xt7vq814p344 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vq814p344/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19460712  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 12, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 12, 1946 1946 2013 true xt7vq814p344 section xt7vq814p344 vaimuic

The Kentucky Kernel

The Football Team
As Jim Basket t Sees


Residents Complain
About UK Noise





Women's Dorms Filled,
No More Are Accepted
Barracks, Orphanagef
Are Possible Housing
Further applications from women
wishing to enter the University
this fall cannot be accepted unless
they are able to make arrangements to live in private homes.
President Herman L. Donovan announced last Saturday.
All residence halls for women,
sorority houses and other rooming
facilities of the University are

filled, with single rooms being
shared by two girls and double
rooms by three or four. Dr. Donovan explained. The office of the
dean of women has a waiting list
of approximately 100 girls wanting rooms for the fall quarter.
Army Barracks
The University is arranging for
three army barracks to be set up
In front of Patterson hall for the
purpose of housing women war veterans attending the University.
Facilities will be available for
women under this plan,
but officials have expressed doubt
that the barracks will be ready for
occupancy by September.
Dr. Donovan said that negotiations had been attempted for the
rental of the Odd Fellows home
on Sixth street. If leased, the
present orphanage could house
and arrangeabout 200
ments could be made to take care
of the 20 children now at the
home. However, there has been
no announcement concerning the



present orphanage.
In the meantime. Dean of Women Sarah B. Holmes has requested



If they have
rooms that could be rented to
women students during the coming
school year.

contact her office

Dr. Niess Appointed
To Teach Languages
Dr. Robert J. Niess,
of World War It has been appointed associate professor In the
department of romance languages.
Professor Hobart Ryland, head of
the department, announced Tuesday.
During his four years in the Army Air Forces, Dr. Niese rose
from the rank of Second Lieutenant to Major and spent two
years at West Point teaching

French and Spanish. Prior to entering the Army, he taught at
Washington university in St. Louis
and Mundelein college in Chicago.

Kuhlman Will Study
In New York City
Mr. Robert Kuhlman, Instructor
in voice In the music department,
will leave at the end of the first
summer term for New York City.
Mr. Kuhlman will spend the remainder of the summer in advanced study at Julliard Institute
of Music, with Bernard Taylor
and Coenraad Bos.

Delegates to the American Legion convention were conducted
through WBKY studios Monday.
Bill Ladd, radio editor for the
will visit the University July 26 and write a story


about the radio arts department.
different in WBKY
news programs is a "news interpretation" presentation. News is
read from the newspaper, and
each evening an interpretation is
given by a WBKY staff member.
"Story of the Night," another
WBKY program, presents a dramstory, either from
fiction or from real life.
five-minu- te

7:00 Kernel Digest
7:15 Music Program.
7:45 News

12 :35

Princeton Preceptorial
Jive Jamboree
Sleepy Time Gal
8 00

12:35 Agriculture
7:00 Round Table
7:30 Lullaby of Broadway
7:45 News
7:55 Woman's Page
8:00 Carnegie Room
8:30 Wallace Briggs' Adapted
12:35 Agriculture
7:00 Books and Authors
7:15 Marge Blaisdell's Piano
7:45 News
7:45 Symphony Hour
8:30 Listen, the Veteran
8:45 Musical Nightcap

Veterans' Adviser
Beginning July 9 and on each
Tuesday and Thursday afte-


Platters For WBKY?
You'll probably break them
trying to get them home, so
why not donate them to the
WBKY studios?
records, that is.
If you are leaving school, and
have any type of records you
dont want, or can't take. Just
take the cumberson things up
to the studios on the top floor
of McVey. WBKY needs them,
and you have them.


1,3' Sir-



a training

officer from the Veterans administration will be In Room
204 Administration
building, to
assist student veterans In problems of the nature of any delay in subsistence, obtaining a
certificate of eligibility, change
of objective, or transfer from
Public Law 346 to Public Law


Second Term Classification
Scheduled For Next Week,
Registration For Jidy 20-2- 2

Final Legion
Meet Held
Engine Given In Memorial
Will Fight Inflation



To University


The Cooperstowner'
Serves Families
In Housing Project

by a Jessamine coun
... C
- s its
ty man for his son 15 years ago,
a scale model steam traction engine was presented to the College
of Engineering this week, and will
eventually become a featured disCooperstown,
the University's
play in the proposed engineering
housing project for veterans,
rapidly growing into a community
East, right. Jessamine county machine works owner, spent six
Six months of labor went Into
with its own set-u- p,
which includes Cnrtis building
scale model tractor engine which he has presented
engine, which was built
mayor and councilmen. Additionto the College of Engineering. Acting Dean D. V. Terrell, left, accepted the small
by Mr. Curtis East, Nicholasville,
al evidence of its Independence
the engine for the college.
and donated to the University last
lies in the fact that residents reSaturday. Prof. D. V. Terrell,
newscently began publication of
acting dean of engineering, acceptpaper, now known as "The Cooped the gift.
This paper, which reaches its
Mr. East, a machine works ownAll men who held a commisreaders every other Wednesday,
er, said that he built the engine
sion in the Army or Navy are
first appeared on March 20, and
for his son in 1930. Because his
requested to meet at 7 p. m.
was called
"The Newsheet. As
son is now a grown man, recently
today in room 401, Biological
the publication progressed from one
released from the Navy. Mr. East
Sciences building. Dr. David R.
to an average of four mimeodecided to offer the engine to the
Lincicorae announced today.
graphed pages, an attempt was
engineering college, where it could
Stating that he knew of "no public
made to select a more suitable ti- policy that would prohibit the use of
be taken care of properly.
Members of the University
chapter of the Reserve Officers
in supplementAccording to Dean Terrell, the
the Haggin fund
A name was chosen from sugassociation will meet at the
ing teachers salaries" at University,
engine represents a type of tractor
gestions submitted by members of Attorney General Eldon S. Dummit
same time. Dr. Lincicome said.
power that was in use 50 years
the community, and the paper was approved transfer of money from the
ago, long before the advent of the
first heralded as "The Coopers- private Haggin fund Saturday.
The scale model, a
towner" on April 24.
engine with a presAn opinion prepared for PresiArticles are turned in to Z. S.
sure capacity of 150 pounds, is 64
ex(Dick) Dickerson editor, and Mrs. dent H. L. Donovan by Dummit
inches long and weights 675 pounds.
Joe T. Mullins, assistant editor, by plained that the state constitution
Mr. Wallace N. Briggs, Guignol All parts wheels, pistons,
limits state salaries to $5,000 a year,
council members who collect materdirector, will be the featured speak- valves were made by Mr. East.
except that of the governor.
ial from residents .of various secer on the second
The small model, at present
Because the Haggin fund is pri- Reading" program, "Invitation
to be held on housed on the ground floor of the
The two main purposes of the j vate, it may be used to supplement July 16 at 4 p. m. in the browsing engineering
building, is complete
paper, Mr. Dickerson says, are (1) University salaries, Dummit said.
room of the library. His subject
every detail.
to give the people of Cooperstown
to professors leaving the will be "Current Theatre William in
In regard
"When Mr. East offered us the
an opportunity to get official, In- University because of inadequate Saroyan."
Jengine," said Prof. Terrell, "I told
formation from their council, and salaries. Dr. Donovan told Dummit,
Guignol since 1944, him I would like to see it running.
(2) to help
the work "We have just lost one of our ablest Mr. Briggs of
received his A.B. and So he drove it up here Saturday
of the University with that of the teachers to Tulane University. Every
M. A. degrees from the University, and we rode all around the campus
week or ten days, one of our best
"The Cooperstowner" also car- men slips away and I nearly always and is now an instructor of speech on it."
Mr. East stated that he was ofries in each edition society news, have to replace him with someone and dramatics in the English de
birth announcements, a section for less promising than he is."
fered a large sum for his scale
Concerning Saroyan as a modern model engine, but he refused to
welcoming new residents to the
American dramatist, Mr. Briggs sell it. He preferred rather to give
and advertisements
says he is "a playwright who deals it tn KnmpnnA whn enulri nnnreciate
concerning any object the townsalways with the humble and the its history and take care of it.
people wish to trade, buy, or sell.
he colors his
The editor has announced that in
with poetry and gives
the future the names of new resiG. R. Page, quality control en- characters
dents and their addresses will be gineer for the Western Electric to both characters and plays alike
an unreal and dream-lik- e
published each month. By doing company,
The "Invitation to Reading"
this he believes that it will sim- approximately
seniors of the series, now
in its seventh season,
plify matters in keeping the town's August and December graduating
The annual midsummer outing of
was originated
by University lidirectory
classes interested in manufacturIn addition to being cent to all ing engineering Wednesday, Dean brary staff members to help stu- the department of business educa
colleges having
similar veterans' D. V. Terrell, of the College of En- dents get acquainted with the li- tion was held Monday night at the
brary as a source of pleasure. Castlewood barn, with Dr. A J.
quarters, the
paper goes gineering, said yesterday.
department head, in
Staged as informal
to twenty departments at the UniPage was graduated from the Uni- the programs are designed to pre- charge of arrangements.
versity and to the Lexington
versity in 1924 in mechanical en- sent the library as a source of inSwimming, softball and other
A number of students
gineering, and was a member of terest rather than as a research games preceded supper, at 6 o'clock
mail copies home to their families,
Pi. He
and one Irish bride sends her pa- Tau Beta Electric, has been with laboratory.
After supper, Mrs. Cleo Dawrm
per as far as Belfast, North Ire- Western
Smith. Lexington author and re
of communications equipment for
viewer, gave an interpretation of
Supplies for the Cooperstown the Bell Telephone system, since
the New York stage production,
publication are furnished by the
"State of the Union."
University, and thus far residents
Dr. William S. Taylor, dean of
have been receiving the paper free
the College of Education at the
of charge.
has been elected to
membership on the executive comEstel B. Penrod,
graduate of mittee of the National Education
Norris B. Vincent,
universities, association,
Purdue and Cornell
University officials an- one of the nine candidates for the
has assumed duties as head of the nounced Monday.
to the
Twenty-fiv- e
students and faculty Department of Mechanical EnginThe national convention of the United States Senate, will speak In
University are planning a eering, Acting Dean D. V. Terrell NEA,
of the
last week in Buffalo, N.Y Memorial hall at 7:30 p. m. Monmonth-lon- g
geographical field trip of the Engineering college has an- chose Dean
Taylor to serve a three-ye- day. The address is sponsored by
to Mexico this summer. Prof. Joseph nounced.
term on the committee. He the University Veterans club, and
Prof. Penrod holds the B.S.,
R. Schwenderman, head of the Unihas held several high posts in the the meeting is open to the public.
versity geography department and Me. E.. and M. S. degrees from Pur- association,
including national diA regular business session of the
organizer of the annual trip, an due and a master of mechanical rector from 1933
to 1939 and chair- veterans organization at 7 o'clock
engineering degree from Cornell.
nou need today.
man of the committee on reorgan- will precede the candidate's adThe tour, which will be made by' He has instructed in physics at ization from 1934 to 1937.
Reserve uniautomobile, is scheduled to leave Purdue and Western
July 26 and return August 23. Plans versities and was head of the deare to take a direct route to Laredo, partment of physics at Michigan's
Texas, and then head south of the Hillsdale college from 1924 to 1942.
border making frequent stops to observe areas of geographical interest
Taxco. Mexico, 900 miles south of
the Rio Grande river, will be the
will feature the various prehistoric
farthest point south reached by the
Dr. Alexander Capurso, head of
states of Kentnrlrv Thw nhases
group this year. Prof. Schwendeman
the University music department,
of development include the early
who has been a guest professor at
The Museum of Anthropology period, middle period, and the late
Ohio State university during the and Archeology is not open to the period. One room contains facial
first summer term, conducted the public this summer, according to masks, skulls and souvenirs of the
Ohio State orchestra in a concert Dr. Charles E. Snow, associate pro- - Southwestern Indians plus a min.
on July io. The concert, given in fpssnr rt tH
"woe uepuruueiito, TiH i iature of the Publeo of Tegua, one
The UK Dames, University club Columbus, was broadcast over the its exhibits are being rearranged. of the seven Moqui villages of Ariana new displays are being added zona.
for veterans' wives, will hold its ABC network.
The second floor, which semiregular meeting at 7:30 p. m. TVio n,nn,.v. included music bv for visitors in the fall.
of circles like a gallery above the main
Wednesday on the lawn at Max- Glinka, Moussorgsky, Bach, Dvorak,
iscnaiitowsKy, skulls and skeletons of ancient hall, houses skulls and bone aswell Place.
Sibelius. Handel,
man, his tools and weapons, are semblages
The program will consist of the Gould, and Lehar.
age tranrevealing
to portray the
reading of the play, "I Remember
of Ken- sitions. Also evidenced are bones
disclosing sex differences and charMama," by Mrs. Charlotte WalIn the basement of the museum. acteristics pertaining to the male
lace, Mrs. Dorothy Potter, Mrs.
Nadine Francis,
Mrs. Vera
William G. Haag. Jr.. curator Dr. Snow is doing research, meas- and female species. Brides Jewelry,
Mrs. Phyliss Tuggle, and Mrs. of the museum
of Anthropology uring bones and skulls of the ear- neckrings, and bracelets from West
Maxine Pulliam.
and Archeology and assistant pro- liest Kentuckians,
and collecting Coast of Africa are shown. Soon
departments, is data concerning their structures-- to be complete is the partial resThe Dames will have as their fessor of those
.special guests those women who visiting museums in Washington,
There will be general exhibitions toration of a mound builder's
have been members of similar or New York, and Boston to further of historic relics. In the side rooms house, which was unearthed in
cornering the main hall displays Boone county.
ganizations at other colleges.
work toward his Ph. D.



Haggin Fund
Use Approved
By Dummit

Officers Meeting


Invitation to Reading
Will Present Briggs

Page Interviews
Senior Engineers


Department Holds

Outing At Castlewood




Dean Taylor Elected
To NEA Committee

Penrod Takes Over
As Department Head

Vincent To Speak
In Memorial Hall

Geography Dept.
Plans Field Trip


Dr. Capurso Directs
Ohio State Concert

Anthropology Museum Adds
Displays For Visitors Irt Fall
uuiiaing is Llosea
For Summer Term

UK Dames To Meet

At Maxwell Place





Haag Visits Museums

De-Wi- tt,


Affecting Veterans
A four day meeting of



ican Legion Annual
ended Wednesday afternoon with
the election and Installation of officers in Memorial hall.
At 5 p. m. Wednesday a special meeting was held of all Legionnaires attending the University.
Former State Commander Garland
Bryant told the veterans of the
resolutions which have been adopted affecting the former service men
on the campus.
A proposal to help eliminate the
increase in prices to veterans on
the campus was passed at the special meeting.
The proposal, which was presented by a special committee and
the raise in prices affecting college
veterans and asks that all state institutions desiring to raise such
prices present the case to the state
department of the Legion for
Justifiable raises will not be contested but the Legion will try to
correct and remedy any raises of
which they do not approve.
Business sessions Tuesday opened
with the annual report of the national committeeman,
William P.
Shadoan who spoke on the stand
of the national organization reunigarding legislation affecting
versal military training and vet-

f Students Will Enroll

Reserve Officers
Organize On Campus


Twenty - one reserve officers
signed a letter requesting a charter
for the establishment of a University chapter of the Reserve Officers Association of the United
States at an organization meeting
held Friday. Dr. David R. Lincicome, newly-electpresident, announced.
Col. James Barksdale. vice president of the state department of
the ROA, spoke to the group on
the objectives of the organization.
"The ROA is an association of officers banded together for the purpose of supporting and assisting
in the development of a military
policy for the United States which
shall provide adequate national
Colonel Barksdale told
the officers.
Major Stanley Bach, executive
officer for the Lexington military
also spoke to the
Other new officers are Lt. Stan
Skees, vice president; Lt. H. J.
Gorman, secretary; Lt. Daniel M.


VanSant, treasurer.

Number Of Married
Vets Enrolled Jumps

and registration schedules for the second
term of the current summer quarter were released by the registrar's
office this week.
For all students enrolled in tha
first summer term, the following
schedule has
been arranged In all colleges except law:

July 15. 16 Monday and Tuesday obtain cards from dean'3 office; July 17. 18 Wednesday and
Thursday visit departments and
obtain approval of the courses by
the instructors concerned;
19 Friday
return cards to dean's
office not later than 12:00 noon.
Students in the law college will
classify July 17. 18. and 19 in the
office of the dean.
Fresh moo And New Students
All freshmen and new students,
except those enrolling In graduate
school, will report to Room 200,
Biological Sciences
7:30 a. m. Saturday. July 20. for
their classification tests. All these
tests must be completed before the
students will be permitted to register.
Registration of all students will
follow this bifroabetical schedule:
Saturday afternoon. July 201:30-2:2- 0.
T through Z;
P through R.
Monday forenoon. July 22
M through O; 9 00-- 9 50. K
H through
through L;
E through G. RegisJ;
tration will close Monday afternoon:
C through D;
A through B; and
The registrar's office emphasized
that all students now enrolled must
classify and register for the second
term, even though they may be
enrolled in full quarter courses.
Cbam On Taesday
Class work will bein Tuesday.
July 23. and no student may enter
an organized class after Thursday. July 25.
All registration will take place
in the Student Union building, and
classification on Monday. July 22.
will be held in the men s gymnasium.


the number
or married veteran students and a
decrease In first and second year
veterans enrolled at the University
of Kentucky for the current term
the record breaking
veteran enrollment of 2,255, Dr.
A marked increase in

Lysle Croft, University personnel
director, revealed today.
Married veterans total 852, comprise 37 per cent of the total veteran
eran rehabilitation.
enrollment, and show an increase of
The principal speaker of the day 185 over last term, according to Dr.
was Samuel Long of Dallas, Texas, Croft. Nearly 38 per cent of the
members of the Legion's national married O. I. students have children,
defense committee, who called upon who total 380.
Kentucky Legionnaires to help adThe current enrollment among
vance a universal military system. freshmen and sophomores makes up
In the afternoon the Legionnaires 63 per cent of the total veterans,
saw an Army Air Forces show at but is considerably less than that of
Blue Grass field and had a bur- the past term. Dr. Croft stated. First
race year students show the greatest
goo supper
at Keeneland
withdrawal with 125 less, and sopro-morTuesday night, a large crowd at
22 less, but there is a general
Stoll field witnessed a drum and increase in all other classes.
bugle corps exhibition and fireThe College of Arts and Sciworks, by the Legionnaires.
ences has the largest number of
I veterans
enrolled with 713. The
Engineering college is second with
543 and the College of Commerce
has 373 G. I. students. The College
of Agriculture and Home Economics
Clifford Amyx, native Kentucky and the Graduate school are next
artist, painter, and writer and Uni- with 234 and 213. respectively.
versity graduate in 1931, will Join Veteran enrollment in th Colleges
the art department next term. of Law and Education are 120 and
de60. respectively.
Prof. Edward W. ' Rannells,
women veterans are
partment head, announced this Twenty-fiv- e
included in the total for the current
Amyx, who will hold an assistant term and 90 per cent of all the O. I.
comes to the Uni- students are Kentucky residents.
versity from the University of Cal- Only 209 are from out of the state.
ifornia at Berkely. where he has
worked toward the doctorate.
study written by
A scholarly
him, "Towards a Methodology in
Art History," appeared in the May
College Art Journal.
A correspondence course In citDuring the second term of the izenship is now being offered by
summer session, Amyx will teach the University to persons living in
those courses originally assigned to the state who wish to become citacProf. Rannells, who will be re- izens of the United States,
lieved of his teaching duties until cording to Louis E. Clifton, director of university extension.
the fall quarter.
Letters outlining the course are
being sent to approximately
foreign brides of U. S. servicemen
who have taken up residence in
Kentucky since the end of the war.
Miss Marjorie Wilson, director The list of names was supplied
of the state division of child wel- by the Department of Justice.
Mr. Clifton said the course is
fare services, spoke to the child
welfare class in social work. Tues- designed particularly for those who
day, on "Opportunities
in the cannot attend citizenship classes.
Field of Social Work for College Its purpose is to help the foreign












Amyx Will Teach
In Art Department

University Offers
Citizenship Course

Miss Wilson Speaks
To Welfare Class


student understand



ments of the United States and
Miss Wilson outlined the jobs
is being offered In
now available In her division and Kentuckv. and
cooperation with the immigration
the educational leave
program for the student child wel .jand naturalization service.
fare division of the child welfare
Under this set-u- p
The Student Union board will
dents may take six months graduate training after their first six sponsor a dance on the Jewell hall
months on the job as student child roof tomorrow night from 9 to 12.
welfare workers at a salary of $125 Music will be furnished by Jorper month while attending school. dan Embry's band.

Donovans Entertain

Veterans Notice

President and Mrs. Herman L.
entertained with a tea
Thursday afternoon on the lawn
in front of Maxwell Place. The
tea which was the second of its
kind given this summer was for

veterans attending school
under Public Law 346 or 16
who do not plan to register for
the second summer term should

commerce, education,
engineering, lawft and the graduate students.


come to Room 204. Administration Building at once and
prepare their withdrawal

C-To- wn

Black-To- p

May Get

veteran village is due for
some new black top roads if President Herman L. Donovan has his
wish. Dr. Donovan stated that he
is trying to get the contractors
to work on the roads sometime in
the near future.
When asked about the future
plans for Cooperstown. Dr. Donovan mentioned that he hoped to
have two outdoor ovens and severCooperstown,

much-publiciz- ed

al picnic tables erected in "he open
area east of the obscrvn:.-ryalso hopes to procure some outdoor athletic equipment from the
United States War Surplus com
mission. He emphasized, nowever,
that University funds could not be
used for the procurement of this
Dr. Donovan expressed great admiration for the way war veterans
and their families had fixed their
lawns and the grounds surroundhomes, but
ing the individual
showed displeasure over the way
cars are Indiscriminately
over the grass and the dirt Toade
left by the contractors.
Dr. Donovan said that the bare
spots left by making roads through
the grass did much to destroy tha
beauty of the area.
Plans to secure some
mowers for Cooperstown did not
materialize but the grass and the
weeds In the whole area will be
cut in a few days, he concluded.


Chamberlain Returns
Dr. Leo Chamberlain,

the University,


dean of
return this

weekend from his vacation in Inhe has been since
diana wlu-r-



Summer is here and so is hot
weather. There is no snow on the
It has not snowed for
some time now. In fact, there is
no snow expected within the near
future. Convertibles are in full
bloom and shirt sleeves are rolled
up to the boiling point. Perspiration is falling like rain and it
represents the only rain recorded
in these parts for a week and a
half. Ramfall (or sweat fail recorded yesterday: 2'S inches. Thi.n
weather is excellent for corn-gro; ers, the bureau reports.

* Lre, Liberty, and Pursuit


By Adele Denman

LIFE: You have all read the in- Mary Mumford. What's the score "I ftave gene." "I have motor reflexes."
"I have all kinds of
teresting, yet highly distressing anyway?
drives." This Is what the average
A confused student.
story called the "Mysterious Card!"'
student has to say when he comIf you haven't read this, that A Answer: "Now there is a woman pletes the course in general psywith nerve!"
you got in Freshman English was
But Just exactly what
lie. The story tells of a poor SIGN OF THE WEEK: The fol- has he? Does he know anything
fool that accepted a card from lowing sign was printed on the about the enlightening benefits of
No, he knows about
tome French belle with a few words back of a very elderly Ford which psychology?
of French written on it. He car- looked just about ready to fall flat drives, reflexes, and gene.
ried the card to everyone he knew on its er chassis: RESPECT OLD
Now here is my point. Psycholwho could read French; they all AGE.
ogy is a coming field. It can be
cbligingly read the words, but gave
as interesting as any other study
And so there were the on earth, if not more so. Why
him a hard way to go, and refused
to tell him what was on It. He maintenance department men, out don't more people major in psyhad all sorts of troubles his wife on campus getting soaked to the chology on the campus? Because
down rain, they can't get the appreciation for
divorced him, he was chased out skin in the pouring
cf the country, and treated like any supervising the machines that were the whole field of study from the
watering the grass. They've got to first course in general psychology!
see that the grass stays green and
Just as he was about to die, (on pretty in spite of the rain. Don't Wouldn't it be possible to insert
leg, that is) he found a
his last
a humanities course into the dethey?
man who promised to read the
partment, so that freshmen would
words for him but as he was LIBERTY: (1) As I reminded you know what psychology is all about?
taking the card to be read, he in last week's column, there is to
was caught in a rain, and the be an interesting (?) discussion of PURSUIT:
words were washed away.
the Committee for Kentucky this May I apologize to pursuit lovthe ers for the "long haired" tone of
asking week. Darn it all, anyway,
Now you are probably
Courier a reasonably obscure pub- Life and Liberty. (I know it isn't
what the (ahem) (let's keep this
in Louisville, interesting to you, but there are
column clean), I am telling you lication
have to
bedtime stories about. Well, here's beat the Kernel to the draw by just some little things that
why. I FOUND A CARD. It has publishing a complete report on the be said.) Bear with me this time,
may come
these words written in plain Eng- Committee in their Sunday issue. and something better
They explained that the Committee next week.
lish on the back of an unaddressed
postal card: "There's a certain was merely giving everyone a a. Same Song, Different Tune:
guy going to get a great chew job breathing spell after their first Last week Jane Bond had a date
when a certain other guy sees him campaign, "Wake Up Kentucky." with Ben Sullivan.
I assumed the words The next campaign, we are afraid, b. FLASH! (Two more pinnings!)
-chew job" are army slang ( but might show that Kentucky woke This is a surprise to everyone we
all veterans refuse to tell me. They up with a dark brown taste in its know, but Lance Trigg (SN) and
just walk away with blank looks mouth, unless someone gets inter- Betty Hensley (Delta Zeta) got
about pinned as well as Bill Hornback
on their faces. (In other words, ested in doing something
SN) and Ann Birdwell
they'll never tell.) I took it to the our secret sins.
Wouldn't it be possible to set up This is great Sigma News this
library and people who sat beside
(a week.
me moved; nobody loves me after a statewide
they see the card. Now campus, bigger and better one, that is)
c. Jean Henry and C. A. Ryley
here is my problem What the hell that will have a fearless newspaper (Sigma Chi) had a date last Sateditor at its head who isn't afraid urday night.
does it mean?
to say what he thinks? This board
d. Expecting? Charlie Kuhn and
Which all reminds me of a poem could concern
itself more with
Tunstill will
I wrote all alone in my ratty, food-le- plain facts about conditions in Jessie in September. be proud fagarret it could well apply to the state (without the lace, that thers
e. Just a Possibility: Rumor has
the big thrill a gal gets when she Is) and
publicity. One
Fees a man with the Good House- of the best means of doing this is been running around on its cloven
keeping Seal of Approval Tie.
through the magazine "In Ken- hoofs telling us that Brian Blunt
tucky," which is sold for 25 cents (SEA) wants to pin Ann Creech
I saw a man who wore a tie,
one everyone's newsstands.
This (Theta).
I was so fraid it were a lie
f. Jewell Hall: Mary Ann Kubes,
fee, we know, is very hands to pay
Now I met him, I do find.
for the cost of publication but one of the most popular girls anyIt really do take a tie to bind. you know as well as I, that it where, has been seen the most with
should be free to everyone. Stick- Ed Jones (Delt) and John Younr
Dear Columnist.
ers for cars, and license tag at- (Sigma Chi). Margaret Dowell is
I have been terribly confused tach