xt7w0v89kw0w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89kw0w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-04-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 2002 2002 2002-04-01 2020 true xt7w0v89kw0w section xt7w0v89kw0w Softball Cats drop series as midseason nears | est-it.


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Violation claims challenge election

Debate: President-elect calls charges absurd,
says closed polls do not merit new election

Bv Mil-Me

On Thursday. Ben Hayes
lost his bid for Student (lovem-
inent president by 35 votes. On
Friday. he filed 35 claims of
election violations, calling the
results invalid.

The sheer volume of the
claims is absurd. said re-elected
80 President Tim Robinson.

“It‘s what I call the crap
strategy." he said. “You throw
enough crap against the wall.
and some of it is going to stick."

Hayes said each claim
is valid.

“There were a lot of viola-
tions," he said.

Hayes. along with his run-
ning mate Amy Thomas and
several senatorial candidates,
asked the election investigator
to disqualify Robinson from fu-
ture participation in SC after
this term expires. to hold a new
election for president and vice-
president. and/or hold a new
election for all offices.

Robinson said filing these
claims is unprofessional.

“If‘I had lost. I would have
shook his (Hayes’) hand. took
my loss and gone on." Robinson
said. “I wouldn't have been a

sore loser."

Hayes said filing the claims
is not about losing.

“I could
have won and I
still would
have supported
a reelection."
Hayes said.
“People were
denied the
right to vote."

One person
who cannot be
called a sore
loser is senator
at large David
Hutchinson. the only winning
candidate tojoin Hayes in filing
the election violation claims.
Hutchinson supports a new

”I'd rather win legally than


as part of an improper elec-
tion." Hutchinson said.

Hutchinson said the closing
of some polls. especially at LCC
on Wednesday and part of
Thursday. hurt a number of
candidates. He cited the exam-
ple of Jessica Miller. who also
filed election violation claims
with Hayes. Miller. who cam-
paigned heavily at LFC. lost by
only one vote.

“If the polls had been open
for more time. I‘m sure she
would have gotten that other
vote." Hutchinson said.

Robinson said the fact
some polls were not open
should not be grounds for over-
turning an election. He said the
80 Constitution does not re»
quire multiple polling sites. and
that the Election Board of Su-


Cadets get

Air Force ROTC cadets participated in a 'ldash' last Thursday
afternoon at the till Arboretum. The event was a competition that
focused on several team-building exercises. Above: Cadets Evan
Linepensii and Amelie O'Neil perform a ‘combat crawl' while Cadet
Ryan Kloos screams at cadets in the rear. Left: Cadet Rudy Rreps
uses a rope looped over a tree branch to swing 10 feet. The purpose
of the event is to test the cadets' ability to work as a team and
function under pressure. Teams were timed and scored on each event

to determine a winner.




Prime minister says Israel ‘at war' for survival ~

Attacks: At least 15 Palestinians, 2 Israelis
killed since Friday; Arafat surrounded, at risk


RAMALLAH. West Bank -——
Saying Israel is in a war for
survival. Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon vowed to smash Pales-
tinian militants in an uncom-
promising offensive. as he ad
dressed a nation rattled by five
suicide bombings in five days.
including back-to-back attacks
Sunday that killed 15 Israelis.

In an expansion of Israel's
"Operation Protective Wall."
dozens of Israeli tanks entered
the West Bank town of
Qalqiliya late Sunday. goverv
nor Mustafa Malki said. E1ec~
tricity was cut off and ex-
changes of fire could be heard.
Armored vehicles also massed
near biblical Bethlehem.

In Ramallah. under Israeli
control since Friday, dozens of
European peace activists. their
arms raised and holding white
flags. marched past Israeli sol-
diers surrounding Yasser
Arafat's office to join the Pales-
tinian leader. saying they
would stay with him as
human shields.

Earlier in the day. Israeli
forces surrounding the build-
ing exchanged fire with
Arafat's guards. and Palestin-
ian officials said Arafat was
just a few yards from the fight-
ing. Several guards were
wounded. two of them

See idiDEAST on 3


With smoke from
a burning car
crushed by a tank
in the background,
lsraeli soldiers
move toward
suspected Pales-
tinian gunmen
positions in the
Rest bank town of
Ramallah Satur-
day. lsrael forces
have taken control
of most of the
city, flushing out
Palestinian gun-
men. and have
isolated Palestin-
lan leader Yasser
Arafat by ecciny-
ing his compound.


pervision has the discretion to
close polls.

Robinson said Lexington
requires one
poll for every
15.000 people
for city elec
tions If this
standard is ap-
plied to UK.
two polling
sites would be
enough for the
roughly 30.000
member stu-
dent body.
he said.

Hutchinson said comparing
SO elections to city ones is a
faulty analogy.

"This is a student election."
he said.

The MC polling site should

( l


have been open all day because
L(‘(‘ students rarely come onto
ITK's campus. Hutchinson said.

“It's just really disgusting
that Lf‘C got underrepresented
again." he said.

The closing of polling sites
is Just one of the 35 filed claims.
If SG judges rule against him.
Hayes said he will take the case
to federal court.

80 is full of comiption. and
he wants to change the way it is
run. Hayes said. “This is some-
thing that has got to stop."

Robinson said he plans to
file election violation claims
against Hayes on Monday,

“I'm prepared to defend the
victory we have." he said. “I‘m
not backing down from this."

The deadline to file claims
is 4 pm. Tuesday.

still concerns


Make-over: Students, neighborhoods worry
that plan threatens fate of historic buildings

Dy Jimmyilesbitt

Sim «not?

Although local residents have been assured that historic
buildings will not be demolished as part of the college town

concept. concem still exists.

Lisa Johnson. an Aylesford Neighborhood Association
member. has lived in the community for about seven years.

“I love my neighborhood." she said.

Johnson said she has already made
plans in case UK and city officials don't
keep their promise.

"I would stand in front of the bulldoz-
ers." she said.

If more students move into surround-
ing neighborhoods as a result of the college
town concept. Johnson won't object.

“I don‘t have a problem With that.”
she said. “I‘m beginning to realize that stu~
dents care just as much (about the neigh
borhood) as we do.”

One of Johnson's biggest concerns is
keeping local residents updated With
college town developments in the

“I want to make sure the community is
informed." she said.

Transylvania Park resident Kim Law-
less said she has been to other campuses in
the country where the college town
concept has been applied and liked what
she saw.

Ayers-Slant-Gross Architects and
Planners firm. who is working with UK to
develop the college town concept. has cre-
ated Similar concepts for the l'niverSity of
Georgia in Athens. Ga . and the University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Lawless said that bringing more stores
into the downtown area would cut down on
the number of local residents who feel they
have to drive across Lexington to shop
She added that though she's had some
problems with noise from students. she
supports the college town concept. provid-
ed that the changes don't disrupt the cur-
rent college town feel she says the neigh-
borhood already has.

“I think it‘s a great idea." she said. "It
would help the community "

Michael Johnson. a member of the
Aylesford Neighborhood Assoc‘iation. re-
mains apprehenSive about the college town
concept. Should the plans include the de-
struction of historic properties. he would
not support it.

I love my

'hood ..I

stand in
front of
the bull-
to realize
care as
much as
we do.”
- Lisa Johnson.
discussing the
destruction of

historic buildings
in the area

As long as UK and the City keep With their plans to refur-
bish properties rather than tear them down. though. Johnson
said he has no qualms With the concept itself. “If it serves the
downtown community. that‘s good." Johnson said.



The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky.




 2 l with-eel l: 1.092, I newline,


The Low-down


7.9 3.7

At last




Student organizations host conference

The Student Organizations (‘eiitcl' alid Stu
dent Uth‘l'lllllt‘Ill are sponsoring a leadership
conference Tuesday. About 36 groups have pre-
registered for the event The conference begins at
ti p in in the Student Center Room loo Orgalil/
ers of the event will handout workshop booklets.
name tags and refreshments a few minutes he
tore the conference begins. 11' you are interested
in attending the event please e liiall llayid
Hutchinson at l‘olidltTS a yahoocolii.

Gandhi's grandson brings vision to UK

Arun Gandhi. the grandson of Mahatma
Gandhi. will speak at l'li. Arun is a (‘tlrl'ttllllllt‘l‘ ot


Joe Pantoliano, the
character actor
with a penchant for
playing likeable
(Memento). and
lowliies (Ralphie in
"the Sopranos"),
Wlll be telling the
story of his early
years in Hobolten,
N..l., where his
mother ran num-
bers and his Mob-
connected stepfa-
ther did time in
Jail. "It's not a

Jazz guitarist coming to campus

Top jazz musician John Scofield will bring
his blend of jazz. funk and rock to the Lexing-
ton Opera House at 8 pm. Saturday. April 6.
Tickets can be purchased at the Student Center
ticket office. at any Ticketmaster location or by
calling 2578497.

SAB brings Tibetan Monks to town

The Student Activities Board will present
Tibetan Monks from the Drepung Loseling
Monastery at the Lexington Opera House at 8
pm. Thursday April 18. Tickets can be pur-
chased at any Ticketmaster location or by call-
ing 257-8497. Tickets are $7.50 for UK and LCC
students and $12.50 for the general public.


Woman hangs herself in jail

BROOKSVILLE. Fla. . A woman accused
of poisoning her husband with a horse tran-
quilizer last year and burying his body in a

David Hasselhott is
getting ready to
make some Knight
moves again.
Revolution Studios
is gearing up to
revive Knight

Rider - NBC's cult
hit 1980's action
series featuring
Hasselhoit as the
titular crime fighter
aided by his trusty
talking Trans Am
K.I.T.T. - tor a
potential big -
screen franchise.
Hasselhott is on




Cardinal preaches hope in service

BOSTON , Cardinal Bernard Law offered
an Easter message of hope on Sunday to wor-
shippers who had filed past protesters with
signs that read “House of Rape" and “Cardinal
Law Resign." “Even though we carry in our
hearts those who bear the wounds of betrayal
through abuse inflicted by others. especially by
clergy we fix our gaze with unshakable hope
of the risen Lord. He is our light." Law said
during his homily at the Cathedral of the Holy
Cross. Law‘s words came at the end of a Lenten
period overshadowed by revelations that the
Archdiocese of Boston allowed priests charged
with sexually abusing children to continue
serving in the church. While Law prepared to
celebrate the Eucharist. armed officers outside
monitored about a dozen protesters and confis-
cated nails from a liian with a cross taped to
his back.


Israel asks journalists to leave
RAMAI.LAH. West Bank ~ An American


. ~ - . . lebrlty California vineyard han red herself in a iail boardto €X€CUNV€ reporter was shot and Wounded in the shoulder
"‘95“le the Mix (llllldhl liistlttlte tor {\onylolence. ce u . . ~ . I l” I. o. . - . , , s ,
SINCE1971 which is dedicated to pl'oiiiotlng and applying giemOITr, I532: ._ cell. authorities said Sunday. Laren Sims. 3b. giggiceeritegecfrleglor in Raiiiallah on'Sunday. and IISI ael warned that
W l , ,I ‘. l I. , 1‘ ., l ., ll . , ', ll , “an ar '9 ' °“ had been held Without bail in the Hernando foreign journalists were at risk and should not
’tilltttip'lliill'illlyf 111;: Inlnn‘lfil‘ ”f“ 9‘ ‘1! lilbllllulll If] 3' director .°f . County jail since her arrest March 18 in Des— 6'9” E330”. be in the occupied West Bank city. Anthony
I.” hlt‘iliiii‘i'il Hall {This “I“: I: "2311'”: (I “I” to DU'tIF’rI‘I' mm,“ wull tin. She was found hanging front a braided bed "If“: 21° vaord yet Shadid. a Washington-based Boston Globe re-
’ i . ‘ " ‘ I pub '5 ,05 sheet early Saturday morning in an apparent w a .m 0 screen poner on assignment in Ramallah. was stand-
Call 257 19‘5“ the PUNK Sorry Now The » . . time if any . . ~ . s .
email ' We Star ‘0” suICIde. and died Sunday. Hernando County Hass’elhoti will an; in a doorway of a shop w1th (slobe stringer Pres
kernei®ulty.edu Stand-up Euyin sheriffs Capt. Alan Arick said. Several days have Hasselhoit Said al-(‘ihazall when he was shot in the shoul thel
._.__ _ September um before her death. Sims wrote a three~page con- has been trying to der. said Globe torelgn editor James F. Smith. spea
{tic-s5 «9 Banquet IIOIIOI'S students, supporters Just the story of fession detailing how she and a 21-year-old see jumpstart the pro- Shadid. who is in his early 30s. was conscious c,“
“IV, Professor mew‘. mes will he the tcatui'ed mm qrowinq retary from her husband‘s California law firm my for a while. andin stable condition in a private Arab hospi- of "I
Call 2571872“ speaker at the 300-3 Lyman T. Johnson Banquet. up...|itera||y in a killed Larry McNabney and then buried his Last September, he tail in Ramallah. Smith said. Thebullet was
m" The Black Student Union will host iht‘ banquet. real-lite Sopranos body. police said. told E! Online, "l'm lodged lathe-shoulder Globe otfwials were
advertising@ which begins at 6:30 pm. Wednesday. April 17. at lamlly.” Though really excitedabout talking Wlth Shadid s family members about Ref
W raises“ Truck runs 0" bride: 5 students die 23:; irz‘iiaaair“:ltalirilaalsSaar”: to
. wart W1 e resen e o a acu v or sta ‘ .. . . . , . ‘ . ~ ( . A I» ~
{it . member who ”(13‘qu support anti 1155151211199 to secret, Tart isn't ABILLNE TOMS ' A 5130” “my“ V‘?h1(-1( the ground'f When troops control the empty streets in the area
M?“ African.,\,,mm“ students through twchm” worried that he'll carrying five college students from Nigeria ran Hasselhotf first where Shadid was shot. ASSOC
$235892: counseling or mentoring To nominate '1 student get whacked ?6 a hlghway bt‘idgebeaigy SllniaI‘I.and {I}? 30 started “099"“?
' . i v . . V ;. ~ .. , ,, .‘ .. betorethe book eet to a concrete em an inent. i ing a ive. the new Knight ._ . .
2111:: ($11? $233135]??le.,t_.:).[_I‘:II3IId\:I‘I1IIIdI‘ gillntnhe can take off. "You The two men and three women were students Rider around, it was Ant' JEWISh attaCI‘s prompt SGCIIfItV 31%
first? Services Cen‘terat 'i2“-6:ti4:oi‘ tht hl'iitin luthe‘i‘ never know when at Abilene Christian University. located about reported that his PARIS A gunman opened fire on a ur I
If h King Jr Cultural It‘ijnter‘ at 957.31%“ \Io‘ininav hiSIUBVlS dUE. but 110 miles west of the crash. school spokes charactern kosher butcher‘s shop in southern France ~ 5‘
YO“ ave tions must be ”1“,de by I30“) m \ til 8’ Tick- he '5 d blq part Of woman Wendy Kilnier said. Trooper Gary M. Michael Knight, the fourth antrSemltlc attack over the week- H .
comments, .. T . ‘ . , . ’ ‘- .' . l' ‘ ‘.p __ l . the season," he Rozzell with the Texas De artment of Public WOU'd be a SUPPOW‘ end drawing pledges for increased security . 01‘
e-mailthemto ets tor the ex ent are 810 {01 students $10 for UK . p. l t . , . . mg
Kshle York faculty and staff and $18 for the veneral ublic says. Safety said the truck went oft Interstate 20 near ”‘9 D 3W?" at ”‘9 at Jew1sh Sites and appeals for religious toler- fr '
.Y ' ‘ . ‘ ‘ , ‘ ,i ,, . i“ .. ‘ p - , ' Weatherford, about 50 miles west of Fort as mentor to a new ance. French President Jacques Chirac added or
editormchlef,at They may be purchased at the Ail lcanAmerican . . generation of .‘ , , H . , . y . , .
ashlar/yo Student Affairs otfice or by calling 9373‘ ., Worth. and landed on its roof. younger (and pre- his voice Sunday to the growmg condemnation Sun
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ " ' “‘ fthe violence. calling it “unspeakable" and
iiytemelcom or sumably hotter) il- - - _ -- - Cori
. . . . ° ‘ . inadmissmle. No one was hurt in the attack
call 257 1915. Appalachian writer to speak at UK wal Mart, dalms top SM“ 0“ "St 3253:3351. A Saturday evening in the town of l‘Union. near 391;:
Renowned Appalachian writer and educator . NEW YORK W Wal-Mart Stores Inc.. the 5 oltes erson how- T01110USP. “11101181 officials said. The owner 0f ' 0
Bl“, v (s (‘1 ‘ . 3 ‘ . . . V . , _ , discountel‘ that has b€C0me the domlnant fOI‘Ce p p ' the gho ) \V'IS ingido with his front ate artial.
y . .iik will lead ft om his works at . .- ‘ . . . ‘ _ ever, says the story ~ l .. . y- . . g D vov
William T. Young Library auditorium at 7:130 1“ “1.91M” retsflmg‘ 15' now the largest com still needs to be 11' (‘IOSt‘d- when an ldf‘ntlhf‘d gunman fiI‘Ed tWO ',
pm. Thursday. The reading is free and open to pany m the nation and the world. capturing hashed out and the shots anti sped off in a car. officials from the arrt
the public. the top spot on the Fortune 500 list. Wal-Mat’t. stars need to be Haute-Garonne region said. The shooting is
Ntli. 2'0nttl5130 list 2343783111 éEgO. tradeghpliceskwltlg cast. Larson is cur- part of a wave of anti-Semitic attacks in France W0?
01 g1?“ xxon 0 .1 orp. m ,9 an mg rently hammering coinciding with intensified Israeli-Palestinian
ROE V. Wade lawyer to speak at UK compiled on the baSlS of companies annual outascript that violence in the last week. '.
Sarah Weddington. the trial lawyer tnade fa- revenue figures. The retailer 5, ascendancy was will update Knight tr 1‘
mous by winning the Roe v. Wade case. will 93(98th after both compantesassuedtheir Riderto appeal to Compiled from wire reports Arl‘
speak at 7 pin. Thursday in Memorial Hall. The 2001 results. The. IISt Of America S 500 blggest The Fast and the Wh‘
event is part of the Women's History Month celev companies, published in the issue of Fortune Furious set.
bration. The event is free and open to the public magazme that reaches newsstands Monday. 59;?
w (
' he l
' tior

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Bush vows to pursue
peace after bombings

Assocurro mess
President Bush makes his first comments since Israeli troops attacked
the headquarters of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat In the West Bank,
speaking to reporters in a video-conlerence room at his ranch near
Crawlord, Texas, Saturday. Bush empathized with the innocent victims
ol the violence, saying Arafat "can do a lot more" to prevent attacks.

Responding: Three senators urge president
to step up his efforts to end Mideast violence


CRAWFORD. Texas President Bush pledged Sunday that
two more suicide bombings in Israel would not discourage his
Mideast peacemaking efforts as senators from both parties
urged him to get more involved.

”The president condemns these acts of terrorism." White
House spokesman Gordon .lohndroe said after the second bomb-
ing. “The president will not let these latest attacks deter him
from the pursuit of peace."

Bush called five world leaders on Saturday. but none on
Sunday. The president spoke with national security adviser
Condoleezza Rice after the first bombing. just before Bush at-
tended Easter services at church near his Crawford ranch.
.Iohndroe said.

The administration offered no new initiatives and said en~
voy Anthony Zinni Would remain in the region. trying to
arrange a cease-fire.

Three senators a fellow Republican and two Democrats

,, said Sunday that Bush must step 11p his efforts to halt the

“I think we need to move aggressively with the Arab coun-
tries. where we think the financing is coming from." said Sen.
Arlen Specter. R~Pa.. who just returned from the Middle East.
where he met with several leaders including Arafat.

“We need to propose a political settlement at the end of the
security rainbow. to try to give some hope to these 18-year-olds
who are really just posing a threat which can't be stopped."
Specter said on (788' “Face the Nation."

Sen. Joe Lieberman said he is seeking “much bolder
moves" from the administration.

"I think it's time. with all respect to General Zinni. that the
president ask Colin Powell. who has such great stature through-
out the world. to go to the Middle East.“ Lieberman. D-Conn..
said on “Fox News Sunday."

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joseph
Biden said the administration should offer a broad peace pact
that includes Arab countries. “There needs to be something dra-
matic done. and that means the president has to step up." said
Biden. D-Del.

But Sen. Mitch McConnell. R-Ky.. said Bush is doing all
he can. "I think the Clinton administration did everything it
could to iesolve this and I frankly think the Bush administra-
tion is trying everything it knows. Feingold said on CNNs

”Late Edition."





Continued from page i

The Israeli army
spokesman. Brig. Gen. Ron
Kitrey. acknowledged that
Arafat was at risk. even if he
was not a target.

At least 15 Palestinians and
two Israeli soldiers had been
killed in Ramallah since Friday.

In addition. Witnesses and
Palestinian officials said Israeli
soldiers opened fire on and
killed five policeman Sunday as
the Palestinians tried to surren-
der in Ramallah.

Israel's army said it was
checking the claim.

“We put our weapons at the
main entrance and started to
walk out when the Israelis fired
on us." said a policeman at the
building who would only give
his name as Omar. He said 17
police remained in the building
and the standoff continued.

Israel Radio also reported
that five Palestinian policemen
were killed in the shooting. and
one had an explosives belt.

Addressing the nation in a
five-minute televised speech.
Qharon said Israel is fighting a
' .var over our home" and
branded Arafat an enemy of the
Jewish state and the “entire
free world." as well as a danger
to the Middle East.

“We must fight against this
terrorism. fight with no compro
mise. pull up these wild plants
by the roots. smash their infra—


karmic" must i” notion APRIIZILZOOZ l a

structure. because there is no
compromise with terrorism."
Sharon said. adding that only
then a cease-fire would be possi-

Palestinian Cabinet Minis-
ter Saeb Erekat said the speech
was “void of substance. void of
hope. void of realism." Erekat
said Sharon “slammed the door
tonight in the face of all of those
who are trying to de-escalate."

The Cabinet met Sunday to
review plans for the next stage
of the offensive. for which 20.000
reserve soldiers were mobilized.

Some newspaper commen-
taries said the military cam-
paign was mainly driven by
Sharon's need to settle a person-
al score with Arafat.

In 1982. Arafat was be.
sieged by Sharon‘s forces in
Beirut. but was able to leave
Lebanon with thousands of

“This explains Sharon‘s
tremendous urge to humiliate
Arafat." Nahum Barnea wrote
in the Yediot Ahronot daily.

In the first of Sunday's two
suicide blasts. a Palestinian
from the Islamic militant group
Hamas blew himself up in a

The bomber killed himself
and IS diners, and wounded
more than 40.

The blast tore away much of
the roof and shattered tables
and windows. Twisted piles of
met tal covered the floor.

"Even the moderately in-
jured were on fire." said a wit-
ness. Shimon Sabag. who helped
admimster first aid.





Israeli army reservists ready their arms as troops massed on the out-
skirts ot the biblical town of Bethlehem Sunday. Israel has vowed to
eradicate what it calls the terrorist network responsible lor the latest
string of suicide attacks on civilian targets.


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school and work In another during summer break We Offer
Schedu/eflerjb/libr. Start training NOW.

Schedule an Interview A.S.A.P. Bring a Friend!




Week oprri/ 1 - 7, 2002

The Campus Calendar is produced by the Office of Student A(,I|vlilt‘5 Registered
Student Orgs and UK Depts can submit information for FREE onlme UNE irfi K
PRIOR to the MONDAY information is to appear at httpjlwvvvvukyodulCampus
CIIondar. Call 257-8867 for more infovrnaeon


' UK Unhod mu Again-t Swoouhops Ming/Into

Sea-ion Born Student Center Rm 205 M o n
'Sochty forth- Provontlona ol Crudty to Animals

Mug 7 won Student Come Fire '06

'Wklflw m Union Meeting. a tow Timpani

Center Rm 205

' snoring tor Moth room Couma “ {:17an

2 00pm. and 3 00me 00pm, (CB 631

'M TM 11 OOam-i 009m 9M 3 DU 8 000m 216‘. ;.1ass1:/ur1rii11q

'm Tutoring. IIW‘ICI. 6 OOpm-B 30pm (ii/var ‘me'

“Moth Tutoring, 8 0010 000m Kuwan-Biandmo (mower. Cannons it ' ‘1-1‘. 1 Br.” 10"“

W.YW‘M T“, ‘07) 7 KO IO 00:1." Kmvan Branding '7 rhzrilev ei1111‘i1’ ‘ 3 ‘ ' '
II oorn',

'WTWM 100-1910“)!!! r. ~81 17mm

@131 Tm 6 008 Km Kirwan Gwor
' ' Luxury 0' Lopldua' : a W. by Alice FriedmanIProlouor of Art. Director of the

re Program and Lucile Laue: Protease» of Women's Swain. Wollaalay College).
5300'?» Pence Hall Co‘lege :14 Architecture


'UK Wltorakl Chlb 9 ()ODI'U, Commons Ft." 106;
‘Koonoo Sol-Odomm 309m. Alum! “Wm. t m
'UK M M. 9 CK) ‘ ‘ 00cm Alum e 3.1“

‘m Monk Mahdi“, 7‘ Cal)" 5 rfipn 312.13 ’nile', Locate“: ' ”e Varie- ‘ >

'Swlngbanea Lessons. 7 009cc Aprrn Tum
'UK Judo CHI). 56 300": Ammo 1y!" 1:“

‘Islamic Study Group '
'Mualim Students Assouation Meeting

'UK Pro Vet Club .
'Alpha Phi Omegalsorv-ca fraternity)

'Llhist Student Union Meeting >1 - ' -*
‘Tuuday Nights Together

'Groon Thumb Envrronmental Club .

'Math Tutoring tor Math mutual Courses
'Math Tutoring ’1 . . ii 1’ a . >1 : .
'Math Tutoring 1 4 t 4 , '
'Math Tutoring -»
‘Mlth Tutoring
‘Math Tutoring ' .
‘History Tutoring,
“History Tutoring,
’Chomiatry Tutoring
'English Tutoring ,
Comedy Caravan »' . .t‘ '
'Tibotan Monk Photo Elhlbfl,
'UK Tao Kwon Do Club. -

“look at Mormon Glass, 12130. Snider" H’1'e' “'1‘ 21‘
‘UK Fornlnist Alliance Mom. 8 new» Etude“ .' ec'e1
Rm I08
’lnlthu‘bo, 1? 00 p m Student Cer'er, 9m 21‘
‘3an Spring Drank Project. 3 3f: Stuner‘ ’ enter
m l i 7
"Tabla Franc-loo Frauen Convocation Group 4 ’1')
4 000m BIaZE' H311 Rm C"ii/ate Dining Q’X‘fl“.
7 “0190‘ Studean enter Fir“ 77¢.
'UK Mm Tum >3 $001" Ag «1n! >1“ Ar.
'5“ 6 OOpn Boar: MWIMQ7 (T30 )mr' ee. Vee' '11.. 9" 1 .
'FoflovnhlpothtNotn 9 10m“ ’rvs‘ar "new -»

'MTWMMTWCNM' fu/ffif’ m. r.‘1

Liassmgn 8 to

Tutoringim 123), 800- UOOQH 1 war a \«51
'Moth firearms 008me Home:
'thory (10711“11U), 7 30-10 000m {.rwaf' owm
'Chumifll'y Tutoring 7 00-10 00pm anan .YHWP,’

‘ux Ionian—bu club 9 0011 page Am... 3”

r Salim. armed 1' :.’~ ~'..1£€~"' .e:"-
r‘ ".r‘ .3911"

79pm. Aiimiaium (,6 of. WW.)
'0“ Judo can 56 300m Alum... ”v...

Freshman Focus ‘
’Lambda Meeting 1 1 ' .
'Arnnoaty International Meeting .
'Math Tutoring for Math 100- level Courses
'Math Tutoring . 1 1 r :
'MuthTutoring 1 4 ‘1 1 <, 1 r : .

Hmory Tmoringi I07/108/i09i
Biology Tmoring ‘
'Kompo Son-Manse
'Sarah Woddington Winning Attorney in Roe v Wade
"~;.-.r " 1» ‘ 4' 1 - ~ 1
“Tibetan Monk Photo Exhrbn

mums _ _
'W Christian Fellowship Friday Fem-hip,
7 309m 81 Augustine. a marvel qr w km.»

W TM '0! m Tm-UVOI Courm, ' 71k”
4 009m (CB 53‘
'M T 7 004 0000‘ ’36“ C annex-V 91:14,-

W W. W” name‘s-c1 ’1' we ew .‘ -‘ a:
‘Ialdareli in Cone-n 915m. :t-rsta" juice—t ~=1c1~~3~r ~’

' M Elm. '. '. 00hr F than" Jinn/ii Liner. ,.
we” fit, 7 309.3%”. AM‘V‘u Gym
M I [won . 5 300'“- ’ ”Aloe“ Aim-m ”Iv 4'


Mm.“ 11.1

'IHSA Zone Cornpocmon . . .
'Kornpo Sell-Wane. - . 1 1
UMVM ol Konhacky Dance Ens-molt Spring Concert
“. IC