xt7vq814r685 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vq814r685/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-01-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 24, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 24, 2000 2000 2000-01-24 2020 true xt7vq814r685 section xt7vq814r685 Your Student

Kernel Wins
KPA Awards

The Kentucky Kernel won
several awards in its
division at the
Kentucky Press
conference Friday.

First place. general news

Aaron Sanderford

First place, use of
graphics, photo

Kevin Clapp

Second place, best
feature photo:

James Crisp

Honorable mention:

Best business/
agribusiness story.
Best headline

(in a Lighter {Si-32%


Lost: small apricot
poodle. Reward.
Neutered. Like one of
the family.

A superb and
restaurant. Fine food
expertly served by
waitresses in
appetizinq forms.

Dinner Special — Turkey
$2.35; Chicken or
Beef $2.25; Children

For sale: an antique desk
suitable for lady with
thick legs and large

Four-poster bed, 101
years old. Perfect for
antique lover.

Now is your chance to
have your ears
pierced and get an
extra pair to take
home, too.

We do not tear your
clothing with
machinery. We do it
carefully by hand.

Have several very old
dresses from
grandmother in
beautiful condition.

Tired of cleaning
yourself? Let me do

Dog for sale: eats
anything and is fond
of children.

Vacation Special: have
your home

Mt. Kilimanjaro, the
backdrop for the
Serena Lodge. Swim
in the lovely pool
while you drink it all

The hotel has bowling
alleys, tennis courts,
comfortable beds,
and other athletic

Get rid of aunts: Zap
does the job in 24

-Compiled by Jill Gorin


THE 411

wea their

32.4 1.!

Partly sunny, but not
too warm!


By Matt Berger

WASHINGTON President Clinton
will ask Congress to make college tuition
tax deductible as part of his 2001 budget
proposal. the president announced Thurs-

"This has never been done before."
President Clinton said at an announce-
ment ceremony in the Old Executive ()f—
fice Building. “We will really be able to
say anyone who wants to go to college can

Clinton was joined by First Lady
Hillary Clinton and Senator Charles
Schumer (I)-N.Y.). who said the program
gives students a “real fighting chance."

“A college education is a necessity for
the economic survival of every family to-
day. but it is priced beyond the realm of
nearly anyone." Schumer said.

The tax credit will be tnore wider
available than previous education credits.

Spice up
your life

A few good
ideas to help

you stay
warm I 4

http: ww.ltyltcernel.


new student aid

The maximum income will be 360.000 for
individuals and $120,000 for married tax
filers. Those numbers are higher than the
current education tax credits.

The latest proposal comes after recent
increases to the Pell Grants and the start
of the Lifetime Learning tax credits in
1997. Education Secretary Richard Riley
told the audience. which included higher
education administrators from around
the country. that schools have been sup-
portive of the new scholarship opportuni»

“Colleges like yours have worked to
keep costs down. and they welcomed the
tax credits for their students in a very
positive way." Riley said.

The president also proposed in
creased funding for the I’ell Grants and
Work-Study programs and suggested sev
eral new initiatives to get students in mid-
dle and high schools to plan for college
and understand higher education is af-
fordable to them.

”We want to encourage more students

at an earlier age Sum to give them a sense
they can go to college and earn a degree,“
Clinton said.

A similar tax deduction proposal,
sponsored by Schumer and Sen. Olympia
Snowe (R-Maine). received sotne bi-parti-
san support last year. but did not pass
Congress. Riley said he believed this pro-
gram will be passed.

Rep. Bill Goodling (R-Penn.). chair-
man of the House Education and the
Workforce Committee. said he believes
the Pell Grant program should be the gov-
emment‘s highest priority for higher edu-
cation spending.

“The president’s commitment to
spend more money on Pell Grants. the
TRIO program and work study is a step in
the right direction,“ Goodling said in a
press release. “I am disappointed, howev-
er, that the president still sees the need to
create new federal programs and new bu-
reaucracies for proposals when existing
programs could be used."





$30 billion. which would provide up to
$2,800 in tax relief for a student per year.
once the program is fully functional in 2003.
Students and their families would have
the choice of either a tax deduction or a
28 percent credit for tuition, fees and
other expenses. The plan would cover up
to $5,000 in expenses for the next
two years and $10,000 after that.

Other Student Aid

51 billion for the Pell Grants and
Work-Study programs
Pell Grants would be raised to a
maximum of $3,500 per student each year.

$400 million to help students
in middle and high schools to

plan for college and understand

higher education is affordable to them.


Jill Gorin

UK is trying to become
“America’s next great uni-
versity." anti although
some students might find
this slogan degrading. oth-
ers see it as the perfect
marketing tool.

“We are trying to put
UK on a very different
playing field." said Michele
Ripley. of UK Public Rela-

That field consists of
the top universities in the
United States. And the
General Assembly in
Frankfort mandated that
UK be a part of that elite
group by 2020.

Those students who
don‘t like the slogan think
it seems to make our uni»
versity look like we have a
long way to go to reach
that status.

“It sounds like we're
not anything now.“ said
Sarah Adams. a sociology

But. as one student
puts it. it's all in how you
perceive it.

“It‘s kind of like when
you say ‘you look nice to-
day' and they say ‘does
that mean I didn‘t look
good yesterday?” said Tay-
lor Stephens. a communi~
cations senior. ”It's not
meant to imply that."

Ripley said they were
expecting some negative
comments about the slo-
gan. but wants students to
realize where they were go~
ing with the idea.

“We are already the
great university in Ken-
tucky." she said. “But now
we have to become. the next
great university in Ameri-
ca. The key word in that
slogan is ‘America‘s."'

“It‘s not targeted at
current constituents." she

Ripley said UK started
from scratch to find out
what we had to offer and
why students would want
to come here. in order to
make us one of the best
schools in the country.

“We had not ever gone
out and learned what our
constituents needed." Rip-
ley said. “We went out and
tested our internal percep-
tions with what our con-
stituents needed and be-

"We wanted to hit a
different target." Ripley
said. “That's why you see
children sitting on a fence
dreaming in our commer-
cials. Because they are. our
future and the future stu-
dents of UK."

So far. the slogan has
been successful.

UK tested the slogan's
popularity and recognition
with 400 people in .Ieffer-
son and Fayette counties
antl it finished second. only
to Nike‘s ”Just do it" ads.
inside the state.

When asked if they
liked the slogan. 58 percent
said yes, 2:; percent re-
mained neutral and 19 per-
cent did not like the slo-
gan. Ripley said those who
did not like it said so be-
cause they thought it made
us look like we were not
great now.

“We started within
state,” she said. “but we're
now moving away from
Kentucky. We‘re putting
ads in regional publica-
tions such as Time.
Newsweek and television
stations like CNN. Discov-
ery, A&E..."

“We wanted the slogan
to be courageous, unique,
inviting, simple." she said.
“It speaks to the challenge
ahead of us."

“Our slogan says we
have a new playing field
and redefining the word



Women lose to
LSU, Tennessee


finds home
on Internet

New website shows UK's
culture: Used as a resource
for a friendly environment

Nillinda lturnlile

If you are looking for diversity on cam-
pus. clicking on a new web page could help
you find what you need.

For the past six months, the Inclusive
Learning Community has been working on
a project that would make resources on di-
versity more accessible.

The ILC has been compiling informa-
tion on diversity, from videos and books
that can't be found in the library to accounts
of personal experiences.

The web page, which will be maintained
by UK‘s library system, is being developed
to make the resources available to the entire
UK community.

Dr. Lauretta Byars, vice chancellor of
Minority Affairs and chairperson of the ILC.
said the web page is a good opportunity for
people to become aware of the different cul-
tures on UK’s campus and help break down
the barriers that exist.

“I hope it will be a way to make our uni-
versity community a friendlier environ-
ment." Byars said.

Byars believes a college campus may be
the ultimate diverse group. and therefore an
opportunity that most people may never
have again. The web page, she feels. will of-
fer a chance for people to gain cultural com-
petence or the ability to have enough knowl-
edge to communicate with another group.

The ILC decided on the Internet as its
medium because websites are relatively in-
expensive and easy to update.

There are some criteria for sources
posted on the web page. The person supply~
ing the material must be willing to share the
information with others and establish a way
to loan out the material. Also, the person do
nating must contact the creator of the web
page. Reinette Jones. in the engineering li-

Jones hopes the web page will create a
stronger community and link people togeth-

“Hopefully. it will open the door to
many resources that are available that are
not known about,“ she said.

Students agree.

“I believe this resource will be helpful
in allowing us to learn about cultures other
than our own," said Kathryn Whiles. a nurs—
ing junior.

Byars said many people have expressed
interest in the web page. However, many
students are unfamiliar with the plan.


“I haven‘t heard anything about it, but
it sounds like a good idea." said Jacob
Fowles. a political science junior.

The web page is scheduled to be com-
plete by the end of the semester. but sources
will be posted as soon as they are received.
It can be accessed through UK's homepage
and the TLC web site.


VOL. #105 ISSUE 3885

um i mm»


News tips?

Call: 257-1915 or write:



he Student Newspaper at th University of Kentucky, Lexington









The Low-down

It has
on the

- Ni m,
Democratic pres-
idential candi-
date, 56. dis-
cussing the four
more episodes of
an irregular
heartbeat that
he's suffered
since he first
revealed his
health condition
a month ago.

Time Warner merging

NEW YORK Time Warner is planning a
$20 billion merger with EMl Records, home of
the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, a source fa-
miliar with the deal said yesterday. London
based EMI confirmed that it is in the final
stages of negotiations and said an announce-
ment is forthcoming Time Warner in New
York also acknowledged the talks, but a
spokesman said no deal has been signed. If ap-
proved by regulators. a merger of EMI and
Time Warner would be the second-largest mu-
sic company with more than $8 billion in annu-
al sales.

Storm knocks out power

ATLANTA A Rain and freezing tempera-
tures spread a coat of ice across parts of Geor-
gia yesterday, knocking out electrical service to
more than a half-million customers. Many of
those households and businesses could be with-
out power until at least tomorrow as crews
struggle over slippery roads to reach downed
lines and ice-coated tree limbs continue to snap,
pulling down more. Georgia Gov. Roy Barnes
declared a state of emergency Sunday for six
northern counties, and the Red Cross opened
eight shelters around the state for people who
had no heat.

Ecuador's leader to change

QUITO. Ecuador 7 Aware of public outrage
over corrupt governments, Ecuador's new pres-
ident. Gustavo Noboa stressed in his first re-
marks as president that his priority would be to
bring dishonest officials to justice. Noboa
comes into office with almost no experience in
government except for 17 months as vice presi-
dent a plus for most Ecuadoreans. It means
that Noboa. an academic and former university
rector. has not been contaminated by the cor
ruption that has stained most public officials
since democracy was restored to this small An-
dean nation two decades ago.

Gore, Bush lead in caucuses

DES MOINES. Iowa ,, One in 10 Iowa vot—
ers remains undecided, but Vice President Al
Gore and Texas Governor George Bush each


Superman star
Reeve. para-
lyzed by a
accident in
1995, has
revised his
timetable for
making a full
recovery. say°
ing he no longer
expects to
stand by his
50th birthday.
But a “full
recovery is not
only possible
but probable,"
the 47-year-old
actor said on
BBC television
on Sunday.


German super-
model Claudia
Schltter accept-
ed immediately
vrhen British
boyfriend Tim
Jettries vrent
down on bended
knee during a
Caribbean holi-
day to propose

hold strong leads in the polls on the eve of the
state's caucuses. The underdog candidates. all
resigned to losing, were shooting for face-sav-
ing finishes and Iowa‘s true reward: Momen-
tum for New Hampshire‘s Feb. 1 primary. A
Des Moines Sunday Register poll of 1,200 likely
caucus-goers showed Gore leading Bill Bradley
among Democrats 56 percent to 28 percent.
Bush led Steve Forbes 43 percent to 20 percent
in the Jan. 16-21 survey, which had an error
margin of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

France checks for disease

PARIS — The French government plans to
begin screening the country’s cattle herds for
mad cow disease in February, Health Secretary
Dominique Gillot said. Gillot said Sunday the
tests would involve taking brain and bone sam-
ples of the cows destined for human consump-
tion. and that “tens of thousands" of cattle
would be tested. France has provoked a diplo-
matic spat by keeping in place a ban on beef
from Britain, where mad cow disease w or
bovine spongiform encephalopathy ~— originat-
ed in 1996. In August, the European Union de-
clared that beef from Britain was again safe for
import, but France angered its cross-channel
neighbor by continuing its ban.

New study about baldness

CHICAGO — Men who are losing the hair
on the crowns of their heads have up to a 36
percent greater risk of experiencing heart prob-
lems, including heart attacks and bypass
surgery, a study found. Balding men with high
cholesterol levels had almost three times the
risk for heart disease when compared with men
with a full head of hair who also had high cho-
lesterol. Researchers say men going bald at the
crown should pay special attention to their
blood pressure and cholesterol levels and lead a
healthy lifestyle. The study is published in
Monday's edition of the Archives of Internal

Teachers: drop the semantics

LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) — Kentucky science
teachers don’t want semantics to cloud the de—
bate over teaching evolution in classrooms. The
Kentucky Science Teachers Association board
of directors voted to urge the state Board of Ed-
ucation to use the word “evolution“ in state sci-
ence standards rather than the current term
“change over time.” Friday‘s vote follows a sur-
vey in which 1,000 science teachers statewide
said they favor using the term “evolution.“ It
also comes less than six months after the Ken-
tucky Department of Education decided to
change a draft of state science standards to a
less politically-charged term.







Bank on Tubby


LEXINGTON, Ky. ~ , Kentucky basketball coach Tubby
Smith has been elected director of two financial institutions to
fill vacancies created when Rick Pitino left in 1997 to coach the
Boston Celtics.

Smith will serve a one-year term on the boards of Central
Bank & Trust Co. and its holding company. Central Bancshares
Inc. He can be re-elected annually.

Central Bank President Luther Deaton Jr. declined to say
how much Smith will be paid.

Deaton said Smith, like any other new director, will be as
signed to committees that oversee bank operations. Those as-
signments will largely determine what his role will be with the

Like other directors, he also will be expected to attract cus-
tomers and business to the bank.

Deaton said Smith is a man of high character who has a
strong interest in learning about banking.

“If Tubby Smith had not been a basketball coach, I would
have put him on the board," Deaton said. “He has a natural in-
terest in this business and he‘s a good fit for the bank.”


6:00—8:00 pm

What do you
expect from
your advisor?

SGA is planning a major initiative
around UK’s academic advising.
Before we start, we need to know
what students expect from their
advisor. This is your opportunity.

There will be a forum:
Tuesday, January


Room 206 of the Student Center

Call 25 7-31 91 for more information
Refreshments will be provided



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still online
and well

By Kevin Griffin


Students who have been trying to order
books online might have found it impossible
with ecampuscom. But rumors that
ecampuscom is going out of business are just
that... rumors.

Doug Alexander. vice president of strategic
planning and development for the company.
blamed the rumors on a directory assistance er

Directory assistance provided callers with
an old local phone number that has been discon»
nected. he said.

But the telephone glitch did not prevent one
student from ordering his books at ecampuscoin
this semester.

“I bought my books at ecainpuscom because
they were cheaper than Wildcat. Kennedy. or L'K
[Bookstores]." said Kevin Stevenson. an unde-
clared sophomore. "and i sold back one of my
books for more money."

Stevenson received his books two working
days after placing his order.

Online textbook companies such as Varsity
Bookscom. Big\\"ords.com. ecampuscoin and
others have gained popularity on college campus-
es over the past two years. drawing students with
their cheaper prices. better buy-back offers and
low shipping costs.

The process is simple: search for books by
author. subject. title or ISBN number at the come
pany's home page. enter a credit card number
and address. and receive your books via l‘l’S.
usually within three business days.

Some students, though. point out the disad
vantages of online shopping.

Whitney Couch. a nuclear medicine technol
ogy senior. does not think that lower prices are
worth the uncertainty of buying her books on-

Other students agree.

"I don't want to wait three days to get the
wrong books in the mail." said Robin Foster. a
history sophomore.

“ecampuscom will continue to add new tele-
phone lines to accommodate the increased de»
mand." Alexander said.


I.“ m ** twin 44~uaus =°°° ' ’




Some UK students will defy logic
by racing an unusual canoe

By Katie Nelsen

51m infirm"

(‘ivil engineering students at l'K will make
concrete float.

Don‘t believe them?

Head down to Western Kentucky l'niversity
this spring. where fifteen members of the 1K
chapter of the American Society of (‘ivil lingi
neers are building a 24-foot concrete canoe in
hopes of successfully floating and racing it at




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the regional competition.

"To be able to make a concrete boat and
race it is what‘s so special about the whole
thing." said Anthony Skeese. a civil engineering
senior in charge ofthis year‘s canoe.

Members of the society must make their
own concrete that weighs half the amount of
standard concrete,

Floating concrete in water might sound like
the impossible. but to civil engineers. it‘s a way
to apply school to the real world.

“()utside ofschool and books. this is a way
to develop into a professional engineer." said
Matt lioone. a civil engineering senior and see
ondryear participant in the concrete canoe coin»

The competition takes place in liowling
(lreen. and involves both slalom and sprint
races. The events range from two people in the


Students from
tho Society of
Civil E noon
polo t on
coooo, which
will to usod in
this spring in
Bowling Grofin,

| no more


boat to as many as four. and there are male. fe-
male and co-ed competitions.

Boone said that the competition gives the
students a chance to interact with other stu-
dents striving to be civil engineers.

l’K finished fifth out of seven in last year‘s
competition. but lioone remains confident. He
hopes that this year‘s judges will take notice of
the many materials that have been donated to
the project. reducing the amount of funding nec»
essary from l'K.

"(‘ivil engineers are always trying to save
money... it makes us different from the other
teams." Boone said.

If the judges aren‘t impressed by UK‘s fru-
gality. the crew will just have to rely on attitude.
Says lioone.

“This is our company. this is our product.
and w.- are going to beat you."

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True that

“He was 0


-Vanderbilt center Greg

LaPointe on UK guard
Desmond Allison, who
was 0-for-7 going into
the Vanderbilt qame.

'Bout tizm:

“I was
happy I

was elated
Almost ec-
static to see


make some


-UK head coach
Tubby Smith on Desmond
Allison, who was 6-of-9
from three point land
versus Vanderbilt on


Coach says

“I thought
we showed
a lot of
poise. We
showed a
lot of grit.
Our kids

and showed
a lot of grit
after losing

the lead.”

- UK coach Tubby Smith.

.. n


Magloire nailed
his seventh

double-double a” ~‘
Saturday against



M o. It " s






i6. N.C. STATE
17. OHIO ST.

18. BYU

l9. KENT






Matt May sticks
his foot in his






' OI'


Threes bust up 'Dores

Shooting straight: Cats use shooter-friendly
Memorial Gym to race past Vandy in overtime

Dy Adam Spaw

sponsor.” EDnoR

NASHVILIJi It is when

ITK starts playing like l‘ac

Man. That's when it‘s most Inn to
watch. Indubitably

After such perilirinances. you
even get to hear the Wildcat coach
sound something close to win

“I was happy.” Tubby Smith
said after his team handed Van-
derbilt an til-7:; loss on Saturday.
“I was elated. Almost ecstatic to
see Desmond Allison make some

Everyone knows or maybe
just kids from the '80s how ex-
cruciating a game of Pac Man can
be when you run out of power pel-
lets. You start racing frantically
throughout the neon maze. Possi-
bly. with a few lucky breaks. the
next level is attainable. but you're
running scared the entire time.
That‘s the Desmond Allison we‘ve
all known lately.

Blinky. l’inky. Inky and (‘lyde
were garnered in Ole Miss uni-
forms last Wednesday night in
Rupp Arena. They were on a mis—
sion with a streak of Atari
vengeance. Desmond was clear out
of nifty pellets. The sophomore
guard went a miserable lsfor-lo
from the field. In previous con-

tests. he was good for a couple of
air balls.

“We watched film and he was
()—for-the-SE(‘." Vandy center (lreg
Lai’ointe said. He was right. too.
Allison was ofor T from behind the
line in Southeastern Conference

So the (‘ommodores had a
game plan. Stuck to it.

"We wanted him to shoot it
from outside," l.aPointe said. "He
did and it seemed like he made
about every one."

Behind the control stick was
coach Smith. hunched over and
concentrated. ever patient with his
slumping protege. We‘ve seen it
before with the likes of Jeff Shep-
pard. Allen Edwards. Scott Padgett
and lleshimu Evans. They hit
skids. then. suddenly. come out of
nowhere and enrapture the man
who‘s been most faithful. Like
Desmond Allison when he doubled
his previous career high for three
pointers by making six of nine en
route to a career-high 23 points in
\‘andy‘s shooter-frieiully Memori-
ai Gym.

This time. Inky and the gang.
clad in Vanderbilt black & gold.
were scared. flashing that crazy
cerulean. Allison and his band of
seemingly immortals were money.
()n a cold day in Nashville. the

Cats were the Chasers.

There was Jamaal Magloire
pouring in a career-best 23 points.
hauling down 15 rebounds. record—
ing his seventh double-double in
his last 12 games. There was
Tayshaun Prince double-pumping
a game-clinching three and mak-
ing it. There was UK acting like
the UK we love. They were Pac

“i thought we showed a lot of
poise." Smith said. "We showed a
lot of grit. Our kids persevered and
showed a lot of grit after losing the

After leading most of the sec-
ond half, UK found trouble when
Vandy switched to a zone defense
that held the Cats to just two has
kets the rest of regulation.

Any Pac Man connoisseur can
tell you what not to do in order to
survive the game.

“We were very stagnant. very
stationary," Smith said of his
team‘s offense against the zone.
“We didn’t attack it early enough
in the possessions."

In the end. after the overtime
victory, most observers were sur-
prised UK made 12 of 27 three
point shots after having made only
eight of 51 in the previous three
games — especially the villains.
whose game plan went awry.

“Sometimes you play the per-
centages." Vanderbilt coach Kevin
Stalling said. "Ken-
tucky made a lucky\ ’
play. Sometimes the li "““





Dawg‘s up next

Georgia sophomore guard DA.
Layne will try to shoot down the
Cats when UK travels to Athens
to battle the Bulldogs
Wednesday night.




falls short on upset

hint s.-':aoti,§:;’i’i


In" cruwrono l KERNELSTAFF

UK sophomore forward LaTonya McDole splits three Tennessee defenders.

Not this time: Despite had first half, Cats rally in
second stanza to fall just short of Tennessee

By Matt Ellison

SENIOR surirw’dirtn

The first halfwas a nightmare.
The second half was a dream. And

in the end. the inside strength of

the Tennessee Lady Vols w as too
much for the (‘ltls to overcome.

Led by liri‘ool 3 inch center
Michelle Snow‘s l8 points and sev
en rebounds. [J'l‘ knocked oll' Ken;
tucky Tl-ii'; before a rowdy. bipar
tisan crowd of Kliio at Memorial

Whether it was pro-game jit-
ters. Vaseline on the ball or some
thing else. llK had trouble holding
on to the. ball in the first half. UK
committed l7 first-half turnovers.
five coming from the hands of so
nior point guard Erica Jackson.

I"l‘ shot more than 50 percent frotn
the field in the half. which added
up to a its point deficit at halftime.
"When you have 17 turnovers
in a half. it's going to hamper your
scoring." IIK coach Bernadette
Mattox said. "We just didn‘t take
care of the ball in the first half."
iiut when UK started taking
care of the bail in the second half.
good things started happening for
the (‘ats. especially for forward
I.a'I‘onya McDoie. The sophomore


that]. 0 an

Serbs heard: Alabm leads, l2-9

scored three straight baskets in
the first half. bringing UK to with-
in 12.

“Even at halftime, we knew
we could come back and fight
them. and get back in the game,"
UK forward Laura Meadows said.
Not only did they come out fight-
ing, they almost pulled off an im-
probable comeback. holding Ten-
nessee to eight second-half field

After a Tennessee surge put
them ahead by 15, UK outscored
UT 12-5 in the next eight minutes.
The Lady Vols were plagued by
turnovers in the second half, com-
mitting 14 of their own. UT coach
Pat Summitt blamed the team‘s
lack of execution and movement
for the miscues.

“We just didn‘t have much
player movement." she said.
“When you stand around and
think sometimes. you turn the ball

With UK closing to six on two
McDole free throws, Lawson re-
sponded by going the length of the
court through UK’s effective full-
court press for a layup. triggering
six unanswered UT points.

“I got hit in the head pretty
hard,“ Lawson said of her mad
dash. “I was just trying to get the
ball upcourt and break their pres-
sure. and not turn the ball over.“

But Lawson did turn the ball
over twice in 14 seconds. which
came in between Jackson‘s two
layups and a three-point bomb
over UT‘s Semeka Randall, which
cut the lead to five. Jackson scored
all of her 11 points in the last four
minutes of the game before fouling
out with 45.3 seconds remaining.

A Rita Adams layup and a Na-
talie Martinez three cut the lead to
two with 9.6 seconds remaining.
But UT's Tamika Catchings
drained two clutch free throws af-
ter being fouled on the inbounds
pass. and UK could not convert on
their last possession.

The outcome of the came left
some UK players wishing they
could play the first half over.

“You'd always like to. but we
can‘t look back." Meadows said.
“We need to start bringing the in-
tensity we had in the second half
to every game and every practice."

In the end. UT‘s Summitt was
pleased with the gritty perfor-
mance of her team, especially Law-
son, who started at the point for
the first time in her college career.

“i‘m pleased for what I saw
from our players." she said. “We
had players make plays down the



Cats need to
change their
frame of mind

Gosh, that was close.

Not close like last year. when UK
stayed within seven at halftime in
Knoxville against the Tennessee Lady

Not close as in only getting beat by 20
or so, which would have been a moral
victory of sorts for this team a couple
of years ago.

This was CLOSE. Closer than the de-