+ $7 ABBEY OF GETHSEMANI TRAPPI ST‘ KENTUCKY June 23, 1965 Dear Victor and Carolyn: Here is an uncorrected carbon copy of the complete Chuang Tzu ms. I will need it back before too long, so what I suggest is this: that'you look through it and pick out the pieces you want, which you can copy, ' and if you like I will proof read the copy to make sure it is all right.’ I do not mean to rush you, and certainly you can take a reasonable time, but I would like to have the ms back say about the middle of August. Vbuld that be all right? I hope you find it fairly legible. Things were quite unuleasant in the hospital but they found out that the trouble was, as I thought, an infection. They gave me some antibiotics which have cleared it up quite efficiently. So I am grateful for that; I was kept very busy the morning I was there, and called you before leaving, but you were not at home by that time so I assumed it was too late to catch you and that you had probably gone to see your new graduate. I have very much enjoyed the Tao of Dainting, which I will send back soon. Duveen is priceless. But I am afflaid‘it‘has almost fallen apart. Could I borrow your copy of Eric Gill on Clothes? Carolyn, I have here a copy of Giles "Confucianism and its rivals" which you sent me. I have never been clear if this was a loan or an extra that you wanted to get rid of. Could you please let me know? Best wishes to you both, and God bless you. Any likelihood of your coming over this summer? Allihe bestxi always, in Christ, ’72vv1