xt7w0v89kh6b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89kh6b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19681205  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December  5, 1968 text The Kentucky Kernel, December  5, 1968 1968 2015 true xt7w0v89kh6b section xt7w0v89kh6b Tie Kentucky
Thursday Evening, Dec. 5, 1968



Take Complaints
To Local HRC

A higher voter turnout than
was anticipated, Steve Bright-spea- ker
of the Student Government assembly said Wednesday
night, was recorded on the first
day of voting on the University's new housing policy.
Bright said 2,064 students
registered their opinion on the
first day of the SG referendum.
Balloting at the King Library
was still going on when the total was taken because of its late
voting hours.
Two voting locations ran out
of ballots because of the heavy
voting, Bright said. Blazer Cafeteria had the highest turnout.
The SG referendum is being
conducted in response to a policy adopted by the Board of
Trustees Nov. 18 which would
allow the University to require
all levels of undergraduates.
with some exceptions, to live in
dorms "if necessary."
Students are being asked to
indicate if they "favor or discontinued on Tage 7, Col. 5




r antaStlC







Linda Nolan who plays Mabel, an
showgirl, in Guignol Theatre's production of
' Three Men On A Horse, dances to Kernel
Photog Dick Ware's stroboscopic light.

New Group Forms
"GIVE A DAMN!" is to be
the motto of UK's newest organization, the Campus Concerns Committee (CCC), which
is currently petitioning for recognition as an official campus
According to chairman Bill
Buxton the CCC is to be "a
committee of students from all

Aid 'Worthy Causes9
areas of campus life organized
to aid worthy student projects
and activities through an annual campus fund drive."
The group is planning a fund
raising drive for Feb. 10-1The money will be used for
such causes as assistance for
blind and disabled students,
emergency student loans, campus volunteer service projects,

Vetter Says Reform
Begins In Counties

and aid to special humanitarian
Specifically mentioned as possible projects were aid to international students, the Lexington Tutorial Program, and the

UNICEF NigerianBiafran


lief Fund.
The funds would be distributed by a committee of students
and faculty members, the students having the controlling
vote, on the basis of applications from individuals or groups.
However, no definite structure
has been set up as yet for the
regulation of funds distribution.
Buxton attributes the idea of
the CCC to Tack Dal ton, director of the Office of Religious
Affairs. The idea for the project
was conceived last year and
since then Buxton and Dalton
have been collecting information from other campuses and
laying the groundwork for the
The committee is presently
seeking endorsement by other
campus organizations. The LexYMCA has already
pledged its support.
Chairman Buxton indicated
that once established the CCC
could potentially serve many
other purposes for the students
such as student projects, student spokesman on campus issues.
Any interested student should
contact Bill Buxton or Jack Dalton for further information.
The nex,t scheduled meeting
of the group is planned for
Tuesday, January 14.

Kernel Staff Writer
in a position in most places in the
country where it faces real difficulty," according to Dr. Fred
Dr. Vetter, UK political sci- tional issues," says Vetter, "has
ence professor, spoke Wednesday found it must now appeal in some
before a meetingof FOCI, analyz- otherway tothe South and border
ing the results of the past elec- states."
Vetter continued his talk with
tion and the future of the Dema discussion of the future of the
ocratic party.
"We know from substantial Democratic party on the local
the .
polling results r over .4.1 last 20 and state level. Most people feel
svnri. ir mv
years, said vetier, mai more
with the national level, according to
people are affiliated
party than the Re- - ter. They fail to realize that they
Dublican oartv. This is because have a say in the future of the
of the Roosevelt era which put party by voting for local party
together the Democratic coali- leaders.
Vetter added that in Fayette
tion, which at one time seemed
County on Saturday local party
imp regnable.
officials will be elected. He urged
"However," Vetter continued, all registered Democrats in the
"cracks began to appear in the
to participate in this eleccoalition in the election of John- county
tion if they wanted to see a
son." One thing which the coaliin the Democratic party.
tion depended on was the "Solid change
In 1964 when Johnson
was elected, Coldwater won the
electoral votes in the South. The
net result of this was, according
An award for outstanding services in its "little brother" proto Vetter, the "ending of the
ject was prented to Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity Wednesday
evening by Richard Walker of the Fayette County Children's
"This cracking coalition can Bureau.
The fraternity's activities included building a Softball field for
leave the Democrats in a position of minority electoral votes, the Ixjys; taking them swimming, bowling and so forth and giving
which is what happened in the them parties at Christmas.
Many of the boy s are from broken homes.
previous election.
The SAE's earlier this y ear were named the outstanding chapter
has based much appeal on na- - in the nation for its general public service program.

"The Democratic party is


Vol. LX, No. 09

A&S Students

Turnout High
On First Day





The Lexington-Fayett- e
County Human Rights Commission met
to hear complaints of discrimination in liousing.
Wednesday night
Susan Heathers and Carolyn Creen, both UK students, told
of the results of a survey they took with six other students for
Culture (AS 300).
their course in
The eight students posed as
married couples, one Black, one of the commission sit in on the
White while the other two were present review board as the board
had "promised."
racially mixed, and contacted
four realtors in town to see if
They will be allowed, however, to tour the city and county
they would rent to Blacks.
The survey was ineffective jails and ride in the patrol cars
with the first three realtors since of both departments.
Graham Watkins, chairman
the couples appeared together.
The fourth realtor, however, of- of the Community Alliance for
Social Action
fered "several" apartments to a Responsible
White but when her Black "hus(CARSA), spoke briefly to the
band" showed up the realtor HRC about the grape boycott.
claimed he made a mistake and The commission unanimously
all the listings were houses for agreed to support the boycott.
A complaint was later raised
sale rather than apartments.
The group later checked one against the two Lexington papers
of the addresses given them and which run a segregated column
found that it was a large apart- for obituaries and house listings.
The commission members said
ment building.
The commission members said the publisher of the papers had
already been approached and had
they knew that discrimination
existed and hoped to bring the refused to integrate the two
matter to the Lexington com- columns.
Robert Sedler, professor of law
munity as a whole.
The HRC also announced that here, said he felt that legal action
they were unsuccessful in their could be brought against the
attempts to create a civilian re- advertisers who paid for the house
listings, but not against the paper
view board for the Police Department as well as having a member itself.

AV's To File Suit,
KUAC Recesses
Committee recessed its second hearing into Appalachian problems
here today, subject to a future call from the chairman for an execu
tive session.
A spokesman for the Appaple of their rights under federal
the main tar- programs.
lachian Volunteers,
Earlier two witnesses at the
get of the KUAC hearings, said
plans to final session of the hearings
file a complaint with the U.S. quoted Pikeville College PresiJustice Department under the dent Thomas Johns as saying
he had had his faculty members
Civil Rights Act.
infiltrate the Appalachian VolThe spokesman said the comunteers (AVs) to see what they
is the result of its workplaint
ers' having been harassed and were doing.
Continued on rage 7, Col. 1
intimidated while advising peo



SAE's Receive Award



Take one harpsichord, add one piano and three
guys known as the Saxons and you'll get fo'k
music with a Banxjje beat. The formula wuu
at 8 and 9 p.m. in the Student Center Con

* 2


5, 1968

Late Otis Redding 'Live' At The Whisky A Go Go
Kernel Music Critic
Otis Oedding In Person at the
Whisky A Co Co, Atco Records.
While in California last summer, a friend of mine told me
about seeing Otis Redding at
Hollywood's Whisky A Co Co
in April 1966. He said that of
all the live performances of recording artists he had ever seen.
Redding on this night, was tops.
Patrons were standing in their
chairs and pounding on tables
before the performance was over.
At times the clamor made it
difficult for Otis to get into a
new song, especially after a fast
On the night of this particular
performance the bandstand was
equipped with a recording system. It was on the strength of
this and the fame of the "Whisky"
that I suspected an album of the
performance might well be in the
Well, like most of "big business," the record industry is seldom caught with its pants down.
Atco has recently released Otis
Redding In Person At The Whisky
A Co Co. I purchased the album
solely on the advice of my California friend and with a few

exceptions I'm satisfied I am the
owner of one of the best live
albums ever recorded.
Drive And Excitement
Technically the album is almost flawless. (For some live albumsOtis Redding Live In Europe for one this could probably
be achieved by merely making
the singer's voice audible.) However, not only has Atco managed
to smooth over the engineering
snags which made Live in Europe
so tinny sounding, but it has
given the album a studio quality
with live performance drive and
There is no other album on
which Otis puts out more. The
versions of "I Can't Turn You
Loose" and "Satisfaction" are
supercharged with raw, emotional power. "Mr. Pitiful" fades
into "Satisfaction" forming a 6: 43
collage the fullest expenditure
of energy I have ever heard on
record. ("Try A Little Tenderness" on Live In Europe comes
close, but the
technical inferiorities stop it
Incidentally, one of the few
faults I find with the present-albuis its exclusion of "Try
A Little Tenderness." One ex

planation might be that if it

were included after or before "Satisfaction," one of the two might
Or the
inclusion of both might cause
there to be no climax. Oh well.

Ironic Deprivation
Another problem is that the
crowd is not allowed to participate enough (some of the applause has been spliced out).
With a performance of this magnitude, enthusiastic crowd response can only enhance. At the
conclusion of "Satisfaction" one
expects a thunderous roar only
to hear the clicking of the record
changer ending side one. In striving for perfection, Atco has ironically deprived the listener.
One of the gripes I have always had with Otis' albums is
that his backup bands are allowed only token participation
and that his voice is the total
strength of his presentation. Not
so on this album. Backing him
are four saxes, two trumpets, a
trombone, electric bass and lead
guitar plus, of course, drums.
They come on strong, blending
perfectly with Redding's dynamic voice and eliciting a total

Wendell Berry's Poems Honest,
Straightforward, And Effective
Kernel Arts Editor
OPENINGS, by Wendell Berry,
Harcourt, Brace, and World.
In the poem, "East Kentucky, 1967" Wendell Berry
What vision or blindness
can live in the sight of children
who inherit the eyes of broken
and in the sight of farms
torn open
where the rich lock like toads
to the backs of the helpless?
In 'The Return," dedicated
to Harry Caudill, he writes:
Kentucky, I know the greed
and pride
that wear your fields to stone,
owners who make
their graves richer than their
The worst that you have come
is my worst. And I know a
threatened loveliness that is
in you.
And there are lives of a few
men I knew,
and know still, that have
taught me
that here also the best has
been, and may be.
These lines are from the
latest book of poems, Openings,
by Mr. Berry, a native
and a professor here at
the University. They express
the concern and hope he feels
for his state while displaying
his precise feel for language
and poetic virtuosity.

Vision And Sensitivity
When the perspective of his
poems shifts to his country, as
in "Against the War in Vietnam" and "Dark with Power,"
his concern approaches despair.
In "Dark with Power," he begins:
Dark with power, we remain
the invaders of our land, leaving
deserts where forests were,
scars where there were hills.
and ends:
Fed with dying, we gaze
on our might's monuments of

The world dangles from us

while we gaze.
All is not so heavy and bleak
with Mr. Berry. His poems of
love and his thoughtful, observations of tlie natural world
and his relation to it, affirm
what the heavier poems suggest:
he is a poet of vision and sensitivity.
However, an honest vision
cannot ignore the obvious,
which is often the ugly. In "The
Want of Peace," Mr. Berry
seems to acknowledge this in
We sell the world to buy fire,
our way lighted by burning
and that has bent my mind
and made me think of darkness

and wish for the dumb life of
River Reflections
Mr. Berry lives on the banks





Whitcsburg, Ky.
Author of 'Night Comes to the Cumberland's'
Topic . . .
New Political Thrusts and Movements
7:30 p.m.
Student Center Theatre
No Admission Charge!
Sponsored by Forum Committee
Student Center Board

With the exception of "Papa's
Cot A Brand New Bag" and "I'm
Depending On You," all the
songs on the album have been
recorded before in some form or
another. Included are: "Pain In
My Heart," "Just One More
Day," "Any Ole Way," and
"These Arms Of Mine." The album ends on a fitting note:

From the porch at dusk I
a kingfisher wild in flight
he could only have made for
He came down the river,
against the water's dimming
like a skipped rock, passing
on down out of sight
Mr. Berry reportedly does a
great deal of his writing in front
of a large window which looks
out onto the river. "Window
Poems" is a series of twenty-seve- n
poems with the window
as the poet's vantage point.
These poems incorporate the
several themes of the book into
a poetic symphony with twenty-seven
movements. In the last
"movement," the poet leaves the
window and goes outside to observe that:

The window

is a fragment
of the woild suspended
in the world, the known
adrift in mystery.
And now the green
rises. The window has an edge
that is celestial,
where the eyes are surpassed.
Mr. Berry's style is flowing
and not the least bit contrived.
Not a word is wasted, nor is a
line. He confronts the reader
with straightforward, honest
language and makes no attempt
to be obscure when to be open
is more effective.

will make this Otis Redding's
last album. However, the recording industry being Just another
huge business operation, there is
always the possibility of a facsimile of that exhumed cache of
demos recking of coffee grounds
and egg shells entitled: The Immortal Otis Redding. I hope not.



Assistant Managing Editor
& Co.
THE RIFT, by David G Levine, Harris-Wolf- e
middle Fifties the Soviet Union was well established as
By the
one of the planet's two superpowers: it had nuclear weapons and
a flourishing space program; and had "arrived," socially and
politically, as well as militarily. After decades of single-minde-d
emphasis on heavy industry, an improvement in the standard of
living of the people was in the offing.
The epoch of the Cliinese Peo
ple's Republic in 1956 or there- for Marx and Lenin is good
abouts was nothing like that.
enough for me."
The Russians, in their epoch,
True, Mao's achievement in
defeating the Nationalists was became revisionists; they believe
in peaceful
and the
greatly admired in the communist
world, but China's position in success of communism by ecothe world community was far nomic gradual change. The
inferior to that of the Soviet Chinese communists, governing
Union. China was not a supera country of peasants, became
power, for all her millions. She dogmatists, believing in the fearhad no nuclear weapons, no ful incompatibility of capitalist
rockets, and the conditions of life and communist nations and the
of the Chinese people were hard need for violent revolution to
and would become harder still. advance the communist cause.
David Levine, former U.S.
rift, in various
stages, has been in existence since Information
Agency political
It began because the commentator and now an editor
"epochs" in which the Chinese with the Department of State,
and the Soviets found themselves
turns lus careful study of comwere so different that neither side munist documents
and comcould accept the other's estimate munications into a fascinating
of the situation, or policies for narrative
of the events rerift.
dealing with it.
sponsible for the
Repeated efforts to restore
Informal Yet Impressive
fraternal harmony were fruitless,
His treatment is informal and
and many even have aggravated
strikingly clear, yet impressive in
the situation.
Even with great good-wion its apparent thoroughness. His
analyses are documented by inboth sides (it has never happened,
but just suppose), the obstacles clusion of the documents and
to any kind of compromise are "policy exchanges" on which he
virtually insurmountable: there bases his conclusions. These exis no good way to compromise
cerpts are translated into conon what you have proclaimed a versational English and blend
easily with the reading matter
matter of sacred principle.
which surrounds them.
Updating and Adapting
The naturalness of Levine perAll communists believe in meates his
something they call Marsism-Leninis"Expecting simplicity and
To fit Marx's theories straightforwardness
to the Twentieth Century and to munistic affairs," he observes
Russia, Lenin found it necessary at one typical juncture, "is about
to do a good deal of updating as realistic as ordering a bunch
and adapting. Marxism became of angleworms to do
Marxism-Leninisand has re- right."'
mained so to this day.
He makes no balue judgOur contrary, changing world, ments on the worth of comhowever, was no more ready to munism or its effect on capitastand still for Lenin than it was list nations. He confines, instead,
for Marx.
his analysis to the nature of the
As time passed, many comrift between the two mighty communists became convinced that munist nations, and to the posMarxism-Leninisneeded to be sible outcome of their conflict,
and updated again,
The details of the rift are
to fit the changes that had taken fascinating as is the fact the rift
place. Others objected to any re- exists. Many readers will no
vising of the doctrine, saying in doubt be sufficiently impressed
effect, "What was good enough by the knowledge they have
gained from one reading to be
For a new experience . . .
motivated to read The Rift a
Catacombs Coffee House
second time, to absorb more
Christ Center
fully the information it conMill Street at Maxwell
tains. It is to Levine's credit
that the quality of the writing
Folk Singing Groups
will no doubt dispel any objections to a second reading, and
may be as responsible for
as the facts contained

of the Kentucky River near Fort
Royal, Kentucky. His native
poems beautifully describe and
reflect upon this river and the
wildlife and woods adjacent to
it. In "Before Dark," he writes:

And if Atco has any respect

for the man or his memory, it






Quality Control Manager for the Louisville
Inc. Strong background in
plant of Frito-LaChemistry required. Recruiter will be on
campus DECEMBER 11, 1968, 1 to 4 p.m.








An equal opportunity




* THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday, Dec. 5,

Santa and f lie fll



Synopsis: The hippies give Ding
Dong their Javorite possessions.
He goes to the Butterfly Queen
who says if he can get three
colored threads from three fearful witches lesekiah's spell
might he broken.


An exhibit by the faculty of the UK
School of Architecture is on display
in the
dally, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Decemgallery of Pence Hall until
ber 8. The exhibit Includes architectural drawings, photographs, models,

paintings, and sculpture.
The Student Center Board will sponsor an exhibit of photography by Bill
Roughen and Sam Abell in the Student Center Art Gallery. The exhibit
will close December 19.
The Student Center Coffee House
Series will present the Saxons at
and 9:00 p.m. They feature
Baroque and folk music with piano
and Harpsichord.
The Department of Dental Hygiene
in the School of Allied Health Professions will be able to accept UK
Faculty, Staff and Students as patients for the preventive clinical services of cleaning and polishing teeth
and topical fluoride application. For
call Ext.
appointment,to Information
5404 or go
the Appointment Desk
in the Dental Sciences Wing of the
Medical Center.
Applications are available at Kain-onHouse, 412 Rose St.. and Dillard
House, 270 S. Limestone, for additional students to participate In the


THL Butterfly Queen told
Ding Dong that the Black
Witch lived in a black

in a black canyon. Once
every three years she spun one inch
of coal black thread. This was one
of the threads needed to break the
spell on Santa Land.
Ding Dong took his bag of gifts
from the hippies and went off
alone in Santa's little plane. It
could fly anywhere in the world
with just the flick of a button. He
landed in the black canyon but
when he tried to enter the castle
the guard told him to go away
quickly if he cared to save his life.
The guard said the Black Witch
had ordered everyone in the castle
to paint her portrait but, as yet,
not a single portrait had pleased
her. In each case she ordered the
poor artist to be hung by his heels
until a proper portrait should be


there were 136 artists
their heels in the courtyard and everyone in the castle
lived in terror that he would be the
next to hang there.
Ding Dong was frightened but
he said he must see the Black
Witch anyway. The guard shook
his head sadly and let him into the
castle. When he entered the great
hall he heard a deafening hullabaloo. Peeping through a door he
By now
hanging by

saw a fearful sight.
The Black Witch was striding
about the room kicking over
chairs, smashing mirrors and

throwing candlesticks through the
windows. Meanwhile the latest unlucky artist hovered in a corner
with his hands over his face to
block a teacup or bookend the
outraged Witch threw at him from
time to time.
Suddenly the Witch saw Ding
Dong at the door. She dragged him
into the room shouting, "What do
you think of an artist insulting me
this way?"
Ding Dong stared at the offending picture. He thought it a very
flattering portrait because it did
not show the wart on the tip of the


Dillard House Residential Community
beginning In January 1969.
"The Alleged Narcissism of Sor
Juana Ines de la Cruz" will be the
topic of Dr. Alexander Parker on
Thursday, December 5 at 8:15 p.m.
in the Commerce
Auditorium. Dr.
Parker holds a chair at the University of Edinborough, Scotland, and Is
currently on leave as a visiting professor at the University of Pittsburgh.
Harry M. Caudill. author of Night
Comes to the Cumberlands, will discuss "New
Political Thrusts and
on Thursday at 7:30
p.m. iri the Student Center Theatre.
There will be a Cwens meeting on

Ding Dong began to smear paint all over the wall.
Black Witch's nose or the fearful
black rings around her eyes.
But when the Witch demanded
to know if it wasn't a terrible
portrait Ding Dong could only
nod. He was too frightened to




told you so!"

screeched the Witch and she ordered the artist to be dragged away
and hung by his heels. Then the
Witch said to the dumbfounded
Ding Dong, "You shall be the next
to paint my portrait. And, remember, if it is as ugly as the rest you,
too, will hang in the courtyard. "



I9G8- -3

easel and

brushes and canvas and fine paints,
while the Black Witch posed. Ding
Dong stood there with shaking
knees. He had no idea how even to
Suddenly he remembered the
hippies' finger paints in his bag.
He opened the jars and dipped in
his hands and began to smear paint

all over the wall. In five minutes
the wall was covered from floor to
ceiling with splashes of crimson,
dabs of blue, streaks of green,
blobs of gold with a handprint of
purple scattered here and there.
When the pots were empty Ding
Dong sighed and hung his head.
The astonished Black Witch
stared at what he had done. She
quivered and shook and sucked in
her breath and finally she cried,


Thursd.iv at 7:00 p.m. at the Delta
Delta Delta House.
"The Enigma of Space or Lunar
Periodicity" will be the subject of a
talk by Lexington realtor Sydney
Combs in Memorial Hall at 1:00 p.m.
The Cosmopolitan Club will have a
Christmas party at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, in the Alumni House. A Miss
contest will also be
UN 1CEF Christmas cards and 19K9
calendars are on sale through Doc. 13
in the Student Center Room 204.
Anyone wishing to sign up for
sorority rush may do so in
spring 301
of the Administration Bldg.

until Jan.


John G. Gunnel. State U. of N.Y.,
will speak at a po'itical science colloquium in Room 245 of the Student
Center at 3:00 p.m. His topic will be
"Political Science and the Philosophy
of Science: Some Problems of Empiricism."
"The Coming of our God" is the
title of a series of activities to be
held at the Newman Center at 7:30
p.m. The program Is
with the Baptist Student Union, and
will begin with a Bible vigil followed by carolling around campus
and will end with refreshments at
the BSU.
"Three Men On A Horse" will be
presented In the Gulgnol Theatre,
Saturday and Sunday. Curtainbe time
reis 8:30 p.m. and tickets may

by calling

ext. 2929.

Coming Up
"Hanging of the Greens," annual
Christmas ceremony that officially
opens the Christmas season at UK,
will be Wednesday. December 11 In
Memorial Hall at 8:15 p.m.
Student Government Travel Service
will hold a meeting in Room 109, Student Center, on Tuesday.
The Conference on Library Networks: Computers, Communications,
and Photography will be Tuesday,
December 10, in the Student Center
Theatre. It will begin at 9 a.m. and
is sponsored by the School Library

Dr. Harris Isbell, professor of
and medicine,
claimed Wednesday that a story Science.
UK Placement Service
in Tuesday's Kernel attributed
a quote to him which was parRegister
Friday for an appointment on Tuesday with Ge'gv Chemtially incorrect.
ical Corp. Chem. E. (BS, MS): Mch.
Isbell said that the quote E. (BS): Chemistry (BS. MS. Ph.D.).
which was: "Marijuana should Location: Mrlntosh. Ala. apnointment
Renter Friday for an
be subjected to special con- on Tuesday with Hanover Township
Teachers. Check
Schools, Indiana
trols because alcohol is worse" schedule book for updated information.
should have been prefaced by
RegisW Frldav for an appointment
Roadway Express,
"There are some people who on Tuesday with Bus. Adm.. EcoInc. Accounting,
nomics. Liberal Arts, Mech. E. CBS).
believe that . . ."
Dr. Isbell was speaking on Ohio, Pa., New York. Indiana. Ky.,
for an apnointment
drug dependence in a lecture onRegister Friday U.S. Department of
Tuesday with
Health, Education, and Welfare
sponsored by the Pryor
Health Statistics
Economics, Math,
Society. He said the "mistake" Psvchology. Sociology. Statistics (BS,
have been caused by the MS). graduates. Washington, D.C. Aumight
Register Friday for an appointment
lack of a microphone.
Tuesday through Thursday with U.S.
Because he claims he was Navy A team of Naval Officers will
floor corridor of the
once misquoted by the New York be in the first from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00
Student Center
to provide information regarding
Times, Dr. Isbell grants few
men and

"It's beautiful! It's gorgeous! It's

really, really me!"
She ordered all the artists hanging by their heels to be taken down
and she asked Ding Dong how she
could pay him for what he'd done.
When Ding Dong said he'd like a
piece of the black thread she wove
the Black Witch gave him all 12
feet of it saying, "It's little enough
I can do. For
you alone have seen
the beauty that is me!"



Tomorrow: The Red Witch



Wee k .End Sale





Turtle Neck Sweaters





Machine Washable 12.95 VAL






Machine Washable 13.00 VAL.

The Kentucky Kernel




Kentucky Kernel, University
Station, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 405O6. Second class
pottage paid at Lexington, Kentucky.
Mailed five times weekly during Ui
school year except holidays and exam
periods, and one during the summer
Published by the Board of Student
Publications, UK Post Office. Box itftiti.
Begun as the Cadet in Itiltt and
published continuously as the Kernel
since 1V15.
Advertising published herein is intended to help the reader buy. Any
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* Who's Uiiamerican?
The Kentucky UnAmcrican Activities Committee is about as fair
as a Gestapo investigation and its
recommendations, therefore, are no
more valid. And it is emerging
from KUAC's investigation of the
Appalachian Volunteers (AV) that
the kangaroo committee has, like
the Gestapo, wide powers, or would
at least like to have them.
The committee has reported as
a result of its investigations of AV
efforts in Pike County that that
group should be removed from the
state and that Governor Louie B.
Nunn should refuse to approve any
federal funds for AV. The interesting thing about all of this is that
the recommendations were made
without any AV testifying and before the whole proceedings were
This certainly backs up the feelings of some AVs that the KUAC
investigation was prejudicial to begin with, and makes understandable their reluctance to testify before KUAC. There are also certain

political entanglements

remembered, is the man who led
the persecution of former Pike
County poverty workers JoeMulloy
and Alan McSurely. When this is
considered with the fact that Ratliff
was Gov. Nunn's running mate in
the 1967 election, then a small idea
is gained as to how fair the hearings in Pikeville have been and,
in fact, how fair, they could ever
have been.
It is the nature of the Appalachian Volunteers work that they work
with the powerless, voiceless people
of Pike and other Eastern Kentucky
counties. It is also the nature of
their work that they must organize
the people in those counties to express their voice, to gain some
power. And it is also in the nature
of political activities such as these
that the people who hold the power
(coal operators, politicians, business interests) will try to preserve
that power.
This conflict