xt7vq814r69r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vq814r69r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-09-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 2000 2000 2000-09-15 2020 true xt7vq814r69r section xt7vq814r69r LEFT OF CENTER

College TV





These not-so-new
reality-based TV
shows (We have been
watching “The Real
World" for years,
guys!) have been
either complete hits
or absolute flops.
Here are some ideas
for shows that I think
college students
would watch.

“The Power Hour"

Hosted by Daryl
Strawberry from his
house. this show
would see who can
take the most shots
of beer in an hour
and then operate
heavy machinery
such as
affectionately known
as the puke rocket,
and cars that only go


in reverse. If they
can drive through an
obstacle course
without puking or
hitting any barriers,
they win either a
stomach pumping or
a Pontiac Aztec
(whichever one is
most bearable to
take at the time).

“Sports Feuds"

Hosted by Marv Albert,
the show puts
diehard sports fans
against one another
in a small ring
surrounded by fans
and cheerleaders.
The fighting fans can
represent any pro or
collegiate team they
want and have to
fight one of their
main rivals.
Contestants must
wear their team's
colors. including face
paint and tight shorts
(for the ladies). The
first one who bleeds
profusely loses.

“Sorority Tiffs"

Jenny McCarthy and
Ricky Martin (for the
ladies) would host
this show that travels
to different
universities each
week. When sorority
feuds go wrong, you
can settle them here.
All fights start with
something like
yelling, "Our banner
was better!" "We
yelled louder!" or
“You all are ugly!"
Then an all-out brawl
insues with hair
pulling, clawing and
eye gouging. For
better mobility and
so nothing can get in
the way, all
contestants will wear
spandex (for better
or for worse) and be
separated during
commercials by large
fraternity guys in
boxer-esgue shorts.
Winner wins nothing
but glory on their

Other ideas

“A Divorce Story" to air
one hour after the
wedding story, and
an hour and a half
after "The Dating

-Ron Norton
E-mail count to date-23

5T 4.?

This little light of
mine, I'm gonna let it
shine - all day Saturday.



”5‘. ,- » x L

September l5, 2000


Almost _ .
Perfect > i.
Rave reviews for -
Crowe’s Almost

II .
g 4


Building controversy continues

Where to call home: Faculty members and contractors
disagree on location for new biomedical research building

By Keisha Carter

Faculty and independent contractors
could not agree Wednesday on the location
of a new Biomedical Biological Science
Research Building.

Professors and researchers concerned
with the proposed location of the BBSRB
packed the WT Young Library auditori
um to discuss the issue with contractors

The independent architects. engineers
and designers. hired by President (‘harles
Wethington in June. presented their find

ing in summary to why the building
should be built on Virginia Ayenue.

Some faculty prefer the BBSRB to be
constructed on I'niy'ersity I)riy'e because
of its proximity to campus.

It was clear that the issue the archi
tects anti faculty could not agree upon was
the human interaction that would be hin-
dered with the Virginia Avenue location.

“I came here to build a transitional
linkage. I don't see how this is going to
happen at the Virginia Ayenue site." said
Dr. Alfred (‘oheir director of the .\Iarkey
(‘ancer Center.

George Nielsen of .»\.I\I Kinney Inc.
the leader ot‘the consulting team to design
anti conduct the report. said the team felt
the I'iiiy‘ersity I)riy'e site suffers during
construction because of the demolition
necessary to the Kelley Building and the
Animal Pathology Building.

l)r. Emory Wilson. dean of the (‘ollege
of Medicine. said Iie beliey'es there is a
larger issue to deal with.

"I do believe this is an academic is
Medicine I felt it was important to repre
sent the majority of my facility that agree
that a location other than l'niy‘ersity lll'l‘w
is not best for our college and tit-I .irch'.
tects' report does not got» academics prior

Ilaniel {\lct‘oubrey «it \‘eiituii s.ott




All the fixins: Picnic
marks beginning of UK
fund-raising efforts

By Tracy Kershaw

Hundreds of students gobbled
down hot dogs, cotton candy and
barbecue sandwiches yesterday on
the Student Center patio. an area
ordinarily frequented by a only a
smattering of students.

N0, Mom‘s Kitchen didn‘t go

President Wethington did.

The President‘s Picnic initiat-
ed the Capital Campaign, said to‘be
the most ambitious funcl‘raising ef-
fort in Kentucky’s history.

Wethington and the cam-
paign‘s national steering commit-
tee will announce the official goal
of the campaign at 11:30 am. today
on the Administration Lawn.

The goal will be more than
$400 million, Wethington said.

UK vocal groups and a steel
band entertained the crowd, some
of whom sat on blue~and—white
checkered picnic blankets an
chored onto the grass.

The event had some students
thinking of more than just licking
the cotton candy from their

Sara Stoll. a history and politi-

See PICNIC on 2


Stacia Brock, a first year pharmacy student, and the rest of the choral group “Paws and Listen." ser-
enade President Iethington Thursday at the President's Picnic on the Student Center patio. The pic-
nic initiated the Capital Campaign activities. The fund-raising goal. said to be more than $400 million,
will be announced at 11:30 a.nr. today on the Administration Bullang Lawn.

mtouecu l PHOTO EDITOR




‘lt's the least we can do': UK Air Force and

ROTC remembers Vietna

of the Senate (‘ouncil walked by
the \‘igil on her way to the oliice.
Traditionally. the y'igiI ends

he said. “As dean of the college of

llrown and Associates lllt . caused a mas
siy l.‘ rumbling from the crowd when be pro
posed that the "the Virginia .\yenue site is
actually closer to the iii;iioi‘it_y oi the re
searchers than the l'iiiy'erstty Ilriye site “

Ill'. Leon .'\‘s\t'Ill. deal‘. of lliel tillegc of
Dentistry. disagreed with the architects to
saying the Virginia .-\y'eiiue site would in
hibit students. researchers and clinicians
from interacting with tach other

:\l‘t‘llllt’t‘ls said they 'tsked about :ttt
physicians. scientists and researchers
\\ here they thought would be the best Ioca
tion for IlllSly’Il

lilt‘ architects said contacting faculty
yas not a priority in their research. 'l'heii
priority was to recommend a lltt atioii that
would get I'K (loser to top it) public re
search siatus_ they said


puts SGA
in action

Get to work: Organization
has not be able to spend
since July

By Tracy Kershaw

nm are ~

The freere on St; \ funding thawed
Wednesday night. as the organization
passed a inuch~anticipated budget that
includes a Slitti'io increase for campus
sei‘y ice and a $I»i.3lltt increase in scholar
ships and grant allotments.

The organization had been without
a budget since July. making it unconsti-
tutional for II to spend any money for
the past two months.

The Apprtipriations and Rey'eiilie
(‘ommittee scrutinized the budget pro
posed by President Jimmy (ilenn and
Vice President Amanda Holloway. inak
ing seyei‘al amendments that included a
$3011 increase lll childcare grants from
last year and a Stilton decrease in liilttl‘r
ing funds.

“I think that this budget has a more
diyerse perspectiy'e because with .~\&R
you lli'th' different sects of campus that
represent different backgrounds and t»:
ganixations." said Tim Robinson. a sec

See BUDGET on 2




Call: 257-1915 or write:

Army ROTC hold vigil for Vietnam prisoners of
war and missing in action soldiers

By Nick Tomecelr


The last thing members of the
R()T(‘ want is for people to forget
the soldiers who ney'er came back.

They don‘t want the public to
forget either.

I’K Air Force and Army Re»
sery'e Officer Training (‘orp
cadets honored missing in action
or prisoners of war soldiers at a
yigil Thursday at Admiristration

“It‘s the least we . do to
show our appreciation for t-yery
thing we hay'e." said i‘:ir’~ Kristy
Nakayama. a kiiiesiolog. senior.

At the y'igil. a flag reading
“They will not be lorgott in” flew
hillldllzts‘i beside the yoierican
flag on the Administi. l‘till Field

The y‘igil is part of a week
long national remembrance of
prisoners of war and missing in
action soldiers. (‘adels stood at a

podium and recited of the
names. ranks and hot i towns of
Vietnam prisoners ano missing

liarlier in the week .‘tii l’rii‘ce
cadets y'isited the Veterans Ilospi
ml to show their respect for \etei‘
ans. Along with the Veterans Hos
pital yisit and the y'igil ‘l'- cadets
plan to rim from liexii'i'gw i to the
Vietnam memorial in i-r ..‘l'.lt)l'i
28 miles away.

The cadets .i.y'on'ed Thur vy
presented the greatest it-spect ii?
the y'igil.

“It's good to remember those
who Iiay'e done things so that we
can make certain (‘lllllt‘t's today."
said cadet Kristy Nakayaiiia a ki
nesiology senior.

I’i-ople walking by ' -re alTecl»
ed by the ceremony and said it
eyoked emotions o‘ both -'idness‘
and respect.

“It inak « on \.‘e .~ sad I
think of all its peepli that have
died," said (‘indy 'l ootl. secretary

lithium... . Lerngdon

w ith the playing of "Taps" and the
firing of a canon. but ROTC cadets
said university offit ials requested
that they refrain from the tradi-
tional action dut- to (‘ampus (‘am

"I was mad. The l’niyersity is
more concerned with money tliai‘
they are about P()\Vs and MIAs."
said Nakayama.

Nonetheless. cadets continued
without interruption the entire
day. reading the names of those
who fought for America so they
wotild not be forgotten.



The POW/MIA run is open to all
students. All interested in running
are to meet at 7:30 am Saturday in
tom of Barker Hall. The run will last
until about noon with a ceremony at
the Frankfort Vietnam Memorial.




Cadet Elizabeth Craft. a Spanish education lunior. recites the names of
Vietnam rows and MIA: Tlnrrsday at an oil-campus vigil that included
members of the Air Force and Anny Reserve Officer Training Corp.


 2| FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 2000 | keurucmr KERNEI.


The Low-down

Wing‘ is
one liber-
al cliche
Sheen is
so won-
and Rob
Lowe is so
that I still
like it,“

— Ben Stein host
of Comedy
Centrai's ' win
Ben Stein's
Money," to the
New York Post in
the wake of
Sunday’s Emmy
sweep of "The
West wing.“

The next Student Ticket Distribution will begin on Monday,
September 25‘“, Not on Monday the 18th as the ad stated yesterday.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

BE THERE this Saturday at 6 pm. in Commonwealth

During the game they will be announcing the winners
of the Greek Competition and 2 lucky student seasOn
ticket holders will win Nike Gift Packs for over $300.


Lee's detention ‘can't be justified'
W.~\Sllll\‘t}'l‘()f\' In a rare public disagree-
ment. I’resident (‘linton said yesterday that Wen
lIo Lee's long detention ’just can‘t be justified."
bitt Attorney General Janet Reno refused to apol
ogize and said the confinement was the nuclear
scientist‘s owit fault. The ooyear-old Lee. a for
mer [.lis Alamos laboratory scientist, went free

yesterday after pleading guilty to one felony of

mishandling weapons secrets (‘linton. who met
\\ ith .lustice officials at the White Ilouse before
Lee‘s indictment last Ilec. it). said he found it dif
tit-t“! in ietrospi-it to reconcile ltott the govern-
il‘ir"‘:7 iotx'iii keep stint-wir- iii iii? without bail.
c . rail t mil to the i'ta Eton; iii it they're ii ter

" ‘4. «1. i " . :t -mi.i out make that

Gore gains in electoral votes
‘.\\\lll‘».t15t"\' \‘ tint“ has ittif'tiid closer
. 3% 'i' .i :‘ .i ~ 'twdm‘. to claim the
i”. dusts in The .\s
it's to lead In 13
tizzriltia loi‘ 33-3 the
in I'i‘llliil“‘ti lithe
j litislt otliilll cistiin
.~..\ \iiothei' l 1 states
t as Lips llxperts say

.‘-7;:‘i‘-\ I'iiiiiili‘il’ [tut

.-\.]tttl\\fl .tit‘”
\.H CH” i“'i*\\

\ltt" s :tttts iltv

Easmg of gay blood ban rejected
i}.\l'i'lll-LRSlll'Rii. .\lii. iio\erntnent scien
fists :i::i‘i'ox\'.\ i'i‘lt‘i Yvil lili‘it;i<‘\ ii to ease the bail
on ,ifl‘» m'im blood dieters yesterday. citing con»
Ext‘ 'hv \\1\§‘T motif“ tilt in») about
m:i».e iii-.stti amt: Til“ \il).\‘ risk to the
t s liylt‘i‘: siip‘a‘t \’ iflr ti
‘:-". it had sex. "\i‘l‘:
in?” Those \\ho
‘2 Etxiiined trotn

‘.\ii!| \ia'iy it‘ till


Campaigns agree on four debates

V.\ ‘~..\'!ll.\t§ lilt.\‘ l-i~it:.::i.< :ti tit-orge \V.

. '- 2'» .- .i -l Eiittiw ti\t’i‘l’i'
iii t t ~' .\i (week

2 trot prime time
' « i set panel. 'l‘it'
_‘\itt rit :tiis \\ .31
. litti television
.1: Salem. .\ (K
' .. tilt tieltrite ‘t.isiti‘:;‘
"Tilt-l1! reached

will tititsi be

Model Liz
Hurley. who
won an apology
over an article
claiming she
said former
lover Hugh
Grant was inad-
equate in bed.
said she still
truly loved the
actor. She com-
plained about
an article which
wrongly claimed
she said sex
with Grant was
”less than ade-
quate" and she
did not miss it.


Elton John
walked out on a
concert just 30
minutes before
it was supposed
to start. "He
said he was
going out to get
some air, but
then he jumped
into his car and
went to the air-
port to catch
his private jet.
He never said
goodbye or any-
thing to any-
one." said a

Attention Students!

Stadium to support your


against the Hoosiers of Indiana!



Airport capacity linked to delays

WASHINGTON Inadequate airport capaci-
ty is a significant contributor » along with bad
weather - to increasing incidences of flight de—
lays. a (‘linton administration official told Con-
gress yesterday. ”Why should the entire national
air system have to put up with an endless num-
ber of flights scheduled from an airport that can't
handle them," Kenneth Mead. inspector general
of the 'l‘ransportation Department, asked at a
hearing on this summer's massive flight delays.
Appearing at a hearing of the Senate Commerce
and Transportation Committee. Mead said that
because of this. communities which resist air-
port expansion mav find themselves getting by-

First president's notes on Internet

\l'.>\SIIl.\'(}'l‘()N The Library of Congress
[)iilll‘s to ptit George Washington's diaries. with
2.:iooo entires. on its Internet site tomorrow.
l’lagtied with grave misgivings about his ability
to live up to his young country's expectations.
Washington prepared to leave the ”domestic fe-
licity” of Mount Vernon attd make the long jour~
net. to New York to take office as the nation‘s
first president. 'l‘hese thoughts were recorded iii
the diaries he had kept since he was 16.

Dow ends down 95; Nasdaq gains 20

NICW YORK Blue chips fell sharply yester-
day on pi'otit-taking and concerns about the drop
in the euro currency. but technology stocks
moved higher for a second straight session. The
lioe. Jones industrial average closed down 94.71
at ti.o87.17. ()n the NYSE. gainers led advancers
by a narrow margain. The Nasdaq composite iti-
(it“x lose NWT {it 3.91336.

Pacers coach Thomas faces deadline

lNI)I.»\.\l.-\I’()I.IS Indiana Pacers coach lsi»
ah Thomas is facittg an NBA—mandated Oct. 3
deadline to sell the (BA. ”I‘m still in the process
of trying to do that." Thomas said yesterday.
NIH commissioner David Stern and other league
officials have told Thomas that having him coach
the Pacers while owning the CBA would be a con-
tlict of interest.

Bush party: Debate tape seems real

l’t).\I().\'A. Calif. George W. Bush‘s catn-
paign said today that a videotape mysteriously
mailed to an Al Gore confident appeared to bean
authentic copy of the Texas governor‘s debate re-
hearsal. The FBI is investigating how the tape
and other material may have reached the Wash-
ington office of former Rep. Tom Downey. who
had been helping (lore prepare for debates.

Compiled from wire reports.



Continued from page i


cal science sophomore. had
specific plans in mind for how
the money raised should be

"1 would like to see them
put that for good use: parking
structures.” she said. “Or else
build more roads so we can
park in the streets."

Cheylin Schrock. an ISC
junior. shares Stoll's hopes for
some of the money to go to-
ward bettering the parking sit~

“They need to work on the
parking system in K-Lot and
how they run the buses," she

While 81011 and Schrock
would like to see improve—
ments outside of the class-
room. other students. such as
Tasha Harris. favor funding
for academics.

"We need better profes-
sors." she said. “More profes
sors that are well-known.“

Sara Todd. a member of
the Leftist Student Union who
had an information table at
the picnic. said she is weary of
where UK will solicit money
to reach the goal.

“I'm concerned that the
majority of the money we are

getting will come from corpo-
rations." she said. “I see no
problem with fund-raising, but
it matters where we get it."
The LSU sat with a sign
reading “For sale, $500 million
or best offer“ in front of their
table as a symbol of their fears
about the corporation influ
ence they fear could result
from the fund-raising effort.
Despite the LSU‘s opinion
of the campaign some adminis
trators felt the turn-out at the
picnic was positive indicator.
Chancellor Elisabeth
Zinser seemed optimistic as
she watched the student vocal
groups perform on the patio.
“I think this event and the
fact that it is the first of the
campaign says volumes about
the sense of community at
UK.“ she said. "The campaign
can only be as successful as
the level of belief behind it.“



":30 am Administration
Building Lawn announcement of
the Campaign fund-raising goal

1:30 - 5:00 pm. Academic
showcases. Nearly 100 events
hosted by every college and
program at UK to highlight aca-
demic and research excellence.





Continued from page i

ond-year law student and A&R

Robinson said the budget
reflects his committee‘s dedi-
cation to promoting diversity
and cultural awareness on
campus, with allotments for
race dialogues and a cross cul-
tural workshop.

Tutoring cutbacks result-
ed from a probable combina-
tion of SGA and Residence Life
tutoring services. said Aman-
da Lewis. senator at large. The
services often overlap. with
both SGA and Residence Life

offering tutoring in the same
subjects. By combining with
ResLife. SGA thinks students
will be bettered served.

Heavy debate between the
Senate and executive branch
on how the budget should be
passed resulted in a trip to the
SGA Supreme Court last Tues-
day. where the agreement was
passed that culminated in
Wednesday night's budget ap-

Increasing the scholarship
and grant allotment was a
campaign goal of Glenn and
Holloway. Glenn said it was
truly a team effort.

“We wanted to get the
money where it belonged ,. in
the hands of the students."
Glenn said.



' 0
g the

- Grea mess

T'iiiiu is it ttiii'i'sloiir in Mr Itfr of llii‘ llttitti‘rsili/ tit krtiltit‘ku
t‘ti ltt‘liiii’t (It’ll ilk littitilu titi‘tillii, stilt] and students - icc

.iiiti«itiii. i‘ the slittii liiticrst iiiiiii riiisiiic iiitiipiiicti. ilk l~ tel iisrii

al to



Mr iii'r'i t‘ lii‘iitti on Mr itiirsiii.‘ elyt't'iiltii‘ss . (trill llI;ii.1~,\’7i‘ili

America's Next Great University


iizst it. was .iitJ i': t‘I.‘ crciti‘rt' iitipiii'i’ Siii’li itsitiriii‘iitits iittitl titrtii'
oisilu er il‘llllillli it twice :\ ( all To ( .rcittness is it iai’ttssiii t/cl
irri'sislili/r i‘liii/lrticc irtlli endless possibilities loin lite it‘lcltritiinti ZUZUZU. ”kl/.t’dil

.il xiiitcriiii s \rtt (iri‘iil (litiz'crsilu












13mm (/1



Yzm‘fi‘rvms'm 1173(1)







gbk I}.

DOUG “ORGAN 1 111311;. '1‘311'

Undeclared freshman Robin Bryant leads fellow Delta Delta Deltas Wednesday in a serenade at the Sigma

Chi Derby Days.


Centre gets veep debate

Pressure pays: Cheney confirms his 1’121‘11"f,’1‘.;"'1;'"131,1];11:11:11,121;'11.1111;

presence at October Centre College debate

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Indiana loses academic funds

Money follows Knight out door:
Loss of Knight's contributions
will not hurt IU, officials say

By Amy Orringer


11‘ “111151 1111()().\ll.\'(}'1‘()X. 11111. 111111
Kniuht ;;11111111_\'h111111111 111111111111 l'nivwxityon 11111
(111111531111(111'1111‘1'11111'151'15“'1‘”, Knight 1111111111111
1111111'1 1111‘:11s11111111111_\ 1111' 111111111113 111111 1'11'1'1111111111's.

N111 111111 is the 1111511111111111 1111111111111 1111111151
1'111111111111111' 11111111111 by 11111511111 11111111111111s. 11111
Knight 111111111 11111211 1‘11111'11' 1111131111111 contributions
11111111 M11111 1.1111'1'11‘1'1'13 \\'1111.

$1111'111111-111'11‘1y 1.1191151 Knight 11:15 111\11 11111-11
his 51111111111 111 5111111111 library 11111111\\‘11111111 11111115.
1111'1111111111111111111111 “'11s 1111111111111 111 1115111111111.

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\lilin «mic-Em \llliii‘lil\' ham-
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more: sii. . "ss llit‘\ lt‘ liniiiiiiig liuiili-isliiii .iiiti
piviniiiiiiz ii .i‘liiift'Nill skills the-y \s'lli li\t‘ illl illi'lf li\'t‘.\
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HH iliw :l K 3' ill
Patrick Fuqit makes a big splash in his big screen debut in Cameron Crowe's Almost Famous, as Crowe's alter ego William Miller. the rest of the cast is \x i l .

equally impressive, with outstanding performances turned in by co-stars Billy Crudrup and Kate Hudson. t ”pm”; slum 1‘; ii.: mom I? '

l~lli.lil «iti.‘)l\llilxli1Pl'tflllg) nut
:llil Ii‘illl‘l‘ i'i‘iil.

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