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' 51





llchntyre, Donald W.
lllelton. John E.
llliller,William Griffin
Dichols, Dorris W.

Onan, Bernard S.

Parke11,Wilson G.
Peden, Delmar

Poole, Wayne T7 eo

Por te11,(1udi 7,J11.
Posey, Bernard Paul
Posey, P 1obe1 t (lddison
P1 ice, Robert B.

Satterfield, Henry Joseph
Shelton ,‘Oirgil Harvey
Shelton,Walter C.
Sights ,Luther Irvin
Sleyster, Irvin W. , Jr.
Smith, JamesE

Springer, Lewis Dawson
Stites, l1icl1ar1d,J1.
Stone, James O.

'TEJpp,Lowell Dincent
Tapp , Stanley
”i11eis,T1i1ancis William
Todd, Roy E.

Utley, James (1.

Dan Hooser, Ra ay

~Oarble,Edwi11 (1.

‘0111cent, Lee (1.
Wallace, Paul

Whelan , Peter Lavialle

Wilkerson , John Erederi ck

Willingham, Dupe (1.

Wright, James W.

Hates, Par ter Cleaveland

Gldridge, Blan l1.

Ball, James Edward
Banta. lliarshall
l3a11ta,Ua11ce T .

Baits, James H.

Beverly , James (llbert
Carter, Cecil (lllen
Cravens, William Thomas
Demaree,Samuel Herbert
lDer11e, John R.

Druin , Stevenson J.
Edens,Sterli11g R.
England, Kenneth Haynes
Hall,Lester Gayle
Harlow , Luther

Hawkins, George lll.
Hundley, Prentice Edward
Edwin P.
Jones,Samuel Edward
Jones,Woodrow Wilson
l1istner, Jacob (1.


C 011C7S,




maddox l enneth Gale

111o1ga11, R ogerWilliam '
Poole,Leonard (1. .'
Richmond ,"Ell iott (1.
Sanders, Harvey . 131.
Simpson, Jeff D.,Jr.
Smith . Charles (lddison
Sorrell,Everett Raymond
Stivers , Bailey

Suter, William Wesley
Thomas, 17 o1be rt Eugene
Thompson,LeeE 1 .
Wilhoit , Ernest

Win burn, Charles W.
Wood, Earl Dean

1 4“”: ‘1‘ "‘ \1'1
SLAM; 41. ‘11.,14’E11‘1

Bazzell , Paul Galen , Jr.
Brown, Pallas Eranklin
Cobb,Wil1iam D.
Coffey, Jam es E.
Conley,William H.
Gibson , James Luther
Guthrie, Horis Edward
Hicks, Ray

Hutson, Coy

llchaniel, Raymond

lllur phy, William l1ennetl1
Roberts, James Peck

Simon , Cleo Thomas
Stephens , Hershel Jewel
Wroe, Edmund , Jr.



(lllinder, David Edmond
(lllison, Harry Thomas
Babb, John Barnett
Barnett, Glenn

Bates, Dennis

Bennett, Thurman L.
BishOp, Lawrence 111.
Blair, lllichael Patrick
Blanchard , Euria L. (1.
Brantley, Perry Eugene
Brown , F110 11 k J.

Brown , Homer (llan
Buchanan , Bobby l1.
Buckner, (1lphine

Ca irel, (lines Willna

Ca lvc1 t onn1e Lce
Capps, Oma Gordon
Capshaw, Roy H.
Carlton , Hoyt (1doyle
Cavanaugl1,Luther C.
Choate, James L.
Clayton, Ollie Wallace
Cook, James Leslie
Cooper,(1rcl1ie B.
Cranor, 1euben


Crick, Jewell 1E.

Crowe, Gwen Hart
DeBow.Herschel Franklin 7

Denton, Roy Oscar

Dill beck, lllarvin
Dunbar, William Cecil
Dunning, David Isaiah
Ellis,Hayden W.
Eairbrother, Henry (1.
Earmer, Glenn W.
lEaughender, (lnthonyE .11.
1Eraser, E1111estL'1acy
E11ederick,’iho1(1n as B.
lEugate,1 Thomas Ray
Gilk 1ey, Hugh Speed

Gunn ,Edward E.
Gunther, James T.

Hall, Earle Boitnott
Hall ,William Owen ¥
Hardy , James Thomas
Harper, Dorman W.
Harris , Carl

Harvey, Cllfred H.
Hedeen , Wank Roy
Herndon, Charlie L
Hewlett, Owen 111anly
Hibbs,Willis Homer
Hinkle, Ishmael l7.
Holmes, Harold Loyd
Jackson , William Weldon
Johnson , James Edward
Johnson, lllarvin Haynes
Johnston , Thomas Daves
belly , George Glbert
l1irkwood, James G
Latham, J.G.

Laughary, James W.
Leasure,Carl Douglas
Long,Leland J.

Lovan, Raymond lllartin
Lovelace, James O.

Lynn , Burnie W.
lllcConnell , Omar l”.
lllcl1iii11ey,Howard (lubrey
llcheod,William O.
lllcl1ary, Cecil

111111011. , Emanuel l1ay
llliller, James D.
lllills,William Ora
lllinton, Daniel W.
lllitChell, Perry

llloor e, BasilT eon

llloore, Hardin

ll1yers ,David Clar ance
Deal , John 111.

ltichols. Clyde Lee
11oel,Jol1n D.
Offutt,”Oirgil L
Perkins, James Henry
Perkins,Sl1elby Ellis

. Si-

- Lamb,



; ps Robert Samuel

Plunl ct,Leonard H.
V 'Poe, JohnW. T .

Pride ,Lewis Bailey, Jr.
Richards, James Zack
l7 1icha1 ds, William Paul
1iclimo11d, Ja111esl71 oss
Robertson,Walter 1Era11klin
Scott, Glonzo Erancis
1a1 p WilliamE
s11, HopewellC
laton, James Edward
tephenson, James Wintr ed
Stevens, Lee Wilson
Stewart lllartin Lee
Sti 1111ett, Ivan Owen
Travis, Hoyt L.
Utley, James 17 .
Wade, William E
Walker, Robert Lee
Webster, Douglas B.
Whitescarver, Ivan
Whitfield, Basil 111.
Whitfield, David Cole
Williams, B.Oran
Winters , John
Wor (man, John Wood
young , James Lowel

ix 1‘7'” 1‘1
J1; 1.11:1- uU

(11311er, lllarcus
(lbrams, Donald
(ltkins, Isaac ”O.
Bowli 11g,Edward H.
Burgess, T1i1ank Piromalli , Jr.
Carpenter, William
Cole, Russell ,Jr
Cornett, l71obe1t
Cruse, Jake
Daugherty, marlin
Earmer, Luther James
Gross, Rader J.
Guerra, Bill

Harri son ,Woodrow
Hays, Pat

Hillard, Oval

Isaac s, Earl 11.

Isaa c,s Edwin Charles
Johnson, (111vel

Ring, Ernest

Lakes, Cloyd G.

llchowell, Robe1 1tEarl


7W - ., . A

: .11.

lllcQueen, Bertum J.
llloore, Homer

Dapier, Sherman L.
l71obertson, Charley J.
Robinson, lEinley O.

Smith, llleredith Hugh

Tillery , Earl
Ward , Chester
Witt, John S.
Wright, ‘Oirgil

(lbell ,1Eorrest William
Gdair, James , Jr.

Gdams, lllarion L.
Gdams,William ’lErank
(Ides, Gilbert La11dau,Jr.
(lebersold, James Robert
(lldrich , George Earl
(llexander, Clyde ll1arshall
(lllen, Daniel lllitchel
Gilen,i~’i1ed J.

(lllen , Harvey

(lllen , Heston Elmer, Sr.
(lllen , James Horice
Gllen, John Earl
Gllen,171obe1 t Earl,J11.

(ll lgeier, Clarence (lrthur
(11 l is, Gilbert ,Jr.
(lnderson , Curtis
(lnderson,Elbert (l.
Underson , John Lenord, Jr.
Undrews, Robert E.
(lnthony, John 11.

(lppel, llley e11

(1rmstro11g , Kenneth Q.
(111111stro11g , Thomas Earl
(1therton, John llchougal
(ltl1e1 ton, Robert 111.
(lustin, Ray D

Bader, Joseph Pracht
Pailey, Joseph Bernard
bailey, Robert 1 . . Jr.
Baird, Wilson G.

Bake, 1 ‘1 Earl Raymond
Baker, James William
Bak e1 1,Lewis Thomas
Baker, William Z.
Ballard, l1ile C.

131 allman, James H.

131 aner, 171 obe rt Earl

1B arker, Henry H. , Jr.

Bar rett, Jam 7s Woodrow
Barry , John 171ch a1 J, Jr.
Bauer,William Uincent
Baum , John Charle s , Jr.

e, George (lbner


bean,Lloyd Conley
Becoue, John H. '
Beeler , Courtland , Jr.
Beierle, Jam es Paul
Beisler, Joseph John

Bel k, Jasper

Bell, Crawford Walters
Bell, James Hays , Jr.
Bella11,l71obe rt

Benedict, Benjamin S.
Benjamin, Eedor Herman '
Bennett , (lrthur Byron
Bennett, Charles E.
Bennett, Charles E .
Bennett,Edward E.
Ben11ett,Ewell Bates
Bennett, Garnett Irvine
Bennett,Linton S.

Berlin , lllax

Berry,Emil , Jr.

Berry, Roy T ee

Bewley, Raymond Carroll
Bicl1el, Charle- Phillip
Bickert, George H.
Bierbaum , Charles Edwin
Bishop, lllarshall James
Bivens, Lyndell

blacl1bu1 11 Raymond
Blair, JosephE E
Blair,Leonard O.

Blair, lllike
Blair,William (1.,Jr.
Blakeman, Glynn
Bland,Willian1 Earnest
Blandford, Paul Thomas
Bliss [Oernon Palmer, J11.
Bodong, Harry Gillis

Bo ettner, Joseph ‘0.
Boles,William C.
Boomer, George 0., Jr.
Boone, Hubert (1.

Boone ,Joseph Patrick
Bor 11wasser , Charles
Bowman, James (1.
Boyer,William l7.

Boyles, Jerry J.

Bradsh aw , Joseph P.
Brady , Bernard , J11.
Brain e11, John lltarshel

Brand , John 131. , Jr.

3111an 11 on , Charles Edward
Braschko, Peter J.
Bratten ,Thomas Eugene
Brauner, (111th ur i‘i1ederick
3111ay , Charles
Bray,Wilbert Thomas





- ”Brentlinger,JamesEdward


Brod beck (llvm (111thony, Sr.

BroderiCk, Irvin 1E.
Bi1ol1111,l7orbert 111.
Brooker. John Edward
Brooks , Herman O.

Brook s,Wesley Gilbert,‘Jr.
Brown , Charles Elmer
Brown ,Charles E.

Brown ,

Efford L.

Brown , Han sel

Brown , James

Brown, OranW.
Brown 1110be1t Joseph
B11ow11,Sl1elby 111.
Browning, RayT Lewis

Brownstein , SydneyS


Broyles,Ed1nond Lewis
Broyles, Eorrest Lee , Jr.
Bruggensm ith ,Robert Leonard
Brugger, (lndrew Elmer
Brum back, Leonard Irvin
l3111u1111l1oeffer, Richard Rowland
Brutsche1,1 IE 11vin He rber ’1
Bryan, John 11.
13111ya11,Law11e11ce Elmo

Bryant, Norman L.
Buckler, Paul
l31uck11e11,Simon Boliver, Jr.
Buddhu, Charles William
Bullock, Louis L.

Bunnell, James H. , Jr.
Burch, George Joseph
Burch , John Clifton
Burford , John T.

Burks , Lee

Bur 1s , Sherman D.


1111s ,Willie

Burrell , Desire Joseph
Burris, BennieL.

Bur y ,Joh 11 Lawrence, Jr.
B ash, Ralph Linden


,George 7.W

Byers ,Oscar G.
Cain , (llbert

Caldwell ,

Edwin Oaks


Calice, James J.
Callaway, James L.
Calloway, l1obe1t lllelvin, Jr
Cambr on , Joseph Walter
Ca111111ack,111urphy L.
Campbell, Glbert Leo
Campbell,Edwin l7 .





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