xt7vmc8rg316 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vmc8rg316/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1958-12-17 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 17, 1958 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 17, 1958 1958 1958-12-17 2020 true xt7vmc8rg316 section xt7vmc8rg316 “ r‘x hiss es Qi the lioueruit- infinity, Degemjgg}: 41, mag The University Faculty met in special session Wednesday, December 17: 1958. at 3:00 fi.me, in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall, President Dickey presided. Members absent were: B. so Allen, John C. Bell, L. L, Boyersky, A, J. Brown, John M. Carpenter, Morris Cierley, He Na Drennon, Bernard Fitzgerald, 0. W. Gard, Carsie Hammonds, We A. Heinz, S° J. Kaplan, Joe Lo Nessie, william L. Matthews, Jren L. E. Meece, Frank A. Pattie', Sallie E. Pence, Pete Perlman» Frank D. ?eterson, Ralfh E. Pickett, Neil L. Plummer, 0. Leonard Press‘, G. W, Schneider"a Roy E. Sigafus, Earl P. Slone, Dewey Ga Steele, Lawrence Thompson, E, G. Trimble, W. W, Walton, G. T. Webster, H. E. Wetzel, M, M, White, William R, Willard‘, Ko B, Wright. The minutes of December 8 were read and approved. The meeting had been called for further consideration of the recommendations of the Rules Committee. Dr. R, H. Weaver, Chairman of the Committeea reported that the statement on Drinking, which the Faculty had asked the Committee to restudy, would be yresented at a later meeting of the Facultyo On the remaining recommendations presented, action win taken as follows: glg§g giggilgipg_a Approved as presented, In connection with this rule, the Faculty approved a motion that the Dean of Men and the Dean of Women take aprropriate measures to set up a Faculty~ Student grovp to do something about establishing standards for student conduct. Ejngwfii_l_3edingnencx - The second raragraph was amended to read: A student who is delinquent in his financial obligations to the University9 to any Uepartment or Divisibn of it, or to any University organization,'shall not be allowed to register for the next term, to transfer his credits to another school, or to graduate from the University, miner that not filmmg syn; 3.19.t..i.:1§.3..11fl.e fines and rem 1 ties assessed wins; the. sander: .12: 9.37.119}: than ”1—- .Ufliflflfifiil pifinnrs. IX STUDENT CAMPUS ACTIVITIES ~ This entire section was aynroved as presented. X EIB SCIENCE AND MILITKBY SCIENCE 5 Approved as nresented0 IX PHYSICAL TDFCATIJN a The Rules Committee's recommendation 4.1 that this section be eliminated from the Rule§_9f the ypéyersitx leerltx, was not engraved» On behalf of the University Faculty; President Dickey thanked the Rules Committee for its Work in revising the Pulese * Absence exglained the lniye‘sity_1u,L1tv llecember 17, 19589 Cont. “p. ”cu—w...” ?resident Dickey announced that of the Faculty on December 19 as orig :5- d- .5" \D k..) 1-1 70 1: O (:1 r_..l ("I J S .J Q d- (—4 (D (I) 5’ (D (I) (‘l’ 1.)- ”.1 GD ‘ The Faculty adjourned at 5200 p,m. I 551, Mignieg, ”he, iriozeisiix Elwin, Jar .33. 1.953. g p...) The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lefferty Hell Monday, January 12, 1959, at 4200 p,m. President Dickey presided, Members absent were: A. D. Albrightg Cherles Barkenbus, Roland W. Boughton, Jr., Carl B. Cone Betsy W, Estes Bernard Fitzgerald, Lee W. Gildart9 Lynx.n n V Ginger* Arthur C G]_es sser, Carsie Hammonds, Robert D. Haun, A’ilbur fl. Hei z, 00 T. Koppius, Abby L. Marlatt*, L. E, fleece, Edward Newbury, Frank A, Pattie, Pete Perlmen, Frank D, Peterson, Harry A, Smith, 1 Robert Straus*, Lawrence Thompson‘, lfilli e,m F. Wagner, William ' E R. villa rd.*, C, B. Jooldridge, and Kenneth E. Wright, _‘;~ _ ._._— ». The minutes of December 17, 1958 were re Pd and approved ‘ In the absence of Dr, Thompson, Miss Artie Lee Taylor presented resolutions on the death of Miss Bessie M. Boughton, i Cataloger in the University Library, The University Faculty voted that the re501utions be adopted and made a pe't of the 1 minutes and that H cony be sent to the family of Miss Boughton, , The death of Miss Bessie Boughton, cataloger in the University of Kentucky Library since July 1, 1928, degrived the University of one of its most loyal and devoted servantso Miss Boughton, who died suddenly Wednesday, December 17, 1958, as the ‘1 result of a heart attack, was graduated from the University of Kentucky in 1927 and from L’clumbia 7 University School of Librarv Service in 19359 Miss Boughton brought enthusiasm and intellectual curiosity to her work which was cone cerned in the last few years, with the cataloging of rare books. Her devotion to her family and friends was deer and enduring. Her home reflected an unusual \ artistic creativity,