xt7w0v89hb01 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89hb01/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19580520 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1958-05-jun20-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1958-05-jun20-ec. 1958 2011 true xt7w0v89hb01 section xt7w0v89hb01 

          Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, June 20, 1958.

          The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in the President, s Office at 9:40 a. n. , CST,
Friday, June 20, 1958, with the following members present: Chairman
R. P. Hobson, Harper Gatton, 'Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, 'Louis Cox'and
'J. Stephen Watkin . President Frank G. Dickey and Secretary Frank
D. Peterson met with the Committee.

          A. Minutes Approved.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes
of the Executive Committee of March 14, 1958, were approved as pub-

          B. Financial Report.

          The Treasurer made financial report for the period ended
May 31, 1958. This consisted of a balance sheet and related financial
statements, The financial report was examined in detail and, members
of the Committee being satisfied, upon motion duly made, seconded
and carried, the report was authorized received and filed.

          C. Contract with National Park Service,

          Mr. Peterson submitted a Memorandum of Agreement between
the Regional Administrator, National Park Service, and the University,
Department of Anthropology. Contract No. 14-10-131-419 covers an
archaeological survey of the Buckhorn Reservoir in Kentucky, and is es-
sentially the same as the one currently in effect for salvage excavations
in the Rough River Reservoir. The survey work will be done by Doctor
Schwartz, of the Department of Anthropology.  The National Park Ser-
vice will reimburse the University in the sum of $1, 000 to pay for out-of-
pocket expenses. Mr. Peterson recommended that the contract be ap-

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Contract No.
14-10-131-419 was authorized approved and executed,

          D. Contract with the Armed Forces, U. S. Government, for
Courses Taug i     e University,

          Mr. Peterson submitted contract for correspondence courses
of the University of Kentucky for the fiscal year 1958.19 59. He stated
that this contract merely provided for the payment by the U. S. Armed
Forces Institute of the regular catalog fees for courses taken by personnel



   connected with that branch of the Government. The fees are those regular-
   ly approved by the Board. He recommended approval.

            Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Contract No. DA-
   47-043 IE 765, between the United States Government and the University of
   Kentucky for the fiscal year 1958- 59 was authorized approved and executed.

            E. Contract with the Department of Highways.

            Mr. Peterson submitted a contract between the State Department
   of Highways and the University of Kentucky College of Commerce. He stated
   that the contract provided that the Bureau of Business Research for a period
   of five years would make studies as authorized by the Highway Economic
   Research Advisory Committee. Dean Carpenter is a member of the Ad-
   visory Committee and will serve as chairman.  The Committee will from
   time to time authorize research projects that will be of interest and help
   to the Department of Highways, The Bureau of Business Research will
   make available trained personnel to carry on the various types of research
   work authorized. The Department of Highways will reimburse the Uni-
   versity for all expenses incident to studies made on authorization of the
   Highway Economic Research Advisory Committee. Mr. Peterson recom-
   mended that the contract be approved, together with an addendum authorizing
   the immediate encumbrance of $15, 000.

            Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the contract was
  approved and authorized executed.

            F. Contract for Flight Training Program for R. O. T, C. Stu-

            Mr. Peterson submitted Supplemental Agreement Contract No.
  DA.-18-102AII-4809, -which relates to the Army Flight Training Program.
  He explained that this was a continuation of the program authorized two
  years ago and was extended to include the school year 1958-59. He ad-
  vised that all legal provisions had been checked and the necessary insurance
  protection obtained, and recommended that the contract be authorized.

            Members of the Committee being advised, on motion duly made,
  seconded and carried, the contract was approved and authorized executed.

            G. Contract with Kentucky Department of Economic Develop-

            Mr. Peterson submitted Agreement between the Kentucky De-
  partment of Fconomic Development and the University of Kentucky, Agri-
  cultural Experiment Station, providing for continued research on the
  control of Johnson grass, which the Experiment Station has heretofore
  been working on. Dr. H. Bruce Price, Acting Dean and Director, re-
  quested approval of the contract, which provides for expenditure of
  $7, 000 during the fiscal year 1958-59. Mr. Peterson recommended
  that the contract be authorized and approved,

            Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the contract was
approved and authorized executed, with the understanding that the University
will be reimbursed for expenses incurred,



          H. Sale of Dormitory Bonds (ATO)

          Mr. Peterson advised that plans and specifications for the con-
struction of a small dormitory to be leased to the ATO fraternity had been
completed, accepted and forwarded to the Department of Finance, and that
bids would be taken for construction July 18, 1958. He recommended
that Notice of Sale of Bonds in the amount of $150, 000 be issued and that
the University receive bids for the purchase of the issue on July 31,

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Notice of Sale
of Bonds was authorized issued and bids received.

          I. Degrees in the College of Law Authorized.

          President Dickey reported that the University Faculty had recom-
mended approval of degrees to three students in the College of Law who
completed their work in June but not in time to be included in the list of
May graduates.  He stated that it would be necessary for them to receive
their degrees in Law before they are eligible to take the State Bar Exam-
ination. He recommended that the degrees be authorized and, upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the degree of the College of
Law, University of Kentucky, was authorized granted to the following
students: Louis Joseph Amato, Max Martin Smith and James Lewis

          J. Employment of Teachers for the Indonesian Program.

          President Dickey recommended employment of the following
new staff members cfeared by ICA for assignments in Indonesia:

          Associate Professor Lewis S. Salter, Physicist,

          Assistant Professor Charles D. Hoyt, Mining Engineer,

          Assistant Professor W. R. Hunziker, Architect.

He stated that these staff members were being employed for assignments
only in Indonesia and that they would be University employees during
their tenure on the ICA contracts, but would not be recognized as employees
of the University beyond that period of time.  He stated that the compen-
sation w7's based on a salary schedule worked out by the University and
ICA and of record,

          Upon motlon duly made, seconded and carried, Associate
Professor Lewis S. Salter, Physicist; Assistant Professor Charles D.
Hoyt, Mining Engineer; and Assistant Professor W. R. Hunziker,
Architect were employed on ICA contract for assignment in Indonesia
as recommended,



          K. Agricultural Extension Workers' Per Diem Fixed.

          President DwLJ.ey submitted request from Dr. H. Bruce Price,
Dean and Director, for regulating method of compensation for travel of
Agricultural Extension workers in and out of the State. He recommend-
ed that the per diem, based on Federal regulations, for travel through-
out Kentucky be fixed at $8. 50 per day, with the exception of Louisville
where the per diem will be $10.00 per day in the event the worker stays
two or more nights. He stated that the exception of Louisville is
mainly for the benefit of those who must stay there for the State Fair,
during which time it is difficult to secure lodging and board for less
than this amount on a 24-hour basis. He recommended that compen-
sation for out-of--state travel be fixed at $12. 00 per diem,

          The Executive Committee discussed the recommendation, and
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, authorized $8. 50 per
diem for travel in Kentucky, $10. 00 per diem for travel in Louisville, if
two or more nights are spent there, and $12, 00 per dierr for travel
outside of the State, effective July 1, 1958.

          L. Employment of Electrical Engineer.

          President Dickey stated that he had received a recommenda-
tion from Mr. Peterson, in which he concurred, requesting employment
of an electrical engineer to study the electricity load on the campus of the
University, and make recommendation for revision and such plans as
may be necessary to complete an electrical system to provide adequate
services on the campus.

          Members of the Committee indicated much interest and,
after some discussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
the University was authorized to take the necessary steps to secure an
electrical engineering firm to make a study of the needs of the electrical
distribution system at the University, and the necessary funds were
authorized appropriated to pay for their services,

          M. Alterations of Anderson Hall and Budget AdjustmeiLt. Authorized.

          President Dickey stated that he, Dean Shaver and Mr. Peterson
had conferred at some length concerning additional facilities in the Col-
lege of Engineering. He recommended that ce rtain alterations in Ander-
son Hall drafting room be made, that additional equipment be purchased,
and that an additional appropriation of $16, 000 be authorized.

          LIpon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recoin-
mendation of the President was concurred in and authorized.



          N. Budget Increases.

          President Dickey reported that, upon recommendation of the
Treasurer, he requested the estimated receipts for the fiscal year 1957-
58 be increased in the sum of $100, 000. He said this increase was pri-
marily due to increased revenue from student fees.  President Dickey
also made the following recommendations for increases in appropriation
to the following departments and accounts:

                                              Account    Budget
          Department or Account               Number      Increase

          Health Service                       100      $ 5,500.00

          Social Security Tax                   180       7, 000.00

          General Printing                     220       10,500.00

          Out-of-State Travel                  250        2, 000. 00

          College of Pharmacy                 1080         1, 000.00

          University Extended Programs        1260       50, 000. 00

          Equipment for Various Buildings     1300        4,000.00

          Major Improvements                  1320        4, 000. 00

               Total Budget Increase                    $84, 000. 00

          He explained that the increase in Health Service was due to ex-
penses beyond our control, that the increase for Social Security Tax was
also beyond control of the University, the increase for General Printing
was due to the cost of printing, in general, and that the increase for Ex-
tended Programs was anticipated from the beginning of the fiscal year
1957-58 and, in reality, did not mean. an additional appropriation from
University funds as such, but was appropriation of receipts from Extend-
ed Programs during the fiscal year.  The other increases were minor
and for normal operation.

          Members of the Executive Committee being advised, upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, concurred in the recommenda-
tion, and the increases were authorized and approved.

          0. Employment of Ralph Beals and Katherine Burnett Snow

          President Dickey submitted a request from Dean C. C. Carpen-
ter, College of Commerce, for the temporary employment of Mr. Ralph
Beals, son of Professor W. E. Beals, Mr. Beals being employed to do



special work in the Bureau of Business Research.

          President Dickey also submitted request of Dr. William R. Wil-
lard for the temporary employment of Mrs. Katherine Burnett Snow, wife
of Professor Charles B. Snow. He stated that the background of training
and experience of Mrs. Snow in the health field especially qualified her
for work on projected studies supported by the Commonwealth Fund.

          President Dickey recommended that these requests be granted,
and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Mr. Ralph Beals was
authorized employed for a period of five months and Mrs. Snow was
authorized employed for a period of one year.

          P. Outside Work for Professors Haynes and McAninch.

          President Dickey submitted request from Dean Carpenter, Col-
lege of Commerce, to permit Professor W. W. Haynes to d6o part-time
consulting work for Resources for the Future, Inc. , in the summer of 1958.
He stated that this work would not interfere with Professor Haynes' regu-
lar duties and would be done largely in the period of summer when Pro-
fessor Haynes would have no regular teaching duties.  He stated that
Professor Haynes had unusual ability to deal with coal materials because
of his experience with the Western Kentucky coal forecast performed for
the Tennessee Valley Authority, and that compensation would not exceed
$i, 200. 00.

          President Dickey submitted request from Dean M. M. White,
College of Arts and Sciences, that Dr. Daniel McAninch be permitted to
tune pianos in the University. He explained that the piano tuner of the
Department of Music had died suddenly, that efforts had been made in
vain to find a piano tuner from Lexington, Cincinnati or Huntington,
West Virginia, and that possibilities of getting one from Louisville had
been practically exhausted. Dr. McAninch is a teacher in the Depart-
ment of Music at the University but can and will tune pianos for the de-
partment. He recommended that Dr. McAninch be authorized to tune the
pianos of the department at $9. 00 per piano.

          Mr. Peterson concurred in the recommendation, and upon mo-
tion duly made, seconded and carried, Dr. Daniel McAninch was authorized
to tune departmental pianos at the University for a Lee of $9. 00 per piano.

          Q. Department of Business Management and Control Reorganized.

          President Dickey submitted a Resolution authorizing rearranges
ment of the Department of Business Management and Control. He read the
following Resolution:




           The Governing Regulations of the University (approved
      April 5, 1955) define the functions of the University Comptrol-
      ler and provide for these functions to be performed within the
      Department of Business Management and Control, headed by
      the Vice President (Business Administration). In order to
      arrange better the responsibilities within this Department, it
      is desirable to eliminate the office of Comptroller, to create
      the position of Associate Business Manager, and to create
      a departmental division of Accounting and Budgetary Control,
      headed by a Director. It is therefore resolved as follows:

               1. The Governing Regulations are amended to elim-
        inate paragraph 15, page 18, thereof concerning the
        Comptroller, and to eliminate sentence 6, paragraph 3,
        page 13, thereof concerning delegation of certain func-
        tions to the Comptroller by the Vice President (Business

               2. In keeping with this change, the Vice President
        (Business Administration) is authorized, effective July 1,
        1958, to establish the position of Associate Business
        Manager and to create a Division of Accounting and Budgetary
        Control within the Department of Business Management and
        Control, the Division to be headed by a Director.  He is
        further authorized, from time to time, to assign and dele-
        gate to these officers and the other officers of his Department
        such functions and. duties as will achieve a proper arrange-
        ment of their responsibilities.

        Members of the Committee being advised, upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, the Resolution was adopted and authorized,
effective July 1, 1958.

        R. Associate Business Manager Appointed.

        President Dickey submitted a recommendation from Mr. Peterson
appointing Mr. George Kavanaugh Associate Business Manager, with pri-
mary duties to supervise Auxiliary Enterprises and assist the Vice Pres-
ident (Business Administration), with other phases of University business,
effective July 1, 1958, at the salary budgeted for this position.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommenda-
tion was concurred in and Mr. George Kavanaugh was appointed Associate
Business Manager, as recommended.



         S. Clay Maupin Appointed Director of the Divi-sion of Accounts
 and Budgetary Controls.

         President Dickey submitted a request from Mr. Peterson ap-
pointing Mr. Clay Maupin as Director of the Division of Accounts and
Budgetary Controls, effective July 1, 1958, He recommended adjust-
ment in salary.

         Members of the Committee discussed the recommendation
and, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Mr. Clay Maupin,
a Registered Public Accountant, was appointed Director of the Division
of Accounts and Budgetary Controls, effective July 1, 1958.

         T. Honorary Degrees Approved.

         President Dickey reported recommendation of the Graduate
Faculty, concurred in by the University Faculty, that three honorary
degrees be conferred upon individuals at the summer August commence-
ment, 1958. He read the data statement concerning each recommend-
ed recipient.  The recommendation was discussed, and upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, honorary degrees were authorized
awarded at the summer commencement, August, 1958, and the names
of the recipients were ordered withheld from these minutes until the
individuals could be contacted and their acceptances received.

        U. Gifts.

                               From: Western Kentucky Gas Com-
                                      pany- -$250. 00.

        President Dickey reported receipt of check for $250. 00 from
the Western Kentucky Gas Company, Owensboro, Kentucky, given in
partial support of a scholarship in the Department of Agricultural Engineer-
ing for the 1958-59 school year, He recommended that the gift be ac-
cepted and placed in a new account, to be known as the Kengas Scholar-
ship Fund.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift of
$250. 00 from the Western Kentucky Gas Company was ordered accept-
ed and the President was requested to thank the donors.

                               From: Kengas, Inc., Owensboro, Ky.--
                                      $250. 00

        President Dickey reported receipt of check for $250. 00 from
Kengas, Inc., Owensboro, Ky, which the donors wished added to the
similar amount given by Western Kentucky Gas Company and placed in
the new Kengas, Inc. . account.  He recommended acceptance of the
gif t.



         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Executive
Committee concurred in the recommendation of the President and re-
quested him to write a letter of appreciation to Kengas, Inc.

                                From: Mr. Alexander H. Pinkes, New
                                       York--$5. 00.

         President Dickey reported that Mr. Alexander H. Pinkes, New
York, had enclosed a check for $5. 00 in a letter which stated that the
gift was given to the University in appreciation of courtesies and aid
given him by a member of the University staff. He recommended that
the gift be accepted.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee
authorized acceptance of the gift and requested the President to write a
letter of appreciation to Mr. Pinkes.

                                From: International Telephone and
                                       Telegraph Corporation--$3 000. 00.

        President Dickey presented check for $3, 000. 00 from Interna-
tional Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, $2, 000. 00 of which is given
in support of four $500. 00 scholarships for 1958-59 in Electrical Engineer-
ing, and $1, 000. 00 to assist in defraying the educational costs of the re-
cipients and for the benefit of the Electrical Engineering Department.
He recommended that the grant be accepted.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Commit-
tee concurred in the recommendation of the President and requested
him to write a letter of appreciation to officials of the International Tel-
ephone and Telegraph Corporation.

                                From:- Hirsch Bros. and Company--
                                       $500. 00.

        President Dickey presented check for $500. 00 from Hirsch
Bros. and Company, Louisville, Ky., to be used in experimental work
on cucumbers. He recommended that the grant be accepted.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check for
$500. 00 was ordered accepted and the President was requested to write
a letter of -npreciation to Hirsch Bros. and Company.



                               From: Blue Diamond Coal Company,
                                      Knoxville, Tenn. --$210. 00.

         President Dickey presented check for $210. 00, made payable
to the Kentucky Research Foundation, and explained that the check is
in support of a scholarship for the current summer session. He recom-
mended that the gift be accepted.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check for
$210. 00 was ordered accepted, and the President was requested to
express to officials of the Blue Diamond Coal Company the apprecia-
tion of the Committee and the University.

                               From: Kentucky Utilities Company,
                                      Lexington, Ky.

        The President reported receipt of $5, 000. 00 from Kentucky
Utilities Company, payable to the Thomas Poe Cooper Foundation, and
recommended that the grant be accepted and used in support of the
existing program on the Agricultural Experiment Station Mercer County

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee
concurred in the recommendation of the President and requested him
to write a letter of appreciation to the Kentucky Utilities Company.

                               From: Central State Forest Experiment
                                      Station--$l, 000. 00.

        President Dickey stated that the University had received check
for $1, 000.00 from the Forest Service, Central State Forest Experiment
Station of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, and recommended that
it be accepted, in accordance with Supplement #5 to Basic Memorandum
of Understanding between the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
and the Forest Service.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee
concurred in the recommendation of the President and requested him to
write a letter of appreciation to the Central State Forest Experiment

                               From: Smith Kline and French Labora-
                                      tories-$400. 00.

        President Dickey presented check for $400. 00 from Smith Kline
and French Laboratories and recommended that the grant be accepted
and used for research in the area of animal pathology.



         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift of
 $400. 00 was ordered accepted and the President was requested to thank
 officials of Smith Kline and French Laboratories.

                                From: Hazelet and Erdal Consulting
                                       Engineers, Louisville, Ky. --
                                       $500. 00.

         President Dickey presented check for $500. 00, made payable
to The Kentucky Research Foundation, given in support of upperclass-
man scholarships by Hazelet & Erdal Consulting Engineers. He recom-
mended that the gift be accepted.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift of $500. 00
was authorized accepted and the President was requested to thank the

                                From: Aubrey Feed Mills, Louisville,
                                       Ky. --$1, 000. 00.

        The President reported that the Aubrey Feed Mills had presented
to the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station $1, 000 to be used in support of the
Experiment Station' s project, "Physiological, Nutritional and Environ-
mental Factors Affecting the Formation of Eggs". He recommended
that the gift be accepted.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift of
$1, 000. 00 was ordered accepted and the President was requested to make
acknowledgment of the gift.

                                From: Mr. M. E. Dobbins, Lexington,
                                      Ky. --Two 40-ton Bakelite Vinyl

        The President reported that Mr, M. E. Dobbins, 120 Lacka-
wanna Road, Lexington, Ky., had donated to the Agrieultural Experiment
Station two 40-ton Bakelite Vinyl silos to be used for demonstration pur-
poses. He stated that it was through just such support of people in
industry that the Experiment Station had been enriched and given broader
scope. He recommended that the gift be accepted.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee
concurred in the recommendation of the President and requested that he
write a letter of appreciation to Mr. Dobbins.



        V. Policy of Printing Names of Donors on Equipment Approved.

        it was explained that from time to time individuals or firms
had donated equipment to the University. We do not have a policy gov-
erning the placing of names of individuals or firms on equipment so
received. The Committee was asked for guidance, and upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the Vice President.(Business Ad-
ministration) was authorized to formulate a policy and regulations
concerning the placing of names of individuals or firms on equipment
received by the University through gifts.

        W. Agricultural Extension Budget Amended.

        The 1958-59 budget for the Department of Agricultural Extension
was recommended for change to reflect the increased federal funds re-
ceived from appropriation made since the regular budget was adopted
in April, 1958.  The revised budget was submitted, and upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, same was approved and the Comptroller
was authorized to make the necessary budget adjustments.

        X. Appointments and Other Staff Changes.

        President Dickey submitted staff appointments, reappointments,
salary adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, promotions and other
staff changes requested by deans and heads of departments.



        Charles Frederick Dickens, Instructor in English, Director of
Laboratory Theatre, effective September 1, 1958.

        Billie Gail Eckler, Secretary, Modern Foreign Languages, ef-
fective June 6, 1958.

        Patricia Erickson, Laboratory Technician, Kentucky Research
Foundation, effective June 1, 1958 through September 15, 1958.

        Williani D. Ehmann, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, effective
September 1, 1958.

        Sallie Fe Hopper, Clerk-Stenographer, Office of the Dean, ef-
fective June 5, 1958 - June 30, 1958.

        Malcolm E. Jewell, Instructor, Department of Political Science,
effective September 1, 1958.

        Myron Linfield, Research Assistant, Chemistry, effective June
1, 1958.

        Ruth Reagor, Visiting Instructor, Library Science Department,
effective July 1, 1958  August 31, 1958.



         Karol M. Riley, Departmental Secretary, Modern Foreign
 Languages, effective June 10-30, 1958.

         George William Smith, Jr. , Instructor, English Department,
effective September 1, 1958.

         William Edward Steiden, part-time Instructor, Music Depart-
ment, effective September 1, 1958. (Also in College of Education,
University School, part-time Instructor).

         Robert T. Golembiewski, Instructor, Political Science Depart-
ment, effective September 1, 1958 - June 30, 1959.

R eappointments

         Helen M. Bobbitt, Secretary, Physical Education, effective July
1, 1958.

         John Brannon, Hearing Therapist, Psychology Department,
effective July 1, 1958 - August 31, 1958.

        John W. Donahoe, Instructor, Psychology Department, effective
September 1, 1958.

        Edward F. Foster, Instructor, English Department, effective
July 1, 1958 - June 30, 1959.

        Ann K. Huddleston, Staff Accompanist, Music Department,
effective September 1, 1958 - June 30, 1959.

        Rose Marie Nagy, Secretary, Military Department, effective
July 1, 1958 - June 30, 1959.

        Karol M. Riley, Departmental Secretary, Modern Foreign
Languages, effective July 1, 1958 - June 30, 1959.
        Ross A. Webb, Assistant Professor, History Department, effective
September 1, 1958-June 30, 1959.
Re signations

        Virginia Nelle Bellamy, part-time Instructor, English Department,
effective September 1, 1958.

        Richard C. Dugdale, Instructor, Zoology, effective September
1, 19 58.

        Rita R. Ehle, Stenographer, Sociology Department, effective
May 31, 19`6.  

        Norman Gelber, Instructor, English Department, effective Sep-
tember 1, 1958.

        Ingeborg Maria Klauser, Secretary, Modern Foreign Languages,
effective May 31, 1958.

        Frances Lee Neale, Secretary, Mathematics & Astronomy,
effective May 8, 1958.



         Marvin Rabin, Associate Professor, Music Department,
effective August 31, 1958.

         Ernest Lloyd Rhodes, Director of Laboratory Theatre & In-
structor in English. effective September 1, 1958.
        Jerrv Wright, Geology Library, effective May 31, 1958.

Leaves of Absence

        James S. Calvin, Professor and Head, Psychology Department,
sabbatical leave, effective September 1, 1958, through June 30, 1959.

        Alfred L. Crabb, Jr. , Assistant Professor, English Department,
leave of absence for summer session, effective July 1, 1958 - August 31,

        Holman Hamilton, Associate Professor, History Department,
sabbatical leave, effective September 1, 1958 - January 31, 1959.

        Richard Hanau, Associate Professor, Physics Department, sab-
batical leave, effective September 1, 1958  June 30, 1959.

        Anne G. Green, Assistant Professor, Art Department, sabbatical
leave, effective September 1, 1958 - June 30, 1959.

        Gordon J. Kinney, Associate Professor, Music Department, ef-
fective July 1, 1958  August 31, 1958.

        Albert D. Kirwan, Professor, History Department, sabbatical
leave, effective February 1, 1959 *- June 30, 1959.

        Warren W. Lutz, Assistant Professor, effective July 1, 1958 -
August 31, 1958; sabbatical leave from September 1, 1958 - June 30, 1959.

        0. Ruth McQuown, Research Associate, part-time Instructor,
leave from September 1, 1958 through June 30, 1959.

        Blaine W. Schick, Assistant Professor, Modern Foreign
Languages, sabbatical leave, September 1, 1958  June 30, 1959.

        Tacoma G. Sloan, effective June 1-30, 1958 and August 3 - 17,
J.9E8, to