xt7vq814nm62 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vq814nm62/data/mets.xml Landrum, William Bibb. 1878  books b92-42-26783462 English Southern Methodist Publishing House, : Nashville : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Landrum, William Bibb. Methodists Kentucky. Life and travels of William B. Landrum . text Life and travels of William B. Landrum . 1878 2002 true xt7vq814nm62 section xt7vq814nm62 





            NASHVILLE, TENN.:


Entered, according to lct of Congress, in the year 1878, by
              WILLIAM B. LANDRUM,
in the 'ffice of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.



  NOT presuming that I can do half as well as a great
many-others might do, but bdtieving that the history
of Kentucky, and especially the history of Method-
ism in Kentucky, is too much neglected-as I was
brought up in Kentucky, and have traveled exten-
sively over the State, being connected with the
Kentucky Conference a great r  . ye. . -I have
concluded to furnish the public with a sb Frt sketch
of my life and travels, as-a small mite in toie treas-
ury of Kentucky history, and as a centennial con-
tribution for the hundredth year of Methodism in
  My great-grandfather, James Landrum, came from
Scotland or Ireland to America, and settled in Vir-
ginia. lje was born in 1703, and die.in 1788. My
grandfather, Francis Landrum, was born in Essex
county, Virginia, September 19, 173, and. cjed in
Louisa county, Virginia, in 1807. He was a Meth-
odist preacher, and as he was twenty-seven years
old in 1766, it is reasonable to suppose he preached
among the Methodists nearly one hundred years
ago (1866).             WILLIAM B. LANDfiUM.

 This page in the original text is blank.



                     CHAPTER    I.                PsaG
From the year 1803 to the year 1817 ..........................  9

                    CHAPTER II.
From the year 1817 to the year 1822 .......................... 12

                   CHAPTER III.
From 1822 to the Fall of 1826 ................................. 17

                   CHAPTER IV.
From the Fall of 1826 to the Fall of 1828 ................... 26

                    CHAPTER V.
From the Fall of 1828 to the Fall of 1829-Conference at
   Shelbyville Little River Circuit ......................... 39

                   CHAPTER VI.
From the Fall of 1829 to the Fall of 1830-Conference at
   Lexington-Somerset Circuit ...........................  51

                   CHAPTER VII.
From the Fall of 1830 to the Fall of 1831-Conference at
   Russellville-I enry Circuit................................ 61

                   CHAPTER VIII.
From the Fall of 1831 to the Fall of 1832-Conference at
   Louisville-Lewis Circuit ...........................   71

                   CHAPTER IX.
From the Fall of 1832 to the Fall of 1833-Conference at
   Harrodsburg-Livingston Circuit ........................  81

                    CHAPTER X.
From the Fall of 1833 to the Fall of 1834-Conference at
   Greensburg-Hartford Circuit ..................   ..... 91


                   CHAPTER XI.                    PAGE
From the Fall of 1834 to the Fall of 1835-Conference at
   Mount Sterling-Madison Circuit ........................ 101

                   CHAPTER XII.
From the Fall of 1835 to the Fall of 1836-Conference at
   Shelbyville-Madison Circuit again ..................... 111

                   CHAPTER XIII.
From the Fall of 1836 to the Fall of 1837-Conference at
   Louisville-Georgetown Circuit ........................... 121

                   CHAPTER XIV.
From the Fall of 1837 to the Fall of 1838-Conference at
   Frankfort-Prestonsburg Circuit ........................ 131

                   CHAPTER XV.
From the Fall of 1838 to the Fall of 1839-Conference at
   Dan'ville-Louisa Circuit ...............................  142

                   CHAPTER XVI.
From the Fall of 1839 to the Fall of 1840-Conference at
   Russellville-Louisa Circuit, second year ............... 150

                  CHAPTER XVII.
From the Fall of 1840 to the Fall of 1841-Conference at
   Bardstown-Sharpsburg Circuit .......................... 161

                  CHAPTER XVIII.
From the Fall of 1841 to the Fall of 1842-Conference at
   Maysville-Barboursville District, first year . ........... 171

                   CHAPTER XIX.
From the Fall of 1842 to the Fall of 1843-Conference at
   Lexington-Barboursville District, second year ....... 192

                   CHAPTER XX.
From the Fall of 1843 to the Fall of 1844-Conference at
   Louisville-Barboursville District, third year ......... 212

                   CHAPTER XXI.
From the Fall of 1844 to the Fall of 1845-Conference at
   Bowling Green-Barboursville District, fourth year... 231





                 CHAPTER XXII.                  PAGE
From the Fall of 1845 to the Fall of 1846-Conference at
   Frankfort-Millersburg Circuit ........................... 251

                 CHAPTER XXIII.
From the Fall of 1846 to the Fall of 1847-Conference at
   Covington-Somerset Circuit ...........................2.. 261

                 CHAPTER XXIV.
From the Fall of 1847 to the Fall of 1848-Conference at
   Ilarrodsburg-Taylorsville Circuit .271

                  CHAPTER XXV.
From the Fall of 1848 to the Fall of 1849-Conference at
   Flemingsburg-Winchester Circuit ......................2 85

                 CHAPTER XXVI.
From the Fall of 1849 to the Fall of 1850-Conference at
   Shelbyville-London and Manchester Circuit ... 23. 295

                 CHAPTER XXVII.
From the Fall of 1850 to the Fall of 1851-Conference at
   Cynthiana-London and Manchester Circuit ...    304

                CHAPTER XXVIII.
From the Fall of 1851 to the Fall of 1852-Conference at
   Mount Sterling-London and Manchester Circuit.... 309

                 CHAPTER XXIX.
From the Fall of 1852 to the Fall of 1853-Conference at
   Richmond-Manchester Circuit...               314

                  CHAPTER XXX.
From the Fall of 1853 to the Fall of 1854-Conference at
   Versailles-Superannuated...                  323

                 CHAPTER XXXI.
From the Fall of 1854 to the Fall of 1855-Conference at
   Maysville-Continued Superannuated ...., 328

                 CHAPTER XXXII.
From the Fall of 1855 to the Fall of 1856-Conference at
   Danville-Barboursville District .......................... 333


                CHAPTER XXXIII.                 PAGE
From the Fall of 1856 to the Fall of 1857-Conference at
   Winchester-Barboursville District ....................... 344

                CHAPTER XXXIV.
From the Fall of 1857 to the Fall of 1858-Conference at
   Lexington-Barboursville District, third year ...,.352

                 CHAPTER XXXV.
From the Fall of 1858 to the Fall of 1859-Conference at
   Millersburg-Barboursville District ..................... 361

                 CHAPTER XXXVI.
From the Fall of 1859 to the Fall of 1860-Conference at
   Georgetown-Irvin District .....................   ,   370

                CHAPTER XXXVII.
FPom the Fall of 1860 to the Fall of 1861-Conference at
   Newport-Left on the Superannuated List.........,. 380

                CHAPTER XXXVIII.
From the Fall of 1861 to the Fall of 1862-Conference at
   Paris-On the Superannuated List.,,,............ 389

                 CHAPTER XXXIX.
From the Fall of 1862 to the Fall of 1863-Conference at
   Flemingsburg-Continued on the Superannuated
   List........                             .. 394

                   CHAPTER XL.
From the Fall of 1863 to the Fall of 1864-Conference at
   Shelbyville-Still on the Superannuated List.,. 403

                  CHAPTER XLI.
From the Fall of 1864 to the Fall of 1865-Conference at 410
    Maysville-Vienna Circuit................................

                  CHAPTER XLII.
From the Fall of 1865 to the Fall of 1866-Conference at 418
    Covington-Madison Circuit-Conference at Win-
    chester-The Close..........................................







                 CHAPTER I.
         Fromr the year 1803 to the year 1817.
  I WAS the second son of Reuben and Martha
Landrum, and was born in Fluvanna county, Vir-
ginia, May 14, 1803; and, being dedicated to God in
my infiancy, I received the narne of my mother's
father, William Bibb, who lived in Louisa county,
Virginia. Before my recollection my parents moved
to a little town called Cartersville, on the south
bank of James River, in Cumberland county. There
I was early taught the principles of religion, and re-
ceived deep impressions to be a Christian. From
that time the company of pious people has been
my delight, while my constant aim has been to
love and please the Lord, to live in peace with alt
mankind, and, by the grace of God, to make my way
to hearven.
  My parents taught me to wrad:hefoie T ever went
to school, and by the tints 1 wag gix or seven years



old I could read well enough to memorize hymns;
and I recollect memorizing the hymn commencing
           Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone,
           He whom I fix my hopes upon;
which hymn I have often sung to a variety of
  In the fall of 1810 we moved to Kentucky, and
spent the winter at Boonsboro, on the south side
of the Kentucky River, in Madison county. Early
the next spring we crossed over to Clarke county,
passed through Winchester, and settled on the head-
waters of Upper Howard's Creek, where my parents
spent the remainder of their days, and where they
brought up a large family of children.
  It wvas a new settlement, but thickly settled, and
great peace and harmony prevailed among the set-
tlers. How sociable they were, and how fond of
meeting together and havingf their house-raisings,
their wood-choppinigs, their log-rollings, their corn-
shuckings, their flax-pullimrs, their wool-pickings,
and the like! And how ready we were to assist
each other in providing fora living, and preparing the
country for blue-grass and clover for the benefit and
enjoyment of succeeding generations!
  The school on one side of us was composed of the
Noes, the Gibbses, the Boons, the Cristies, the
Muiers, the Bunches, the Combses, the Edwardses,
the Norrises, the Hornbacks, the Landrums, the
Eldridges, the Newvnhamns, and others; and we had
such teacher4 ts Tiham LAndrum, Alexander Jones,
Thomas Boon, who ,bewne a Baptist preacher, and




Thomas Phillips, who was a Methodist preacher and
  The school on the other side of us was composed
of the Fries, the Scholls, the Hulses, the Dunahoos,
the Fowlers, the Risks, the Clarkes, the Tyeries,
the Walkers, the Davises, and others. And we had
such men as John Wells, James Bibb, old Mr.
McKee, old Mr. Hunt, Thomas Moffit, and Martin
B. Ilaggard, as teachers. I went to school to nearly
all of those teachers, and was generally the brag
scholar on account of my studious habits, quiet dis-
position, and obedient conduct.
  My parents were of the Methodist order, and we
lived in what was called llinkston Circuit, and the
meeting-house for circuit-preaching in our neighbor-
hood wvas standing on the land of Uncle Thomas
Landrum, who lived on the next ridge west of us.
It was a log building, with a dirt floor, and was
sometimes used as a school-house. It had a kind of
temporary pulpit, with a few puncheons for the
preacher to stand upon, and a couple of forks stuck
in the ground with a cross-piece for his hand-board.
This, however, was not the description of meeting-
houses generally in the circuit; for in sonie neigh-
borhoods there were some respectable buildings-
such as Mount Zion, King's Meeting-house, Stamp-
er's Meeting- house, Ebenezer, Owen's Meeting-
house, Dunaway's Meeting-house, Mount Nebo, Oki
Fort, Grassy Lick, Swvitzer's Meetin g-house, Bethel,
Pisggh, Mount Gerizim, and so forth; and though
the circuit was large, embracing parts of four or five
counties, yet we had regular preaching every two




weeks, from year to year, by such preachers as
Henry McDaniel, Matthew Nelson, Benjamin Rho-
ton, William McMahon, John Summerville, Benja-
min Lakin, and others. They were faithful labor-
ers, preaching night and day, and our neighbors
seemed to take great pleasure in attending upon the
ministry of the word.

                CHAPTER II.
         From the year 1817 to the year 1822.
  IN the cold month of February, 1817, my oldest
brother, James, nearly fifteen years of age, had a
sudden and violent attack of what was said to be the
pleurisy, which in two days terminated in his death.
It was a heavy stroke upon our parents, who took
his death very hard. He was the first-born and a
dutiful son, and it was a hard trial for them to give
him up; and I felt that my loss was great, for he
was a good brother, and we were near about the
same size, and very fond of each other; and long
have I been looking forward to the day when we
shall meet again where death can never come.
  It came to pass about that time that Uncle Thomas
Landrum sold out and moved to Indiana. Circuit-
preaching was then taken to the house of Elijah
Newnham, who was an old Methodist and. a very
pious man. His wife was a sensible woman and a
true and devoted Christian. There we had regular
preaching from year to year every two weeks, on




Thursday, by Jonathan Stamper, Richard Corwin,
Samuel Chinewortb, Joseph D. Farrow, Hiezekiah
Holland, John R. Keach, Absalom Hunt, and other
  It was a rule in our family for all who could do so
to go to meeting every meeting-day, and I was very
punctual in my attendance; and it was a custom
among the preachers to make our house one of their
homes, so that I was with them a great deal, and
took great delight in waiting upon them.
  In those days we had some interesting singing-
schools, taught by Joseph Trowbridge and Thomas
Moffit, at private houses, and at old Goshen Church
-standing in a few hundred yards of the house of
Matthew Thompson, Esq., who lived where his son
William is now living. Our note-books, as they
were called, were quite domestic; that is, they
were home-made, the notes-fa, la, sol, mi-being
formed with a pen by the hand of Thomas Moffit,
one of the teachers. But we sounded bass, and
tenor, and treble, with as much harmony and beauty
as if our books had been ever so fine and nice. Our
principal tunes were Salvation, Ninety-fifth, Ninety-
third, Bold Soldier, Bunker Hill, Rockbridge, Wind-
ham, Olney, Newderham, and the like. Sometimes
we would get on as far as Ballstown and Dover,
        My soul, thy great Creator praise,
        When, clothed in his celestial rays,
        He in full majesty appears,
        And, like a robe, his glory wears.
        The heavens are for his curtains spread,
        The unfathomed deep he makes his bed,





           Clouds are his chariots when he flies
           On winged storms across the skies.

And then on to Ocean, singing,

           Thy works of glory, mighty Lord,
           Who rules the boist'rous sea,
           The sons of courage shall record
             Who tempt the dangerous way.
           At thy command the winds arise,
             And swell the towering waves;
           The men, astonished, mount the skies,
           And sink in gaping graves.

And how we did love to sing the tune called New-
           Let every creature join
           To praise the eternal God;
           Ye heavenly hosts, the song begin,
           And sound his name abroad.
           Thou sun, with golden beams,
           And moon, with polar rays,
           Ye starry lights, ye twinkling flames,
           Shine to your Maker's praise.

And ever since that time they have been shining to
their Maker's praise, declaring the glory of God,
and showing his handiwork. While nearly all who
attended those singing-schools, as well as the com-
munity in general, have been cut down like the
mown grass, and withered like the blasted rose, a
few. of us, such as Greenbury Fry and myself, have
been spared until our heads are blossoming for the
grave. He and I used to sit side by side, singing,

            Early, my God, without delay,
              I haste to seek thy face.



But now we are singing,
          Fast my sun of life 's declining,
          Soon 'twill set in endless night;
          But my hopes, pure and reviving,
          Rise to fairer worlds of light.
  Some time in July, 1821, I went to a camp-meeting
held at Daniel DutY's, in Bath county, not far from
Bloomfield-now Sharpsburg. That was the first
time I ever met with Henry B. Bascom. At first
sight I took him to be a lawyer, and supposed he
had come out to hear what these babbling Meth-
odists had to say. But, to my astonishment, when
the horn blew and the people assembled for preach-
ing, I looked, and behold, my lawyer was up in the
stand, ready to expound the word of God from the
first verse to the eleventh of the first chapter of the
Second Epistle of Peter; and such was the impres-
sion made on my mind by. that sermon, which was
so plain and powerful, that I have retained a great
deal of it ever since.
  William C. Stribling preached one of his big ser-
mons at that mneeting, and my Uncle Francis Lan-
drum produced a considerable effect on the congre-
gation while preaching about the munition of rocks
and the certainty of bread and wvater. A great
many professed to find pardon during the meeting,
and more than a few joined the Church.
  Toward the latter part of next month a camp-
meeting was held in the woods belonging to a Mr.
Martin, in Ebenezer neighborhood, not far from
Todd's road, leading from Winchester to Lexington.
It was a beautiful place for a camp-meeting-a great




many campers, and a vast concourse of people.
Henry B. Bascom was in attendance, and looked as
trim as a lawyer; but "woe unto you lawyers" when
it came to his turn to preach. He wvas put up on
the Sabbath, which was August 26, 1821. He read
his text: "Who hath believed our report and to
whom is the arm   of the Lord revealed " He
seemed to lay hold of infidelity with both hands,
and to tear it into pieces, and to give it to the four
winds of heaven. He set before us Christianity in
all its beauty. He then put us, apparently, into the
gospel-car, and started us oii to glory. And, to
close the scene, Alexander Cummins, the Presiding
Elder, arose, and with his usual mildness seemed to
have us all safely housed in heaven. IHe invited
persons to join the Church, when I and a great
many others wvent forward and cast in our lots with
the people of God. I had already counted the cost,
and I enlisted as a soldier for Jesus during the wvar;
and, having the world, the flesh, and the devil, to
oppose, and principalities and powers to contend
with, I have fought many a battle in the name of
the Captain of my salvation, who gave to me my
orders, and told me not to fear, assuring me that if
I would hold out tfithful he would give me a crown
of life; and I still feel like saying,

            Through grace I am determined
            To conquer though I die,
            And then away to Jesus
            On wings of love I '11 fly.

At the Conference held that fall in Lexington,



         THE REV. WILLIAM B. LANDRUM.     17

Francis Landrum; James G. Leach, and John H.
Power, were appointed to our circuit, which was
then called Mount Sterling Circuit, and had been
so called for two or three years. It was a part of
old Hinkston Circuit, and embraced Clarke, Mont-
gomery, and a part of Bath. James G. Leach
confined his labors mostly to the towns of Win-
chester and Mount Sterling, while Uncle Francis
Landrum took charge of the circuit, and found in
John II. Power a devoted you ng man and an agree-
able colleague; and they were instrumental in doing
much good on the circuit. They held a camp-meet-
ing at Ebenezer, where I remember hearing Father
Leroy Cole preach from the text, "Draw me, we
will run after thee."
  My Uncle Francis Landrum had a small family,
and they lived a part of the year at William Frame's,
one of the leading members of the Church at
Grassy Lick, and the other part of the year at Father
Spratt's, near Mount Sterling; and they are still re-
membered with fond recollection by some of the
Spratt family.

                CHAPTER III.
           From 1822 to the Fall of 1826.
  HAVING completed my education, as was supposed,
because I had gone through Pike's Arithmetic, some
of our neighbors thought I was qualified to be a
teacher, and hence they put at my father to let me
teach school for them. So, with his approbation, I



took up school the last of April, 1822, at old Beth-
lebem, a Baptist church, Neddy Kindred, pastor,
and Boon Scholl, clerk. Father Kindred was a
good man, and a very popular preacher for one of
his learning, but full of eccentricities. He lived
long to do good, and is now resting from his labors,
while his works do follow him. But to my school:
I taught the full term of twelve months, at the rate
of seven dollars per scholar per annum, in Common-
wealth's money, which had so depreciated that " two
for one " was a common saying in reference to its
value. It was a good school, in a fine community,
and I had a pleasant time, and felt that the school
was a great advantage to me, in affording me an
opportunity of improving my studies, and extending
my acquaintance. It closed May 5, 1823. I went
home and labored on the farm until the crop was
laid by.
  And then, being strongly solicited, I commenced
a school that fall at a school-house on old Mr. Fry's
land; and for two or three years we had, as I have
thought, one of the most interesting schools, all
things considered, that was ever taught in the county.
The scholars were all obedient, and friendly, and
studious; and then it was such a remarkably full
school, patronized by George Fry, sr., Capt. James
Clark, William Clark, Matthew Davis, Joseph
Scholl, Anderson Johns, Robins Kincade, James
Edmondson, William Rupard, Erasmus Rupard,
Joseph Rupard, William Haley, Bird Clawson, Isaac
Wills, Thornton Wills, Austin Tribble, Henry
Fritts, Jack Bonney, Berryman Adams, Septimus



Davis, Samuel Tribble, and that steady old citizen,
John Rupard. As the school-house was two or
three miles from home, I would very often go with
some of the scholars of evenings, and by that means
I became well acquainted with the families, and very
much attached to the children.
   The preachers on our circuit for the year 1823
 were Josiah Whitaker and William C. Stribling;
 and before the year was out Father Whitaker gave
 us sonic of his five-hour sermons oil Baptism. And
 as for Brother Stribling, he had such a memory it
 was not an uncommon thing for him to repeat his
 hymn, announce his text, preach his sermon, and
 read the General Rules of the United Societies, all
 without a book.
 They were followed next year by John Ray and
 Newton G. Berryman. Father Ray had been ap-
 pointed to Hinkston Circuit, and Martin Flint to
 Mount Sterling Circuit; but for some reason-prob-
 ably for the sake of convenience-a change was
 made, and Father Ray was placed in charge of
 Mount Sterling Circuit, in which circuit his family
 resided. lie was a delightful singer, a warm ex-
 horter, and a good preacher. Brother Berryman
 was quite a youth, but a gentleman in his manners,
 and a Christian in his deportment. We were near
 about the same age, and became very much attached
 to each other; and I frequently went with him to
 some of his appointments on the circuit. I remem-
 ber being with him at a watch-night meeting for
 New-year at Father Dunaway's. The neighbors
gathered together late in the night, and while the




old year was passing out and the new year coming
in we were all engaged in the worship of Almighty
God, the great Disposer of events. It was a solemn
time. One Saturday evening I rode with him to
Winchester, where he had an appointment for preach-
ing at night in the seminary; for churches were
then very scarce in town. We put up at Father
Jesse Taylor's, and after supper we went to the sem-
inary, and had a small congregation. Some time in
the summer I was with him at a two-days' meeting
at Ebenezer, and on Sunday morning a local preach-
er by the name of Rucker preached about loving
our neighbor as ourselves. Ile advanced the idea
that all mankind were our neighbors, and that wve
should do unto all men as we would they should do
unto us. Hle was followed by Horace Brown, who
read for his text, "And who is my neighbor " and
he went on to show that certain individuals, like the
good Samaritan, were our neighbors; and after dis-
mission, we all started to Major Martin's for dinner,
and as we walked along the following conversation,
or dialogue, took place:
  Rucker: " Well, Brother Brown, what made you
contradict me so to-day  "
  Brown: "I did not aim to contradict you, and
do n't think I did."
  Rucker: "Yes, you did, and I believe you did it
just because you wanted to make the people believe
that you are a smarter man than I am."
  Brown: "' Well, if you think I contradicted you,
and if your feelings are hurt about it, I ask pardon."
  Rucker: "Well, I will forgive you, if you will



promise not to serve any one else so; for I assure you,
you will never get the chance to serve me so again."
  And so they parted; Rucker stopping at Major
Martin's, and Brown passing on to his father-in-
lawv's, Joshua Nicholas. And now, as the name of
Joshua Nicholas has come, I take pleasure in stating
that he was a good man and a true Methodist; and
though long since called to his reward on high, his
name still lives in the memory of some who once
knew him as an ornament to society.
  A camp-meeting was held that ftll at Grassy Lick,
where we had a glorious time, with many additions
to the Church. Next year we had Willian C. Strib-
ling again, and a youth by the name of Fountain E.
Pitts, wvho seenied to be called of God and set apart
to the special work of the ministry; for he preached
as if he knew all about the business, and was instru-
mental in getting up revivals all around the circuit.
le held a camp-meeting in the summer of 1825, at
Owen's Camp-ground, three or four miles south of
Winchester. It was the first ever held at that place,
and it was a time of the outpouring of the Spirit
of God. John Fisk, who had just commenced
preaching, and was employed on Danville Circuit,
was at that meeting; and I remember how he as-
tonished a large congregation with a sermon from
the text, " Prepare your victuals, for within three
days ye shall pass over this Jordan." Brother Pitts
closed his labors on the circuit with a camp-meeting
at Grassy Lick, where there was such a wonderful
display of divine power that many were the convic-
tions, conversions, and additions to the Church.




  In those days I wan holding the office of class-
leader, and our little flock at Father Newnham's
were all closely united in the bonds of Christian af-
fection, so that we never had any Church difficulties,
but we lived in peace, and made it our great busi-
ness to watch over each other in love, and to help
each 6ther in the service of God.
  At the close of the year 1825, or just before
Christmas, my scholars all met at old Mr. Fry's,
where we had an interesting exhibition. And as
some of my employes had been advising me to
studs the English Grammar, I gave a vacation of
two or. three months, and early in the month of
January, 1826,. I set out in search of a suitable
grafTnar-.school, and had the good fortune of find.
ing one to my notion, in Fayette county, four or
-five miles north of Lexington. It was taught by
Horaee Benedict, who was a Methodist preacher,
and one of the best grammarians in his day. He
had a very large school, honored with the attend-
ance of scholars from several counties around,
especially Harrison, Scott, Woodford, and even
Shelby, while I was from Clarke. Elizabeth Roland
was from Woodford, and we boarded at Mother
Wilson's, where I was kindly treated. It was a
good home for the traveling preachers; and there
I got acquainted with Benjamin T. Crouch and
Henry W. Hunt, the preachers on the Lexington
  I was at some of their meetings nearly every
Saturday and Sunday. I also attended their quar-
terly-meeting at Georgetown, where I met with




Joel Peak, who some years after that joined the
traveling connection.
  In the course of two or three months I obtained
a pretty good understanding of grammar and geog-
raphy, and returned home, and soon had my schol-
ars together again for another six-months' session.
I still kept up my old custom of visiting the fami-
lies and holding prayer-meetings among them; and
we had some lively meetings at Uncle Thornton
Wills's. Tames Edmondson, about that time. had
commenced speaking in public, and we frequently
held prayer-meetings together among the neigh:
bors. He was a true man of God, and his wjife was
such a good Christian woman I became very fond
of their company; and we have often sung, 9

          And if our fellowship below
          In Jesus be so sweet,
          What height of rapture shall we know
          When round his throne we meet I

  The preachers on our circuit for the year 1826
were Isaac Collord and John Sinclair, men greatly
beloved and highly esteemed for their work's sake.
They held a camp-meeting the first week in August,
at Owen's Camp-ground. I got there on Thursday,
and heard Father Harris, from Jessamine, preach at
eleven o'clock, Horace Brown at three, and Edward
Stevenson at night. Next morning Evan Steven-
son, with a very youthful appearance, preached like
a man; and was followed by William Adams, the
Presiding Elder; and that night Stephen Chipley,
from Lexington, preached a sermon which had such



an effect on the congregation that the altar was
soon crowded with seekers of religion, and we had
a time of power.  Saturday morning Father Ray
preached about waiting upon the Lord, and when
he closed the Presiding Elder remarked that there
was something in waiting upon the Lord unitedly,
and then invited persons to join the Church, when
several united, with a determination, I trust, to wait
upon the Lord perseveringly. The camp-meeting
then broke up, and I went home and held a class-
meeting next day at Father Newnham's, and at-
tended to my school all the week, and had upward
of forty scholars every day.
  Monday, August 14, having business at Frank-
fort, I staid that night with some of my friends in
Fayette county. Next day I rode into Lexington
and heard the I-Ion. W. T. Barry deliver an oration
on the death of Ex-presidents Adams and Jefferson,
who departed this life July 4, 1826. What a pleas-
ing consideration that George Washington, the
father of our country and the first President of the
United States, should have two such men as John
Adams and Thomas Jefferson to succeed him in
the administration of our government, and then
both of them to finish their earthly career on the
great day of our national independence, the Fourth
of July! Peace to their ashes, and honor to their
names! About three o'clock in the afternoon I met
with my father, and we proceeded on toward Frank-
fort, and staid all night at Cole's Tavern. We made
an early start next morning, and reached Frankfort
about eight o'clock, and put up at Mr. Downing's.




Father started back home that evening, and left me
to remain until the business should be accomplished,
which was a land suit. While in Frankfort I got
acquainted with some of the Methodists, and found
a good home at a Brother Wight's, who had a very
kind family. I staid two nights, with a Methodist
preacher by the name of Mills, who was a Greek
and Latin scholar, and teaching school at that time
in Frankfort. In the course of a few days the busi-
ness to which I had been