xt7w0v89m41v_11 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021.dao.xml unknown 6.93 Cubic Feet 36 items, 1 legal-sized document box 6.48 Cubic Feet36 items archival material 2023ua021 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Athletics. Memorial Coliseum Artifacts Jefferson County text Jefferson County 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89m41v/data/2023ua021/Folder_os_13/Item_wwii_11/Multipage21.pdf section false xt7w0v89m41v_11 xt7w0v89m41v ”mu... 1,]...— .w.-W;-g< - ‘

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7 Ca1 others
5 ‘ La1pente1Joh117LOesley~





Lannon, Leo L. ‘

i; CanTGT’L 110119111"

Carney, Hall 7 Gray
,John lllinot

Ca1“,1 Raymond llavarre

La rra1o,”LOillia111 James ,Jr.
Ca rrith ers, Charles Carlton
Carroll, Garfield
Carroll,LOilliam L.
Carter, Charles Patrick
Carter, Harold
Carte1‘,LOilfo1‘d L.

Carutt , Romano

Caskey , Charles Ir‘oin
Caskey, ”(Oilliam Otis

Ca ss1 idy, 17 ober t Irving
Cecil, Charles Purcell
Cecil, 17a ay

Chapman, Charles ”LO. ,Jr.
Cheatham, Clarence
Childress, Joseph Perry

' Child1‘ess,‘LOillia111 Henry

Childs,l7 1odger Frederic
Chiles, Llnd1‘7 ew H.

C11 ism , Bernard Elvin

C11 ism , Kenneth L111drew
Chriswell, Da‘oid Edward
Cla1‘1,L1udra J.
Lla1‘11-,Lleophas P.
~Cla1‘k,Joseph Olia

‘ C1ark,Riley E.

. Clark, Robert I.
C-la1‘k,71711o111as Lee
C 1a1“ 1son , Robert montgomery

7 Cleaverdllaxwell Brown

Clea‘oer,Samuel James

7 A Cl'egg,”LOilliam G.

CliffordeOillian1 LOallace
Cline, Clavin C.

C l ippard , Benjamin Llan
Cloud, Lewis Kendrick
Coffey,Elden C.

Coley , Harry lllarten
Collins, Charles David
Combs, Charles l1en11eth
Combs,l7 111ssell Llr nold
Co111bs,”LOillia111”‘7 1.
Conkling, JohnR ichard
Conner, Beyer ly Pryor
Conner ,John ’Oer ser , Jr.
Conrad, John Henry ,11
Com ad , Over ton Llewelyn

¥ Co11way,Elwood
, Cook , leel,,;;Fred1‘ecl1 , Jr.



Lok, George LO.

Coomer, L1111os lloel

Coom es, Harry 711 chard
Coomesfi‘hmnas L. ‘
Coons, Da‘oid ”LOarren
Coots, Jimmie l1elly
Copeland , James Llndrew ‘
Cornelison , John Edgar
Costigan , Joseph ’Fi‘ank
Cothron, Hester C.
Cousino, George leos
Cox,‘LOalter 7

Coy, James R.

Coyte, Richard Beecher
Cozine, Paul Lenord
Craddock, 111e1E‘ son Ceo
Crask, James 7L).
Cra‘oens,Huston Quinn
Crawford , Robert E. , Jr.
Cream er, John L111e11 , Jr.

C1‘i111111111s,7i7l1eodo1‘e Charles

Crosby ,Louis Bertrand
Crowder, Samuel 7LOa1‘wiL‘k
Crowe, Cecil”17l1o111as
Crowe,”LOallace G.
Cru111p,Cl1a1-‘les C.

Cru 111 p, ”L01 1 b urn

Crunk, James Gro‘oer
Cummings, Joseph G.
Cunningham , Charles C.
Cunningham, John O.
Cureton , llathaniel C., Jr.

' Curtsinger, Harry

D atti lo, Phillip Joseph
Da‘ois, J.C.

Da‘ois, Palestine
Da‘ois, Par 1er
Dawson, James B.
Dawson, Kenneth Lllbe rt
Dawson, Robert Burgess
Dearing, Lllber tT L.

Decker, JohnR obert
Deddens, Raymond Lllbe rt
Deeken ,Edward Frank
Deffio, Blaze Jack
DeGeo1‘ge,”Llictor Llloy 1115 s
Delaney, lllichael J.
Dengg, 1~ra11l1 1‘ E‘dwai d
Dennis , Jam es E.

Dennison , lllarvin H.
De1111ison,”LOillia111 l7 .

De‘oer, Harold ”LO.

De‘oer, Theodore O.
De‘oore,llla1“oin Harrison
De7LOald, George 1~
Diecks,l7 obert C.

Dier 1111 g,”LO1111a111 Etheridge
Dietrich, 1 ohn





Dignan , John S.

Dilley , Howard Chandler
Dixon,”LOillian1 11.,J1‘.
Dobson, George Lee
Dodds, James 17 .
Dodson, Delbert C.
Doerr,Edwin Ll.
Doll,”LOillia111 Gilmore
Dollinger, Louis Fred
Donaldson, Robert I.
Donder, Thomas B.
Doninger, Fred Llugust
Dorsey, LllexanderH. J.
Dossett, Luther Dudley
Douglas, l1obert D.
Dowdell , Othie ”Oerno11
Dowell , Billie ”O.
Dowell,”1‘homas Glbert
Downs,Leo 1.

Downs, $1111 Llllan

Dr ane ,Char les Edward
Drane, James L111tho11y
DrasdelLEdward T .
Dreisbach , Frank Thomas
Dri‘oer, Charles Edward
Dri‘oer, Dan H.,J1‘.
Duchen, lllorris

Duffer, Lllbert ”LOilliam
Duffy,171“l1omas J.
Duke,l 7ay111o11dl71ussell
Duncan, George 1 . ,Jr.
Dundon, LawrenceEdward
Dunford, Richard Bateman
Dunlap, Paul P.
Dunn,Lester G.
Du‘Oall, Dolphus
Du‘Oall,7LOyatt C

East ,Llubrey Leonard
East, Roy ”LO.
Eccles, John Frederick
Ech ols , 111111o1‘111a1‘l1ha111
Ede,H11bert James
Edelen, Francis P. , Jr.
Egalite, George Francis
Egan , James LOilfred
Eiden, Herman George
Eline,51dney ”LO.
Ellinger, Carl Frederick
Ellis, John R.

Ellis Lloyd Carte1
Embry, Charles Ray

* Ennis,”LOilliard 7LO.

Epley,Raybon Lee

Ernst, Charles Gottlieb

' Er‘Oin, Junios Cal‘oin
Etheridge,111art Fellon

Etscorn , Ir‘oin Leon
E‘oa11s,Harold H.
E‘oans,Jol1n l7 .



Evans, Robert L. , Jr.

Fat 11 , Jack ”LO.

Fant, lllilton 17 1uebe1‘ 1s
Farnsley, Raymond J.
Farrell,Edmund G.
Farri 11g ton , John Patrick

Faulkner, ’Fi‘ank Xavier

Feder le, Frank 1~ Emil
FegL1 e1 ‘ ,Jacob H

Feigel, Fr7 eder ick lebr1 ose
Felhoelter , ”LOilliam H.
Fel kins , John 717110111 as ,Jr.
Ferguson, Charles 17 .
Fielding, John Pierson
Fields, Robert Lee

Fife, Henry F.

Fifer, Forrest D.

Fine, L ohn L111drew,Jr.
Fischer, Charles E.
Fish, John LOinston
Fisher, Lll‘0111 J.

Fisher, Chester Edmun
Fisher, Joh 11 Henry
Flahi‘oe, Francis lllartin
F1anigan,”LOillia111 Francis
Fletcher, Edward P.
Flinnfi’orrest K.
Flowers, Olbert 'C.
Flowers ‘ ,Elijah D.
Ford, Delmar 17a ay
Fo1‘d,l 711cha1‘d
Forshee, Lll‘oin lllarion
Fortner, Harold E.
Fb1‘tweng1er,”LOillia1n G.
Foster, F Lagan T Louis
Foste1‘,Fo1 est G.
Foster,”LOade C.
Fowler, Joseph Llrthur
Frankhouser, Llrthur L.
Franklin , Damon
Franklin , Roy Edward
Frazier. Garnett C.
Freibert, Lll‘oin 111.
French , Gran‘oil 1e
French , Harold Stroud
Fi‘011111a1‘tz, John Llnthony
Frye, Otis Leo

Fugate, James lllonroe
Fullenlooe, John Junius
Fultz, Carl 0.

‘ Funk, John Lllbert

Gage, George ”LO.
Gainesfihomas Carlto11,Jr.
Gallo, Llnthony Joseph
Gammons, Chester E.
Gardner, Charles Lewis
Gardner, Edwin P.
Gatton,Ernest llorton, Jr.
Geiser ,LOalter Frederick

' Grant,

. Haller, Carl Fi‘

{ Hamilton ,
Hampton, John Franklin


George, Fouzie L11a1 e111

Ger alds, Jesse ”Thomas , Jr.

German, James Heywood
Gibbs, Conrad E.

Gib son, Hubert Coby
Gifford, Ralph Clayton , Jr.
Gilezan, Joseph
Gill,”LOarren G.H.
Gilmore, lllarvin Gaines
Gittings, James l1ussell
Glaab, lllerle lllillard
Glass, Ira L1.
Gnau,Ferdi11a11d Cl.
Goe111111e1‘11111’ton J.

Goff, Cha1 les Robert
Goff, GeorgeT L

Goff, ‘LOarren Ll.
Goforth , James ”LOilliam
Goodin, Charles Joseph
Goodlet, Charles ”LO.
Goosey, Roscoe L.
Gordon , Grant ”LOesley
Gordon , Joe T .

Gore, Samuel S.

Gorin, Robert

Gothard, Cliftord Lee
G1al1a111 Raymond J.
Grant, Claude llor man
Edward Carl
Greene, James lllax
G1‘eenwell,Cecil L1.
Greer, Herman ”LOilson
Gregory ,Cha11es H.
Grimes, James Hubert
G1‘1111s1ey,Earnest C.
Gritton ,”LOalter Bond
Groeble, Clifford E11111
G1‘u11dy,LOillia111 K.
Gullion , John

Gullion, Rolla Da‘oid
Gurley,Frank L1.
Gusler, Charles Bi‘Oen
Guy, Ralph H.

Guyer , George D.
Hack, Clarence 1?.
Hack, l7 1oyL Te

Hadley, lllarcus ”LO.
Haeher, Frank Joseph
Hafling, Bernard Cecil
Hagan, Llndrew Joseph
Hall, Darrell L.
Hall,Feli:1 Collings
Halppen,Eugene L.
Lawrence J.

Hampton, Richard 7LOeldon
Haney, Jesse J.


Harbin,Eldridge 7O.
Harder, Lllbert Earl
Hardin, Gus Joseph
Hardin , John ”(Oilliam

Ha rgadon ,LOilliam Joseph ,Jr.
Harley, Harlan Paul
Harman, LOillis Edward
Harrell,”LOalter J.
Harrington , Oscar Henry
Harris, Ir‘oin Frank

Hart, John Edward , Jr.
Hart, Roger R.

Hartl , Francis Carl
Hartley , ”LOilliam lllilton
Hartman , llorman 17 .
Harvey , Delbert 7L0.
Haskell ,E‘oerett F.
Hatfield , Roy Edward
Haubenrich , James L1 1 bert , Jr.
Hauser, llorman L.

Hayden , Robert Lloyd
Hayes , ‘Oictor Leon

Head , Lllbert E‘an l1lin
Headley, ChesterLohn
Heady Roy D.

Heichelbech, Joseph Lllbert
Heiden rich , Charles Gnthony
Heidler, John Clifford , Jr.
Heil , ”Thomas Edwin
Heiskell , James lllarion
Heitz,Elmer Sylvester
Hell111an,Ca111stus Simon
Hel 1111 an 11 ,Edward John

Heltsley , Ray ”(Oilson
Henderson, Ehne rLee
Henderson, Richard Paul
Hendr1ckson , F . E.
Henley ,771711omas Francis , ll
Hennessy, L ohn lllicl1ael,Jr.
Herlevic, Pete John

Hero, Carl

Hertel , lllarshall Lee
Hertweck ,Harold Edward
Hester, Hurshel L].
Hester, lllarsha ll

Hetting er, Clarence. Joseph
Heyback, Charles LO. , Jr.
Hey burn , Lllexander
Hibbs,7LOillia111 D.,Jr. ,
Hickman , Lester H.
Higgins, John G.

‘ Hildebrand,Herman H.

Hilkey, Joseph 17 .
Hillard , George Elmer

H11 lenbrand, George Simon
Hilliard ,Theodore Irwin

? Hines


, John J.

: Hinton, Carson Jinks



Hinton L1a11'}..- ..
Hite, Charles LOIlham , b1.
Hobbs,Howard Casper
Hobson, Jack ”Thomas
Hoell111an,171‘obe1t lll.
Hoff111an,John G.
Hoge, John Stuart
Hohmann, Kenneth 7F.
Holbroo 1, J P
Holcomb, Gordon F.
Holsclaw, John Ll.
Holzknecht, Edward lllartin
Hood, Joseph 17.
Hook,Edward J.
Hord,$amuel L1.

Horn back , lllar‘oin L.

Horn ung , Edward Frank

Hortenbury, Curtis 0.

Howell, Lucian H.
Howell,”LOilliam Quitman
Huber, Cyril Henry
Huber, Delbert G.
Hucl1,Da‘Oid ”LOilliam ,Jr.
Huff, Lllbert 3.
Huff111an,Lawrence H. J.
Hughes, Lee R.

Hughes, lllarion Joseph
Huhlein, Freder ick” 1‘ Lr l1 ardt
Hull, lllyron Luther
Humes, James 7F.

Hu 111 met , Daniel John
Hu111pick,Fred G.
Hunckler, Fred J.
Hu1‘t,”LOilliam Kirtley
Hurtt, Hamilton L.
Husband, 11enneth lllarion
Hutcheson, Charles 111.
Hutchison , Clifford
Irwin , Bra d le y 0. , Jr.
Jamal, Jacques Paul
Jarrell,Jan1es Clarence
Jeffries , ”LOarren Douglas
Je1111ings,7LOillian1 111.
LTe11se117Fl1eod01‘e David
John, Robert 1~1ede1ick
Johnson , Lllex Edward , Jr.
Johnson, Clifford 0. ,Jr.
Johnson, Clyde
Johnson,Earl LO.
Johnson, Herman

John son , James Bernard
Johnson, Jam es J
Johnson, Robert l1a11ce
Johnston, Charles 111.
Johnston , Henry Harley ,Jr.
Joiner, Joseph LOilliam
Jones ,E‘eerett Herbert
Jones,Lloyd C.

Jones ,Louis Hill

Jones, Robert Eston
Jones,LOilliam C.




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