James Holsinger collection on military documents


The James Holsinger collection on military documents (dated 1905-1990, undated; 4 cubic feet; 4 boxes) comprises U.S. Army manuals, handbooks, and intelligence reports primarily regarding Soviet tactics.

Descriptive Summary

James Holsinger collection on military documents
1905-1990, undated (inclusive)
Holsinger, James
4 Cubic Feet
United States -- History -- World War, 1939-1945
United States -- History -- World War, 1914-1918
Vietnam War, 1961-1975
Cold war.
Military records
Collection is arranged by subject.
Finding Aid Author
Josh Burczyk
Preferred Citation
2015ms088: [identification of item], James Holsinger collection on military documents, 1905-1990, undated, University of Kentucky Special Collection Research Center.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
James Wilson Holsinger, Jr. is a physician, former U.S Army General, and as of 2009, professor at the University of Kentucky. Holsinger served as Chief Medical Director of Veteran's Affairs (VA) from 1990-1993, Chancellor of the University of Kentucky's Chandler Medical Center from 1994-2003, and as the Kentucky Secretary of Health and Family Services from 2003-2005. In 2007 he was nominated by President George W. Bush for the position of Surgeon General of the United States, though his candidacy was met with controversy, causing him to lose the nomination. Holsinger has also held numerous positions of leadership in the United Methodist Church. Holsinger spent twenty six years in the VA, as well as thirty-one years in the Unites States Army Reserve, from which he retired in 1993.
Scope and Content
The James Holsinger collection on military documents (dated 1905-1990, undated; 4 cubic feet; 4 boxes) comprises U.S. Army manuals, handbooks, and intelligence reports primarily regarding Soviet tactics. Also includes printed materials from World War I, World War II, and Vietnam.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.

Contents of the Collection

Air War College, 1972-1978

"Chapter 7: Soviet Political, Economic, and Social Systems", Air University, 1976

  • Box 1, folder 1
To top

"Chapter 8: Soviet Military Doctrine, Capabilities, and Strategy", Air University, 1976

  • Box 1, folder 2
To top

"Chapter 9: Chinese Political, Economic, and Social Systems", Air University, 1976

  • Box 1, folder 3
To top

"Selected Soviet Writings on Military Power and Strategy", Air University, 1976

  • Box 1, folder 4
To top

"Ideologies in Conflict", Air University, 1972

  • Box 1, folder 5
To top

"Background on the Soviet Union", Air University, 1978

  • Box 1, folder 6
To top

"Evolution of the Sino-Soviet Split", Air University, 1977

  • Box 1, folder 7
To top

"The Development of the Soviet Armed Forces", Air University, 1977

  • Box 1, folder 8
To top

"The Chinese Communist Armed Forces", Air University, 1974

  • Box 1, folder 9
To top

"United States/Soviet Military Balance", Air University, 1976

  • Box 1, folder 10
To top

"Background Information on the People's Republic of China", Air University, 1976

  • Box 1, folder 11
To top

"Doctrine, Strategy, and Ethic: The Modernization of the Chinese People's Liberation Army", Air University, 1977

  • Box 1, folder 12
To top

Army Field Manuals, 1961-1984

"FM21-26: Map Reading", Department of the Army, 1969

  • Box 1, folder 13
To top

"FM21-30: Military Symbols", Department of the Army, 1970

  • Box 1, folder 14
To top

"FM21-31: Topographic Symbols", Department of the Army, 1961

  • Box 1, folder 15
To top

"FM21-33: Terrain Analysis", Department of the Army, 1978

  • Box 1, folder 16
To top

"FM21-75: Combat Skills of the Soldier", Department of the Army, 1984

  • Box 1, folder 17
To top

"FM30-40: Handbook on the Soviet Ground Forces", Department of the Army, 1975

  • Box 1, folder 18
To top

"FM71-3: Armored and Mechanical Brigade Operations", Department of the Army, 1980

  • Box 1, folder 19
To top

"FM71-100: Armored and Mechanized Division Operations", 1979

  • Box 1, folder 20
To top

"FM-90-2: Tactical Deception"Department of the Army, 1978

  • Box 1, folder 21
To top

"FM90-3: Desert Operations", Department of the Army, 1977

  • Box 1, folder 22
To top

"FM90-6: Mountain Operations", Department of the Army, 1980

  • Box 1, folder 23
To top

"FM90-10: Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT)", Department of the Army, 1979

  • Box 1, folder 24
To top

"FM90-13: River Crossing Operations", Department of the Army, 1978

  • Box 1, folder 25
To top

"FM100-5: Operations", Department of the Army, 1982

  • Box 1, folder 26
To top

Army War College, 1976-1989

"Strategic Military Studies, Volume 1: Evolution of Military Strategy", United States Army War College, 1976

  • Box 1, folder 27
To top

"Strategic Military Studies, Volume 2: Evolution of Military Strategy", United States Army War College, 1976

  • Box 1, folder 28
To top

"Strategic Military Studies, Volume 3: Evolution of Military Strategy" United States Army War College, 1976

  • Box 1, folder 29
To top

"The Vietnam War", United States Army War College, 1977

  • Box 1, folder 30
To top

"Lesson 1: Strategy and Society", United States Army War College, 1977

  • Box 1, folder 31
To top

"Lesson 2: Objectives of War and the Nature of Military Strategy", United States Army War College, 1977

  • Box 1, folder 32
To top

"Lesson 3: Military Strategy Through World War 1", United States Army War College, 1977

  • Box 1, folder 33
To top

"Lesson 4: Military Strategy: 1918 Through World War 2" United States Army War College, 1977

  • Box 2, folder 1
To top

"The Soviet-Indian Alignment: Quest for Influence", 1979

  • Box 2, folder 2
To top

"Military Strategists: Past and Present", United States Army War College, 1984

  • Box 2, folder 3
To top

"Military Strategy: Theory and Application", United States Army War College, 1986

  • Box 2, folder 4
To top

"Warfighting: Its Theater Application" United States Army War College, 1987

  • Box 2, folder 5
To top

"Campaign Planning", United States Army War College, 1988

  • Box 2, folder 6
To top

"Army Command and Management: Theory and Practice", United States Army War College, 1988

  • Box 2, folder 7
To top

"Campaign Case Studies", United States Army War College, 1988

  • Box 2, folder 8
To top

"Soviet Armed Forces", United States Army War College, 1988

  • Box 2, folder 9
To top

"Inchon Landing, Volume 1: Introduction and Strategic Setting", United States Army War College, 1988

  • Box 2, folder 10
To top

"Inchon Landing, Volume 2: Land Operations", United States Army War College, 1988

  • Box 2, folder 11
To top

"Inchon Landing, Volume 3: Air Operations", United States Army War College, 1988

  • Box 2, folder 12
To top

"Inchon Landing, Volume 4: Naval Operations", United States Army War College, 1988

  • Box 2, folder 13
To top

"Inchon Landing, Volume 5: Logistics", United States Army War College, 1988

  • Box 2, folder 14
To top

"Arab-Israili War", United States Army War College, 1988

  • Box 2, folder 15
To top

"Directive: Strategy-Theory, History, and Morality", United States Army War College, 1989

  • Box 2, folder 16
To top

"Required Readings: Strategy: Theory, History, and Morality", United States Army War College, 1989

  • Box 2, folder 17
To top

"Required Readings: Strategy: Theory, History, and Morality", United States Army War College, 1989

  • Box 2, folder 18
To top

"Regional and Area Maps", United States Army War College, 1989

  • Box 2, folder 19
To top

"Joint and Combined Theater Warfare: World War 1 Case Study: Operation Overlord, Volume 1", 1989

  • Box 2, folder 20
To top

"Joint Combined Theater Warfare: World War 1 Case Study: Operation Overlord, Volume 2", 1989

  • Box 2, folder 21
To top

"Research Survey 1: Amicicide: The Problem of Friendly Fire in Modern War", 1982

  • Box 2, folder 22
To top

Combat Studies Institute, 1982-1990

"Research Survey 2: Toward Combined Arms Warfare: A Survey of 20th Century Tactics, Doctrine, and Reorganization", Combat Studies Institute, 1984

  • Box 2, folder 23
To top

"Research Survey 3: Rapid Development Logistics: Lebanon, 1958", Combat Studies Institute, 1984

  • Box 2, folder 24
To top

"Research Survey 4: The Soviet Airborne Experience", Combat Studies Institute, 1984

  • Box 2, folder 25
To top

"Research Survey 5: Standing Fast: German Defensive Doctrine on the Russian Front During World War 1", Combat Studies Institute, 1986

  • Box 2, folder 26
To top

"Research Survey 6: A Historical Perspective on Light Infantry", Combat Studies Institute, 1987

  • Box 2, folder 27
To top

"Research Survey 7: Key to Sinai: The Battles for Abu Ageila in the 1956 and 1967 Arab-Israili Wars", Combat Studies Institute, 1990

  • Box 3, folder 1
To top

"CSI Report 1: The Evolution of the Tank in the United States Army", Combat Studies Institute, 1982

  • Box 3, folder 2
To top

"CSI Report 2: A Comparative Look at Air-Ground Support Doctrine and Practice in World War 2", Combat Studies Institute, 1982

  • Box 3, folder 3
To top

"CSI Report 3: Unit Reconstruction - A Historical Perspective", Combat Studies Institute, 1983

  • Box 3, folder 4
To top

"CSI Report 4: Notes on MIlitary Elite Units", Combat Studies Institute, 1984

  • Box 3, folder 5
To top

"CSI Report 5: Conversations with General J. Lawton Collins", Combat Studies Institute, 1986

  • Box 3, folder 6
To top

"CSI Report 7: World War 2 Division Commanders", Combat Studies Institute

  • Box 3, folder 7
To top

"CSI Report 8: Discussions on Training and Employing Light Infantry", Combat Studies Institute

  • Box 3, folder 8
To top

"CSI Report 9: The Directed Telescope: A Traditional Element of Effective Command", Combat Studies Institute, 1985

  • Box 3, folder 9
To top

"CSI Report 10: Night Combat Operations", Combat Studies Institute, 1985

  • Box 3, folder 10
To top

"CSI Report 11: Soviet Defensive Tactics at Kursk, July, 1943", Combat Studies Institute, 1986

  • Box 3, folder 11
To top

"Towards Combined Arms Warfare: A Survey of Tactics, Doctrine, and Reorganization in the 21st Century", Combat Studies Institute, 1984

  • Box 3, folder 12
To top

"The Loraine Campaign: An Overview, September - December 1944", Combat Studies Institute, 1985

  • Box 3, folder 13
To top

"The 4th Armored Division in the Encirclement of Nancy", Combat Studies Institute, 1986

  • Box 3, folder 14
To top

"The 9th Australian Division Versus the Africa Corps: An Infantry Division Against Tanks-Tobruk, Libya, 1941", Combat Studies Institute, 1986

  • Box 3, folder 15
To top

"The 101st Airborne Division's Defense of Bastogne", Combat Studies Institute, 1986

  • Box 3, folder 16
To top

"Busting the Bocage: American Combined Arms Operations in France 6 June - 31 July 1944", Combat Studies Institute, 1988

  • Box 3, folder 17
To top

"Pastel: Deception in the Invasionof japan", Combat Studies Institute, 1988

  • Box 3, folder 18
To top

"Soviet Operational Deception: The Red Cloak", Combat Studies Institute, 1988

  • Box 3, folder 19
To top

Command and General Staff College, 1905-1985

"The Defense of Duffer's Drift", United States Army Command and General Staff College, 1905

  • Box 3, folder 20
To top

"Selected United States and Soviet Weapons and Equipment", United States Army Command and General Staff College, 1975

  • Box 3, folder 21
To top

"Selected Readings in Tactics: The 1973 Middle East War", United States Army Command and General Staff College, 1976

  • Box 3, folder 22
To top

"Selected Readings in Tactics: Forward Deployed Forces, Europe", United States Army Command and General Staff College, 1977

  • Box 3, folder 23
To top

"Terrain Analysis and Allocation of Combat Power", United StatesArmy Command and General Staff College, 1977

  • Box 3, folder 24
To top

"Selected United States and Soviet Weapons, Key Equipment, and Soviet Organization", United States Army Command and General Staff College, 1977

  • Box 3, folder 25
To top

"Organizational Effectiveness", United States Army Command and General Staff College, 1978

  • Box 3, folder 26
To top

"The Common Language of Tactics", United States Army Command and General Staff College, 1978

  • Box 3, folder 27
To top

"Soviet Tactics in the Offense", United States Army Command and General Staff College, 1978

  • Box 3, folder 28
To top

"Soviet Tactics in the Defense", United States Army Command and General Staff College, 1978

  • Box 3, folder 29
To top

"Soviet Tactics and United States Army NBC Operations", United States Army Command and General Staff College, 1978

  • Box 3, folder 30
To top

"Soviet Tactics Artillery Organization and Employment", United States Army Command and General Staff College, 1979

  • Box 3, folder 31
To top

"Command and Control of Combat Operations", United States Army Command and General Staff College, 1980

  • Box 3, folder 32
To top

"Soviet Tactical Organization", Unites States Army Command and General Staff College, 1981

  • Box 3, folder 33
To top

"Soviet Artillery", United States Army Command and General Staff College, 1981

  • Box 3, folder 34
To top

"Soviet Offense, Volume 3", United States Army Command and General Staff College, 1981

  • Box 3, folder 35
To top

"Soviet Defense, Volume 4", United States Army Command and General Staff College, 1981

  • Box 3, folder 36
To top

"Command and Control on the Airland Battlefield", United States Army Command and General Staff College, 1983

  • Box 3, folder 37
To top

"Command and Control on the Airland Battlefield", United States Army Command and General Staff College, 1984

  • Box 3, folder 38
To top

"The Operational Level of War", Unites States Army Command and General Staff College, 1985

  • Box 3, folder 39
To top

"The Leavenworth Assessment of the Warsaw Pact Threat in Central Europe", Threats Division, 1977

  • Box 3, folder 40
To top

"Organization and Equipment of the Soviet Army", Threats Division, 1978

  • Box 3, folder 41
To top

"Organization and Equipment of the Soviet Army", Threats Office, 1980

  • Box 3, folder 42
To top

"From Active Defense to Airland Battle: The Development of Army Doctrine 1973-1982", United States Army Training and Doctrine Command

  • Box 3, folder 43
To top

Defense Intelligence Agency, 1969-1984

"Handbook on the Soviet Armed Forces", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1969

  • Box 3, folder 44
To top

"Soviet Armed Forces: Medium Tank Battalion", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1970

  • Box 3, folder 45
To top

"Soviet Tank Company Tactics", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1976

  • Box 3, folder 46
To top

"Soviet and Warsaw Pact Exercise - 1976 Kavkaz-Sever-Shchit-76"", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1977

  • Box 3, folder 47
To top

"Soviet and Warsaw Pact River Crossing: Doctrine and Capabilities", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1977

  • Box 4, folder 1
To top

"East German Workers' Militia (Kampfgruppen)", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1977

  • Box 4, folder 2
To top

"Soviet/Warsaw Pact: Ground Force Camouflage and Concealment Techniques", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1978

  • Box 4, folder 3
To top

"Bibliography of Unclassified Books and Monographs on the Soviet and East European Ground Forces", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1978

  • Box 4, folder 4
To top

"Physical Training of the Soviet Soldier", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1978

  • Box 4, folder 5
To top

"The Soviet Ground Forces Training Program", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1978

  • Box 4, folder 6
To top

"Handbook of Soviet Armed Forces Military Symbols", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1978

  • Box 4, folder 7
To top

"The Soviet Motorized Rifle Battalion", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1978

  • Box 4, folder 8
To top

"Warsaw Pact Ground Forces Equipment Identification Guide: Armored Fighting Vehicles", 1980

  • Box 4, folder 9
To top

"Review of the Soviet Ground Forces", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1981

  • Box 4, folder 10
To top

"Warsaw Pact Ground Forces Equipment Identification Guide: Infantry Weapons", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1982

  • Box 4, folder 11
To top

"Warsaw Pact Ground Forces Equipment Identification Guide Artillary, Rockets, and Missiles", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1982

  • Box 4, folder 12
To top

"The Soviet Airbourne Forces", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1982

  • Box 4, folder 13
To top

"Warsaw Pact Ground Forces Equipment Identification Guide: Engineer Equipment", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1982

  • Box 4, folder 14
To top

"Review of the Soviet Ground Forces", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1982

  • Box 1, folder 15
To top

"Soviet Front Fire Support", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1982

  • Box 4, folder 16
To top

"The Soviet Tank Division", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1982

  • Box 4, folder 17
To top

"Force Structure Summary - USSR, Mongolia, and Eastern Europe", Defense Intelligence Agency, 1984

  • Box 4, folder 18
To top

Leavenworth Papers, 1979-1990

"Number 1: The Evolution of the United States Army Tactical Doctrine, 1946-76", Combat Studies Institute, 1979

  • Box 4, folder 19
To top

"Number 3: Not War but Like War: The American Intervention in Lebanon", Combat Studies Institute, 1981

  • Box 4, folder 20
To top

"Number 4: Dynamics of Doctrine: The Changes in German Tactical Doctrine During the First World War", Combat Studies Institute, 1981

  • Box 4, folder 21
To top

"Number 9: Defending the Driniumor: Covering Force Operations in New Guinea, 1944", Combat Studies Institute, 1984

  • Box 4, folder 22
To top

"Number 10: Chemical Warfare in World War 1: The American Experience, 1917-1918", Combat Studies Institute, 1984

  • Box 4, folder 23
To top

"Number 11: Rangers: Selected Combat Operations in World War 2", Combat Studies Institute, 1985

  • Box 4, folder 24
To top

Number 12: Seek, Strike, and Destroy: United States Army Tank Destroyer Doctrine in World War 2, Combat Studies Institute, 1985

  • Box 4, folder 25
To top

"Number 13: Counteratack on the Naktong, 1950", Combat Studies Institute, 1985

  • Box 4, folder 26
To top

"Number 14: Dragon Operations: Hostage Rescues in the Congo, 1964-1965", Combat Studies Institute, 1988

  • Box 4, folder 27
To top

"Number 15: Power Pack: United States Intervention in the Dominican Republic 1965-1966", Combat Studies Institute, 1988

  • Box 4, folder 28
To top

"Number 16: Deciding What Has to Be Done: General William E. DePuy and the 1976 Edition of the FM 100-5 Operations", Combat Studies Institute, 1988

  • Box 4, folder 29
To top

"Number 18: Japan's Battle of Okinawa, April-June 1945", Combat Studies Institute, 1990

  • Box 4, folder 30
To top

Various Historical Documents, 1936-1985

"Vietnam Studies: The Role of Military Intelligence 1965-1967", Department of the Army, 1973

  • Box 4, folder 31
To top

"Dust Off: Army Aeromedical Evacuation in Vietnam", Center of Military History, 1982

  • Box 4, folder 32
To top

"Reorganizing for Pacification Support", Center of Military History, 1982

  • Box 4, folder 33
To top

"Researching the Vietnam Experience", Analysis Branch, 1985

  • Box 4, folder 34
To top

"Generalship: Its Diseasesand Their Cure: A Study of the Personal Factor of Command", Military Service Publishing Co., 1936

  • Box 4, folder 35
To top

"Infantry in Battle", The Infantry Journal Incorporated, 1939

  • Box 4, folder 36
To top

"Downfall - Strategic Plan", General Headquarters, 1945

  • Box 4, folder 37
To top

"Military Operations of the Soviet Army", Department of the Army, 1976

  • Box 4, folder 38
To top

"Soviet Tactics", United States Army Command and General Staff College, 1978

  • Box 4, folder 39
To top

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You may come across language in UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center collections and online resources that you find harmful or offensive. SCRC collects materials from different cultures and time periods to preserve and make available the historical record. These materials document the time period when they were created and the view of their creator. As a result, some may demonstrate racist and offensive views that do not reflect the values of UK Libraries.

If you find description with problematic language that you think SCRC should review, please contact us at SCRC@uky.edu.