xt7vq814p33j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vq814p33j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19311110  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 10, 1931 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 10, 1931 1931 2013 true xt7vq814p33j section xt7vq814p33j Best Copy Available












STATESlParade Planned


Members of Sigma PI

In signing resolutions confirming their support of Harry Gamage, members of the
Wildcat football squad Monday
added another voice to the already tumultuous controversy
which began with the assertion of Frank Phipps, Ashland, former Wildcat grid
player, that the Big Blue
11:02, the
Sigma, na R. O. T.War.department at
of the school mentor had not been fair to
fraternity, will begin its parade, headed by the his younger brother, Jack.

tional honorary physics
brought their second national convention to a close Saturday In the
Lafayette hotel with the election of
Dr. M. N. States as president. The
local Lambda chapter was host to
the 40 delegates who attended the


Members of Big Blue Football Squad
For Armistice
SuKy Contest
Sign Resolutions on Grid Controversy
Day Observance
Are Announced

New President of Honorary
One Minute Silence on Cam
Physics Group Was Forpus to Precede March
merly at U. K.
of R. O. T. C.
Taps, sounded by a bugler sta
OFFICERS FOR YEAR tloned in the vicinity of the flag
pole at exactly 11 a. m. Wednesday
Dr. W. F. G. Swann Is Prin- Armistice day, will introduce one
minute's silence to be observed by
cipal Speaker at Conthe unlverslt In commemoration of
those who were killed during the
band and led by General Oeorge



headed by
O. F. Weinman, will
follow the band. Next in Una will
be Company E, the color giard
The second battalion will follow
with Cadet-MajWilliam Eades in
command. Major O. M. Meredith
professor of military science and
tactics, with the staff, will march
ahead of the cadet regiment.
The reviewing stand will be lo
cated at Cheapside, at which point
in the parade General Duncan will
fall out of the procession and re
view the regiment Vith Pres. Frank
L. McVey.
The route taken by the parade
will be as follows: Euclid avenue to
Rose street; Main street to Broad
way; Maxwell street to Limestone,
Dismissal will be at the parade
Regiments will march without
arms, and the cadet uniforms will
be worn with white shirts. Formation of the first battalion for the
parade will take place on the west
side of the stadium, and the sec
ond battalion will form on the
parade grounds.
Formation of the regiment will
begin immediately
following dis
missal of the cadets from 10 o'clock
classes. Assembly will be complete
in time for the period of silence.

The first battalion,



Besides the resolutions
were readily signed by every member of the squad who was approached, individual players asserted that
they believed the accusations which
had been brought against the coach
were without foundation.
"Babe" Wright was the first to
sign the resolutions, and was fol- -

"I understand that Jack himself
doesn't take the attitude Bis brothers and father do. It Is an unfortunate situation. His family Is
making It embarrassing for him. I
hope he will stay on the squad and
not let his relatives persuade him to
quit football,'' the Wildcat mentor
Resolutions which were signed
yesterday follow:
Whereas, many false, unfair and
misleading statements have been
made regarding Coach Harry Oam-ag- e
In the press and
Whereas, charges were made that
Coach Harry Oamage showed fa'
vorltism and unfairness toward a
member or members of the University of Kentucky football squad,
notably In the Kentucky-Duk- e
of Saturday, November 7, in the use
of his own judgment In substituting
attention to his
contract players for the good of the team:
(Continued on Page Four)
which Just began. My father also
informed Gamage that hereafter no
Ashland athlete will be solicited by
him or by me or by Tom for attendance at the university, and we
have been instrumental in sending
most of the Ashland athletes to
the university," Frank Phipps said.
Mr. Gamage told a Kernel sports
writer Monday that he did not have University's Share of Recontract, but declined
ceipts from Duke Game
to give the duration of his contract
Used for Charity
with the university.
S. A. "Daddy" Boles said that he
did not believe the Phipps' family
had been Instrumental in bringing ANSWER HOOVER'S PLEA
Ashland athletes to the university
and cited as proof the fact that Approximately M.750, the univernone of them has Joined Sigma sity's share of the receipts from the
Alpha Epsilon, the social fraternity
of which all the Phipps boys are football game with Duke University
Saturday, will be given to the Lexmembers.
In an announcement concerning ington Community Chest fund, acthe matter. Coach Gamage said, "I cording to an announcement made
did what I thought was best for the
team at that point. A coach would yesterday by S. A. Boles, athletic
be crazy who wouldn't try to win director.
a ball game and I 'merely used the
The decision of the athletic counman I thought would be best under cil last week to turn Kentucky's rethe circumstances." He referred to ceipts over to charity followed conthe substitution of Kercheval for siderable discussion as to whether
Phipps in the third quarter of the
game with Duke Saturday. This the university football team should
game, in
substitution had been cited by Frank play a was suggested as an which
Phipps as an evidence of Gamage's Centre
This is the first time that any
share of the football receipts of
Kentucky have been turned over to
lowed by the Wildcat griddcrs from
A great deal of enthusiasm in
support of Gamage was manifest
Ken Andrew
bfl the plarnr
veteran tarkle, oald that he wan
with Gamage "tooth and nail."
"Hoot" Gibson, guard, said "I'm
for him (Gamage)
and George
Skinner said he would he only
too glad to sign the resolutions.
Beginning the controversy was a
story in the Courier-Journ- al
quoted Frank Phipps as saying that
Gamage had not been fair to
him, to his brother Tom, or to Jack.
He advised Jack to quit football and
devote all of his time to his studies,
he said.
"My father told Gamage that he
would give $5,000 if he could keep
him from returning to the university next year and Gamage called


Alpha Gamma Delta and
Kappa Sigma Receive
Alpha Gamma Delta sorority and
Kappa Sigma fraternity emerged
the winners of the annual contest
sponsored by SuKy Saturday for
the best decorated houses as part
of the homecoming festivities.
The front of the Alpha Oamma
Delta house was adorned with a
huge picture of a Duke's head in
a most regrettable condition, representative of the hopes they had
for the outcome of the game. The
front of the Kappa Sigma house
was decorated to represent a prison with a duke being hung in the
front. In the yard there was the



7- -0



Jinx Over Bir Blue
Football Teams

Approximately 12,000 Homecoming Fans Attend
Wallace Wade continued his nine-yeJinx over Kentucky football
teams when his Duke Blue Devils
defeated the Wildcats by a
count Saturday afternoon on Stoll
Approximately 12,000 homefield.
coming fans attended the game.
The Blue Devi Li did not play like
team except that
they exemplified the old Wade luck
and took advantage of a freak Dlav
to win the tilt. In the third quar
ter Johnson had dropped back to
pass on his own
line and
Crawford, Duke end, seeped through,
grabbed Ellis' arm and deflected
the ball Into the air. It was taken
by Hawkins, Blue Devil tackle, who
raced to the goal line and was tackled on the three-yar- d
line by Skinner. The big tackle crawled the remainder of the way to the twin
white lines to get the lone score of
the day, and "Kid" Brewer, Duke
captain, put the game on ice with
his placement.
The Wildcats outfought, outgain-eand outplayed the visitors, and
made no mistakes with the exception of their failure to not block out
those white and blue-cla- d
Consequently, the Wildcat kickers
and passers were rushed and gave
Duke a decided advantage over the
in this department.
The fact that Kentucky gained 262
yards to 59 for Duke is sufficient
proof that the Wade men were outplayed. On paper It would seem to
the average reader that the Big
Blue should have had at least
three touchdowns, as they threatened three times In the first stanza
alone, but lacked the punch or luck
to push the ball over for the score.
Duke kicked off to the Wildcats
and they immediately began a
march to the Devil's goal line, with
Kercheval and Johnson carrying
penalty inthe ball, but a
flicted on the Kentucklans stopped
their threats and gave the ball to
Duke. Twice again the boys in Blue
carried the ball to the
stripe, only to be beaten off by the
sturdy Duke defense.
The 'Cats again threatened In the
second period, but another penalty
ruined their ehances and the half
ended with Kentucky in possession
of the ball.
Johnson opened the second half
with a return of the kick-oto the
line. The Big Blue then adline
vanced the ball to the
but was unable to gain further
through the inspired forewall of the
Blue Devils. The battle ebbed and
flowed from then on until Johnson
tried his fatal pass. The Duke team
assumed so tight a defense that
the losers were unable to oveTome
it. In the last quarter Duke was unable to do anything with the ball
and failed to gain, but the Cats
were able to do but little better and
while Kercheval and Kellv carried
(Continued on Page Four)

grave of Wallace Wade covered with
Doctor States, who was for a
number of years professor of phyThe Kappa Delta house and the
sics at the university, served for
Sigma Chi house received honor
the past year as national
able mentioning as runners-u- p
of the organization.
He rethe contest
signed his position at the universiJudges of the contest were
ty last spring to become director of
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, Miss Anne
research and development for the
Callahan, Prof. Enoch Orehan, and
Central Scientific Company, ChiVirginia Nevens.
Funeral Services for Claude
The following fraternities and
Other officers elected Saturday
Marshall, Victim of Acsororities
besides the winners and
were Dr. O. D. Collings, Duke Unirunners-uentered the contest and
cident, Will Be Held .
versity, vice president, and Dr. M.
decorated their houses for the homeW. White, Pennsylvania State ColToday
lege, secretary and treasurer. DocAlpha Oamma Rho, Sigma Beta XI,
tor White has been secretary of the
Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Sigma Kappa,
fraternity for the past four years.
Pi Kappa Alpha, Delta Chi, Alpha
Dr. J. M. Douglas, head of the
Funeral services for Claude Mar
Sigma Phi, S. A. E., Lambda Chi
physics department at Davidson
Alpha, Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma
shall. 23 years old, Ashland, who
College, founder of the fraternity,
Chi, Sigma Nu, Kappa Sigma, Delta
was elected to the honorary office
died at Ashland, Monday morning
Tau Delta, and Kappa Alpha. Alpha
Dr. R. W. Graves.
of chancellor.
as the result of injuries received In
Gamma Delta, Kappa Kappa GamDuke University, and Dr. R. C.
an automobile accident near Salt
ma, Kappa Delta, Zeta Tau Alpha,
University of West Virginia,
Chi Omega, Alpha XI Delta, Alpha
Lick Saturday night, will be held at
will continue to serve as councilors
Delta Theta, and Delta Delta Delta.
the Ashland Christian church at
until their successors are named at
a later date by the executive com2:30 o'clock this afternoon.
Marshall was a former student of
Election of officers was the feathe university.
ture of the business session which
The accident occurred when the
ended the two-da- y
car in which Mr. Marshall was ridMany of the 40 delegates from all
ing with Frank Outherie, also of
sections of the country here for the
Ashland, left the road and over
meeting remained In Lexington for
Kentuckian Photographers
turned three times. The two men
football game,
the Kentucky-Du- ke
were making the trip to Lexington
Will Be on Campus Today
at which they were the guests of
to attend homecoming festivities.
and Wednesday for Group
the university chapter.
Mr. Gutherle escaped uninjured
Representatives Ex- from the crash, which occurred
Dr. W. F. O. Swann, president of Forty
and Individual Pictures
the American Physical society, dipected to Attend Contests after the men had failed to note
rector of the Baftol Research FounReturning to the campus today
Sponsored by Department a warning sign on the road.
dation of Franklin Institute, PhilaKentuckian
When a student at the university
The plea of President Hoover that and Wednesday the the remainof Extension
delphia, was Initiated as an honorMr. Marshall was Initiated Into Phi
colleges and universities throughout photographers will take
ary member of Lambda chapter.
group pictures that will be
Sigma Kappa,
games ing
the country play
The seventh rural school tourna completed threesocial fraternity. here
Doctor Swann was here as guest of
in the
years of study
and turn the receipts to local char- placed pictures, annual. Besides the
the physics department and was the ment, annually conducted by the and several years ago was an emthe remaining Inity funds was answered by the de- group
principle convention speaker.
dividual pictures of seniors and
extension department of the univer ployee of the Lexington Herald In
cision of the athletic council.
sity will be held Friday and Satin--' the sterotyplng department. He was
The money received by the Com- other students who are members the
munity Chest fund will be used to organizations having space insame
day, November 13 and 14, with con also employed at the Kentucky
theater during his stay in Lexingunemployment annual, will be taken on the
tests In music, scholarship, athle ton and was a member of a local Violin, Cello and Piano Pre- relieve suffering andFayette county days on the ground floor of the
in Lexington and
sent Three Groups of
Alumni gymnasium.
tics, and declamation.
More than orchestra.
this winter.
The periods set aside for the varPallbearers for the services this
900 representatives from 40 Ken'
Many members of the university
afternoon will be William Clarke,
have been working ious groups have been listed by Bill
tucky counties are expected to be
Jack Phipps, Gene Wamecke, Jack
in an effort to cooperate with the Humber, and are asand Metalurgi-ca- l
Norwood Mining
Woods, William Fields, Raymond
haunting strains of the vio various relief agencies to aid the
Society, 10:50 o'clock this mornA program by the university Glee Rose, Dickey Martin, Charles Red
Plans for the National Collegiate
resonance of the cello, destitute and the unemployed dur- ing
in front of the mining buildDempsey lin, the deepsure accompaniment of ing the coming winter.
CommitPress Association meeting to be Club at 10 a.m. will open Friday's ding, James Maggard,
and varsity rifle
held November 20 and 21 at the schedule which will continue until Rice, Paul White and Frank Guth- the piano were combined in tne tees which have been appointed by ing; R. todayT. C. noon in
front of
university are rapidly nearlng com' the achievement tests are completed erle.
musical program which was given national and state authorities in- the armory; the Pershing Rifles, in
pletlon. Many acceptances
have that afternoon. The program will
at 4 o'clock in Memorial hall Sun- clude many members of the faculty. uniform and with arms, at the same
Many schools throughout the
been received in answer to the 450 continue throughout the day Satur.
day afternoon when the Heerman
time and place; Y. M. C. A. freshinvitations extended to college and day with finals In all events to be
trio, Cincinnati, presented the sec- country have turned receipts of men cabinet at 12:45 o'clock at the
university newspapers to the meet- held in the auditorium of the uni
ond of the series of musicales ar athletic contests over to relief agen- club rooms; 1931 varsity golf squad
versity training school. Saturday's
cies and in following this plan the
ranged by the music committee.
and coach at 12 o'clock Wednesday
Among the reservations received program also Includes a track and National Representative to
athletic department of
Little needs to be said of the sity of Kentucky chosethe Univer- in the basement of the Alumni
so far from the delegates are those field meet to be held on Stoll field,
a method
qualifications which this group pre
Speak Tonight in Patgymnasium and members of the
from: Marshall College, W. Va.; beginning at 8 o'clock in the morn
sented toward the high standard which has proved effective in other present varsity and freshman foot
terson Hall
Colgate, Hamilton, N. Y.; Univerparts of the country.
set up by the university for its
The following counties are expect
sity of Pittsburgh; "Guidon," North-fielThe money which has been given ball squads In uniform before prac
year. It is
tice periods today and Wednesday.
Miss Wlnnifred Wygal, New York, musical programs this
Vt.; "Round Table," Beloit, ed to send representatives to the
say that Emll Heerman, to the local community chest is
On Wednesday, the Girl's Band
national student secretary of the sufficient to of the trio, is concert-melst- expected to aid materially In the
Wis.; "8tudent's Union," Creighton tournament:
Anderson, Barren, Boone, Boyd, Young Women's Christian Associa the violinist
and the Girl's Glee Club will have
University, Omaha, Neb.; "Buchte-lite,- "
of the Cincinnati Sym- work agency will be carried on by their group picture taken at noon
University of Akron, Akron, Calloway, Carroll, Boyle, Caldwell, tion, will address members of the phony orchestra, a body which al- that
H"rlrpt'!" coming win
Davles, Elliott, Fayette, Fleming, local organization at 7 o'clock to
ter, and vocal citizens connected at the music building. groups
All members of the
Mary Alice Salyers, chairman of Floyd, Garrard, Grant, Grayson, night in the Patterson hall recrea ready has need reputation
with ihe chest program have exembellishment; that
the housing committee, has request- Greenup, Hardin, Harrison, Hender tion room. Her subject will be Walter Heerman, the cellist, pla,fS pressed their appreciation of the ing pictures taken are requested to
World Personalities."
ed the local fraternities and sor- son, Henry, Kenton, Lawrence, La
charity movement at the university. be present at the designated times.
No name will be entered with the
Miss Wygal spoke first cello in the same onJhestra,
Last week-en- d
orities to aid in the housing of the rue, Lewis, Logan, McCracken, Mad
group pictures unless the picture
ison, Mercer, Montgomery, Morgan, at the Kentucky student Y. W. C. A. and that Miss Thomle Prewltt Wildelegates. Those organizations that
of the men's
accompanist. Is a memof the member Is included.
can assist in the accomodation of Oldham, Scott, Owen, Nicholas, conference at Berea. Dean Bland- - liams, theirfaculty of the Cincinnati
council into an lnterfra-ternit- y
ber of the
Any organization desiring group
the visitors are requested to notify Pendleton, Powell, Rowan, Robert ing of the university, who attended Conservatory of Music.
council and subsequent afpictures and who are not listed in
at 3 o 'c 1 o c k son, Shelby, Trimble, Webster, the Berea conference, spoke on
the committee
The program was divided into
the above schedule should see Bill filiation with the national organiza'Campus Problems," Saturday
Wednesday afternoon, in room 54, Woodford and Union.
groups of selections. The first
Potpourri, Humber between 2 and 4 o'clock to tion of undergraduate interfrater-nit- y
The first annual fall
McVey hall.
morning. Others of the university group was
council organizations is being
a trio in C Minor, Opus sponsored by the Y. M., and Y. W. day, at the Kentuckian office In the
who were present at the conference 66, by Mendelssohn, and consisted C. A.
The complete personnel of the Co-econsidered. A committee from the
as a get-t- o
convention committees follows:
are Eleanor Smith, president of Y. of three parts: Allegro, Andante getherofsocial, university given Friday second floor of the administration council has been appointed to study
will be
W. C. A.; Elizabeth Ewing, presi
General Committee
AlAllegro. With in the women's gymnasium.
moto, and
The members of the rifle teams the situation, confer with Dean
Prof. Victor R. Portmann, chairdent of the Women's Self Govern- con the gayety Finale:vivacity which though given primarily for freshall
are requested to wear their "K" Melcher, and render an opinion on
man; William Ardery, Kernel repDr. Ronald A. Lair, psychology ment Association;
connotes, the first part men, upperclassmen will be invit sweaters for the picture. The fol- the advlsibility of such action.
resentative; Daniel W. Goodman, professor at Colgate college, recent- Threlkeld, Alice Mae Durdne, P !iy the name through the more easy ed.
The proposed organization will be
moved on
lowing men have been requested to
Sigma Delta Chi; Mary Alice Sal- ly issued a statement to the effect Lee, Marjorle Hoagland, and
According to members of the so be present this noon: H. Chapman, similar In purpose to the present
and moderate movement of the Anvers, Theta Sigma Phi; Coleman that the
who is the "life of Augusta Roberts, secretiry ? tr.e dante to the Increasingly spirited cial committees of the two organicouncil and will be
O. B. Coffman, O. W. Chuin, W.
R. Smith, Alpha Delta Sigma, and the party" is destined to make a university Y. W. C. A.
composed of
Following the vesper service to Finale; and through It all breathed zations, those who attend will find Eades, J. C. Ewing, W. Florence, L. of the campus.all social fraternities
Virginia Dougherty.
dull wife ten years later. He bases
It is probable that
the spirit of the great and beloved everything from vaudeville acts to Harper, F. W.
Housing Committee
his views on hundreds of experi- night Miss Wygal will sjieui to uhe composer from whom came so games available for their amuse- P. H. Johnson, Hillard.F. J.Stone, L. if it is formed it will affiliate with
Mary Alice Salyers, chairman; ments with married couples. "The senior cabinet of the Y. W. C A.
much beautiful music. The next
Witherspoon, W. I. Wolf, 8. C. the national.
Marvin Wachs, William Shafer, gtrl who, in her late teens and ear- Wednesday at noon, slit- Is to iA- - group was comixxsed of old Italian ment.
The committee which has been
Arrangements for the affair are Evans. S. F. Musselman,
Virginia Nevlns, Emily Hardin.
ly twenties," he said, "reaches the dress the Pitkin club at lw rUar airs and dances, giving music from
under the direction of Mattie Lee Parrish. T. Kendall, C. O. Wallace, appointed to study the situation is
Program and Entertainment
slowly weekly luncheon meetl ac
peak of her personality,
the aesthetic ex
;ice the 16th centurypassionate, beauty-lovin- g Whltworth, John Carter, Howard W. O. Jackson, C. P. Snyder, and M. composed of Earl Surgenor. Lambda
Daniel W. Goodman, chairman; burns out the activity of the thy- o'clock she will be at Mux
Chi; Jeff Herndon. Alpha Tau
of a
C. Wachs.
James Shropshire, Prof. V. R. Port-ma- roid gland, which directly controls to talk to the freshman . ' nlor pressionpeople whose Joys are as in Theis, and John St. John.
Members of the 1931 golf team Omega, and Ben LeRoy, Triangle.
e irt- W. C. A. cabinets u;.
Prof. Enoch Grehan, Edythe such activity."
antense as their sorrows who in
PROF. E. W. RANNELLS SPEAKS are requested to have their pictures It Is expected that the committee
In some quarters. Dr. Lairds visory board.
cient times would dance the taran- are: will report wtthln the next two
made at noon Wednesday
Finance Committee
statement has met with mild disor even death
At the Invitation of the Berea Larlmee, Buskle, Watson, Lusky, weeks.
i.a until exhaustion
Coleman R. Smith, chairman; sent; in others, it is heartily apChapter of American Federation of Meredith, and Coach J. C. Jones.
intervened. The numbers were:
The national Interfraternlty coun.?
Finch Milliard. Eleanor Smith.
proved; and in still others, it has
cil has invited a representative of
a vivacious dunce; Villanella, Arts, Prof. Edward Warder
Invitation Committee
provoked caustic remarks at its auhead of the department of
the locul council to be present at
a country air; Slciliana, a plaintive
chairman; thor. One enemy of the statement.
melody; and Gagllarda, a selection art at the university, will speak in
the convention of the organization
James Rarrioll, John Watts, Louise Dr. Ernest M. Ligon of Union col
kUm .is gay and vigorous as Its name the auditorium of the Woods-Pen- which will be held the first of the
The Kentucky Phytk 1
lege at Schenectady, said that Dr. association held its
11 connotes. Two Spanish dances comyear in New York, but it will be
niman building, Berea, at 7 o'clock
Laird's statement put him in a class o'clock Saturday, In ' '
impossible for one to be sent.
posed the third group, and they Wednesday, November 11, on the
Essays by six students of the ColJ.J
Professor Charles G. Shaw of Mr. Potter, head
s moved with all the happy abandon subject of "American Artists."
Plans were begun also at the
lege of Agriculture of the univer- meeting
New York university, who recently physical education devui'
for the annual
which characterizes the people who
sity have been entered In the Saddle
declared that all whistlers are mo- sided.
to them.
have danced
dance which will be held
of T'ie
and Sirloin Essay Contests, spon- December 11 in the Alumni gymsecond group, the enDr. J. S. Cham n i
After the
or. ihe thusiastic audience called the arHygiene departme
Members of Strollers will meet on sored by the Saddle and Sirloin nasium, and arrangements are beDean F. Paul Anderson, of the
Kclution of He
".is'cul tists back twice for encores, the se the ground floor of the Alumni club in Chicago. The subject of ing made to radiocast 30 minutes
of Engineering, attended a
Education," and I
lor, lections given being "On Wings of gymnasium at 5 o'clock this af- the essays was, 'The Signlilcance of the dance through the university
special meeting of the committee on
The following announcement Is of the College of
" an Song." by Mendelssohn, and "By ternoon. The gathering will be call- of the Livestock Clubs.'
extension studios of WHAS. Plans
ventilation standards held Monday
Those submitting essays are John are txpected to be complete at the
made by the feature editor of the address on tlx
li'.fes- - 'the Brook." by Bois Deffre. Called ed to order by Jacq Robey, presiat Buffalo, New York.
I Mura- - back after the third group, the arBayless, Boyd next meeting of the council.
sionul Training a
The committee has been working 1932 Kentucklan:
Wheeler, H. E. Luttrell,
All beauty entrants must return tlon." A roiiu
The dunce, which will be formal,
'on of tists played "The Old Refrain," by
for more than a year on a code of
i vld of Kreisler.
Broadbent and James Clary.
will begin the university social sea
So enthusiastic was the
ventilation standards for legislative proofs to the Kentucklan office be problems of lnu.it
response to this that they played it
purposes. lt is hoped by members teen 3 and 4 o'clock this afternoon. physical educutlor I
The awards will consist of: first son.
Delegates here
Pledging of Omlcron Delta Kapand Blade, honorary prize a gold medal; second prize,
of the committee that a final draft Entrants desiring a second picture
inta- - again as a second encore.
I anvllle,
program will be an military fraternity, will meet at 7:15 a silver medal; and third prize, a pa, national campus leaders' fraLew
will communicate with the pho- - tives
Next week's
of the reinrt can be agreed upon
';lbyville. organ concert by Lawrence Cook, tonight at the Armory. The meet- bronze medal. The next 17 con- ternity, usually is held at the
tographer in the basement of the Berea, Moreheaii, ii o
at the Buffalo meeting. Later the
Clarence testants will each be allowVd one
report will be presented to the men s gymnasium today.
dance, but it has not yet
The meeting mi" U'J v. d by a Louisville, as the third of the series ing will be informal.
(Signed) JAMES LYNE,
will call the book from a selected group upon been decided if the exercises will
luncheon in tht University Corn- - of regular Sunday afternoon must- - Yeager, president,
American society of heating and
meeting to order.
the subject of agriculture.
be held at the affair this year.
Feature Editor
Ventilating engineers for approval.

Col-we- ll,






$4,750 IS GIVEN











Second in Series of


Musicales Is Given



By Cincinnati Trio

Plans Are Made
For Convention
Of Journalists




A. Official
Y. W.
To Address Group




Is Considered



Freshman Potpourri
To Be Held Friday


Must Consider


Their Thyroid Glands








Physical Ed cat




Anderson Attends
Committee Meeting

Essays Submitted
Iiy Six U.K. Students














* Best Copy

Pa pre Two

The Kentucky Kernel
Published on Tuesday

and Friday

National College Press Association
Leainrton Board of Commerce
Mrmbrr K. I. P. A.

good will tow ard the team continue,
as we are sure they will, Kentucky
will close the 1931 football year with
an Imperfect but highly commendable record.


Under the present abominable system, the physical education classes are Inducing the
very antithesis of the purpose
for which they are conducted,

and the students can gather
what satisfaction they can from
contributing two dollars for a
towel service which they have

no occasion to use.
Respectfully submitted.
Official Newspaper of the Students
That students of the university
of the University of Kentucky,
see no reason for watting until
Thanksgiving to give dances Is apa yenr. Entered parent from
Subscription $200
the many Interrogative
at Lexington. Ky., PostofTice as
comments on the subject. The maclass mail matter
jority of them cannot understand
why It is necessary to forego the
pleasure of dancing during the foot-bn- ll
season, and. until the present, I thought I'd found
the only plausable reason The Ker- A friend
Manln Editor nel has heard advanced Is that One day.
Asst. Mr Editor
footoball men would be unable to And thinking that
attend entertainments until after I planned
Finch HMllarrl
Frank Stone
the season without breaking train- A future, glorious with activity.
Billy Hulrbl,'
Jirl Rolx-ing. Whether or not this Is suffi I saw
Martin Tonlry
The poor championed;
cient reason for banning
dances is purely a The rich writings of the world
Marvin Wchi
Wm A. Bhaler
Made legible to common man;
matter of speculation.
John M. Kane
We believe that it would be en- The beauty of the Eternal
8porU Editor
university Made more distinct among us.
8peclal BporU Writer tirely In order for the
social season to begin with the be And then
Bill Luther ginning of school in the fall. This And then
Norbert Campbell
Douglas Webb
would eliminate much of the crowd- And then In one brief, cruel moment
j D. Adams
Btanley Bach
Rrd Dae
ing of dates which cannot but be I realized
John St. John
the result of the present system. It It was a case of mistaken