xt7w0v89h83p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89h83p/data/mets.xml Redford, A. H. (Albert Henry), 1818-1884. 1876 books b03-000000001 English Southern Methodist Publishing House, : Nashville : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Methodist Episcopal Church Kentucky. Western cavaliers : embracing the history of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Kentucky from 1832 to 1844 / By A. H. Redford. text Western cavaliers : embracing the history of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Kentucky from 1832 to 1844 / By A. H. Redford. 1876 2002 true xt7w0v89h83p section xt7w0v89h83p WESTERN CAVALIERS: --EMBRACING TUN3 HISTORY OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN KENTUCKY FROM 1832 TO 184. BY A. H. REDFORD, D.D., A.uthor of "The History of Methodism in Kentucky," "The History of the Organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South," and " Fred Brenning." ffftb Ibouatthr. NASHVFILLE, TENN.: SOUTHERN METHODIST PUBLISHING HOUSE. 1876. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by A. R. REDFORD, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. STERXOTYPED AND PRINTED AT THE SOUTHERN XETHODIST PUB- LISHING HOUSE, NASHVILLE, TENN. D E3DIOATIOIN. DEAR SIR:-The first time I remember to have seen you was in the month of May, 1850, during the session of the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, held in the city of St. Louis. In 1854, at the General Con. ference which convened that year in the city of Columbus, Georgia, I had the pleasure of renew- ing your acquaintance; and in 1858, during the meeting of the same body in the city of Nashville, I met you again. The respective fields we occu- pied were too remote from each other to permit, for the time being, any farther acquaintance; hence, eight years passed away before we were thrown together again; for the most part, they were years of sacrifice, of sadness, of suffering. During this period a civil war had swept over our country, desolating the homes of. our people, deluging the nation with the blood of brothers, and threaten- ing the existence of our Church. It was in 1866, (5) DEDICATION. when the noise of war had been hushed in the stillness of peace, that the General Conference convened in the city of New Orleans. Although time had dealt gently with you, yet its foot-prints were seen upon your brow. At this session of the Conference, your election as Editor of Books and of the Christian Advocate and mine as the General Book Agent of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, brought us into close and intimate relations to each other. For nearly ten years we have had almost daily intercourse, and have shared each other's confidence and affections. During this time no discord has disturbed our harmony, nor has any difference of opinion chilled our friend- ship. In the performance of the difficult duties with which I have been charged by the Church, you have always been a judicious and faithful counselor. Amid the cares that have oppressed me, and the anxiety I have felt to meet the ex- pectations of my brethren, the sympathy you have always expressed and the hand of a brother held out to me at all times have contributed much- to the advancement and progress of the interest con- fided to my care. Indebted, as I am, to your generosity and kindness, it is not surprising that for you I cherish a feeling of more than friend- ship. I therefore beg permission to dedicate this volume to you. 6 DEDIr0ATION. With many of the stirring events recorded in this volume I am not only familiar, but was per- sonally identified. Acquainted with most of the preachers of the Methodist Church in Kentucky from my childhood, entering the Church the year subsequent to the date at which this volume opens, and admitted on trial into the Conference four years later, I had every opportunity not only of watching its onward march, but the obstacles that confronted it in its advance. Its rapid prog- ress, adding an hundred-fold to its membership in the short space of twelve years, commands the admiration and excites the wonder of all who are familiar with the difficulties by which it was op- posed. For more than twenty years it has been my purpose to prepare this work and offer it to the Church. During this time I have availed myself of every opportunity to gather and preserve such facts and incidents as might contribute to its in- terest. It covers twelve years, embracing a most brilliant period of the history of the Church in Kentucky, containing brief sketches of many of the preachers, and recounting revivals of extraor- dinary influence and power, the mention of which is sufficient to enliven the zeal and kindle afresh the ardor of younger men in the ministry. Inci- dents, too, of thrilling interest have been carefully 8 D ED IC ATION. preserved, and will contribute to the adornment of these pages. With sincere prayers that your valuable life may long be spared to the Church, and that when you pass away you may enter upon eternal life, I am, truly, your brother in Christ, A. H. REDFORD. NASHVILLE, TENN., January 1, 1876. C OINSYTIN TS. CHAPTER I. FROM THE SESSION OF THE KENTUCKY CON- FERENCE OF 1832 TO THE CONFERENCE OF 1833. PAGs The first cavalier .......................... 17 Conference at Harrodshurg .......... 18 The veterans .......................... 19 The chief officers ......................... 19 The recruits .......................... 19 John Emory .......................... 20 Death of Franklin Davis .............. 22 Examination of character ............ 23 Benjamin Ogden .......................... 24 -Barnabas McHenry ...................... 25 Augusta College .......................... 28 Science Hill Female Academy ...... 28 Bardstown Female Academy ........ 28 Bishop McKendree ...................... 28 The appointments ........................ 29 Asiatic cholera .......................... 31 Revivals. .......................... 3 Cholera in Louisville, Shelbyville, and Cynthiana .......................... 35 Jackson's Purchase ..................... 36 Hezekiah Holland ........................ 36 Lewis Garrett .......................... 36 Hickman Circuit .......................... 37 Sandy River Circuit ..................... 37 Tennessee Mission ....................... 38 Clarke's River Circuit .................. 38 Thomas A. Morris ........................ 38 Interesting sketch.....................- 38 Thomas Smith .......................... 43 George W. D. Harris .................... 48 Alexander L. P. Green .................. 48 Wadesboro Circuit ........................ 50 Charles T. Ramsey ....................... 51 Arthur Davis .......................... 52 Revival in Hickman Circuit ......... 68 Camp-meetings. 59 Thomas L. Boswell.60 Calvin Thompson .60 Revival in the Wadesboro Circuit.. 62 Methodism in Paducah.. 62 Support of superannuated preach- w ers, widows, and orphans ......... 63 Increase in membership ............... 63 Missionary collections .................. 64 Support of the preachers ............. 65 1 PAGE The first missionary collection.. ... 68 The Book Concern ........................ 68 American Colonization Society..... 71 Death of Joseph B. Power ............ 72 Death of Barnabas McHenry ........ 73 Death of Marcus Lindsey ............ 73 CHAPTER 'II. FROM THE SESSION OF THE KENTUCKY CON- FERENCE OF 1833 TO THE CONFERENCE OF 1834. Conference in Greensburg............ Robert Richford Roberts.............. A Bishop's salary..... The Western Christian Advocate. Augusta College.......................... Roberts professorship of mathe- matics...................................... A financial system........................ The temperance question............ The subject of dress..................... Henry B. Bascom ........................ George C. Light........................... Admissions on trial...................... Locations..................................... Superannuated preachers ............ Revival in Lexington.................... Revival in Port William Circuit.... Revival in Newport and Covington Revival in Germantown Circuit.... Revival in Fleming Circuit........... Revival in Lewis Circuit .............. Revival in Big Sandy Circuit........ Revival in Mount Vernon Circuit.. Revival in Cumberland Circuit..... George W. Brush......................... Revival in Shelbyville.................. Williasm B. Landrum.................... FosteKE,. Blades.......................... Revivalijn Hartford Circuit.......... Revival in Jefferson Circuit......... Revival in Breckinridge Circuit... Revival in Yellow Banks Circuit... Revival in Logan Circuit............. Revival in Glasgow Circuit.......... Opposition to Methodism............. Revival in Wadesboro Circuit...... RevivalT Hickman Circuit........ (9) 74 74 76 79 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 89 91 92 92 92 92 93 93 93 93 95 99 102 105 106 106 107 107 107 108 108 109 109 CONTENTS. PAGE: Increase in membership........... 109 Death of Thomas P. Vance ........... 109 Death of William P. McKnight.... 109 CHAPTER III. FROM THE SESSION OF THE KENTUCKY CON- FERENCE OF 1834 TO THE CONFERENCE OF 1835. Conference at Mount Sterling ....... 111 Joshua Soule ...........................,.111 Debts due the Book Concern ........ 118 Itinerant system to be guarded.... 120 Missionary collections .................. 123 Organization of the Kentucky Conference Missionary Society.. 123 Agent for the Missionary Society.. 124 The Colonization Society .............. 124 Preachers admitted on trial ......... 125 Locations .......................... 125 Revival in Frankfort ..................... 129 Revival in Falmouth Circuit ......... 129 Decrease in Lexington District... 129 Revival in Hinckstone Circuit .... 130 Revival in Little Sandy Circuit. 130 Revival in Big Sandy Circuit......... 130 Revival in Germantown Circuit ..... 130 Decrease in Augusta District ........ 130 Decrease in Harrodsburg District 130 Revival in Mount Ste Iuing Station.. 130 Revival in Mount Vernon Circuit .. 130 Revival in Cumberland Mission.... 131 Increase in Louisville District...... 131 Decrease in Hopkinsville District.. 132 Revival in Greenville Circuit ........ 133 Revival in Hopkinsville Station ... 133 Decrease in Greensburg District.. 133 Decrease in membership .............. 133 George W. D. Harris leaves Ken- tucky ...................... . . 13 His sermon' at Mobley's Camp- ground ....................... , 134 Death of Benjamin Ogden .......... 137 Death of Francis Landrum ........... 137 Death of Samuel Harrison ............ 137 'Death of William Adams .............. 137 Death of Minor M. Cosby ............. 137 Death of Williami Outten .............. 138 CHAPTER IV. FROM THE SESSION OF THE KENTUCKY CON- FERENCE OF 1835 TO THE CONFERENCE OF 1836. Conference in Shelbyville ............. 140 James Osgood Andrew .................. 140 His first sermon in Shelbyville..... 143 A resolution to extend the circula-' tion of the Western Christian Ad- vocate ....................... 146 Methodist Magazine ....................... 147 Quarterly Revmetw........................... 147 the subject of temperance.. 147 Abolition and colonization ............ 148 Delegates to General Conference of 1836 ...10....,. 150 PAGU Sermon by Thomas N. Ralston..... 160 -Sermon by Henry B. Bascom ....... 151 Sermon by Bishop Andrew . 153 Missionary sermon by Bishop An- drew... 155 Admissions on trial.157 Locations. ................ 157 Henry J. Evans ................ 157 Thomas P. Farmer ................ 158 Barboursvile District formed ...... 160 Decrease in membership .............. 161 Revival in Yellow Banks Circuit ... 161 Revival in Newcastle Circuit ......... 161 Revival in Falmouth Circuit ......... 162 Revival in Port William Circuit.... 162 Revival in Augusta ....................... 162 Camp-meeting near Perryville ..... 162 Revival in Bowling Green Circuit.. 163 Emigration from Kentucky ......... 163 Thomas Joyner ............................ 165 Paducah Circuit formed ............... 165 Death of Bishop McKendree ........ 166 CHAPTER V. FROM THE SESSION OF THE KENTUCKY CON- FERENCE OF 1836 TO THE CONFERENCE OF 1837. Conference in Louisville ............... 167 Bishop Soule presided .................. 168 Admissions on trial ...................... 168 Locations ............................. 169 William S. Evans .......................... 169 John Redman ............................. 170 Herrington Stevens ...................... 170 Death of Henry S. Duke ............... 170 Death of John Littlejohn ... ........... 170 Death of William Phillips ............ 171 Revival in Dover .......................... 174 '1Revival in Bardstown ................... 174 Revivav in Washington ................. 174 Revival in Wayne Circuit .............. 175 Revival in Madison Circuit ........... 175 Revival in Campbellsville ............. 175 Revival in Greensburg Circuit ...... 176 John Newland Maffitt ................... 176 Revival in Lexington .................... 181 Revival in Danville ........................188 Revival in Harrodsburg ............... 189 Joseph D. Barnett ........................ 189 Revival in Lebanon Circuit ........... 191 Revival in Burksville Circuit ........ 191 Revival in Germantown Circuit..... 191 Camp-meeting near Carlisle . 192 Revival in Mount Sterling Circuit.. 192 Revival in Danville Circuit ............ 192 Revival in Somerset Circuit ......... 192 Revival in Richmond ................... 193 Camp-meeting at Pleasant Grove, Yellow Banks Circuit ................. ,193 Camp-meeting at No Creek, Hart- ford Circuit . ........................ 193 Revival at Bell's Chapel ............... 194 Revival in La Fayette Circuit.... 194 Revival in Madisonville Circuit. 194 Revival in Maysville ..................... 194 10 CONTENTS. PAGEn Methodism in Jackson's Purchase 195 Adam Goodwin ............................. 195 Findley Bynum ............................ 195 Revival in Paducah Circuit ........... 196 Increase in membership ............... 197 CHAPTER VI. FROM THE SESSION OF THE KENTUCKY CON- FERENCE OF 1837 TO THE CONFERENCE OF 1838. Conference at Frankfort ............... 198 Bishop Roberts ............................. 198 Resolution guarding the itinerant system .............................. 199 Proposal to transfer Hubbard H. Kavanaugh to the Missouri Con- ference .............................. 200 The Conference protests ............... 201 Thomas Lasley and slavery ......... 202 Resolution in reference to special sermons .203 John Newland Maffitt.206 Sermons in the penitentiary ......... 206 Admissions on trial ...................... 206 Superannuated preachers ............. 207 Locations .............................. 207 Death of Hooper Evans ............... 207 Missionary collections .................. 207 Revival in Frankfort ..................... 208 Revival in Louisville, at Fourth- street .............................. 209 Francis A. Dighton ....................... 209 Revival in Louisville, at Brook- street .............................. 211 Letter from Be anjain T. Crouch... 213 Revival in Hardnsburg Circuit.... 214 Revival in Brandenburg ................. 214, Richard Deerin .............................214 Revival in Hartford Circuit ........... 220 Joseph G. Ward ........................... 220 Revival in Georgetown .................. 225 Revivals in Covington .................. 225 Revival in Falmouth Circuit ......... 227 Revival at Salem Church, Cynthi- ana Circuit .............................. 228 James C. Crow .............................. 228 Revival in Fleming Circuit ........... 232 Revival in Augusta ....................... 232 Revival in Maysville ..................... 233 Revival in Millersburg Circuit ...... 233 Revival in Greenupsburg Circuit.. 233 Revival in Little Sandy Circuit..... 233 Revival in Madison Circuit ........... 234 Revival in Danville ....................... 234 Revival in Winchester Circuit ...... 234 Revival in Somerset Circuit .......... 235 Revival in Bowling Green Circuit.. 237 Revivals in Hopkinsville Circuit.. 237 Revival in Princeton Circuit ......... 238 The unwelcome preacher ............. 238 The trials of a young preacher..... 238 Revivals in Greensburg District ... 243 Revivals in Barboursville District 245 The young preacher and Mr. L- 246 Methodism in Jackson's Purchase 255 CHAPTER VII. FROM THE SESSION OF THE KENTUCKY CON- FERENCE OF 1838 TO THE CONFERENCE OF 1839. PAGE Conference in Danville .................. 256 Bishops Waluh and Morris .......... 256 Sketch of Bishop Waugh .............. 256 Address on Education .................. 259 Sermon on Missions ..................... 259 Resolutions from the New England Conference .............................. 268 Bishop Waugh on the resolution.. 269 The Christian Apologist .................. 270 William Nast .............................. 270 Missionary collections .................. 271 Admissions on trial... ................... 273 Locations .............................. 273 Death of Thomas H. Gibbons ....... 273 Bishop Wauo-h's sermon ............... 274 Bishop Morris's sermon ............... 276 Missionary meeting ...................... 275 A pleasant incident ...................... 276 Revival in Mount Sterling Circuit.. 277 Revival in Burlington Circuit ........ 278 Revival in Fleming Circuit ........... 278 Revival in Newport ....................... 278 Revival in Louisville .................... 279 Revival in Hardinsburg Circuit..... 281 Revival at Big Spring .................... 281 Revival at Union Star ................... 282 Revival at Hardinsburg ................ 282 Revival at Mount Zion .................. 282 Revival at Head of Rough Creek.. 282 Revival at Liberty Camp-ground.. 282 Revival in Newcastle Circuit ......... 283 James D. Holding ........................ 283 Moses Levi .............................. 285 Revival in Westport ..................... 287 Revival in Hartford Circuit ........... 288 Richard Holding .......................... 288 Revival in Owenshoro .................... 291 Revival in Hawesville .................. 291 Revival at New Chapel .................. 291 Revival at Pleasant Camp-ground 291 Interesting letter from Benjamin T. Crouch.................................. 292 Revival in Shelbyville .................. 293 Revivals in Shelbyville District.... 293 Revival in Greensburg Circuit ...... 294 Peter Taylor .......................... 294 Revival in Greenville Circuit ........ 296 Rievival in Hopkinsville Circuit.... 296 Revival in Madisonville Circuit.... 296 Revivals in Barboursville District 297 Jackson's Purchase ...................... 297 CHAPTER VIII. FROM THE SESSION OF THE KENTUCKY CON- FERENCE OF 1839 TO THE CONFERENCE OF 1840. Conference in Russellville ............ 299 Bishop Soule................................ 299 Appointment of Committee on the Centenary of Methodism ........... 300 11 CONTENTS. PAGE Resolution in reference to the course of study .......................... 301 Resolution on temperance ............ 302 Resolution in reference to the Western Historical Society ......... 303 Resolution on intemperance ......... 304 Delegates elected to the General Conference .............................. 305 Bishop Soule's sermon .306 An exciting scene ...... ........ 306 Missionary anniversary ................ 307 Admissions on trial. 307 Locations .307,,,,.,...,,,,.,,.,, . 307 Superannuated preachers ............. 307 Death of Absalom D). Fox ............. 307 Missionarv collections .308 Revival in Augusta ............... 311 John H. Linn ...................... 311 Daniel S. Barksdale ..................... 320 Revival in Lewis Circuit ............... 321 Robert Y. McReynolds. 322 Revival in Cynthiana .................. 323 Revivals in Lexington District ...... 324 Revival in Versailles Circuit ......... 325 John Newland Maffitt leaves Ken- tucky ....................... 325 Farther account of his life ........... . 326 He dies of a broken heart . 329 Revival at Hughes' Camp-ground, near Louisville . ................ 332 Gilby Kelly . ...................... .333 Seraiah S. Deering . ............... 334 Sermons on baptism, in Owens- boro, by Benjamin T. Crouch..... 335 John L. Waller ............................. 335 Revivals in Shelbyville District. 336 Revivals in Bowling Green District 338 Revival in Princeton Circuit ......... 338 Revival in Barboursville District.. 339 John P. Stanfield . .................. 339 Revival in Paducah Circuit ........... 339, Daniel Mooney .............................. 340 Revival in Wadesboro Circuit ....... 340 Increase in membership ............... 340 CHAPTER IX. FROM THE SESSION OF THE KENTUCKY CON- FERENCE OF 1840 TO THE CONFERENCE OF 1841. Conference in Bardstown .............. 341 Bishop Morris .............................. 341 Distinguished visitors ..................3 2 A communication from Bishop Smith...................................... 343 Moses M. Henkle . ............... 343 The " Blue Pill " . ........ 345 Excellent sermons . ............... 347 The License Law . ............... 347 Missionary collections ............. 348 Preachers' Aid Society .. 348 Sermon by William H. Anderson.. 349 Sermon by Edwin Roberts ............ 349 Admissions on trial ......................3 49 Locations ............................. 350 Death of George McNelly ...............350 14 PAGE Death of Elijah M. Bosley ............ 352 Joseph Marsee ............................. 356 Thomas W. Chandler ........ .......... 357 Andrew Peace .............................. 357 Interesting letter from a young preacher ............................... 358 Revivals in Maysville District ...... 366 Revival in Covington .................... 367 Revival in Newport ....................... 367 Aaron Moore .............................. 367 George W. Merritt ........................ 368 Revival in Versailles Circuit . 370 Revival in Winchester Circuit...3. 370 John W. Riggin ............................. 371 Thomas Bottomley ....................... 372 William Holman ........................... 373 Peter Schmucker ............... . 375 Alanson C. Dewitt .375 Revival in Hodgenville Circuit..... 377 Revival in Litchfield Circuit ......... 377 Revival in Danville Circuit ............i377 John C. C. Thompson ................... 378 Matthew N. Lasley ....................... 379 Revival in Glasgow Circuit ........... 383 Joel Peak ............................... 383 Revival in Russellville .384 Revivals in Barboursville District 384 Revival in Paducah Circuit ........... 385 Camp-meeting in Wadesboro Cir- cui t ........... 385 Revivals in Hickman Circuit........ 386 Increase in membership............... 387 CHAPTER X. FROM THE SESSION OF THE KENTUCKY CON- FERENCE OF 1841 TO THE CONFERENCE OF 1842. Conference in Maysville ............... 388 No Bishop present ......................... 388 tJonathan Stamper elected Presi- dent ............................... 388 The temperance question ............. 389 Communication from Bishop An- drew . . ............................. 390) Committee on Augusta College..... 390 A plan for the improvement of the mini stry ................................ 390 Preachers' Aid Society ................. 392 Science Hill Female Academy ...... 392 Resolution requiring preachers to furnish a statement of the date and place of their bi rth, conver- sion, ind admission on trial ...... 396 Resolution of thanks to Thomas N. Ralston .............................. 396 Resolutions in reference to Au- gusta College ........................... 397 American Colonization Society ...... 398 Resolution in reference to a book of memoirs ............................... 398 Transylvania Universitv tendered to the Kentucky Conference ...... 400- American Bible Society .406 Edmund W. Sehon ................. , 407 Admissions on trial ... ............. 409 12 CONTENTS. Locations .... Death of Absalom Hunt................ Death of Alexander Robinson....... Death of Henry N. Vandyke........ Death of William D. Minga.......... Missionary collections.................. Jonathan Stamper........................ William M. Gruhbs....................... Henry E. Pileher.......................... Walter Shearer............................. William C. Atmore....................... William M. Crawford.................... Revival in Shannon Circuit........... Revival in Covington.................... Revival in Mount Carmel, Paris Circuit....................................... Letter from John James............... Letter from Benjamin T. Crouch.. Revivals in Lexington District...... John Collins Hardy....................... Revival in Mount Sterling Circuit.. Drummond Welburn.................... Revival in Athens Circuit .............. Thomas Demoss ........................... Revival in La Grange Circuit ........ Revival in Jefferson Circuit.........., Dorsey's Camp-ground .................. Hartwell J. Perry ........................... Revival in Shelby Circuit ............. . -Nathanael H. Lee ......................... I John Sandusky ............................. . Revival in Madison Circuit Old Providence ............................. Eli B. Crain ............................. . Revival in Russellville ................... John B. Perry ............................. . Warren M. Pitts .............................. Campbellism ......................... The Baptist Church ...................... Revival in Elkton .......................... A Campbellite preacher ................ X Sermons on baptism ..................... Elder Robert Williams ................. A challenge ..............................9 A debate ............................. 4 Jackson's Purchase ...................... Revival in Paducah ....................... 9 Hickman, Paducah, and Wades- boro Circuits.............................. 4 Increase in membership ............... 4 RAGE 409 410 41-0 411 413 414 414 414 423 425 425 428 430 430 430 430 431 435 435 435 436 439 440 442 442 442 443 447 448 456 458 159 460 462 4:62 464 465 165 t65 166 166 167 167 167 168 468 169 470 CHAPTER XI. FROM THE SESSION OF THE KENTUCKY CON- FERENCE OF 1842 TO THE CONFERENCE OF 1843. Conference in Lexington ............... 471 Bishop Waugh present ................. 471 Albery L. Alderson ....................... 472 George S. Savage .......................... 474 Revival at Shannon Church ........... 478 Revival at Sardis .......................... 479 Missionary collections .................. 479 Death of Peter 0. Meeks .............. 479 Death of Edwin Roberts ............... 479 Revival in Morganfield Circuit...... 482 Revival in Versailles Circuit. Journal of Edwin Roberts............ GermaP Mission formed. Revivals in Maysville District. Revival in Germantown Circuit. Revival in Big Sandy Circuit. Revival in Flemingsburg Circuit... Revival at Covington. Revival at Cynthiana. John Miller. Revival in Millersburg Circuit John G. Bruce. Revivals in Lexington District. Revival in Versailles Circuit. Camp-meeting near Nicholasville. Revival in Georgetown. Revival in Athens Circuit. Revivals in Burlington Circuit. Revivals in Louisville. Charles B. Parsons. Revival in Shepherdsville Circuit.. Revival in La Grange Circuit. Samuel D. Baldwin. Samuel L. Robertson. Revival in Owensboro.. Rev i val at Burks's . Revival at Pleasant Grove. Seraiah S. Deering........................ Napoleon B. Lewis. Revivals in Somerset Circuit. Ransom Lancaster. Revival at Richmond. Revival in Madison Circuit. Robinson E. Sidebottom. Elkanah Johnson. Revival at Bowling Green ............. Revival in Scottsville Circuit. Revivals in Hopkinsville District.. Revival at Ash Spring camp-meet- ing, Logan Circuit ..................... Revival at Pleasant Grove . Revival in Hopkinsville Circuit.... Revivals in Barboursville District.. Jackson's Purchase ...................... Mayfield Circuit formed . Decrease in membership in Jack- son's Purchase .......................... . I Increase in membership... . PAGR 482 483 486 486 487 487 487 487 488 488 489 489 489 490 490 491 491 491 491 492 495 495 495 496 497 497 497 497 498 502 502 503 503 5(04 505 505 505 505 506 507 507' 507 507 508 308 CHAPTER XII. FROM THE SESSION OF THE KENTUCKY CON- FERENCE OF 1843 TO THE CONFERENCE OF 1844. Conference at Louisville............... 509 Bishop Morris.... 509 Distinguished visitors ... 509 Trhe American Bible Society ... , 510 The Western Christian Advocate...... 510 Resol ti on to promote interests of the Western Book Concern .. 510 The Agent and delinquent debtors 511 The temperance question.. 511 The slavery question.. 512 Delegates elected to the General Conference of 1844 ..5 12 13 I CONT'ENTS. Resolution in reference to a his- tory of Methodism in Kentucky.. 512 Admissions on trial ................ . 513 Locations .513 Superannuated preachers............. 513 Thomas N. Ralston .. 513 Revivals in Mount Sterling Circuit.. 515 Camp-mneeting near Perryville .. 515 A convincing argument.. 516 Affecting incident.. 517 Death of Richard Corwine............ 518 Death of John Denham .. 518 Death of Elihu Green ................... 518 Missionary collections.. 519 John Christian Harrison ............... 520 Revival at Maysville .527 George B. Poage ......................... 527 Revival at Mount Zion .528 Campbellism in Brooksville . 529 Exciting scene .529 Revival in Brooksville. 530 Remarkable conversion .530 Revival in Augusta .532 Revival at Minerva .532 An enraged husband .632 Revival at Dover........................... 533 Revival in Germantown Circuit. 533 Revivals in Shannon Circuit. 5.33 Revival at Nelson Ashury's . 533 Revival in Covington 534 Revival in Falmouth Circuit . 534 PA The Lexington District ................. 534 Transylvania University............. 534 ,-Burr H. Mc(own ..................... 535 William H. Anderson......5.............. 636 Revivals in Louisville District ...... 538 George W. Crumbaugh .................5 38 George S. Gatewood ......................5 39 Revival at Hardinsburg ................ 540 Revival in Hawesville Circuit ........5 40 Revival in Hartford Circuit ...........5 40 Revival in Big Spring Circuit ........ 540 Morganfield District formed .........5 41 Learner B. Davison ...................... 541 Revival in Henderson Circuit .......5 42 Revival at Smithland ................... 542 Revival at Eddyville ..................... 642 Revivals in Princeton Circuit ........ 543 Revivals in Russellville District ... 543 Robert Fisk .............................. 5 43 Revivals in Bowling Green District 544 Timothy C. Frogge .......................5 45 John S. Magee .............................. 545 Robert G. Gardner ......................... 545 Revivals in Barboursville Circuit.. 546 Jackson's Purchase ......................5 47 Revival in Hickman Circuit .......... 547 Revival in Mavfield Circuit .......... 547 Revivals in Paducah and Wades- boro Circuits .............................. 547 Decrease in membership ............. 547 Review .............................. 547 14 -Westerni Cavaliers. This page in the original text is blank. WESTERN CAVALIERS. CHAPTER I. FROM THE SESSION OF THE KENTUCKY CONFERENCE OF 1832 TO THE CONFERENCE OF 1833. Tranquil amid alarms, It found him on th