xt7vx05x9k9z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vx05x9k9z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-11-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1983 1983 1983-11-30 2020 true xt7vx05x9k9z section xt7vx05x9k9z W . s , _ _ 7 _
Vol. t .fzkiu‘f _btcbltshod tau Univmttyotltomucky, loxlw.Wy inaopwiaim Sm. l97l WM. mm. I”:
_._ __..- ___...___.___.____..___-.
“[0 H White House on guard for Lebanese terro . t
30 By NATALIECAUDILL 17.8. offiCials already have accused the group. known ’My opinion is that ll may ill' fi‘..i\ nii: :. a... 'i i .c ‘. . - . ... , flu... .i. ..i wit... “..M. ,, :y..
StaffWriter as the lslamic Amal. of involvement in last month‘s rorist attack might be imminent .iii .. l \ . n . \1..,.t
~ andAPreports bombing oftheUS. Marine headquarters in Beirut site, Yanarella said ’lheri- lust-(1'11 ..ii m......;..v. ,; .t. two... _. Wt .i...ni.-.u..b.m ... “Inhibit-dis
l CBS News reported yesterday it had learned that the the rhetoric of \‘lUlt’nt‘t' both in ltcagai ~ w." ' . - - ,_ -~ i. . ..-. . . _.-. ' ..i' "cfiufh‘ «a .m. aw
Indications that pro-Iranian terrorists planned to at- security measures were triggered by a letter sent to the tion and the Middle East groups Tim rhi-lu: . . ;- - . . . i.” .. . ‘ . g - .m: '34,; mi vii. .... ..l . ..
tack a major US. installation prompted the recent FBI The message was written in the lranian language mg the diplomatic process :I. lb.» \liiiilic i..-' . .r m. mu; ,. “mow . ,. “m. ......
tightening of security at the White House. including Farm. and predicted a terrorist attack in Washington really inhibiting efforts to .irriu- .it .i dpi w . \ . ..1. ... ,\
parking sand-filled dump trucks at gates, reports said CBSsaid, tlement . is. ~ . _ _. l h {dill|\\ii( .il rue...“ Wu,
today. A government official. who wished to remain anony "What has been fiithl troubling ha~ lifi'li ”w . - ,. ”...... .. A. ,. ,. ...,i 9.. 1”,. l “q r...“
The New York Times reported yesterday that Reagan mous. said the security measures taken at the White on the part of President Reagan .ind km 'r‘;ll'~-“ .~ a; - ;..\~_.i . l' 'f.. {Limits of unions: .lll.lth\
administration officials who refused tobeidentified said House were because of the suspicion that an official lives of influential Middle East tat-lions 1.. inn. . . ~ \nm i..v ~i1'..vi..-i‘\ v;...~. b.- tiiini .iiir iii 'Piq‘sr
the measures were taken because intelligence from the Washington building would be the potential target their opponents in dehunianimt lcrltis mi. .' ‘ .e 4... - r...\ - . - in» hit ..-i.
Middle East suggestbd a pro-Iranian Shiite Moslem Ernest Yanarella. a UK professor of history. said and ‘thugs.' "\‘anarcllii said :- i .; . .- ;. . , :i-x his grim 'liitv‘ tow.“-
group in Lebanon was planning to attack a major US. those alleged rumors. if found to be true. could poten According to Yanarcllii thesi- \lbplt'iiil‘.\ 1 . w .' \:- w _. in .. .. i~..-i- \ twirl u fifth: win
installation eitherintheUnitedStatesorabroad. tiallyincrease \‘iolenceinthe Middle East in a significant increase lli \lHlt‘flt‘t' and ".-.t ' _ .... w ”in. '3..:..- , ‘i'. if. f ..u iilwi. c....i
o o e o o “’ l _
Creation of posmon finishes ems » x -- w" i
T . . l. \5 *, '°'\ . l
o o o o o , m» ,-.i~ .. - 's', ‘ ‘
dministrati e reor am ation - We ‘3?“ . a. ‘ '
a V g Z ’ ‘ “(a .zsgeifia' ’ -- ‘ ‘ ‘ - '«
a - ~~-« * v . *
v... “'- ifaf'zénn'. «2&rt 1 ’3 ‘ .~ , v-n .
By STEPHANIE WALLNER .‘ ' , tee was appointed because of a re , 1991‘. '. .“ 5"." if” r. v ' ” ]
SeniorStaffWriter ‘ “:37,- t,_ i quirement in the University rules .. ' " y . M‘, e ‘ i (s/ l
and JOHN VOSKUHL _ 1‘ t...“ “You have to define the posmon and z ; g . ‘ ‘x'z-‘t? g - ' if; , \ i- i
News Editor g ‘ ~ _ have a legitimate search for it.“ he . *1/35 (it qi. “flit“;- «.‘ ; { “Us" ‘ , . l
' " ' " , ' , ‘ said it was not pOSSlble to simply " “.75! :;‘£ f v. r‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘f
The University will be creating p ‘- " changeSands'title.hesaid. - A; 1 1‘; ' . {r ...:
and filling a new position soon —— W .- _ .. _ “Sands is probably the best for the ’ ‘1; *I “ -" _ ’:¢{.' .;-’ t ‘ l
vice chancellor for academic af- " = _ :3 job. to my knowledge." said John ' ”'3: " s . ‘ " 4"” ' ‘f ‘. _ ‘ 5"?“ l
fairs. _ _ Stephenson. special aSSistant to the ""33 staff ”fix? ‘1;- ' l
The new vice chancellor will assist V' l chancellor for academic excellence 1’» '5?" J ._, 2 f“ l
the main campus chancellor in car- » f ' - . ,- ' - "l'm sure the committee will consid- , a ; i“ ‘1 , ‘ 4’
rying out functions of administrative ~ er him very highly He definitely E rt ” ' .5134”? r a g .. . 5"?! . 1
leadership in all matters of educa- if? has the knowledge and the ”pen. - ‘ a. f I; , .. f; , I
tion and research. according to a _ . | encef' _ , ' \, - ‘ - l
faculty memo about the new posi- , p m l Gallaher said the major deCision ' l
tion. s i that had to be made about the new ' g . _ l
' Art Gallaher. chancellor for the “" _ ' f if" l position was who the deans of the ~- ~* ., , ‘ l
Lexington campus. has appointed a 1' _ I . colle es would re rt to “The crit~ .‘ " _ i. '.~ *- ’,_ , ’ 1 ‘ ‘ f“
search committee to fill the new 353$ , y . ~ "*1 ical tghing there isvahether the deans “ I; ”ng [ii-cg? , '~ '3: 3;. it." .3- .- “’ ‘ i
post. The addition of the new vice DONALD SANDS would answer to the chancellor or it i. ‘ '1 ' '
chancellor will be a final step in the is filled. the associate vice chan- the vice chancellor." he said. “ l
University's administrative reorga- cellor's job will be eliminated Gal» it was decided that the deans will , l
nization of 1982. laher said. report to the chancellor. as they are l
“The position is one we did not fill Sands said he is not aware if the doing . l
for the firstyear,"he said. search committee is considering According to the search commit- - . .... |
The duties of the position have him for appointment. “They‘ll look tee memo. applicants for the posr l '
been performed by Donald Sands. for the best person to fill the posi— tion should be full professors with , ._ l
associate vice chancellor for aca- tion.l‘msure."hesaid, conSiderablc experience in teaching. - _ a ‘ I
demic affairs. After the new position Gallaher said the search commit» research and L'niverSity service. $ , " .
. ‘ ' "xi-ii “ ‘V ...... ‘4‘-.. . l
u l
Speaker to talk on Arabian women . ......2... . i
~ ., Ma. . a
By LIN] S. KADABA The media in Saudi Arabia 15 cen- - -
Executive Editor “A woman [S [0 be sored ’ “ . ...- ‘ '
She admires the scenery of Ameri~ '
Single educated women now hold protected [0 preserve ca. however. which contrasts strong» _
"obs in Saudi Arabia —~ an accom- ' ly with the dry desert climate of
y .. lilishment for a country that has herfqmlly honor and Saudi Arabia. "My senses are over- .. ..
long Shackled its womentoreligious chastity. Therefore, whelmed by the beauty of green “'7’ . . .... 1-5- ... , ~ _ ...... v‘
and societal traditions. - - trees. . . .the rain I... .--- ._.. ...... "‘
Janet Wrede, an American who women are veiled 1" “You appreCiate the freedom we ”Hum.”
worked in Saudi Arabia for six public. ” have in this country and noticg the Road work '
ears. wills k on thatt ic in a a athyaboutproblems.“shesai - . _ , , . ,. ‘ M . .I , . .. . _ I? . 4
:peech titlgeda “Saudi 0pArabian pShe said the government has long Zr 11““ lamb: who “‘“l” l 'l ‘ ‘ . . ’ wl i. .l. l h ‘\ll i ll H t h.n.
Women: Students and Profession Jane; Wrede, been pressured by the. Wahhabis. a fr " l‘d’wl ‘(W‘th ”‘1‘“ l“ ~lldl‘l I ~ , i ~ ' mlw-r .H'imiu l winmmwuil'li
als" at noon today in 206 Student L . 'd powerful religious minority in the Stadium parking lot
, Center. The lecture is sponsored by e'nngton res: ent country. to place restraints on its ___.__.______.____.__-___.,.._a. " .._._....._-.__-...._- ~‘~ .-. ._ ~ W" '- ~
the International Students and I women Slowly. however. the go}; . . . o .
Scholars Office. ernment is allowing its women to l M ddl E a . s ‘
In Saudi Arabia, women must Paul Forand. aprofessor of Arab— educatedandwork, l e aSt Sit-In pr()teStS LCbQI‘IOfl CI'ISIS
cover their faces with dark veils. ic. and Kathleen DeWalt. a profes- Wrede also noted some advan-
They must be escorted by their hus- sor of behavioral sciences and the tages the, Saudi women have over By..\x[)Ri-;w|i.uis ll'll:‘~ l- l . “ninth”. .tm lit“. .ilw iiihiimi lfll' niwlia
bands in public. They cannot drive, campus representative for the Americans in divorce proceedings. Staff Writer niii ..iii-pnn lhi- nllhiitkf‘ of the media in that
said Wrede, who worked as a respi- SOUtheaStern consortium for Inter— the women maintain their family \l llio- ~" 3!: dildcills handed out farm-l went into lat-harm" tu llll'fall'
ratory therapist and educator at a national DevelOpment. will respond wealth and may remarry. and many Hoping to “open the eyes of pm liiililpllll"~ ...m: rmkio-L about tho- 'i.i-ni from the l'dll'hilnl' lJfl‘rKllel
hospital in Riyadh. toWrede‘s talk, of the women have servants to take pie" to the Middle East problems \liilt' Ul initmiiiii- in a lc-w paw-rs liftinlllli‘illltfl Syria and tru-miu-hes
“A woman is to be protected to Forand said the subject of care of their children. They also the Organization of Arab Students by Push-n made by the «irgahiui Israelis hflll‘t’ufx’lll'mlfflt‘f‘
preserve her family honor and chas- Wrede‘s speech would be very perti- keep their maiden names even when held a Sitvlf‘l yesterday at the Student iioi. _. ihciiibcis. slalui lsriicl a \dfltlffh’lf‘i said the current war in
tity." Wrede said about Saudi beliefs nent to Students and faculty, “It is married. because “who you are and Center Free Speech Art-a policy Ill l‘nlmlt‘lllli l\ vlo-triiiii-nial in tin- region was launched by tho-
based on the Muslim religious book. part of the Middle Eastern scene where you come from are very m- The Sit-in also recognized the ln peaw l—.l.'w.=‘ got lilll Hf la-hanon syriiim to have the PU; to accept
’ the Koran. "Therefore. women are that is undergoing very rapid portant " ternational Day of Palestine. held ”it iiiiiiiwliiliui-. and “my military the\ynangowrnmeni ’
veiled in public: they can’t show change." he said. “It is relevant to Also. because the Saudis are try- Nov 29 every year since 1975 when .ndiblxiarl the war s purpuu- lh the struggle
their hair or meet any male: in pub- the campus scene and the whole ing to use their own people to man- the day was proclaimed by the (hit hm (ITlRlI‘mll‘. iriini la-tianuti for an independent Palestine not to
lie except their husbands, fathers, Western world and will be for a long age their businesses. they have dis- edNations.apress release stated and ('Ulltd‘rliillfl l\l.if‘ll torn-s in N‘ influenced by the \vriam ho-
brOtherS~n timed, cretely encouraged women [0 Seek The purpose of the Sll-ln. said lA'lJi'fllUll it s at. tlt'llpc'ill'rflhl wild
The women. especially the Wrede said she had quitea culture education. Wrede said She rle~ Rashad Bey, vice prPSldent of mo inn-p Err-rt. wwrwnnimnl firrrv' he» was alum-ritual of tho- ""le
wealthy ones belonging to the royal ShOCk when she first arrived in scribed the Saudi relationship With organization. was "to educati- pm, ~fit|llltl iu- liiiim: ..iid l yin-..i, i~ . iivo-riigi-ufthel'ln
family. spend their days shopping. Saudi Arabia in 1977. When she re- the Westasa “love-hate"one pic on (the) cause" of the turmoil in birimi b, cr' 'itf', it: rim-d to ru- Here the media l‘l mylnfl the
“If their fathers or husbands are lily turned to America this past June. “They admire the West and tech the Middle East mire lfit- \‘I'J‘lf’lflll'j. of ll'lmflllll l'lll is killing themselves The PU)
erated, they sometimes take them however. she found another type of nology." she said “They like Ameri- Vawfal Vanuman a graduati- Km \hflll-Ufi‘ who Mm m llhf'ri'ift' a .x not falling apart he said 'The
shopping to Europe or America," culture shock. “Every time i come cans But then they resent having to debt in pliarmaC' and [me of Wm. (Ulllllr‘. (fin-Kfi‘ burnt. .i muntrj. hl' l\.\ll" is not Arafat The PU) iii mac
. . Wrede said. “Otherwise. they are back (to America). l'm amazed at ask us to run their hospitals. build attending the “l‘m added W .1rlflt‘d than one man. it LI four milliai W
veryvery bored." the wonderful creativity and ingenu their hotels." want to open m") 99S of WOW“ m lit-j. \A.i~ 4':.'.i .i; iii the l ruled pie
Wrede said the topic of her lecture ity of American life and appalled at Wrede has returned to America to the Middle East snug“;m \liitl- ~ stiplwr‘ ii: l\f.l"| 'l‘bv- only safe!) for the Miami ‘
is relevant to American women. “A theyossness ofit." continue her education in hospital ‘ The l '\ iriihnivrx Israel l“ ally ..im is "I haw a homeland in Palm
lot of the struggle of the Western The “grossness.” Wrede said. in- administration and viSit her chil- “The cause of the problem is ls .i. ‘bo- \ll'l'll" bid and 1!; br- their tim- he) said lfc- alui Kalli tbr
woman. American woman. any eludes the fast-paced life of the L'nit- dren “i felt i needed to take a rael.“ said Nanuman. an liaqiii ptiliio- uni: ’if'll'l’ff'fil lorri- Instead Pair-annulus wen- prim- 14mm .
woman in the world parallels the ed States. its materialism and “the breather and come back and won "lsrael IS SO stubborn Th?) Wt!" '11 din-hit 'iw ."' 'hcnr-I'lxm they Mk and that the people .n the region
struggleofSaudi women.“ overzealous analysis; of the media." ent myself." she said accept any l' N or European resolu l‘m... with ‘ 3.0 mid should live together
I 0p 10 l INSIDE l
0 I O ’ I . . s
At first Judy Griffin, one of the country s best busmesswomen, wanted to be housewife, mother "...“ .Mw.“m
’ a: to John V. at Obi but"?
By MARTHA REEDPERRY “When i was walking up on stage works with the (bunch for the Ad. "1 intended then to be a housewife i Ul’tlordl-lms .n foundations off Id”. m, y. m--m“
Reporter toaccepttheaward in Las Vegas.l vancement and Support of Educa- and mother." she said "Then in pus that .m- tapahlf' of funding “...“; = , 7. 2~3¢
kqn thinking. 'How did I ever get tion. the Voluntary Action Center 1974 I thought. ‘Hey, l dont ever int-w niwlt g.., mummy“! pr“ = ’ ‘ ‘1’” '
Paul Sawyier pints ham on the here?‘ " Griffin said. “We all work Board and the National Council of want to quit work' l needed a do gran» pin,” u that-mm 0" A“ m m
peacefulcolored beige walls. On the hard. but we never think we're t'mversny Research Administra- gree to move up. so l went to Sth‘flil IN a“ ‘0' h m “
wooden desk sits a collection of do"; anything speCial it was a re- tors She served as president of bex- as an adult student ' Tllf'rt' s .vmrr- 7b .t mar. gust tm m. ‘h M >- ‘
boxes — wooden. glass and trans — warding experience." ington's chapter of the American Griffin worked full time while also knot king in, wmmm- \ door .md ”may biog”?
and a 33" “81‘4““ 0‘ PM“? Griffin became eli ible for the Business Women‘s Assocuition from carrying a full class load She grad saying lie. m: mu giu- mi- wnu- in”! “#3. ' ’ '
Farm goldfish cracks-s. The uh- . . _ g , 1981t01982 tinted from UK in 1978 With a degree money’ she Said That s what . f...-
. . competition when she was selected ., . , , . , .
tray is full of Cigarette butts. The Woman ofthe Year b the A . ldon t have time for much relax— in general studia The )0b of cor must pl'npuv- but tum hunting is all
. , y merican . .. . _. , , . . ..
room is packed With book: and amines: Women's Lexington chap— ation. Griffin said l read a lot porate and fmmdation director was about but h,. . .1,» m....-. trip- WEATHER
plants. This is the office of one of ter She com ted against about 2_ , I‘m not a TV person Also. my just being created when Griffin
_ the top 10 businaswomen in Ameri- 000‘ women “gem meme on the husband and l have just built a graduated ‘ 'Irlflm W‘f "w “Mid ”Vt-ritually
ca. . . basis of business experience and ac M It was fun and an "WM‘ "it was a real opportunity and "k... ”Cm", 4’ ". 'yn'w'pmflm pm " wtg'.
Judy Griffin. dine“! ofcorporate complishments continued educa‘ but I never want to no it again I mm hall ,, he 'ld gram at .i \Hidn"! .ristdutiori but I ..
and foundation relations fa' UK. has t' .‘ ._. . spend what spare time i have work- .. I y C enging. s M l d haw M .mx ,i' 4 WWW wry hay II D m n“ ’ ‘
. . ion. commuruty activities and par- . . The first few weeks, l thmight .. . . m
beenseiecieabyuiemii Busi- m “on m the “me“ busim ingonthat leven iaiauieiinciiior ‘What I oi to 60,. “ ml carefully Mblhirl
nessWomen's mom-meat “gm“! thenoorinseveralofuieroorm.” me"? “an": .. ammu- .flh ,
thelmtwlotllim. ' She came to UK in I” as a clerk aw to earn ”mm it a mi gr. 'hr u-ar future the (tong-2‘. ‘ “ if ”.1ng
A petite woman with (hrk eya “Because of the community activ- typist for the Placement and Career Griffin defines her )0b as ‘ work said l‘m sh}. .rxu-rm'ud in building L _ f
and short bmwn hair. Griffin llid itia l‘m involved in, i don‘t have Restart-cc Center and soon married it: until people on campus that have this program l lim- lhr l'niw-r'ii ., - fiwjgy’.”
sheisveryhappymheraward. much spate time.“ Griffin said She EddieGriffin needs for fundim. and then finding t). ’ ”*g‘ "‘
f ‘ ‘
r« .

 2 - THE KENTUCKY KENNEL WMy, November M 1m
St (I t t ' ° ° b
Yaaaannaaan..aanaa. 11 en pos s open on acthitles oard _
u.K. HILLEL FOUNDATION BySACHADEVROOMEN terandshouldbereturnedbyipm. tornor- video iromotion and a staff for the concert ‘
Staff Writer row, VanBuren said. itself, be said.
, ,_ . Allapplicantsiinllbeinterviewedbyase 'l‘hel-iimecomingchairmaniilillm'ganize ‘
CHANUKAH CELEBRATION The student Actmties Board ls'lookingfor lections committee consisting of board mem- events and activities that take place during
a n d Steeple to fill four positions in their organize bers and other students not affiliated with the the “weeek (hfl Homecoming, Kennedy said. .
on. SABtip.m.tomorrow. pu ic relations chairman will be re-
The positions open are concert cochair, . . sponsible for the projection of the overall '-
POTATO I. ATKE SUPPER homecoming chairman, performing arts MTV: 29% ‘°' 3: My”, 8 “mfg mm: imageofSABtothestudentbody,hesaid.
chairman and public relations director, Susan ‘. 5" pom aver 38°28 ‘ min The performing arts chairman is responsi-
Sunday. December 4. 'l 983 VanBuren. SABPresident. said. “"9 M’F‘mn‘: ism“ “’an finish; ”ff", 1' ble for leading the committee in the selection
4 1 Those filling the latter two positions will We? ‘3 or ““3”” and ‘ and contracting of performers in the area of
' P-m' take office right after the selection process forthe cougae'everyone °°m° out a try fine arts,Kennedy said.
‘ Alpha Epsilon Pl House, 414 Aylesford Place until Mar 1- “086 mm the fit?! m? M” p“ ‘ The performing arts committee has
Q fi 5? N d T - 7 take office Jan. 1 and will keep their positions The concert cochair will serve with David brought several major productions to campis
065 on ee ransportotlon. she - - . . . .
C II 277 6249 for onelyea‘r, said. . _ Butler, said Doug Kennedy, former public re- in recent years including the American Ballet
0 ‘ Applications for the . positions may be latlons chau'man. The concert committee se- Theater [1, the Les Ballet Jazz De Montreal
picked up in the SAB office, 203 Student Oen- lects and contracts musical acts and also pro- and theplay “Deathtrap.”
aanaaaaao day Family addition I
and all day Sun 0 ‘ I M . .
By CINDY PALORMO \ g a " a , _.
C a n 1n 6 Stariwnter ‘1' “it a? .,
w 0 - ,’ To the tune of “My Old Kentucky Home," First Lady J ‘t _> gfln
. Phyllis George Brown gave birth to a 7-pound, lO—andone- X ,1; f. - .-,~‘~j ;. . i)? ’ g '
ea half-ounce girl at abOut3:20 p.m. yesterday. ' g; 5;. 1; z“; . d'."‘-.n:._k , . g
“ e Dr. John W. Greene Jr., a professor and chairman of the _‘,~:.?-:; , ;: l“ ‘ -' i, " to _‘ ' . g
m .. department of obstetrics and gynecology at the UK Medical . i».§“* ‘ it's“ .\ ' ' » “a,“ ~
0 Center, issued the statement at4:30p.m.yesterday. anteater ' “7’ :_ flag ”‘ s ""L‘ a,“ “a: f
era In his statement, Greene, who delivered the baby by Cae- -“ = ‘ 2* «(Q t , " “
t 0 sarean section, said Phyllis Brown was awake during the 40- ‘ U- W” ' ”5:3 W k
_ minute procedure and there were no complications. The in- i . ’ v ” “Eh! a»
i l le w [[l’l fant is “mature and in excellent health," he said. “Mother 7”" i g. ' ' "7w": a
C Ol'll P e ' and baby are doing well.” _ ‘ M J I . "" l
‘7 e A smiling Gov. John Y. Brown Jr., clad in a green surgiv» «f ” . i _ f ._. _ ‘ '
. v 1 Be uerGQ .-:-::::...' cal uniform, told reporters the baby was named in honor of , =_ t l
‘ Q5; ‘ »' ‘ ‘ ert g 233$ his sister, Pamela who disappeared several years ago in a -* 1;: W
J, , _- 7: ,':_‘ and [)855 I??? hot air balloon over the Atlantic Ocean. The child’s middle .5 ’,., ' gas,“ ‘ .
i i. . "42% i -""'..‘;'t"‘.a:;i name will be Ashley. which “just sounded like a good ,' 3 . , ,
.‘ ‘. 1’! 53$ '2. la- name."Brown said. w “-3231." t it ‘ " l;
‘ .£—-44-‘ .. .. .. 3' , Phyllis Brown was brought to the Medical Center at 1:15 § ~
k g! $—~"z‘;—:‘ ‘1‘ iii-{:92} p.m. Gov. Brown accompanied her to the center and was ..» .g' . l‘
.fi . . 5:; , A! :11;_"__’-'-'":; i 55-1.- ". , with her during the delivery, Mary Colliver, spokeswoman ‘
fl .1, - n gt .,;;:_;-.. g; , 1.2-3“ ,h,, for the Office of Public Affairs, said. Phyllis Brown, 34, was '~ ;
3;» 4...?" .'- 7' {'1’ '-'-'t.-.,-.-l;.’~-‘-. fiat ‘ ' in “very early" labor when the child was delivered, Greene . ~ >
- 3;: 3 ”fl'fi» :‘gtzf'f a}; ,_ a; said. . ., “ .
‘ V; ii;-.-:;-.;.;;_;;._.’.7:?-" 1:35;"; -.- ”(Si-gal, “We’re very excited. We wanted a girl. I’m very happy £5 I. ’1' _ ~ , ‘
i 'l fin-M‘I-"'-l-L:l;L-Zg;r.\a'3.-3;:iii-Li;-.-.~:'.‘:':Z~E$-'.fir-.-Z~E553233;? 'i3§::-I::f‘z5;:~zlt:5-;is. . ~it’s going to be named after my sister, Pam. whom I was ”No 5:”; .. 1
T ‘ f' __ "1",".._,.,..;..___.: ".1," i-Zizgjiggjgzirig 1: ‘?:u very close to," Brown said. “It’s a good thing it was a girl <' \ ' - v-, . " ”-3.
. " ' " ' ' " "*‘3':-“3'?5??.'l--‘ because we didn‘teven haveaboy's name. .‘ :nrn ‘9 l 1
. “This completes a very exciting year. I’ve had my triple , '
Dinners .nclude pudding or gelatin and chouce oi any beverage (except milk). bypass, sheis had her baby, and Iim losing my job in two , _ .. A
ta LEXINGTON: 1316 Russell Cave Road weeks," Brown said, referring to the end of his term on mri.iissxar..ais.an I
t g , 286 S ihl Cl D _ Dec.12.' Gov, John Y. Brown Jr., Sandy Brown, the governor’s daughter,
0U an “V9 Phyllis Brown and the baby should be released from the and son Lincoln are happy about the First Lady’s 7-pound, lO-and- l
E RICHMOND; Eastern By-Pass hospltal In four loslx days, Stone said. one-half—ounce girl, who was born at 3:20 pm. yesterday. 1
I I I‘°"‘P""III Intomweto IIII Itomnl-i-I I I
Treat Treat Treat
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' I 2 for I 2 for I for I ts f 1 $12 '11' d d bts f tl t h ld t l Goods
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I $6 99 I $7.99 . $9.99 I By mMgBLEN , :2 milligir y m ion an e o a eas ngw-fafilestlcglrrfitZd 0Szf‘tlluthern 31km; aléats'l]: B
I - I = ‘ , . : ASSOC!” Pms Writer Citizens Union National Bank of Lexington ville. s
‘ PONDEROSAS I PONDEROSA'S PONDERObA 5 . . sued LaFollette grocer Robert L. Woodson Jr. Because UAB-Knoxville failed, its stock is
I I SIRLOIN I PRIME I KNOXVILLE Tenn. —.Bankrupt fmancrer and his son, Robert L. Woodson III, in April now worthless.
I RIBEYE Jake Butcher [00" the Flm‘ Amendment 30 for payment of a $757 000 loan arranged by Woodson has counter-sued the Lexin to 3‘
I STEAK I STEAK I RIB I times in federal court yesterday, refusing to Butcher. ‘ bank for $11 million, claiming Butcher,g a: 19
I I I DINNERS I answer questions about loan arrangements Butcher was chief executive officer of the agent for the bank,defrauded him. 13‘
I DINNERS I [QINNDEES . k 1 ‘ l I iefietniale 0f stock m l“ now-failed Knox- Lexington bank and owned more than 95 per- Butcher refused to answer any questions ti
Limit lillt' l iiilpt'iii per .lllii one K :lu oil i am "Inc i . in ii m it" , . t . . _
I (WDIVWWI (3an - (Gupta when ( annoihc I (tmlj)lt'r:’r:llxii thorny: I Butcher cited his constitutional protection Eggegfmfi 08:33: F522 615”“ before directors lhglrdnlhhvillflasbtfifillhha: ganhsdzgllsoénd the Lex l}
I 233.328;’iflfial’ii‘li'ifi‘L‘ I R:§.¥ZC.I’ZZ$L:’Z:ISEI‘i I Karat;{91:21:61 l against Sw‘inc'imim‘im Wing tw° ““5 °‘ The elder Woodson testified that Butcher The questions included alleéations by “
> I limit/J §alek tax applild I clutied Salesiax apphra I iluded Sdlcstnx applna I tallmony before U~S- Maglsu‘ate RObert P- coerced him into Sigfing for the loan on NOV. Woodson that Butcher agreed to pay half the ll
til.» inwgular pnae when! bl?lflle’rtllall‘pillX'wht’l? Ne livirlfdgtld’ldillx‘;\¥;):tr'lt’ I M13118: andaSix-member Jury. . . th 15‘ 1982, as payment for stock in United interest on the loan and to resell the stock to Vi
I 'f'lfndtbii.1aatiafa':ir I hilhhijnotiehthodii I litighilnq graham... t .3?th er “Ya: 15%”??de t: ”if: .1"! 9 American Bank oi Knoxville. which was someone else within90days. h
I " ‘d ‘ Ki ' I KK . I ' Kit I ”a 0 a cm awsul ' y ,8 xmg on, closed by government regulators on Feb. 14 Butcher was served with another subpoena t‘
0”,, good through I Offer good through I Offer Emu ”mush ' Ky., bank he once contiolled against a LaF 01‘ because of huge loan losses. as he left the courtroom yesterday, but his
'. December 14 1983 Ilia-ember l i. 1083 December 14.1983. lettebusmessman and hl_5_5°“- Woodson testified that Butcher wanted him lawyer and prosecutors reftsed to say what it it
~ I ,. It is the first time a Jury has heard a case -
. £8033 ' “mags; oily-“0"“ O l ted th 11 f _ t to buy 55,000 shares of stock from Knoxv1lle was about. k
I 90““..anu-i II-| P v " ' I... P ‘ ' " . rea to e co apse ° eigh. Tennessee architect Joe Goodstein because he said “I don't remember Bob Woodson ever tell- tl
' ' ‘ 3:353:32; 012:9; bgulzclhtglgh or his now-bank- Goodstein was in financial trouble. Both ing me I did anything wrong." Butcher testi- g
m. “mm, K i 210 I i a H II Univ . of “Mucky, “1‘ KY. Jake Butcher, a two-time Democratic can— 3:35;: and Goodstein were UAB Knoxwlle w: juséltll‘yltmnsg‘::l§lell):l:ugt 2:22;: good faith. I r.
m I: published class days du-ing the condemn you and weekly mm 0'0 didate for Tennessee governor and chief orga- Woods. t t'f'ed th t h ~ ed Th ll ~ ' 5
i _ M I paid or L". Ky. «511. s I l i : nizer of the 1982 World‘s Fair in Knoxville on as ll a e never receiv. ' e co‘ apse of UAB—Knoxwlle was the na- tl
'mu'lp'""m ”5p. puma" '[ 1b. Kanmm'ylkml' k nfintod by S I I W was declared bankrupt Aug 22 He claims as: ge Shook dextrecfird‘ of til: loanlfle alsobesaid tion 5 Ethird-largest commercial bank failure tl
“MW” 413lodsvflIAIrPuk, Louisville, «mauymn. ' ' \ " er e "n e 5 0° was "‘3 smce‘ 33'
i ‘ C
new 7% '1 ‘35 r» GENERAL CINEMA’ E
age 4/] . g b t, a BARGAIN MAYixiELS-stfv'ng 0
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' a I J . '. FCrMhOUEO an Alpha DO',C Pl 5. 3 V '~: ukufifixsllyailcflAE-Izm
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_ , _ . _ _ will host a blood drive on. , — S
. 11/ / Wednesday. Nov. 30 and Thursday. Dec. 1 -ZT
.- (a- . I,/ u ,
\, Wk... * W» from 6:30-10p.m. each day WWW» .
"gm A V . a' l “
‘xg SIR—3:“; : T - in the Farmhouse dining room . -i u
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’ ’ "H ‘7 ” "/ 77"" " ‘ ' aim; Can You West C
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0A JOE E i- r, ) } penence the some day you came h
h ’ ‘ ‘ m N mono "Vino!“ "eio‘shfl'v
“In... , ‘ , ,,. . . . , h
”I,“ h9_ H _ ,1 total of 39 fouls were called. to anybody else but 1 guns tho! ‘»\.l\
W m M :~ . My.“ g ' Hall's surprise. just me thinking and mm 1 tm-l ' ; ’
.7 i m . \ "When we went over there, anv- more confident .lllti l iikt' tliix lih\\1 '7 o i
3! thing under the basket wasn't ““lt-"V"’fpl”-‘ . r
i o J called." she said ”It sure upset The Kath lie-(l opponent lt.lil . ' " ~
1 u. .. 3“ them that they were called here It ranked Hhin Stain- l\ .ilw klimu. J. I .
""-'------—- ' " ~’ 9 ' " upset us when they were never for physical pliiy and tough mu. in
1 call