xt7vq814r03x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vq814r03x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19150422 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 30,  April 22, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 30,  April 22, 1915 1915 2015 true xt7vq814r03x section xt7vq814r03x ,•,•1*° roll,
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______A VOL. VII. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, APRIL 22, 1915. No 30
• U •
lllllllll Jlllllllll Plllllllllllll All lllllll *“· N· *""*‘S“· ""’ * lllllllllll llllil
...... l
llllll lll lll Illlllllllllllll lll Ellllllllll           »cc€»   lll mlm rl
.» sltlon as assistant instructor ln chem-
""_` C"' W` |ll·lll‘)’ to llll one of the vacancies caused .-- . _____, i __
2 2 Greatest Social Event of the Year on University Calen- |*>>’ **1** '°°*¤"****°** *1* '**° *“'° ””*"‘ "Dutch" Accepts Eleven Chances Without a Wobble and
· ' • · ant instructors in that department `
_dar Qtven by the Junior Hosts at fhoemx Hotel ,,,,,0,,, ,, ,,.,,,,,, ,,,,0 ,,,_ ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,8 Makes Great One-Handed Catch; "Turkey"
»· With Seniors and Others as Invited Guests been located at Altoona. Pennsylvania. Slams th P`ll W' h G
as chemist ln the laboratories of the 6 I It Ood Results
’ennsylvanla Railroad ln that city, _...._
lbut was granted a leave of absence
SEVERAL HUNDRED GUESTS ENJOY PROGRAM ,0, six   at me request of D,. Tu,. vols. TO MEET THE cars HERE NEXT WEEK
—--— tle, ln, order to flll the posltlon at the .
. un versity untll the end of the year.
s Th° annual pr°m°"°'d° given by the Jumors H8 **0**5 mth ***8 S‘m*°*`** * Mr. Marsh graduated at the unlver- The Wildcat bageball team journeyed to Knoxville Tenn last w ek
_ and others as invited guests was held ln the ball room of the Phoenix Ho- lslty ln 1914 from the Department of where they met ,,,9 t·,,,,»€,·,,,,y 0, ·,—,.,,,,,,,,.,,, , . ,· I `. " I ef '
tel Friday evening with about two hundred couples present to artlcl ate **l1€¤1l¤il‘Y Hlld Since that time has .. [ V   mw or it t“O`g°‘m° genes' F"`
, p P day and Saturday lhe \\ildcats won t fl r ·
  ln the festivities of the evening, l :>l6€t1A11;i0l‘klvngS:1slcgemlst, first glvlth but lm, me QQCOM by the close mn 0,12 trst sage by a score of ll to 0,
The ball room was attractively decorated with palms which stood be- le n NWS Be °mpany’ of ew` . . l y ` 0 *' *8 following a°°°umS 0*
· ,,0,-,, Ky_, and ,,,,9,- with the pennsyi. the two games are reprinted from the Knoxville Ledger and Tribune Th
tween the window and were banked ln a circle before the orchestra. Miss vanla Railroad tAIt n A · . . . ' " Q
_ R 00 H- t the Plld Tennessee Vols. will play two games with the Cats on Stoll Field on Frld
Katherine I-logarty’s orchestra, of ten pieces, furnished the music. The of the $€h00l term Ml'. Marsh will re- and S,,,,,,.,,,,,. O, ,,6,,, week ,,.,1Q Bccounu 0,, t, ` K H, at
grand march was tea by eminem P.   tum to l1l¤ former v0¤lt1¤n. · ‘ t · ‘° _**°“ 8 games aref
E. Hundley and Miss Elsie Heller, the ‘ ——-•·••———— F**'** 6**1*1%
vice president. ,“ ” “ ’ I Knoxville, Tenn., April 17.-—lf "bad
I Receiving were tl,e officers ol; the, Ibetitnnlngs rgigke good endlngs," the
, , un or C ng; pres dent, Mr, _ E, l I I . n versity o ennessee baseball team
• Handley; vice president, Mlss Elsie   lought to flnish the season on the home
· Heller; Became, Ms. Elizabeth,               M[Hn       4   5 l=~»¤¤¤¤ ln   nm of glory. The va.
Alexander; treasurer, Mr. L. H. Nel-, , iunteers opened their season here Fri-
son. > day afternoon. lllallng the Kentucky
They were assisted by the chalr~l l ` _,...... |§:;:§n;"**é:*·,3**? **d{**0*`% *¤%;¤¤Dl§il01:iS '
men of the committees, Messrs. R. E.· A . . . -`*· l ’** *·°**` Y 6 mag U6 .
· _ , ; _ _ C -l • A MOVID PlCt.l1I`€ SC€Il3I'10 ` · lT**‘“ Orange and “'****€ ***9** 11*3 d
3:*;** C!;,;°*’,,e,ff,ha*;,’ u§,*;l’;’f**,u§,’;; , P1£ofess?rBNo}e’sfDé·ar;,1at1za-l of an gAmuS,ng Farce Many of Girls Are Interest-{lagged flelding game, were I.lI1&!¥€ tg
M ’ d t, , R_ A_ Mb t, ,0,, O OO O S I- I _ ° · unch their hits successfully, and went
ll32§f}s¤$§?"‘ll6‘i-l,2r, Graham °i..vl{g`Zi t ° a Comedy m 16 scenes ed and Take A°*“’° ¤···»·t¤·»¤¤¤g·· tm   Occag tm. As
tions, and ithe challerones, President Pronounced Success * .;.- I Part lll Work la result, the flnal score was about
and M,.s_ Barker Professor and M,.s_ , S ' _ -—-- twelve to nothing in favor of the Ken-
· . . yno l.. I tl Wild t fitt d ·
. II£·gon,dP1r[ofessIor a;1dKM1;s. Iglreemlt-?n,* tllexlngton Herald) lomv ,,1;;; mg), ig, thecsilgar 1:, *3*,8 The Y, \v. (·_ A. for 1914-15 has l1ad*:,::*)*:1*;zl:`s, who played well all the way
. . , l` . - · ` · ‘ _‘ ’
d °n {5 ,,°°°p* as ,$ il n _ The Ph at ,K. T. H. ll. A. track Saturday after- 8 most S**‘F€“****** Y€***`_· A** ***9 com , Hutcheson started the game for the
erwccd. F0 €8¤0l' B11 JFS- - K- Y , ,_, V d ,,,, .,, k mlttees have been most active in the
Fnnkeh Judge and Mm' W. T. Lauer, ,,,, me 0,.,,,,,. O, ,,,9,,. ,,,1,, appearance, ,,,o0n,\v_l,le` tat, er t tra;) tean; too ,u,,_,,,m€m of all that they have un_,locals. and although the visitors made
ty, Dr. and M". J. J, ,,,,88,, profes, A,,,,,,,d ,,.08, at ,,,0 (,0,,,., 0, Aha; , len it ca s Cn to'c;;npTy s§or ng is dertaken The Officers were as, fOl_,seven runs during the six innings he
sor and Mrs. L. L. Dantzler, Professori uemsl ··‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ **60 Jay Sandmannlgiqdl S .0 Nl; lks IT “0 tafteaul lows: Annie Hodges president l·‘l-*waS on the mound' Only 0m` 0* the
and nm. Alfred zembmd, Dean Anna` Smerdls <<*<>¤rt1~`¤¤1> 1Vm-C-Slllnnlckh, ,j,,{‘",§§ fg ff: “"‘§r· ,° -. ‘{“J use spa-k vice présidem- .t{l¤i{il ??"""“`” “i"“ **‘"“""-.““‘* 'agged **9***
J- ,_,,,m,,,0,, and Mus Mary F,,_,,,Q,_· vaS,,,, ,,),,,,,0Sed Queen 0,. P€,,S,a, ,fer U , a 0 is recor 0 as -.>,,,9m_d Sezretary Jeanhetie HBH |lll,.{.\\`2lS responsible for the remaining
The Jumm, Prom. has been the, ____________________ (g€,,8_ Cregor 0l`_ 19 llUd¥'l9l° Wl19ll ll9 l'€€l€d ll off _ _ ‘ · ·ih:tl? dozen. At the end of the sixth,
cause of many an hour of m,,,6c,,0n,Z€,,,,,,. ,,,9,. ,4,,,,,, ,,, w,,,,,,,g,___ ,lt1 nl seconds. and G8_1‘l1€1‘ made th<;,*"Q‘,§fj‘*‘,,,,,,“, t, , . _ . ,lt't»ach Clevenger called Hutcheson
i   C,.,,,,€,0n ,,,,,€w€,,¤mile in 4 minutes 41 1-5 seconds, 4 4-o · ·· _* _0*` *» C *a*m***“ 0* ***€ ;back to the bench, as the game was
and envy and vuln lensing on the part . i . . lxtemtlersinl tommttt i · · ·· -
of ,.,..4., since me M Aga. 0.,., so -·---   lA t¤¤¤m»·»t»»·¤» ..... *gt?:),:22Sy;:,F;9,;gghag,al:§$ggt,f8,,,300,1,gledin mit, ,.t,,.,. E.$’§l,;"§..§§ll;$`§,?lilt1*1,*rr;**·*  mi   11‘e··¤·=r—
of the inevitable aftermaths causes? ··············· Reuben T- T8·Y*°*`* . · O · ,0 .*and many of the girl.- ·r i t r nt dl lm to I In ming limi The new *)m`h`
ih., mournful attendant to ,..ma¤,¤¤m»¤ tm ¤·~¤·<» g*¤,,=¤··%,~,,·-,, l‘iiY.?3Etd"l‘§2 $',1f‘i2€?l,°.,“d “J2$§p£tllf`Jf5 lm me     Mil; init?   ?l’}l,.?‘lIti;..‘l‘°1,.I"`S§llZ“'3l3"il   5'“€""
away from shows. tea dansants and ................. Bf er F3 BH] ` ` rv ," _ ' T, , ,, . ( g * - A ' l 19 HEX WO
even a few days from the races be- Z€resh (His \V1fel.Katherine Mltchell*21 mg ha"u{wr.ulr0“` lumen Ot we meeti’ng;eT·[ot1l)l?1i?eli “l>tc·‘ ilizgriflzlltx*f0HmWd mm twobasp him' S0 mu"
cause of the emptiness of the little Parsandetha (HBP Lady lll Walt- l,,,;),**l;L(,?,?r€;:,,,;;;1s 2*g;,:;rg3?;€;“(2;;?élqulst from the Y W C   lieadt1uar—lS(‘-ores were marlled Pp before me m`
,, U 1 t, _ ing} ............... Martha Wl1li· , . * A . · , . · . ‘· ` ' ' `. , . .*****¤ WHS t11'<*l`- l1 H9 t1€Xt frame. tl
Pa mr recemace than *9 Carries *A,,,,,,,,e,.uS ,K,,,,_,, 0, ,,€,,S,a,.__·n °,and being a member of the \\’lIll\l[)g*terb 4* *€“ \0*`*‘· 3**** Mts? b****f** triple and a sacrifice fly accounted for
Nevertheless, they came with care- . . relay team (lrabfelder led tle St t **0*** me *"**’*** **°***·**l**·**`*€'> at BL t · - ·
_________________ _]_ l.,·a,,k,,,, (,0,.,,, · _ I 861, . ,,,, Y Y Y _' . _ , _ , llc i11€‘ll°lll Fllll, as Weatherford re-
• {l‘®€uh6¤·;‘t Mld {.01Wmt mind gn? d&flT€d ,,,8,,,8,, ,,,,_, Queen, ,,,8 ,,m_na,,jcoliorts with tl points. ,r;*1*::§·Pd ,,;**5 “lf‘*`*1 ‘*’*5 **1*·l’*,*`***¤ *;*****tlred the Kentuckians in order in the
0 16 Ulm 0 lll! 811 _ ¤¤Dl’llE ` Z ````'' Scene 1—tlnteriorl—Ilusiness of:   _“ g sa ’~‘"*°“**_ 0 g°‘“· rinth frame.
3§l‘§"°‘ “Z.Zl“.ml‘° lEl‘°$’*il.E.l;’$.."‘$ "Si Dow ·**l—€—r· ·I7*`*1*·  lt*$**i*lg*>'€"*$·*···3*S"""""   “" S‘“‘°`“""" "“°"is..},'.‘li “$1*il‘l.' ‘i.‘;l‘”2233;l.lS,‘3§ "f,,‘1f"‘c&** ··¤ —··¤   t ·=·· t ¤·t·»·~   ··t~   to
th uy gr Y D Q V GW 0 ,,,0,,d,_C,,, ,,,,,,6 Jew, H_N_,,,,,uS w0,,ln1eet. K, ` ,p_u_,\’ an the be hmm, of vt, !~·l el _·*|score, tllll on each occasion the runner
Yam3i°w` t t si to - sud, cme com saga) ........ b<‘*‘"·* <—*.*·1**‘t*9t*·1’*·**°Y 1******1,,;,.,-‘tQ.~ as M5 .,,1* 1—P"°i3 ¥`l*l"`“* "‘“""" ""‘ ‘" ""` *"*"°· *"""*’°*
the Jubrorgrsgsis Kilda rtlfelr ll3nv?l$;d`* ‘‘‘·······   *490 J¤Y Slilldlllallll bmims trmll for E'exmg‘w“` {acted as escorts for bthe dew? a11gt;ri:t*l)"l** **`*’*** Venter *"**`*d°r wright be
t bled l tl b ll ,,,,,,,8,, Smvesl ,,0,,,,, ,)u,,c€,,S’, Scene 3;- tluxterior>r—-Vandyites   was me bdsiness of Pa I, ld i , [ ling responsible for the demise of two
51:5: smayssgrg kmdlt; diggcsez wrgogigv ,,,mmbe,_,,,,nS’ “,,,,,€,_B’ H,,,_,,,dS' C,m_,all§;iEtn2ro,n#: ,,1;,1;:113'oiiKl~.er,`1tu}t;kyBsog.ISH; that me bm, “’l,O,noSh€g rims elf th,»lrt,,1ners at the home plate. ln
the friends in the faculty looking on. g*eb€,{"€rS' Lgdiet, and Gentlemen Of 'l`rackl-—1tltl-yard! dash,. Turner,   bmlliélll 111+31 t·1‘cr1‘ Mw and <*l1J<1>'<’d tile sesls*it>tinw*1‘;ll`·i    
The merry assemblage grew larger 19 out an °U€rS' *10 3-5: Gfubféldér. K. the ""°“*“g· ‘Ashe followed withha two-bag·er Flint
and merrier even untll the midnight (B E h G h )   Scene 5—~tSame as 41-—Atkins_ v_ i l*t»(rhaps the work of the Social Serv. ,,,,,,.,,,,S,,,, ,,.,,, ,,,,,,),,,,1 out ui` Home
hom-, y noc re an. 2;,,~ :,3, S,8,.€,,S0,,_ v_ , ce ‘ommittee which was under the A,-I , , - , , `,,· d ,   ’
'l`he bright eyes of the maidens The Social Service Committee ofthe, Scene ti-»tSame as 4l—High ju11tp,·S“*’€"iS*°" 0* MBS ******9 *)*"*“`y· **“S A` llttfeollaiero Aslhle w?;st;lst;ht[ll)t*:>x**li
gleaming out from behind a bouquet Woman's Club, through members of t‘asey, V., 5 feet 4 inches; Zerfoss at1d`“`°llr°d the most °`m`°*i"*i and l’*`}’i“‘*` 0lll at llUlll9` on Mct‘lure’s fieldt-;rs`
of flowers caused some of the older the Strollers and Canterbury Clubs of Mobley, K., 5 feet 3 inches. ,*`?* "* **“ S*'*’l"“· T***`°**g** **S i**`**"****`S choice. With one down in the eighth
` persons in that gathering, who are,State University, presented ‘;'l`he Call Scene 7—tSame as 4l—Broad jump, g**`*‘ _*'€"’° *"*`°*l ,S°**' out [O. valllous w**¤¥l1¢‘l‘Y0l'd 11115 t·ii1'€t1 at l1useot1balls:
wont to peer over their spectacles and of the lllood’ at the Ben Ah Theater (‘hester, V., 19 feet 8 inches; t`tirry,»*’*f“`°“ "* **“° Q"-? “,*_“""` Eh"', "**°"” and Ashe singled. Mct`lure struck out
askiastounglng questions, to remember,Wednesday night to a select and ap- V., 19 feet 4 inches. {:;:5**;,,E’:`,,;*;`**’;:*_·, ,r*_**;T _*·,\} ·“*,·_,i\; but. W. Williams camo through with
• aga n the ays of the r youth and trlp preciattwe audience made up in the Scene 8--·t_Satne as 4l—44tl-yard run, ,,(;u_;,, *_*l , rm ';_ *f, ” 2**   **_ *_”f1? a single, and Weatherford was thrown
on the light fantastic toe. It was an main of university people. Turner, V., 51; Atkins, V. { ·_ ·, * *‘ *··-_ * _**** ***** _**° ***1*°f*v°*` otr at the plate by Wright.
affair that will be remembered long, "The tall of the Blood' is a poetic Scene 9—tSame as 4l—22tl-yard low 1 ***" ‘_****‘*r"“, "* ******"’*** b*`**°°*· bel"' 'l`he visitors played "jam-up" ball all
after the guests of honor have left, dramatlzation of the Book `of Esther hurdles, Stahlman, V., 27 2-5; (`hester, °;*_}’*_,**;*idg:*`,*§ ;§;`**_* _*`°l¥:*****?*{I_**’_ ****i the way through, the only misplay bp.
ll·`°¤§l$$¤g·°lZl¤t° t°k° up mm w°rk|$YIXI’ l?il,Z¥‘§l?$“?§a$‘,,”3,5., fl{‘;“;,,?,* Vt , ,,, ,, ,, ,,,, *i.·T$IT`Jll2.,.. ,,*12 .{i?.,l.",L;‘f,,7,‘; ,;,,$§?"{§, 1··¤ ¤.,~~·,·<· ·1¤·,·>-· 1»>· latte. the to-
. . 1 , - scene --— .ame as —-. e run,   * ‘· , * · incr pt c ter. w ll i.· no · ti — · · 1‘·
When darkness has settled down duction Wednesday evening was for Garner, V., :4:41 1·5; Woods, K. `ml l*,'° Ur*'*‘a"S, Hm'"` *****1 ***" Qld <1f1l·ctl1irtlsuclcasadltlkellzllghlidil;
over tlée cauipus, whenuthe hallgvaysgthe benefit of the neighborhood settge- Scene tle-tSame as 4l—22tl·yard   ,(*l*l"Q*;,ld 3**;::1*,* l***`*‘u**§*1;*l;**l* rec·-ived in football last fall incapaci-
resoun no onger o ie soun o ment iouse. " 1 y w t d d· ·l, 'l‘ ~, ., 22 4.:; · .,,· l . es t z· c os o utttty t, .•   ·. · ~ . ·
voices that made merry the ball room 1 Jay Sandmannte lol? th? sslttggllergi · Kébl umtr V ) hm {elder lll'l¢‘l`ll00ll- ,>lfcliet*`ls0bB;H I;{l,;(&*;.,;(:-r ,:;,21,*; 1,*;,,:23
on that evening, those who played the Club, who designed its scenic effects.! Scene 1::-- tSame as 41--—120·yard T*"` S“*“"‘*“y *’“‘*"*`*‘ *‘:l******`- **** a good game vesterd·nv' as he kwirk-
part of the thoughtful host may polntlableaux and costumes and directedlhlgh hurdles, Stahlman, V., 16 1-5; *`:",”**"` "*‘*F **“'**, “**‘ *7****** **’*` ****‘ cd" llutchesonh for twfo `bases on balls,
with pride to that evening that stands,throughout, not only the synthetic (`hester, V. "*******`*Q** *_**’*** *·****'°*** b*;*_**’***· 11**** got one two-play swat, and scared
as a memorial to their passing through phases of physical production, but in Scene 13—-tSame as 4»—l’ole vault, ** °********¢‘** *1** *¤t»%<* ll11`¢‘<*·* three runs. As a matter of fact, each
m$_,**U*V€|`*:Y·Y· t H ml t [ l l(Y0l1ll¤\1€d 0ll PRES YOU?.} (`urry, V., K feet ll inches; llranhani,   ltlctllber of the vigitim; (pan, ,,,,,,,6 ut
nose w o were no e g e o a-, ———-—-——·~——————-—*~——- ---· _ i»,_· 1 » » . .
{end this fungglonlwereltnany. but they§E, C,     lvscene 14 tSame as 41-—lnsert;         zfnlltdigit:lll!ltyv:;.hH:\';i:lil;ht·gLt*t9ie3"§f`f
¤ n t , · r I , » rv I _ V `1 , ,. _ , ’_ X .
lli‘.¥.?.,l&°'ii§‘2.l a§“2ll`.§‘§ ll‘i2w“§"£L»,3l$l ALASKAN LECTUREltlll·.',‘$-, ll’lIl,.tlYLl§.i, &TT’lJ‘,L,.. Jl?.’5l1Li;Z “**·*’*AT SCHEDULE ?·'·`·`Z· *i?`$£"Ll··l2lZL°K?t.t"3¥'il’$.~°i’§,.,L2’*’L‘{
nigh when they may be the host, and, ___ w,,,,,,1,·_ ,{__ go fm., g ,,,,.,,,1 nur
I later the guests of ll0l10l'. $01118 Ml {5,,; ,q,,,,,,,· (1, ,,,,,,,,._ ,·,,,·,,,,,.,· ,·,,,,,_.d‘ Scene l~l {Same as ll--#Mlle relay; The Wildcats will meet Miami l'ni» Z\lct‘lure's fielding was one of the
**“’ "°***"***“g J“"*°*`s were "*******’***y~States 'l‘reasurcr Representative in V**llllt‘l`llll[, :1:30 1-3. l`hester, Steven- `,°lrS**1‘ M` *l1*'1>*`**» 9***** *"*`***ll1‘ and features of thc game. as the Tennes-
d*"“*`b°d for “ w****°· *‘·““*`*“g ****’·*.Alaska, gave a stereoptlcon lecturcjson. 'l`urner, Atkins: Kentucky. lloth. “‘P***mM lm 5***** *"**’*** lllltl the fans scc shortstop handled tive clmttccs.
their erstwhile friends, the soplio-,·,·,,,,,,,,,,,» ,,,,,,,, ,,, ,,,,, ,.,,,,,,,., of 8,,,,,, tlrabfelder, Lindsay, lillls. 11tll bc l~2l1'l'll llll oi·portttuity to see some of which were difficult. 'l`he er-
m°*`°“ und **`““**"“"“· "***’·**t *“*“’ *’*`“`ll*nlverslty about the changes and rt».l tScorlng: l·‘irst place, 5 points; sec- two of the best gutncs tltat will be rors of 'l`hird Sacker ltagland and Sec-
0¤\1U0!l tu k66D Ul9m)¤W¤y l°l`0lll l’H.t·,,,,,,,,.,,,,,, of A,,,Sk,,_ ,,,, c,,,z,,,,,,_ ,.,.0,,,,, ond, il polnt,,_, played on the new diamond this sea- ond Iluseman Ashe were also lluitp
lesson Hun and the [wl"' lrailroads, hotels and newspapers. Scene ltl tln light of setting snnl SM1. 'l`ltc l`ttts are in 1`ar better trltn <‘l1ll*l*l<‘llM1S. as the former had three
*`**9 *1***** upon t***’ **0“'**‘*U“'** ***0** '|‘|,,» title uf mg nddrvgg was ··A]ugk,,_l Vandy t‘ommodorc with halo on llltlll 11llMl iltc1' lltlctl 1111 llléillllst the while Ashe had a couple which were
chants for the Well-kll0Wll ¢’1’¢*lllllbl gm., p,·0,,,|,..,· \\’,,,,,|o,—|,,,,,| ,,,• ,,,,.Zhead. llejected-looking Wildcat in Uhio and Michigan boys, as was evi- "lloots" all of which were costly,
dress was unprecedented, and tnany|w,,,.,,,_·- ,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,,.,.,, ,,0,,,,, ,,,.,,,,,,.background. dent at l{uosy·i1lt· last w.·t·l,_ The also disastrous.
w*’*"’ ““*’**’*° *0 g°* ***"*" ""‘**’*`“ ********·~fnl hand·painttd views of the scenery,l l’¤¤Sctl l>1' llMtl'l l»1¤llll1' ltcrc. as and \\‘right‘s singlt~_ ,t,,,,n,,.,· ,·,,,, wu,
music were sounded throughout thc ly after his siege of collecting class~llenry, of \’antlerl»ilt_ |tn·|,,,,·,t,,,,,,_ uf Uaptain Jimmy will be at third and made in the fot r ·· · .- . . `
.. 4 1 th on latks walk and
festive hall. ,dncs. lt cost n lot of work, hut all,Vandcrbllt; Clerk, lien lloth, of Ken- "*l•‘*l_ Slullllltti-1 wlll gambol around errors l11 llttglattd and t‘att·ln·r Keith
The hlrd-Wufkllll ll‘eusul't+l' ullceltlioso collcet‘lled say ln view of thtelr‘tncky; announcer, Taylor, of Ken- lll lcll llcltl. l"l)'llll, St‘l`1‘cl' or ’l‘ll\llllilS _ , _
more ls permitted to draw breath free-·success that lt was "worth it." *tucky; scorer, llarblson, of Kentucky. 11*** lltl lllc l1<‘1l1‘ll1s- tt‘ontlnued on Page Three.) W A
1 •

Y __ _____ THE IDEA _Q I,
I a
Symphomc Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures G0 Where the Go'; G0
Meet T T ‘
... A EU M H EA RE °"""'°“ °°
c t
V1` 1 I 1 ‘Ih·· ·tIt|m1
I     Ixtutwl thm me- stuule-nts nf the- nmlver- I   &  
Publlutmd every Thursday throughout the Foliage your by thv student body I my N "'""""‘l u"""` I" “""""`I'Y I0 "*" · '
of tha State l?nIversity uf K•~uuI¢·ky_ mr me b4¤n4·|I{ or th., under. I¤·<·¤.vI<|•·r thv vnxw of tlwlr frlnml L’h1I,I uccnnr M ·A”m• · c°' Q O
graduates, alumni and Iavulty of the Institution. land to r+·Insmt•— him to his furm¢·rI   W- Main St.
supgmug vgungvmg  .—...§ ....—A ...... .....3... .. . . . ... . . . . . . .. A         " "””“ " “""I °°°T °°°" '°°°""'" '" '"'
, , · •· ·s I3 mr u 19 Tn wr ty. t Ith Y :.· ·· · - .
the vlew of furnishing to Its sullsvrlbers all the uolleigc news z>f8:{\;8ntu:ky,I:l;s,t,Tim],iI;I;, mm hmm ,0f HN WH I QTY. HN. CANON.
together   · digest of nieuls of intel-ost Concerning the univorsltlu   ( Ig') '0 Qhp waste basket.];--tit-—;; 
0;},,;;- lumps and plnldl lor du tlunw III pnwvr stlll hold It to   t
. 2       . · C h¤·mn~I¤I•·r It'? I n C
UB8 RIPTION, ONE DOLLAFI PER YEAR FIVE CENTS PER COPY M"""" Phu “'**’* "x""'| I’*"`¤"*““ ih"'
• • • • ` » . I . rr I •
3     3 · hntered at Lexington Post Uffico as secunu class msu manner, I*"""" "°‘ *""' “"""‘ ""‘ ""I"*'Y "l’ I"  
_ _ ltlw pun- {uml r•·gulutI0us. Muybv u
ED|1’()|\|Ag_ g·rApp_1g14_1g15_ .II\Il‘I`UIN‘ Ilmuvd umn an ph-<·•· of InIs  
      I ULYUE P TAYLOR Edu _ Irumiy, amd an fuml sharp ¢lIs¢·0ver(·d It.
. ................. . .................,... 0I`-Il}-LIIICII \I UM No Hm R I man r l
  ,   vs aonna v
      |\|,>.§I;| II DOIN: ................. . ................... MmmgIug EdIL0l‘ `M-0,, with u ·-hug" on in is worth ngsm  
. J. O\\ EN REYNOLDS ............... . .................... A||Ist,a¤t Editorial ll u. m. than a sterilized nrtIcIe‘OH. _ _ • ·
. A"°c|“• Editor'. llut; r IH tho day, when hunger d0es\ ers free tuition in lll d•P·Yt*
UNO? Entlnly NOW NIDIIIMOM rJEANE’I"l`E HELL .... Patterson Hall J. E. ROLLING ...... Mech, and E1gc_I;l.(I;H (l;;H_k·N) hmimpnuy Lets have ments to the K P8 d ll 8, { 6 8
    l,;]s)lr;I;{\'IFZ ......... i;.AitIIlfLIcsil}. U. ROGERS ............... MI¤i¤¢ UNF} WH0 NIISSES HIM. of KBINDUCKY High S¢h00]| Whi)
~ . . ............. gr cu ture k`I.<>Ill~]Nl`l·] HVGIIES ..... Exchange ` ""‘·····•+•·—····
I _____ LOMPETITIVE DRILL are prepared to enter the Fresh-
x.n:sTEn w. 011ADY ....... . D I FRIDAY AFTERNOON
1 . ....... . .................. us ness Manager .
J. T. GELDER ............... Subscription Manager I — man Clash
_   '‘''‘'' ' ‘'‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1 'Ihv annual cunmpetitive drill be-
twm-n the- four I-ompanies of the Uni- EBC}! ¢0\lIlt}' Ill th! Stltl il
.,;*=i., `vvrsity of Kentucky will tk, I
I,. _ I I·`riu|F€· and other feesp OBB OY UWT! I} • •
\\ li p"  .
. ' I ·
'|`Inmk what kim! of an lm- you uw \.»m|im;_ mp,. Mk ),,.,rs.,H· ml,. qm.H_ I. P. A.   polnteel
tinm, "Is liI`e· worth the- wlnilv'?" `    
• .
        If we Ivud za I'I`I\'()I1)lIS. ¤·:u‘e·—I`r<·e~. s•IIisI1 lIt<· vruvim: for worldly pI¢»·asure·z·¤ T') Sweet <>¤’l¤l¤l delegates to mp` Necessary expenses m°der·t.•
uml goods, naturally our urnsww will he- iu me- m·g;gti\’4·_ resent the l°°°l club a meeting ls an` F .
H Th.- ma;. who pnjuys lin- is the mam wlm 1»<~ss•»sse·s am ambitious. in- I|;;HII;1·HI' MII arigxayrnixxnm%I1:glI¥Ic§3é or fun lnfonnatiou rogud-
_ 5 to ectuul, <»ue—rg<»ti¤·, (`hristiun spirit. As lw guw alamy.; varrviug the nag or of gh; Ibéai (lub. for {lex" ' •
__ _L-   _ __ _ · · · * · year will m 3
7-   gf . I lrvtwry ultvr Inv hans made- lIIIII|+’¥`U\lS Sil<'I`lIIl‘¢*S, ¢·IimI»¤·d Iurge S;umb1I¤g am) IW °I**€'I€‘d ¤ll1¤l¤ m€€¥I¤K· 8 ppmnteem course. of ·tud,'
AJ. ·;.’Q,"Z;    e l>lu<·k> und ()\`(I`('()lII(* various ml;.-r (]i`{i(u|;j,.q I * . . . , `  
,r Wx    ,_/ _ v_ , · .. ne is .nI>l¤ to >t.md up and cost of board etc, g
f ,   •·f ¤l•~I`A thv world tu say that life is not ww;}. mp whiI(·_     ’ , pplyto
  .__4-..,.§Q..·_ ;._.·; it Hut thel 11II+· mnlookvr ulm probably oust usidv gulelvn opportunities to   7   2 H' S'  
 _r\`   r•·mIe·r se·rv1¢·¢· 111 the world, uml is Ivzulim; u us•·Ie·>s liI‘»· will say: "()II well ’—‘—* P  
I S\I¢· of 1Iw IiI'·· In hp loss in Knoxville.
*\ ~.; I \\`<* ~wu\’·- \'»III| ¤·(»1.»r> ..1; mu- uw,. “'l`h<· (I€¤|~;¥lSdlIll6d up as follows; ( p
· _ . _ _ _ Y ` .` umu ‘. uy en, ·t`; Ab ll, · ; G -
L? I .3'1TZ.‘..]Z"..`."'.."“.`."    ";‘"; "" "?,"‘· 3*; "‘*";’· bs" E; FOR PENS ‘"° "*"°"*’·
. . > .· .. ·· >4m·;._ r ; Sauer, 1 ; T. Hayden, c; Flynn, p.
· I A1. 4:, K. s. 1>-.1.ee, nb; omuom, zu- Stan— TABLETS AND FINE
· A, _ ___r_____ '_ __ V V i Ivy, 3b; Harrub, ss· Jasper p· ,Mi1ler
> I4- ·|• ·I• •I• •|• •I• •I· •|• •I• *\• •I• •I• *|· by )'•’I>Il1|`l\l‘\'4* hou wv found out,   a
I ___ . S T0 MICHIGAN ° • g
4 r'l`IIe· (`uI4>m¢lmax1 girIs` tvaxu is lI·>:•·r |'·u·1·i—alI ·I nm mln: of __" sm wut Mlm ·`""
. · , _ . . ~ · · · - ‘ " thc , , , _
To , • MIM! l¤u>•·b1IIl Ixouurs ${1111111:1;;; A; I H;} SI; my I.> g , - . .. _ _}‘l`3!1k I\Fllll€d}', at sémor m th, A -
¤8P¢¢¢ the new Spfmyl II.: ..-...4. ...I.I.....5 ... 0...,..,.. -»§.f,- §,.,_·-` " ""‘ ""' "" "*'*‘· ru-unzuml nmpumuem, will xw; .1.%. l
· |Y -l`• “ilI`Ill'lI 'l!.i\Il|$I <»‘»··r·-truininy ___A___r___ murnixu; fur Grand Impids, M|(~h__   `
Styks m H\.\_;.l_,.4|'.|., ....,·!._ .,,· I-I,.,.,..,,S(.,. h 'lv ,,,,,..,\._ hu,. ;_,\..m hm, H ,.._lmm_ “'Ill’Y`lt lw hu; %l<‘<‘¢*_1>i€d u position inl ·i———;———-——  
l ·-\·· I'·llIl>x ¤¤·1»¤¤·y. I
* lu y \\IlIn III¤· |»mk·e·y.· Q {5.,,. His lIl_l|I¢·H \\IlI· ruusist of uxtuugign HAVE YOUR
Sh . nlI;,~! >·IlIII\> \II•·r»~ ;u·4· ;; {pw _______ “0I'k \\1lIl [IW Iul‘ll1<·l‘s uf I\1I(·hIg;,m,· I
0eS, sxvk. S.,nH_miH: U) “m_l_·\ Mmm is me (I¢*llI()IISU`i1[IlII.§ to them how Lu grow   I
  I`!. ’_‘”"”"" QIRIII that .IUIII\ I{otI1<*lZk)' uml Imrmllv 2;% {Toll; [Matt the °°"'pB};‘Y “`ant$»`   I
__ ,,,g,,iM,i :\_ . d All ,0, ,.· la _ I _ _ __ _. · · I In emons ration wor t 11i. ,
* wm     II? ..,·— ....... ....._ 1....3 "»'¤.-J".? .-.» .’£fZ.'J..,"LI.£Y.‘1...I’I$i$"“1Z}- ~·¤···e· ·‘~~·¤¤¤ of <··»—»»~»¤<»·· ¤°e»$~%¤ *0** THE KENTUCKMN
  .|.h_1 NP" York {numb Maud ,l,·_mH_> IMM (·uW_ (m_um(_“u .1.mmS Hull" IIIH'Ii1l`lllt‘f`S and the` Heinz 1·ompuuy_ MADE AT
A WH __,__ __A__•____r__ \\hIIJe utfsvltqul, bragnk engaged In
ti; · I I ·- . ·· .2 · .. u lllllll eru u·1*'I' ·_ I -‘
D ’t L B _ W.'.;.m.l.;...Vx. h;iLmI;_; .1....MS W + + I + + + I I + I + + +I.,.— ..... .-. I. i·.`1».T"i....§.i?f‘?E.1‘i?2.‘€.‘iii£ IIlIlIl[)IIl'¢y’S SIll(II0
on     \\'i|I uiw smnv (‘()lIS(lIil[I(>lI_ .'I' STUDENT? FORUM •|•. "‘i:;‘*;‘ <1<>¤¤arI¤ <>¤l<~ of I GOING? ° °
;________ Ammonium Valcrmatc visits Jun IIl•‘ IAIIPI Ill Ln II14· \xu\‘ tu ulpliviun T
- ` 0
IOF Prom. IUI lI1•· I‘ilIlI]IlI>l_ uns "I’I1II" 0ul`
I phlI`$ PUSIICBF! becomes a mem- Il‘III'IlI Irhml with the ` °
. - · ~pn>lu·urt. I·`m· I D
. cry. , _ _ V _ t
    . TWO ..C»- swdcs make ..A.s_,, ,I"“'l"' Il >*‘¤ll¤ Il·‘ IMM! <··¤m·· ··\··ry Izur        
I Prom orchesua works ovcriime. ‘I*** "’ "**‘ **'*l*•‘¤°>ll>‘ **lll· ¤ ~~’¤s:<»¤¤
& (   . Prcsiilent Hundley one hour |age_I¤¤&•·|¤·I11]» And |•·>p4·I·(
I N A I nl {I11 IIIII ·
I . '_ _ ` H V· ·» ··m». II·~ uns il gum! Irieud,
ncorponted lm II;. “I\¤·xIIm-ky MIIII I\I|'lI¢‘|` lrzxrk uml xxhvu <·u~II naw >II¤»rt, I'I1Il uns not
The College Fellows,   } • M .un unnqanulnmqi >III·I-.-N A W wu>mm_ M Mum! (TWIN YM`.  
I I"¤ll' \'¤lII(|l‘I`IIII[_ I ""*" il *l'*""‘ I’Il‘il>ii|ll AIHII ;I¤·<·u||1|umIu_i-
" ’ ‘ ‘ · ~ ~ —~—~———-t....i! -—-·-.... II||p |¤I|>IIv;I|‘[ [Hu]; `
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M f II! \1Ill¤I}‘ I·4»)‘* H1:uI¤· an IIIIIVII bm MN |lI*iI‘iIIIYI\ III All \`|,,, IMM; ·—\\·|m`
I A gnu gqiurfrj `gf `lll >Il**“ Illlé V   ‘ {VIII I\:u1lu IIIi> il m4»rn"f" His (‘;1l'I is
I   i IIIIU" “""" """"‘ **I*I*l`*·Ii¤¤l···I ¤m<·I. m`IH"’ I" Il"` "•‘=ll` <¤l' his >1¤»¤·.· 4,,. T • •
Fl|II>. Ul~‘·I<|\·;I), amd lII¤· h|lI(I\‘llI> I|IUI|I`lI       N S .
136 wggr MAIN 3]-gggy \ I ’ "i——· l··¤‘ l|¤·· wml rI»i¤»,;~ muy ;u·.· H., .,,.,,·,._ g    
Iv; *.¤_ · . · . ‘ · .
‘“"' "‘   ' ""“" ‘   ml. Ml U IH ULM Mm" H MH ""·'*l lIl·· l·»l`·:<»iup in mmm I,.· in   I __
DR. J D   _____ ______ I YM ·I lim! "I’I1Il" .:— ;;nn<·I¤1II1•·I»<¤>z0|II
EYE EAR Qosg d THROA llnr m··n .u·»· \\'i|·|(-MIN I ?·~ l.¤rI¤•·r>, but ig is IH,. N, H,.
• • I|‘\ T I ’ W W ..*» I·rII_¤ In I I· · I- I,. .. b
srzcmusv I lm ¤··- um ..{. ·· \........ .I.... ..... ...... ,._   _M‘ '_|‘ Q]`f'T """_.'_' ‘·"‘*_*‘** COLLEGE WORK A SPECIALTY .
Q|.g·•. Ground go 0rd"._ ";il*<*ll ??luY·· ·•nxi|l·· wml |·{.t ('h:.;I.;Lp,;myI,I:;I;:
-.~. , _ r. o- ;4v··; ·, · ·   ’·•‘ ’ :·
C er r°s•\ tt‘ontlnumI from Pngetlnn.1 }]""‘ '“"" """"*‘ ""` "'"“‘· '"““"*{ . . ,` ` " `"' """` """" ll no •..-upenn ~·»r·w·to..,,, Th,. HW,
_ ark, Ilrxt up In tho nlnth, nm] Tmtlot Y. \\. { A. work \~··r·· mm h ;t|.pl~.· _ ,, I   __ _ `
° llwnt out on u tlv to right nom Hm,. .i. . “‘ ""' "‘l" ` *" —•l¤·' ··» |·¤rz·· n•nnh•·r
  “vr|¤I"'“ NYM". YW'! **UY|*‘¤ URFWB Hllfl ],·|,,.,mn umn ,,tr";.k mn \vB;tM.q Ani H P ( '"wl hl II"` (`"m""'· "' *"‘|*‘L‘4l'•·~l wt |h·· Illno Hielgn (nm,
(`r""'." g""rm"° ny “°"·"d ""°""""'F•·tnn•··¤·w=¢— rontnrs wom wndl | (1-.} I Th" """""""" """"l“"»* *¤l¤*|·*v‘ t|¤·~ " """"‘ >" "¤" ·¤··| ··l' this war uml an
415*23 E· M““"" mnrkpr ln the fifth, while mrs hy Tug.}m__m_‘;·;, half or me hmm ‘ H?m__m;` l :;ll"‘*`Vl¤l<*¤¤ ol` N|i¤>¤ Lois ll:•rtl•·tt uml   '* ‘*•"'•" l`*‘*‘··F<¥ i< ··\1¤··•·t···l for tho
• I . · ’ ,· 1 ‘ ·.i~+<|·'= ··¤H·l ·I,I;‘·l·· t <·¤v·¤¤¤¤,~·z·
SD¢¢|8l BQ\\q\\¢t8 Mad? for $Q§,,i‘,I‘.1’.,`Z{L‘2}J,'.j',1?l,‘,,“{‘,,",',Q”‘{,,,‘,§‘”‘{,§",§}§lQT;g fA";(_*‘1;f ;:"’:_‘;f·r"‘:)‘ "'·' “"{'*‘""]‘l wally ¤:»m:·»¤t¤¤L `;.»»·1H1:·‘·1,.h.‘l H H{;~`:... H ·¥|'l>l'|`l| l:l·:Mu>,
UHLVCYSILY St\Id€I\t8 for ¤i¤\h. Wvntlte-rfortl passml S¢·ltrndprg,,m[k,Qr and KM"` Jinglgll il: :;_;(;?; l;T¤¤¤*:<‘Hh=¤¤ nlwnyn h;·•·r: Iwzuttlful mnt "l¤=¤l¤‘¤y;·'¤¤¤ of \<[’1i¢4·»; HH;] '\li -\ll¥li" t'U¥I!• 5 ‘.V2I*i tII•· L{\||*!·\' ()f
K, 8, U, Rqpr¢||r|(g\|vg ¥I*"¥·* Ullt Ht HTH! svtxrvd the fourth ruy;4 wh"‘_“,aHhpd `thp volunmprs 'I_,rm:;lY|l·‘ ¢‘h¤¤|¤‘