xt7vmc8rfx7f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vmc8rfx7f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-10-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 1981 1981 1981-10-27 2020 true xt7vmc8rfx7f section xt7vmc8rfx7f . v _ 't3 ." 3“."“1‘* ”£12? 9‘1“.- r," r.‘,_»'l,',b>a.._iry,- T (3‘. 1;; . .,‘ . ‘l .; .h‘ . , . .,7 :..-’ .. “.‘ri- “..: ._ . .' . 3 . . , 7;, , u 7,, . .7-. , l, -... (at. ._ 9 , _ .. ,,,, ...‘ “M. firm .7 ,,_; , _, ‘1‘“;7 v. ",1 1”” .
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—_—__——__——__———-—__——_—'—' W 1;
VOL LXXXIV. Nil-52 An independent student newspaper since Nil Ulgerislty 0' Kentucky ,7
' Tuesday. October 27. 1981 X gton. Kentucky a ,
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Co Ins pans rown s support successnon v
. ‘ ‘3
FRANKFORT (AP) — Lt. Gov. Collins said she decided to speak mumbling men ostensibly are making consider another amendment, she highway projects that have been an- Brown also said that opponents of 5;
Martha Layne Collins came out out after “some proponents of this government decisions behind closed said, ”one that would not disrupt the nounced around the state in recent the amendment had not offered a t
. mt the succession amendment amendment chose to place their faith doors. balance between the executive and weeks by the Brown administration. “single act we've done that’s tradim
yuterday, saying television adver- in an advertising firm rather than in In the ad, a narrator encourages legislative branchesofgovernment." Calling the timing of the an- for votes or anythimdgey
7 ' tisements sponsored by those SUPPOT‘ the people 0‘ Kentucky." support of the amendment to keep Brian Lunde, executive director of nouncements “tramparent,” Mrs. r
" ting the measure are intended to Although arguments for and Sixth peeple from running Kentucky. Kentuckians For The Amendment, Collins said it was “regrettable that animating that he is not a can-
“Mime and muddIE”theissm- asainst the amendment were The ad does not identify the peeple. issued a brief statement in response some of these projects fell victim to didate for office, Brown said that ,~
‘ Collins's statement during an after- originally presented fairly, Collins however. to Mrs. Collins’ my“ timing when they could have been in— “people who have been around ; .
“00" Press ¢°nferen°e was the first said- theTV ads have “Overt‘hadowed In urging the amendments defeat. “Her opposition comes as no sur- itiated earlier for the benefit of the politics for a long time find it in- '1. ~
time she has publicly taken a stand on legitimate debate...with Madison Mrs. Collins said that fear of any“; prise, and the reams that the halte- chimp conceivable to think we could have a h,
» theamendment. Avenue flmcm- They are h°t by the governor, if the measure nant governor is quoted as giving for Gov. John Y. Brown Jr. denied that, governor that's just well intended and -
The measure would allow the meant to educate but to confuse and passes, is “fully jmfified and the tax- opposing the amendment are curious saying the lieutenant governor ap- doesn’twanta damn thing out ofit." i;
governor and other corstitutional Ot‘ muddle." payers’ money can be viewed 85 8 for someone in her position.” the parently was misinformed because Both Brown and Mrs. Collins said 3
ficers to succeed themselves for one One advertisement Collins said she multimillion dollar slush fund to be amendment said. “the money just became free in the they hoped to continue what has 5 '
term while sheriffs would be allowed found particularly offensive shows a usedinseeking reelection.” Lunde refmed toe]aborate_ last month" as a mult of the state‘s heretofore been a publicly amiable ' l
unlimited succession. smoke-filled room where a group of The 1982 General Assembly could Mrs. Collins also referred to re-issuinganumberofroad bonds. relationship. 1
. . , ‘1... ‘ 1
. 7 "Ill”. "' ,. " no“ i
> Cancer Center may get > t
or», , ,. {ma-w l (g, :1 in" k ’ _ i
.. ~ o-a ea ora I Ian ~
b ‘ b ‘ ; g" . . ..w ”4-,, 37 5.: ~ .3; ? '4.» ., f"; 5.1;:
' t- it " 3 W ‘ . ..:? '5 r' " '- ""wa 5 —————————— said the elimination of 12 beds from omjsi agent service,” with the 7:;
5"" .,~ 2», " ”N’ - ’ W W I: , (if: £95753“: By ”DREW QPPMANN the Medical Center will not affect ser— :mnngfwun 15 beds taken from f 7 ,
' r" .3; , « “ga— . ’1’ Etta” : sew“ smfwnw vice- Eastern State Hospital, Bosornworth .7517
. . _ . in: m .- . . ‘V 1 ‘ -, 3; ,1 __._._._.__.__— TheMedical Center can absorbthe said.
.8. , ' , ‘ ' I": .3, absence of 12 beds “without com- see“ADDlTION,"page3 .3“
, if“ , , 7 7 5 ‘ I x 1' mat . 7' fix! $3,333; A proposal that may allow the _ . _______.__.._____.._____._____l .-j
‘ A" _ f?" “It,“ ~5. A " // ..e' J ‘ McDowell Cancer Center addition at . a a 71;.“ 5‘
- -- 7- wt to h v the ox Medical Center to be mm lLaw dean resigns position t .
' ‘ .r 9%? I ( - ~ /, I . . f 'x ' ‘ .221»! . a! A M at ”pita a state mwatofium meg 1 - ' - I if
' ‘ . ”" . ‘ ”A. e" i. , .. 893W": bloc ' construction was in u i 3
- ; v , , . .. , fl ; ’ - /,..- _ . we‘d, {after six years servuce ,
i ' ‘ ' y!”- / ' , . a , 87/»! W ”‘ , Grady Stumbo, secretary of the ; __________ S. .d ch comm; ; ’7;.t:'
"'7 it”, t, a, 7 ’ 7,- ; 3 , €3.95” ' ”W _ “ Department of Human Resources, | By BARBARA SALLEE mlnfimgsa‘ 99:; m to "
.. ’L“ 'g‘ r ”7,. « k , .4; 5f d’ 7 , 3 fl 2’ Q '~ along With President Otis A i Staff wnw d amn s tyf ; <
5 . ,;_ ..M '1‘ 8' «M; ...‘ 2‘ . 12.5“ , ,, , a; ~ . 1" 9”,“: Singlemry and Dr 331 mach, chair- ; recommen a replacanen or ; , i
‘5‘; . 7 P.‘ :1 n M" . . " M man of the board of the McDowell , ”$3300 'd . ‘chief . , .
1 " I‘ b _:."""7‘° e~ {:5 I »~‘ 1” "I . f fi' ..:-7’ h» 7; Cancer Research Foundation, an- l UK President Otis Singletary an_ omanlishrrrglltsw included ”fiance ; ‘
(ff-”3. ,ft”. : " t ' 2.7 ' '- ,, -.... .. ,2? nounced a compromise that would nounced yesterday the resignation “7 p. , , 1
3”“: an» t if: : ow, "MIT 5 3 ? mm provith the 28 beds needed ft! the of 1110 p ' mofthe fight instuctors With outsmqmg t
..:»th .. - .45 ‘ M ”’1. . .. h a i - Dr- "“3 ‘L‘W‘Sv , creditials and sigmfigant practical 1
7 w“ ”“589. “no ‘ . ..: , , . center at a noon news conference in UK College of Law, effective June _ 7 all t f law
} "’3 ,. ~ ' - 1? ~ ’3. - fl , , ,. : theAdministration Building. um I 30,19,327 mgce m sec 06 0 ;
.~ ' (at: 3: 7 ' " '8 t ”a; * _ . 3' ” fireproposed oompronfise WO, 4 Singleer said Lewis discussed .. ' .
' /‘ M ,, t ' a ‘ "a, , ' ‘m \ circumvent the construction 1 with him “well overa year ago" his in X: mot/1:13? :almd vie; tgoomven ;
' ~ 2' . 1 {t " '1' lit- 5 ”mm“, ended in June 0“ the l desire to return to full-time ..We haze srhwnunder um w; i
' : . .. d: -. ', . i ‘i \ m°mmendah°n °f me Department l teach“ and ”Swell Lew“ has ha n and comi resear- ch 1
. l jg: . 7 k 7. _ _ of Human Resources. The i beendeansincelifls. f Vslauup ng l ;
r 5 ' 5 r- z '1‘?) g ' 33’ ”I >5 / I moratorium, approved be; Gov. John I Paul Van Booven, associate dean ac ty. '
'v a 'l - ’ ' ' ‘ " ‘. "‘ 5 ‘ - .onwn,wesintendad Mme“ 1 Of the College Of LBW. said there is “Our chief accom iishment 5
's‘ ' ‘ , . v 7 .‘I' ' {I t 43’ “1’77 / u ""3 , f: \ ‘w an growth of ream “Flak by nothing unusual about “Wis, (While MS has In gun) has 7
s.;‘ . , z j . , / , , x.” 7 restrictingthe expansion of [resent I resignation, noting that the average been recruiting talented youngpeo—
'I ,5 s' f "it, , ' ~,‘ urbanfacllltles. _ , , maximum tenure for a law school ple and raising faculty salarie
‘7" 7 ' 7 dl L, ..:/v \ ~r », In the compromtse solution, Stum- l clean is five years. Lewis has held acrosstheboard,"hesaid.
; w]? 7 J» 13;“ 7' fi ‘3' is.-. .7: . . , bosaidubedspraently m use atthe ; hisposition forsix years. Van Booven said Lewis also
. ,, , r t 4 f ,g .1 l, ,: j 3, , ‘ -, , UK Medical Center and 167 beds i Lloyd Vest, president of the Stu- established four law alumnae pro-
t ; _ I, - ~ .. ' :5 ', -_ ’4' 3?, t_ ;. " ._ ‘ allocated to Eastern State Hosmtal— : dent Bar Association, said Lewis‘ fessorships funded by alumnae 1 ‘
~ ' f” f r ' l ' t" ’3 3 ' ' " ‘53. J ’ . - ”MSW—“YemehhtreCted } resignation “was news to me. I donantiom. Duringthetimehehas 1 f
, 4 - I. i ' f j . '1‘ ‘5' » L" 1r _ from the two medical fatalities and . had’t heard anything about it prior beendean, alumnae donations have ;
,4 ,1“ . ‘. i. w; i 2,:- gt, ., "7“: LE . x 1 '. ' t allocatedtotheNchowellCenter. i tothenewsrelease." increasedfmmfl,(l)0to$93,m. 3
, . 7 ’ V, 7 ,* ,1 a I j, . » ,j .' t f x; ; ' s, He said this Will allow for the con- In an official press release. Lewis will remain on the UK law , 7
" K/ :1. " -, ' “it“: ,1 ’ {fig E ' ~ ", f 3': - ~ ‘ struch‘on 0f the cancer’treatment 3"" l Singletary was quotedassayinghe faculty after stepping down as ,
l M M“, 1’ ‘ fay?“ h . 4. , l, ’t ." i 2‘"; fill" h :‘2. ~ .% , I watch centa‘h pronM tm State I accepted the dean's miwtion than. '75
i ,', ' .: ‘ " :1 7,. ”l: 7 L; ’ ‘ 7 _ .7; i — Certificate of Incerlsure and Need . “with deepregret"-—-“DeanLewis “Wewillbesorrytoseehimstep ; ,
‘ ._ ; ' r,‘ 3‘ .5 t - _ . - m l) t; $15!? " . ‘, '-_. Board approves the 53mg“ when has exerted a very positive in- down and we welcome him backas ‘r
‘ ' ,2? ‘85,, . , Jew: * if ’2" 4-, ' , . ti: it greet; 13385333,; vice pm; flueng: duhreinslhigetenrlélm as dish. a full-time teacher," said Van
" ', 't? '79» t- - .' ', ” t~ - - e W . ' Asa an wi so miss ." v n.
" >3 7' { g-"Q 3 _ ‘ ”m t, ‘_ - ~ , ' ‘“ ’ dentin chargeof the Medical Center, L———_———y——__l°°i_°———————————‘
. , 7‘ - . T ‘ A?” . "high {,14; :3 5:; . 4;; . g
. . a: . -~ ”1”” SGAK uncommitted on fundan It
,- -. {:0 . , , ‘ 3 ~~ org‘u'd 7565“
I I l I I z 7‘” ”a“? 4.1,? 3i " ., ' ding fortheeight state universities of the projected increase UK
. ‘ 7 fltjhh’fgigfl ‘3” 7“" ——————— . .
9‘s: , . _ By NANCY E.pAVlS The proposal was the Council on would receive 58.4 percent and
N " ' “1‘” I“ Senior Staff Wnter Higher Education‘s staff recommen- University of Louisville would get 26.7
By J' D“ VANHOOSE/Kmel staff __._—————__.————— dation and was adopted by the percent. Kentucky State University
watd' ' What? . ' ' Finance Committee. It calls for no in- would suffer a loss.
[’19 in an effort to 8V01d facttonallsm crease in higher education funding Western Kentucky University
within itself. the StUdeht Government during 1981-1983, but has a provision would receive a 3.9 percent increase '
A campus stray stands guard while architecture seniors Gary Murphy. right, and Roger Pollock work on a class Association of Kentucky voted Sun- for a 7_5 percent projected increase and Murray State University,
assignment. They say the structure. a massive conglomerate of “found objects" brought in by class members. is a day to not take a stand on the for the total allocation for higher Morehead State University and
\ - """t‘c" "w" "”1“” “Bluesrass Plan," a From] 00 tun- education in 1983-1934. See 'TSGAK page 3
1 cket‘ d'stribution system to be discussed
..__..__——————— is scheduled for 7 pm, Sunday. Nov. ironic thim about it was that the ones before distribution for the last three amount of time involved," Burch 'l‘icket Commitee “didn‘t perceive
3! NANCY 5' DAVIS l, 214 Student Center. All interested that attended the meeting were the home games last year. said. “Whatwe're asinngis ‘shouldnt problems such as early camp-out and
Sailor Staff Writa' studentsareurgedtoattend. ones that were camping out. They “Over a six-year period, things we impose some kind of limitattons'." the excessive number of tents. The
. end ”It’s possible we’ll make no were the ones that felt there was a have gotten steadily wine in the Clark said the Athletic Association Secur'ncxmpagea
STEVEN LOWER changes at all.” said Dean of Students need for a change." ‘ ‘8' -7...
~- Assistant Sports Editor Joseph Burch. a member of the com. Bobby Clark. Student Association “if “
©1981 Kentucky Keme' mittee. “I don’t haveaplan that I'm vice president, said several alter - 89 "
__—_—-————————————- offering. I just want tosee if there are natives were discussed at the . :7 '71. a: if 7 it“;
any other alternatives." meeting. “We were solicititg infor- as c; -
,, Every year at the beginning of The first meetim of the committee mation and input toreport to the com- a: ; ..:??fo 7‘7.1‘§;;- '39"? 5".§" 4
. 1, basketball season. the two bigget washeld 0ct.2o, with numerouscam- nuttee,"hesaid. 77.:‘3- ‘ his a g .7 $81,
. -._ «tiers on students' minds are pus organizations sending represen- Amalg the optiom discmsed were , f’ ,, _. hwy; - 3 g
' .. 5 "HOW 8006 is UK going to be'?" and tativa. Notices of the meetiru were randomizing all or half of the student q x ‘i- t 145?. not .3527; ‘ " . . 5' M \ ’
“When does ticket distribution sent out in an attanpt to get a “good tickets and a lottery. There was also . . 7. . .* _ n.1,: .v,
start?" representative cross section of the supportfor retalningthepresaltfilst— “3,3; " «
. Although the answer to the first student body," said Burch. “We had come~first~serve system. Burch :. 23,7 t
' v. - . quadm remains to be seen, the se- representatives from Greeks, mn- stressed that these were all merely v7 i ;7~ ; _ . *7 t...
‘ outdone shotudberssolved soon. Greeks, Stray Cats, residence halls, suggestions has... . . .7 ' :3: 7 ;
. . A subcommittee of the Athletic blacks, whita, faculty. staff, and as The flut-comeflrst-serve distribu- 3 E . , 7.3." 7 5;; _ , .;.\7‘. 7
. » Mcclatlm Ticket Committee, which many different organizatials we tion procedure began when Kentucky 7 . 7:. ; 7 ,,‘ b ,7 ..v 2
‘ . .‘ is responsible for distribution, has could to get a fair representation of moved its home basketball games 7. é" ‘ '3‘": i - _ t
. ”may Md “he muting to add” wsmu." (m Manmu cam m the more 7 K wish.) 7.: ; ‘ . 7"- , x . .~ ., f 3‘ g ‘. é
, the tune of whether there will be a Burch said, however. that there spaciouRuwArem ““me if“; . »_ ‘ l - " ‘m ” ,...~‘#~\- ‘ 7: - _
charge in procedure for distributing were no professional-student d the 1976-7? seasm. A f.“- gygtefn J- : ' him-o -, A. 7 ”7 figs ‘7 - , , .t. .— * ,‘li . »
' ' homegame tickets. Another meeting organization at the meetim. “The had to be devised to distribute the ‘ “gig 43y , _ I...
g .-» . , Iowa- m. or “Nsh priority.“ .3 or ‘. ‘ . . ;. -.
L. . a“. i ‘ ‘ ‘~ ' ‘ ' . 5 t ‘
-’~ '1 ' InSI Btn‘chssidthstatfint,students , . whgg . _
, I , ‘ walldcometothecolisetuntopickw «‘y *‘te " ‘ix ‘ ‘ ‘ 7
‘ , ‘ 3 . Aiooitatthsfutursfromthapalt.Sumsstands. a“: Tmmvingflzsmndmetam .‘Q._ 4‘ . it ~-,~, . 7 .1”; ' ,‘ . w“ 7‘ .) .5 ‘7‘:
57 “ ‘ ., Sports writer Donnie Ward answers the question of whethfl two waggfmltifif'fflzhyh mm 7;; 3."; 5
’ ' ' Mn"- bochl an "ally hotter than one in his columnon past 7~ ed to the extalt that human began Sale-ts frequently massed h that of Memorial Gillseum during last year‘s basketde season. Iavhg r‘ and ‘_ -' ..:
. :1 . . campimasearlysstheWednesdsy mhmumm- .. fish:
-‘ l ' a ' ' h h It ‘ ‘:
,;. .7 _ ~ .,,,________,__7 -m...,..W7 .. mun-«n ‘ ‘ a . ”W” ' W 7'3" ”"W'T‘T 3.. . . .. - if“ ' ~
9' ‘ , 22;: s l. ._ . i .. . . ~ my“ fin ltiiffsmts’fifl fig?” 1: fig '.

 .. ‘m-J 5,7, :nmkz silty} 72:17:17- 1173,:- fi‘iv‘fk’ 77-43? 2”,}, _ w... "“l'Vfi-J‘qqu' 727.7,” . 7;.7 ;;:_e-.‘ni¢-h to, , ~. 7 ‘ .‘ 7 v ,‘ 7 17377.73: o _' “grin; in.” is“??? : at? :72??? *f:E-V§-’1*-t”"f"§‘mm‘ rial-:19: “T“:Wf‘ll“ . , 7:»‘7. ' " 7 “.1“ . 77-;7 4"; in; ,ul. a. - ,3“ -- .7 . 1* - ‘ ,.. tVfii'iTEE‘Y
«in-W v . , ’. , ._ . 7, g . -- ., ..... _ . . . tin-«i . w y , L . . . ,. _ w -, . 1- .~
. “it“: yafigfiqyw i 7 {3, inf-.53“ .y- .‘._.i.- f at! . ,~;: ~ \ 7 ,, 51 - l. 7 7 ' , * . .. , 3.!” «(A .1 all-J7, >_~7_-f”w€7’t,yo ,a‘ 7%? 7-7 ff , .1 ,H‘ 7. \f ' 7“. ~ . >7 . ‘ ..' - , . . _ . , , _. t .. .a,‘ ‘, ", '.“,
with - 1 .- . ' . : 1- ' - ‘, . ,w. ' ‘ - 777W ; j- , - 1- -. » - 1. , ,. . 1 -. ~ 14 ,- y -n~; 2' .1 k.
. it ”‘1" “i an ‘ . ‘ ’ - ' . , " , .‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 ' ‘ ~ " - - ‘ v i“ “1-, -I. I .. :- 1 ' ‘ . ,- g ' ' - ,. ' a \- ‘ » ‘f -' “943:3
17.74:? :7; w» +- ._-. - .. . , . .. . , ..- Ms _ . ,. . ' gigs-“.51." ,.';...-.s»s._mwwn as... . an-.. e...-tls-...—~’W ‘fl.-.
* .‘é'é‘i‘ii if" - .5
“i ' ____~_________.___...___..__ 1"
31,535 ““i‘i; , ‘ '
“if?“ . Bill aciden a“. m James Edwin Harris Anne (Juries Lisa Wallace M. Chandler Both
afiasi'ita‘léitit l ers ua 510 5"”“0'” “wulmw DaleG. Morton Sport-miter entertainment Editor Monitor - l
“5‘“ Wmmm i4,
1“ i “ urn-wary mu mum WM” WWW"! Assistant Minnie!“ Editor 0"" ’M‘llml'"
.. ” i 7 Kernel 7 a... m» min“
f,‘ : AssociateEtitor-News
. . 7 7 __ ~— * ,.
' ' Vastaha i basketballtidrotdist 'but' coded
ng n n Ion n _ 7
. . " - Basketball. availability of tickets — it’s the location of the . 7
That one word says it all. Basketball —— the seats that brings the campers out. 7/1" - "/// " // ’ '////// . - j l
Warm”. 1. ""e “m “i “m" my w on “fihglmfififi 7/ JZEZ, U‘ANI E, /7 WELL, I WAS WAITING FOR/7,1 :
tunat y, ic e 'nes. earena are num rs an . ‘7’
Most ticket lines for sports events start at anything else is out oi the question. They , W H AT HAPPENED 77 flCKETS, Y’KNOW 9 mpwp // , .. t
the sales box, extend down the block and justify the camping out with the reward of 7 j‘ w, fl». 7
» possibly around the comer. But this is B-A~& seats in one of these coveted sections. But 7 TO you ?’D , THE M F. ”ALLY -' , '} 7
7 K-E-T—B—A-L-L.Ticket lines in Kentucky start those who want good seals and are unable tr /,,7 ' ' ’ m0 R7 (in TO A 7‘7, WE t
on Fridays and extend last until the tickets are unwilling to camp out days in advance are get- I ' , 1- / . 1 7 d
distributed to Sundays. ting shafted. After all, they too have paid their 7 i I. 7
To be the first in line means packing up the activity fees. 9. ¢ ¢ SEC 0ND] I M w I N 2
gear and hitting the sidewalk in front of Sowhat is a fair distribution system" ‘ [/7 \\ Ll NE ,_,, - . 7 p
' . I - e e O . ‘1/ I “ It
- Memorial Coliseum before noon Friday. Cam At a time when tuition, housmg and other ex- 7, 0,”, g 1““ A . _ at. 3, °
7 ping out is theonorm for ch01ce tickets. But P9035 are rising yearly, it would be ap- ,/ V) 7 ,- 7 - g 7 7.7 u
7 “”th the cam?“ comes the pa.”““’ and propriate to eliminate the portion of the stu- 7" 7 ;. .. /' i , -. THE NEXT rm , 9 y a
With the partying comes the rowdles and “mm dent activity fee that is levied to cover the 7 / it / 717- i ‘ . “l v
“ ’ the destruction and with the - . \ ' ‘ "a » ’ . l.
. the rowdieo come price of tlckets to basketball and football a, 7 ,- WER THE :2
- destruction comes the problems. - - ~ 7 h 1 , t ,
'd the l d tru t' n nd games. There are a few lndmduals eft w ose .4 .7 .7. a7 7 L
f- .Ba‘ ‘57 b genera es he lgredsa f winter weekends do not center around atten- é: . , :A L‘ ”E. " M» h.’ ‘7 :7 .7
? dls°rder e“ .y . e campers, “" ° ding sporting events or waiting in line for e '1 7 '7 ,. . . 7 ..
7 students are mlssmg classes. _ tickets. . -. == 7 , .77 7 ‘ . 7 , ~ _, s 7 7 1.
£3” nnssln'gticlasslesflstnot’newh: 31’s: Let the students who want tickets pay for ’ , —;_'c7 ' ' ‘A‘ ‘ 7’ I
0 . r mullersl b? n “if“; “ ts; t 3: la that entertainment. Charge them fees for the L " ,_ Egg ' u. - f.
qulremen or mg a 5 en ' u arge guarantee that tickets will be available. Also, <{ ’. , 7 g; , )7 ‘ ' i
. migration of students from the classrooms to make use of a computer system in determin- isms": g; >1 . _, g .1 ll , - 7
the “cm 0““ is “Wm“; °‘lht:“‘.’-k b ing the seats that each person receives; build E; ._ ~- 4- - R 7411",: 3 g
- And “1°" “mus ‘5 “e ef. $05713“ 3’ into the distribution procedure some method ,.- 5;, fi— .fi , IQQ ' ..- 1,.
. unprepared campers a . mp mg 8.0" that will prevent the same students from get- 5:7: EE‘ ' ’“T 1 ‘_ - \ figs;
‘ through rain and snow Without proper clothing . . m: 3,55 57,, =5: 4;“ v___. M“. 7
, ting good seats each time. . :::' = E r -:, . 1,... ,, - . .3 , .
and shelter. Who knows how many cases of E; .222: g a . _ f,K-~ .. . ' .
frostbite and pneumonia are the direct result Although there are several plats to be con- E; ‘ ,_ y, _ a- - ~ 3 ’5’, 0"“
ofcampouts.? sidered, the results of whatever changes are S}? . 1-” - 7 :1, _,.,_' c:- f" 9 _ - Eat:
The problem doesn’t center around one big implemented should be that more students 1.7. . A“ W , 1 , .-‘ : ,1, : _~. - _ - 7, 8183
basketball game of the year like the UK/ISU have the opportunity to receive good seats at - {7 3 I- - " \ v” 1- -, .1 .. 1‘- " g‘ 3 ~ .. __ “ , Johl
game, but every home game of the season. some pointin the season, that the mob scenes - ”.- _q o i . ——- ~3. \ ‘2— ~ 7 v7“
That means this happens about five times at thecoliseum be eliminated and thatonly the pi__.._/:; _. , / ‘ ~‘ ~- _ t 67.1.. / Stu:
.- each season. students interested in athletics pay for the , .2; g. ' g 7/— , 7 \ —'— 7/; 7.. 7 takt
But the reason for camping out is not the privilegeofwatchingtheCats. ’ ' ‘ ‘ 7 a
T 7 I I d. I - i i an]:
‘ . . l.
, , j Pro-succession forces usmg lck ad campaign 3mm mm m _ _.-. .77..
: iAaooyearu-aditionmuiisstate else.Alotofitisdonein“smoke- anunlimitedmnnbcroftemswill I I f :0:
. 7 may come to an end after the elec- m filledrooms." onlyina'easethatoommtion. mw In 7 polil
7tion'l‘uesday. o e Alototit,l'mm,hasbeendone 'lhereiulsoanotlu'ammdment - 7 so
7 Kentuckians, get ready fortheend by proponents of the amendment. I on the b81111 next week. Does .. ‘ , . son
iof thesmoke-filled room. The commercial is an attempt to can visualize John Y., Phyllis and 811M knowwhatit is? M“ W. (”IWdW‘kW' ode]
_ ' 7 That's right! No longer will this leadthevotelstobelieve that voting their entourage gathered at Cave IMW‘W"W’C my-grandmother ) Colson made a m brea
lstate’s future be decided by cigar- forthisamendmentwilltake polities Hill. . .smoking. into-sated in that one Right now, My 'Wme “ a” "“6““ - , M,
wagging polluticians gathered in out of elections and state govern~ No smoke-filled rooms there, neltheraml. PM Cid) 1‘" week. The man WM stud
? ,secretmeetingroorm. ment. thotigii They must have some of Goodluckfindimoutwhat it is.I providedthescarycomicreliefatthe campaignchairman, Robert Strauss, . upee
f. 7 7 It’s over boys! Pack up your Soundfamiliar? I recall a guber- those air purifiers that George expectfllatmostvotaswingeeitfog- lemWhiteHm-ewastellingus that as “We who really have a good woul
, iHavanasandmovetoChicago. Ken- natorial candidate who said this in Blu'nsadvertises. the first time when they enter the the be" ‘9 Y“ ‘0 be “1 the way 0‘ dealtodowithmakingopiniominthis
; ' tucky isclearing theair. 1979. He is currently the governor of The succession amendmait vote. votingbooth. W” Home “W- , company town" —- may have more 1
7 7 Surely this isn't this first time you misstate. unfortunately, has become much of Enough about politics. Here's a NM dotbtod him for a moment- moneythanldeas.
- 7have heard of this landmark deci- Amthercommercialisanattempt a popularity contest. Many writers. lookatthewoekaheed: Just may. The "W W"! “"1“ Sen. Dale Bumpers (D-Ark.) is
it ision. It was first introduced two to convince the voters that this includingthisone,havebeenaccus— ThisSaun-dayshouldbeoneofthe ”W‘Wptdaupem recordedassaying thattheneisn't -
l 7 years ago, and the authors of this amendment will keep state govern- ed of making a personal attack on most exciting (in?! balm has theArchives V'“ mmmd'm much the Democrats can do but wait
’; 7proposalsayltwillbecomealeality. ment “running like a thegovernorratherthanprauiiing seal for a long time. We’ve got MIWNMtWDB 038“"? for-theecmanytocollapseeometime 7" K
7 7 They’ve been telling citizens of business."Where have you heard avalid argumentontheissue. homecoming. Halloween and omimmwmumfl withinthenextyearandahalf. g C
7 , this state that their vote reauy thatonehefore? But Gov. Brown started this by Keenelandonthesameday. Inflwdunmmm- Clark Clifford, the ultimate
7 jhasn‘tbeenworthmuchinthepast. Gov.JohnY.Brownhasgoneon calling the amendment vote a Hotnecunlngslmlldhegreatthis Since Nixon W 3'“ concluded Washingtonlawyerandconfidanteof
7 7 They are going to make it more the campaign trail early. The ads "refel‘aldum on his administra- you. even it the football team eon- noaoliotim with Duke WWW '0 presidents, was heard topredict that
*valuable,theysay. areclearlyaimedatpromotinghis tim.”Manyvotersviewitthlsway, tinuesloosiu.Maybetheteamcan WWW-WWMW' theoountrywlllsooncatchontothe '
{ Incaseyou haven’t realized it yet, reelection'lheysay little aboutthe andwillcasttheirhallots according- wear monster malts. It ootlldn’t “cum. "din“. ,Thm W“ fact that Pt'eoident Reason is “on
I am talking about the pime~time amendment. and much in favor of lynext'l‘uesday. hurt. something abwt P133138 the Nixon amiabledunce." E
‘commercialssupportingthesucces- Ola-governor...withoutevenmen- Ihave presented my argumait Halloweallmalwaysbealoneof 11b“?! 0" a campus where the Thetramcrlpthas camed much .
7’ sion amendment. tioninghisname. agaimt theamendmentinthisspece my favorite holidays. Let’s hopethis W bromine and states °f those W anions the uninvited, and
7 Onecommercialshowsagroupoi before'l‘hisisanimportantamend- one is a me one. It you have WWdh‘Yeh‘dem Wltmydonothinstoheortm
amen 88themdaroundatableina This amendment, the commer- ment... anamendmentasimpor- children, please besure lochetk edurenowstudyincthelimotthe Democrats aboutthenlttn-eoi‘their
f smoke-filled room. They are chew- cials fail to state, will allow Brown tant as the Judicial Amaldment of their trick-or-treat candy and fruit Wk:- party, it has a redeeming social 37‘ a
7 ingoncigarsanddrinkinganamber and other elected state officials to imwhichcreatedthedistrictcomt fol-morbladeundpllls. Tmmwwmmm- valoe- People who never make it to 7
i liquidwhlchlasstnneissupposedto seekasuccessiveterminoffice. It systaninthisstate. Unfortunatelythereare a lot oi versationtheeedaysasltockclea flieAdinna-acmfldpoasiblyberecon- 7.
! bewhiskey. will also give sheriffs in this state ltdeservescaretulconaideration. sickosarotmdhen. Children should m thmsh 77,, city WW 7, oiled to beins spared the windy
I They. an announcer tells us, are unlimitedsuccesaion. Disregarthng the fact that this 00¢ be out afta' dark alone in hill! 8081' voiilgon AWACI for W” "lit circulate W the
lthepowertn-okers who havebeen Andthisisgoingtoputanaldto amendmentwillallowthegovm especiallynotintheUKaree.lt’s SaudiArabia'saldlngthemtoEgypt pa'tandthepitchforthemmeymy
,1» 7 running this state in past years. smoke-filled rooms and powa- and othe- state officials, no matter notsafeforadultshere. receiving 730”"), and an ex: 30b Strauss, with which it W38 con-
7 They are currently working against brokers? Come on! Who are you try- who they are, to seek a niecessive Meanwhile, I will accept all tricks president planning military eluded.
7 the succession amendment, whidl ingtofool? tenn,lstillvote“hl0."'i‘heportion andtreats.Sendthanincaredthe maneuven’lnthedaa'tandworking Asforitscentral message—that
7 theanmuncersayswilltakepower Notonlydothesecommercialstail oftheamendmentwhidlwillallow Kerneldfice.Anewtrlckwmldbea up a lather over the villainy of theDemocrats haven’taclue about
away fromthesesocalled power- togiveavalidreasonforvotingin shu'iffsunlimitedsuccessionlsflle “'0“- mm,mtmm'amtm whattodo—lthualreedyheen
brokers. favor oitlieamaidnent. theyarean killer. mat office, in many collation, fall to m over what was said on heard, live, inlesser lileu rooms.
7 So vote for the succession amend- insulttothevotersofthisstate. has been abued tinder the result Paul Craycrqft is a Joumallcm taps they know exist and on others Richard Nixon l8 livim poof, of .
7' ment and put an end to power- Sure, a lot of behind-the-ecene system. Fayette Countiam should unior andformor report" and col- mmmflbMMIywed course. that a man can WW his: .
brokers and smoke-filled rooms. plannim is involved in Kentucky knowthiswell. umnlst [or The Modiaonville (Ky) Relation to some tapes “mfg. owntape recordings. Washingmnhas;
I Givethepowerbacktothevotas. politics and politics everywhere Allowingsha'iffstobeelectedto Messenger. deepbllnhamthencalnethreatsof beenwatchinglgmeverynifig'htontheg- -’
—___.._—.~.______—'_________________________ hwgum, home-cleans W W1
7”” pmmmmmmmmxamlmmummmummdu mummmdw’ talchutth'wbledleadenlnthewd-.
mmwmumuhmmgmmm. that charming and woeful couple dleEas. i
- Writs-IIniheldeadrnmaflrelumuqh-eunmflmeh-IKLMau-summ whomovedaroundtowninstatd may Memmmmlfle_
billets — doux m wwwuufl'“ .. "In“ “mum. mun. somehow bumped mine“; medtotape-reoolidinsewlunoot:
‘ ammhm"Pehi"cehu.whielhepuhuy.eencmpuwhthecomufly.fiefldm the abject. my. became mum), and are 3W wmtlgdlarme ‘7
MAIIIrIiflIeHeI-ilsl-Sluhdmmmew. , W.whoahoturnedupthiawe& eevudropphuareglad
. heKernelreeervestheri‘iieedhierm-Iermiuitynllugtheldioeiimhaieliheie-material. ontheWhlteHotIestqlertht-eeten- Nixon“: so addidifteglrugym
. . ing to sue the Washington Post for hm“ shoul ' .
M m “Pm“- W “M” “d ”9‘ "*Komlmfiiod-flydutinodtor lmages.Sokespitup.x.ml,andyou having printed an “Ear' item that 2:.“ “63‘? “the“ “:3 09° N ,
. nationalizedjournalismtoihfoflliti1e wine-o toowilltakeyourplaceintheamals niggestedalairnouehadbeenbugg- “'3 °' “‘0' “nth"? w
- Americans: shady join-italism is cltizenryofthisgreatnationoiotns. So, Kernel, onetime to connect a gut American impugn, dmmvgm-muww “Wmuwalmfwflleflmfl
- yourfl'lfld- Jllt ”k thine neat Anuicem, Phyllis’ M WWI tin SN“ m Always ranember: Nice guys flush had learned from the "mute" of the “M"
Thislettcislnrapometorecent Williamlieant,themallgned.lanet facingtthommwealthofKn- 1m, mum Mrs.RonaldReagan so""m‘ulmll‘e.lltlllllhturned
warranted alticimofthexen- Cooke,andthelate,greatWilllam stickymulnformed simian Iradieylmller “mufootwithimpatialce wtofoil'lce—onebyciramtance, .-
mckyxcmuamsickandtiredot inebwhatgmtjotmlismuon mammmmuon Grain-tom mmmmmnmmu tllootllu'twobvvotm—h-vuc- - -
, flabby-headed, bleeding-heart about. What a miverdty newspaper beta-e they even happen. And Pellicalecielce "on" ,0 .77, could ,7." W Mt. ill-Moore Itch- u a 4
, hha-aaconeernsdwithaiairandos is all about is the training at in- whsnsvar possible. want us with yum“. mm_ l'ooolt oi tit-“Mine for Goorse ..
“ "m" """ 3“" ““3“...“ “I am" in” an.“ Gi Mg ”when" 'mfiium lhavehadthefl am Aiapetintweelmplantedwlthmu lony’tm'Tp 'um' mum’nrutdu:
' tic vars. van , dob. , . calm . .
“1 m“‘“““'““” mmmrmqtntesaneume,andl mammdmhu-ho niglnwonmdilexm, at length, .
ameepeclaliygladtoknowtinthe amoedfitothowtotall cultu- tinthehadneveriorglven; " _ I-
7 mm»: coulv'rv by Berke Bmthed mmmgmgmefm ,Mm-m', ; m... “m” ,ngog-mmwm, "1°", : -
" . 1 l atom/rm 7%?” “gummy m the vulva-my or W and the mac Party sublet-moot notethathehadperthiedNixonJ 1
. ‘ ”$517,“; new: m7 more; 7,, luspactlcsdancivllenglnecln mdinlneltthohmolthdr Wevfllmm-Andit'omlly ‘
77-7 7,11“! MMW- $770 LI“, M an, W: a “mummy ”m, Mn. AM" liarrlman. mdmm_mflm.n. ‘v
mm- an: ”'0' m7. ' ”"1 ”5 foreman-Hy uyeers. m whommvoithbiydeialnedatthe goingtoncordthmuelveamndletll
«aft 3%” mugs“ | ' | | W? -’ woman-hummus WUMmd-flhm“ not hold at tho inn-aim. we'll '
s37, \ ' f I]. \ , 7/ /. I ‘ \\ ed up the areas of new, m-mmwmwg mm.Wemayheteotn-aelvee
’3'*fié“ih‘*“‘* rill: . I ‘ p ' I" w m, “the flung. M Pamela, {witnltthuwwmlmls - ,
wig is‘ Af‘ .f‘ ‘7 Ai\) pns’ Mama-Illin- ~mmmunhflndthflr eddtymndwemightmwell$ , -
M \v , 7,1,7 l ‘/ j 1 (1 J 4 7 ,7 . 7 ,l y + 7 ,7 mmmdmfifl WMM- whatltonen. ‘
jh'fil ,“‘\ 7 . f ,lo-\ .x-Alii/ I)": s an iovote.endm¢t0relainfa “ngmwdgi;
“ ‘ ‘5. " . ‘ i , . " k " 1' ' ’\\‘ K‘ ‘ to main in M's nth "MM'M Mm Olmmmm Del
_ 1' . - 1 f.‘ 4 /7 7 1‘ a.“ mammoth-woummr- ,' 1 hit.
.' , . * , in“..- . u 21%!” , ‘ Ivan-gal- not. i- am the M.