xt7w0v89kv81 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89kv81/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-04-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 21, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 21, 2000 2000 2000-04-21 2020 true xt7w0v89kv81 section xt7w0v89kv81 LEFT OF CENTER



April 21. 2000

Boy Band
‘NSYNC fans,
we have the

scoop l 8


Too much
this weekend

Just in case you think
you drank too much
this weekend — here
are what some
‘thinkers' of time
gone by think about

. EARTH DAY 2000
You'd be surprised how . y I







much fun you can

have sober. When

you get the hang of . ‘ show consumers how to put their money where their mouth is. From jobs to vacations to everyday pur-

It. .' “ chases, companies have filled the niche created by citizens concerned about the environmental impacts
- Joe (Jack Lemmon) in oi their daily habits.

'ans of Wine and Don't forget — Earth Day is tomorrow. Take a moment to stop, look around and realize what a truly

Roses.’ (T962) remarkable planet we live on. Happy Earth Day 2000!

The final day of the Kentucky Nernel's Earth Day Series combines the economy and the environment to

There can't be good
living where there is
not good drinking.

- Benjamin Franklin

The church is near. but
the road is icy. The
bar is far away, but I
will walk carefully.

- Old Russian proverb

A statesman is an easy
man. he tells his lies
by rote.

A journalist invents his
lies, and rams them
down your throat.

So stay at home and
drink your beer and
let the neighbors

- William Butler Yeats

What contemptible
scoundrel stole the
cork from my lunch?

- Larson E. Whipsnade
(W. C. Fields) in ‘You
Can't Cheat an
Honest Man.’ (1939)

Time is never wasted
when you're wasted
all the time.

- Catherine Zandonella

-Homer Simpson.

DO... the stuff... that
buys me beer...

RAY... the guy that sells
me beer...

ME... the guy... who
drinks the beer...
FAR... a long way to get


SO... I'll have another

LA... I'll have another

TEA... no thanks, I'm
drinking beer...

That will bring us back
to... (Looks into an
empty glass)


l was in love with a
beautiful blonde
once. She drove me
to drink: that's the
one thing I'm
indebted to her for.

— W. C. Fields in 'Never
Give a Sucker an
Even Break'

Always remember that I
have taken more out
of alcohol than
alcohol has taken out
of me.

- Winston Churchill

if God had intended us
to drink beer, He
would have given us

- David ane

When i read about the
evils of drinking, I
gave up reading.

- Henry Youngman



THE ‘4Il'


5.8 3.6

No rain for the week-
end. Eat it up.

VOL. 8105 ISSUE $8143


News tips?

Call: 2514915 or write:


Work to help

Staff at Addo National Park in South Africa cut a
fence, increasing the size of the park's elephant
habitat by 15,000 acres.


World apart.

Examples of ecotourism: visiting wildlife and wilder-

ness parks, scuba diving, staying at hotels who
advertise their commitment to the environment.

Paul Hardy installs a rubberized
running track at Hogadore High
School in Hogadore, Ohio. The
rubberized mix consists primarily
of recycled tires.

The cost of a conscience: Purchasing that's good for Earth

By Mark Vanderholt

Many years ago. inventor Thomas Edi-
son otfered a vision of the future.

“I‘d put my money on the sun and solar
energy." Edison said. “What a source of pow-
er. I hope we don‘t have to wait ‘til oil and
coal run out before we tackle that."

Edison may have thought it wouldn‘t
take humans this long to ween themselves
from the fossil fuel industry the snails
pace of energy technology certainly looks
embarrassing when compared to other tech-
nological achievements.

But progress hasn‘t entirely stopped.
Tennessee Valley Authority. a provider of

electricity to many Kentuckians. recently an-
nounced they'd offer a clean energy plan for
customers. It was a monetary commitment to
clean energy for consumers and a develop-
ment commitment for the company.

Today. consumers can take comfort in
other products made by companies trying to
lessen their impact on the environment.
Earth-friendly products have moved into
mainstream stores. Even Kroger on Euclid
Ave. has a natural foods section. perfect for
students like Jenny Crawford. a natural re-
source conservation senior.

“I think it (earth-friendly products) is
better for my health. and i know it‘s better
for the earth and better for other living or-
ganisms.“ she said.

I feel more confident than
ever that the power to save
the planet rests with the
individual consumer.”



roducts: The stuff of life


visits UK

By Chris Markus

Green Party presidential hopeful Ralph Nader
addressed UK students. faculty and community
members yesterday. offering not only another
choice for voters tired of two-party politics. but
also the choice of an expansive political ideology.

Nader's placed blame for social problems not
on the government. but on the big businesses that
he feels control a large part of Washington.

"The concentration of power and wealth in too
few hands gets society in trouble." Nader warned.

The Green Party candidate criticized the gov
crnment for spending money on defense from what
he called “non-existent" enemies. while millions of
children grow up in poverty.

Taking on corporations is not a challenge new
to Nader. who wrote the book “Unsafe at Any
Speed." a work that he said eventually led Con-
gress to pass tougher safety regulations on auto-
mobile companies.

In addition to his assault on corporate Ameri-
ca. Nader also likened the World Trade Organiza-
tion to a giant loan shark that destroys the envi-
ronments of the third world countries it is sup-
posed to help develop.

Nader also praised UK student protesters for
their crusade against the "staggering exploitation
of Third World workers."

Nader pleaded for the UK administration to
act as “wise elders" when disciplining the students
arrested after the April 5 sit-in. and asked them to
look at the bigger picture that of students stand-
ing up for the rights of the impoverished.

Nader envisioned an America ruled by grass-
roots politics that are fueled by active citizens. as
opposed to a union that bows to the desires of what
he called “corporate extremists."

Nader's attack of cashsaturated politics took
on a local tone when he called Kentucky senator
Mitch McConnell. “the worst senator in the United
States Senate.“

“Unless Mitch McConnell is sent back to some
Kentucky horse farm. he is going to put our gov-
ernment up for sale to the highest bidder." Nader said.

Nader was on the ballot in some states in the
1996 presidential election but says that he wasn’t
actively running for the office.

This year. Nader is planning a full-scale presi-
dential campaign. but not with conventional funding.

Nader is refusing any campaign contributions
from political action committees and is not accept-
ing soft money donations.

He encouraged students to take an active role
in the political process.

"if you don't turn on politics." Nader said.
“politics are gonna turn on you."



aids research

By Luke Saladin

For UK. the road to becoming a Top 20 Public
Research Institution begins in Montana.

Eight UK students. along with their mentors.
will participate in the National Conference on Un-
dergraduate Research April 27-29 at the University
of Montana.

()ver 2.000 students involved in scholarly and
artistic activities from the arts. humanities and
sciences will represent over 400 colleges and uni-
versities from nearly every state in the nation.

The students from UK were selected to partici-
pate in the conference because of the high quality
of their research. said Phil Kracmer. dean of un-
dergraduate studies at UK.

Some of the research topics include cancer~tar
geting drugs. the genetic modification of plants.
and the workings of animal neuromuscular sys

The N(‘UR sponsors its annual conference to
give students from around the country a chance to
present papers and to be evaluated by professors
and other undergraduates committed to research.

“My hope is that this conference helps stimu~
late interest in research at l7K." Kraemcr said.
“Also. I think this should be a valuable recruiting
tool to attract talented students to the graduate re-
search programs at UK."

The NCUR was established in 1987 as a way of
promoting undergraduate research. scholarship.
and creative activities in all fields of study. UK has
participated in the Nt‘UR annual conferences
since its inception.

Kraemer learned last year that UK had won
the bid for N(‘ITR 2001. He and a group of adminis-
trators have been working diligently since then to
prepare for the event. which he hopes will spawn
enough interest at UK to start an annual research
conference of their own.





The Student Newspaper at the University ____cky, Lexgton

' e












Too bad
he didn’t
tell me. I

- Irina-a
um. reacting
to the claim in
author Geoffrey
Gkihano's much-
disputed new bio
of John Lemon
that the late
Beetle had sexu-
al fantasies
about her.


The Low-down

Deaths in Columbine marked

Ll'l'l‘LETON. Colo. ~~ As a gentle breeze
blew. Coloradans hugged. shed tears and ob
served a poignant moment of silence yesterday to
remember the 13 people slain at Columbine High
exactly one year ago. “Today is about the angels
who are watching over us. helping us to heal and
helping us to remember," Gov. Bill ()wens told a
crowd gathered at the state Capitol in Denver.
"We came through that tragedy with a stronger
sense of community and with a resolve to ensure
that the deaths of the victims will not be in vain."
()wens presided over a moment of silence at 11:21
am. the time the Columbine attack began.

Korean atrocities uncovered in papers

DOKCHON. South Korea More than 2.000
political prisoners of the Korean War were exe—
cuted without trial by South Korean soldiers and
police. and at times were observed by U.S. Army
officers. according newly declassified U.S. mili-
tary documents. The new information, some of
which also came from witnesses. has been de-
tailed in reporting by The Associated Press and a
Korean researcher. The AP found that large
numbers of South Korean leftists arrested by the
right-wing regime were secretly killed as its
forces retreated before the North Korean army,
apparently to keep them from collaborating with
the communist invaders.

Poll: Americans want trigger Ioclts

WASHINGTON Most Americans say they
want tougher gun controls. including a big ma-
jority who favor a law requiring that guns be
sold with trigger locks. an Associated Press poll
finds. But people are split on the best way to re-
duce violence: better enforcement ofcurrent laws
or passage of tougher ones. "We need better en-
forcement.“ said Jeff Teasdale. a printing plant
supervisor from Baraboo, Wis. “1 don't think the
laws right now are being enforced." The poll
found that 42 percent thought stricter enforce-
ment was more likely to cut gun violence, while
33 percent said enacting tougher gun laws was a
better approach. Neither option was best for one
fifth of those in the poll conducted for The AP by
[CR of Media, Pa.

Gore sees Elian 'family solution'

FORT LEE. N.J. ~ Vice President Al Gore
said yesterday he is confident Elian Gonzalez‘s
feuding relatives can still arrive at “a family so-
lution“ despite their increasingly entrenched
and contrary positions. Gore. pressed by re-
porters, refused to criticize the handling of the

mm I "00".”!!an I 2



William Show

host/loose can-
non in “Niss
which stars
Sandra Bullock.
The picture
concerns an FBI
agent (Bullock)
who must infil-
trate the Miss
Liberty pageant
as Miss New
Jersey in order
to defuse the
threat from a
potential ter-


Game show
host. actor,
for President
Nixon and
Pepperdine pro-
fessor Ben
Stein will cre-
ate an onllne
game, a series
of e-greeting
cards and a
daily poll for

case of the shipwrecked 6-year-old Cuban boy by
President Clinton and his administration. “I'm
’10! some to get into that. I respect the way
they‘re going about this and I hope we’ll be able
to get the family members together," Gore said
during a round robin of local TV interviews con-
ducted on a campaign stop in New Jersey.

Dinosaurs were warm-blooded

WASHINGTON — A modern medical X-ray
of a dinosaur fossil named Willo suggests the ex-
tinct animal may have had a four-chambered
heart typical of warm-blooded animals instead of
the simpler heart of cold-blooded reptiles. If veri-
fied by other studies that a rock-hard mass in the
fossilized chest is a heart, it will mark the first
time that scientists have been able to study the
cardiac system of dinosaurs. A four-chambered
heart would mean that the blood circulatory sys-
tem of dinosaurs was much more advanced than
previously believed.

Philippines jet data recorder found

DAVAO. Philippines —— The pilot of an Air
Philippines jet reported poor visibility minutes
before the plane crashed Wednesday, killing all
131 people aboard. The airport transcripts from
the Philippines' worst aviation disaster also indi-
cated air traffic controllers tried at least twice to
hurry another plane off the runway so Flight 541
could land. But the pilot of the doomed airliner
reported that the other plane remained on the
runway. so he circled and tried to put down from
the opposite direction, slamming into a coconut
grove on Samal Island.

Dow up 158 on earnings news

NEW YORK — Stocks were mixed yesterday,
with blue-chips getting a lift from recent earn-
ings reports - most of which have shown strong
profit growth. Just before 4 pm. EDT, the Dow
industrials were up 158.62 at 10,833.58. On the
NYSE, advancers led decliners 1,577-1,289. The
Nasdaq was down 50.85 at 3655.56. Financial mar-
kets will be closed tomorrow for the observance
of Good Friday.

Reds ll, Giants I

CINCINNATI — Ken Griffey Jr. hit a pair of
two-run homers into a swirling wind yesterday
afiemoon, leading the Cincinnati Reds to an 11-1
victory over the slumping San Francisco Giants.
Barry Larkin also hit a two-run homer and
Pokey Reese matched his career high with five
hits as the Reds (8-7) moved above .500 for the
first time this season. They’re a month ahead of
last year. when they didn't have a winning
record until May 19, then finished with 96 victo-

Compiled from wire reports.


Hemp struggles to
gain viability as good


Many know the benefits of
hemp from reading the inside
of Cypress Hill's "Hits from
the bong." For those who
weren't ever into that or nev-
er did a report on hemp in
high school, hemp is a weed
that grows anywhere, yields
fibers stronger than cotton
and is illegal to grow in the
United States.

It‘s good for the earth be-
cause it doesn’t require heavy
fertilizer or pesticide and
serves as a great nutrient-en-
hancing crop to rotate with
grains and vegetables. Ken-
tucky was once a large pro-
ducer of hemp.

A University of Kentucky
by UK‘s Center for Business
and Economic Research said
cultivating and processing
hemp in Kentucky could
bring up to 771 new jobs and
$17.6 million in worker earn-
ings in the current market.

Mark Berger, a UK eco-
nomics professor and one of
the study’s authors, told the
Associated Press when the
study was published that
hemp is a viable crop. It can
be used in paper products
and textiles; as a fiberglass
substitute; and as an oil in
food, cosmetics and pharma-

“We’re optimistic about
the returns that can be earned
from growing hemp." he said.
while at the same time cau-
tioning that hemp is not a
magic solution for farmers
looking to get out of tobacco.

Hemp profits per acre
could range from $220. for
hemp grown for grain or
straw production, to $600, for
raising certified seed to be
planted by other hemp grow-
ers, the University of Ken-
tucky report said.


ltemp industries Association .
Over 200 hemp-related companies .
and organizations belong to this
industry group. and the website
has links galore.
North American Industrial Hemp
Cotmcil. Inc.
An agricultural group advancing

httpj' [www._naihc.org
Drug Enforcement Agency
Some government officials fear
hemp taming could provide a
‘ canouflage for growing marina- ,
no. The DEAt WW ,
med 0 m n



Continued from page i


“The timing is perfect be-
cause right now we really
want to emphasize research at
UK." Kraemer said.

Although all of the partic-
ipants from UK are involved
in natural science research.
opportunities were open to
those in other fields of study.
including the humanities.

“Research seems to be

more natural to people in-
volved in science because of-
ten it is a collaborative effort
for them" Kraemer said. “Oth-
er fields of study are lonely ar—
eas of scholarship so often.
they are not aware of opportu-
nities like this."

So how will UK compete
with schools already estab-
lished as elite research institu—

Kraemer said one charac-
teristic of UK sticks out: “We
have a very friendly faculty
who are willing to give a lot of
one-on-one help. You don’t get
that just anywhere.“







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[03! Will IMIIITI I

In your IIE apartment at
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Enormous roommate plans.
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llll discounts a special incentives.
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most all of their fleece products, and adopting a y _ ’ ’
wide variety of earth-friendly building tech- 5, . ‘ ,1' '
niques for their stores and facilities.

The company encourages employees and
customers to advocate social and environmen
tal change.

Their self-imposed Earth Tax funds Patago
nia's external environmental efforts: the Patag-
onia Environmental Grants Program. services
to environmental groups. issue-related events
and displays in retail stores. and collaborative
work with dealers.

R e p o rt s
available to
'IIIC “I“. consumers

k? online or by
BenondJerryswebslteisvery mail detail
navrgable and even «detaining, the compa-
with a M“. “3" flavor ny’s environ-
tor dscontmued ice creams and mental suc-
oamepagetullotrandom germ, cesses and
puzzles and assorted weird stuli. where they've

htth/wwwherierryaom fallen short.





‘ T 5
Ben and Jerry's Patagonia gear


. Childhood friends Ben Cohen and Jerry
Greenfield opened an ice cream company in 1978
in a renovated gas station in Burlington. Ver-
mont. Today. Ben and Jerry‘s Homemade Inc.
has stores and innovative ice cream flavors all
over the world and is known for supporting local
farmers. buying Vermont milk and cream.

The company gives 7.5 percent of its pre-tax
earnings to philanthropies furthering solutions
to social or environmental problems.

The company recently merged with
Unilever. the world‘s largest ice cream company.
whose famous brands include Breyers All Natur-
al and Klondike. for $43.60 per share for 8.4 mil-
lion shares (that's a $326 million value).

Under the terms of the agreement. Ben & Jer-
ry's will operate separately from Unilever. with
an independent board of directors. which will f0
cus on providing leadership for Ben & Jerry‘s so-
cial mission
and brand in
tegrity. the
company said
in a press re-
lease after the

And Ben
and Jerry will
still be on


Patagonia may be the most popular earth-
friendly clothier on the planet. setting the ex-
the environment.

They have succeeded in switching to cotton
grown without synthetic chemicals, incorpo

-."‘ --

I 3525 Tales (track an I.





Feel like adventure?

Patagonia's web site is easy to
use and has lots of cool photos.
essays and articles. The online
store has discount deals and
pictures of their entire line of
clothing and gear.

9 Month Leases Available
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; and wa-

. M a k i n g
from recycled materi-
als often creates less
air pollution and wa-
Natural resources ter pollution than
Making products making products from

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ited resources, in- "N Interior, United

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It usually takes less en-

ergy to make recycled

products: recycled alu-

minum, for example.
takes 95 percent less energy to
make than new ore.

Landfill space

When the materials that

you recycle go into new

products. they don‘t go

into landfills 0r incinera-
tors. so scarce landfill space is con-

Money and create jobs

The recycling process cre-

ates far more jobs than

landfills 0r incinerators,

and recycling can frequent-
ly be less expensive than landfills.

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Make sure it says post-consumer recycled content. Check for the percentage used.

Commonly recycled products

Next time you go to the
store, check out these products
and find ones made from recy-
cled materials.

Paperboard boxes - Light.
weight cardboard boxes such as
cereal. cracker, and shoe boxes
are often made from recycled

Plastic bottles and jugs -
Some household cleaners, dish-
washing liquids. shampoos. and
other products can be found in
plastic bottles with 25 percent
or higher post-consumer recy-
cled content.

Bath and facial tissue -

Toilet paper and facial tissue
made from recycled paper meet
consumer expectations and cost
about the same as or less than
their nonrecycled counter-

Paper towels - Paper tow-
els with recycled content are
competitive in price and perfor-
mance. But don't forget you can
use a sponge or rag to do the
same job!

Writing paper and en-
velopes - Top-quality recycled
paper. envelopes. and greeting
cards are increasingly easy to
find. Some “designer“ recycled

stationery is meant to look
rough and unfinished. but most
recycled paper looks just like
the paper made directly from
trees. (And don‘t forget to ask
for recycled paper if you order
printing or copying.)

And many more

Other products made from
recycled materials include: re-
refined motor oil. fiberfill for
sleeping bags. carpet. shoes.
pencils. recycling bins. building
insulation, wallboard. tiles. and
many more.

Source: Environmental Defense


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llfllfifuto take on No.

Travls Hubbard


The Bat Cats are not changing their
game plan for anyone. and that includes
the No. 1 team in the nation.

The [K baseball squad will host No.
1 ranked South Carolina for a three
game SEC series this weekend. but the
team wants to keep the same outlook
and preparation that has led to their ‘19-
10—1 record so far.

“i think if we take the same ap
proach we‘ll be just fine." said junior
catcher John Wilson.

The Cats have played well in every
SEC series. with the exception ofa home
series versus Florida. UK dropped the
first two games and the third ended in a
tie. but the Cats were outscored 318.

“I tell my players every SEC series
is important.“ said UK coach Keith
Madison "We can't afford any letdowns.
like against Florida."

UK has played well against [SC in
the past. winning five of their last six
against the Gamecocks, including a se
ries sweep last year in Columbia. The
Cats have not lost a series against L'SC
since 1993 and have been 16-4 head-to
head since then. Also. the Gamecocks
have mostly the same roster from the
last year that the Cats swept.

"I try not to put too much into (what
happened last year)." said Wilson.

“They have the same team they had
last year for the most part," said Madi-
son. “They had a talented. young pitch
ing staff last year. This year they have
more experience on their pitching staff."

Madison said he thinks CSC‘s pitch-
ing has been the key to their success,

“They probably have the best pitch-
ing staff in the nation." he said.

Madison will try to counter USC‘s
strength by sending junior Brandon
Webb and freshmen Rob Corrado and
Scott Wade to the mound Friday. Satur-
day and Sunday, respectively.

Corrado will start a conference
game for the first time since a 12-3 loss
to Tennessee. in which he surrendered
three runs in three innings. However.
Corrado is coming off two consecutive
non-conference wins against Louisville
and Cincinnati. In the two starts. he has
only allowed five runs and nine hits in
11.1 innings pitched.

Corrado said he is looking forward
to taking on ITSC and getting to start for
his team.

“It‘s not often that you get to play
the No. 1 team in the nation. but in this
league it seems like we do it once a year
whether it's LSU. Auburn or South Car-
olina." said Madison. “We realize we
have a good enough team to upset the
number 1 team in the nation if we play



Cats hit field
for Blue/White

By Will Messer


The UK football team will have its annual
Blue White game. the final football scrim
mage ofthe spring. at 6 pm. Saturday at (‘om
monwealth Stadium.

The format of this Blue White game. how

ever. will be quite different from the format of

the team‘s first two spring scrinimages.

The first quarter of the game will be com
prised of two 10-minute L'K football alumni
touch football games. Alumni who finished
their career in 197:") or earlier will play the
first ten minutes and alumni who finished
their careers after 1975 will play the second In

Wilbur Hackett and Lou Caribou serve as
coaches for the alumni game. Hackett lettered
for three years at UK (19684970) and was the
first African-Ameriéan team captain in the
SEC. Karibou lettered two years at UK (19.32-
53) as a running back.

After the alumni game. the UK team will
take the field for the second quarter. but the
score from the alumni game will stay on the

Unlike the two earlier spring scrimniages.
the Blue White game will pit members of the
first and second-string teams against members
ofthe second and third-string teams.






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Alternative pet

friendly rats

DES MOINES, lowa -
Wanted: big-hearted
animal lovers willing
to take home a pet
rat. 0r two. 0r three.

The rats are being
offered for adoption
by the Des Moines
animal shelter after
they were recently

“Quite frankly, rats
make very good
pets," said Tom
Colvin of the Animal
Rescue League of
Iowa. lnc. "They are
very clean, very
social and fun to be
around. They like to
be around a family."

Colvin's organization
picked up 60 of the
rats from the Des
Moines animal shelter
on Wednesday, the
first day they were





"We'll keep six or eight
of them here and
send the rest to
humane societies
around the state." he

Pet lovers adopted 30 of
the rats Wednesday,
while 48 rodents
were still looking for

Snake mail


to animal

Talk about bulk rate

Authorities are trying to
find out who
packaged two 10-foot
pythons and dropped
them in the mail.

The package was mailed
from the downtown
Morgantown post
office and contained
a fake return
address, Morgantown
Animal Control
Officer Sylvia Smith