xt7vx05x7j28 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vx05x7j28/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19480813  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August 13, 1948 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 13, 1948 1948 2013 true xt7vx05x7j28 section xt7vx05x7j28 The Kentucky Kernel

Good Luck Grads!

Happy Vacation
To Everyone

Sunny And Mild;
High Of 80





Tables Are Turned
As Students Grade

Fall Session Begins Registration Schedule
Thursday, Sept. 16


Classes Will Start
Monday Sept. 20
Packing their bags to leave for a
month's break between terms, UK
students checked Sept. 16 on their

calendars as the day fall



gets underway.
They'll begin signing up for classes on Thursday. Sept. 16. and continue through Friday. Classes start
Many universities throughout the
country will go through a slacking-of- f
in enrollment, according to Registrar Maurice Seay. but UK won't
be one of this group.
"The University is not 'filled up'
for fall and it is not difficult for
qualified prospective
gain admission," Dr. Seay said.
Kentuckians on campus will be
joined by a large number of
and foreign students. There
apis no ceiling on
plicants, but many of the foreign


students are having passport and
currency troubles, which might limit
t h e.i r numbers, according to Dr.


to 10:50.
to 11:50.

8 to
9 to

"Our physical plant has been supplemented to provide more facilities
for the student, and the faculty has
been greatly strengthened." he said.
Vice President Leo M. Chamberlain said that 21 war surplus structures will be used for classrooms
and storage space, and that temporary living units will house over
1000 students.
Housing Shortage Acute
But a hitch in another record en
rollment could be found in the lack
of living quarters.
"The housing shortage will be as
acute this fall as ever before," Dean
A. D. Kirwan said.
He said his worst headache was
finding living quarters for married
The waiting list for Cooperstown
and Shawnee town already totals
more than the combined number of
married veterans living both places.
Cooperstown will house 139 married
veterans, and Shawnee town holds

nve hundred freshmen will fill
the men's dormitories, and the bar-ncv ill provide .Jiving, space .for

Board Authorizes
Eurtrlc T Pinieli
UK Fieldhouse
Enough money to complete the
was authorized through the issuance
of $800,000 in revenue bonds by the
Board of Trustees.
The bonds were Issued to a Louisville and Lexington syndicate at
bid of $1,020 for each $1,000 bond.
That bid was the only one received,
according to Frank D. Peterson,
Issue of the 800 bonds will supply the revenue necessary to supplement availeble funds for the structure's completion.
The needs for the funds resulted
from the fact that the appropriations from the state amounted to
$1,700,000 while the total of four low
bids on the completion work was
about $2,500,000. Contracts for the
final phases of work have already
been awarded.
Income from the operation of the
fieldhouse will be used to pay off
the bends over a
The University has already spent
over $1,000,000 on the project since
the start of work in April, 1947.

UK Students Qualify

As Expert Riflemen
George T. Sparrow, UK itudent
of Elizabeth town, had one of the
two highest scores in marksmanship
among 177 ROTC trainees at Camp
Campbell, it was announced recent

He attained a high score of 188
from a possible 210.
Eight UK students were among
31 trainees who qualified as ev.iert
riflemen. They are Edgar J. Huet,
Sidney Mitchell. Edwin 8. Walters,
Charles Wachtman, David S. Fields,
Jr. Wynn O. Moseley. John D.
Steele, and Sparrow.

Committee Named
By Phi Delta Kappa

Kyians Ready
Today is the last day to pick
up Kentuckians.
A limited number is available to those who wish
to buy a copy.
The Kentuckian office will be
open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in
the McVey Hall

8 to
9 to

8:50.... P through R

to 10:50.... T through V
11 to 11:50...V through Z




1:30 to 4: 30.... Misce-


llaneous A through Z

Delegates Attend

Special Fund Set Up
World ConferencejFinances Scholarships

Combloux, France, was the scene
of a recent reunion of UK's two students in Europe, Harold Friedly and
Shelby Darbishire.
The occasion was an international
conference of student leaders with
representatives of UNESCO to discuss the problems of university reconstruction.
Friedly, travelling for the World
Student Service Fund, United States
student Welfare organization, had
completed a tour of German centers
of learning which included Freiburg and Heidelberg.
Darbishire, local SGA delegate to
study tours of Europe, had arrived from travels
through England and France.
The two UK seniors exchanged
notes on conditions in universities
in Europe before submitting reports
for publication in U.S. newspapers.
Report To Be In Kernel
Frledly's observations on German
scholastic life will appear in an early
issue of the Louisville Courer-Jour-na- L
Darbishire is preparing a
report for release to the Kernel during the fall term. ,
Following the meeting in Combloux. Friedly left for Prague,
Czechoslovakia. From Prague he
will go to Helsinki, Finland, to confer with the National Union of Students there.
Darbishire In Italy
Darbishire is now in Italy completing a study tour of Rome, Venice, and other Italian cities. Both




The University

has received

Brown's "Triskaidekaphobia",
from that same fear of 13.
New Program Arranged
The diplomas, our spies tell us,
will be distributed in batches of 13,
just to keep in the spirit of the
Unofficially, we have heard that
there will be 13 chairs on the platform, and the gradates will fill 13
rows of seats.
The speaker of the day. Dr. Alfred Crabb, is also one who is
plagued with the disease of 13. There
are 13 letters, there count them if
you dont believe it.
Dr. Crabb comes "from Nashville" 13 again.
Just in case you're interested,
of the Univerthe
sity, L. M. Chamberlain, has yup,
you guessed1 it 13 letters.
But, of course, you dont have
to pick up your diploma if you

don't want it.
Can't Turn Out Right
No matter how the weather turns
out. it will be wrong. If it rams,
"precipitation" has 13 letters, as
has "sunshine today."
If you feel like exclaiming over
this nonsense, don't say, "Oh, good
heavens," cause that has 13 too.
I wouldn't worry about it too
much, though. So what if a brick
falls on your head as you walk
down the aisle? Who cares if Memorial Hall collapses around you during the ceremony? You won't.
You are the class of 1948. Sounds
innocent, doesn't it? Well, you're
wrong. Add the second and third
numbers 13. Add the first, third.
and fourth same result. Still want
to graduate this year? It would be
very simple to wait till January,
or even better, next 'June.
Hey what am I talking about?
Leave out my middle initial and

13 letters.

How do you go

about changing your name?


the Harlan Mining Institute of Harlan, Ky, and
a bust of Henry Clay from Mrs.
H. M. Nicholls of Chicago, as gifts.
The mining organization's gift
will be used to set up a special
Harlan Mining Institute Fund to
$1,000 check from

finance scholarships In mining
Loyall, and Eugene Smith, Ben-hahave received the initial
grants, effective in the falL
The bronze bust of Henry Clay,
done in 1854 by H. K. Brown, was
given to the University by Mrs.
Nicholls in accordance with the wish
of her late husband.
It will be kept in President Donovan's office until the new Fine Arts
Building is complete, and then


transferred to the art center.

Ag Field Day Held

Here Yesterday

By Stanley J. SchiU
Education Editor
Something new has been added to
the grade system at the University.
The proverbial worm has turned.
and the professors are liable to find
the tables falling on them soon.
With final exams in sight, a group
of commerce students living in the
Scott Street Barracks have decided
to get back at their instructors by
showing them what it feels like to
be graded.
A poll was taken of all the barracks men who have ever taken
courses in the College of Commerce
to see how the instructors rate with
their students. Although the straw
vote is not official, nor a good cross- section of student opinion, it is
hoped that the idea might catch on,
and that the project might become
campus-wid- e
in the fall.
Profs May Flunk
The possibilities of such a project
are numerous. It is probable" that
some of the professors will get "E"
grac-es- ,
while many of the lowly Instructors will come up with "A".
Instructors will be
students instead of
knows, maybe the English department will write the themes for students to correct. Professors will be
mopping their brows after being subjected to finals drawn up by their
students. At last the students will
find out whether their instructors
can pass their own exams. Oh, happy day!
Getting back to the commerce college ratings as determined by the
barracks residents, the teachers
were rated on the basis of five points
for top rating, four for next, then
three, and so on down. Each man
filled out a sheet rating all his incow-towi-



Beals Wins
High man in the teaching sweep
The Agriculture Experiment Stastakes on the basis of personality,
tion held its annual field day yesteaching ability, examinations,
terday at the station.
knowledge of
The public for the first time was ability to get the subject, and was
material across,
admitted to the dairy center and to W. E. Beals, who garnered 36 points,
see herds and flocks kept for ex four higher
than his nearest com
perimental purposes.

Among the things exhibited were
burley and dark tobaccos resistant
to disease; effects of rotation and
cropping systems on tobaccos: dif
ferent types of hybrid corn, growing
students are gathering data for in different rotations and with varspeaking engagements upon their ious applications of fertilizers: and
return to the United States in Sep- a demonstration in the use of the
- - ., chemical, 84-.
tember.- to control weeds.

Nearly 400 Seniors
Graduating Tonight-

Largest Summer Class To Receive
Diplomas At Amphitheater Excriccs

Trustees Appoint
Dr. Edwin E. Stein

Nearly HH) graduating candidates, largest summer graduating
class in the University's history, will receive degrees tonight in

Department Head
Dr. Edwin E. Stein, associate professor of music at George Peabody
College, Nashville, has been named
head of the Music Department by
the Board of Trustees.
A native of Coffeyville, Kansas.
Dr. Stein received a bachelor of
music degree from Michigan State
College, and master of music and
Ph.D. degrees from the Eastman
School of Music, Rochester. N. Y.
Dr. Stein has served as instructor
of music at the University of Michigan State College, as assistant in
mtisicology at the Eastman School
of Music, and as assistant professor
of music at Michigan State College
and at the University of Texas.
season, he
During the 1934-3- 5
was flutist with the Kansas City
Philharmonic Orchestra. He is
now assistant conductor of the Nashville Symphony Orchestra. He has
been on the staff at George Peabody
College since 1938.
Dr. Stein is married and has three
children. He is chairman of the
National Teachers Committee on liberal arts and music. During World
War II. he served as a lieutenant in
the Navy.
The appointment of Dr. Stein will
be effective Sept. 1. He succeeds
Dr. Alexander Capurso, who recently
resigned t o accept a position a t
Syracuse University.

Mr. Prindl Plans
Band Camp Lectures

The 391 students who will receive
degrees tonight are listed below. Thorn as Chaffin, Jr., Charles FieldBesides these degrees, eight certific
ing Chappel. Harding Howard
ates in public administration will be
Jr, Benjamin Wright Dyer,
Jr, Murray Arnold Freeman, OthelCOLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES lo Oaskin. William Gaylord Ginn,
Bachelor of Arts: Elizabeth Ruth Montgomery Douglas GJvens, RobAllison, Sandra Eleanor
Asher, ert Peyton Hays, John Lee Herald,
Thomas Austin Ballantine Jr., Peg- Moss Carroll Hill. Ike Cobb Hubgy Gene Bockmon, Charley Boggs, bard, Landon Hunt, James BenjaLois Dale Briskey, Geraldine Farrar min Jackson, Jeptha Rayburn Jett,
Os-1Brock. Carmaine Bruce. Jane Ellen Vance Courtney Johns, Delmar
Thomas Howe JohnBuchanan. Cornell Cedar Clarke, son. Johnson. Dillon Kemp, Robert
David Coleman Collons, Doris Hill
John Harris
Comett, Nancye May Eastin, Betty Reynolds Lawson, Hobert Phillips,
Edwards, Joseph Carson Parke. Jr., Shirley
Ruth Mary
Helen Evins, Eleanor William Robert Powers, William
May Lee Foushee, Robert Fauntle-ro- y Preston Ralph Jr, Charles Alvin
Richard Reed, .John
Grinstead, Mary Frances
Van de Graaff Shlpp III, Russell
Sue Gatlin Harris.
Towl-e- r.
Mary Jean Hillenmeyer, Emily Virgil Skinner, James WoodsDelford
Jean Johnson. Mary Battle Kayse, Carl James Robert Turner, Ward,
Tevis Wilkerson Laudeman, Jr.. Jack Walden, Wilkerson,Carter Ashton
Patricia Ann McGruder, Gloria Ryland Wilson, Jr., Orem Glen-woo- d
Inez Manter, Maubert Rhey Mills,
William Kenneth
Patricia Ann Moore, Mary Beale Young,
Bachelor of Science (Home EcoJr., Nell Taylor Payne, Robbie
Elaine Potter, Garland Franklin nomics): Mary Cary. Tallu Jones
Prater, George Curtis Rader,' Jewell Fish. Emery Lou Flanders, Florence
Estill Rankin, Kenneth Thompson Houghlin. Geneva Louise
Claude Russell, Robert Lee Sum- Myers, Mary Louellen Prewitt, Doroner, Samuel Douglas Taylor, Jr., thy Juett Ray, Mary Bowen Rogers,
Patricia Thomas Thompson, Biker Edith Pauline Smith, Nancy Joan
Samuel VanArsdall,
Robert Lee Stevens, Martha Lee Ward.
Veazey. John Carter Weldon, Helen
Bachelor of Science (Civil EngiMarquet Welsh, Lloyd George
neering): William Riley Belcher,
Bachelor of Science: Thomas Ed- Lee Fulton Moore, James Paul Naward Anderson, Elvin Cooper Ber- pier, William J Stevens.
Bachelor e f Science (Electrical
tram, Teamus Bowling, Beverly
Anne Brown, Jackie LeRoy Carwell, Engineering) : William Riley Belch-r- e.
Lee Fulton Moore, James Paul
Jimmie Childers, Roy Raymond
Crawford. Jr.. Doris Evelyn Elliott, Napier, William J Stevens.
Bachelor of Science (Electrical
Myron Finkelstein. Milton Kay GoldEngineering): Edgar Burnett Franberg, Gloria Stivers Harbett, Charles Franklin Hood, Bryan Thomas cis. Curtis Paul Goodin, John RobIglehart, Martha White Jett, John ert Mitchell, William Alva Pribble,
Paul Rupard, Roy Lee Sallee, James
Dorsey Lindner, Lawrence Ray Wesley
Steiner, Stanley Sherwood
Nickell, Earl Milton Prater, John
Wright Ratliff, Jr., Betty Ree Stolt, Carl Everett Swanson, ChesRhoads, Ernest Clyde Steele, Paul ter Earl Ward.'
Bachelor of Science M Mechanical
Terman Thomas.
Bachelor of Science (Industrial Engineering): Walter Warren A ton,
Chemistry: Mose Baston, Jr., James Richard Hugh Eckles, Fauntley MilEdwards Brown, Jr., Norman Whit- ler Foley, John Robert Fortenbery,
ley Hall, Delmer Lee Manning.
Charlton Oakey Goodykoontz, Bart-le- y
Arvin Greenwell, David Martin
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) :
Stacy Johnson Davenport. Charles Hysinger, William Guthrie Marks,
Richardson De Spain, Jr., Theodore Edgar Harold Sawyer, Jr, Robert
Jackson Eversole, Crawford John Daniel Schumann, James Davis
Ferguson III, Jane Vaughan Jame Slaton. Franklin Lafayette Taul,
son, Charles Paul Owens, Robert
Bachelor of Science (Metallurgical
Chinn Rogers. Raymond Clayton Engineering: Ellis Theodore Beck,
Roland, Haskell Perm Short, John Frederick Lawson Eblen, John EmWesley Sorrelle, Jr., Osso Barney ory Walden II.
Stanley, Albert Arthur Stubbs, Jr.
Bachelor of Laws: Earl Franklin
Donald Blackburn Towles.
Bachelor of Arts (Music) : Forrest Ashcraft, Richard' Wilkinson Asher,
Maxwell Pringle Barret, Ben MatSchenks.
Bachelor of Science (Library Sci thew Combs, Paul Churchill Combs,
ence) : Susan Lillian Arthur, Pearl Joseph Clinton Covington, Walter
Cole Conner. Virginia Rodgers Da Clay Cox, Jr., William Gray Cox,
Englehardt, Jr,
vis. Mabel Diana Dudley, Edna Mae Carl
Mitchell. Mary Ellen Owsley, Linda William Eldridge Francis. Catherine
Gillis, Raymond
Howard, Willis Virgil Johnson, John
Pelham Johnston, Jennings Hiram
Kearby, Ben Lee Kessinger, Jr,
Bachelor of Science (Agriculture):
Fairol C Bailey, James Nelson Brat- - William Glenn Lehnig, Thomas
ton, Thomas Gaylord Brough, Wil Frazier Marshall, Harry Brown
liam Joseph Cantrell, William Miller, Jr, Glenn Ephraim Nippert,



the Memorial Hall Amphitheater.
The graduates, who will hie into the amphitheater at 7:30 p.m.,
will hear Dr. Alfred Lcland Crabb, Nashville author and eduaddress.

cator, give the commencement


Trustees Approve
Changes In Staff

Twelve appointments, including
two department heads, and eleven
resignations were approved by the
Board of Trustees Monday.
They are as follows:
Collere of Arts and Science
Appointments : Ruric E. Wheeler,




Bachelor of Arts: Denver Bailey,
Sally Araminta Branch, Edward Jay
Brumfield, Victor Samuel Bruner,
Elsie Breeding Burdsal. Mary Floyd
Cummings. Isaac Shelby Fugate,
Jr, Freda Hunting Gross. Virginia
Harned Harmon. Dorothy Beall
Hart. Adele Withers Headley! Raymond Howard . Heff ington. Gene
Dwight Heniser, Alene Napier Hill,
James Merle Howard, Edna Hurst
Huddleson, Flem M. Justice, Marjorie
Jones Madison. George Thomas
Moody, Norman C. Pickens, Edwin
B. Rayle, Theodore Reed Renaker.
Ruby Ann Riddle, Bethel Cox
Ritchie, Roy Borders Ritchie, Carita
Peters Roach, Elizabeth Louise Sellers, Charlotte Lovette Slone. Mary
Shelton Steele. Alene Cotton Tav-li- n,
Ann Overstreet Tucker, Thelma
Tuttle, Pauline Faye Walker, William Shelby Wilfrey. George Harold Yankey, Virgil Frimd Young.
Bachelor of Science: Thomas
Pearce Bell. Douglas Keith Brown,
Benjamin Franklin Buckley III.
Benjamin Lee Cowgill, Kirby Wood-roCox, Harley Willis Dunn. Jr,
Carojean Elsey, Thomas Christian
Ewlng,' Jr, Edward Allen Fricke,
Richard Preston fholson, Edmond
D. Gray, Helen Catherine Haag,
Donald Marshall Hall, Varge Allen
Hampton, Ernest Leroy Hommel,
Joseph Ellas Isaac. Jr, William
Beaty Jones, John Philip Kearney,
James Cecil Kennard, James Allen
Kincheloe, Virgil Pendleton Lary,
Jr, James Edward Lett, John Augustus Luigart, Jr, Lawrence Frederick Martin, Jr, Monroe J es s e
Mink, Charles Thompson Mitchell.
Jr, Charles Doyle Newcomb, James
Desmond Nickell, Joseph Bradford
Noff singer. Gaylord Euell Pack,
John Luke Quertermous, Harold
Clifford Rector. Bruce Austin Sayre.
Woodrow Wilson Smith. Charles
Ray Southerland. Burkitt Hall Stephenson, James Robert Taylor, Raymond Caldwell Tucker. George Donald Venters. Omer Leon Wagoner,
Claude Douglas Ward, Lawrence
Reed Wester, John Lloyd Wilson,
Joseph Henry Wombwell, Jr, Harry

Wright III.

Master of Arts: Betsye-Ros- e
Bertha Rae Baker, Virginia
Stuart Baskett, William Hancock
Breeze, Rita Marie Cancio. Leon
James Christy
Flack,. Walter Robert Gattis, Jr,
Frances Ward Gilmore, Sybil
Wilson Hutton. Emily Clark
Johnson, Winona Day Kell, Ruth
Kelley, Austin Maurice
Lashbrook. Therese Louise McKen-neMartha Elizabeth Pruitt.
Thomas Foster Rogers, Horace
Lewis Sawin, Nellie Gilmore Tucker. Claudine Gibson Wirths.
Master of Science: Henry Lewis
fey, Cecil Conley, Robert Clinton
Alt-sch- ul.

Va-le- da


Crowdus, Homer Lewis Davidson,
Edward Jackson Griffith. Thomas
Jefferson Gunnell, Robert El worth
Hargrove. Richard John Howard,
Jess Bolton Huff, Jr, George'
Samuel Hurst, Louis Edgar K i d -well, Jr, Tien Ren Liao, Irving
Rowena Neal Light.
William Jasper McCreary. Robert
Ray Smlther, John Allen Stokley.
Claiborne James Walton. Clifford
James Webster. Allie Louis Whitt.
Jr, Charles Vincent Youmans, Jacob
John, Louis Eugene Aull, Robert
Cecil Buckner, James Earnest Cris-weHomer Clark Evans. Marvin
Otis Hust, Robert Forest Hutton.
Thomas Bernie Shackelford, Harry
Allen Gibson. James Llewellyn Leg-geJr, William Braxton Sisco,
Charles Dlngee Jones.
Master of Arts: Charles Frederick Barrett, Jr, Frank Dawson
Bean. Elva Demp6ey Brown, Nana-lyn- e
Brown, James Charles Bruce.
George Roman us Cecil, Agnes Mae
Crouch, Carlisle Phillips Cutchin,
Donette Davis, Ollie Dykes, Jr, Oscar Carl Ecton, Carl Brown Edwards,
Chester Forrest Esham,
Margaret Forsee, Carl Randolph
Garnett, Gordon Clay God bey, Robert Emmett Goranflo. Virginia
Lynne Porter Greene, Margaret
Huldah Gregory.
Marshall William Hamilton. Randall Floyd Hammer, Orville B
Hayes, Raymond Henry Herndon,
John Buford Hendrick Hudson.
Crayton Troy Jackson. Howard
Boycan Jones, Elvis Lee Lewis. Naomi Mae McCracken, James Bishop McEuen. William James Mack,
Sal va tore Matarazzo, Mattie Louise Miracle. Laura Prewitt Moores,
Willis Serena Moss, Francis Essig
Nunvar, Elizabeth Dukes Phillips,
Roscoe Herman Playforth. Chiles
Thompson Pollard. John B Pullum,
Juanita Ruth Robertson, Emory
Gene Rogers. Bradley Sexton,
Christopher Columbus Small wood.
Evangeline Nell Smith, Samuel Lute
William Bruce Sweeney,
Lura Gall Swinford, Charles Randolph Trumbo, Maudy Lee Head
Williams. Clark Franklin Wood,
Elf red Burl Zimmerman
Master of Science: Charles Oakley Neel. Jr, Charles Roberts Rose.
Advanced Degrees: Doctor of EdHarold Robinson. Doctor
of Philosophy Leo Ashby. Charity
Ruth Hillls, Samuel Jacob Jasper,
Orba Forest Traylor, Charles Russell Walker. Jr.
(Under the Southern Regional
Training Program granted jointly
with the University of Alabama and
the University of Tennessee: Catherine Joanne Fox. Burton Dean
Friedman, Leon Felix Joyner, Jr,
Buford Wicklif McRae. Jr, Robert
Rankin MacMiUan. Carolyn Hope
Marshall, Paul Maine Rilling, Mary
Merrill Shadow.




At Home"


Library Science
Names New Head

instructor. Department of MatheinFrank J. Prindl, director of the matics; Ancel E. Cook, part-tim- e Physics;-'
Next in line was Rodman Sulli- University of Kentucky Band, will structor. Department of
Alfred von der Heydt. assistant provan, who had 32 points, and he was leave Monday for Camp Cavan-augfollowed by Merrill DeVoe, with 22.
LaGrange, 111. where he will fessor of German; Helen Bridgman,
Fifteen instructors were rated in teach and lecture on modern music community analyst, community serall, with fourth and fifth money go at the Male High School band vice staff. Department of Sociology;
ing to w. W. Jennings and R. D. camp. Mr. Prindl will appear as Miss Azile M. Wofford, associate
guest conductor in the final con professor of library science, made
Haun, respectively.
.The remainder of the first ten, in Art ptven hv th ffrniin - ftnri will Acting Head of the Department of
(Continued on Page Two
direct rehearsals for the- event.
ti. ueiiy, resigned; taw in fc. btein.
made head of Department of Music,

Frederic Alexander Scott. William Batsel, Harriet Maxlne Berman.
Thomas Wa then, Bernard Allen Margaret Lee Bolton. William Ward
Wells, Jr, William Arlington Wick-liff- e, Turner Crane, Dorothy Howard


the title of Dr. Crabb's speech.
Dr. Crabb. an historical novelist,
is the author of "Supper at Mix-we- ll
House." "Dinner at Belmont,"
"Breakfast at the Hermitage."
"Lodging at the St. Cloud." and a
Miss Azile WofTord, associate pro- new book. "Home to the Hermitage,"
fessor of library science, was ele- published this year.
vated to the position of acting head
The speaker is a native Kenof the Department of Library Sci- tuckian and has received the Litt.D.
Board of from UK. He is now professor of
ence at a meeting of the
Trustees Monday.
education at George Peabody ColMiss WofTord will replace Dr. lege for Teachers, in Nashville.
reMay Ask For Tickets Today
Robert H. Deily, who recently
signed after holding the position
Graduation candidates may ask
at the dean of women's office this
for about a
morning for additional reserved
A member of the University faculty since 1938. Miss WofTord will tickets. In case any were left over.
assume her new position Sept. 1 Each candidate was originally aland continue until the appointment lotted two tickets.
Eight hundred seats are reserved
of a new department head.
In the Amphitheater, but if it rains
tonight the ceremony will be held


Here Are The Seniors Who Graduate Tonight


Grads Will Be Victims
Of TriakaidelcapHobia
By Stanley J. SchiU
Numerology Editor
What a way to start out in the
world !
Those unfortunate souls who become alumni today, will have the
curse of "Friday the thirteenth"
hanging over them.
Those who will have to speak
will undoubtedly stumble over the
simplest words, and Just as you
girls are about to receive your
diplomas on the platform, you will
trip and fall flat on your faces.
There w ill be someone who will
stop on the trailing end of his gown
as he arises, and rip the bottom
right off of it.
For the rest of their normal lives,
if you could call them normal, toplagued by
day's graduates will
bad luck if the curse holds true.
through modern
people have feared this day, and
with good reason.
Historic Fear
Fear of Friday was handed down
to us from the day Christ was supposed to have died. Triakaideka-phobi- a
or fear of 13 comes to us
from the 13 people present at the
Last Supper.
Still not scared, huh?
Well, get this! All the diplomas
will be signed by both the president of the University and the
governor. Nothing wrong with that,
you say? Well, Herman Donovan
has 13 letters in 1U count 'em.
Earle Clements has the same number.
To go a little further, our espion- ape service reports that changes are
being made in the commencement
The graduates are to be draped
in black, the color of death, and are
to walk down an aisle covered by
a canopy of ladders, and each will
hold a leash, on the other end of
which will be a black cat. Theyi
will march to the tune of Lee

A through R
C through I)
E through G

H through J
1:30 to 2:30.. K through L
M through O
2:30 to 3:20.
3:30 to 4:20.',
ous, A through O

Commerce Profs

(Sept. 17)


about 500.
Phi Delta Kappa, National Hon
Fraternity houses will take care
orary Education Fraternity, ap
of about 600 men, the dean said.
Housing for women is limited, pointed nine members as repre?cn
too. All the dormitories are full, tatrves to national committees of
meetaccording to Dean Sarah B. Holmes, the organization at a recent
any cancellations will prob- ing, v.
Named to represent the fraterably be filled easily by new applinity were Dean W. J. Moore. Chiles
Pollard, Harold C. S. Robinson. Dr.
Applications for rooms are slow-i- n Ralph Cherry. N. B. McMillian,
down, she said.
Taft Botner, Frank Bean, James B
Women's dormitories and smaller McEwen, and Roscoe Playforth,
sororiunits house 721 students, and
ty houses can handle about 250
more. Two new women's houses
were recently purchased.
Students who don't get in a University living unit must live in private homes or commute. Lists of
rooming and boarding houses are
kept in the offices of the deans of
men and women.
No big social events have been
scheduled for early fall, according
to Miss Margaret Bruce Cruise, social director.






effective Sept. 1. succeeding Alexander Capurso, resigned.
Resignations: S. J. Allen, instructor in history: Marv Lvona, business
manager, Guignol Theatre; Edwin
assistant professor of
German; Charles Povlovich. instructor in political science; James Wat-ter- s.
associate professor of chemistry.
College of Agriculture and Home
Economics Appointments: Anna C.
Newton, assistant bacteriologist. Department o f Animal Pathology;
Clint R. Collins, assistant county
agent in training. Laurel county;
Glynn E. Williamson, field agent In
Resignations: Mrs. Fern Johnson,
home demonstration agent. Breathitt county; Anne F. Caudill. home
demonstration agent. Montgomery
county; Joseph E. McGary. county
soils assistant. Paducah; Sidney
assistant county agent. Franklin; Howard 'Campbell, county
agent, Hodgenville; Marguerite Williams, home demonstration agent.
Garrard county.
College of Education Leaves of
Absence: Thelma Monical. critic
teacher in home economics, granted
leave for one year to serve as an
exchange teacher in England; Anna
B. Peck, granted leave for 5 months
to serve in Bavaria as visiting consultant in social science studies.
Office of the Dean of Men Appointment: Wilfred L Kelley. director Scott Street Barracks, succeeding- John T. Adair, Jr, resigned.
Office of the Dean of Women
Appointment: Mrs. Bennie G. Williams, housemother. Kappa Alpha
Theta sorority.
Radio Station Appointment: Arnold H. Haun, chief engineer,


Dutch Students Tour'
Other A reas Of US
The two Dutch student guests,
recently entertained by UK's chapter, of Students For Democratic
Ac Oon. have departed for other
areas of the country prior to their
return to Holland in September.
John Peer e boom, now in Cleveland, Ohio, and David van der
Hoop, now in Seattle, Wash., were
sent to Lexington by the U. S. National Student Association to be
guests of UK students, faculty and
Before they left early last week,
the; students urged Charles Boggs.
who arranged their visit on the
campus, to announce their gratitude
t o 1 h e students, professors and
friends of the University for a "fine
showing of hospitality." Boggs said.



Last Lecture Given
The last in the series of eight
lectures on international affairs was
heltf Wednesday night in the Student Union Music Room.
Dean A. D. Kirwan and Dr. Am-r- y
Vandenbosch, head of the political; science department, discussed
the subject. "Should the United Nations Charter Be Revised?"

in Memorial Hall where only 550
seats can be reserved. Early arrivals
will get those.
After Dr. Crabb's address. President H. L. Donovan will confer degrees by one statement to each,
of the colleges, and each candidate
will step forward to get his diploma
from his dean.
When the diplomas have been distributed. Vice President Leo M.
Chamberlain will give the charge
to the graduating class.
Dr. Paul Shell Powell, president
of Kentucky Wesleyan College, will
give the invocation and benediction.
Following the invocation. Miss
Ruth Plnnell. voice instructor and
soprano, will sing "Build Thee More
Stately Mansions."
Audience To Sing
The entire audience will conclude
the program by siriging the national
anthem. At he en of the exervises
a carillonic bell program will be
The graduating class will assemble
at 7 o'clock tonight in columns of
twos, wearing caps and gowns. The
columns will start at the iron gate
posts near Anderson Hall and wul
extend back along the road leading
from Neville Hall.
At 7:25 p.m. the procession will
begin the march to the strains of
organ music, played by Miss Lei a
Cull is. through the Memorial Hall
WBKY Will Broadcast
WBKY will broadcast the ceremony. Elmer Sulzer announced.
President Donovan and Dr. Crabb
will lead the order of march.
They will be followed by the Board
of Trustees, former trustees, official
iruests. D r. Chamberlain. Dean
Maurice Seay. Comptroller Frank
Peterson, the other deans, administrative staff, and alumni.
Next in line will be the faculty of
the colleges of srts and sciences,
agriculture, and home economics,
engineering, law. education, commerce, and pharmacy.
Ending the procession will be the
candidates for advanced degrees, avd
finally, the candidates for bachelor
Ushers for the exercises are members of Cwens. sophomore women's
leadership honorary.
They are Mary Ann Faulkner,
Caroline Freeman. Jane Garrett,
Virginia Henry. Nancy Potts, Joan,
Rehm. Betty Jane Scrivner. Jen
Sherman. Juanita Violette, Dorritt
White, and Helen Deiss. .

To Receive
Special Honors

Eighteen of tonight's graduates wiE
receive special honors recognition.
Six persons will graduate "with
high distinction." a standing of 2.6
or higher for. three years. They are
Walter Aton. Geraldine Brock. Victor Samuel Bruner. Mary Helen
Evins. James Dillon Kemp, and
Robert Lee Sumner.
Graduating "with distiaction," between a 2.4 and 2 6 standing for
three years, are William Thoma3
Chaffin Jr, Pearl Connor, C