as the Cadet in 1094
“4 MIN-shod continuously as the Kentucky Kernel since ltls.

Advertising published herein is intended to help the Valuer buy. Any tolse or
Misleading advertising should be reported I) the editors.


Kernel Telephones

Editor,'Edito-rial editor 257-1755 Advertising, busmess, circulation 2514‘“
Managing editor, News desk 25747“) Sports, Arts 2571000






 ('ontinued from page I

continues to look to the l'nited
Kingdom as responsible for I'Iasum also
achieving a constitutional planation for the United State’s
veto in the l'.N. to the resolution said. “The United States has no

Continued from page 1

"WE BELIEVE these principles of shared
authority and responsibility render the strike
inappropriate as a mechanism for the resolution
of most conflicts within higher education,”
states the policy.

But the statement adds that strikes can be
employed in extreme cases.

“We would have no objection to a no-strike
clause." said an AAUP executive committee
member. “But if a no-strike clause is included,
the committee should think in terms of some
type of compubory arbitration."

AAL'P MEMBERS considered the university
to be the best bargaining unit.

A report on the advantages and disadvantages
of collective bargaining for faculty members
was given by Donald H. Blumer last month.
Blumer is the former director of the Academic
(‘oUective Bargaining Information Service. The
special legislative subcommittee also plans to
hear arguments from this organization.

Advantages listed in the report included:
added efficiency; equalization of power between
faculty and administrators; legal protection of
both parties; an established way to resolve
problems; increased communication between
faculty andadministrators; fairer compensation
for servnccs. more self—determination for
younger faculty; and better treatment of

I)IS;\I)\'.»\.V'I‘:\(iI‘ZS LISTED in the report
included: university cost increases; increased
demands for productivity; power shifts between

AAUP plans to present views
on collective bargaining issue

the faculty and administration; diminished
ability to innovate; bargaining away of tenure;
the possible problem of student representation in
the bargaining process.

Wilson criticized Blumer‘s report, saying it
represented an administrator’s point of view.
Blumer is executive assistant to the chancellor
at the University of Maryland at College Park.

Wilson then criticized the disadvantages of
collective bargaining for faculty as listed in
Blumer‘s report.

necessitate increased costs, she said. “It‘s all a
matter of values and priorities."

Concerning power shifts, she said power is
controlled by whomever has money. ”When they
say power is in the faculty ——you’ll find most
faculty would say that is a myth,” Wilson said.
“Power is where the money is —in the person
who gives it out.“

Wilson added it wfl “too early” to say what
effect student participation would have in a
collective bargaining stiuation.

THE PRIMARY winner or loser in collective
bargaining, however, would be the faculty," she
said. “It boils down to the economic welfare of
the faculty."

The UK administration has taken no stand on
collective bargaining for the faculty.

“I leave this question to the legislature of the
state of Kentucky. where I think it belongs,"
Singletary said at a public AAUP meeting last

Easum: 'We await change'

been an amis enbargo on the
coxckitxixo itiioiirzsu, country since 1962 and that the
liasuni said the l'nitcd States government will continue to ban
naval visits to South Africa.

THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday. November 27. 1974—5



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