Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Rowland Green Railey letters


The Rowland G. Railey letters (dated 1887-1938, undated; 2.12 cubic feet; 4 boxes, 5 folders, 102 items) comprise letters and photographs that document farming, responses to personal advertisements, travel, and family at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries.

Descriptive Summary

Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Rowland Green Railey letters
1887-1938, undated (inclusive)
Railey, Rowland Green, 1868-1932
2.12 Cubic Feet
Education, Rural -- Kentucky.
Law -- Kentucky.
Dating services.
Railey, Rowland Green, 1868-1932
Collection is arranged chronologically. The Wade Hall Collection of American Letters has been processed into discrete collections based on provenance.
Finding Aid Author
Sarah Coblentz
Preferred Citation
2009ms132.0097: [identification of item], Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Rowland G. Railey letters, 1887-1938, undated, University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
Rowland Green Railey (1868-1932) was born in Monroe County, Kentucky to Anthony Jett Railey (1843-1929) and Adalade Gum (1849-1933). After completing his primary education, in 1889 he attended the State College of Kentucky. He completed his degree at Southern Normal School in Bowling Green, Kentucky in 1892, and in 1893 graduated from Northern Indiana Normal University in Valparaiso with honors in Columbian Classical Class. Among his professional pursuits, he taught school in Kentucky, was principal of Summer Shade Normal School (1891) and Horse Cave Normal School (1895), elected Circuit Clerk of Monroe County, Kentucky in 1897, and elected in 1900 as a member of Monroe County Republican Executive Committee. He was also a lawyer who practiced general law, and a farmer who grew ginseng and other herbs.
American Letters collector Wade Hall (1934-2015) was a native of Union Springs, Alabama. Starting in 1962, he lived in Louisville, where he taught English and chaired the English and Humanities/Arts programs at Kentucky Southern College and Bellarmine University. He also taught at the University of Illinois and the University of Florida. He held degrees from Troy State University (B.S.), the University of Alabama (M.A.), and the University of Illinois (Ph.D.). He served for two years in the U.S. Army in the mid-fifties. Dr. Hall was the author of books, monographs, articles, plays, and reviews relating to Kentucky, Alabama, and Southern history and literature. His most recent books include A Visit with Harlan Hubbard; High Upon a Hill: A History of Bellarmine College; A Song in Native Pastures: Randy Atcher's Life in Country Music; and Waters of Life from Conecuh Ridge.
Scope and Content
The Rowland G. Railey letters (dated 1887-1938, undated; 2.12 cubic feet; 4 boxes, 5 folders, 102 items) comprise letters and photographs that document farming, responses to personal advertisements, travel, and family at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries. The majority of the letters are responses to personal advertisements that Railey put in newspapers seeking either romantic interests or pen pals; the letters often contain physical descriptions of the women respondents as well as local news. There are other letters discussing the purchase of orange groves and tracts of land, sale of crops, and legal matters. Additionally, there are some letters in the collection which are addressed to Railey's brother, Ollie Luther Railey. The photographs depict family events, travel, baptisms, death, and daily life.
The Rowland G. Railey letters are part of the Wade Hall Collection of American letters, which includes correspondence and diaries from all over North America covering the time period of the Civil to Korean Wars. The materials were collected by Wade Hall and document everyday men and women.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
The collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.

Contents of the Collection

Rowland Green Railey letters, 1887

  • Box 54, folder 1
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1890-1891

  • Box 54, folder 2
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1894-1896

  • Box 54, folder 3
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1898

  • Box 54, folder 4
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1899

  • Box 54, folder 5
To top

Rowland Green Railey letters, 1900

  • Box 54, folder 6
To top

Rowland Green Railey letters, 1901

  • Box 54, folder 7
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1902

  • Box 54, folder 8
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1903

  • Box 54, folder 9
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1904

  • Box 54, folder 10
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1905

  • Box 54, folder 11
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1906

  • Box 54, folder 12-13
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1907

  • Box 54, folder 14-15
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1908

  • Box 55, folder 1-3
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1909

  • Box 55, folder 4-7
To top

Rowland Green Railey letters, 1910

  • Box 55, folder 8-11
To top

Rowland Green Railey letters, 1911

  • Box 55, folder 12-14
To top

Rowland Green Railey letters, 1914

  • Box 56, folder 1
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1915-1917

  • Box 56, folder 2
To top

Rowland Green Railey letters, 1918

  • Box 56, folder 3
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1919

  • Box 56, folder 4-6
To top

Rowland Green Railey letters, 1920

  • Box 56, folder 7-8
To top

Rowland Green Railey letters, 1921

  • Box 56, folder 9-10
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1922

  • Box 56, folder 11-13
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1923

  • Box 57, folder 1
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1924

  • Box 57, folder 2
To top

Rowland Green Railey letters, 1925

  • Box 57, folder 3
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1926

  • Box 57, folder 4
To top

Rowland Green Railey letters, 1927

  • Box 57, folder 5
To top

Rowland Green Railey letters, 1928

  • Box 57, folder 6
To top

Rowland Green Railey letters, 1929

  • Box 57, folder 7
To top

Rowland Green Railey letters, 1930

  • Box 57, folder 8
To top

Rowland Green Railey letters, 1931-1932

  • Box 57, folder 9
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1933-1938

  • Box 57, folder 10
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Rowland Green Railey letters, undated

  • Box 57, folder 11-12
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1902-1907

  • Box WH-18, folder 21
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1910-1919

  • Box WH-18, folder 22
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1920-1929

  • Box WH-18, folder 23
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Rowland Green Railey letters, 1931-1938

  • Box WH-18, folder 24
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Rowland Green Railey letters, undated

  • Box WH-18, folder 25
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Photographs, 1920-1927, undated

Negative of unknown building with multiple stores, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 1
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Negative of side of unknown building, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 2
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View of a drilling rig, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 3
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Unidentified workers standing near a drilling rig, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 4
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View of a drilling rig, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 5
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Unidentified persons working around a large above-ground vat, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 6
To top

"Bandstand in Alamo Plaza Miss Adelle Lawrence, Thrall, Texas. R.G. Railey, Forkton, Ky. O.H. Lawrence, Thrall, Texas.", 1920 March 30

  • Box WH-164, item 7
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Unidentified man in slat covered building, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 8
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Unidentified man in slat covered building surrounded by plants, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 9
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Unidentified persons standing around open casket with corpse of Jesse Eubank, note on back reads "Jesse Eubank - died in summer 1927 buried at Bethlehem Church in Monroe County, Ky", 1927

  • Box WH-164, item 10
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Unidentified man and woman standing on either side of the barrel of a cannon, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 11
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"R.G. Railey, Forkton, Ky. O.L. Railey, Forkton, Ky. Alonzo Emmert, Tompkinsville, Ky." next to a cannon, 1920 February 8

  • Box WH-164, item 12
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Unidentified man and woman standing next to a cannon, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 13
To top

"O.L. Railey, Forkton, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Emmert, Hot Springs, Ark." standing next to a cannon, 1920 February 8

  • Box WH-164, item 14
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Rowland G. Railey sitting on steps with arm wrapped around railing, 1920 February

  • Box WH-164, item 15
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Rowland G. Railey sitting on steps, 1920 February

  • Box WH-164, item 16
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Unidentified crowd, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 17
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Unidentified man performing a baptism on an unidentified woman in a stream while a crowd watches from shore, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 18
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Unidentified man baptizes an unidentified man in a stream while a crowd watches from shore, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 19
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Unidentified man baptizes an unidentified man in a stream while a crowd watches from shore, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 20
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Unidentified crowd standing on shore of a stream, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 21
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Unidentified man baptizing an unidentified woman in a stream, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 22
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Unidentified man and two women in a field, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 23
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Three unidentified women in a field, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 24
To top

Unidentified man and two women, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 25
To top

"Tomb of Dr. Jay Gumm; McMillan, Okla. Persons are: Mrs. Sallie Gumm, Mr. Wilson Gumm, Mr. A.M. Gumm - all of McMillan, Okla." double exposed image, far left is second image of above tomb with unidentified woman and children, 1920 March

  • Box WH-164, item 26
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Five unidentified girls sitting in yard, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 27
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Three unidentified children crouching next to a dead dog, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 28
To top

Unidentified man and woman, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 29
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Two unidentified men standing on a gazebo, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 30
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Four unidentified men sitting on a lumber pile, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 31
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Three unidentified girls and two dogs in front of a corn field, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 32
To top

Two unidentified women standing in the yard in front of a house, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 33
To top

Unidentified woman, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 34
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Three unidentified young women and a child in a field, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 35
To top

View of unknown house, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 36
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Two unidentified women in a garden, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 37
To top

Two unidentified men and two children in front of structure spanning across a crop field, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 38
To top

"Store-House of Mr. Wilson Gumm, McMillan, Okla.", 1920 March

  • Box WH-164, item 39
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Three unidentified children crouching beside a dead dog, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 40
To top

Unidentified young man and woman sitting on a porch, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 41
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"Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Emmert, O.L. Railey and R.G. Railey - made in Hot Springs", 1920 February 8

  • Box WH-164, item 42
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Unidentified young woman holding a small dog, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 43
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Two unidentified couples in yard of a house, one couple is a man and a woman, holding each other; the other couple is two women, holding each other, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 44
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Unidentified man sitting on a chair in a field with a dog on his lap, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 45
To top

"R.G. Railey, Forkton, Ky. O.L. Railey, Forkton, Ky. Hot Springs, Ark.", 1920 February 8

  • Box WH-164, item 46
To top

Unidentified man and woman, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 47
To top

"Merger Hotel grounds near the Alamo. R.G. Railey, Forkton, Ky.", 1920 March 30

  • Box WH-164, item 48
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"Left to right: R.G. Railey, Alonzon Emmert, O.L. Railey. Made in Hot Springs, Ark.", 1920 February 8

  • Box WH-164, item 49
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View of unknown building, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 50
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Three unidentified young women, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 51
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"Left to right: Mr. Reid, Mr. [Jaggart?], Mrs. Jennie Barrett, O.L. Railey, Mrs. Murry, and Miss Velma Scott", 1920 February

  • Box WH-164, item 52
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Unidentified young woman standing in garden, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 53
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Two unidentified young women, one holding a ladle and other holding a bucket, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 54
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Unidentified young child and dog, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 55
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Two unidentified women standing in front of an unknown building, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 56
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View of gravestones in a cemetery, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 57
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"The Alamo. R.G. Railey, Forkton, Ky. O.H. Lawrence, Thrall, Texas.", 1920 March 30

  • Box WH-164, item 58
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"From left to right: Miss Jennie Barrett, O.L. Railey, Mrs. Murry, R.G. Railey, Miss Velma Scott", 1920 February

  • Box WH-164, item 59
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Unidentified man and woman, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 60
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Three unidentified children and two mules, two children are on the backs of the mules, the third child is standing between the mules holding their bridles, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 61
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Five unidentified young girls partially obscured by a large bush, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 62
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Unidentified young woman in a ruffled dress, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 63
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Portrait of an unidentified young woman, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 64
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Unidentified young woman in yard, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 65
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Unidentified woman, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 66
To top

"R.G. Railey and Miss Cora Simmonds made 3/11/22 - in Hot Springs National Park", 1922 March 11

  • Box WH-164, item 67
To top

"Bandstand in plaza near the Alamo. R.G. Railey, Forkton, Ky. O.H. Lawrence, Thrall, Texas.", 1920 March 30

  • Box WH-164, item 68
To top

View of unknown building, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 69
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Three unidentified children crouching near a dead dog, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 70
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Six unidentified men and women in front of a house, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 71
To top

Unidentified young girl, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 72
To top

"Mrs. Carrie A. Raine and her little nephew - master Harry CHambers. 437 South Border St., Hot Springs, Ark.", 1920 February 1

  • Box WH-164, item 73
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Unidentified family portrait, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 74
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Two unidentified young children standing on either side of a dog sitting on a stool, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 75
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Unidentified family portrait in front of a house, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 76
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Unidentified man and woman, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 77
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Unidentified man standing near a drilling rig, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 78
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Unidentified persons sitting in a horse-drawn cart, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 79
To top

"Miss Bernice Gumm Oakland, Okla. and R.G. Railey (with the flu) Forkton, Monroe County, Kentucky", 1920 March

  • Box WH-164, item 80
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Unidentified persons (from leg-down) standing in front of flowers on top of freshly covered gravesite, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 81
To top

Unidentified crowd on shore of stream with unidentified man and woman walking out of the stream, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 82
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Rowland G. Railey sitting on steps, 1920 February

  • Box WH-164, item 83
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View of open casket with body of Jesse Eubank inside, 1927

  • Box WH-164, item 84
To top

"Bandstand in Alamo plaza. O.H. Lawrence, Thrall, Texas. Miss Adelle Lawrence, Thrall, Texas. R.G. Railey, Forkton, Ky.", 1920 March 30

  • Box WH-164, item 85
To top

Unidentified family portrait, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 86
To top

"The Alamo round. R.G. Railey, Forkton, Ky. Miss Adelle Lawrence, Thrall, Texas. O.H. Lawrence, Thrall, Texas. ", 1920 March 30

  • Box WH-164, item 87
To top

Unidentified young child on porch with a dog on either side of the child, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 88
To top

Unidentified man and woman, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 89
To top

"Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Emmert, R.G. Railey and O.L. Railey. Hot Springs, Ark.", 1920 February 8

  • Box WH-164, item 90
To top

Two cows in a field, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 91
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Unidentified infant sitting on blanket on the ground with three unidentified persons in background, cutoff by image, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 92
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Male cow, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 93
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Unidentified man next to a large bush, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 94
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Unidentified woman next to a large bush, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 95
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Unknown building with tree trunks resting against it, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 96
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Unidentified man and woman, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 97
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Three unidentified men standing on a pile of lumber, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 98
To top

"Grounds about the Alamo. R.G. Railey, Forkton, Ky. O.H. Lawrence, Thrall, Texas", 1920 March 30

  • Box WH-164, item 99
To top

Unidentified man and young woman, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 100
To top

View of unknown business buildings, undated

  • Box WH-164, item 101
To top

Unidentified family portrait, undated

  • Box WH-138, item 102
To top

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