xt7vt43j167w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vt43j167w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19130313 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 5, No. 24, March 13, 1913 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 5, No. 24, March 13, 1913 1913 2015 true xt7vt43j167w section xt7vt43j167w * O
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l H E     IDEA
University of Kentucky
Vol. V LEXINGTON, KY., MARCH 13, 19l3 No. 24
SBB I he Lost Paradise ll cla Hausa F mia 8- I 5 P M
¥ , , , | | |
it ·—-—— Henry lk: MiIle‘s "llosl l’uralllse" to |)l'l(‘Klllg hiin, foresees that. an allllia- lor aliotlier. 'l`hle injnstlee of moneyell ————~
L The UmV¢’l'¤liY €¤mDll¤ will bf! l¤· DG presentcll by The Strollers of the tion with llnlph by allowing him to oppression, t'0IIel:e rivalry of a new sort. will be °
* Vlldéd l0m0l'l‘0W by 0v0t‘ One hulldivétl university of Kentueky, next, l·'i·llln.y marry Margaret, will, in lx way, pre- The strike oc-l·ni·s. (i()Ildlll()llS are lll €\'lll**ll<‘*‘ all Walt! lllln week Whell
‘_ ¤l0¤ and W0¤l€¤ fl`0m 0lll9l` l¤Bl|ll1· night, Mi1I`('ll ll, shoulll prove one of pure for nny l‘llrturo llillleullles B.ll(l in norrihle, llIf'()ll(’(*lV8.l)l€‘. \Vlll‘Ilt·I` for- l‘<‘l¤l‘*.‘=·lt*llll1llV·‘H of the 0lh€l‘ C€Hl·l'8|
UODS who ¤¤¤€¥¤bl€ lwl`9 ill lhé C0ll· the lllealriral events of the season. at l¥I¢‘(l.SIlI`<‘ repay Ilr. °SlZ\.ll(llSll l'or the sakes his own home null goes to his t\*‘lllll¤‘KY l`<>|l<‘K*‘ Y· Nl. l`- A-`S H¤l·h€l'
l€l`€¤€€ of Ulf? Shldéltl V0|lll1t€€l`¤ for l'hl· play was originally produeell in lhel‘t, ot the invention. Margaret is people, alleviating their sullerlng with ll¢‘l‘·.‘ lol` l'*llll'€l'*‘lll‘€ lolliiélll.
1"0|‘¤i8¥} Ml¤¤l0¤¤· Thlll lll 016 second this country by Mr. Uavlll Belaseo, coerced and the marriage arranged. kinll words of encouragement and ap- l¥•‘t‘<‘H·. li€0l‘i4*‘l0\\'¤. Uélll-F8!. W€¤l€Y·
¤¤¤¤¤l` ¢¤¤f€l`¢¤€€*ll ssl t‘€l€d to handle lllé
i`¥'¤¤¤YlV¤·¤l¤ U¤lV6l'¤i¢Y 8 Y€8¤l' 880- nouses throughout the United States. no was superintendent. This young Standish remains unmoved. Again ¤· NL U- A- W0l‘K in lh¢S€¤ i¤BUllll·i0¤¤
The Dl‘08¤·¤1 b€S'l¤¤l¤8 0¤ I•`l‘ld¤Y l`Il9 drama ls, ln Itself, a work or un- mlm, Philip Waimer, with the spur ot and again he plays the coll and Mar tlutllls l·h€ next Watt`- The newly
¤l8'h@ it 7¤30 0’0l0¤k will Dt‘€¤€¤l- ¤ usual strength and interest. Taken nr. Stxmdlshs encouragement had garelt in a passion of grief and reallza- €l€¢t€€‘l` S€‘·l`VlU¢S, 0ll Sl1ll·
impression on those who heard him in *   ` g }·   I . , » ` ` —   . _ ` tluy afternoons, inillweek meetings
u Vesper Service address ill January. Q `·   "   `° ` ·` unll Classes in the study ot missions.
This great niovelnent that is yearly l ___#A______ _ l ` the l"l'l*‘llll5llll) l‘ainl»uii;n" along the
sending out over 400 of the best ineu ni 7*   7   I U · V llllv of social lite is lil espeeiul in—
and wonleu of Ou,. Colleges to Uh,.iS_ lnnor, und lilo tnnnors ireatnient or a love with Margaret, but realiz•.—s the powlr to spin-n ills love; that his own ,,_,,.t,S,_ Tm, mmm also ml_,ud__ me
mm $0,.,,m, in other mms has u_ wow nig, vnni subjoet as lntlnsely interest- Lllllf between them. one day en— nleas assembled by inn stanlnsn and wuslmg U,. uum,,_Sm. mm in \.m_M,S
awful Powe,. in hundwds uf Amermm lng ol-on inspiring. Icourngell by enthusiastic words from so the tJl&l`)' reads, to ne left to nnn _,,m,,.l_,.,S,,5 mm ,,__m,h out in Suda,
colleges. 'l‘he University of Ken- 'l`lle seat olllllc Sl0l‘Y ii lll the **0** he ****°*°°**S*m°S ***°**` “*°m**“g “»**°'** the *)°°*°*' ***"*** ****“? *’°°** st·l‘vll·e lo those in the eoinnlunity
Lucky is just beglllnljlg [Q (·3,[()h [hog r\llU\\][0ll ll`0ll \\*0l`kS, DCU? UUSU-Nl- and [CHS hor or his love' Xlal-gurct IS ulphed by Huowltolh \\llU fllll be llL'l}>t‘tl. llllc Sugg05[lt)ll
spirit ot movements or this typo, und .»\ndrew knowlton, the owner of the ****°*'**°‘* *** ***‘* l’*`°`S*****l’**°** ‘***‘* *`°‘ The realization stuns hint and out ol u lnivei·sny l‘in·isnnn lxssoeiution
this gstliering or the students or the works, allows his better sense to be *’***“‘** ****** *’**°*`*‘*Y· w***`***’*`· ***° **8*** et his love tor Margaret he resolves building it is l·tpol-tell nin nnet with
state here presents further oppor- inllut~nl·ell by an unreasouiug infut- 5***** "*** °* ***°* ***"· **3****** *° ***° **`°** to say nothing of his discovery. llut universal t‘nl·ol·_
tunlty for gaining inspiration and en· nution tor his tluushter. l\lut‘saret. Ho “°*`*‘°’· when his neoiile. without ineans ol —--W--—-———~-—
[llUBl8.§lll lor strong serviceable livillg. uns built up an t‘l'llUl'lIlULlS business by At this jnnl-ture young llnlph $I.&\lld· l support, hure reul·lil·ll the llepths ot FINAL KENTUCKIAN NOTICES.
A SUlllIll3I'_Y of the progruni of the |llt‘ll|lS ol` un invention \\'lllt‘ll lie ish is inken into partnership by Mr. [>l'l\‘il.llUlI he is l·onlpl·llell to l`orl·e ree- —————
l'0·lll-£‘l`t*llC€ I<0ll0\\BZ |llt‘llt‘tl ll‘l)lll il l*&|l`lllt‘I' l~l'l\‘|ltl \\`llt) \\&\S l\lltl\\lItlll itllll RISSUIIIUS Llt‘|I\'Q lllllltlllgllllltlll ol- his tl•.‘lIlillltl:l by l‘t·\'t‘Ll.llll{J, llllu Il) llllll\UltlLlbl<> tlt‘ltl)'S [lit) Alb
Fridgy, 7;3Q p, m_ Qh;po|_ suddenly liillell in nn (‘X[IlU5lUll ul his l.§t’ll|\’|li ol lilo Irl-U`[Ul.icS· Al lllti the lrulh. uuatl piltures linve blen llelnyell ono
Stereoptil·uu Allllress, "'l‘he \V0l'l(l· luborntory. This l`rienlI, ine reul in· works at strike is iinlnilleiil Lllltl llulph Knowlton, biuken illltl lI.Slll\lIl•.'tl, ull- week. This nil-uns thnt if you get
Wide Student M0\'t*lIlt‘ll[" Ur. W. ll. ventor, ll. llr. Sllllltllsll, leaves an only lll an l‘Il(l(‘LL\`t\l' to relievo the Sllll&llUll{llll{S ills guilt null \\'urner beeonles your [llt'll1l`\‘, llesign, group or what-
\Vt>a,tllel'l'ol‘ll. son, lllllph, who is at bluse (‘USlllU[ll) loses his l•.'lll|¤'l`1L|ltl prl-eipitzlles llls ilhe lllLl5l\‘l', where he hull been the lltll. in this week, it will get lll tho
Salurday, 9:00 a. m., Y. M. C. A, lite Alter his l'lltlil·r`s uuexpeetell HIHI ngutu he plltys the bud lllltl Mar- [Il‘t‘Slllll[IllllllS \\'Ul'klll2lll. llis pilllllllll, nook. Alter this week lllt'll it is
.. ,.... .. .i          
Rooms. lleath llnlph blulltllsll returns lo Mos- gzllel is present when the ¤tt‘ll\‘ ol- llllllll} I\‘lU¤dl to luke ltllmlltzlge ol. (i0hl· has an opplwtuliily to ob— Lost l‘ltrinllsl-. Alargu.ret‘s low. llllvklllll hy wi-nnig LL (`lnss llistol·y_
IIZUU R. lll. A(l\|l`\}SB, "l'l'1·sell( Volt-! SlLLlltllSll lll·l·lilll•*s ll l‘t*l:,llllll‘ \'lBllUl' sl·l‘\e llll· Sllllt‘l'l|ll.§ tlllll B0l'I`U\\ lll` pov-I '|`ll\‘ l'UIIl11llt`\‘ of "llob .\|l[l(‘l{UIl," lll )`tllll' lllllllll5t`l'l[ll lllllsl bln sllbllllllcd
tlltlous in t‘hlnu." llev. J. tl. (lurrittput the Knowlton hlnne null linully be erty null siekness. \\'u,rner in his big.,null l'l·llow well niet Lllltl "l'olly@ to the stntl by xlttreh 150. .\fter that
of L`lllllu.. ICUIIICH inlutuzilell with Murguret. lllllllly wuy shows her the bigger, 11101*8] l"lt*(t’ll\‘l`,H tt breuth front the open} illne the eonlest will be eiosell.
(Continued on page three,) IKIIUWHUII, his uneasy ('UllBl'l0llt'•3 vital things ol life. ’l‘he joy of lahori (t·0,,m,u,.d on pag`, gl sign up nn- un .»\unuttl Now,

ME AT s cams
H I I I First-Class In Every Appointment. J. H. STAMPER, Jr., Owner and Manager. Open 10 a_ m_ {0 11 p_ m_
        ° ° I * * \I —< -· ¢‘~ -x ¤· l>I nw · I ‘<·l ·' · · ·
y     |     · \-~-•—— ··¥¤* * ·* ¤ · N JW ·> \l·¤I ((¤\’iII•· for th•· |m·1 _NOT A FORTUNE BUT- "'l""" '" H" M"')- lm I‘·"‘ "‘ "
"""""""’ ,\m num u1l•·n __ xwwk, l`4*I\lI`I\<‘(I Sunday In r¤·suu10 I1<·r ‘ ‘ ‘ I """) L" · "' \“'“" *“ "
D0n,t` Forget the   HAM [M H ml" UF —:1u<|u< ·u me- |\ll\<·!—¤i1\- ·‘! ·‘¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤4 ¥¤\*·|1<‘>` |¤<*¥¤<¤¥|>' HMI <·¤\Hi|> •r¤»*|¤*~‘|` NHS ¥><`<‘¤¤ *l*¤¥*‘ Mr. t!.:u·l<·s \\'. Williams, as "\\'ar-
` R ll"`   C I ` Y . • • ¤|| nf |'2m<·r>m1 Hull mr thu past 1`cw M.,-_·· is gm(·;·l,;·4·n1ug me pan'}, in n.
Lexmgkm 0 cr ‘ S O" mx  |N ° . Miss _,m,.y H,-(,“,,_ ,,1 Sym,-I,§|,m-g_ '{‘*Y“· mms! 4~¤·¤·¤lituI»I<· mamnvr. His haml-
  V • ' I i I A
For the college Boy.- smoker · ax)., uns tlw guns! of Miss .Iu I!m·•·- ' I ·   *» » ` mvp; ol ;~··u·rnl dntlwult SIYIIZIHUIIH xs 1
G0 to the     mw. lrum I·'¤1du)‘ until Mumlny. Uhm ”\""" '|‘ H‘""'H°" “'H """"" SI*l<‘H·U*| NWI RUN'- '
y , , , min man an Rmx panty in hmmr of u M,-_ pm,] |.·_ (·(,(.k(._ umgm- whose di.
      Th€l‘0 is Y10(]\1iCkS8.Yld m0¥’€ Aligs H,.|,,“ St“·(,,.S_ of |»m.iS_ Kyw \Y¤|¤1U•‘¤` wl i¤<‘¤‘|`1‘i<·llliS M SPP Mw "'|`|¤<‘ r4·<·!im1'tIu· play is pr0<1u<·<·" ’*'¤'*'· nu: "N8|l*|1 S¤a¤·¤»¤r‘ u pmt M <¤<=-
Opp. New Phoenlx. guickysand by Standard Hm- Sm(,,·_ Miss mm" SHVWSV at pm " * ° mmm attcmion.
  '·· q `I,·" 'v,.‘. 'Y .,, , , ' _ V
DRY CLEANING WORKS (1ua]jty_ nvrsmu Ilall. mul to nite-ml tho ¢·oIl¢·gn| MIN Mmm MMU "' '·*"*· '\5—· “·** Mr. .1. |·.slm UOIIHH-T. HS /\¤<|\0“ I
WE SELL ·THE ·ORIG'|NAL ·15‘°° ’[‘,.m]iq Golf BMP Ban Dill). '|'*` `¥*f*(`*l SuYU¥`U¤5'y 0*. NWS |"UW0"\ I\lI()\\'H()lI is vvry good imlccd. Y
SUIT MADE BY THE SCOTCH .. `_’ . ‘ ` ’ x . • • ·\|<·¢·uH‘v ul |'ml¢·rsuu Hull. Mme lt¢·lm¢·<·:1 Smits as "l’olly" is
WOOLEN MILLS (.r1ck• t, }·00t Ball, Basktt I
HHH. Athletic Equipment _ . * " " makin: thc little ¢·le·un—thiuking coun-
    Xlrs. Lon Iilnvk, 0I l,0uisvill<·, one ot H H I d H ·
__ 'a· t' ¢xn·» _‘11· u`·s wi -·   . · - · ·
(.ATMAmm_; FRU] wml Hammolys t.m_mm_ Studvms, was 1 lo dn n 1·.. mn 1;.,1 In uy gn! tho, most lowublc character
{ll`l'i\`(‘ ·'ri ay t< at\~11< t1· State   » _ · ·· ·
  nor guest from l·`1·idaY until Monday. { Y j _L_ L _ "na"mam£' m' Hem) Mm`mSOn' as
N•w pho". 621, _ 15g 8_ L|m•·g°”•· • . ¤Illd(‘ll\ \0Illlllt‘tl' L0lli€l`€Il(f€ which Bob _,\m,k.(0“·* plays his part in a
y . pa mg l‘0S. ' ’ W A , . .
, W “ I VI ' t H ’ K Mil bc hold nn lmmngton, bvgummg mamm- worthy or Miss Smitlfs cn-
119 East Fifth Avenue ` M “ mma H} SMD K} "U ` ··`¤·i•H¤y, Marvin Hrh, uml wnll be entvr- .¤·am·m¤ a¤m·¤·pm¤amm. His nappy.
Th P i Cincinnati O mu! mth hm- pm-mnts, non;. paris. mmm _u l,mH_I_Son Hall by the Y W H _ t_ l_ _|_ l_ d
, . [_ _ l · · · np mm u- usposn mn on mens an
€ r     Ill A. |Dl‘·.a'SQS' `
Th HO C Of   J H     Mnss Mary Hvllv |’<*ll<‘<‘ WHS NWI Alissrs 3|;m•·| |:_ vmmgx, Mmm I':u‘· Miss mu Itarnall, as "Ne·|l," the H10-
C C • • 9 • }!,ll(*1—' OF ]I'l(\Il(lS II] \’(¤]·SlUH(\S, $Utl||u SUI.5, H(.l.ui(.(, ('huse and |,;|(,n“0l. CC0 H"_y girl, “_hUs€ love can novcr be rc-
Movlng       DIES,   GH). i' U. _ _ rrmu Iivrva. l‘ollu;y·. mixed is muyim; it pan made fa,m0u¤
‘ . * * * - . .
Sh CIQARETTE _ AND T()BA(](,()$_ Mrssw Hazel (wud, Hum Mvyers, uy mms mauue Addams, m ¤ manner
OW c..,¤......u...¤. :>..¤. o».A....u».u..¤¤m·. “""“ "*"`°"“" ‘*“"‘°"‘°‘°"· “""° MS #****1 *¤·‘=¤·¤ ¤>- ¤»<>¤ ¤··<>¤¤ Asbury m no (·¤.a.~¤(-maxed as (-mlsummm. »
_ ,_ ,_ _,_,__,,_,___,_,_ __ _ I- _ Devil ill Ht her home ill ¥*`l‘81lki`0l‘*. i`0¤' x‘oIl+·;:,0, \\'ilmur¢·, Ky. '1`hmw appreciative of true mvrit j
  HAIR CUT 15c me DHS! m0¥¤¥·h. ¤`<*U¤|’¤10d N0¤¤¢|¤5' W Miss (`uwiu U. Hcuvcs from Well- will hud, "'|`hv Lost I'a»rzulise" u Dm-  
( r ·_;·"'   X an SHAVE 10c Shampoo rcsumc her studies al thc l‘uiversity. {gum, N_ & L (·,_,u,,g_l._ South (gm.0mm_ mmuou “(_u “.m.my Or mm!. a_m,n_ _ g
.    ·       _    15c ° ° ° Mi>zs Le un \\'H}i!llllSfl`()lI1 Kingswood mm_  
`*   GEO 'l  NIA RTIN M Tonicnoc  J““*" ****9 >*"%· """"’ *· """"?"`   '*'·*‘   “‘ "·°   ‘S as *`°"°‘"= ¥
E V • • \_ wnll €‘III(*l'IZllll mth :1 box party lll —»-———————~——~·— p¢°p|c of the Dram;
      it *‘*i lr    _ Singe nmnor of :1 nuunbor of 1lwi~x· 1'ricnds, HORACE MANN Amlrvw Knoxxltcn, Uxxner of the
.`».> $_yV ",Q“3   JI,. 3   S 0 - 5 •   25C to $00 "'I`h¢· LOSL I'ul'1l(IiSt*," l*`I‘idL\)' LITERARY SOCIETY. "|(nU“|(0u ||-on \\`0;·kS" _________
        @3     - Massage Might- ..... ................... J. Esten Bolling
··;. W`?       _     25c ' * *' That thc rmx-au Manu 1.1wra¤·y so- vhilm \\‘ur¤wr, S\¤1>€¤'i¤1i•¢11d€¤\i of
'TY      ` r` Mrs, H. Harman, wife of Prot'. H. mot) xs lust gilllllllg ground us one of "U1v \\ 0YkS ..(`h2ll‘l€S \\. \\lHl8.mS
IW  _· I     ‘ Sip <   ·{mkM` niarnnun, c1m·1` of the Division of Emu- ulw }A()l'(‘llll)S[ uml wid•;—uwa,ke· ox·gam— Niilvh Si¤·¤\(*l'iIl1(‘ll| SM1 muimns m` mv t‘niv<·1·si1y, is well ur |"-UM!) 'l`¤‘vv .·....... Paul I,. Cooke
"` A,       139 East Main Street, Lexington, Ky. |)l··¤·* B¤'h¤ mm has hm-u 1\\\`ill`ll(‘l| ll prim- m $..•• ¤·s1¢·¤1 lu tlw mwnslanmly lll('l`('U.*iIIg ui- UUU =\1>I·|*‘*U¤\· WUI |"<‘UU\\' ~~‘<·ll HWY. ‘
~’ · 1s;N-»¤m.¤ 1*mm(nm-.·1,·~xingzunLmmdry. ny rm- l ylllhiil L\I|Hs, m" Ih»>1¢m, Mu¤<,_ l‘.’ it bving one ·•<><* **¤¤‘¤‘¤¤*· U¢¤¤‘>’ H- Mvadc
` Islgus and the prizu that xx as 3,w3,rd4_·(1 of u. svrius ul` 1u·\i¢·les entitled, °‘\\'ha1 5i<*i Nw! N. Williiillli
        be-sl, although muuy ulhcrs were given. hllllld l·`m‘." U)'i1U AIUCPL J. Kl‘80lll€l`
      ·\|1·>. tizunnuu has run- skill iu haunt- ·\ UNK Z as u His- MUN Hovkiiis. A Shark Y¤'0i¤1 Ulf?
mzanulutinng nm- uu the muiw mv mn`- <·u»1¤u<·," ws <·l¤u¤·=¤<·l<·¤·m·¢l by m··*=•¤ *"•¢'¤’>` *"¤m¤<><‘— - ·V°¤‘¤<>¤ L¤¤k*¤¢>¥’f
      \mrk has 2·lI[l`[l(‘[(*([_ ‘ ll xwurl thu! ilu- toilurs ut
Opp. COLIN House Next d0oI‘ Ulllvcfity Book SLOPE ¤|¤*‘¤¤¤ *><*¤¤¤¤<| IH bwk |°0¤`lH uml n|‘¤·‘<‘ nhly lilt·1\'l1SS\*ll tm- lift- uml works of "'|`¥1¢· \\'U·l‘kS" Inuw sv! ...........
· th··m nn thv I(•·;1s11·ur's ¤»\I1<·¢· mr uhv mm- 4‘|'(·1l|()l' or \’m·!4~ li¢·mus_ ................. l`In·istiu•· Hopkins
· use- of students Mm wish to l't‘IAt‘l` to , , , ,-0;;) |.·|`.{(.hL.,· '_\l,·_ |,·l,xl,h(.,··S Niece)
. 4 ' *' "' 1"*""i ilwnu. lic has ull tlw uumlwrs cx- NH, ml,mlN,I.S or lh`, Hmm,0 Munn :1 ¤·uuntry slip iu city sui! ........
‘ l · l wpx tht- mum publishvd on September on HM, ·|·huI.smu. (_“_mHg’ wm on ................... lh·b·-wu \\'. smith
      22. 1910 and on May 25, 1911. JH), u ml,..m.)y H._.m’ “h(.H |·l.0'»_ UumZ_I.Iuliu, Mum ut Mr. Km»wItu11's ......
  Anyone who wall furmsh these miss- ,,.,._ (,,· lh`. |.;,,;H,h |.(.l,m.,,m.H,_ ,-Mori ................. liuhy Jam- ’l‘uck¢·r
  NOW °N SALE mg copncs wall please communicate lh,. S,,`.,`.,y mln H ‘.I.m..,Sm Ul -.HUm_ 0 .x<·l| .............. Inu. Mnrizm lmrrxull
0 ALL ‘vl¥TF 0 S wvth Prof, Gnlhs. uml _,ulH.[_·· AS ml __m_.|.milml; ¤`un¤!··rs ......... !\l:u·i<~ I.oui>2c Mivlmt
T ‘ *R’     • U · 5]»<‘{\Ll‘I`, I‘r¤=1. Irzunlzh rs uhalily is un- ·-··· ··';"`|·* ul NNW “'°"k5"
$p[¢|A|_ RQUND.TR|P FARES Tg Mr. ||u¤‘¤‘)‘ (`VUNI <¤|` |'¤\¤¤\¤||*‘. \\>'·. uu<·>nn¤»u.4|, um! muh nh.· imitaumu "‘ · ‘
          n \\i\> lhv ygllvsl Ul Miss Yloiu (2111;:;; nl <~x\<·1u1•·¢| In ull, u bag Imusv un {hui 1\ Mil`! Hills ill |lI\\‘ \\ilIl u lllilll `
’ I O ¤'nlle·r»un Hall, Sunxizu. vu-nnunnp ns (‘t*|'l1\l|I. from t'm·¤¤· nf vxnmplu; u ymmuu
Oil I * .,._ r· .,,,__·_   4 -___. .
uni ·•t“r¤     stopovcr ,rivu·¢•·• · ` U U Nm! i¤u,,• 1, IIllllb\l;\_) (\1lIll|),,, ul >·I·l):» lll llama Innu ol Inubnt,
,1h I h 1 .1   , O MI5 ·\|'H"" H"||*UN'. |U|'\ll··l‘|)‘ MISS • u`¢·Im·k, un tho l·Z¤Iu<·zui¤»m1I liunlalim;. -- .
`cc · 1t1.`l·‘1u’1a *"·  .. , , _ ‘
Y tlnmg $~uYU“ ‘ V _"‘ J .·.u€'~n&g!"SQ?€¥1t trnubnnd |¤·n···· an g¤·zu|uzu.· ui In _ *|h,.,-,,; Im Mu. you Mm Shu", n
Route. Double dunlv tlnruugln scrvxvc to Now ()rlcun~., lylcc- (H__ U, U" I I I ·
. . .· . . . ‘i.`.`, 1 ¢·|;— · ,· ~ » ·_` ·;· · · . . . . _. . , W ,
tncullY hxhtcd l‘(l\ll[)lllL‘Ilt, nnuluelnm; llllulllllll Dmwmg-Room · _ mm l` I " """' "' I" N°T'CE· "'~*" “**·*' ·* IMM! h<·•¤¤ wu MM u»
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