xt7vq814r73s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vq814r73s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-09-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 02, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 02, 2004 2004 2004-09-02 2020 true xt7vq814r73s section xt7vq814r73s Thursday

newsroom: 257-1915

Celebrating 33 years of independence


Page 6


Father seeks to curb underage drinking

By Crystal Little

Michael Muth Sr. said he
might fall apart soon, but not
until his message of hope has
resonated with UK students
and Lexington residents.

While Muth said he is still
trying to find meaning in his
son Brian‘s alcohol-related
death last week. he‘s also plan-
ning a task force to tackle the
many problems that drinking
can create.

“This is a real personal
thing and I‘ve been trying to
deal with it in the third per-
son." he said. “it's been diffi-

He said he hopes interested
parties in the UK and Lexing-
ton communities contact him
and plan a round-table discus-
sion to determine a positive
path that creates a safe envi-
ronment for students.

He wants the discussion
panel to ideally include UK
President Lee Todd. Student
Government President Rachel

Watts. the UK Parent Associa-
tion. a student who was close to
Brian Muth and a student who
didn't know him. Mayor Teresa
Isaac. and UK and Lexington

When asked to compare the
forum's plan with other alco-
hol-awareness organizations,
Muth made clear his
support for Mothers
Against Drunk Driving
but said the program he
envisioned will be dis-
tinctly different.

“MADD is a wonder-
ful program." he said.
“but I don't want what
(I) feel to get confused
with MADD.

“I'm not naive
enough to tell (students) to stop
drinking. 1 don't think there‘s
anything wrong with drinking
a little bit." he said. “as long as
it‘s in moderation. it's in con»
trol. and there's been some
planning involved."

Such precautions are key to
intelligent forethought. Muth


explained. and will allow peo-
ple to make their own choices
in a wise manner if they do

“It's not like Big Brother is
looking at them." he said. “It's
so important for students to
know we don't expect ridicu-
lous things from them 7- (they)
have to figure out a lot
of these things for
themselves. and (par-
ents) as guardians have
a responsibility to let
them make their own

Muth's plan echoes
a similar program in
the works in the Office
of Greek Affairs. said
Susan West. assistant
dean of students and director
of fraternity and sorority af-

"What we have been em-
barking on is a program to re-
duce alcohol use campuswide.“
West said. "This program at UK
will achieve the same purpose."

The program. the Genesis

Group. is a coalition of 42 na-
tional and international frater-
nities and sororities dedicated
to finding solutions to binge
drinking and the student alco.
hol culture.

Watts. the SG president.
said she thinks both the forum
and the Genesis Group are ex.
cellent ideas.

“I would definitely get in
volved." Watts said of Muth's
planning discussion. “This is
something that has really af-
fected everyone."

Muth said he ultimately
hopes for a successful program
that might even spread to col-
lege campuses across the na-

“Some kind of product will
be produced." he said. “That
will never justify losing Brian.
but it'll help.“

To contact Michael Math Sr
regarding the forum, e-mail


Email clittlenukykernelcom



Muth's friend
won't be charged

By Bariush rsihafa
mi eriucxv new

UK sophomore Aaron McNulty will
not face charges in the alcohol-related
death of fellow student Brian Muth.
though police said the people who provid-
ed Muth with alcohol might be charged,

McNulty was the man who signed out
Muth. 19. an incoming sophomore from
Louisville. from the Lexington-Fayette
(Tounty Detention (ienter about 2 am.
Aug. 24.

Assistant County Attorney .lack Miller
said the decision not to file charges came
from Lexington Police.

“They obviously felt that there was no
criminal liability on his part." he said.

Miller. although not directly connected

See Charges on page 2






Music education and performance junior Seth Morris (front right) gets a back massage before band practice yesterday. After practice, the
hand went to Maxwell Place and performed a short concert for UK President Lee Todd and First Lady Patsy Todd.

Left: From left to

right, nursing junior
Sarah Danhauer. ‘
pre-pharmacyfresh- V
man Christa Dorsey, ~
animal science
freshman Jessi Tapp
and music education
freshman Marcus
Bunion perform at
Maxwell Place while ‘
(at right) President
Todd and his wife
cheer with the

senior assistants

and field comman-

der Seth Morris.

Cheney criticizes Kerry's leadership ability

By Johnl’ Harris
mt wisumctou POST

NEW YORK Vice President Dick (‘h
eney reached back decades into .lolm Kerry's
life last night. arguing in taunting language
that the Democratic presidential nominee
has demonstrated through his public state
ments and votes that he is unfit to be coin-
mander in chief in an age of termrism

“History has shown that a strong and
purposeful America is vital to preserving
freedom and keeping us safe yet time and
again Senator Kerry has made the wrong
call on national security." (‘heney told the
Republican National Convention. on a night
when President Bush arrived in the city in
preparation for his address tonight.

Reciting a litany of what he called mis-
guided statements by Kerry. (‘heney in re
marks prepared for delivery. started with a
comment the Democrat made while in his
twenties. saying that he wanted US troops
deployed "only at the directive of the United

then cited the Massachusetts
senator's defense votes from the 1980s. a vote
against the first l’ersian (:qu War in 1991.
against a funding request last year to pay
for the lraq occupation. concluding with his
recent call for a "more sensitive" approach
in the fight against terrorism.

"He talks about leading a more sensitive
war on terror. as though al-Qaiila will be im-
pressed with our softer side." (‘heney said.
(‘ontinuing his assault at Madison Square
(larden. the vice president added: ”Senator
Kerry denounces American action when
other countries don‘t approve as if the
whole (lhjt‘t‘l of our foreign policy were to
please a few persistent critics."

The theme for the convention's penulti-
mate night was "l.and of ()pimrtunity." de-
signed to tout the administration‘s econom-
ic plans and make the case that prosperity is
returning llut the theme of fear of the
prospect of terrorism. and of Kerry's al»
leged inability to fight it remained by far
the dominant note from the podium.

Keynote speaker Sen Zell Miller of



(leorgia. a disaffected Democrat who has '

taken flight from his party to endorse Bush.
struck many of the same arguments of (‘h»
eney. in language that was even more mock-
ing of Kerry a colleague he has previous-
ly campaigned for and hailed as a war hem.

Noting several Kerry votes against
weapons systems. Miller crowed: "This is
the man who wants to be commander in
chief of our US. Armed Forces? US. forces
armed with what'.’ Spitballs""

Twelve years ago. Miller. then the gover-
nor of Georgia. gave the keynote at the De-
mocratic convention that nominated Bill
(Tlinton. at the same Madison Square Gar-
den hall where Republicans meet now. De-
mocrats have said Miller‘s move proves the
opportunism and inconsistency that Repub
Iicans accuse Kerry of. But Miller cast his
appearance as one of principle: “I ask
which leader it is today that has the vision.
the willpower: and. yes. the backbone to best
protect my family." he said. “The clear an-

swer to that question has placed me in this I

hall with you tonight."

saw pursue
Referendum One

Watts says she won't seek to have
students elect SAB. WRFL leaders

By Trrcra McKinney
nit tritium xinnti

Student Government will not address a ref
erendum approved last spring that would have
allowed students to elect the leaders of the Stu-
dent Activities Board and WRFL-FM. St; Presi—
dent Rachel Watts said

"i have other things to do this year. and I
am not planning on addressing it." Watts said
of Referendum (me

The referendum. sponsored last spring by
(‘ollege of Law Seiizitor lli‘aplius Kaalund and
former Senate (‘hairman .lohn Weis. rhh't‘fl stu-
dents if they "support popular elections for ex-
ecutive officers of student or
ganizations that receive the
student activities fee "

The referendum passed
April 1. with roll totes for and
571 votes against

Watts said the referendum
was used as a way to gather in
formation from students and
does not mean any action will
take place

"The referendum was on
the St} ballot. but was not supported by SU."
she said.

Any lfK student can petition for a referen
dum to be placed on lllt‘ ballot.

“Kaalund and Weis were acting .is indepen-
dent students. apart troni their roles lll St}. ' she

Watts said for any action to be taken on the
referendum. a student would have to bring up
the matter to administrators or St} because S(}
does not plan to address it

Weis. who graduated in May. said he has no
plans to pursue the issue.

The i‘cii-rendum was placed on the ballot to
address the fact that 80. WRFL and SAR are
the only organizations ted by money from stir
(lent fees

SAD receives ST (it) of each student‘s fees.
WRFL gets 32 so and so gets s'. 3.3.

S(;'s leaders are elected through popular
election by students. while WRHIs and SAB's
leaders are chosen from within the organiza

if the information gathered through the ref-
erenduin would be addressed. SAD and WRFL
could be forced to change how they select their

(‘urrently WRFL‘s general manager is cho
sen through a selection process Within the rar
dio station. said Michael PoWell. WRFL‘s gener‘
al manager

Any strident may work at the radio station.
but the current requirements to be the general
manager are that the student must have one se-
mester of experience at the radio station and be
interviewed by the current general manager
and two student staff members. Powell said.

Powell said he disagrees with those who
think WRFL‘s leaders should be subject to pop
ular election.

“At the base level. unless you are involved
with an organization. you may not understand
who is the best leader for you." Powell said.

Powell said the kind of elections that work
for SC would not work for WRFL,

“For WRFL. you need to know what they
(candidates) can do and who would be held best
accountable to students. Lexington. the commu-
nity and. ultimately: to the FCC. How do you in-
troduce a platform for a non-governmental
body?“ Powell said.

SAB president Lindsay Crelly said average

See 56 on page 2



Sept. 2, 2004



Rasdall exhibit gives students
chance to express themselves

given back to the creator
when the exhibit closes.
Amshofl‘ said.

"It is iteat to be able to
sit in and see people's
thoughts and creativity
come out in their art." said
l'lrin ()‘t‘onnor. a biology
sophomore who is a moni-
tor at the gallery. “You can
see all kinds of art on dis
play that your peers creat
etl “

Ainshot't' said the event
was developed to allow stit-
(lents to haye access to a
working gallery and itse the
supplies that would not usu
ally be ay'ail-
able to them

The type
ol art that is
display ed
y'aries be-
cause of the
dil‘t’erent me
dia used by
the students

An out-
side photog
raphy exhih
it from (‘hile
will be the
next show at
the Rasdall
. iiisliot't said

The gallery has featured
students and professional
:ii tists alike I.ast semester
’iaer displayed his
show ”.tiiiu Heck. l-liid ot
l.;le l’hotos' lt portrayed
.‘iis aunts last days and llll'
at .l nursing home

last semester. art lllll‘t'r

ltlllt'itllllt‘. iita
shows :ii

iii i‘i'ssllili'

By Ashley Graves
iiifiit‘u't‘ucki intuit

Finger painting as core
curriculum ends around
kindergarten for most,

But the Student Actiyi
ties Board is giving stu
dents a chance to expert
ment once again with the
color wheel and other me
dia to bring out their inner

“The World is Your (‘an-
vas." an interactive exhibit.
is presented by SAB in the
Rasdall Gallery in the Stu-
dent Center.

dents don't
know the
gallery is even
here." said
M e r e d i t h
Amshoft‘. SAB
curator ot‘ the
Rasdall Gallery:
"It is a fun way
to introduce the
gallery to the
students. mak
ing them more
likely to attend
exhibits in the

Students can paint.
sketch with charcoal de
coupage. sculpt clay or cie
ate origami using the mate
rials provided by syn

“Students come in
don't think that they
creative." Ainslioft' said
“But when they down
and work. they end up ci‘e
ating interesting lllct‘es
When it's on display
are proud oi their work _‘

Eill‘h ll‘ll’lt‘ anyone and when lor \lLtl
work can be displayed ii: . in; HM. amply,“ “1.1
the gallery or taken home I-,‘ mm!
The displayed lilel es w it? l, iter'rcl mm


When (stu-

dents) sit down
and work, they
end up creating

pieces." _

tiascal- Gamer » .ildlC'



".1": and a?"

they was held the

".tiii"' l' i\ in

o‘i linished



dev. isloii was

winilil he ltll'd‘


Continued from page i

\irtinis s.’llll
lit: lit'wlli"

pet illil‘ w in) lll)\lt

with the case. has been t-llloxy in: it ..r.d
said he agrees w itii the ill cisio'.

“From what 1 lit-azd l would . e'
cur with that." .\lllll'2' said

Leyitigton poia e MM '3.-' 1-.
not to charge .\li.\'i:l'. wet 2c . 1' .
n't commit a minimal 1" a...

"We didn‘t
statutes that apply 'i

“Based on th c
rence with the mouth


Continued lrorn page ‘


. ..
.i mitt...


thins. "‘ 1' ' -. 'r with

, .., ..
..il. lii‘dl .lh.

lll' llllill

on at ordinances






l ’lllill leel that

”ill-rt. in e would know what to do"

students litltl“l lulilt‘A we ..d
make the best le'cli '.‘s lot 8 \ll

(‘urrently S \l’. leadl :x
through an mm x iev. pm l i- v. if}: S \lt
members and s'iiile'tfs

an: s to


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bruSh with creativity

Crystal Little
Features Editor

Phone. 257~l9l5
[-mail' (littleiwliyliernel com




l'olii e are still iny'estigating the par
at 11: lilllsiill S! where .\luth was ar
"esied on .i t ltai'ge ol' alcohol intoxica

against 'liose who hosted the
i that w ill depend on lind-

tis \.t‘i(l it would he likely that
-d the party would
harm ot thud-degree unlawlul

lieioniiiig pi‘l"ident. (‘i‘elly'
sanl she to in charge ot homecoming
.. 'l‘iilll'y planning committees
:.elped her lear

To know as president

l’oewll said he w.

m morn
Students can create any type of artwork available in the Rasdall Gallery,
located on the second tloor of the Student Center. Students may visit the
gallery and engage in a variety of different media such as charcoal.
pastel, sculpture and mosaic.


Color your world

”The World is Your Canvas" exhibit is currently
open and will continue through Sept. 24 for students
and members of the community to produce and show-
case their talents.

The Rasdall Gallery is open Monday through Fri-
day from 11 am. to :3 pm.

l-‘i yr iiil‘oriiiation concerning exhibits or shows. con-
tact the SAli oliice at 3.318867 or visit wwwiuksaborg




that coming. Sinims said.

ltut Sinims said there is no word on
how long it might take tor that iiiyesti
gation to yield results.

"it's one ol those things. if it hap
pens, we moy'e l'orward with it," he said

Though it is a particularly hard in
\‘l'\ll;.{.’llloli, Simms said. police plan to
follow it through

"(‘ases ltl\‘til\ll‘tg young people are
always dil'ticult loi' police. especially at
the beginning ol' the school year," he
said. "lt‘s pretty tough. but that‘s what
we do."

no charges

might be

minor. a misde

:It addition to charges related
beyerage control laws and

Email (ls/mm .I A‘ykerncl,com

l. nil ctiazges also could he l‘orthr

student lites [in orderl to hold them ac-
countable to students" Do you elect l.ee
Todd. the l'tistollial stall. lll'.lll\ looil
service workers“ l'nder the logic that
anyone held .iicouiitable to students
should be elected, these people should
he. too,"

ii what she would

someone with no

'ls totit‘i'l‘iil‘tl with
21.: leaders to positions at WRH.

E mail if
rch'imiei :2 At A'ei‘nc/tom

students began


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.lllllt' Batcs
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Julianne Steiner

l..iiii‘cti RaiicL
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.\lc.igh.iii \Vooliiin
\Vhititcy l)y.iii
l‘lllllly _loiics
.\lltll't'.l \Valctich
Brenna Brooks

1;. .. ..

(Zhi'istina Berry
l..iiii'cii .\lc(ioi'iiiicl\'
Brittany \\'.i|ctich
.\shlcy Baldwin
landscy l‘listci' Rcliccca l‘licltls
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.\l.ll'y Lynn .\il.iiiison
Kristina \iola
Kclly Higgins
.\lc.igan Brady
.latlllt‘ (iiirilncr
\iidrcy Long
\iiiic \Valigora

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Robyn Brandenburg
ki‘lly Kicswcttt‘r
(yllllilt‘ 'liilier
.\lcg.iii ’l'lioinpson



Sept. 2, 2004


Cats take down EKU,
sweep home opener

By Laura Nelquan

The motto of IIK‘s volley
ball team this season is "Iilue
Attitude" In last night's home
opener against lilastern Ken»
tueky. this wasn‘t just talk. hut
a defensive action that equalid
a 34) win for the (‘ats

“()ur blocking and de
tense were our strong
points." said l'lx’ junior out
side hitter IJanielle Wallace.
“We worked a lot in practice
on touching and digging"

With the score tied 31721
in the third game. lfk' (‘oach
.lona Braden called timeout
to keep that attitude alive af
ter EKU had rallied hack
from 212047 deticit.

"I wanted to remind them
that we are fighting for otte
point at a time. to clamp down
on offense. and get ett'ort
points." Braden said. "I want
ed to make sure they were feel-
ing hunger for every point."

After that timeout. I'K

outscored I‘lKll 9-3 to end the

”It‘s the kind of volley
hall we want to play." Spin»
her said. "We started oitt
with good defense. blocking
and setting."

In the first game. UK took
control early. outscoring the
('olonels use. EKIl got as
close as Ell-I I. Iltll UK closed
them out fit) as.

The two teams traded
leads for niticli of the second
game and were tied 1:113. A
kill by senior outside hitter
Sarah Spinner sparked five
unanswered points from the
(‘ats. Spinner kept the momen~
ttini going with a diving save
that led to a point by Wallace.
putting the (‘ats at 21-16.

“We did so well because
we are not dwelling on had
plays. not letting EKII get
any runs. and we kept our
heads in the game." said in
uior middle blocker Amy Ka-
plan. whose kill of an EKI'
serve ended game two. :tozi.

Tim Wisernan
Sports Editor

Phone 2571915 1 Email sprxtsiwiiyiiernelcom

UK junior outside hitter Danielle Wallace scores in UK’s win over EKU.

Wallace said the win w ill

set the tone for the rest of the

"We really played like a
team.” Wallace said "The en

ergy was phenomenal. and

we can‘t wait for the next


lnelligan .r Irykernelrom

Kicker keeps fun all to himself

Editor ‘s note; This is the scrcnrli of
eight stories iridium/71g l'l\"s football

team position hr positron.

By Jeff Patterson
art «were KIRNEL


Their message to Ruth: "Kick it.
httt don't kick it out Please?"

But Ruth hasn't heard their pleas.
yet, Apparently no one talks to kick
except for kickers and snaps

Scouting the special teams

Strengths: The kicking game. With his
touchhacks. (‘lint Ruth is the defenses
best friend on kickoffs. Taylor Begley usu

ally makes any field goal inside 40 yards.




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(‘lint Ruth is the ultimate hit/x
kill for I'K's special teams.

Everyone around Itiin is hyped as
the senior kicker prepares for the

Then Ruth has to go kick the loot
hall through the end mite.

“()ne of us wants to make a tug
play.“ said senior safety ('laiirle
Sagaille, who is usually one ot the
first players down the tield

liven with Ruth limiting theioy ot
the rest of his ktckott coverage team
mates. they were sllII one of the host
in the Southeastern conference III
that category in Boos. and they Il'..’lIl'|‘
to he again this year

The (‘ats finished \i‘trillll in the
SI‘It‘ to national champion Louisiana
State. ()pponents .i\’ei':i;‘.e loll yards
per return against Ill s :I.‘- tettit'naliie

Ruth had Jil Your liliai ks out ol .M
kickoffs last year

“It's great. hut if‘ter a while. we
try to tell hm: to calm down.”
Sagaille said

“Most of the time we kind of like
to he left alone.” Ruth said. "Let us
stay in our own little reality thing. I
like it like that.“

Still. kickers and non-kickers
have a mutual respect for what the
other does

And each side wants to have the
liest coverage unit in the Slil‘ To do
that. Ruth said he couldn‘t hold hack.

“We really want e\er_\ llli‘Il we
can get.” Ruth said “It's e\irenielv

“It‘s \tl much pride ill a hll‘r'JlII
that it‘s the tirsr titiie l'\e seeti people
get angry it a team gels over the EU
vard line." .S.t~,:ail!e slllfi "It's a pride
like no other"

liiu Sagaille and his teammates
would like to have a chant c to ni‘ike s
tackle once III a while

“You‘ve got too man\ In ped tieo
tile 'wllo \\;llli to knock
head otl‘.~ he said “It's east no ttia
when you see the hall Int: the end
[one "

l) rrrtrrl ///(1t'lt’l'srill

m inli'r lHl‘ \

A i lav-nil t , rm

Weaknesses: Last year it was the
punting game, There was the fumbled
punt and the blocked punt against
Louisville. Rut snapper Jason Dickerson
hasn i had any trouble getting the hall to
punters Anthony Thornton and Sevin Su-
cut‘ovic this fall.

Player to watch: Keenan Burton. He'll
he replacing Derek Aliney as the returner.
Ilurton exploded in the Blue-White game
wnh a tiayard kick return TI) to start the

Newcomers: Dicky Lyons Jr and John
I,H§.l'lll liyons has attrihutes very similar
to .\line_\. hut he‘s been hanged tip for the
past couple of weeks. Logan redshirted
last year and has shown lug play potential.
He's so last that when he catches the hall.
he's ,tone The prohlem is he has to catch it

()utlook: There are no surprises with
t'ie kickers. 'I‘he puntmg game is hetter
w ith 'l‘liornton and Sticurovic sharing the
role The return game will survive the hiss
ot .-\.liney. 'I‘l'ie higgest thing they have to
Cl\1illI is one ot those costly l1} men on the
hold penalties.

.lr’il l’urlcr's‘orr

Judge dismisses charges against Bryant

By in iimc

iIltl' “

gricearolrl woman

woman He otiez'eii .=illlili;lit'\

and supporters. lellI to the






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I‘l.‘:.\(iII I‘HIM‘
as it was III';TI:lI‘..fi:f
day when .i (‘oloiado iurlge
dismissed the Il‘illll‘y \t'NllllI
assault char-4e .‘lt‘;llll\l the
I.os Angeles lurkers guard
and liat‘t'ed prosecutors from
filing new that-tau. m the

With lllt“.
derway and opening .’ll';_'ll
ments scheduler? 'o Iii‘tllll
next week. liisirict .»\ttorney
Mark Ilurlhert announced at
a dramatic llth-hoiir hearing

'LllII‘lI inc:

\‘iNil ‘I'

selection llll

who hroiight the charge
.l;.’.il!‘.\l liryant did not want
~o testify at a criminal trial
'I this reason and this rea
son onl\ ” llurlheit \aid. he
asked the iiidge to drop the

llryant stili laces a ci\il
suit in tederal court in which
the woman alleges he raped
her .II a Rocky Mountain re
sort hotel in the summer ol
Litton lint with the crinnnal
rlial’ues dropped. the NRA
all star Illls no risk ot iail

liryant. ‘Jo. has said he
had consensual sex with the

in .i sta'enmitt :‘vlleased alter
the court hearing

"I wan' to urologi/e to
air to: 'iijt li='l:l\li\‘ that
lilL'Ill and Mt 'lo ionse
iitieie . s she his «littered ill
the past year he said in the
statement it arl hv his lawyer.
I’amelsi Mackev. in which he
apologi/ed to her tamily. his
I:lllllI\ and fi-‘\itlioiit.'h this
year has laeen lfll tedihl‘. rill
licult tot' me personally. I can
only imagine 'lii
has liad to enriiire I also
want to apologi/e to Ill” par
cuts and Illllll'i nieniliers.
and to my tiniil'. iiid ti iends

pain she

citizens ol‘ I'Zaule. l‘olorado
".\liliouch I truly helieve this
encounter Iii-tween as was
consensii d ” Iii'xotit‘s state
merit continued 'lrecogni/e
now that did not and
does not view this incident
the same way I did "

'I’he accuser's personal
I.’l\\\el‘. .lolin l'iuiic. said the
woman\ concern increased
sharply \‘i hen the pulse ruled
that evidence of her se\ual
vll‘ll\ l'\ in the days \UI"
roundin; her encounter with
Itrvant could he made piihlic
.l' the trial



. in: COMICS




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Sarah Ayers
Hannah Bender
Allison Bethel
Chauncey Boggs
Amanda Brown

Erin Brown

Shannon Carothers
Sally Cathcart

Cara Childers

Sarah Cook
Lauren Dugger
Maggie Fennell

Kristin Ford
Erica Gillespie
Lauren Goodin
Ashlee Gribler
Carrie Grimes
Morgan Hale
Leah Hamilton

Brittany Hampton
Georgia Healy
Brittany Hensley
Amanda Hoover
Katy Houston
Megan Howard
Lindsey Humkey
Rebekah lson
Kristen Kaufman
Erica Keller
Katie Klein



We/ Love OW

New 14pr

Emilee Young

Kelly Leech"
Kristin List
Katy Marcum
Christie Mitchell
Jayme Mitchell
Britney Mueller
Cassie Napier
Megan Nethery
Alexa O'Brien
Ravin Orrender
Emily Overbey
Lauren Peal
Lori Reifert
Lauren Rogers
Amanda Scott
Jen Shaver
Meredith Shaw
Stephanie Skavdahl
Molly Smith
Renee Smith
Lauren Snowden
Sara Stout
Ashley Sullivan
Wesley Swafford
Britney Tackett
Lauren Threlkeld
Shannon Toney
Lauren Wenstrup
Lacy Wright
Liz Yates

Del/tax Pix






Sept. 2, 2004



Group offers realistic options

Controversial platforms. opinions
and ideologies are often relegated to
posters. protests and T-shirts.

This isn't the case with UK Stu-
dents for Life's message

The abortion-opposing group has
found a way for its message to surpass
the Student Center‘s Free Speech area
and find a place in people's lives. no
matter their beliefs.

And while this editorial board is
split on the abortion issue. we applaud
the group. along with Student Govern
ment. for finding a way to make its
message applicable in the real world.

Last night. the groups hosted a
pregnancy resource forum on campus.
where health insurance. housing. fi-
nancial aid. counseling and childcare,

among other issues. were discussed.
UK Student Health Services. the ad-
ministration and the President's (‘oni-

mission on Women are just a few of

the groups that gave unbiased informa-
tion on what‘s normally a very biased

As opposed to upholding the mud
throwing. name-calling and negativity
of the abortion controversy. this pro
gram had roots in positivity.

Radical and iitopian visions were
left at the door, left in the place of prac-
tical advice and options.

More groups should use the same
approach. Here are some suggestions:

l’ro-choice advocates. tell students
where to get the proper health care and
counseling after having an abortion.

(lay marriage proponents. let peo
ple know how to get the benefits
straight couples receive joint insur-
ance. inheritance and hospital visita-
tion rights.

(lun control opponents. do more to
show people how to handle guns safely
and where they can safely use their

The power of screaming slogans
telling you what to think has long lost
its effectiveness on a student body that
largely has been raised on television
propaganda and talking heads.

Take tip the UK Students for Life‘s
approach and educate us with realistic

()therw'ise. you will have little ef»
fect on this community

Q&A With Don ThorntOn

UK parking and transportation services director


.1 ”sea. ‘ g;


cnais mnouts i snrr

UK Parking and Transportation Serwces Director Don Thornton says regular parking enforcement is necessary to keep order on campus.

l'li' Director of Parking and
Transportation Serrices Don
Thornton sat dotcn recently with
Assistant Opinions Editor Ben
Roberts to discuss parking issues
on campus.

. ” What do you see as the
missmn of Parking and Transporta-
tion Services?

ltlun’r; the mission o