xt7vt43hxw44 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vt43hxw44/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19320418 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1932-04-apr18. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1932-04-apr18. 1932 2011 true xt7vt43hxw44 section xt7vt43hxw44 Minutes of the regular quarterly meeting of the board1 of Trustees, University of Kentucky, for Monday, April 18, 1932. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular quarterly session in the President's office at the Uni-- versity on Monday, April 18, 1932, at 10:30 a. m. The follow- ing memifbers were present: Dr. W. W. Wash, Mr. Louis E. Hillen- meyer, Mr. Robert G. Gordon, Mr. J. B. Andrews, Mr. James Park, Judge Richard C. Stoll, Mr. E. B. Webb, and Mr. J. R. Rash* Meeting with the Board were Frank L. McVey, President of the Uni- versity, and Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Board. The minutes of the meeting of the Board for the month of December, 1931, and the minutes of the Executive Committee for January, Febmuary ald March, 1932, were all approved as published. (1) Report of the Business Agent. The report of the Business Agent for the month of March was presented and a motion was made, seconded and carried that the report be entered in the minutes. The report was as follows: EXHIBIT "B" Current Month 14,390.69 State of Income and Expenditures Month of March 1932 Previously Reported General Fund Income Federal Apprtpriation 42,750.00 Vocational Ed. Bd. 5,879.62 State Tax 761,768.42 Int. on Liberty Loan Bonds 850.00 Int. on Endowment Bonds 8,644.50 Student Fees 146,373.88 Student Fees - SumS.ch. 46,861.90 Student Fees - U.H.S. 10,180.00 Student Fees - El.Tr.Sch.ll,871.05 Student Fees - Un. Ext. 20,918.63 Misc. Receipts 18,596.13 Special Agr. Appro. 2,253,26 Rentals 2,590.40 Men's Dormitories 17 395.74 Total 1,096,933.53 Riscal Year To Date 42, 750.00 5,879.62 776,159.11 85QQ00 8,644.50 1, 683.96 148, 057.84 46,861690 30.00 l0,210.00 1,165.00 13,036.05 4,226.99 25,145.62 1,979.20 20,575.33 2,253.26 246,50 2,836.90 219.75 17.615.49 23 942.09 L,120,875.62 Expendit ures Instruction Adm. Exp. & Maint. Add. & Betterrments Total Excess of Income over Expenditures 639, 852.15 271,126.57 106,508. 67 1,017 487.39 79,446. 14 6, 798.60 646,641.75 15,893.67 287,020.24 1,038.95 107 547. 62 23,722.22 1,041,209.61 219 87 - .796.01 Patterson Hall Income Board 48,068. 33 Misc. Receipts 154.35 Room Rent - Summ-ner Sch. 4, 777. 75 Total 53_ 000. 43 Expenditures Expense Add. & Betterments Total 34 718. 78 8,844.25 ds3,s563. 03 2, 362.20 58. 55 . 2 420. 75 5, 824.10 5. 824. 10 Excess of Income over Expenditures General Fund Income General Fund Expend. 9,437.40 1,149, 933. 96 1,061,050.42 (3,403._35) 26,362.84 29,546.32 6,-034.05 1,176,296.80 1 090,596.74 Excess of General fund Income over Expenditures 88,883.54 Excess of Receipts over Expenditures for General Ledger accounts 89,522.15 Excess of Receipts over Expenditures for the fiscal year to date - General Fund 178,405.69 (31,183.48) (33$167.95) (361 351. 43) 85,700.06 56,354.20 142,054 26 Excess of Receipts over Expenditures for the fiscal year to date - General Fund Cash in Banlk July 1, 1931 General Fund Cash in Bank March 31, 1932 - General Fund 142,054. 26 (107, 858. 56) 34, 105. 70 50 430.53 212.90 4, 777. 75 55,421.18 40,542.88 8,844.25 49. 387. 13 . 3. Trust Fund Income Student Loma Fund Student Notes Pa.id Total Receipts Expenditures Expense Student Notes Total Excess of Receipts over Expenditures Excess of Receipts over Expenditures for the fiscal year to date - Trust Fund Cash in Banfk July 1, 1931 - Trust Fund Cash in Bank March 31, 1932 - Trust Fund 2,057.15 3,449.80 149.11 256.63 5,506.95 405.74 5912.69 425.57 42.00 467.57 4,300.00 728.00 5,028.00 4,725.57 770.00 5,495.57 781.38 (364.26) 417.12 2,206.26 3.706.43 417.12 1. 417. 64 1.834. 76 Experiment Station Income Hatch - Fed. Appro. Milk and Butter - Cash Receipts Beef Cattle Sales Dairy Cattle Sales Sheep Sales Swine Sales Poultry Sales Farm Produce Sales Horticultural Sales Seed Test Rentals Miscellaneous Fertilizer - Fees Public Service - State Appro. Public Service - Misc. Fed.ding Stuffs Fees Adams - Federal Appro. Serum - Sales Serum - Virus Sales Serum - Supply Sales Serum - Misc. Receipts State Appropriation Creamery - License Fees Creamery - Testers' Lic. Creamery - Glassware Tested Robinson - St. Appro. Robinson - Misc. Rec. 11, 250. 00 8 326.08 1 076. 35 198. 81 424.93 710.14 2, 151. 30 1,679.69 17 180. 05 22.00 3,203.36 2,641.86 8 191. 00 5 499.99 39. 60 22 242. 15 11 250. 00 2 181. 13 100. 35 123. 55 53.41 12,340. 03 5, 555. 00 1 9 812. 00 211. 44 5, 202. 16 500. 09 873.92 50. 62 179. 37 39.76 19.70 171.57 338. 51 10,473.00 1,833.33 2,212.76 185.82 11.10 21.25 5,673.37 49.50 46.00 36.29 1,529.28 11 250. 00 9,200.00 1, 076. 35 198. 81 424. 93 760. 76 2,330.67 1 , 719. 45 1 ,199. 75 22. 00 3 374.93 2,980.37 18,664.00 7 333.32 39. 60 24,454.91 11 , 250. 00 2,366.95 111. 45 144. 80 53.41 18, 013. 40 5, 604. 50 1, 858. 00 247. 73 6,731.44 500.09 4. West Ky. St. Appro. 5,581.28 West Ky., Misc. Rec. 208.49 Purnell - Fed. Appro. 45,000.00 St. Appro. - Patterson Farm Pur. 25,O00.00 Nursery Inspection - Vees 1,430.00 Nurse~ry Inspection - St. Appro. 682.96 Poultry Improvement 1,630.00 Cream Grading 6,150.00 Blood Test 1.126.25 Total 194,975.45 Expenditures Expense Add. & Betterments Total 261, 950. 06 2,409.39 264a 359. 45 1 576.86 249. 59 115.00 352.90 300. 00 109.25 79158.14 458. 08 45, 000.00 25,000.00 1,545.00 1,035.86 1,630.00 6,450.00 1.235. 50 26, 448.75 221X424.i20 293,162.05 291,112.11. 234.96 2,644.25 29,396.91 2932756.36 Excess of Expdndi- tures over Income (69,384.00) 1930-1931 Accounts Pay- able liquidated during Current Year (16.511.37) Excess of Expenditures over Receipts (85 895.37) Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for the fiscal year to date - Experiment Station Cash in Bank July 1, 1931 - Experiment Station (2 948.16) (2,948.16) Cash in Bank March 31, 1932 - Experiment Station (72,332.16) (163 51137) (88 ,84353) (88,843.53) 60,174.95 (28,668. 58) Extension Division Income Federal Smith-Lever Federal Add. Co-op. Fed. Supp. Federal Capper-Ketoham State Smith-Lever State Capper-Ketcham Urban Garden Fund County and Other Total 148, 310.55 31, 000.00 53 091.74 36 801. 18 18, 793. 12 3,920.07 5 000.00 1, 624. 19 29, 085 17,726.59 138. 76 17,8-65. 35 148,310.55 31, 000. 00 53, 091.74 36 , 801. 18 36 519. 71 3,920.07 5, 000.00 1,762. 95 316, 406.20 Expenditures Expense 324,550.76 286.529.t88 38,0J20. 88 .010.97 5. Excess of Expenditures over Income 12, Excess of Expenditures over Income for the fiscal year to date - Exten.Div. Cash in Bank July 1, 1931 - Extension Div. Cash in Bank March 31, 1932 - Exten. Div. Summary General Fund Income 1,149,933.96 Trust Fund Income 2,057.15 Exper. Sta. Income 194,975.45 Exten. Div. Income 298,540.85 Total 1, 645,507.41 General Fund Expendi- tures 1,061,050.42 Trust Fund Expend. 425.57 Exp. Station Expend. 264,359.45 Exten. Div. Expend. 286,529_88 Total 1,l612365.53 (20. 155. 53) (8144.56) (8,144.56) 6, 905. 79 (1 . 238. 77) 26 362. 84 149.11 26 448.75 17,865.35 1x,176 296.80 2,$206.26 221,424.20 336,406 Q20 70, 826.05 1a716,3335.46 29,546.32 1,090,596.74 - 42.00 467.57 29,396.91 2935 756.36 38,020.88 324,550.76 97,006.11 1 709.371.43 Excess of Income over Expend. 335142.09 1930-1931 accounts Pay- able liquidated during Current Year (16Y511.37) Excess of Receipts over Expenditures for General Ledger AccoUnts 89,522.15 Student Loan Fund- Notes (850. 20) Excess of Receipts over Expenditures for the fis- cal year to date - Com- bined Fund 105.302.67 (26,180.06) 6,962.03 (16,511.37) (33rl67.9S) (4'?1.37) (59.819.38) 56, 354. 20 (1.321.57) 45,483529 Excess of Receipts over Expend. for the fiscal year to date - Combined Fund Cash in Bank and on hand July 1, 1931 - Combined Fund Cash in Bank and on hand March 31, 1932 - Combined Fund 45,4-83.29 (37.360.18) 8,123.11 (8- 144. 56) 6. Abstract of item shown on Statement of Income and Expenditures as "Excess of Receipts over Expenditures for Gen- eral Ledger Accounts $56, 354.20." Debit Credit Accounts Receivable 32,524.19 Insurance Paid in Advance 3,682.27 Sundry Accounts 27,512.28 3,682..27 60,036.47 3,682.27 56,354.20 2. Agreement -Tith Lexington City Schools for Training School. President McVey presented to the Board a communication from Dr. H. H. Hill, City Superintendent of Schools of Lexington, making a proposed modification in the arrangement for the instruc- tion of Lexington City pupils who are assigned to the Training School. The matter was considered and referred to the President and Executive Committee with power to act. 3. Professional Services Rpndered hZ Dr2. W. W. Dimock. A. communication was read from Dean Cooper indicating that at a meeting of the Executive Committee last year arrangements were made whewreby Dr. W. W. Dimock, Head of the Department of Vet- erinary Science should receive compensation for certain types of professional services rendered by him, the compensation to be paid by persons receiving such service, it being distinctly understood that such service shall not interfere with Doctor Dimockts official duties at the TJniversity. A motion was made, seconded and carried that the privilege be contined for the year 1932. 4. Pament to Combs Lumber Company. A bill for $600.00 to Combs Lumber Company, for preparing a schedule of sound values on all University buildings and the buildings of the Experiment Station was read, and on motion duly seconded, ordered paid. 7. 5. Dr. A. C. McFarlan Appointed Director of Mineral and Topographical Survey. On recommendation of President McVey, Dr. A. C. McFarlan, Head of the Geology Department at the Uni- versity, was appointed Director of Mineral and Topographical Survey, in accordance with the recent act of the General Assembly creating such a department and placing it at the University. 6. Purchase of Coal. A communication was read from Mr. M. J. Crutcher, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, as fol- lows: Tne total coal tonnage delivered to the University Experiment Station and Dormitories amounts to approxi- mately 4000 tons per annum. Under our present arrange- ment we are paying two profits on this coal, first, the dealerts profit on the mine price, and second, the deal- erts charge for hauling. These amounts are as shown: Dealer's profit on 4,000 tons @ .60 ;92400.00 "t hauling charges on 4,000 tons @ .75 3000. 00 Total savings $5400. 00 Now that we have our own siding I feel that we can contract directly with the mines and handle our own deliveries without any difficulty. This scheme will also give us absolute control over every lump of coal from the time it leaves the car until it is thrown in-. to our bins. I have never been quite satisfied with our present system of coal handling. There are too many wide open opportunities for substitution, leaks and losses. In order to place this scheme in operation it would be necessary to purchase two two-ton second-hand or slightly used dump trucks. I khow where two such trucks can be purchased for a sum between $1,000.00 and $1400.00. A statement of our cost for the first year would be approximately as follows: 2 2-ton used dump trucks ........ 51400.00 Hauling cost on 4000 tons @ .30 * 1215.00 $2615. 00 Net saving for the year approximate- ly ........................... $2785.00 8. The matter was discussed by members of the Board and on motion duly made and seconded, referred to the Executive Committee with power to act. 7. Sale of Warrants. Mr. Peak reported sale of warrants as follows: The following warrants have been told, three at ninety-four and one-half and the last named at ninety- two and one-half per cent and accrued interest: No. 3384 - $ 283.33 - Nursery Inspection, Experiment Sta. No. 4014 - 1,399.49 - Western Ky. Sub-Experiment Station No. 5160 - 1,392.55 - II it it St i No. 1076 - 1,234.67 - Robinson Sub-Experiment Station Will you have the Board approve these sales? On motion, duly seconded, the sale was approved and ordered record- ed. President McVey reported to the Board that the University College Section has approximately $93,000 in State warrants and an additional amount of Experiment Station warrants which have been placed at the Security Trust Company, Lexington, Kentucky, as collateral for a loan for the payment of operating expenses. The matter was discussed and a motion was made, seconded, and carried, authorizing the Business Agent of the University, with the approval of the President of the University and Chairman of the Executive Committee to sell warrants at the current market price when it seems desirable to do so. 8. Renewal of Loan at Security Trust Compgu* President McVey reported to the Board that it had been necessary at a previous meeting of the Executive Committee to borrow from the Security Trust Company $100,000 to meet necessary operating ex- penses of the University. He stated that the note will soon fall due and that the Security Trust Company now holds as collat- eral state warrants considerably in excess of the loan, He stated that it is necessary to have some authority from the Board to renew the loan. The matter was discussed and the Business Agent of the University was authorized to renew the note for the loan either in whole or in part. 9a Granti1g of Degrees. At the end of the first semester on February 1, the University Senate recommended that degrees be conferred on a number of persons finishing their courses at that time. Authority for conferring the degrees was passed on by a special c ommittee of the Executive Conmmittee, consisting of Judge Stoll and Mr. Park. A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously adopted that conferring degrees on the following persons be approved, COLLEGE OF ARTS AN D SCIEWOES Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts Margaret Louise Alexander Mary Susan Armstrong Nannie Louise Best Malinda Owsley Bush Richard Coleman Carr Milton James Ca~vana Ellen Langino Goode Fred Morgan Gross Sarah Lillian Jones Robert Joseph Kee Alvin McGary Pearl Louise McIntyre Kermit Allen Pack Mabel Aleene Palmore Rosena Catherine Rogers Lizzie Mary Shipley Thomas Lee Smith Charles Thomas Stewart Mary Frances Young Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science William Paul Haller Claude Lynn Nesbitt Travis Bun Pugh, Jr. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Noble Everette Bailey Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in. Home Economics Martha Juanita Chapman Julia Ann Dugan Mary Hood Gillaspie Eudenah Hamby Sarah Jane Wheeler COLLEGE OF LAW Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Laws Oliver Lander Bright William I'iapier Dixon Martin Richardson Glenn Harry Ligon Green Rufus Lisle 9. 10t COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Education Vivian Mae Burke Katherine Robert Shivell Lucille Genevieve Finneran Sonis Dee Smith Ada King Fishback Benjamin Stark Frances Cunningham Herndon Kathryn Elinor Watson Adelia Williamson Jackson Helen Dorothy Weber Sallie Joe Bodkin Lawrence Hadalyn Ruth White Jane Lyle Rhorer George 'Vallace Whitlow COLLEGE OF COMMERCE Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce Elden Edwin DuRand, Jr. Vilbert Wesley Holtzclaw Philip Michael Minor Corinne Cassell Moore Douglas Druin Iunn Glenn Frederick Weinman GRADUATE SCHOOL Candidate for the Degree of Master of Arts English - Sam Jackson Denney Education Albert Robinson Evans Education - Thomas Neville Warwick Fincel Education - Hallie Katterjohn Griffin English - Cora Katherine Megibben Education Clarence Nickell Political Science - Pemberton Johnson Ross, Jr. Candidate for the Degree of Master of Science Agricultural Economics - Thomson Ripley Bryant Candidate for the Degree of Civil Engineer Elgan Brooks Farris Candidates for the Degree of Mechanical Engineer Robert W. Spicer Ernest Allen Welch. Candidate for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Education - Oscar Fitzgerald Galloway 11. 10. Report of the President. President MoVey made the following report to the Board wh-ich was read and ordered recorded in the minutes: At the April meeting of the Board of Trustees the budget for the coming year is usually presented. The annual budget is worked out in detail for tVery division and department of the University before consideration by the Board. I am unable to make such a presentation at this meeting. The situation dif- fers materially from that of any other year in the history of the University. Declining revenues and complicated legislation pointing to some uncertainty as to whether there will be any in- come at all, leave budget making a very difficult matter. It is with that background I present the situation to the Board of Trustees, under three headings; (1) The Present; (2) N\Text Year; and (3) The Dilemma. I. THE PRESENT In the year 1930-1931, the University of Kentucky received from the proceeds of theiinheritance tax and general property tax on real estate and intangibles, the sum of $1,137,000. An- ticipating a decline in the amount that would be received this year, the estimated income was reduced $203,000, leaving the budgeted income from such sources at $930,000, as compared with $1,137,000 which had been received from the state in the year before. Up to date of this year, the receipts from the sane sources have amounted to approximately $800,000. There may be some ad- ditional amounts that will come in before the close of the year. The University finished the previous year with a deficit of $107,000, due to the building program that had been carried on. As a consequence of the decline in revenues, the University was brought face to face with a situation at the first of March as to whether it could actually pay salaries for the remainder of the year. At the meeting of the Executive Committee, held in February, it was decided to cut salaries ten per cent. Since then, upon my own action, full payments were made oil a:l salaries of less than $100 per month, and $100 on all salaries above that sum. Money was forthcoming to meet this salary list. The University has borrowed $100,000 from the Security Trust Company and deposited state warrahts with it as collateral. It will be necessary to make payments on the loan, and the pro- ceeds which may co-me from the selling of warrants will meet most of this loan. But the Division of Colleges owns $93,000 of these warrants which with the discount now running on warrants will leave $15,000 to be found elsewhere. The rest of the war- rants have beer, issued to meet federal funds and:..tautt be used to offset those funds. This miay leave the University in a position where it may not be able to pay salaries for the 12. remainder of the year on a fifty per cent basis. The amount required to carry on the University in the form of light, water, telephone and labor bills amounts to $45,000. The situation, therefore, may be recorded as follows: Loan, Security Trust Company............. . $100, 000 Monthly operation costs, three months. 45,000 Salary balance on April first ............ 35,000 Balance Salarier-, l0,1o cut, three months.. 225.000 p45,000 To offset this sum there is as follows: Warrants on deposits... 93,,626.93 Balance in bank................ . 17, 000.00 Expectations of incom-ne f rom state -- April, May, June ...................650 000.00 $160, 626w 93 This sum is inadequate to meet salaries. The Security Trust Company loan and operation costs will take $145,000 leaving $15,000 for salaries. Borrowing is the only way out, if bcro~wing can be resorted to. A CREDIT UNION The failure on the part of the University to pay salaries due Ma.rch first, even in part, left members of the staff in a difficult situation. Some of them were reduced to no funds at all. I presented the situation at a meeting of the staff on March 30. The way in which this dis-spiriting news was re- ceived was a matter of great comfort to .me personally. There was a fine spirit a' cooperation and understanding manifested by all the members of the staff. At that time I told them - that the University might not be able to pay salaries due April first. On April 2, the situation had changed somewhat and I was able to tell the members of the staff that those re- ceiving ?S100 or less per month, would be paid in full for March and that all others would receive $100 of their salaries. Recog- nizing the necessity of rendering some assistance to members who might be in need of it, a conference was called the evening of March 30, and the conclusion was reached that some provision should be made to organize an agency by which loans could be made to members of the staff. A second conference, with twenty citizens outside the University added to the committee, was called Friday evening, April 1. A plan f or a credit union was presented, and after discussion, adopted, and $10,000 raised at the meetings A committee of the Board of Commerce called a meeting of citizens at the Phoenix Hotel, where the plan was presented, At this meeting the amount previously subscribed 13t was increased to $25,000. Since then an agree-ent has been drawn up, forms and blanks provided, and a loan cormi-nittee formed consisting of Messrs. Peak, Gillis and Melcher. The Board of Commerce has appointed J. E. McFarland and Fred Bryant trustees of the fund. The fund is expected to reach $40,000 or $5o,0oo. A number of applications has been received by the co0m.nittee. This credit union will undoubtedly prove very help- ful, though it necessitates the pledging of salaries now, due or due in the future, as collateral for loans. II. TE INEXT YEAR It is unnecessary to review the legislative situation in detail, but certain phases of it ought to be pointed out, so that the position of the University may be clearly understood. In the Budget Bill, known as ouse Bill No. 378, provision was made for the purpose of operating the University during the biennium by appropriating for-the general University fund $970,000.00 annually, for agricultural instruction "25, 500.00 annually. The Summer Session had an appropriation of $10, 000.00; library stacks gz~ono r0%jdbextdae Experiment Station, $50,000.00. F qre sa ncgton and Quicksand there was appro- priated $25,000 each, for the construction of an abattoir, $14, 000; for the agricultural extension work, $19 531.00. This bill passed both houses and reached the governor, because of the failure of the legislature to provide adequate revenue, struck out the amount appropriated for the general operation of the University, cut out the Summer Session appropriation of $l0, 000; reduced the amount for library stacks to $15,000; reduced the amounts for the substations at Quicksand and Princeton to $20,000 each; struck out the amount for the abattoir and reduced the appropriation for agricultural extension to $120,000. The position taken by the Governor was that if the main item fox the University was stricken out the University would return to its previous support which was from the inheritance tax and 6.7f of the tax on real estate and intangibles. There was left in the bill, however, under Section 112, a statement which says, "All annual and or continuing appropriations not provided for in this Act and all other laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith axe hereby repealed." I shall leave this section for further discussion. Item 46 (k-l) provides that "In addition to the various ap- propriations made to the University of Kentucky out of the gen- eral expenditure fund of the state, there are hereby appropriated to the University all fees, rentals, and other operating receipts of %erious units as now, or as may hereafter be provided by law. All fees, rentals and receipts of all kinds of the University, the Experiment Station or the Extension Division shall be paid into the State Treasury and credited to the department or divi- sion from which received and paid out only upon warrants of the Auditor of Public Accounts as needed from month to month and when proper vouchers have teen presented to and approved by the Auditor." 14. The fiscal year of the State begins July 1 and taxes are not paid in any amount until the following Jenuary anCd February. The expenses of tihis -period have been met in the past by borrow- ing from the beak in anticip.tion of future i.no!ome. If the Uni- versity goes back to th-e inherita,-nice tax and mill tax very little in the form of receipts will be received by the State and conseauently, the question Prises as to how expenditures will be met between the first of July and the nay-rmient- of taxes. Will the auditor be authorized to set up an estimated sum for the--e institutions and. issue to them the check of tT e State on vouchers in anticipation of these incomes? Or, if he issues warratts, what pronortion of the warrmnts will the University receive when sold on the market, or to what extent can banks accept these warrants in return for actual cash? The section also provides that these expenditures shall be presented to and approved by the auditor. The auditor is thus in a position to determine educational policies, matters of in- come and other expenditures. I think it may be said good sense would indicate the wisdom of not doing this, but I bring this to the attention of the Board of Trustees to show that the situation is an extremely complicated one wad since the power of carrying on the University has been placed in the Board of Trustees? it should insist upon administering the University and determining its policy9 I am pointing out in an abbreviat~d form the possible income of the University under the inheritance tax and real property tax, and am also pointing out the reduced expenditures that may be set up in the budget. The inheritance tax is in a question- able position. Thus far the auditor under the direction of the attorney general, has continued to pay the receipts from that source, but if the tax is questioned in the courts and the prob- lems of refunds raised it would be very difficult to determine what the income of the University would be from this source. III. TIM DILEMMA There is a definite dilemma in the situation in which the University finds itself. (1) If the amended Budget Bill is ac- cepted and not questioned in the courts, what will the income of the University be for this fiscal year? (2) Will the auditor, treasurer and governor cooperate with the University in the full- est degree in the payment of the inheritance tax receipts? (3) If a case is brought into the courts on the question of refunds, will these refinds be paid out of inheritance taxes or be made a charge against the general fund of the State? (4) Is it likely the auditor will pay to the educational institutions the receipts arising from the inheritance tax, and the tax on real estate and intangible property when there is a question as to the validity of certain phases of the budget act? Is he not likely to raise the question as to his power to pay out receipts to these insti- tutions without jeopardizing his bondsmen? He is likely, there- fore, to ask whether he is authorized to make such a payment. and it is quite likely we shall have to think of the University and the teachers' colleges being without receipts of any kind, as a resuit of the complications that have arisen. On the other hand, there is this phase of the matter, namely; whether the amounts appropriated for the support of the institutions under the Budget Bill can be sticken out and have substituted therefor the inheritance taxes and the general prop- erty taxes. It will be recalled that Section 112 of the Budget Bill provided for the repeal of all other appropriations and con- tinuing appropriations. I am including in this discussion an analysis that has been made of the/situation from the legal point of view. This analysis is not my own. It was handed to -me as a memorandum and I do not know who the author is, but it has such clearness of statement upon the points involved that I am including it. 1 Section 88 - Ky. Cornstitution Veto power. "The Governor shall have power to disapprove any part or parts of alpr opriation bills embracing dfis- tinct Items, anld the part or parts disapproved shall not become laws unless reconsidered and passed, as in case of a bill. " 2. Thg Governor of the Commonwealth vetoed Sec. 44-i.DoZ 37 - (general appropriation bill) 1932 Ky. General As- sembly. Q. What is the status of appropriations for the Western Ken- tucky State Teachers College for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1933, and June 30, 1934? A. The Governor states that this institution will revert to the appropriation received for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, which is derived from the millage and in- heritance allotments. He states that in his opinion the institution will receive that amount of money which millage and inheritance allotments will Field for each of the fiscal years next ensuing. The Chairman of the Tax Commission expresses the same opinion. The opinions of the Governor and the Tax CoQ.amissioner are based on an interpretation of Sec. 1992a-26 Carroll's IXy. Statutes which they have stated