· To Editors: The
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is prepared for the _____,__: _ ,_ ___, class matter at the
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ror publication on instcn. Ky.
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December 1, 1920 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. IV. N0. 4
Department of Hygiene Honorary Fraternity Questicxmaire Seeks To Phi Cappa Tau Frat Work To Be Started On .
Undertakes Helpful Work Pledges Are Announced Find Students’ Expense Is Formally Installed New Men’s Dormitory
A Dépmmlem Oi Hygiene and Pulp l”’letlges to the three. lionoraryitra- questionnaire, the pnrpose of linppa Chalptcr of l‘l1i Kappa l·`1‘a· plans Of the new m€u·S d0l.mitm.i9s
uc Hwlth has been Organized under teinities of the University oi men- winch will be to enable me Depart- ternity was torinully installed at the to ha erected at me U,m,€].Sity of
the direction Of LT- P. K. Holmgs and 1;.:}.* have been announced. ment of Economics and Sociology to University of Kentucky, Ssturday, No- Kentucky huY€ INCH Submitted and
with the md Of the IUm1_dBDul_m1Bum1 Tziu Beta Phi, honorary engineering nnderntlae a study of the most of liv- veinber 6. After the initiation exer- thc Executive Committee Of the Board
S( tial P _._;€_m Board for me bcupm fraiternity, announces the pledging of ing to students of the University of cises a banquet was held at the of Tmsteas Of the mstmluou has uu_
Ofmthe gsliieilts of Lge Um\_9l_Sm, Of J. W. Crenshaw, junior honor man; Kentucky has been prepared by the Phoenix hotel. The guests of honor t]10l·iZ€(lt]1€1)1·&Sid€nt to u_d`,€1.tiS€ for
K t _kv Besides Doctor Hdmes llinmett Schultz, Henderson; Eli department and distributed among the were: Dr. E. E. Brandon, vice-pres- bids fm. the ,.0nSu.uCU0u Of the first
en ue y` _ A , Zuekermenn, Russia; Fred Luker, students to be Hlled out, ident of Miami University; R. K. ,— · - ,,l
head ot the departinent the personnel _ _ _ or UIQ blllldllles.
. . _ , Louisville; H. L. Thomson, Provi— The investigation of living expenses Bowers; M. M. Ainerine; National of- .. . . p _
of the department consists ot D1. A. _ _ lhe building, the plan for which
, . . . dence; \V. D. Thompson, Falmouth. will be conducted bv the class iu Sta- ncers, John Y. Brown, Delta Chapter .
(;_ ireland, resident physician tor men, _ _ _ ‘ _ _ _ ’ was drawn by Coolidge and Coolidge,
. _ . . Alpha Zetta, honorary agriculture tistical methods. lt is hoped that by Centre College, and members oi Theta .
Dr; Eva M, Locke, resident DhyS1Cl€ill f1_ut81_nit R E Davi _ d D Y D` u_ ' M U t t_ t f _l_ t _ E T_ 1 _' C H Q_ BUSKOII, 1S Ilwdeled Lifter the old Shak-
fm women, and Miss runs creat- yr · · _ Sm · · i‘““· “S_‘“?"}‘S ei “°““"*e eS_““?e ° °"“’_‘”_° ‘““Sy ““““ " eee ermwniim,near-nm·i~0ospm·g,mms-
_ Alpha Delta Sigma, honorary your- the individual cost ot education in the Phi kappa Tau frateriiity has chap- . _ _ , . ,
house, resident nurse. . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ lteetulel Style. Phe dormitory will
_ _ _ _ I _] 112111Sm frate1·n1ty, Fred Augsburg, University or kentucky may be pro- ters at Ohio State University at Col- have accommodation for one hl ud_ d
Thls ST¤¤e1ll·Ys·€*{e1B]°~**** 11% iii; Lexington, member of the Kernel and cured. The information is to be tak- uuibus; Ohio University at Athens, Students and wm be thug Ltmxiis
organizer as at Silecla )l'3.IlCl 0 · In t _;-, _ A \ Y. __ _ r __ I _ Y. · . _ A _ U ,I 1 L _. _ = ·
United Shams Health Service to en ucl ian 'Statfs, · Fmmett Quiss en bylcollese, class and ses, vs ith the Ohio, `V[O.Ll1.t 1110 -1 Lollege, Alliance, high, not including the basement. The
d t _ _1 rf th I Of hféllll, Louisville, major in the depart- aim oi finding out total and apportion- Ohio; llunois University at Cham- first building will be Ererted at \VdSh
exten e CWI le G WON mont of journalism and feature writer ate expenses paign lll · Coe College at Cedar Rap- C l `
D . . · V 4 __ " ‘ ' · ’ " “ — ' crt · r · (1 . ,
eembetmg disease as d0uB__`m the of note; Dillard Turner. lfrunklin, N0 questionnaire is to be signed and ids, 10Wa; Centre College, Danville, :151Zgcgxglfgglganilgvefssga Sheet and
e·*`mY· Under the "_eq“"‘;‘“i;‘YS editor of the Law Journal; Gerald all individual information is strictly Ky.,l\luh1e1;berg College, at Allen- ' T1 __ _ ` _
ef the Beerdy the dutilee 0 deli Griffin, Somerset, sport editor of the conddential. Each student is asked to town, Penn. _ ie leelslatejfe at es lest eesewnr
department [WSI tb; tt ei ge Kernel, and H, B. Lloyd, business {ill out his questionnaire with the The men initlnted into Kappa chap- epmopfrmtgd $**000 e tyigr mr me
S¤P€*'ViSi°H O e S “ ee S O- B I ` manager of the Kernel. greatest possible accuracy in order ter are: Fred W. Luker Louisville· years or 19 purpose 0- 8 erectien
versity, This includes the makine of that Statistics ma . _ _ .- ’_ of these buildings. The $150 000 thus
. . . . _ & ——- y be compiled foi C. J. LG1ll0ll, Pl0V1(l€!1€€, O- BGM) . ‘. . ’
medical exemmemms _tW1cB e wah Miss Swccne Goes catalog purposes and for general in- A1ld€l`S0ll, H0Dki1lS\'iU€; Pal-ll M· dvmleblg “1u be used mr the met
Seeing that ¤*·>‘Si¤¤l demcts are wwe W- h Isl. . C formation. Jones, Earlington; Glenn B. Tinsley, d0rm1t°l`y’_ and es Som] es funds ere
died, and t3€bCZ].I`€ O? tilat S1;k· _____ By1·O1] VV/illianlsl Iiartford; M3_1·S]la‘1l ililadg ETOHI L€giS1a·tul'cs
students wi e requireo o eve 1n— _ "_ C, , J_ Mcwhortcq YDS -t€, D S S .th ree a 110113 cormi ories will be
struction in hygfgng and fhg ]']_ll€S of IVIISS Mary E· Sweeney, head Of the I P€n1])I_O1b¤1‘l¤ Tyisley, Central Diversity Omcleis here the build-
° ’ ’ ’ ¤‘ ,· . . ` ' °]_[ ·
Southern Ag. Workers To Miss Sweeney, in addition to the Dresidellti Robert Reible, Louisville, ;'1ti’FByI{(;]D CuUy’ Merganhelm A1` W1;dsisggglpgjleeiyillfybJanudmg
Meet In February administrative duties of her new posi- Permanent Secretary? Gertrude vVe1' LET unc? 0ElSi1,C·PI0v1d€ncG, Ralph on hy the Board of Trustegs pgssi
tion, will be in charge of nutritional ¤¤gr¤¤~¤» CY¤thie“e· term secretary; laws?} ra ity, and Robert B11- meeting in December 1 S
L mn has been chosen as the research and other research work. D- Y. Dunn. Dexter, treasurer; George · 6m* m" m‘ __ _ '
- I c,,y€§,;];g,h,, annual cO,,ve,,nO,;. of the —“——··“ G”eg°"’· H“““”Sb“"g· h*S'°°“e“* D"' FRESH M MT Q;Q—“ Sh H P t N Ph ie ·
' 1dT ,F kft~t;Atl.1 I1 US CW 888
l southern Agl'lCl,lll'.l1I‘&1 ive.-new Asso- Scabbard and Blade gr “’“"; Tent ‘”·‘;;" er _" 1* Wm A., SOCCER O B ,
tim., to be an February 15,16,and Latest Manny ··1=m·· e§§‘°”§‘,§0,,,‘§§;"g §;W§0,f*"§;0p§§tf __ " °*°‘“°°l P*°bl°m
` 17. Agricultural workers from thir- —— Mildred Portal] Lexm ’ ' The first Soccer amg Of the sgaso
_ _ _ , gton poet- J. g Il _
teen southern states, numbering about The Military Department of the W. Milam, Gutherier grumbier; Hérry at the University Of Kentucky, played Bolggn CIEYIFS 1*% ehullatprofessor oi!
gng hundred and fifty delegates, be- U¤iV€I`Si£Y of Kentucky 'is supervising Farmer Stanford class I.€pI.6SGm8__ on Stoll field resulted in a victory for t k y. I; B mversl Y Of_ Kem
gidgg n number of additional visitors, the establishment of "Sca.bbard and tiv9_ ’ ’ the Freshmen over the Sophomore tac {kgs t iauthor of an artlcla on
nre expected to `attendthe convention. Bledef h01101‘a1‘y military society for C _ , girls with a score of 1-0. n at; i Sorpémg oft Igoiiure by GEL
. . _ n a ··
The Selection Of Lexington as the the cadets of the Umversity. The so- Ommunlty prama This was the first appearance of which appcmeadug? sha O;;1;;ph:rG’
meeting place came only after a long clety is designed to increase the Expcflmellt S\1CC€SSfl.1l the year of the teams, which have . T Bmw
_ _ _ HBS Tit de cor ,, 1 . _ _ _ _ of the American Journal of Botany,
iight; for the honor with such cities as _ D __ Pee _m°w 6 and 1¤i€F€¤t . _ _ been 111 training under Miss Sarah the Omcial publicatidh of the Bot
Memphis, Tammy and Dallas, T€xaS_ 111 military affairs among cadets. The University of Kentuekv hes Blanding, gymnasium instructor. The ical Societ of Ameri an-
Thé program is in the hands of a_ com. Membership 111 the society is open to FBCBHUY completed an experiment In captains are: Sophomore, Miss _y _ ca"
mmee appointed at the mst annual any advanced course men or cadet of- C0¤1m¤¤itY D¥`em¤» which, to quote Florence Starr, Louisville, and Fresh- hTh8'a‘rt}°l° IS of euch interest in
convention at Au,mm_ Entertainment ficers who have attained a certain PT0f€S0l` E~ E· F¤jI`QuhaI'· of the. De" man, Miss Mary Norman, Fulton. it 8 botamcal Weed lu there It Shows
, ot the visitors win be planned by a scholastic and military standing partment of English at the ·Un1ver- ....—._... thsfiheeme ef the Premises ueen
committee composed or members or ——— xy sf I§;¤*¤<=lf 111¤¤¤¤¤» Fmch Oi. This news was received ri-om H. e_ a Rascaiy ·"rretion,*· ··Neignpors;· ot Kentucky from Ballard county re- FRESHIES ELEcT 01=r=|cERs.
Purdue end D· V· Terrell ef Ke“tuekY· Wright, national president oi the De]. "The Land of Hearts Desire/’ "The oently have organized themselves in- ——-——
F- K- f*“de*`S°“· _Dee“ ef the Ceuege te Sigma Pi, recently. Open Doo1·," "Suppressed Desires," to a club, the purpose of which is to At n recent Freshman class meeting
0fEng1110e1‘S, del1ve1·edatoeste1id GX- The members or Pi Chi,w·h0 are ni] "Embers," and an operetta, "Feast D1'01'n0€€ fl SDi1`il5 of €00D€l`¤iti0l'i be held M°“de·Y» the feuemng OHJCBTS
tended best Wlehee te the new fm' majors in the Department ot Econo- of the Little Lanterns," closed the tween the University and the High were elected: president, Arthur Bent.
A t6¤'¤itY· mics, ere: Robt J. Raible, Fred season with an open air performance Schools of Ballard county. The fol- ley, Hewesville; vice-president, Min-
` The new chapter, whose petition to Augsburg, James E. Wilhelm, Otis on the campus. lowing oilicers were el_ected: B. M. nie May Robinson, Lancaster; secre-
Triangie was granted last May, con- Jones, James Pepper, Raymond Rong- The current session nnds the Lit- Stewart, president; W. H. Peal, vioe— tary, Margaret Short, Owensboro;
` sists of twelve active members and ers, H. Lloyd, John F, Cagner, tie Theatre enthusiastic with an am-l president; Bishop Hines, secretary- treasurer, Immanuel Van Meter, Win-
one honorary member. Glenn Tinsley and Paul P. Cooper. bitious program to be carried out. treasurer. chester.
i· 4 `
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