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Minutes of the University Senate, November 13, 1967 (con't)

School of Architecture and School of Allied Health Professions should ‘
be added to the groups under (2), Composition, of the Committee's recommendation&gR l

The ex officio membership of the Senate contained in the Appendix of the ;
Committee's recommendations should include the Deans of the Schools of
Architecture and Allied Health Professions, and the Dean of Undergraduate Studies


The chairman of the University Senate Committee stated that the Committee wmh
be in the Lounge of the Faculty Club or one of the adjacent rooms on Monday,
November 27th, from 2:00 to 4: 30 p. m. to confer with faculty.

The Senate adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Kathryne W. Shelburne
Acting Secretary f


The University Senate met in regular session at 4EOO p.m., Monday, December 1L
1967, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Sears presided. Members
absent: A. D. Albright, Albert Balows, Roger W. Barbour, Co E. Barnhart, Harry
M. Bohannan, Fred J. Bollum, Peter Bosomworth*, L. L. Boyarsky*, Thomas D. Brower,
Marion A. Carnes*, Cecil C. Carpenter*, Virgil L. Christian, Jr., David Clark*,

Steven Cook, Carl B. Cone*, Emmett R. Costich*, C. M. Coughenour, Glenwood L. Creech,
John E. Delap*, George W. Denemark, Kurt W. Deuschle, Robert L. Donohew, R. M. Drake,M
Hartley C. Eckstrom*, W. W. Ecton*, Joseph Engelberg, Robert 0. Evans*, Marsha Fields
Irving S. Fisher, Thomas R. Ford*, Michael L. Furcolow, Roy F. Gabbard, Eugene B. (
Gallagher*, Art Gallaher*, John W. Greene, Jr., Robert H. Greenlaw, Joseph Hamburg, ’
William Harris, Ellis F. Hartford, Thomas L. Hayden*, Charles F. Haywood, John L.

Howieson*, Harris Isbell, R. D. Johnson, Robert L. Johnson*, William S. Jordan, Jr., A'r
Robert F. Kerley, Bernard D. Kern, Aimo Kiviniemi*, Joseph Krislov*, William L. Cf
Matthews, Jr., LeRay McGee, Michael P. McQuillen*, Michael J. McNamara*, Eugene J

F. Mooney, James T. Moore, Alvin L. Morris, J. A. Noonan*, Horace Norrell, Elbert .

W. Ockerman*, Howard C. Parker, Stephen Puckette*, J. G. Rodriguez*, William A. Seay,
Doris M. Seward, Gerard E. Silberstein, Kingsley M. Stevens, Wellington B. Stewart,
Joseph V. Swintosky, W. C. Templeton, William J. Tisda11*, Lee H. Townsend, Warren >
W. Walton*, David Wekstein*, William R. Willard, Charles B. Wilson*, Ralph F. Wisemmfia
D. J. Wood and Fred Zechman.

The Senate approved a request to permit Miss Elaine Stuart of the KERNEL to sit
in the meeting and report its proceedings.

The minutes of the meeting of November 13, 1967 were approved as circulated.

Dr. Richard Hanau presented resolutions on the death of Dr. Charles Ernest Snow @gfl‘
with the recommendation that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the .X:
University Senate and a copy be sent to the family. The Chairman asked the Senate ‘
to stand for a moment of silent tribute in acceptance of the resolutions.