xt7w0v89kp0k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89kp0k/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 200209 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, September 2002 text GLSO News, September 2002 2002 2019 true xt7w0v89kp0k section xt7w0v89kp0k W3 \\3?* WC}: “ON 2 Lexington. Kentucky September 2002 . A publication 01? the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization Volume 17 Number 9 l Dininfl Out for Life A1-t 5W arguing ' Moveable Feast invites you to their fourth GLSO is proud to announce the open- ' annual Dining Out for Life on Thursday, ing 0f the Pride Gallery 0" September 12 . . September 19th. Eat dinner at one of your from 6 until 9 pm at the Pride Center. Our favorite restaurants and 20% of the cost will first artist is Frank Leakeand this display Of help Moveable Feast provide meals for peo- his work, Paper Ouilt ’ '5 dedicated In the . , , , , memory of Ray Fields 1957-2002. ple With HIV/AIDS. A list of partrcrpating Frank Leake was born in Lebanon, KY .‘ restaurants can be found on the" web Ste in 1960 and now resides in Lexington. Mr. www.feastlex.org. Leake received his Bachelors in Studio 1 This is the major fundraiser of the year for Arts from UK in 1985. He has been making Moveable Feast and an easy and fun way to sound-image collages in Lexington for the support their important work in our communi- past 10 years. His self titled "Paper QUilt' ty. Spread the word to your coworkers, series of colleges is an ongoing body of church friends, and neighbors; help make work comprised 0f over 150 finished this night an event for all of Lexington. images. MOSt recently, h's composrtions explore the separation of the modern man from his 3 irituali . Men’s Chorus “cabaret" Many 2f the tiglrints on display are for New Downtown Arts Center sale; 20% of all sales will benefit GLSO. Lexington has a fabulous new venue for Keeping the Pride Center open. is our _ largest expense so this IS a fitting and performances groups 'n the Downtown Arts exciting way to help artists and the GLBT 1 Center (across from the PUbliC Library). LMC community as a whole. We are interested E has scheduled a Sept. 6th performance to in displaying the work of a variety of artists help the town celebrate. "One Sweet Night in our space. Contact the office if you are . at the Cabaret" is a Lexington Men's Chorus interested 253-3233 fundraiser which combines great singing with ' great food-who could resist the combination? Sponsor Of the Month 1 Members of LMC will perform cabaret style musical selections and a desert buffet Windy KHO" Farm 1 will be offered by Phil Dunn's Cookshop 1 along with coffee and teas. Tickets are only 299-7410 $15 and are available by calling 859-269- 9739 (weekdays 8:30 am to 5:30 pm) or by Rldlng Lessons, 3 e-mailing friends@lmcky.org Don't miss this Tm" Rldlng opportunity to support the chorus and see Boardlng the new Downtown Arts Center. See ad page 5 ,_~__-_e. Volunteer Awards Banquet \R 31%;???) GAY and \/LESBIAN GLSO is planning the Eleventh Annual Volunteer \551‘3' SERVICE Awards Banquet to be held Sunday, October 13th. ,. CWTION Every LGBT group is asked to choose their own volun- Leganggon, Kenwciq teer of the year to be honored at the Banquet and to present them with an award of your choosing. We are TGLSO NEWS soliciting nominations for the Wasson Award and for the Rainbow Community Service Award. See details on Volume 17 Issue 9 page 22 at the back of the newsletter. published monthly by . The Lexington Gay W ”(49‘ Lesbian Service organization Jackie is volunteering to do Graphic Design work at 389 Waller Ave. the Pride Center. We are asking for a donation of $8 an hour or $15 per design. All proceeds will go to the Pride i Editors Center. In the future she will be able to do printing jobs Mary Crone John Ridener as well. We hope that this service will help support pur- chasing our own community center. She can do the fol- Board Members lowing design work: ' Terry Mullins, President Jerry Neff, Vice President Business Cards Brochures Greeting Cards Mary Crone, Editor Letterhead Design Resumes John Ridener, Secretary Event Flyers Business Forms Thomas Collins Cary Sudduth Call or come by to see if we have the service you Tom Collins need. Let us help each other and our community. Call Bill Chandler 253-3233 between 10am and 3pm or 971-3315 after 5. Dan Rogers Please allow 1 to 2 weeks for the work to be done. Lee Noble GLSO Annual Dues & fenton Jolimon Newsletter. Individual - $15 Fenton Johnson will be the next speaker at the Couple ' $25 Unitarian Universalist Republican Meeting House, on October 19 at 7 pm. In his forthcoming book, firing Egitn: A Skeptic's Journey (Houghton Mifflin, March, opinions expressed inthe GLSO News 2003), Johnson draws upon six years of research and are "1°59 0““ authors and W" "90- much time spent at American Buddhist and Christian giifllysffifiifinghgf: figfffmffi‘j monasteries. At the UU Church, he will be addressing Staff reserves then'ght to edit submiS- the role of Eastern thought in influencing the West in 3'12":ng adviissmsgfinfsssigfl is; general and, specifically Eastern influence on advertisements. Unitarianism, which through Emerson and Thoreau has strong connections with Buddhism's first appearances in America. Please join us. GLSO Page 2 Community .News Fairness Fundraiser Men’s Chorus 13th Season The Bluegrass Chapter of the Kentucky The Lexington Men's Chorus will begin 3 Fairness Alliance cordially invites you to an rehearsals for its 13th Concert Season on . evening of cocktails and fine dining at its Sunday, Sept. 8th. Registration starts at : fall fundraiser on Sunday Sept. 22, at 5pm at St Michael's Episcopal Church i Portofino Restaurant, East Main Street. A 2025 Bellefonte Drive. Call 859-277-7511 cocktail reception and silent art auction for directions. Rehearsals are Sunday from begins at 6:30 (cash bar). Dinner with spe— 5:30-7:45 and dues are $25 per semester. i cial guest speaker Jim Gray will be at 7:30. The chorus is open to all who love to sing it Lexington Mayoral Candidates Scott -no audition required. Crosbie and Teresa Isaac are also invited. We are always in need of men and Proceeds benefit the on going work of women who want to volunteer with the : Kentucky Fairness and our Bluegrass Auxiliary—Sustenuto. Questions about the Chapter. A donation of $50 per person is chorus? e-mail Kenneth@lmcky.org. or i. asked. Seating is limited, so reservations Visit the web site at www.lmcky.org. i are strongly suggested but not required. i The reception is sponsored by Scott Mr. Kentucky Bear Contest 3 Ackerrnan, Paul. Semonin-Realtors. Art for The Fourth Annual Mr Kentucky Bear 1 the Isrlent auction , '8 being donated by contest will be held at Crossing over the Davrd Hance, L°‘,"Se Stone and others. weekend of the 13th and 14th. On Friday i For more Information or to make reserva- . . . _ , _ , night at 10 pm, there Will be a meet and trons e-mall to fundrarser@bluegrassfalr- , . greet the contestants wrth Sal Bruno per- ness.org or call 859-296—7812 forming. A vendor fair will be held in the loft 1 _ on Friday night and Saturday Dress and Gender Alliance On Saturday at 2 pm there will be a i The Lexington Dress and Gender beer bust and cookout on Crossing’s patio. Alliance is a peer social support group for The contest Wi” start at 10 Pm. hosted by all transgendered people, including cross 300“ Perry, Mr. KY Bear 2000 and Mr. dressers, transsexuaIs, androgynous fo|ks, lntemational Bear 2001. There WI“ be a i gender queer individuals, allies and friends. major pn'ze raffle during the evening. . We socialize and discuss issues related to how gender expectations have affected our United We Stand lives. Our next meeting will be Sat. Sept. * 7th at8 pm, call 433-8388 for place. The Imperial Court invites you to a I evening of special tribute to the men and 1 PM SW women whoes lives will be forever touched l Planet Salon and AVOL are having a by the tragedy 0f September 11’ 2001' On "Cut-A—Thon" Sun, Sept. 8, 11am to 7pm. Wednesday, September 11, 2002, at Club The Artistic Team at Planet Salon is donat— 14? we WI" have a Tnbute to Heros- ing their commissions to AVOL. There will United We stand. m m Please jorn us for be food, music, games and a raffle. thls specral evening. more —'> GLSO page 3 Mr. Bluegrass Leather Ralnbow Bowllng League The Lexington Lyons will present Mr. Rainbow League is moving back to Bluegrass Leather at the Limestone Club Wednesdays at 9 pm and moving back to 0" Sat. September 7- For information con- Southland lanes. The bowling season will taCt Thomas Smith at 272'0408 start with a fun bowl and registration on September 11. Join us as we take back MOVEkBLE FEAST BENEFIT our lives doing something totally TIffany & CO. invites everyone to American, bowling. Regular bowling will Crossings on Wednesday, September 18. start the next week on Sept. 18 and will 2002 for our monthly benefit for Moveable run through December 18. For info call F383“ Come and enjoy Performances by 268-8541 or rainbowleague@aol.com Tiffany Andrews, Mescha, Miss Sheena, Val E. Sheridan, Stacey Bryant, Rayna DISCUSSION GROUP Starr and our very special guest this month The GLSO Discussion/Support Group Roxanne Cole! $5 donation at the door with meets every Wednesday night from 73.30 a 50/50 raffle to be held later in the at the Pride Center (389 Waller Ave, Suite evening. Show begins at 10pm. 100). The group provides a welcoming SOULFORCE and safe place to express your feelings about livmg as a GLBT person in Soulforce in Kentucky is an interfaith Kentucky. The group respects our differ- movement that studies the nonviolent meth- ences and seeks to help by sharing our ads of Gandhi and Martin Luther King and common experiences. If you need some applies them in efforts to dialogue with vari- time to be yourself, join us. For info call ous religious organizations that continue the Center at 253_3233_ negative teachings about GLBT people. The group meets on the second and READING fourth Thursday of each month. For meeting In honor of Coming Out Month, the place and info contact Jamie McDaniel at Pride Center will sponsor a reading by www.Soulforceanentucky.org or call 273- LBGT people and friends. If you have 2746' See the article on page 14' written short fiction, non-fiction, or poetry, . . or if you sing or play a musical instrument, MISS KY at Large Benefit we would love for you to take part in the Help send Sundae DeLaRouge to com— evening. Please call Davina at 338-5402. pete for Miss National at Large 2003. There will be a fundraiser on Wed, Oct. 2. "f“ “ w§w§fffg , at Club 141, 9pm. Entertainers include, -' e ,. g 1?? i Sundae DeLarouge representing Miss KY . it“ I: National at Large, Monica Van Pelt, Miss A WW,YE§L;””:{J:;EW' National at Large 2002, LaToya BaCall, Ms 7W“ Mi»: _‘.73 National at Large 2001, Tuesday g? {Em . i DelaRouge, Janelle Claiborne, Jennifer .1»; Grant, Lady Marmalade and others. gt??? 'A Come and watch an entertaining show as are} _ .. some of Lexington's Larger Ladies (and bafiw not so large, also) perform. him“ WM : Wmdy Knoll Farm r i BOARDING i fi TRAINING Bi 1 I LESSONS ° Indoor Arena Lessons in A . Cross county Dressage 1 o Stadium Jumping & I ’ Ontdoor Sand Dressage Arena . Jumpmg ; I 299-7410 3263 Cleveland Rd. North Jennifer Cmssen Lexington, KY40516 “Manama PRIDE CENTER NEWS 389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat 10 - 3 MEDIA” VIDEO HIGI‘IT SCRAPBOOKING CLASS After last month’s Gay Film 101, The Furry friends are an important part of Celluloid Closet, we begin ourjourney into many of our lives, and preserving memo- lesbian cinema. During the next few ries of our pets is easy with scrapbooking. months, we will examine the depiction of Join Davina Warner Tuesday, September lesbian teens in film on the second Friday 24, from 7 to 9 pm. for a Pet pages scrap- night of the month at 7 pm. at the Pride booking class. in this class, you will com- Center. Join us this month September13for plete six scrapbook pages with a cat Lost and Delirious, a 2001 Canadian film and/or dog theme. Cost for materials is about lesbian love ata boarding school. $15.00 plus tax. We need to know how Piper Perabo (Coyote Ugly, Adventures many pages to order so please contact of Rocky and Bullwinkle) stars as Pauline, Davina at scrapnchick2002@yahoo.com the tough-talking rebellious girl who is or at 338-5402 to sign up for the class. madly in love with her roommate and the On Monday, Oct. 14 we will be making most popular girl in school, Tory. All is well “True Love” pages in honor of coming out in their secret lesbian love nest until the month. The cost for these pages will be two girls are discovered. $10, call Davina if you would like to attend. ’ Reel.com described the film as “A mov- 3 ing and erotic depiction of the pangs of first MEN’S Night Out love." 3.6 sure to bring a box 0f ltleenex After taking Aug off we are starting back in a'of‘g w'th_ your popcorn and Rasnnettes. September with a great film "Our Lady of Th's film '3 rated R for strong sexuality the Assassins." From the director Of Involvmg teens and language. Reversal of Fortune comes this powerful, critically acclaimed story about the search WES MGR)“. for love in a society gone mad. Do you enjoy playing Scrabbie or World-weary author Fernando has Boggle? Maybe Trivial Pursuit? What returned to his native Columbia to live out about Catch Phrase? Whatever your his days in peace. BUt Femando's once game, bring it to the Pride Center Friday, quiet home town continued on page 8 September 27 at 7:00 pm. for Games Night. Join with others for an evening of play- elm.nlina'c.m , ing old favorites or learning ”Complete P616011”! SKI/1403’ new games. Feel free to bring snacks and soft drinks (859) 881-3849 or (859) 533-7845 as well. Everyone is wel- . . come to this evening of fun onllne SCI’VICC $17.95 per month and gameS- If we have Web Design starting at $24.95 a month 902:9“ inteffifi inf 93"“:5 Custom Computers and Networks nig , we Wl con Inue 0 have it one Friday night a S.M.' .ule.--l-liu GLSO Page 6 of 3- 9. 3r . s N G s as FRIDAY 3- 0305 10 pm meet and greet the 1- n O n contestants at 1 1 7 u. LIMESTONE ex special guest star Sal Bruno is 859.233.7255 performing W a: SATURDAY 3t ,er ‘ - ’n ' j.“ , 2pm beer bust and cookout , W2”?! 7 on Crossmgs patio ‘9 ~ '3‘; a: {$3}; , 10 pm Mr. Kenmcky Bear Jt ii if, Contest ‘6 . { " , ~ ' 4 hosted by Scott Perry, Mr. 1 , ‘ i _ Kentucky Bear 2000 and Mr. ' / ' ' , , International Bear 2001 . _ ‘ " , - ' , major prize raffle i j 7 ' j ' Vendor Fair in the Loft at )f , * “50mg“? Friday 8 pm to 1am )f ‘r ' ;_: , f g‘iézfj.~1:’ =55; Saturfiay 2 pm to 6 pm - 8 gs; "413w; ' iv ‘ Tl? pm 201 am 1:17“, 'm,‘ 1"}, _ .ji-_:. 42'1” é -’ *... HY . , M I’ " 341%? u f .r _‘ h :35 M 7%» ' winner at Mr. Kentucky Bear , '- ‘ £539} 9~ :1 Wm receive round-trip ., .L «a " 3; airfare to San Francisco to . . , 1‘. $1: -,.;;::,::J;:‘; ‘ >29»: COMDBIG m the Mr. . 7' Jing- :7 q" , ‘ ' “ Q33; . It , 3% f; 7- 3% international Bear contest ’ ' 53%;» I ' a“ =-:;:§;§757:': , 77,4 g; interested m competing? ’ ‘ [Ti-1.; 93¢} . ' i; f, contactthe Moonshine ‘ . fit ,in www.moonsmnebears.com ‘ _ «ah-*9 ‘ “";.3:rifl‘>‘- ~ r , :u . . . , ‘ $* ,. g; it ’7 or psck. up a apphcatmn at A ' ‘ ' ' Crossings ,3?» Moonshine Moonshine Bears of Ky. M h k d f/ . :1) ' ‘ t ' {@‘i £86813 4th Annual M" Kentucky pai’rtiigggn:iir‘geewgldor ‘s‘i I ”1?? fieniuaky Bear contest Fair should contact the \Vigz‘g'f September 1 3th 8‘ 1 4th Moonshine Bears website. 7 I I GLSO Page 7 violence, drugs and corruption. On the . . brink of despair, Fernando meets Alexis, a Jubilee Fellowslup beautiful but hardened street kid who lived _ Due F0 the recent 'growth Inimember- by the rule of the gun. Together, they forge ship, Jubilee Fellowship IS meetlng at the an unlikely relationship. Pride Center on most Thursday nights at Join us at the Pride Center, call the office 7pm. The SGCONd Thursday 0f each drink and have a great time. meet at the Pride Center but then go else- where - coffee house, bowling, or to see a ' ° movie. We are still studying the Gospel RCllglOUS Group S of John. If you have any questions call Integrity 264-7006 or cwbm121893@aol.com. Integrity, a support group for Interweave Episcopalians and friends, has been SUC‘ The Unitarian Universalist Church wel- cessful in gathering together a number 0f comes visitors any time. There are now like minded people. We will continue meet— two services every Sunday, at 9:30 and ing at St- Michael’s Episcopal Church at 11:15. There will beafirstSundy brunch in 2025 Bellefonte 0" the second Sundy 0f between the services starting in October. each month at4 pm. We will be discussing Intewveave will not be meeting in “Is it safe to return to church?” Call Rev. September. The Republican Meeting David Boyd 0" Rev. Sandy Stone at 277' House speaker in October will be gay 7511 or JBlntegrity@aol.com. for more author Fenton Johnson. information Real Estate Servrce With ,8, PROFESSIONALISM INTEGRITY " DEDICATION Q mm mm Scott Ackerman E T “W" Mobile: 859-338-8483 N HUS'ASM Voice Mail: 859-294-2055 3 _ L _ t Office: 859-269-7331 “”9 :me °“ E-MaII: SAcker4224@aol.com A" of Central Kentucky Call me With all your Real Estate Needs GLSO Page 8 er- ' h g» 9 g: 335‘ N e. ”\— N % W ch Elia 1’ Q71! . will 3 film 6% f: F o R L I F E / tel Please help make this event the best one yet! , 3" Loxinglm‘s Dining Out for Life citywide event will be'lhursday; Scptemlxr l9. 1 Nearly 50 local restaumts haw: mtcmuqu agreed to dome: a percentage of i their mtening‘s food and bwemge mass to Movable Feast, lexington - the i noupmfit mganimtion that pmpm and delivers hot, nutritious meals to those al- living with "xv/AIDS in this minimum: ' ‘W Enamel Iii ail l): puma} on n «no kaolkxuq: 3 Id \. ‘ in . ‘3‘ , :r. c o .QAQ-h:.' l ' in 273;. 4&(93..3g'g:1 |y Q‘I [Jaguar-c «W ! BOWLING I No, This'is'no’r am) from Americon Bowler mogcizine...l ' Bu'r,’ we do think” is' o gre’atwo‘y To introduce the new season of l Rainbow League bowling, -- 3 . - ' . ' This year we are moving BACK to Southlond Lanes and BACK to 9:00pm; We will be bowling. on Wednesday, nights. Our Season will begin the second week in September and-end the los’r week in April. . ; , There-will be a fun bowlond- registration on Sept. 11 osvwe Americans I take BACK our lives doing something Totally American .f.Bowlingl , important Dates: , _ important information: 3 Fun .Bowi-Night.._'..'..............v.Sept 11* . League Secretary.......,.,...351-4650 i _ First Night of bowling.....,.,..S.epti18”f , E—maiL....Ralnbowl.eague@aol.com ‘ Last Nighto'f belittling..,.........Apr,16_”‘ _ LeaguePresident.l.............268-8541 _ GLSO Page 9 :t******ttitt************t**tt*********: % 3; THE lmPERIAL CouRT or KENTUCKY ;- s it 7".” " t * 5 e) ‘ {133515 " , 1r , .. s; , 3.5.1,; 1 ‘ \. , * {g . , , .. s '5 , 5 1k - ,5, :1. . I * a * @ 71’s 7% * g. , , 4/2, w, @v . ’6’b04’ 3; g i: i . is V .1 ’ :1 6 i z ’3? * i ave-W' 1:3?“ . ,n-rfil, . ”Sat-w * 1’: at . . ,5 g, ‘_ . ' " . t * . ‘ . H: 5-14.: . g": , flit—“L353: ,. , . . 1* 3E 35 . ’ : * V .3: a 3; fimaw pm - V ' 5 5% 3; .- . Sfiawat930 pm t * .0 Join us .05 wehonorfiie mes; 85-5Women ywhose‘liX/es : ‘ f5? :5 i . "wie're‘fbrexker‘fouched one year; age... ' g ' ' i g * , $5 Donation i i i i' » ' i" a: ‘k , ' ‘ 7 ‘k 7'“ ********iif******************fititk****** E W“ if GLSO News Sponsors 2002 Richardson Vision Center...................................278-4201 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside Scott Ackerman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(voice) 294-2055 (mobile) 338-8483 For all your real estate needs SisterSound..............................243-0243 Diverse music for all women TheCreativeTeam ........................494-1832 Dan Rogers & Teresa Wagoner Imperial Court of Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .252-3014 A Charity Organization ' TheBarComplex .........................255-1551 224 East Main Street - Unitarian Universalist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223-1448 Seeking a Diverse Congregation : Kentucky Fairness Alliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .296-7812 www.bluegrassfaimess.org Debra Hensley Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276-3244 1513 Nicholasville Road WindyKnollFarm .........................299-7410 Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding Lexington Men’s Chorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231-0090 Rehearsal every Sunday Prudential Securities, David Cupps . . . . . . . . . . .243-5033 Specializing in the investment needs of LGBT’s and their families PegasusTravel ...........................253-1644 Donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO _ GLSO page 11 Ca"""'“b°“" Se t mber 2002 Directory for Location. p 9 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday m Saturday ‘ o 7 pm GSA 7 pm Sistahs in the Life 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 8 pm Lex. Men’s Chorus Pride Center Open 10-3 Pride Center Pn'de Center Pride Center Cabaret at Downtown 8 pm LDGA (See Article) 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Arts Center (Call for place) 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9 pm Rainbow Bowling (Call for place) Southland Lanes 7 pm Mens Night Out Pride Center 8 9 1o 11 12 13 14 9:30 8. 11:15 uu Church 7 pm P-FLAG Berea 7 pm GSA (call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group e9 pm Art Show Opening 7 pm Lesbian Movie Night Pnde Center Open 10-3 Worship Service Public Library-Berea Pride Center Pride Center 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 5:30 Men’s Chorus 8 pm AA Step Study 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA (Call for place) Rehearsal, St Michaels (Call for place) (Call for place) 11 am-7 pm Planet Salon 9 pm Rainbow Bowling ' ”Cut a then” Southland Lanes 7 pm Dignity - Pride Center ' 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 20 21 9:30 & 11:15 UU Church 7 pm GLSO Board Meeting 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-12 Worship Service 8 pm AA Step Study Pride Center 6 pm on- Dining Out for Life (Call for place) 5:30 Men’s Chorus (Call for place) 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Your Favorite Restaurant . Rehearsal, St Michaels (Call for place) 7 pm HUGS (Call for location) 10 pm Tiffany and Co. 7 pm Dignity Pfide Center Benefit Crossings 9 pm Rainbow Bowling Southland Lanes 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9:30 & 11:15 UU Church 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-3 Worship Service 8 pm AA Step Study 7 PM Scrapbooking Pride Center , . . , 10 am Writing Practice 5:30 Men's Chorus (Call for place) Workshop Pride Center 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA , Pride Center Rehearsal, St Michaels (Call for place) , 6 pm Imperial Court— 9 pm Rainbow Bowling 1 ' Pride Center Southland Lanes _ 7 pm HUGS (Conformation) ”1‘ 29 30 9:30 & 11:15 UU Church 8 pm AA Step Study Worship Service 5:30 Men's Chorus Rehearsal, St Michaels 7 pm HUGS (Call for location) GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13 WB M Not 8% for a accept the mindset and attitude of "Don’t . W W ask - Don't tell" that is so prevalent in our J , M D , I country. This mindset perpetuates a false by amie c anie sense of superiority for the heterosexual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. often spoke person, who is encouraged on everything . . from jOb applications to everyday conver- of the difference between a negative peace . . . . . . . . . sation to share information relating to his and a posrtive peace. Negative peace IS _ , . . .. or her sexual orientation, and it perpetu- the absence of tensron whereas posrtive , , , _ . . . ates a false sense of inferiority in the peace is the presence of justice. , . . , . . . . GLBT person who is made to feel shame During King 5 life, there exrsted a cnsrs . . . . . . for revealing anything that would give of race relations in the United States. If . . . away the fact that he or she is homosexu- black people would have jUSt continued to , , . . al. Worse still, many of us fall into the trap accept the practice of segregation and . . . ,, . . ,, of buying into such a system by shrugging stayed in their place there would have , . , , . . . our shoulders at the injustice and whisper- been no cnsrs - but neither would there , . _, . . ing to ourselves, Well, I suppose its have been Justice. , . ,, . . . nobodys busrness anyway. In dorng so, The system of segregation, which sup- . . . . . . . . negative peace 13 sustained and posrtive ported a false sense of supenority in one , , . peace IS forfeited. group of people and a false sense of infe- , , . . . The only solution is for our heterosexu- rionty in another group of people, would , . al brothers and Sisters to accept gay, les- have gone unchallenged. I sometimes b' bi 6- al and t d I wonder where we, the people of the United ran, 3 xu ’ ransgen er peop e as States of America, would be today if the "continued 0" "5’“ Page black community had not risen up With a Kentucky Bluegrass Fairness new sense of dignity and pride in them- Bluegrass Chapter selves and saw that the wall of segregation could be torn down with love and nonvio- ‘9 lent protest. ‘3‘" ’V T . . . . . ‘Nr here exrsts .a cnsrs In the United W7?» % a . States today wrth regard to relations ,A ‘ , . ‘1' . - , . 1 between the gay community and the het- “a? a *1 “ erosexual community. Though there are u. ‘Amw many courageous heterosexual allies who Fairnoss works with legislators and other see the oppression and are working along- decision-makers to ensure equal treatment side us for justice, and though there have 0f LGBT people 111 the Bluegrass and _ _ , _ around the state. Contact us to help in the been Victories for our freedom, Amenca is fight and to stay informed on important still a land where GLBT people are not issues. seen as being completely equal. Rights ‘SUPPORT BLUEGRASS FAIRNESS!!!! . that could be ours if we lied and pretended The BLUEGRASS to be heterosexual people are denied for - CHAPTER of Kentucky FAIRNESS § the simple reason that we want to live with {gnafggggce a.“ 3 honesty and integrity and be open about ‘ Lexington, KY l r . 3 who we are as gay people. _' 405222032 N0 M0 9, No Less l The gay community could continue to Call: (859) 296-7812llvisitwww.bluegrassfaimess.org — GLSO page 14 I’t equal human beings. Those of us who are gender people. We are committed to non- Jr gay have been taught for too long that we violence and the process of respectful .e are "less than." That is coming to an end. It protest. We recognize that religious estab- al is coming to an end not because the het- lishments are the primary source of misin- lg erosexual community is voluntarily giving formation about GLBT people. Religious r- us our freedom but because the gay com- anti-gay teachings and policies are used to Is munity is rising up with a new sense of self sustain the injustice that exists in the 1- worth and demanding justice. United States. Therefore, we work to e Dr. King, in his address before the relentlessly bring the truth about God’s e annual meeting of the Fellowship of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender e Concerned in 1961, said, "...history reveals children to our adversaries. | invite you to l- to us that once oppressed people rise up join us as we work towards making positive p against that oppression, there is no stop- peace a reality in Lexington, in Kentucky, 9 ping point short of full freedom. On the and in the United States. r- other hand, history reveals to us that those Soulfouce recently protested at the s who oppose the movement for freedom are Southern Baptist Convention in St. Louis 1, those who are in privileged positions who and are always preparing for future nonvi- 3 very seldom give up their privileges without olent protests. They have plans to meet strong resistance." with Jerry Falwell in Lynchburg, Virgina 1- I am the coordinator for a local next month. They will be studying Martin .- Soulforce group in Lexington. Soulforce is Luther King Jr. and the civil rights move- 5“ on the front lines of this movement for jus- ment's use of nonviolent protest in coming 9.. tice for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and trans- meetings. For information call 273-2746 or I gender people. We are committed to nonvi- www.Soulforceanentucky.org.. Healing Sea _> Myofascral Release ~ . , and Bodywork ,_ . TIRFBEINGCHRNICPAIN" . V ”4 - -“e r: ' . JohnFBarnes-Women!Release‘l'echmefistreat . forrasrmganaefrecrwepamrehée 7‘" :- ""fitsiTr-rc‘i- : "Jive .139“ E :5: '- 4 - 14-33453: .. I f 2:; , . ‘ JWWW‘WWWW :1 " MWMwészofiwfigW ~ _ Matthew Schuler', .L.M.T. , (859) '420-4MFR *. (859) 263—3998 - 23:22:; ' *v ' ,,_,,. _- W ‘ l.- 203 Woodland Ave, Lexington (msrde Hair Razors) : *Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork ; , *Licensed Massage, Therapist *Member American Massage Therapy Association 31:» GLSO Page 15 Queer Kentucky History queers, and University of Kentucky ath- re Sweet Evening Breeze letes. Both a 1985 Lexington Herald- Leader article by Don Edwards and a scan- cu b Y jefilones dal novel by O. O'Banion discuss UK ath- el 7 While it might be easy to idealize James letes attending parties at the homes 0t H Hemdon as some type of good-hearted, local queer men. O'Banion's book asserts til ; gender-bending eunuch, interviewees also that one UK A" American basketball PiaY- Vi . say he had a complex sexuality. To the er was involved sexually with Rock Hudson. fr . knowledge of interviewees, Hemdon never During the 19503. Perhaps before and 1 ' had one great Iove or even a long-term after, Sweets would regularly entertain UK c relationship. He did have many close athletes at his Prall Street home. He was 0 friends and lovers. For example, his friend very proud Of a number 0t sets 0f silver he ti Hugh Sterling, an African American gay received from the UK football team. ti 1 man, helped care for Sweets as he got Coffman Knight, Joyce Cruse, and Leigh Vi older. The two were never lovers accord- Angelique knew Sweets personally. They 5 ' ing to Hemdon friends Joyce Cruse and assert he and several other African- VI Leigh Angelique. In fact, Leigh Angelique American queer men in Sweets' circle sex- c recounts that Sweets did not have sex with ually serviced a number of athletes with the tl black men. tacit approval of their coach. ii ‘ Sweets' sexuality and his relation to “He entertained the football team all the F i society are of note for reasons other than time. He and Miss Henry. And Bear ti . curiosity. In many regards Sweets' sexual- Bryant WOUid rather his boys 90 there than i: . ity paralleled that of the New York fairies messing around With women and get a iit' f' -. described by George Chauncey in gay tle relief there. It was not looked down ‘ New York. Chauncey argues that homo- upon but better to get a quick relief than c . sexuality in the late Nineteenth and early hang OUt all night With some girl.” t Twentieth centuries were not defined (Coffman Knight 2001) 5 around the gender of one's sexual partner “Sweets had a lover: the football t g as today. Instead, homosexuality involved team...| imagine the basketball team t00-" f gender presentation: effeminate men who (Joyce Cruse, 2001) r ‘ had sex with other men were queer while “From my understanding it was YOU had r . their butch partners often identified as to be initiated by Sweets to play basketball a '1 strayt. Much like the berdache among at UK. ...This initiation involved sex. UK I American Indians, this definition of homo- had a football player named [name sexuality still holds sway in parts of Latin removed] and Sweets married him in a t . America and the Middle East. mock wedding at the church for chari- 1 Although not the only way that homo- ty....The coaches knew about it. We used 2 : sexuality was lived in Lexington, a similar to have to Sign a Statement to prove that ‘ ‘ type of gender variant construction can be the boys were there. They did all that Shit i recognized within the life of Sweet Evening back then." (Leigh Angelique 2001) i .i Breeze. It has been reported that strayt— The claims that a group 0