xt7vt43j1c62 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vt43j1c62/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-02-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1986 1986 1986-02-03 2020 true xt7vt43j1c62 section xt7vt43j1c62 . t . .
B Vol. XC. No.“ i . j" » Wt.” University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky lndopondontotnen 1971 Monday, February 3, 1986 ‘
Rupture in booster
3 bein investi ated - 1970-85 by GUY Memes ~
g , ng l: at Hal/l Photographs g.
O O . ' _;
i ' NASA officials say " ,
I f . i
It) inifln'i‘. RUSENTHAI. ing the explosion, or raised the tank -. . v. . .
Associated Press pressure to intolerable limits with ‘ . f. ' -.
thesame result. f ‘ .» " .. .
i‘APrI (,‘ANAVERAL, Fla. — This theory remained just that. t '~ ' _‘
NASA officials, increasingly confi~ NASA's acting administrator, Wil-
dent they can identify the came of liam Graham. the only agency offi- ' . "‘ ; '.
('hallenger‘s disaster and fly again cial speaking on the record, said : .‘ ._ ‘ - ‘ 3
Mini]. believe a rupture in the right yesterday that the agency still is .. ; ’
rocket booster lnay have triggered looking for other causes for the ex- , a ‘ 2' it _ ‘t
the explosion that destroyed the plosion. ":1 -‘"i ’-f- 5'2“,
shuttleand killeditscrew. Photographs released by NASA :3
NASA sources apparently feel so show a tongue of flame apparently . ' ,",.":.': flesh
close to a solution to Tuesday‘s tra- lashing upward from the exhaust of 2.5:.” s: e . .‘, ' .
gedy that they are talking about fly- the right booster rocket into an area ‘ “ 1} ~ ‘ “f- i . ‘. -_.' i ,{ ".- "
ing again as early as June it the that films of previous launches } - j,
testing and correction procedures showed to be clear of fire or flame. ,, a l Ps.‘ .4- “ h} , . "
are t-ttmpleted, The flame appeared in the last 15 _, if?“ x"- ’g f ‘ ,‘- - if
A flight that had been scheduled secondsofflight. sN' - . . ' - ' . :-
liy the shuttle (‘olumbia for June 24 . . . . _'1* " i . ; . . _ ; 5
appeared tobethe earliest possible. In“? flame “:5 somewhere m this i . .i _ , ‘ . g
search teams. fighting strong At- mum‘lidprfsanllsa'? '35.“? "ml: ' L- r . ' ' ‘ ‘ . . '-, . ‘ a
laiiiie currents, continued to bring in .he It‘ll"! b 0 un ay e eViSion ta ~ ,, f, ‘1 ‘ " l .- " .
(‘liallenger‘s spreading debris yes- 3 0V” _ ‘ l I ‘ '. ‘ 7 .- »
{Chili}. including a five-ton rocket He pointed to a “field joint“ _ the -. ' x ‘ I ,1 - -. "~ .
fragment The search area was ex- seam between the lowest segment of . . ( . l , . _- . f . '
tended to more than 40,000 square the right booster and the second seg- ' j . _ : .«
'nll(§“ ‘ . ment. The name comes from the t’ ‘ 1 - ~ ' ’ .‘
"“9re f'ijmt-a’ a '0‘ 0f empty fact that the segments arrive here _- . ' i ‘ . .
ocean ltl‘lall 53“] LL Cmdr. James individually and are put together “in - ’ . . ‘ . "l -
Siliipson, a (‘oast Guard spOkesman. the field" —at the center. _ . '
The apparent rupture in the strong . to “tattoos: w" \‘7t~ . , .. .
rocket easing _. whether at a seam “We haven‘t yet finished the anal- A pall' 0f tWOS - i I - i V
or elsewhere 77 had the effect of ysis and measurements on film to _ "
xllntln a torch at the side of Chal— ' ‘ . ' . ' . . ~. W '~
lenger'i fuel tank. The theory is that bclfl'rlig}(bfeggmgipgrgéietliliFhGgé Art enthustosts study images by Kentucky photographer Guy Art Museum. The show. called "Light at Hand," features some 1 . _ . . ' =
the flame either burnt through the ham said on CBS' “Face the Na- Mendes 0' the opening Ol an exhibition yesterday at the UK of the UK photography teacher's work from the lost l5yeors. . ' '
tank or it "destruct package." caus- tion." i '
SGA t ’ ff' h not eas to nf C ' '
86113 Ol‘S 0 ice Olll‘S y e Ol‘CB , aln says , .. ,. V
Bi BRAlH‘iKWER "(lt‘s very third to enforce." Cain —'—_——————__— Originally. the bill's sponsor Views among sin titl't idls .ilwit .
Staff Writer sai . “T e o y ones you can en- “ . , . hoped that mandatory office hours mitt-involved St‘llfllt)l‘.\llll\t'?lt't"l!lit‘ ‘
force are the senators at large be- I dldn I see any difference excel)t for a few would encourage senators to become Monroe said he tint nttl lltl’lt‘t' .iii ' I
A bill forcing Student Government cause the college senators are allow more people around the office doing their more involved in student govern- increase m Wham. 1m ”WNW“. . '
Association senators to establish of- ed to set up office hours in their ovm . ,, ment. after the h.“ “.h .l -i . . h. . ‘ _
fice hours may not be fulfilling the college.“ homework or sleeping on the couch. _ we am. (“Hamill i:\-‘:f MI .‘.' , .
intent of its authors. Cain, who was a co-sponsor of the Theo Monroe (’am said the bill was n0l deSlElled hmre he“ le "hum. ,l‘wivluliw ‘t‘lvi'vi‘ - . - -
The bill. which was passed last bill, said the enforcement difficulty ‘ to affect the senators who were al- their ho p ,‘ k .‘ it; ., H . . .t‘L . '
fali. tries to make senators more ac- makes the bill “silly to have on the senator at large ready putting in office hours but to 0 ch .. ghetto; of s tt ltlllL ill. in . .
cessible to their constituents and en- books" # make senators who were not as in- C u _ ‘ _ 95d" . , V.
courage them to participate more in The bill, which requira senators volved participate more. hf‘aln- said he than not ilttllt'tlii till.“ ' .
the student government process. to spend an hour a week in the SGA regular office hours." Fischer said. “Most of the time. people come in. "W didn't h bl ‘ .. C . lc'l‘lmgt amongdt .9 hit'llltlloir writ elliit- . . I
said Donna Greenwell. SGA exec- office, doesn't stipulate that the hour “There are people that come in at sit around. talk and do their home- _ d 3W , a‘ttlehprtltemsh '8': t :35 93:9 am elsn t (L’l 1iii: ‘ ,
utive vice president. mustbeatadesignated time. the same time every week. as for work.“ said Theo Monroe. a senator :ldl ' It"e'“€irfhstlthge ingtle “or ' 5 ‘ 'A 5 . ”351 it” ”1"” ”M“ "“ . ' l
"I think there are a lot of prob- Most senators do spend their hour the secretary knowing the senator's at large. lmeted [51:5 .ab odse peop 9 were come more mm “d ' ; ' ‘. .
lems with tthe bill) and maybe it a week in the office although that specific hours —» I don't know of “No one came in and took advan- 010:; [‘0 gavjothan {9fr‘isenih‘he “Senators: know what lilt‘\ ttl‘t' _ ’ -
has turned out not to be such a good hour is not specified, said John anyone." tage of tthe office hoursl." Monroe :1”! ,entob an “e. ougl; ' “:5 e” elected for and stunt-tunes :t you ' - ‘ _ ‘
idea.“ said John Cain. SGA prosi- Fischer.asenatorat large. Because of the lack of student in- said, “If students had some beef [hale thgigeifmthgnstugijiit: :32; tr." t0 make Pt’OPlt' it“ *‘Hiit'lllmfi ' ‘ '. , . . '
dent. “It's just hard to know when they terest. senators have turned to other they wanted to talk to you about. them .. they're just as ineffective .it it met , ~' , ' .
(‘ain cited enforcement as one 0f are going todo it,“hesaid. activities during their office hours to they would see you at your normal ’ didn't do it in the first pidt‘t' tlt‘ . . ‘ . ‘
the problems with the bill. “I don‘t know of anyone that has pass time. hangout," However. there are differing sald .1 ' ' - .
S. Africa lecture begins : N.C. State downs UK, 54-51 : t
Black HlStOI'y Month - . Winning streak ends at nine as Wildcats shoot 32.8 percent
B) wrzxm'scssx SMITH “The issue of apartheid is in pub- * ‘ ”mam-"P n’P‘W“ . “It was a big‘ win for us." Nit‘. mt. t u <. .l ‘_ . Vi 1} : .;
Staff“'riter llC “mus in this comtry‘" he Said 5 . ‘ 1 ' V . V _ State coach Jlm \alVian Silld. Pli‘t” mm tL‘ tun It in It» i :l' ll .' : ' i. 'l ' I‘ I”: 'f
“It seems to be one of the major is- RALthH, N1. {\orthVCarolina “Overall. it was just a great college 3': j' _ ' V‘ ' . . . I, s .-,,.‘
Randal] Robinson. national coordi. Sues students are rallying on. I think ‘ ) . \ State [001" advantage 0t [1‘ 5 C001 bahketba“ game- Eddie Sutton has Hindi" U , , t ' ‘v t J, I _- ' _-‘
nator of the Free South Africa this lecture will be an excellent op- 32:8 Shooting percentage to hand‘the tioneagreat job with histeam-" HIW . ~ . . ' -, 5
Movement. will discuss relations be- portunity to hear someone who is ( e, m... Wildcats 8 5+5] 1055 m the” final Rallying from 3 nine-point deficit ”NW ‘ ‘ ‘ ., 3"“. '. ' " -' z‘ .
tween the United States and South knowledgeable on an issue that will '1. nonconference game yesterday. . in the first eight minutes of the ff?“ . .' ~ ' ‘_‘ 7'.“ "tr
Africa at 8 pm. tomorrow in Memo- affect this country and our lives in a " i ’ After narrow “ms 0"" mu's'a',“ game. ”‘9 WWW”k Closed the gap {Livy 2ft" it o. it .- u if n u ' ' 4-: ’ .1 ‘r :-"-. C‘-
rialHall. very profound way." _ State and Auburn last week. 1K towmatthe half. 9.51. ._,- I'll t _ .i a],
Robinson‘s lecture is part of the Grundy said Robinson is not just a - coach Eddie Sutton said fatigue was "In the first half, they stopped us .. . .' " r -. .i‘ (4'
Afro-American History Month activ- sideline observer but someone who a factor ‘" the loss for [he .‘l'ldcat‘s' rm"? d0”? What “'9 wanted ,‘0 d0 “f‘ H \l H u 1- .' '” . ‘ i .C
ities. has been involved and had an effect 3‘ who were playing the" th'rd game tellslvely. Valvano said. “hentucky p..." mm Ii: m \n n. .i . .o to ' l: I. . C’l'
Robinson, executive director of on the course of events in a very .. m flvedays. ‘5 as sound as any team you'll 59" '" Vim-"eh! 3‘ * ’ ~ - ' ~ t» y " f‘. ,9 mat-7
TransAfrica. a black American positive way. “I thought we gave agood effort.“ halicourt man-to-man. t: .11th h i .5 . . '_ - , . - . - ‘.
lobby for Africa and the Caribbean, Robinson. a graduate of Harvard Sutton said. “I thought we got tired NC. State then scored the first six ..;..; J t. 4 . « ' 1 ' ' ' ‘
has been one of the chief architects Law School, has been honored for RANDALL ROBINSON out there in the second half and that points of the second half and took a w I‘ .. . ' ' I
of the civil disobedience campaigne his achievements with the Congres hurt us. especially defensn'ely. But 29-28 lead on two Shackleford free I‘M“ [3 . . ’ - ‘ . '
against apartheid policies of sional Black Caucus Humanitarian . .. . . you can‘t expect to Win when you throws with 17:391eft. :in ‘ . ‘ . ., . - '. .
South African government. Award, Southern Christian Lead— ginfillcgghénrsonr: Ugffaisrasldcfi‘lail: shoot33percent.“ The Wildcats re ained the lead on lH-h‘r‘ i i 4 ' ' i V
“He has been an outspoken advo— ership Conference Drum Major for y ‘ p0 y - . . , -. ., . . . g _ loll-Is zoo l0 4: n. ,.. :t it ,7 u . ' ,-
. . . . woman of the Student ACthltleS Led by Chris Viashburn and Ed [)aiender s layup at 15.56. After _ .
cate for human rights m South Am' Justice Award and the Johnson PUb’ Board Charles Shackleford who each N (‘ State got two baskets from ‘ ' ’
ca." said Chester Grundy, director lishing Company Award. He is a ’ scored 16 points NC State upped W‘ashburn Kenn' w, l‘ _ "'"“"" ' u "- “ “N f‘ "‘"W'w W .. g .' ‘
. . . . ~ . . 3 d ker 5 three "lines 7 ll 31!. \( wait Is: Innim...
of the Office of Minority Student Af- member of the board of trustees at SAB is sponsoring the lecture with its record to 14.5 overall while snap- point play tied the score at 33 with \( st... II.| it l0 g
fairs. _ . . _ ‘ Hampton Institute. a member of the the Office of Minority Student Af. ping UK‘s nine-game winning 13:56left. “our...” . run
"The main objective of Robinsons CounCll of Foreign Relations and a fairs and the Student Government streak.The Wildcats are no“. 18-3. 9351‘"; p335 . ~
lobby group is to influence Amen- member of the Massachusetts State Association. .
can foreign policymakers toward a Bar Assxlatlm. :_ ,z , _ "g-‘H‘Vtéfi-Liif‘K‘fl‘lwm‘ l'x ’~
more progressive and enlightened “Considering the apartheid situa- “Robinson will be really interest- ‘15-“ “5.1%: l IK pharmacy prOfessor ' ‘
policy toward Africa and the Third tion is a relevant and contemporary ing," Payne said. “He has a lot of » pt :31; g
World.“Grundysaid. issue. we worked together to bring experience with this issue." E~ ,"J ' “ fr- : roe . .
o s-y t [1
Senate debates general studies today Tome. "" ”a". "' receives ear sen e co
C points “0 n o By SEAN ANDERSON riage before the third month of prep.
single game Friday. For the Staff Writer namy, .
Byt‘YNTHIAAPALORMO the proposal will be passed» he Sald- potency test requirement for credit story. muons. Page 3. Sieg was also found guilty of one
Assistant News Editor “What I llli‘eard aha the Iiecember forthigjlschgolforgeignlangluageshed UK associate pharmacy professor felony count of theft by failure to
meeting a in 3“ equen conver- l a °Pl . l "09058 is 5C ‘ . . ’ ‘ ‘ make r uired dis .‘ition of tlrii s
Discussion of the proposed general satims seem to indicate consider- uled for implementation in 1988. Hi I m Ak' 7;", 3?"? Slegohvss 20$ figiggai while walking as mpflommnm cult.
education requirements will contin- able suwort from the faculty, al- That freshman class would be the 0' m m charges involving the theft of drugs stance officer in the College of Pharr
ue today at a special University Sen- though there is some opposition," he first class required to fulfill the cur- Mel". For 0 ml": '0' 9" from UK. mm? The jury recommended he r...
atl‘l'i‘eeefiigegting which will be at 3 5m ”mum m"°"“ The Jury recommended that Sies ce‘Way'u'riin prism (ted
. . ' ‘ ' ' _ it Still
P-m- ‘" 1"? Mme" ”a?“ Eight amendments are left to de- t- The fii'c‘fl'mg 83'5"] ed“? ' $33,123??? me years m prism firileheoriuray irrigdfiiizgiiii: charges of
Building. Wlll focus on venom bate. but Canon said amendments to 'm‘ w . l? propose: . . He was convicted of 16 misdemea- theft by failure to make required
ed in Se t. 1m to re .
amendments made by some faculty amendments can be made on the was appomt p - ' ' dis itionofdril
members. Because the "mains Win floor of the senate The amendments View the current general sag”: nor counts 0f :ceertmguftolen "g 8?; was foundgrslot guilty of illegal
deal only with the Formal. Some relate to the humanities crmdlsci- ””3"” and 'ewmmmd. "mm“ ""7 M l' 0" '0 W my a-nd sum f'nedo me man h trafficking of drugs a (‘lass (‘ felo-
. ‘ n _ . ..
Chairman Bradley Canon said he pllnary, social sciences and cross- 23:? :31 deIliB‘eg‘yeTfezsndral-heedx- m d roll! with tho high “timfile male wasfikgd‘ Jags ny.
m the Whme package M“ In cultural requirements. tion at UK. ‘ .M‘ a. W “ ”- sale of Western ”mimics to Sieg was . arrested . on
votedmedey- . m M vii be a 70 pharmacists tlroughout Kentucky. Novt 13.1985.athls home by officers
.17”? '3 ' 3°?“ CM“ ."’°.,‘”‘" At the December meeting. the sen- if discussion on the general educa- W M a "in m The suppositories are used to treat from the UK Police Department and
.“P'Sh 't up today. Canonnuld, but ate voted on seven amaldmalts to tion proposal is notcompleted today. “w k “W ‘ “ women sufferiig from premenstnnl the Sheriff's office “'9 arrest W?
‘t salways hardtop-edict. the proposal, but only one posed. it will continue at this month‘s regu- “ syndrome and luteal phase deficien- the result 0‘ a threew‘mlll “W03“
Chances are reasonably good that This amendment dropped the com- larsenatefneeting at3p.m.l‘-‘eb. lo. ’ cy, a condition leading to mlacar- SceSI-LN1ENCE. Pages

 I I
z-ulvrucxvxm My, WI, 1“
information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
the Student Center Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center, University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor, with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar, a Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.
Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the
publication date.
0 Other Apply for Student Teaching Fall 1986; 1018 Tay- o Academics: Last day to drop a course without it ap- fl
‘ Ior Ed Bldg. 8-4-30 p.m.: Call 7-1857 pearing on the student's transcript
0 Movies Dune~ tickets on sale all day~z $1.75; Worsham o Academics: Last day to change grading optiOn 2 3: Dune; $1.75; Worsham Theatre: 7:30 p.m.; Cali 7.1287
. Theatre 7 30 pm, Call 7-1287 0 Academics: Last day to file for a repeat option in col- 214: Dune: $1.75; Worsham Theatre: 7:30 p.m.: Call 7-1287
0 Other Special Service: Free brief marriage family the- logo dean's office 2 5: Dune: $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7.1287
, ropy available by professronal personnel. supervised by ' Conferences: Conference for people with little or no 2/6: Dune;51.75;Worsham Theatre;7:30p.m.;Call7-1287
. . . John F, Crosby PhD' if interested coll7-776l or 272-7087 background in computers: Carnahan Conference Center: 27: St. Elmo's Fire; $1.75: Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m.;
. ' 0 Religious Worship service by United Methodist Stu- 8:30am-3:30pm:Call254-1060 Call7-1287
.. . -’ dent Center 508Coiumbia Ave, 3pm. 0 Lectures: Randall Robinson 'US/Southern African Rela~ 2. 8: St. Elmo's Fire: $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m.:
' » ‘ I Lectures Information-discussion group on career job tions': Free; Memorial Hall;8p.m.; Calla-8867 Call7-1287
' hunting iSSUeS free: 201 Matthews Bldg: 5230-7 p.m.; Call ' Movies: Dune: tickets on sale all day; 51.75: Worsham 210: St. Elmo's Fire: $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m.;
~ ' a 72746 Theatre; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-1287 Call 7-1287
' ~ . l 0 Recitals: Guest Recital: John Drew, trombone; Wesley
i V Morgan, piano; Free; Center for the Arts: 8 p.m.; Call 7-
. : ; 4900
‘ , ' 0 Religious: Baptist Student Union- TNT: Tuesday Nite
l . ' Together; Baptist Student Center; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-3989
' -' ".- ' , ’ ' ~ 0 Meetin s: SAB Public Relations Committee meeting;
) ? .' , 115$C:4p.rg.;Call7-8867 ARTS & CONCERTS
" i . ' 0 Meetings: Personnel Association (ASPA) meeting- ev-
' " eryone please attend!; Free: 385 Bldg; 4 p.m.
’ ' l " i 0 Religious: Wednesday Evening Fellowship: Food, fun 8
‘ I: I - creative worship: Free: Rm 4 Newman Center; 6-8 p.m.:
- '- ,- Coii255-8566
. 4 .2 ‘ 27: Lexington Philharmonic Concert; $12.50; $15, $17.50 a
- , . . 520: Center for the Arts; 8 p.m.; Call 233-4226
V ' ' 29: Center Sundays Series: Vincent DiMartino, trumpet &
‘ , ‘ ~ Schuyler Robinson, organ; Free; Center for the Arts: 3
. ' . . ' p.m.:Call7-3145
2 9: The Concord Trio: Free; Center for the Arts; 8 p.m.;
' , Call7-3145
V 2 10-46: Exhibit Photographs by Guy Mendes' continues:
' ' Free; CFA- Art Museum; T-Sun12-52Call7-5717
~ . . 2 4: Guest Recital: John Drew, trombone; Wesley Morgan,
, 5 DNESDAY 6 THURSDAY piano: Free; Center for the Arts; 8 p.m.; Call 7490)
y. WE
-> V 0 Movres Dune; tickets on sale all day: 51.75: Worsham 0 Academics: Last day for reinstatement of students “fix SPORTS
‘ ' ' Theatre, 7:30pm.; Coll 7-1287 cancelled for non payment of registration, housing and/or 5-7;.”
9 Sports: UK Basketball VS. Vanderbilt at home; Rupp dining fees,R9quires fee payment plus $50 '1”
' Arena 0 Movies: Dune; tickets on sale all day: 51.75; Worsham
. 0 Meetings: SAB Concert Committee meeting; 228 SC: 5 Theatre-7.309171; Call7-1287 ,r
p.mr Coll7-8867 0 Religious: Bible Study by United Methodist Student
I 0 Religious: Wednesday Night Bible Study by Great Com- Center; 508Co|umbia Ave.; 8 p.m. 25: UK Basketball vs. Vanderbilt at home; Rupp Arena 2/9: 'Aikido': Beginner Aikido classes; Free; Alumni Gym;
mission Studenis? 23‘ 5C3 7p.m.; C°ll254'3997 0 Religious: Student Luncheon- Baptist Student Union; 2 5: 'Aikido‘: Beginner Aikido classes; Free; Alumni Gym; 1 p.m.:Call266-0102
~ 0 Sports: 'Aikido : Beginner Aikido classes; Free: Alumni $1; Baptist Student Center: 12:15 p,m,; Call 7-3989 8'30 p.m.: Call 266-0102 2/9: UK Wheelchair Basketball vs. Louisville at home; Sea-
Gym; 8:30 p.m.; Call 266-0102 0 Meetings: Regular meeting of UK Fencing Club- equip- 2 7: UK Men's Swim Team vs. Purdue at home; Memorial ton Gym: 11 a.m.: Call7-3928
: ' O'hefi Rallv '0' “9““ “Million: buses '90“? 0’ 4:15 ment provided, free instruction; Alumni Gym; 7:30 p.m.; Coliseum pool: 5pm.; Call7-5626
- p.m.; Call7-3191 (0112335201 28: UK Lady Kat Basketball vs. University of Miami: Me-
: ’ ' REIlQiOUST Si~ Augustine's 010139“ HOIY Communion: 0 Religious: TOPs (Twenty-One Plus) discussion group morialCoiiseum;7:30p.rn.:COll7-6046
‘ ' ' 472 Rose St.: 5:30 p.m.; Call254~3726 for the older (21 8 older) ; Free; K-House/412 Rose St.: 2 8: UK Basketball vs. Mississippi at Mississippi
’ 5:30 p.m.: Call 254-1881 2 8: UK Wheelchair Basketball vs. Louisville at home; Sea-
, ton Gym; 7p.m.; CalI7-3928
2 3: Information-discussion group on career/job hunting
' ’ issues; Free; 201 Matthews Bldg.; 5:30-7 p.m.; Call 7.2746
24: Randall Robinson 'US/Southern Africa Relations': Free:
‘ Memorial Hall; 8 p.m.: Call 7-8867
2 10: Craftsmen 8 Courtiers in Mycenean Greece' by Cyn-
‘ thia W. Shelmerdine; 102 Classroom Bldg.; 8 p.m.; Call 7-
‘ 2 4: SAB Public Relations Committee meeting: 115 SC: 4
g p.m.; Cali 7-8867
' FRIDAY SATURDAY 24: Personnel Association (ASPA) meeting- everyone
- - please attend! ; Free; 88E Bldg; 4 p.m.
‘ ' 2- 5: SAB Concert Committee meeting; 228 SC; 5 p.m.; Call
. 7- 7
. 0 Concerts: Lexington Philharmonic Concert; $12.50, $15, 0 Movies: St. Elmo's Fire: $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 2:8:6Regular meeting of UK Fencing Club- free instruction,
, _ ”7:505 ’20; Center “2" the A"57 8 p.m.; Call 2334226 p.m.;Call7-1287 _ equipment provided; Alumni Gym; 7:30 p.m.; Call 233-5201
‘ - e MOVIQS: ST. Elmos FIFE} $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7230 e SPOTTSI UK Lady K015 Basketball vs. Unwersi'y of 2,7, UK Badminton Club: 590,0" Gym; 8130-10230 p.m.:
- _ p.m.:Call7-1287 Miami; Memorial Coliseum; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-6046 Call 278-7138
‘ . . -. . Sports: UK Men's Swim Team V5: Purdue 0' home; Me- ' SPOT"? UK Basketball VS- MlSSlSSlPPl 0' MlSSlSSlPPl 2’9: UK Badminton Club: Seaton Gym: 2:30-3:30 p.m.; Call
. mor'Ol Coliseum POOlI 5p.m.; CO” 75626 ' Religious: St. Augustine's Chapel: Evening Prayer; 472 278-7138
_ ‘ ' 0 Meetings: UK Badminton Club: Seaton Gym; 813040130 Rose Street; 6p.rn.: Call254-3726 2/10: Feminist Alliance meeting; 119 SC; 8-9:30 p.m.; Cali
» ‘ P-m- C0” 278:7l33 0 Religious: 'The Hub Coffeehouse: live Christian enter- 266-1651
- ,' g ’ ' tainment; Free; K-House/412 Rose St.: 7:30 p.m.; Call 254-
. . . 1881
- ' Sports: UK Wheelchair Basketball vs. Louisville at
. ' - , ‘ home; Seaton Gym; 7 p.m.; Call 7-3928
‘ ,
w _ _ '_ . 2/4: Last day to drop a course without it appearing on the 2/6: student Luncheon- Baptist Student Union; Si; Baptist
r L i, student's transcript Student Center; 12:15 p.m.; Cali 7-3989
.2" 1 g , ~ - ‘1, , 2/4:Last day to change grading option 2/6: TOP’s (Twenty-One Plus) discussion group for the
7 . , - . . ,. 2/4. last day to tile for a repeat option in colioeo dean's older (21 I. older); Free; K-House/412 Rose St.: 5:30 p.m.;
,2 _ -‘ I -' : '. ' office, if student is retaking the course in the 1986 Spring (5112544351
. _ . ,> - semester 2/8: St. Augustine‘s Chapel: Evening Prayer: 472 Rose St.:
,; I ,1 . : ,1: ". 2/6: Last day for reinstatement of students cancelled for 6p.m.; Coll254-3726
" ‘ '- ' ; non payment of registration. housing and/or dining toes. 2/8: 'The Hub Coffeehouse': live Christian entertainment; \
g, g . , , ‘; Requires fee payment plus $50. Free: K-House; 7:30 p.m.: Call 254-1881
_ , l . 2’34/73 APF’IY lOF Sit-"’9'" TOOChing '0' F0” 1936: 1013 2/9: Sunday Teaching by Great Commission students: 220
‘:, , _' , '." ’1‘ Taylor Ed. Bldg: Baht-4:30 p.m.; Call 7-1857 88E Bldg; 10:30a.m.; Cail254-3997
“ i" » ' ' i 7/31 Special 50M”: Ff” brief marriage/family 'hOfOPY 2/9: St. Augustine's Chapel: Holy Communion: 472 Rose
. j , ’ - -- .4: . g . 9 available by professional personnel, supervised by John F. St.: 10:30°,m.‘Szwp.m.;CaI12$4-3726
, ‘ , = , . , SUNDAY MONDAY Crosby, PhD; if interested call 7-7761 or 272-7m7
' , , ‘ ' ' _'I' 2/5: Rally for higher education: buses leave at 4:15 p.m.;
. ‘ -,' - Cali7-3191
_ y' ' ' ‘4: ' . 0 Concert; Center Sundays Series: Vincent DiMartinO. o Exhibitions: Exhibit ’Photographs by Guy Mendes' con- gog'crlznitl: ASELviceepbryLUmted MQ'hOd's' Student Center,
, -‘ 5', trumpet 8 Schuyler Robinson, organ; Free; Center for the ttnues; Free; CFA- Art Museum: T-Sun 12-5; Call 7-571'7 , 2,4, Baptist Student Union- TNT- Tuesday Nite Together;
: . . ' , ‘_ Arts:3p.m.;Call7-3145 0 Lectures: AIA Lecture Craftsmen and Courtiers by free: Baptist StudentCenter'7-30p m 'Call7-3989
. K - .'- 0 Concerts: The Concord Trio; Free; Center for the Arts; Cynthia Shelmerdine: Classroom Bldg; 8p.m.: Call 7-3386 2 4"Wednesday Evening F'en'omgipi' Food fun ‘ "'0'“.
’ ' ' ' 8pm.: Call7-3145 ' Movies: St. Elmo's Fire; $1.75; Worsham Theatre: 7:30 worship‘ Rm ANewman Center 6-8 pm 'Cdll255-8566
, ' ' ‘ - ' 0 Meetings: UK Badminton Club: Seaton Gym; 2:30-3:30 p.m.; Call 7-1287 2,5 wednesda N't ab! 5' ' "
. , , , . , . y ie t e tudy by Great Commission
, j, ' _ p.m.. Call 278-7138 0 Meetings: Feminist Alliance meeting; 119 SC; 89:30 students:231 SC: 7p m ‘Call254-3997
’ 0 Religious: Sunday Teaching by Great Commission stu- p.m.; Call 266-1651 2 5, St [Augustine's Chapel: Holy Communion: ‘72 Rose
dents; 220 385 Bldg.: 10:30 a.m.; Call254-3997 I Lectures: 'Crattsmen I Courtiers in Mycenean Greece’ St.:-5:30pm.: Call ”‘37” ' '
‘ ' i 0 Sports: Aikido: Beginner Aikido classes; Alumni Gym: by Cynthia W. Shelmerdine; Free; 102 Classroom Bldg; 8 2 6: Bible Study by United Methodist Student Center; 5“
., . I 1pm,; Call 266-0102 p.m.; Call 7-3386 Columbia Ave: 8p m
’ ' ' Religious: St. Augustine's Chapel: Holy Communion; ' ' l
’ ,, ‘72 Rose St.:10:300.m.& 5:30pm.; Call 254-3726
. - - 0 Sports: UK Wheelchair Basketball vs. Louisville at
, V home; Seaton Gym; 11 am; Call 7-3928
ti," if-
, 2 11 UK Jan Ensemble i Concert: Free: Center for the 2/13: Career Workshop: on resume writing, interviewing
Arts, 8 p.m. Call 7.3145 techniques and lab search strategies; Free; 201 Matthew:
2 11: Entry deadline for Intramural Table Tennis (5 It D): Ildg.; 5-6 p.m.; Cain-m
135 Seaton; 4 p.m., Call 7-2898
212- UK Summer Camp Recruitment- Summer iobs: Free:
2065C; 9a.m.-l p.m.; Cain-3843
2'13: Last day for filing applications in college dean's of-
fice for a May degree
2/ 13: Symphonic Winds Concert: Free; Center for the Arts;
8 p.m.; Call 7-3145
2/ 13: UK Basketball vs. Alabama at Alabama

 i I .
‘ '
Sports Editor
. . 2. . Assistant Sports Editor
.. ., - .. .. .. I . homemade '
III , v a leston,
' tA b ° 1'
in near erfect ame -- “Pse “ “m "1 2 0 S
1" "' I “A II.
. . , " v -. $4tie’fw’“ G in J.\so.\\\ii.i.i.\.\is against the outs'tdebriented Golden '
ginglglliJO:VEibter I . I Staff Writer Eagles. . '
u ng Finer all "‘5’;le "Ill ID I D! In E - 4‘ I thOUght UUI‘ l'astbreak “’35 the . I '
It almost took rfection for UK to Pevlon 36 n is 2 a 4 2 3 2; , :E' 9 The Value of playing a team such highlight of the game." L'K coach ' .
shake free of Aifiurn Frida night Morris. 35 5 s 2 s 2 2 a :2 ' as the L'niversity of (‘harleston this Terry Hall said “And that was be-
but that on] indicates the cayliber 0t :12'“- ' i: 3 I: i i g ; I I: I 2 _ late in the season might be ques- causeourdet'ense really hustled." I - " l .
basketball thesetwoteams la ed Whlleh‘h‘h. 3i 2 5 o 0 0 6 ¢ 4 .22» “ "f- .2' I tioned. although Lady Kat Shelly Hustle is nothing new to Miller. ~ -‘ ' ,
. I . p y ,‘ Howard l2 0 l o o o 3 0 o i, I »' ..I I , "f Miller said it was just what her who had six points and tour i‘cv , ' . ' '. _
Led by senior Kenny Walkers 24 M.Jon:\ 27 s 7 3 4 s l 3 i3 » ~ . 35 “1/ . team needed bounds The 6—t'oot-1 senior has been ' ' 4' '
points and strong reserve play from ram. 100 30 47 II I6 I9 n 20 'II 9' ’ 1. v, . . ' .,~ . " .. ‘ *
so homore Cedric Jenkins the Wild- II "1,. .’ 4%} ..u‘ti. a? lhe hats. 1_'4 merall. defeated aquiet enforcer oitthe bench .. . - -. I
eat; lled awa I from the stubborn . “stun ll ' .« ' u a“ We the «Ho Golden Eagles, a National "1 try to keep really intense." she I' . . ,' .' I {I
Ti erguBl-fl I" {30m of 23 320 fans at 229;" "g; I: '1; '; "2 I: g P: l: ‘J . ’1 ‘, .. V4», Association of intercollegiate»Athlet- said "And 1 tind the less I cheer on '- . .' -' . -. ‘.
Rug Arena ‘ Walker '3: 40 l0 [7 4 s a 2 3 24 . if“ 1.3 .- “sf " “'5 “L'h‘ml ”“34 ”Hm." night In 519‘ thebench, the better I do U * -' ‘1 . 'I'I I I"
fisher la ed What I thought was Biuimon . 20 l 4 o o 3 2 .i 2 the if?“ *' - I. The morialt‘oliseum Miller. who is playing only her -.’A '- 1; II?
a ”:0? bitsketball ame .. said 32:32:" ' 3; g E (2) 3 i 3) ; :2 ' II ‘ a“ I ' ’1 ‘4' i3, Iaa‘; The ill—point total was a Lady Kat second year of college basketball. " , ,. I ‘2' iI:
Augfirn coach Sonn ngith' whose Madison-...” N o i o o l o l o W. . M . “34"“ 42’s» __ single-game 59"“"8 record and the 9133‘“ some at the power toruard " '. f 'r',"':
team fell to “<7 ov3erall and 6-3 in """Im-v‘r. 2‘ 3 4 2 3 7 2 4 s . d . ‘ At. . a; 'l' . Kalb. “2 901mS 1“ the second half 590‘ Friday night. although >ht’ hi” ‘, ', 2' :1.
the Southeastern Conference “They 0"" 19° 3“ “ '3 '7 33 1° 1' u " " Ia " . if "” was a 1K record for most points in mostly been used as a backup center -I I -; , <
"I I .‘ . ‘ “mm _ u "I h b M. Show I ”am m... ; {I . I. 's’e ‘-'~I.°’I_I . a half. tol)ebbie Miller this season :‘I '~. ‘ - .' . IIICI -_"‘~. ;
ffifigtnofi everything we could throw ..., _ “...". an. ...“si'fs'fm...,,"1'1'5§'.,",'_ I «W . ' I 'Is' *- g; "I think in our case we needed a ”I really like the center position ' I ' .I .‘
d [K '0 h Edd'e Sutton w 'ust “t“: 23320 ' fire. *. ' "we, 1:;5 12.5“, {1 game like this." Miller said, "to get she said "But there's a lot ot things fI I (I' ”2 1"";
-' ( aid .‘mlmé Ti r' as J m .m- ' ' zI fife," . .9 T ' ; back in the swing of things and get you have to do that don‘t get mi- ‘f:>-I'V.- 'I."‘,'~" 15”..
S's-{$33335 the of thegbebst college ‘jI‘. “$521 'I W V ‘1. ‘9' our confidence back." ticed. like setting picks and moving .3 If}??? '
. . . - - - . “am; tar/v 7" 7 Kentucky may have needed some Without the ball " '4 : 22's.”: 7","
i. m s , ~ ' er. timshed wth m - r. r- 3 . : exv . x . We , ' . ' . . " "= -' ‘2 -" .
IgamcsIIl mama", lnrfiiivedirghbltn‘: points. l 3 ga e hlgh 24 gay,“ 943‘ ‘ , ('tlllllil(‘ll('€‘ alter being soundly beat- Although Hall benched Debbie ~ .: '1 *‘ . 2932:".
(lgg'ed mtlgtter lonibgaht' losinu ltlhen Moments after Person's dunk ' K we; . if “1 1" h‘m‘i‘ l’l' LOUlSl'dna State 75““ “1”” Friday mghl and m0"9d .' " 4 ‘ l 1": 35-5".
rho: did when the' wong down Tiger forward Jeff Moore banked in . » l 1“" “"‘ek That game. coming after Karen “05195 0"" to center. ”‘9 '5' I- .' l 1.5»; f1'"
tle'e ., 3 ashort jumper to tie the game at63 ‘9’ x . ‘ a big win over Tennessee. was ln(llt" Kats' halfcourt game plan has {in " ‘2}
I\Al/‘ith its ninth straight victorv UK With Auburn riding a wave of mo- \ , 3:» ‘i a“ 7 ‘ “me ”t m“ K3“, up—and-down 593' mam-V be?" I” g.“ m“. ball ”3 1““ "” ~‘ 7 " I
improved its record to 18-2 overall mentum. UK circled the wagons and ' 3’ 35:; l ' ' I 1?? mn' . Dame MIH‘T' “he” men} “'11" 1" _. "I '
nd ained a one—game lead over Al- turned back the Tigers in the final a . . a ‘ ggg . , However, Miller said the teams in. that isnt always the Cu>t, .il ‘5; I ~’ >‘ I‘ ‘.
ab' I: 'n the SEC witha 9-1 recOrd six minutes. ~ V ' .L’ 3 ' ,-.»'. mental 5'4”“ l'CIlliillL‘ “WW though ~‘he mm" 95 her leilllllllillw ' . .' 8 .
a Kun‘hln out to a 41-34‘lead at half- “I think we have a pretty mature g” 339‘?” ' " ’flr . (g ”1 “9'99" thought “9 had a” all“ are ”“mmg 1" 1‘4”“) h” ”‘9’” ‘ - - -. ' '9 ;..'
time thegWildcats continued to build basketball team “ said Roger Hard- 51%” . "=1 v. r " , .. . "‘d“ pmhk’m‘“ ”he 5"“d ”n." W“ “l 3”“ figure ‘f I get ”pm “”‘l "a“ ; f ‘ I.
‘ - - . en who finished with h' h “fakes ' a “ been little things that haven't been tor the ball enough they'll hau- to I , ' » .' '
on that margin midway through the . _ a 03789" lg t‘mfl’gflé '~ “7 ' cli 9km 9 " me it tome " Rhelh \1 ll ‘ ' l ~ - ' '~ ' " "
second half. With 12:46 to go. Walk- 14 pomts on 6 0f 14 shooting. “We ‘£,v“" , it: I , . ‘ h g - . . - ' 91 NH" . . II I_
er hit an eighpfoot jumper to put the kept our composure and our poise." ‘.‘ .. '- -.' Z , .. ., Miller and the other Kats may I. .. ' f . _L ~ ‘
(‘ats up by 13 at 59-46. After a timeout, UK came out and ,. 91. ., I-IIW w II WIIIII'" .. If. III M . , .. WM have wondered if they wouldn‘t click . ' I: '